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Renewable Energy 48 (2012) 473e481

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Technical note

Comparison of fault-ride-through capability of dual and single-rotor wind turbines

E.M. Farahani, N. Hosseinzadeh*, M. Ektesabi
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, 3122, VIC, Melbourne, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 25 October 2011 Accepted 7 June 2012 Available online xxx Keywords: Wind turbine Transient response Dual-rotor wind turbine Eigenvalue analysis Speed droop

a b s t r a c t
The majority of wind turbines currently in operation have the conventional concept design. That is a single-rotor wind turbine (SRWT) which is connected through spur gearbox to a generator. Recently, dual-rotor wind turbine (DRWT) has been introduced to the market. It has been proven that the steady state performance of the DRWT system for extracting energy is better than the SRWT. But, a comparison of fault-ride-through capability of these two types of turbines requires further research. In this paper, the fault-ride-through capability of DRWT and SRWT are evaluated and compared when generating units are operating at constant pitch angle and constant speed modes. Constant pitch angle mode is simulated to investigate the natural damping of DRWT and SRWT. To verify the time domain simulation results, damping characteristics of DRWT and SRWT are also compared through eigenvalue analysis and speed droop characteristics of the control system. The accuracy of the aerodynamic model of the DRWT is enhanced by including the stream tube effect in the simulation. It was uncovered that DRWT introduces higher damping torque to the network in both constant speed and constant pitch angle modes. This advantage improves the transient performance of DRWT-based wind farms. 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Wind energy is one of the fastest growing energy resources and it is going to have remarkable share in the energy market. Thus, the consequences of the connection of wind turbine, specically in the form of a wind farm, to the electrical grid must be investigated from steady state, dynamic and transient point of view. Different approaches have been introduced to improve the static and dynamic responses of the wind turbines [1,2]. The electrical, mechanical and aerodynamic performance quality of the wind turbine is very important to absorb energy as much as possible from wind. In this direction, a new wind turbine generator system (WTGS) has been recently introduced as shown in Fig. 1. This new WTGS, which is called as dual-rotor wind turbine (DRWT), has two sets of rotor systems and is more efcient than the conventional single-rotor wind turbine (SRWT) from the energy extraction point of view [3]. Because most of the aerodynamic torque is generated from the tip portion of the blade, a relatively small auxiliary rotor which is positioned at the upwind location, would compensate for the less effective portion of the main rotor located downwind.
* Corresponding author. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. E-mail addresses:, (N. Hosseinzadeh). 0960-1481/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

At the time of writing this paper, the authors could trace [4] as the only reference about the dynamic performance of the dualrotor system. Multi-body dynamics is the employed approach. Although in this paper a model is provided to present the detailed procedures used to show the system dynamic and aerodynamic, however the authors did not compare the dynamic response of the dual-rotor wind turbine with a single-rotor wind turbine. According to [4], the commercial types of dual-rotor wind turbines are able to generate power up to 1 MW. Even though at the same wind speed and environmental conditions the efciency of the dual-rotor is higher, nevertheless it does not signify that the transient performance of DRWT is better than SRWT. Obviously, the transient behaviours of the dual-rotor and single-rotor wind turbines are different, because in the dualrotor system the number, type and arrangement of the components are different. The objective of this investigation is comparing synchronizing and damping torque introduced by DRWT and SRWT to the network. For getting to this stage both type of wind turbines have been set up in PSCAD software. Drive train method has been employed for modelling the mechanical system of DRWT and SRWT. The electrical characteristics of generator, transformer, transmission line and power system used for DRWT and SRWT are identical to have a fair comparison. Synchronizing torque is mostly dominated by electromagnetic torque imposed by electrical side. Damping factor of generating

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to an asynchronous electrical machine: one rotor to the induction windings and the other rotor to the induced ones.

2. Mechanical dynamic model In this section, the dynamic models of different components of single and dual-rotor wind turbines are discussed. Fig. 2.a and Fig. 2.b shows the elements of the single and dual-rotor wind turbines, respectively.

