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Bhaava means emotion, state of mind. Bhaavanaa Imagination. From various dictionaries:

bhava coming info existence , birth , production , origin , arising or produced from , being in , relating to ; becoming , turning into (comp.); being, state of being, existence, life; worldly existence, the world Bhava i.e. Shiva and his wife. meanings of "bhava":1.(at the end of comp.) arising or produced from 1.being;2.birth;3.source;4.worldly existence;5.the world;6.well-being;7.excellence; of Shiva; Bhaava. becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance; turning or transition into. meanings of "bhaava": 1.being;2.becoming;3.state;4.manner;5.rank;6.true condition or state; 7.innate property;8.inclination or disposition of mind;9.feeling;;11.purport;12.meaning; 13.resolution;14.the heart;15.existing thing;16.a being;17.abstract meditation;18.conduct;19.gesture;20.birth;21.the world;22.the womb;23.will;
This world is Bhava Sagar (Ocean of Becoming), and hence the Mother Goddess Taaraa is called Bhavaani (Aform of Paarvati, wife of lord Shiva) She who becomes everything and to save us from this world of becoming, she takes the form of Bhava Taarini (Takes us safely from this ocean of constant becoming) . And hence the Bhavaa is superimposed on Raashi. In Weastern Astrology it is called as houses. The first house is the house which rises on the Eastern Horizon you will see a particular Raashi (Assuming you know, how to identify the star constituting the Raashi) rising (Ascending or climbing) Suppose the rising sign is Dhanu, it is - Lagnaa or Ascendant Makara will be the Second Bhaava Kumbha will be the Third Bhaava Meena will be the Forth Bhaava And so on The houses are counted zodiacally.





Here if we take the Raashis to be Static aspect of the zodiac, the Bhaavas are the Dynamic aspects of the zodiac. The first house is the Rising Raashi, The forth house is the yet to Rise and is below the horizon. In fact it is right below the feet. (Represents midnight) The Seventh House is the Raashi which is setting in the west, just going below the horizon. (Represents Sunset) The Tenth House is the topmost (Represents noon) The first house is akin to Mesha, the fourth akin to Karka, the seventh house is akin to Tula and the tenth house is akin to Makara. Now take the 5th to 9th from each of these houses like 1st 5th 9th 2nd 6th 10th 3rd 7th 11th 4th 8th 12th These houses are in the harmony firstly because they represents the same Tatwaa. The 5th from any house is its future. The 9th from any house is its past. These are the Trikona (Trines) The 1 4 7 10 houses from any house are the pillars of the sector. These are the Kendra (Squares) For example, the first house represents the sense of being ness the I AM feeling in any horoscope for the native (Jataka). (The Native or Jataka means the person whose horoscope is being read by the Jyotisha.)

The 5th house will represent the future sense of I And 9th house will represent the past sense of I The first and the other two houses will represent the same tatwaas. The 4th from the 1st belongs to the same motive force, Stira, Chara or Dwijbhaava and hence co-operate with each other. Like the example given in the Raashi Lesson where the cars were moving in their particular lane as per the speed limit. The first house represents the self. Your characteristics, your nature etc. this represents your Dharmaa That which you hold. The forth house is the lowest point where I sense will be at the lowest. Totally forgetting the I sense is Mokshaa or The Liberation. The 7th house is the opposite of the 1st house representing your interactions with the outside world. (This house is the doorway to the world) in other words, it is intercourse with the world hence this is Kamaa. (Desires) The 10th house is the topmost house (Directly over head). This represents, pinnacle of I. Feeling this is Arthaa. The trines from each of these four houses form the Trikonaas (Trines) of the particular purusharthaa. The four Purusharthaas are Dharmaa, Arthaa, Kaama, Mokshaa. And are called the Aayaanas or aims of life. Dharmaa This represents the persons belief systems. Every person holds in him / her some belief system which is said to define him / her for the society. A person is born into a belief system by birth in a family professing it (first Bhaava). The person goes to a certain place for worship (ninth house). The person holds some book or words as sacred (fifth house). Arthaa The person has to define to the world at large. This Trying to define himself to the world is done through speech, food (second house), Work ethics, hard labor, and the ability to control the people (sixth house). Earn money, work hard and achieve power (tenth house). Kaama Every person has legitimate or otherwise desires, which can be fulfilled as per the norms of the society. Personal interactions i.e. person to person (third house), Business interactions i.e. buying - Selling, partnership, negotiations (seventh house) Social interactions i.e. Friends etc (eleventh house). Mokshaa

This is the end point of all human existence Freedom. Freedom from the feeling I As in the Mothers womb or Lap (fourth house). As in sickness or death (eighth house) As in sleep or Liberation (twelfth house) As we have seen that there is a synchronicity (as in Raashis having same motive force) as well as empathy (as in Raashis having same elements) Therefore in traditional Jyotisha, the house is a full Raaashi. I.e. suppose the degree of the sign rising on the horizon is 18 degrees, the whole Raashi of Tula will be treated as the first house. The second house will be Vrischika, the third will be Dhanu, the forth will be Makara, the fifth will be Kumbha and so on unlike Western Astrology. There are house divisions also in Jyotish but it will be discussed later. The Lords of Raashis: The Lords of these Raashis will be the Lords of these Bhaavas. Like Tula rising will be lagna and so the Lord of the 1st Bhaava or Lagnadhipati will be Shukra. The Lord of the 2nd Bhaava will be Ketu / Mars because they are the Co _ Lords of the Vrishchika. The lord of the 3rd Bhaava will be Guru as he is the Lord of Dhanu, which falls in the 3rd house and so on. So we have learnt that each bhaava has certain significations, each rules some compartment of life of an individual, each falls in a certain Raashi, each has a lord ruling it. Each Bhaava also has a planet (Graha) who becomes its significator. We will deal in detail with all these aspects in detail in the next posts in this lesson. Question by a student w.r.t the Tatwaas and the Purushaartha. I can understand the following. Zodiacal Kendra - Chara rasi - Lorded by Brahma - Rajo Guna - Creation Zodiacal Panapara - Sthira rasi - Lorded by Shiva - Tamasik Guna -Destruction Zodiacal Apoklima - Dwisbava rasi - Lorded by Vishnu - Satwik Guna -Protection But I cannot understand the following and correlate. Dharma trikona - Ar. Le. Sg. - Agni tatwa Artha trikona - Tr. Vi. Cp. - Prithwi tatwa Kama trikona - Ge. Li. Aq. - Vayu tatwa Moksh trikona - Cn. Sc. Pi. - Jala tatwa I cannot correlate, how Agni tatwa represents Dharma trikona and other tatwa also. Can you please explain the correlation between the Tatwa and the Trikona? => ANSWER BY PT.SANJAY RATH The trikona are mentioned for the Natural Zodiac and it is necessary to study MOTHER NATURE FIRST AS SHE IS THE REAL SHAKTI (Power) LEADING TO BHAAGAVAN (God). Now, Start with sunrise when the Sun is in the first house. Aries is the first house of nature and the dharma trikona would be the fire signs...and so on. Fire which is the physical representative of Agni Tatwa is the remover of all sins and evils just like the

purity of dharma removing the weaknesses and sins of the past. Bhakta's like Prahalada and Srima Sarada devi (w/o Ramakrishna Paramhamsa) can sit inside a burning pyre and recite OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA. Vasu refers to the light or the purest form of agni tatwa. (The reference is to Jupiter the greatest and representative of God in Agni Rasi). Now, come to midday when the Sun is in the tenth house and the natural sign is Capricorn. The focus is on work and Karma Yoga. The signs are earthy and materially focused forming the Artha Trikona. It is here that most men fall and their Karma Yoga gets diverted to self gratification instead of Nishkaama karma (work without the desire for fruit). Jupiter is in debility. The great Bhakta's like Gajendra (King of the elephants) sing KLEEM HRISHIKESHAYA NAMAH and ensure that Bhagavan comes riding the Bird Garuda and removes them from sin that can cause such a terrible fall. At sunset, the Sun is in the seventh house and the 7th house of nature is Libra. This is the begining of desire that ultimately culminates in sex etc. The native, having finished working, dreams of meeting spouse etc and fulfills desires related to social and personal matters. The Airy signs can make the mind travel to great depths and the imagination is vivid as the desires will depend on what the mind has got wind of. Great Bhakta like Narada Muni (who was touched by the arrow of Kama devata) will sing HARE KRISHNA and will save themselves from these tormenting desires. At midnight, all sleep and the trines to the bed is the 4th house called Jala trikona. The Sun is in the 4th house and the water element is very strong. The penultimate sleep symbolises Moksha and Jupiter in these signs shows Bhagawan as sleeping on a bed or reclining on a couch. The Bhakta's like Mahalakshmi and Shiva sing OM NAMO NARAYANAYA and attain Moksha. Ayana refers to the direction of ones life and we know that MORNING SHOWS THE DAY. So, the prayer/pooja we do in the morning is vital to directing our efforts and path of life. This is done with the Gayatri Mantra's. Maharishi's who aim for Moksha stand in a river with water in their hands, JALA tatwa predominates in the Brahma Muhurta as they recite the gayatri. Hold water in cupped hands and offer this to Bhagavan as you recite the Gayatri mantra, then the Moksha ayana is obtained. If you hold a burning lamp as a sign of offering while reciting the Gayatri, then Dharma trikona re activated and the sins are washed away, ignorance goes and the light of knowledge comes. Offering incense indicates the prithvi tatwa and the person becomes a Karma Yogi while the offering of food fulfills all desires. Those who aim for perfection in all the four ayana will hold a lotus or other flower as an offering and recite the Gayatri. In this manner the ayana should be understood with reference to the Tatwa. The 12 Houses of Zodiac- From BPHS This article was compiled by Sarat Chander one of the foremost student of Pt. Sanjay Rath, based on the teachings of Pt. Rath. It was given to me long back, which I am putting here, with my own additions, for the benefit of the Jyotish Enthusiasts. First House

deham rpamca jnam ca varnam caiva balbalam

sukham duhkham svabhvaca lagnabhvnnirkshayet ..2.. deham - body; rpam- looks; ca- as well as; jnam - knowledge / intelligence; ca- as well as; varnam appearance; caiva- ca+eva and also; balbalam strengths and vigour; sukham duhkham - bliss and unhappiness; svabhvaca- nature; lagnabhvn- from Lagna Bhava; nirkshayet- judge Maharishi says to Maitreya that the physique, appearance, intellect (also the brain), the complexion of the body, strength and vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and the inner nature of the person is to be determined from the Lagna or Ascendant or the 1st bhava. The 1st house, known as the Lagna or Ascendant, always rises in the East at the time of birth. Surya, being the naisargika atmakaraka, becomes a very vital graha for the 1st house and his strength and placement is to be reckoned carefully. A strong and well placed Lagna lord will bestow long and qualitative life. The 1st house is the fountainhead of the entire life of the native. The 1st indicates the birth of the person and how and in what form and physique God has wanted him/her to be born. Thus the 1st bhava and the lord of the 1st bhava, who is also called the 'Lagnesh' are very basics and important to the reading of the chart. Each of the 12 houses of the chart has its significance and each of the significance is closely linked to the 1st house i.e., birth. As per the kalapurusha, the 1st bhava is indicative of brain, which is known for intelligence, we can safely conclude that Brihaspati, who represents God, is seated on the head of man and the place is known as 'Brahmapeetha' or the seat of Brihaspati. It is Brihaspati who knows and sees all as it is he who has the supreme intelligence and this supreme intelligence is God. Hence Guru is known as the one representing God in the chart. Thus, his placement becomes vitally important to analyze the intelligence and knowledge, disposition and the general well being of the person. If the lord of the 1st bhava is either placed in or aspects or has anything to do with the 3rd, 5th and 6th houses, the native of the chart yearns for knowledge - he is always in quest for knowledge - and he is called a "Dheemantah". In other words, the native is said to possess "Dheemantah Yoga". While, the reverse is true only in the case where the lord of the 5th bhava is either placed or aspects the 1st bhava. Second House

dhanadhnyam kutumbmca mrtyujlamamitrakam dhturatndikam sarvam dhanasthnnnirkshayet ..3.. dhana- wealth; dhnyam- grains and cereals; kutumbm- family; ca- as well as; mrtyujlam-death trap; mitrakam- ; dhturatndikam- precious metals and gems; sarvamall dhanasthnn-places of wealth, such as bank or treasure box etc; nirkshayet- judge Wealth, food (grains and cereals); nature of food consumed (quantity and quality); Wealth; family (Kula); family deity (Kula Devata); stored wealth (Sanchita Dhana) which could be valued in terms of money at any point of time; granary; treasury; storage houses; godowns; teeth; lips; mouth; speech; eyes; gold and assets and all property;

A good family is a sound requirement of a person. Being born in a particular family has a particular relevance. Each family follows and worships a certain deity as its family deity, which happens to be the guiding deity of the family. These are to be reckoned from the 2nd house. The 2nd house is a vital house of the chart. It actually sustains the lagna or ascendant. It is the house of Lord Vishnu, the preserver, the sustainer of life. It is he who takes care of the people and it is he who provides for food etc. Without food and the wealth to buy the food, life cannot be sustained. To achieve the objective of the birth of the atma, food is very essential to sustain the body in which the atma has taken refuge. So the 2nd would indicate the quantity and quality of food that is consumed by the person. When we say wealth, we are actually talking of the sustaining power - the power to buy us food and good things in life and in times of dire needs. So we are talking of 'sanchita dhana' meaning stored wealth. Any stored wealth which is liquidatable for purchase of food and essentials at the time of need. Such stored wealth includes, stored foodgrains and granaries, gold, precious metals and gems etc., or any such thing which is readily convertible into money. The 2nd house is also known as the maraka - death inflicting. Afflictions to the 2nd could lead to loss of wealth and shreeyam which leads to lack of food and everything that is needed for sustenance. Improper intake of food or lack of food sets in disease which signifies the death of the lagan or the person. Third House

vikramam bhrtyabhrtrdi copadeapraynakam pitrorvai maranam vijo ducikycca nirkshayet ..4.. vikramam- Courage and Valour; bhrtyabhrtrdi- brothers and sisters; copadeaca+upadesham- also advice; praynakam- journey; pitrorvai maranam- death of father; vijo - knowledge/ intelligence, ducikycca - ??, nirkshayet- judge The 3rd house indicates arms; strength of the arms (Parakrama bala); courage; brothers and sisters (Co-borns); short journeys (as a child walks with the help of his arms); longevity; intelligence; creativity; aptitude for work and the type of work done (an evil graha in the third would indicate work in the armed forces/Police or connected to it based on the graha wherein Surya heads the placement in indicating the rank and honour and type of service rendered); Skills for work etc. The strength of the arms is called 'parakrambal'. The 3rd house indicates how an in what manner will a person use the strength of the arms. Whether it will be in the right direction and for the right purpose or not can be gauged from the rasi, rasi lord and the graha(s) in the 3rd bhava. The 3rd bhava, along with the 6th, 10th and 11th bhavas, is a 'Upachaya' (meaning growing) bhava. Since it is a upachaya, the activities of this house is totally controllable by the person. It is not beyond the control of man that he cannot change the fate or what is pre-destined. Thus, we can see that karma and all activities related to the karma are in the upachaya bhavas and are totally controllable by man. A person with a strong 3rd house may

be good at sword fighting and would have very good parakrambal, but it is upto him to choose whether to fight at all or not. Thus his karma is in his hands. The 3rd house is also the 11th from the 5th house, which indicates the gains from knowledge. This implies in what manner will the person utilize the knowledge he possesses. Whether it would be put to gainful use or not can be deduced from here. 3rd House also indicates what would be predominantly held in the hand: Saturn - Bow and Arrow Surya - Gun, Sword Mangal - Spear, Trisul, Sul Guru - Tulsi mala or Jap mala Sukra - Flowers, paint brush (anything beautiful) Budh -Pen

Fourth House vhannyatha bandhmca mtrsaukhydiknyapi nidhi kshetram grham cpi caturtht paricintayet ..5.. The 4th bhava indicates mother, motherland, relatives, property, vehicles and other conveyances, peace of mind, prosperity of self, heart, formal education, general happiness, home and happiness. The 4th house, along with the 1st, 7th and 10th houses, is one of the four quadrants or angles and it happens to be one of the pillars of a person's chart. The first is the lagna or birth, while the 7th is the descendent of the lagna where the person comes down to the basics of desire. The 10th is the sky, where one climbs according to karma, while 4th is the nadir - 'patal' - where one finds himself after the fall from the sky (karma). Thus, the quadrants are very important houses of the horoscope. The 4th is a very vital house inasmuch as it deals with one's mother and general happiness of life. The child, in its initial years of life, is fully under the protective cover of the mother. It is mother who understands everything related to the child. It is she who provides her child food, shelter, and succor to life. The child also looks for the mother whenever it feels hungry or insecure. When man falls from the heights of glory (the 10th - karmabhava) nobody except his mother who still wishes the very best for him and provides him the succor. The mother protects even unruly and sinful children. Such is the blind, unbiased and true love of mother for the child. Lord Krishna has therefore rightly called "Matrubhava Devta" meaning the mother - child relationship to be a relationship between the individual and God. Therefore, the 4th bhava, in the form of mother's love and relationship, establishes the love for God. It is the Lord who helps us at the weakest time like the mother who helps the child when it is most vulnerable. Sri Adi Shankara has, therefore, said that, mother's blessing was of vital importance for the attainment of moksha. He said: "Gatistvam gatistvam tvameka bhavani". It is the blessings of mother that actually provides one the speed (gati) in the direction and desire for setting out on the path for spiritualism. It is also because mother (also God) is the one who provides 'ashraya' - shelter - to the person that we see the acquisition of landed property and house(s) both in the native land

and elsewhere, including foreign lands, from the 4th house. Placement of the lord of 4th in 8th would indicate acquisition of property in other places, while its placement in 12th would mean acquisition of property in foreign lands. It also indicates anything that is imbibed or received from the mother. The first language that we speak - our mother tongue is; the place where we are born - motherland; the love for our culture and motherland is also to be seen from the 4th house. Any inimical or papa graha in the 4th affects to that extent the symbolization of the 4th house. The 4th also rules the heart. After all, love - true love - is possible only if there is a heart (conscious mind) to do so. True is nothing but pursuit of the loved one with heart and soul. Any benevolence or arrogance of the person's heart, whether a person is good or bad at heart, is to be seen from the strength and placement of the 4th house, its lord and other grahas in it. Placement of Rahu could give a hard/stout heart. It could also indicate heart disease/afflictions to heart depending on its placement etc., while placement of a benefic like Venus could indicate passionate love and a very kind mother. Thus, afflictions to the heart, both physical and emotional, are to be seen from the 4th house. Thus, the 4th also becomes the house of happiness and grief. No afflictions or good placements could give a general sense of attainment of happiness and less emotional strains. This establishes a clear connection between the heart (4th) and the mind (1st). The general sense of happiness prevails only when the desires are fulfilled. The 4th house also deals with formal education. It indicates the extent and type of formal education that one would get in life. It indicates the school, college or institution, the length till which one will have formal education. While presence of Rahu in the 4th will also indicate general defiance in studies and disturbances to mother etc., it would also indicate an inclination and even good control over foreign languages - something which is uncommon to the native. All modes of conveyances, of course - with the sambandha of Venus who is the naisargika karaka for vehicles/conveyances, is to be studied and predicted from the 4th hosue. While presence or aspect of Venus on the 4th would mean attainment and enjoyment of material pleasures of all good things of life, presence of aspect of grahas like Rahu, Ketu, Sani would mean denial or destruction of the pleasures of the world resulting in lack of general happiness. Thus we may say that the results indicated by any graha in the 4th fructify fast, while that of those in the 1st or 7th will be felt only in the later part of life. The general sense of happiness to an individual comes only when the acquisitions are selfmade. Though we know the need and importance of karma (10th) we still tend to run after the comforts for self. It is when we achieve these comforts in the world of maya that we feel satisfied. It is this proud sense of satisfaction on having achieved something material that gives happiness to everybody. Fifth House