2.1. Spur and bevel gears

Fig. 1. Dual-rotor wind turbine.

units is mostly inuenced by their control system mode and natural damping characteristic, which is imposed by mechanical drive. To assess the transient response of DRWT and SRWT, when they are operating in constant speed mode, a temporary three phase short circuit is applied to the power system and post-fault uctuations of the variable of interest are recorded and compared. To verify the validity of the time domain simulation, the control system is approximated by its speed droop characteristic and damping factors which are introduced by the control system are evaluated analytically. To evaluate and compare the natural damping characteristic of DRWT and SRWT, the maximum short circuit period for which both generating units are able to keep their stability are checked while the controller are deactivated and both DRWT and SRWT are rotating at constant pitch angle. To verify the simulation results regarding natural damping response, eigenvalue analysis is employed using MATLAB software. The real portion of eigenvalues is a good criterion for assessing the system natural damping. Additionally, in calculating the aerodynamic torque, the stream tube effect behind the auxiliary rotor disk is neglected in Ref. [4]. This simplication can affect the accuracy of the simulations negatively. In this paper, we have included the stream tube effect into the dual-rotor aerodynamic model which improves the exactness of the aerodynamic model to be more realistic. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 mechanical models of different components of the DRWT and SRWT are presented; In section 3 state space equations of turbine generator set has been derived for eigenvalue analysis; Stream tube effect has been discussed in section 4; The effect of pitch angle control on damping torque is obtained analytically in section; 5 Computer simulation results are conducted in section 6. Although other congurations of DRWT are introduced to enhance the performance of this technology, however, the focus of this paper is on the T gearbox type of DRWT. The authors intend to extend the studies for other types of dual-rotor wind turbines. For example, one promising conguration is created if two rotors are directly coupled

Dynamic models for spur gearbox in SRWT and bevel gearbox employed in DRWT are presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively. By considering a zero backlash for the transmission system, the spur gearbox dynamic model which is the interface between two parallel shafts, is considered to be as follows [5]:

h i _ _ _ q J1 :1 r1 K12 r1 q1 r2 q2 r1 d12 r1 q1 r2 q2 T1 d1 $q1 h i _ _ _ q J2 :2 r2 K12 r1 q1 r2 q2 r2 d12 r1 q1 r2 q2 T2 d2 $q2 (1)

where the denitions of parameters in Fig. 3 are as follows: J gear inertia; r gear radius; d damping coefcient between the gears; K contact points stiffness; T torque at the connection; q rotational angle of gears; Through comparing Figs. 3 and 4 there are number of dissimilarities between the gearboxes used in single and dual-rotor wind turbines. The differences are due to two main reasons. The major cause is the difference between the numbers of the equipment which are connected through the gearboxes and the minor one is related to the structure unlikeness of the spur and bevel gears such as gear teeth formation [6]. Therefore, the dynamic model of gearboxes employed in dual-rotor and single-rotor systems are different. Referring to Fig. 4, we have derived the bevel gearbox dynamic model, which links three shafts, as follows:

h i _ _ q J1 $1 r1 $K12 r1 $q1 r2 $q2 rav1 d12 r1 $q1 r2 $q2 _ T1 d1 $q1 h i r K r q r q r $d r $q r q _ _ J2 $q2 3 12 1 1 2 2 3 12 1 1 3 3 h i _ _ _ r3 K23 r2 q2 r3 q3 r3 d32 r2 q2 r3 q3 T2 d2 $q2 h i _ _ _ q J3 3 r3 K23 r3 q3 r2 q2 r3 d23 r3 q3 r2 q2 T3 d3 $q3


Stiffness of the contact point is a time variable quantity depending on the number of teeth which are engaged to each other. The stiffness variation for each cycle can be considered with a minimum value when one pair of teeth are engaged and

Fig. 2. a. Single-rotor wind turbine, b. Dual-rotor wind turbine.

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Fig. 3. Dynamic model of one stage spur gear box.

maximum value when there are two contact points. The prole of the stiffness is shown in Fig. 5 [7]. In [7] an exact equation has been formulated for modelling the vibratory effects of spur gearbox. But this accuracy is pointless for evaluating the dynamic performance of the whole wind turbine system. So, it is possible to calculate the average value of the stiffness and employ it as a constant for simplicity without affecting the validity of our studies. The average stiffness is given in (3):

Fig. 5. The prole of the stiffness.

dr, dg, dls: damping coefcient of the elements. Kls: shaft stiffness.

ug, ur: angular velocity of the masses.

First-order differential equation is employed to demonstrate the dynamic of the rotors:


Kmax $ 1$Trd Kmin $2Trd Trd


where: : contact ratio; Kmin: minimum stiffness; Kmax: maximum stiffness; Trd: stiffness cycle time The contact ratio of the spur gear is presented in [8]:

_ Jr ur Ta Tls Kr ur _ Jg ug Ths Tem Kg ug


The equation which describes the effect of the shaft on the dynamic on the whole system is as follows:

q q 2 2 R2 R2 rb ra Ra Rb $sin a a b

Tls Bls qls qrs Kls uls urs (4)

2.3. Blade bending model


p$mg $cos a

where: Ra: wheel base circle radius; Rb: wheel external radius; ra: pinion base circle radius; rb: pinion external radius; rc: distance between the centers of two base circles; a: pressure angle; mg: module of the gear; To calculate the contact ratio of bevel gear through (4), the equivalent spur gear corresponding to the bevel gear must be obtained. The method is described in [8]. The damping coefcient of spur and bevel gears are given by [9]:

s spur $Kmin $J1 $J2 dz 2$x$ 2 2 J2 $r1 J1 $r2


Where, x is the damping rate which varies between 3% and 17%, depending on the material type. 2.2. Shaft and rotor system As shown in Fig. 2, dual and single-rotor wind turbines have different arrangements of the shafts, rotors and blades. So the investigation of a basic mechanical system comprising two rotors which are connected to each other by a shaft can pave the way for studying the more complicated systems. Fig. 6 shows a basic mechanical system [10]. The shaft is modelled by a damper and a spring. The rotors are presented by masses and dampers. where: Tls, Trs, Tem, Ta: torques in different sides of the system.

New designs of wind turbine continue to increase in rotor size in order to extract more power from wind. As the rotor diameters increase, the rotor structure is more exible and blades would dominate the dynamic of the mechanical drive train of the wind turbine. The combination of the hub and blades can be presented by a two mass model. Fig. 7 shows the drive train model of the blades [11]. Eq (8) dene the dynamic behaviour of the two mass model of the hub and blade combination. Jex presents the momentum inertia of the exible part of the blade and Jrigid shows the momentum inertia of the rigid part of the blade. Two masses are coupled together by the blade stiffness Kblade.

q Jflex blade Tm Kblade qblade qhub dblade ublade uhub q Jrig hub Kblade qhub qblade dblade uhub ublade
Ksh qhub qsh dsh uhub ush


qblade, qhub, qsh are the rotating angle of the blades, hub and shaft, respectively. ublade, uhub, ush are the rotating speed of the blades, hub and shaft, respectively.

Fig. 4. Dynamic model of the 2 stage bevel gear with 3 shafts.

Fig. 6. Mechanical elements for modelling the shaft.

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Fig. 7. a) Three blades connected to the hub b) Equivalent torsional representation.

By having the fundamental equations of each mechanical element such as shaft, rotor, gearbox and blades, it is possible to obtain the dynamic behaviour of the whole mechanical system for dual and single-rotor wind turbines. The all-inclusive plot which shows the relationship between mechanical elements in both types of the turbines is given in Fig. 8, where the torques and speeds with index s and d indicate the variables in single and dual-rotor systems, respectively. 3. SRWT and DRWT state space model To prove the validity of our studies regarding transient response of the dual and single-rotor wind turbines, the damping characteristic of DRWT and SRWT can be evaluated through eigenvalue analysis. The location of the eigenvalues in each system is a powerful aid to predict the damping factor of the system. For getting to this stage, the state space of induction generator, single-rotor and dualrotor wind turbines must be calculated and combined appropriately. Both dual-rotor and single-rotor systems including induction generator should be linearized over the operating point. 3.1. Induction generator model A 4th order dynamic model of an induction generator (IG) is as follows:

The expressions of AG and BG are listed in [12].