yantramantrau tath vidym buddhecaiva prabandhakam putrarjypabhrmdn payet putrlayd budhah ..6.. yantramantrau- yantras and mantras; tath - and; vidym - learning/ knowledge; buddhecaiva - also intelligence; prabandhakam- composition; putra- progeny/ son; rjy-

kingdom/ state; pabhrmdn- corruption/ falling down from place of honour; payet see; putrlayd - fifth house/ the place of son; budhah - observe The 5th house indicates knowledge, the knowledge of mantras and yantras (amulets etc., used in spiritualism), children (sons), planning, status or authority received from the government (or royalty) and other places, fall of position or status etc., - In general, the house of future. We are aware that the 1st, the 5th and the 9th form the Dharma Trikona. We are also aware of Brihaspati's influence on the 5th house as he is the karaka for children (to be seen from the 5th), for knowledge (dhi shakti and he is also the Guru - teacher) and a supreme benefic for the well being of the person during his life time. Therefore, Brihaspati's influence on the 5th is to be reckoned with great care and his is to be propitiated for general well being and gain of knowledge and good things in life; and more so when there is any affliction to the 5th, particularly that of Rahu. Children are the hope for the future of parents and also the generation. As parents gamble/speculate our future by way looking for assistance and achievements from our children in our later years. Therefore, the 5th not only becomes the house of future of the person but also the house to look for speculative abilities and name and fame to be gained in future. It is the 8th from the 10th (karma bhava) and the 10th from the 8th house (based on the 'Bhavatbhavam' principle). Hence the speculative abilities is to be seen from the 5th house as it becomes the karmabhava for the 8th house which is known for gambling activities (or unearned wealth). 5th is the house that sustains the 4th being 2nd from it. Thus, we may derive the general well being of the heart from the 5th. It provides life and succor to the heart by way of love. Love is the prime essence of well being. When deprived of it, it not only wrecks the heart emotionally, but also physically. By virtue of being in the 2nd from the 4th bhava (formal knowledge) and also because it is an activity related to Brihaspati the significator of dhi shakti without which one never accomplishes anything, the 5th house gains importance by way of both formal and informal education. Intelligence to comprehend anything and putting it to effective use is very important for a meaningful living. Since it is the Guru (teacher) who confers the knowledge of 'mantra', tantra and 'yantra' vidya, it becomes the most important house to look for the knowledge of the same and also the respect and obedience one would have towards the preceptors (gurus and teachers). Thus, any affliction to the 5th would reflect the negatives of the house in terms of knowledge and intelligence of the person, as also the respect and obedience for guru/teacher. One of the negative aspects of an afflicted 5th house would also indicate the speculative action that one would perform in the case of gambling (as it is the 10th from the 8th house - Bhavat- bhavam principle). The 5th house also happens to be the 11th from the 7th (house of marriage). Hence the reckoning of gains from marriage is estimated from the 5th house. The placement of different planets in 5th are as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun Indicates anger during child birth, struggle in the middle life, living in loneliness, love for father. Moon

Love for mother, love for motherland Mars Love for co-born(s), knowledge of tactics of war, love or adept in arms, martial arts, sports and anything where aggression is required. Also indicates a good cook. Knowledge of surgery. It could also indicate ceasarian child birth (during such times Hanuman Pooja is suggested and 'Pitavastra' - yellow cloth is placed near the place of birth to pacify the effects of Kuja), but Jupiter's presence would stop ceasarian and will allow a normal birth. Mercury Very intelligent, love for knowledge and intelligence, love for children, accomplished in accounting and trade and commerce. Jupiter Love for son, fond of supreme knowledge including vedic knowledge, fond of teaching, learned in law and could be a judge, very divine. Venus Love for daughter, fond of worldly pleasures, love for conveyances, love for travel, love for beautiful things. Saturn Love for stale things, lethargic and lazy, fond of sleeping, procrastinating and slow moving. Rahu Brilliant planning, shadyantra (deceptive planning), lack of Respect for gurus (preceptors), love for all kinds of pleasures. Ketu Lack of planning, headless activity, denial of what is loved. The numeric numbers and the number of children represented by the grahas are as follows: Surya - 1 one child Chandra - 2 two children Brihaspati - 3 three children Rahu - 4 four children Budh - 5 five children Shukra - 6 six children Ketu - 7 seven children Shani - 8 eight children Mangal - 9 nine children Sixth House

mtulntakaanknm atrmcaiva vrandikn sapatnmtaram cpi shashthabhvnnirkshayet ..7..

mtula- maternal uncle; antaka- end/ death; anknm- doubts and mistust; atrmenemies; caiva- and also; vrana- injuries/ ulcer/ tumor; adikn- etc.; sapatnmtaramstep-mother; cpi - and also; shashthabhvnnirkshayet - judge from sixth bhava. The 6th house indicates maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step mother, punishment etc. The 6th bhava, along with the 3rd, 10th and 11th is a 'Upachaya'. It is the house of service (work). 6th is also the house of punishment, depending on whether the work performed is good or bad, as per the principle - "Tanau Tanah Danda Hara" (6th and 11th (Tanau Tanah means 6th to 6th) are the houses of punishment and reward), wherein 'Danda' means punishment and 'Hara' means gaining victory. The Lord gains victory over the person by showing him the rewards. However, the amount of punishment and reward to be meted out to a person is purely the knowledge of God as it is only he who can determine it. The 6th is the 3rd from 4th, which is the house of mother. Hence maternal uncles are seen from the 6th house. 6th is the house of enemies. The strength and weakness of the enemy is to be seen from here. It is considered always good to have a weak or debilitated 6th lord as it indicates that the enemy is weak and could be won over. However, to defeat the enemy the person would require a strong 7th house. The 6th is also the house of service. This determines whether the person would be a 'karmayogi' or not. It also determines whether the person would render service or would run a business and in what manner and circumstances. To determine the karma of the 6th house it is important to study the 10th from it i.e., the 3rd house (Bhavatbhavam principle) which determines the karma of the service rendered by the person. "Shramdan" (rendering service in terms of physical labour in temples or places of worship and worship to "Shani" the lord for labour) will rectify afflictions to the 6th house. The 6th also happens to be the 2nd from the 5th house, which is the house of children. It, thus, sustains the life of the child. The food habits and type of food eaten by the child can be estimated from the 6th house. The 6th house indicates servants too. It also indicates whether the person himself will do his work or will get done from the servants. Even the faithfulness/morality of the servants could be determined from the 6th house. Seventh House

jymadhvapraynam ca vnijyam nashtavkshanam maranam ca svadehasya jybhvnnirkshayet ..8.. jy- wife; madhvapraynam- follower of madhava; ca- also; vnijyam - business; nashtadestruction; vkaam- look at, see, inspect; maranam- death; ca- and; svadehasya- body of self; jybhvnnirkshayet - judge from the Jaya (7th) bhava.

After the 1st house (Lagna/Ascendant), the 7th house or Saptam Bhava is the second most important house. One - because it is the exact opposite of the 1st (Ascendant), hence it should be the descendant of the native's Lagna, which indicates the Kama (desire) of the native; and two - it is a strong controller for the 4th (Sukhasthan) and 10th (Karmasthan) houses (being a pada to the two houses on the principle of Bhavat Bhavam). 7th is a very vital house of the chart in many aspects. It indicates the inner desires, carnal desires, objective of life, character, value systems of life etc. 7th, being the house that indicates the private parts, is also very important to determine the sex/gender of the native. Hence it is also known as the 'Kalatra' meaning that which indicates the sex and sexual instincts of the person. 7th is a very important house also because it provides the ability to bring forth new life in the form of progeny - it gives form to a new atma that develops as the child. The organs (private parts) are basically used for procreative activity. The general well being of a person could be determined on how good or bad the 7th house is and what effects it has on the 4th and 10th houses of the person. Thus, 7th is the 'naisargika' bhava of Lord Shiva who is the Lord for 'Kalyanam' meaning well being (Lord Brahma is for 'Ayu' meaning life/longevity while Maha Vishnu is for 'Dhanam' for sustenance). As the 7th deals with inner desires and procreation, it shows rebirth. It is also the 8th house (longevity/delay) for the 12th house (moksh/emancipation). It could be known from this bhava whether, when, where and why will an individual be reborn. In fact, there is a practice of preparing "Mrityu Kundlis" which is prepared at the time of death and the 7th bhava of this chart would indicate exactly the nature, why, when and where about the rebirth. A 'papa' graha in the 7th would indicate 'Punarjanma' (rebirth). [Upaya: Prayer to Lord Shiva will help in cleaning the dosha of papa graha.] How is the 7th related to the 4th (Sukhasthan) (the bhava for peace of mind, desires etc.)? 'Ichha' (desire/Kama) is the ultimate source of all problems. If one had no desires, except attaining God, there would not be scope for any sorrow. It is only the desire to achieve something, to latch on to something, an emotional attachment to something that causes the sorrow when it is either not attained or is lost. Now, desire for something is love or kama. The purity or impurity of desire determines the quantum of sorrow. Desire to attain God is, perhaps, the purest form of love/kama. Again, Kama can be for different purposes and with different grades/degrees of intensity. Desire for wife (cohabiting with one woman - as practised and example set by Lord Rama), children, home and their well being is a genuine and proper desire and to sustain them one needs money. Hence the need for a job/Karma and hence the sorrow when you fall short of resources for meeting those needs. Here comes the relativity between the 7th, 4th and the 10th. But, if the same love were to turn into lust (carnal desire - an animal instinct for sex) then the desire is improper. The higher such improper and uncontrolled desires the more the sorrows that one experiences. 7th is also the house that indicates the overcoming of enemies or being vanquished by them. Now, when does a person have enemies? Only a person who has something which others do not, or, when somebody desires to attain something which others too are aiming, does one create and have enemies. However, if a person were simply desirous of attaining God, he is not going to have enemies. It is only materialistic things/worldly things, which attract enemies. A beggar is most likely not to have enemies, while a rich man is bound to have more enemies because what a beggar doesn't have a rich man has.