3.2. Turbine model The state space model associated with dual and single-rotor wind turbines is presented in (10) as follows:

_ xT AT $xT BT $uT


where state and input variables in dual-rotor systems can be identied based on Fig. 8.

xDRWT ud0 ; ::::::; ud7 ; dd0 ; :::::; dd7 uDRWT Td0 ; Td3 ; Td7 T


The same is true for state and input variables for single-rotor wind turbines:

xSRWT uS0 ; ::::; uS4 ; dS0 ; :::; dS4 uSRWT TS0 ; TS4 T


_ xG AG $xG BG $uG
where xG iqs ; ids ; iqr ; idr ; uG vqs ; vds ; vqr ; vdr .


Mechanical state variables (xs, xd) and electrical state variables (xG) should be linked together through electromagnetic torque provided by generator (TS4, Td7). The normal format of electromagnetic torque (Te) is shown in (13):

Te Lm idr :iqs iqr :ids


Fig. 8. General mechanical block diagram of variable speed wind turbine.

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Equation (13) is a nonlinear equation and cant be used as a state variable. The linear format of Te is composed of electrical state variables as follows:

Te Lm idr0 Diqs iqs0 Didr iqr0 Dids ids0 Diqr


With idr0, iqr0, ids0, idr0 as the initial values of the generator stator and rotor currents. TS4 in us and Td7 in ud must be replaced by their linear format which is presented in (14). Mechanical parameters for both SRWT and DRWT can be estimated with high accuracy through the equations suggested by [13]. The estimation is feasible by identifying obvious parameters which are easily accessible such as the length of main and auxiliary blades, rating power, gearbox ratio, etc. 4. Aerodynamic model for DRWT Aerodynamic model of DRWT is different from SRWT to some extent. Since the wind which is owing through the main turbine in DRWT is disturbed by the auxiliary turbine, then stream tube effect must be included in the aerodynamic torque calculations for DRWT. Through (15) aerodynamic torque introduced by the blades is as follows:

In dual-rotor wind turbine, after the free upstream ow with the undisturbed speed V1 passing the auxiliary rotor disk, the downstream ow velocity distribution is assumed to be composed of two parts, i.e. the disturbed and the undisturbed portions with the speed of V0 2 and V1, respectively. This phenomenon is shown in Fig. 9.a. In [4] the expansion of the stream tube behind the auxiliary rotor disk was neglected. To have more precise results, calculations performed in [4] must be revised by considering the expansion effect, as shown in Fig. 9.b. According to the mass ow rate theory:
0 V2 $A0 V2 $A1 2


Therefore, to obtain the area of the disturbed wind 2) on the main turbine disc, it is necessary to calculate the disturbed wind velocity V0 2 just next to the main turbine. Based on the (20), it is possible to estimate the amount of the wind speed at any point between the auxiliary and main blades [14].
0 V2 V1 1

p  ! 1 Cp 2:x 1 p 2 1 4:x2


TM 0:5r$p$R5 $CP $u2 =l M


With R blade radius, l the tip speed ratio, r the air density and uM the mechanical speed of the rotor. Cp can be calculated as follows [16]:

CP l; b 0:517 1



 21 0:4b 5 $e li 0:0068l (16)


1 0:035 l 0:08b b3 1

With b is pitch angle. Same method can be followed for main and auxiliary turbines. Tip speed ratios for the main and auxiliary turbines are calculated through (17) & (18), respectively.