Here comes the relation between the 6th and the 7th bhava. The 6th indicates enemies and the 7th indicates vanquishing enemies or being vanquished by them. A weak 6th Lord and a strong 7th bhava is sure to vanquish the enemies, while in the converse the native is defeated. 7th bhava of the naisargika bha chakra is 'Vanij sthana' meaning the house of trade and commerce. What is the aim behind the karma? If it is to earn money, then the second from the karma house (10th house) i.e., the 11th house and its trines come into focus. And of these, the 7th happens to be the 10th from the naisargika 10th bhava of the chart which indicates the karma to be performed and the actual desire for the performance of the karma (to earn money for sustenance). Thus, the 7th also becomes the house of business and being the naisargika house for 'Wife/Ardhangni' it also becomes the bhava for determining the compatibility with partners in business. Therefore, the 7th is truly reflective of the inner self of the person. It is reflective of the 'Ayana' of the person. An inappropriate lordship/placement/rasi of the 7th bhava indicates the extent to which a person bears a character, disposition in life, whether the person will be reborn or will attain moksha. Any affliction to the 7th would be detrimental to the development of the person as a good social being. Hence the 7th is a very vital bhava which holds the key to success or failure of life. Thus, to determine the strengths and results of native's chart, the 7th, 7th Lord and is Darapada (A7) placement become very significant and important. Mars in the 7th Indicates Kuja Dosha (this is due to the anger of Deva Rishi Narad - Upaya: Prayer to Hanumanji is the sole remedy). The placement of Mars in 7th indicates war or 'Yudh' in life (as may be seen from Lord Rama's life) which means a life full of struggles with frequent separation from wife. This could mean a separation, incompatible natures, angry nature/hot constitution of the wife/business partner, disharmony in marital life - which means a generally tense and strained personal life. However, the positive signs of have Mars in the 7th would mean that the person is very strong physically and also mentally as it aspects the 1st (Ascendant/Lagna), which is also because struggles actually strengthen the person mentally and physically. Venus in the 7th This would indicate love for all beautiful things, strong desire for sex (being the natural Kalatrakaraka i.e., the significator for sex), beautiful wife/partner, desire for material luxuries of life, a robust physique with sexual appeal, attractive body etc. Saturn in 7th This would indicate the dirty side of sex and other likings, a delayed marriage, spouse/partner being older than self, this would also mean that the spouse could be older in thoughts, disposition, age etc., separation, disharmony. The desire for sex could even be a carnal desire (as it gains Digbala in the 7th) without any discretion for caste, creed and levels. Jupiter in 7th Jupiter, the Devaguru, is considered the best placement in the 7th. A Guru, and that too a Devaguru, could never do anything wrong. Hence he indicates the best for the overall well being of the person, particularly in a female's chart where he indicates absolute chastity. He should indicate the chaste desires of the person.

Sun in the 7th Sun, king of all grahas, would mean that the spouse/partner is very dominating in nature, very regal/authoritative in disposition, angry/hot nature, reddish complexion, strong in physique and mental nature, a burning and never ending desire for sex and all things rich and royal. Moon in the 7th Moon, queen of all grahas, would thus indicate beauty, cool disposition, strong mind, charming, regal taste, splendorous mannerisms and dressing, urge for good and clean sex, white complexioned wife, good acumen to trade, gullible etc. Rahu in the 7th Being a demon, will indicate diabolical nature, carnal (sex)desires, ruthlessness in all aspects of life, dirty thoughts, filthy sex, involvement in prostitution, gambling and the likes. However, a controlled Rahu could also give the better things of life and material fulfilment. Propitiating Lord Shiva with water (Rudrabhishek) to control and calm the heated and passionate desires or have controlled sex is the best Upaya for Rahu, while - the mantra: "Hari Om Tat Sat" - Satyanarana Mantra is helpful to just cut off the effects of Rahu i.e., no desires at all). Ketu in the 7th Being the dismembered body of the demon Rahu, it would indicate a sickly spouse. Being the natural significator for Moksha, it would indicate that the partner/spouse will be a spiritual person. It could also indicate a nagging partner. An afflicted placement could mean sickness, unsteady mind, general destruction i.e., the infra-red passion of Ketu leads to selfdestruction as Lord Shiva destroyed Kamadeva. (The 7th house, is also the house of Kamadeva - hence the desires. Destruction of desires (i.e., Kamadeva) eventually leads to moksha). 7th Lord in the 6th bhava would mean the spouse turning an enemy where the faithfulness or fidelity is to be doubted. This could be redeemed only with a strong and benevolent Jupiter in the chart. 7th Lord in the 9th would mean that that bhagya (fortune) of the person will turn for the good after marriage. Since 7th indicates rebirth and the 12th bhava indicates Moksha/sleep, 7th is a naisargika enemy of the 12th (7th bhava is 8th from the 12th bhava) as, to attain the desires one has to remain awake and be attached to the desire for its realization. Non-realization of the desire would eventually lead to rebirth for its fulfilment. The longevity of the first marriage (M1) is to be seen from the 2nd house to the 7th (i.e., the 8th bhava of the chart - the principle of 2nd being the maraka) as it is the sustaining house for the 7th. The 7th from the house of first marriage (M1) (i.e., 2nd bhava of the chart) would indicate the possibility of the second (M2) marriage and the longevity of this marriage is to be determined from the 2nd house to this bhava (M2) (i.e., the 3rd bhava of the chart). The 7th from M2 would indicate the 3rd marriage (M3) and the 2nd bhava from M3 would indicate its longevity. Subsequent marriages, usually till the 4th, are to be seen so on and so forth. Such a syndrome normally stops with the fourth marriage when the effect of Moon (in the form of mother or mother-in-law) comes in as a natural obstacle. However, these are to be reckoned by the Jyotish after careful observation of the customs and

practices of different communities and persons. Normally, this phenomena of multiple marriages is most possible in people and communities where worship on Fridays is practised predominantly as they would imbibe more of Venusian effects. UPAPADA Upapada, also known as Gaunapada, is the 'Arudha' of the 12th bhava of the chart (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 1-2). (Gauna - means one who follows {Anuchara - that which follows - Sloka 2 of Chapter 30BPHS} - Accordingly, the 'Arudha' of the bhava that follows (12th) the Lagna is, thus, the Gaunapada or Upapada.) This pada determines the inner nature/attitude of the native towards the spouse. The 'Sambandha' or relationship of the lord of Upapada vis--vis the Lagna lord, by way of placement, will determine whether the native would marry at all or not. If the lord of Upapada goes to the 12th (the house for sacrifice/Tyaga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the delays, if any, and the reasons for such delay in marriage. Now, how do we see the 'sambandha' of the lord of Upapada with the lord of Lagna? The rasi/sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna is called 'Paka Lagna'. The Paka Lagna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. While the natal Lagna determines what is good or bad for the body, Paka Lagna signifies what a person likes or dislikes. Thus, a papa graha occupying the Lagna will not signify clearly the likes and dislikes of the person as the Paka Lagna would. Therefore, the relationship between a graha and the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna should be studied carefully to determine the likes and dislikes, whims and fancies etc., of a person. When the sambandha of a graha is not good with the lord of Lagna/Paka Lagna, the graha tends to reject its significations. This determines the fact that a certain placement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargik qualities, loses such qualities in terms of its relationship with the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna. This has to be studied carefully to determine whether the person would marry or not, what the person will like or dislike, what the person will adapt or renounce etc. For example, mere occupation of Lagna by Shani - a naisargika significator of alcohol and negative things - will not determine the persons liking for alcohol or negative aspects as his paka lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of benefics. (Note: However, Brihaspati [Karaka for 'Jeeva' and Dhi Shakti which is the most important quality of man] is the naisargik karaka for Paka Lagna.) Since Upapada determines the nature/attitude of the person towards the spouse who is a lifelong partner, it is very important that the sign/rasi of the Upapada is auspicious. It is the auspiciousness of the rasi that determines the purity of nature of the native and how the person would treat the spouse. Any affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inauspicious, to that extent the native's attitude towards the spouse is affected. This would mean that the compatibility, fidelity, affection etc., which form the basics of good spousal relationship, either become questionable or it is totally absent depending on the inauspiciousness or affliction of the sign.

Thus, the lord of Gaunapada becomes very important in determining the spouse (family etc.,), spousal attitude of the person, and happiness/sorrow from spouse. An exalted lord of Upapada will bring to the native a spouse from a noble family, while in the case of a debilitated lord of Upapada the reverse holds true meaning thereby that the spouse will be from a family below the status of the native. Following are the significations in the case of the lord of Upapada being conjoined with: 1. Surya - the spouse would be from a family enjoying political power, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun represents temples - a place where people of higher learning/caste live/work); 2. Moon - the spouse could be from a wealthy family, or a family with immense popularity. 3. Mars - the spouse could be from a family linked with the Martian qualities like Police, Military, Kshatriya families etc. 4. Mercury - the spouse could be from a family involved in dealing with writing/books, or in accounting professions, or in trade. 5. Jupiter - the spouse would be from a brahmin family, or from a learned family, or from a judicial family. 6. Venus - the spouse could be from a family with a poetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (like dairying), dealing in clothes or cosmetics, or anything that is linked with beauty. 7. Saturn - the spouse would be from a lower family, or lower caste, or from a family engaged in menial jobs such as factory workers etc. 8. Rahu - the spouse would be from a family involved in gambling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land. 9. Ketu - the spouse could belong to an ascetic family, or a family that is detached from normal stream of society. As we know the principle that it is always the 2nd bhava that sustains the previous bhava, determining the effects of the 2nd bhava from Upapada becomes important in determining the sustenance of the marriage. Any afflictions or inauspiciousness of the 2nd bhava from the Upapada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and when it breaks what will be the reasons that determine such a break. From this we get an important principle:- The nature of sign in the 2nd bhava from Upapada is important in determining the real cause of break in marriage (which could be in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal separation, separation due to other ordinary or extraordinary circumstances etc.,). The following graha placements/rasi in the 2nd bhava from Upapada indicate the broad causes for break in marriage:

1. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a benefic, or it is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic, then the native enjoys good results (from wife) - [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 2. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a papa graha, and/or it is occupied or aspected by or conjunct with a graha in debilitation (either in rasi/navamsa), then the destruction of wife/marital happiness is bound to happen. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 3. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate an exalted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive aspect by any such graha, then the person should have many wives. The same is also applicable in the case of Mithun (quality of copulation and many companions) being the 2nd from Upapada. Even Taurus (owned by Shukra) is known to give plurality of marriage. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 4. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownership), then the death of wife will be at an advanced age. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 5. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the 7th lord or Sukra) is in own house, the loss of wife will be only at an advanced stage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 13 to 15). 6. If the lord of 2nd from Upapada is 2nd from the Lagna (natal ascendant) and is with a papa graha, then the marriage could break due to the native's thieving habits. 7. Shani and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada - loss of wife through death and calumny (slander). (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 16). If the said 2nd happens to be Shani's own house (Makar or Kumbh) the wife will have disease in legs; and, if Rahu too joins Shani's own house in 2nd, the wife is sure to be lame. Shani, Rahu and Surya in the said 2nd will cause distress to bones (Surya rules bones). 8. Mercury in 2nd from Upapada will cause verbal warfare (Budh rules speech) with wife. Even excess speech (unwanted speech) can damage the marriage. The marriage could break due to extra-marital relationships, as Budh rules Mithun and Mithun signifies such relationships. Budh also signifies dealing with books and writing. Indulgence in books and writing could lead to a break in marriage. Budh and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada causes breakage of bones. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 18). Budh and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada will give a stout body to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). If Mangal and Shani occupy such a 2nd house that happens to be owned by Budh, the wife then suffers from nasal disorders. (Slokas 19-22). Budh and Mangal in the 2nd from Upapada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). However, Budh in 2nd from Upapada in wife's horoscope will indicate a strong Rajyog for the husband. This too could be a cause of break in marriage.) 9. Shukra in 2nd from Upapada could signify break in marriage due to libidinous activities. Rishabh being such a 2nd house indicates many wives or plurality of marriage, which could also be a cause for break in marriage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7-12). Shukra and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada will cause disorder of blood, leucorrhoea. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Sloka 17). 10. Moon in 2nd from Upapada would signify break in marriage (or death) due to problems in the lymphatic fluids that would damage the physical health of the wife. As Moon rules

mind, it could also indicate emotional problems leading to break in marriage. If Shani afflicts such placement of the Moon, it is sure to cause severe depressions for the wife. 11. Surya in 2nd from Upapada would cause death/separation due to high fevers, bone disorders. 12. Brihaspati in the 2nd from Upapada would cause break due to child birth/childlessness, lack of intelligence, excess weight etc. Jupiter and Rahu in such a 2nd house will cause dental problems; while Guru and Shani in such a 2nd house will cause trouble in eyes/ears of the wife. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 19-22). 13. If Mangal happens to be in 2nd from Upapada, it could cause separation from wife through sudden accidents in combination with Kethu for certain; blood disorders; death in fights; death due to arms and ammunitions; separation due to fiery temperament; anger and inflexibility and ego; and other Martian qualities. However, all these are to be studied from the natal ascendant, Lagna Pada (Arudha of Lagna), the 7th from Upapada and the lords thereof. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 22 & 23.5). (Upaya for delayed marriage: Fasting on the days of the lord - can consume only milk and some fruits.) However, to clear the general afflictions to the 7th bhava and also the kidney, prayer to Lord Shiva is the key. Chanting the Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra 11 times with milk held in the hand and consuming that milk immediately thereafter helps in removing all poison (toxicity) from the body. This not only purifies the mind (thought) but also cleanses the kidney, which is signified by the 7th bhava. [Maharshi Attri is believed to cleansed the body of Lord Shiva off all the poison that he consumed during Sagar Manthana by placing Moon on his (Shiva's) head. Hence milk (signified by Moon) is believed to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled by Shiva) with the chanting of Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra]. Eighth House

yu ranam ripum cpi durgam mrtadhanam tath gatyanukdikam sarvam payedrandhrdvicakshanah ..9.. yu- age/ longevity; ranam - battles and wars; ripum - weaknesses; cpi - and also; durgam - difficult situation; mrtadhanam - wealth of the dead/ legacy/ inheritence; tath and gatyanukdikam - things that have happenes; sarvam -everything; payed- see; randhrt- randhra bhava/ 8th house; vicakshanah- observe from/ experience from, being conscious of The length of one's life is to be seen from the 8th house. A strong 8th house, lord of the 8th and lord of the lagna who is also well placed determine the life of the person. There are four types of aayus - (1) Dirgaayu (long life - beyond 75 years); (2) Madhyaayu (middle life - 32 to 75 years); and (3) Alpaayu (short life - 20 to 32 years); while the fourth type is known as Balarishta (child death - 0 to 19 years). In normal parlance, a longlife or dirgaayu is considered good as it generally indicates the satisfaction of having lived the life as one gets enough time to accomplish the desires. The strengths of the 8th house and its lord, lagna

and its lord and their placements; as also the 10th house and 10th lord (as it is the 3rd house from the 8th) are to be considered properly before pronouncing the longevity of the person. Since the 8th is indicative of the longevity, it is also intimately connected with the battlefield and enemies. A stronger enemy is bound to kill in the battle while a weaker enemy is likely to be won over. A proper study of the 8th house and the Rudramsa can indicate the timing of war, the length of war and its victory or defeat. Since 8th is also an indicator of forts and fortresses, one will come to learn their strengths and weaknesses, rise and fall of the forts (kingdoms and kings). We know that the lord of 8th is also called rogesh (lord of long-term disease). A proper and detailed study of the 8th could indicate the type of disease that one would die of and the length of time that one will suffer during the inimical period of the 8th house and its lord. The placement of the lord of 8th will also indicate the place where exactly in the physical body would one get affected by disease, the type and duration of such disease and its cure or otherwise. All this would depend on the placement of grahas in the 8th, placement and strength of lord of 8th and lord of lagna. It would be very interesting to note the relation between the 7th and 8th house in terms of longevity. While the 8th indicates longevity, the 7th (being the 12th to 8th) indicates loss to the longevity. A strong 7th indicating strong/over indulgence in sex causes loss of longevity. Loss of semen, which is vitality, cuts short the length of life. Thus the 7th, which is opposite to celibacy, affects very much the longevity of life. A strong Venusian activity is thus an enemy of the longevity. 8th is also the house of Mrutadhanam, meaning, the accruals in the form of legacies and insurance. It is also known as the house of unearned wealth, which also includes gambling. While the activity of gambling itself is seen from the 8th house, the karma (the act of speculation) for gambling is seen from the 5th house (it is the 10th from the 8th - Bhatbhavam principle). Thus, the 8th, along with the 6th and 12th houses is called the 'dushtstana' meaning the malefic houses because of their ability to either create or make enemies and provide detachment and loss. The Moon in 8th is particularly undesirable as it is called "Ashtama Chandra Marana Karaka" meaning the Moon in the 8th wields death-inflicting powers to the sign/house it owns. Rulers are known to be killed, wars are known to be lost, persons are known to lose their lives when the Moon is placed in the 8th. Ninth House bhgyam ylam ca dharmam ca bhrtrpatnydikmstath trthaytrdikam sarvam dharmasthnnnirkshayet ..10.. bhgyam- fortune; ylam ca- and; dharmam - path of righteousness, duties and obligations; ca- also; bhrtrpatnydikmstath - also the wife of the brother; trthaytrdikam - pilgrimages etc.; sarvam - everything; dharmasthnnnirkshayet - judge from the dharma sthana (9th house)

The 9th bhava signifies father, dharma, guru, past karma, bhagya, long journeys, thighs, sister-in-law (brother's wife), journeys to holy places etc. Why is the 9th house the significator of father and dharma? From the principle of trines, we know that Lord Brahma resides in the 1st bhava, while Lord Shiva resides in the 5th and Lord Vishnu in the 9th bhava. While the 1st bhava signifies 'ayu' (birth) and the 5th signifies prosperity, the 9th indicates 'dharma' since Lord Vishnu resides in it. It is he who fixes the dharma of the person and gives according to what he deserves. The 9th house of the naisargik rasi chakra is Dhanur (Sagittarius) which is a fiery sign and its lord is Devaguru Brihaspati (Jupiter). The fiery nature of Dhanur is because of its agni tatwa, which means energy in the form of light. This agni is called the 'Brihat Agni' or the light of enlightenment and it acts on the dhi shakti (head) without with one will never be able to attain enlightenment/knowledge. This energy is represented by Brihaspati as we know that he is the significator of dhi shakti. It is because of the reason that Lord Vishnu's will in determining the creation of the person, his dharma, his bhagya etc., is seen from this house of Brihaspati, that Jupiter is seen as representing God (Bhagavate/Bhagam) in the horoscope. Brihaspati is said to represent God in the horoscope because he possesses all the qualities like shantam (peace), shubhalakshanam (good looks/disposition), daya (mercy) etc., that God possesses. But how is Brihaspati connected with the birth of the individual? Jupiter represents God and he is the sustainer of life (jeeva) while Surya is the giver of life. Therefore, there should be some graha representing and acting as God to create life. It is Surya, in the form of father who acts as God to create life. God fixes our birth on the basis of our past karma but he cannot take birth on earth to create every individual being. The job of creation is thus the responsibility of the father when he, at that moment of creation, acts as God. The representation of God in physical form by the father is the reason why the 9th house is associated with father. How is father responsible for birth? The atma that is to take birth resides in the body of the father in a place called "Mooladharachakra". The Mooladharachakra is actually the end of the spinal chord in our body. In the fetal stage, the baby in the womb of the mother develops with a tail, which is actually the extension of the spinal chord, which gradually recedes, with the growth of the fetus. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna has explained how the atma comes to reside in this chakra of the father. It is in the form of rain that the atma comes down on the earth and through the soil, it enters the trees and gets into the fruits through the sap of the tree. The atma, then finds its way to the father when such a fruit which bears the atma to be born is consumed by him. Through the blood stream it reaches the mooladharachakra where it resides till such time fixed by God for its birth. The deity of Mooladharachakra is Lord Maha Ganapthi as he is the deity of Ketu. We know that Ketu rules the tail. It is the initial tail that gradually recedes to become the end of the spine and is known as Mooladharachakra. Thus, Ketu becomes the important graha to be studied to see the procreative aspects of the father. Therefore, Ketu is known to expand the family in terms of numbers and is also symbolically represented by a yellow square, which is the symbol of Ketu (procreation). Since Surya is the giver of life and is the naisargik