where, V0 2 is the speed of the disturbed wind next to main blade and x is the distance between the main and auxiliary turbines. By substituting the obtained V0 2 into (19), the area of A0 2 at any performance of the auxiliary rotor (different CP) is achievable. One approach for examination of the dynamic functioning of the dual-rotor is to analyse the rotors which aerodynamically are independent from each other. In other words, the authors of Ref. [4] treated the ow entering the auxiliary and main rotors as two independent uniform ows with the speed of V1 and VM, respectively. This matter is shown in Fig. 10. The equivalent uniform ow entering the main rotor (VM) produces the same aerodynamic torque which is obtainable from the summation of the disturbed (V0 2) and undisturbed (V1) winds. Equation (21), by employing A0 2 and V0 2, gives out the value of the uniform wind speed (VM) on the main rotor at any performance of the auxiliary rotor [4]:
03 3 3 r$V2 $A02 r$V1 $ A2 A02 r$VM $A2


lAux uAux $RAux =V1 lMain uMain $RMain =VM

(17) (18)

VM from (21) should be replaced in (18) for calculating the main turbine tip speed ratio. 5. Damping effect of pitch angle control The conventional blade pitch angle control strategies are categorised mainly as; a) Generator power control and b) Generator rotor speed control. During the fault, electrical power drops down to a very low value and generators accelerate. Throughout the

where V1 is the wind speed on auxiliary wind turbine and VM is the speed of the unied wind on main turbine. So, the essential element for calculating the tip speed ratio is wind speed on the main and auxiliary turbines. Obtaining the wind speed on auxiliary turbine is straight forward. However, calculation of wind speed on main turbine requires further investigation.

Fig. 9. a. Stream tube effect is neglected. b. Stream tube effect is included.

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DDRWT Td Dr Kmain Kaux


If same procedure is followed for SRWT then damping factor is:

DSRWT Td Dr Kmain


Fig. 10. Two rotors are aerodynamically independent.

Kaux is equal to zero for SRWT. From (25) and (26), it is obvious that in constant speed operation mode DRWT presents more damping compared to SRWT in faulty condition. To verify the validity of the simplications, which is made in this section, both DRWT and SRWT must be modelled and transient response of the wind turbines must be simulated to assess their damping characteristics. 6. Simulation results

fault, constant speed wind turbines increase the pitch angle to reduce the captured aerodynamic power to keep the speed constant. On the other hand, constant power wind turbines decreases the pitch angle to restore the electric power and this reaction pushes the generator to accelerate more which is harmful for the stability of the generator. During normal operation, a wind turbine is usually working in constant power mode to extract maximum energy from wind. In case of any faulty condition, the control system is switched to constant speed mode [15]. The block diagram of pitch control in constant speed mode is presented in Fig. 11. The dynamic of the generator speed can be written as:

_ 2$H$Dur DTm DTe Dr $Dur


where, Dr is rotor damping factor, Tm is torque from prime mover and Te is electromagnetic torque. To simplify the analysis of the damping effect of the speed mode on the wind turbine, the control system in Fig. 11 is replaced by a droop characteristic curve of torque versus speed. In this paper, both main and auxiliary turbines vary the captured aerodynamic torque for regulating the power in DRWT through the droop curve. Based on this scheme, the simplied relationship between the generator speed and mechanical torque over the operating point can be illustrated as follows:

DTm Kmain $Dur Kaux $Dur


where Kmain and Kaux are droop constants of main and auxiliary turbines aerodynamic torques over operating point respectively. According to (24), electromagnetic torque (Te) can be decomposed into damping torque and synchronizing torque [17]:

DTe Ts $Dd Td $Dur


By substituting (23) and (24) in (22), it is possible to obtain the damping factor of the DRWT which is the coefcient of Dur. The damping factors for DRWT are presented in (25).

Fig. 11. Generator constant speed pitch control system.