atmakarak (who also represents father), it is exalted in Aries in the Ashwin nakshatra, which is a nakshatra of Ketu. Thus, we see the connection of how and why Sun is exalted in Aries. Thus, we come to see the relationship between father and God. Therefore, the physical presence/form of father is seen from the 9th house. Besides, the other important of role of father in a person's life is to teach the child the ideals/principles of life. The first ideology/principle, otherwise known as dharma, is learnt from the house i.e., from the father. Then comes the role of the teacher - Guru. A good guru teaches good things to the child. Good knowledge is very important for the proper upbringing of the child. It is good knowledge and good principles imbibed by the child both in the family and from the Guru, that stand good in the life of a person. It keeps him principled in life. And good principles inculcate good and strong discipline. Therefore, the 9th house becomes a very important chart in the life of a person. Any deviation from/desertion of dharma leads to the destruction of the self finally. When dharma (principle) is affected, the 11th house (labhasthana) therefrom, which is the 7th house indicating wife, is first affected. Subsequently leading to affect the 5th (the house of children - because the wife's principles (7th) is affected) and the 3rd is affected as the prakrambal of the native is used to shield the family (wife and children). And when the 3rd is affected, the Lagna too is affected because it is the individual who is adding on to his sins (paapa). Now, when is the dharma affected? It gets affected in a bid to earn more (labha 11th house). Bad principles adopted to increase the income in labhasthan (11th) no doubt increases the income, but it also increases the sins to that extent affecting the 9th house, which sets of a chain reaction to the other houses (11th therefrom). This is derived from the "Mandooka Dasha" (Mandooka dasha means frog jumps on every third house. This is seen in the Rudramsa chart and is seen for devining wars, victories, defeats etc.). Thus, the 9th bhava is also for discipline. It indicates 'Japa' which disciplines the person's life. Strong 9th house will indicate a strong sense of discipline and, hence, strong principles. This will reflect the extent to which the person will observe discipline in life and obedience towards his father and Guru. (A strong 9th and the Sun placed in 4th or 8th from Lagna indicates the person to be very obedient to father.) The 9th house also reflects the past karma of the person. It is the good deeds in one's life that determine the quality of life one would lead in the next birth. The physical body of a person perishes with time, but the atma carries with it the karma accumulated by the person. It is according to this karma that one gets the share (Bhagya - derived from bhaga or bhagam, meaning the share from father/God) of the material things in the world. Hence, the 9th house is also called the house of 'Bhagya' - meaning, what one would enjoy as his/her share of things in the world as decided by God. Since the 9th signifies the thighs of the person, it also indicates long distance journeys. While studying long distance journeys, it is very important to study the "Jalapatha saham" (Jala - meaning water; patham - meaning crossing; and saham - meaning point) to reckon whether the person will cross large bodies of water (oceans etc.,) and also "Paradesa saham" (Paradesa - meaning foreign; and saham - meaning point) to reckon whether the person will have residence in foreign land. However, the sambandha of Shukra is also to be reckoned as he is the significator of vehicles (means of conveyance), while Ketu, the mokshakaraka, will indicate astral travels (travel of the atma by detachment from the physical self - which is normally attained only by Sadhus after strong tapasya. Ketu helps attain this by way of detaching the mind from the physical self.).

9th bhava being the house of the Lord, it also indicates temples and other places of worship (strong influence of Surya on 9th will indicate construction of temples, while affliction from Rahu will indicate destruction/desecration of religious places). 9th bhava also indicates the wife of the younger brother and also the wife's younger sister. Another aspect that could be seen from the 9th house is 'renunciation' and its timing is to be derived from its 'Drig Dasha' (Drig - is the power to see). The spiritual guru of the person is to be seen from the 'Vimsamsa' (D-20) chart of the person. It is the spiritual guru who can help and guide the person during trying times and put him/her on the right path. Thus, we may see that the 9th house is a very important house of the horoscope of a person. It reflects the principles and ideals of the person and to what extent will he/she follow it in life. Thus, a good and strong 9th house would mean a strongly principled life and opposite would hold true in case of afflictions of the 9th. Connection between the lords of the 9th and 10th bhavas will indicate "Dharmakarmadipati Yoga" which will mean that the person will use the principles (whatever acquired from family and from guru) in performing karma (job). Hence, it may safely be assumed that prescribing a stone/gem of the 9th lord would be immensely beneficial to the person at all times with the exception being the case where the 9th lord is also the lord of the 6th house (the house of enemies). Also, Jupiter being the lord of the 9th of the natural zodiac, chanting the mantra "Om Gurave Namaha" will strengthen the 9th house, while chanting the mantra "Om Sat Gurave Namaha" will pacify him/her and also strengthen the person spiritually.

Tenth House rjyam ckamvrttim ca mnam caiva pitustath pravsasya rnasypi vyomasthnnnirkshanam ..11.. rjyam - royalty/ kingshjip/ authority; ca- and; kamvrttim - ambition; ca- and; mnam reputation/ fame; caiva- and also; pituh- father; tath - and; pravsasya - living in foreign land, immigration; rnasypi - also debts; vyomasthnt- the house of sky/ ether/ akasha; nirkshanam- judge from Royalty/authority (Rajyam); place and profession/livelihood/honour; gains from father; living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from the 10th house so says the standard text (BPHS). The 10th house is the most important quadrant/kendra of a chart. It is one of the principle pillars of the life of the person as it depicts the karma/action of the individual. This shows the karmic direction in ones life. It is to be seen along with the 9th house which shows the dharma of the person. Any connection between the 9th and 10th house will show the interlink between the dharmik (religious) and karmic (action) levels of the native.

The 10th house of the natural zodiac is Capricorn (Makar) owned by Saturn (Sani). Our Maharishis were such great seers that what astronomical science is proving today regarding the gradual drift or precession of the solar system towards the constellation Capricorn, was realized and noted by them many thousands of years ago. The four quadrants/kendras (Aries (Mesh); Cancer (Kark); Libra (Thula) and Capricorn (Makar)) of the natural zodiac represent the four yuga as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Aries (Mesh) - 1st house - Satyug Cancer (Kark) - 4th house - Tretayug Libra (Thula) - 7th house - Dwaparyug Capricorn (Makar) - 10 thouse - Kaliyug

ABHIJIT NAKSHTRA 10TH HOUSE AND THE RELEVANCE IN KALIYUG Vedic (Hindu) astrology is based on the lunar movement and is, therefore, centred around the movement of Moon (representing Krishna Vishnu avatar). The horoscope is, therefore, based on the principle movement of Moon. The fixation of Moon decides the fixation of other planets in the chart. Moon takes 27 and 1/3rd days to traverse the zodiac from zero degrees Cancer (Kark) and return to zero degrees Cancer. This would mean that there should be 27 asterisms/Nakshatras. However, we have 27 visible asterisms/Nakshatras from Ashwini to Rohini and the 1/3rd invisible nakshatra. The 1/3rd part of the invisible nakshatra was referred to Hari (Maha Vishnu) and this was found to be approximately 10 degrees (all other stars rule 13degrees and 20 minutes of a sign/constellation). As Capricorn (Makar) is the constellation that is the abode of Maha Vishnu in kaliyug, this invisible (inter-Calary) nakshatra named ABHIJIT NAKSHTRA was fixed in the Makar rasi. This is the rasi and star towards which the entire solar system is known to be heading and this movement of the solar system is known is precession. This is the nakshatra used to adjust the motion of Moon. This nakshatra is most powerful during the noon (12 noon) when Maha Vishnu is known to be on the move to ensure dharma and all good works can safely be undertaken during this period. Since this is in Capricorn the 10th house of the natural zodiac, the significance/importance of the 10th house in every individuals chart becomes very important and central to a persons quality of life and action. A strong 10th house determines whether a person will become a karmayogi or not. Karma is action/labour and perform karma one expends energy. Therefore, the first significator of the 10th house becomes Saturn (Sani) as he uses up a great deal of energy to do a work. Besides, Saturn is the planet who keeps the account of all bad karmas of a person and punishes a person according to the deeds of the person. Thus, Saturn is also known as a Karmic planet. Besides the individual karma, Saturn also keeps an account of the Pitri Rina (debts of father and forefathers). Therefore, the first action of a person born on this earth should be to wipe away the pitri rina. Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita that blessed are those who die without any debts pitri rina in particular. To wipe away all accumulated debts and to perform work one needs energy and this energy comes from the planet Mars (Mangal). Mars, thus, becomes the 2nd important planet so far as the 10th house is concerned. As a matter of fact, this one of the prime reasons why Mars exalts and also attains digbal in the 10th house. Mars is represented by Lord Hanuman who

is a symbol of supreme strength and energy. Regular prayers to Lord Hanuman will thus remove all Martian afflictions and help perform right karma. Where does all the energy of Mars come from? Sun (Surya) (Narayan) is the only source from where Mars draws the strength/energy. Sun is therefore another chief planet for the activities of the 10th house. Sun also gains digbal along with Mars in the 10th house. It is, therefore, very important that all karma/activity is performed during the day when there is natural sun light. Performance of any karma/activity either good or bad requires intelligence (Dhi shakti). Thus, Jupiter, the chief significator of Dhi Shakti becomes the 3rd important planet for the 10th house. Regular chanting of Brihaspati Gayatri helps strengthen Jupiter, which eventually strengthens the intelligence of the person and also helps the person perform only right and good karma. One of the most important aspects of doing any karma/action, is the basic desire to do so. This desire for doing a karma comes from the planet Mercury (Budh). Therefore, Mercury becomes a very important planet for the 10th house. A weak and afflicted Mercury could ruin the life of a person due to lack of desire to perform any karma/activity. The positive sides apart, the following are the negative sides of the above planets in the 10th house when they are either too strong or weak/afflicted: 1. Sun = short term goals over shadow the long term/actual goals of the person. Therefore, the ayana (direction) of the person is lost. 2. Saturn = there is too much of hard work with minimum of returns or very little achievement. 3. Mars = there is very high energy level and there is too much drive/passion in anything/work undertaken by the person. 4. Jupiter = there is simply too much knowledge and, therefore, lack of focus because of the broad base of knowledge. This aspect can, however, be controlled by strengthening Saturn (the lord of Jupiters debility) the primary level of control. The secondary level of control is by strengthening Moon (the lord of Jupiters exaltation). Saturn Jupiter conjunction causes Brahma Yoga. The different aspects of karma/activity are: (a) Creation (b) Preservation; and (c) Destruction The planet occupying the 10th house signifies the karma/activity that would be performed by the individual. Sun in the 10th will signifies the creation. It represents a king or top positions in the government. It is bhagwan Ram who decides who will be the king. Thus, Sun in the 10th will give Rajyoga while its affliction will give the opposite Pravrajya yoga, meaning renunciation. Sun aspected by Saturn will cause delay or loss of the Rajyoga.