The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the dynamic behaviour of the dual and single-rotor wind turbines from different aspects. Both dual and single-rotor wind turbines are set up in PSCAD software. To facilitate, a simple power system has been chosen which is shown in Fig. 12. The dynamic model of the wind turbines are established based on the component models presented in previous sections. The generators are connected to the power system through a step up transformer and a 100 km transmission line. The parameters of generator and mechanical systems are listed in Appendix A. Pitch angle control which is employed in this investigation regulates the speed of the wind generator. The following simulation results compare the capabilities of the dual and singlerotor wind turbines in the context of transient stability performance. The behaviour of the wind turbines, when pitch angle control is in operation, are simulated following a grid three phase short circuit of 0.3 s at t 120 s on the secondary side of the step up transformer. The information which is provided by Fig. 13 is an overview about the responses of the variables during the fault and post-fault period. Responses of variables relative to SRWT are distinct by bolded line with circles stand on them. Squares are standing on DRWT variables. Fig. 13a shows that the damping torque provided by DRWT is higher the SRWT. From the gure it is clear that the amplitude of the rst swing of both generators speed are identical. The reason is that the synchronizing torque introduced by the electrical network e which helps keeping the generators stable during their rst swing e is the same for the two systems. It is because electrical quantities are identical in DRWT and SRWT prior to the occurrence of the fault. From Fig. 13b it is clear that the voltage in dual-rotor system can recover faster than single-rotor. The reason is the difference between the generator speed settling time in single and dual-rotor systems. According to Fig. B.1 in appendix B, terminal voltage is inversely proportional to the slip. The generator speed in SRWT takes longer to be recovered to its nominal value, so does the terminal voltage in single-rotor system. Fig. 13 conrms the effect of constant speed mode of the pitch control on the level of damping which was investigated in Section 5. As can be seen from Fig. 13c and d, active and reactive powers also have larger oscillations during the post-fault period for the SRWT in comparison with the DRWT. Since pre-fault operating point of active and reactive power inuences the post-fault oscillations, then to have a fair comparison we assume that active and reactive power generated by the dual-rotor and single-rotor systems are the same before the fault. The pitch angle control mode is not the only reason for higher damping level of DRWT. The simulation is rerun at the same fault duration when the pitch control system is disabled and wind turbine is rotating at constant pitch angle. Fig. 14 shows the SRWT becomes unstable after removing the fault. According to Fig. 14a, the generator speed swings and generator faces over speed. On the

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SRWT Wind Gen


Logic Fault Timed

DRWT Wind Gen


Logic Fault Timed



Fig. 12. Simple power grid connected to either single-rotor or dual-rotor wind turbine.

Fig. 13. Dynamic response of the wind turbine to a three phase grid short circuit when system stays stable.

Fig. 14. Instability of single-rotor wind turbine when pitch angle control is disabled.

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480 Table 1 Eigenvalues presented by DRWT and SRWT. DRWT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0.9228 j 0.2737 0.1440 j 0.8543 0.4211 j 1.6606 1.2357 j 2.6463 11.3546 j 5.0993 10.8854 j 190.6042 9.1439 j312.67 0 3.6866 11.3882 689.5295 1292.6 2131.4

E.M. Farahani et al. / Renewable Energy 48 (2012) 473e481

SRWT 0.4583 j 0.3435 0.3748 j1.6603 10.6351 j 4.9604 9.5895 j190.6651 8.0281 j312.67 0 11.6401 673.2330 1271.6

other hand, the DRWT resumes its variables to the pre-fault levels and continues its power generation. In case of any large generator speed oscillation, the auxiliary turbine acts as a ywheel. The main purpose of ywheel in mechanical systems is to smooth out the destructive oscillations. Therefore, the ywheel damping effect of the auxiliary turbine on post-fault generator speed oscillations is another reason of higher damping torque in DRWT. If the fault lasts more than 0.39 s, then dual-rotor system is also unstable. Therefore, DRWT is more resistive against network disturbances. In this investigation the fault-ride-through capabilities of DRWT and SRWT are calculated based on parameters in tables A.1 to A.3. To verify the results given out by Fig. 14, eigenvalue is a very handy solution. MATLAB function (eig) is the tool to calculate the eigenvalues of a state space model of DRWT and SRWT. The initial values of the generator currents are achievable through abc-dq0 transformation function in PSCAD after running the time domain simulation. Table 1 illustrates the eigenvalues of both DRWT and SRWT systems. The data presented in this table reveals that number of eigenvalues introduced by DRWT is more than SRWT. Since the mechanical parameters of main turbines in DRWT and SRWT are the same and the generators are identical, then some of the natural frequencies in both systems are quite close together. For the pairs of natural frequencies presented by DRWT and SRWT, which are close enough, real part of eigenvalue in DRWT is more negative. This matter signies that installing the auxiliary turbine in DRWT increases the damping factor of the natural frequencies which are common between DRWT and SRWT. For example, natural frequency in third row in DRWT and natural frequency in second row of SRWT are almost the same. However, since real part for DRWT is higher, the oscillations caused by this natural frequency would be damped faster compared to SRWT. This veries the simulation results presented in the previous sections.

 Constant Speed Mode: Based on time domain simulation results the damping torque of DRWT, which is introduced to the network, is higher than SRWT when they are operating in constant speed mode. Speed droop method also signies that damping torque of DRWT is higher during unstable situation when both main and auxiliary turbines contribute to keep the speed constant by regulating their pitch angle. For droop analysis, the action of the control system on the speed variation is approximated by a droop curve.  Constant Angle Mode: To investigate and compare the natural responses of DRWT and SRWT, both turbines operated at constant pitch angle. Time domain simulation results illustrated that fault-ride-through capability of DRWT is higher than SRWT in this operating mode. The reason is the ywheel effect of the auxiliary turbine during the imbalance condition to damp out the oscillations. To verify the natural response of the turbines, eigenvalue analysis was employed. It was shown that by adding the linear equations related to auxiliary turbine, the real part of the eigenvalues moved leftward in complex plane while their imaginary parts stay almost constant. This means more damping in the DRWT responses compared to the SRWT. By using dual-rotor wind turbines, both steady state and transient performance of the wind farm would be enhanced. Appendix A

Table A.1 Electrical parameters of induction generator. Rated voltage Rated power Moment of inertia Frequency Machine damping Stator resistance Stator leakage reactance Rotor resistance Rotor reactance Unsaturated magnetizing reactance 0.69 kV 1.5 MVA 3s 50 Hz 0.3 p.u. 0.066 p.u. 0.1 p.u. 0.05 p.u. 0.2 p.u. 2.5 p.u.

Table A.2 Parameters of the network system. Transformer ratio Base MVA Positive sequence reactance Line length Line resistance Line inductive reactance Line capacitive reactance 0.69/63 kV 2 MVA 0.3 p.u 100 km 0.1781E-3 U/m 0.514E-3 U/m 27354.48 M U*m

7. Conclusions In this paper, by using PSCAD/EMTDC software, transient response of dual and single-rotor wind turbines have been evaluated and compared. The stream tube effect is included in aerodynamic torque calculation which was ignored in previous work in literature. So, the dual-rotor wind turbine (DRWT) aerodynamic model in this paper is more accurate compared to the previous investigations. The results of the methods uncovered that the DRWT presented higher damping torque to the network compared to single-rotor wind turbine (SRWT) in both constant speed mode and constant pitch angle mode (Natural response):

Table A.3 Mechanical parameters of gear box and turbine Spur base circle radius Bevel base circle radius SRWT blade diameter DRWT blade diameters Rotor damping factor Blade damping factor Rotor inertia momentum Blade inertia momentum Effective blade stiffness All shaft stiffnesss All shaft damping factors r1 0.1 m rav1 0.1 m 51 m Main 51 m Single main Single main Single main Single main 0.21e6 2.5e5 0.6 p.u. r2 1 m rav2 0.5 m rav3 1 m Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. Aux. 26.4 m 1.5 p.u. 1.0 p.u. 0.8e4 kg m2 0.16E4 kg m2

3 2 0.28e5 0.1E5

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E.M. Farahani et al. / Renewable Energy 48 (2012) 473e481


Appendix B

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Fig. B.1. Voltage versus slip in induction machine.

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