Moon in the 10th signifies preservation. The sustenance of the Rajyog depends on the will of Krishna (Moon). A weak or afflicted Moon will render an oscillating Rajyog. To sustain such a weak or oscillating rajyog, it is important to strengthen Mars (the lord of Moons debility) at the primary level, and Venus (the lord of Moons exaltation) at the secondary level. The 12 Houses of Zodiac- From BPHS This article was compiled by Sarat Chander one of the foremost student of Pt. Sanjay Rath, based on the teachings of Pt. Rath. It was given to me long back, which I am putting here, with my own additions, for the benefit of the Jyotish Enthusiasts. First House

deham rpamca jnam ca varnam caiva balbalam sukham duhkham svabhvaca lagnabhvnnirkshayet ..2.. deham - body; rpam- looks; ca- as well as; jnam - knowledge / intelligence; ca- as well as; varnam appearance; caiva- ca+eva and also; balbalam strengths and vigour; sukham duhkham - bliss and unhappiness; svabhvaca- nature; lagnabhvn- from Lagna Bhava; nirkshayet- judge Maharishi says to Maitreya that the physique, appearance, intellect (also the brain), the complexion of the body, strength and vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and the inner nature of the person is to be determined from the Lagna or Ascendant or the 1st bhava. The 1st house, known as the Lagna or Ascendant, always rises in the East at the time of birth. Surya, being the naisargika atmakaraka, becomes a very vital graha for the 1st house and his strength and placement is to be reckoned carefully. A strong and well placed Lagna lord will bestow long and qualitative life. The 1st house is the fountainhead of the entire life of the native. The 1st indicates the birth of the person and how and in what form and physique God has wanted him/her to be born. Thus the 1st bhava and the lord of the 1st bhava, who is also called the 'Lagnesh' are very basics and important to the reading of the chart. Each of the 12 houses of the chart has its significance and each of the significance is closely linked to the 1st house i.e., birth. As per the kalapurusha, the 1st bhava is indicative of brain, which is known for intelligence, we can safely conclude that Brihaspati, who represents God, is seated on the head of man and the place is known as 'Brahmapeetha' or the seat of Brihaspati. It is Brihaspati who knows and sees all as it is he who has the supreme intelligence and this supreme intelligence is God. Hence Guru is known as the one representing God in the chart. Thus, his placement becomes vitally important to analyze the intelligence and knowledge, disposition and the general well being of the person. If the lord of the 1st bhava is either placed in or aspects or has anything to do with the 3rd, 5th and 6th houses, the native of the chart yearns for knowledge - he is always in quest for knowledge - and he is called a "Dheemantah". In other words, the native is said to possess "Dheemantah Yoga". While, the reverse is true only in the case where the lord of the 5th bhava is either placed or aspects the 1st bhava. Second House

dhanadhnyam kutumbmca mrtyujlamamitrakam dhturatndikam sarvam dhanasthnnnirkshayet ..3.. dhana- wealth; dhnyam- grains and cereals; kutumbm- family; ca- as well as; mrtyujlam-death trap; mitrakam- ; dhturatndikam- precious metals and gems; sarvamall dhanasthnn-places of wealth, such as bank or treasure box etc; nirkshayet- judge Wealth, food (grains and cereals); nature of food consumed (quantity and quality); Wealth; family (Kula); family deity (Kula Devata); stored wealth (Sanchita Dhana) which could be valued in terms of money at any point of time; granary; treasury; storage houses; godowns; teeth; lips; mouth; speech; eyes; gold and assets and all property; A good family is a sound requirement of a person. Being born in a particular family has a particular relevance. Each family follows and worships a certain deity as its family deity, which happens to be the guiding deity of the family. These are to be reckoned from the 2nd house. The 2nd house is a vital house of the chart. It actually sustains the lagna or ascendant. It is the house of Lord Vishnu, the preserver, the sustainer of life. It is he who takes care of the people and it is he who provides for food etc. Without food and the wealth to buy the food, life cannot be sustained. To achieve the objective of the birth of the atma, food is very essential to sustain the body in which the atma has taken refuge. So the 2nd would indicate the quantity and quality of food that is consumed by the person. When we say wealth, we are actually talking of the sustaining power - the power to buy us food and good things in life and in times of dire needs. So we are talking of 'sanchita dhana' meaning stored wealth. Any stored wealth which is liquidatable for purchase of food and essentials at the time of need. Such stored wealth includes, stored foodgrains and granaries, gold, precious metals and gems etc., or any such thing which is readily convertible into money. The 2nd house is also known as the maraka - death inflicting. Afflictions to the 2nd could lead to loss of wealth and shreeyam which leads to lack of food and everything that is needed for sustenance. Improper intake of food or lack of food sets in disease which signifies the death of the lagan or the person. Third House

vikramam bhrtyabhrtrdi copadeapraynakam pitrorvai maranam vijo ducikycca nirkshayet ..4.. vikramam- Courage and Valour; bhrtyabhrtrdi- brothers and sisters; copadeaca+upadesham- also advice; praynakam- journey; pitrorvai maranam- death of father; vijo - knowledge/ intelligence, ducikycca - ??, nirkshayet- judge The 3rd house indicates arms; strength of the arms (Parakrama bala); courage; brothers and sisters (Co-borns); short journeys (as a child walks with the help of his arms);

longevity; intelligence; creativity; aptitude for work and the type of work done (an evil graha in the third would indicate work in the armed forces/Police or connected to it based on the graha wherein Surya heads the placement in indicating the rank and honour and type of service rendered); Skills for work etc. The strength of the arms is called 'parakrambal'. The 3rd house indicates how an in what manner will a person use the strength of the arms. Whether it will be in the right direction and for the right purpose or not can be gauged from the rasi, rasi lord and the graha(s) in the 3rd bhava. The 3rd bhava, along with the 6th, 10th and 11th bhavas, is a 'Upachaya' (meaning growing) bhava. Since it is a upachaya, the activities of this house is totally controllable by the person. It is not beyond the control of man that he cannot change the fate or what is pre-destined. Thus, we can see that karma and all activities related to the karma are in the upachaya bhavas and are totally controllable by man. A person with a strong 3rd house may be good at sword fighting and would have very good parakrambal, but it is upto him to choose whether to fight at all or not. Thus his karma is in his hands. The 3rd house is also the 11th from the 5th house, which indicates the gains from knowledge. This implies in what manner will the person utilize the knowledge he possesses. Whether it would be put to gainful use or not can be deduced from here. 3rd House also indicates what would be predominantly held in the hand: Saturn - Bow and Arrow Surya - Gun, Sword Mangal - Spear, Trisul, Sul Guru - Tulsi mala or Jap mala Sukra - Flowers, paint brush (anything beautiful) Budh -Pen

Fourth House vhannyatha bandhmca mtrsaukhydiknyapi nidhi kshetram grham cpi caturtht paricintayet ..5.. The 4th bhava indicates mother, motherland, relatives, property, vehicles and other conveyances, peace of mind, prosperity of self, heart, formal education, general happiness, home and happiness. The 4th house, along with the 1st, 7th and 10th houses, is one of the four quadrants or angles and it happens to be one of the pillars of a person's chart. The first is the lagna or birth, while the 7th is the descendent of the lagna where the person comes down to the basics of desire. The 10th is the sky, where one climbs according to karma, while 4th is the nadir - 'patal' - where one finds himself after the fall from the sky (karma). Thus, the quadrants are very important houses of the horoscope. The 4th is a very vital house inasmuch as it deals with one's mother and general happiness of life. The child, in its initial years of life, is fully under the protective cover of the mother. It is mother who understands everything related to the child. It is she who provides her child

food, shelter, and succor to life. The child also looks for the mother whenever it feels hungry or insecure. When man falls from the heights of glory (the 10th - karmabhava) nobody except his mother who still wishes the very best for him and provides him the succor. The mother protects even unruly and sinful children. Such is the blind, unbiased and true love of mother for the child. Lord Krishna has therefore rightly called "Matrubhava Devta" meaning the mother - child relationship to be a relationship between the individual and God. Therefore, the 4th bhava, in the form of mother's love and relationship, establishes the love for God. It is the Lord who helps us at the weakest time like the mother who helps the child when it is most vulnerable. Sri Adi Shankara has, therefore, said that, mother's blessing was of vital importance for the attainment of moksha. He said: "Gatistvam gatistvam tvameka bhavani". It is the blessings of mother that actually provides one the speed (gati) in the direction and desire for setting out on the path for spiritualism. It is also because mother (also God) is the one who provides 'ashraya' - shelter - to the person that we see the acquisition of landed property and house(s) both in the native land and elsewhere, including foreign lands, from the 4th house. Placement of the lord of 4th in 8th would indicate acquisition of property in other places, while its placement in 12th would mean acquisition of property in foreign lands. It also indicates anything that is imbibed or received from the mother. The first language that we speak - our mother tongue is; the place where we are born - motherland; the love for our culture and motherland is also to be seen from the 4th house. Any inimical or papa graha in the 4th affects to that extent the symbolization of the 4th house. The 4th also rules the heart. After all, love - true love - is possible only if there is a heart (conscious mind) to do so. True is nothing but pursuit of the loved one with heart and soul. Any benevolence or arrogance of the person's heart, whether a person is good or bad at heart, is to be seen from the strength and placement of the 4th house, its lord and other grahas in it. Placement of Rahu could give a hard/stout heart. It could also indicate heart disease/afflictions to heart depending on its placement etc., while placement of a benefic like Venus could indicate passionate love and a very kind mother. Thus, afflictions to the heart, both physical and emotional, are to be seen from the 4th house. Thus, the 4th also becomes the house of happiness and grief. No afflictions or good placements could give a general sense of attainment of happiness and less emotional strains. This establishes a clear connection between the heart (4th) and the mind (1st). The general sense of happiness prevails only when the desires are fulfilled. The 4th house also deals with formal education. It indicates the extent and type of formal education that one would get in life. It indicates the school, college or institution, the length till which one will have formal education. While presence of Rahu in the 4th will also indicate general defiance in studies and disturbances to mother etc., it would also indicate an inclination and even good control over foreign languages - something which is uncommon to the native. All modes of conveyances, of course - with the sambandha of Venus who is the naisargika karaka for vehicles/conveyances, is to be studied and predicted from the 4th hosue. While presence or aspect of Venus on the 4th would mean attainment and enjoyment of material pleasures of all good things of life, presence of aspect of grahas like Rahu, Ketu, Sani would mean denial or destruction of the pleasures of the world resulting in lack of general happiness. Thus we may say that the results indicated by any graha in the 4th fructify fast, while that of those in the 1st or 7th will be felt only in the later part of life.

The general sense of happiness to an individual comes only when the acquisitions are selfmade. Though we know the need and importance of karma (10th) we still tend to run after the comforts for self. It is when we achieve these comforts in the world of maya that we feel satisfied. It is this proud sense of satisfaction on having achieved something material that gives happiness to everybody. Fifth House

yantramantrau tath vidym buddhecaiva prabandhakam putrarjypabhrmdn payet putrlayd budhah ..6.. yantramantrau- yantras and mantras; tath - and; vidym - learning/ knowledge; buddhecaiva - also intelligence; prabandhakam- composition; putra- progeny/ son; rjykingdom/ state; pabhrmdn- corruption/ falling down from place of honour; payet see; putrlayd - fifth house/ the place of son; budhah - observe The 5th house indicates knowledge, the knowledge of mantras and yantras (amulets etc., used in spiritualism), children (sons), planning, status or authority received from the government (or royalty) and other places, fall of position or status etc., - In general, the house of future. We are aware that the 1st, the 5th and the 9th form the Dharma Trikona. We are also aware of Brihaspati's influence on the 5th house as he is the karaka for children (to be seen from the 5th), for knowledge (dhi shakti and he is also the Guru - teacher) and a supreme benefic for the well being of the person during his life time. Therefore, Brihaspati's influence on the 5th is to be reckoned with great care and his is to be propitiated for general well being and gain of knowledge and good things in life; and more so when there is any affliction to the 5th, particularly that of Rahu. Children are the hope for the future of parents and also the generation. As parents gamble/speculate our future by way looking for assistance and achievements from our children in our later years. Therefore, the 5th not only becomes the house of future of the person but also the house to look for speculative abilities and name and fame to be gained in future. It is the 8th from the 10th (karma bhava) and the 10th from the 8th house (based on the 'Bhavatbhavam' principle). Hence the speculative abilities is to be seen from the 5th house as it becomes the karmabhava for the 8th house which is known for gambling activities (or unearned wealth). 5th is the house that sustains the 4th being 2nd from it. Thus, we may derive the general well being of the heart from the 5th. It provides life and succor to the heart by way of love. Love is the prime essence of well being. When deprived of it, it not only wrecks the heart emotionally, but also physically. By virtue of being in the 2nd from the 4th bhava (formal knowledge) and also because it is an activity related to Brihaspati the significator of dhi shakti without which one never accomplishes anything, the 5th house gains importance by way of both formal and informal education. Intelligence to comprehend anything and putting it to effective use is very important for a meaningful living. Since it is the Guru (teacher) who confers the knowledge of 'mantra', tantra and 'yantra' vidya, it becomes the most important house to look for the knowledge of the same and also the respect and obedience one would have towards the

preceptors (gurus and teachers). Thus, any affliction to the 5th would reflect the negatives of the house in terms of knowledge and intelligence of the person, as also the respect and obedience for guru/teacher. One of the negative aspects of an afflicted 5th house would also indicate the speculative action that one would perform in the case of gambling (as it is the 10th from the 8th house - Bhavat- bhavam principle). The 5th house also happens to be the 11th from the 7th (house of marriage). Hence the reckoning of gains from marriage is estimated from the 5th house. The placement of different planets in 5th are as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sun Indicates anger during child birth, struggle in the middle life, living in loneliness, love for father. Moon Love for mother, love for motherland Mars Love for co-born(s), knowledge of tactics of war, love or adept in arms, martial arts, sports and anything where aggression is required. Also indicates a good cook. Knowledge of surgery. It could also indicate ceasarian child birth (during such times Hanuman Pooja is suggested and 'Pitavastra' - yellow cloth is placed near the place of birth to pacify the effects of Kuja), but Jupiter's presence would stop ceasarian and will allow a normal birth. Mercury Very intelligent, love for knowledge and intelligence, love for children, accomplished in accounting and trade and commerce. Jupiter Love for son, fond of supreme knowledge including vedic knowledge, fond of teaching, learned in law and could be a judge, very divine. Venus Love for daughter, fond of worldly pleasures, love for conveyances, love for travel, love for beautiful things. Saturn Love for stale things, lethargic and lazy, fond of sleeping, procrastinating and slow moving. Rahu Brilliant planning, shadyantra (deceptive planning), lack of Respect for gurus (preceptors), love for all kinds of pleasures. Ketu Lack of planning, headless activity, denial of what is loved. The numeric numbers and the number of children represented by the grahas are as follows: Surya - 1 one child Chandra - 2 two children Brihaspati - 3 three children

Rahu - 4 four children Budh - 5 five children Shukra - 6 six children Ketu - 7 seven children Shani - 8 eight children Mangal - 9 nine children Sixth House

mtulntakaanknm atrmcaiva vrandikn sapatnmtaram cpi shashthabhvnnirkshayet ..7.. mtula- maternal uncle; antaka- end/ death; anknm- doubts and mistust; atrmenemies; caiva- and also; vrana- injuries/ ulcer/ tumor; adikn- etc.; sapatnmtaramstep-mother; cpi - and also; shashthabhvnnirkshayet - judge from sixth bhava. The 6th house indicates maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step mother, punishment etc. The 6th bhava, along with the 3rd, 10th and 11th is a 'Upachaya'. It is the house of service (work). 6th is also the house of punishment, depending on whether the work performed is good or bad, as per the principle - "Tanau Tanah Danda Hara" (6th and 11th (Tanau Tanah means 6th to 6th) are the houses of punishment and reward), wherein 'Danda' means punishment and 'Hara' means gaining victory. The Lord gains victory over the person by showing him the rewards. However, the amount of punishment and reward to be meted out to a person is purely the knowledge of God as it is only he who can determine it. The 6th is the 3rd from 4th, which is the house of mother. Hence maternal uncles are seen from the 6th house. 6th is the house of enemies. The strength and weakness of the enemy is to be seen from here. It is considered always good to have a weak or debilitated 6th lord as it indicates that the enemy is weak and could be won over. However, to defeat the enemy the person would require a strong 7th house. The 6th is also the house of service. This determines whether the person would be a 'karmayogi' or not. It also determines whether the person would render service or would run a business and in what manner and circumstances. To determine the karma of the 6th house it is important to study the 10th from it i.e., the 3rd house (Bhavatbhavam principle) which determines the karma of the service rendered by the person. "Shramdan" (rendering service in terms of physical labour in temples or places of worship and worship to "Shani" the lord for labour) will rectify afflictions to the 6th house. The 6th also happens to be the 2nd from the 5th house, which is the house of children. It, thus, sustains the life of the child. The food habits and type of food eaten by the child can be estimated from the 6th house. The 6th house indicates servants too. It also indicates whether the person himself will do his work or will get done from the servants. Even the faithfulness/morality of the servants could be determined from the 6th house.

Seventh House

jymadhvapraynam ca vnijyam nashtavkshanam maranam ca svadehasya jybhvnnirkshayet ..8.. jy- wife; madhvapraynam- follower of madhava; ca- also; vnijyam - business; nashtadestruction; vkaam- look at, see, inspect; maranam- death; ca- and; svadehasya- body of self; jybhvnnirkshayet - judge from the Jaya (7th) bhava. After the 1st house (Lagna/Ascendant), the 7th house or Saptam Bhava is the second most important house. One - because it is the exact opposite of the 1st (Ascendant), hence it should be the descendant of the native's Lagna, which indicates the Kama (desire) of the native; and two - it is a strong controller for the 4th (Sukhasthan) and 10th (Karmasthan) houses (being a pada to the two houses on the principle of Bhavat Bhavam). 7th is a very vital house of the chart in many aspects. It indicates the inner desires, carnal desires, objective of life, character, value systems of life etc. 7th, being the house that indicates the private parts, is also very important to determine the sex/gender of the native. Hence it is also known as the 'Kalatra' meaning that which indicates the sex and sexual instincts of the person. 7th is a very important house also because it provides the ability to bring forth new life in the form of progeny - it gives form to a new atma that develops as the child. The organs (private parts) are basically used for procreative activity. The general well being of a person could be determined on how good or bad the 7th house is and what effects it has on the 4th and 10th houses of the person. Thus, 7th is the 'naisargika' bhava of Lord Shiva who is the Lord for 'Kalyanam' meaning well being (Lord Brahma is for 'Ayu' meaning life/longevity while Maha Vishnu is for 'Dhanam' for sustenance). As the 7th deals with inner desires and procreation, it shows rebirth. It is also the 8th house (longevity/delay) for the 12th house (moksh/emancipation). It could be known from this bhava whether, when, where and why will an individual be reborn. In fact, there is a practice of preparing "Mrityu Kundlis" which is prepared at the time of death and the 7th bhava of this chart would indicate exactly the nature, why, when and where about the rebirth. A 'papa' graha in the 7th would indicate 'Punarjanma' (rebirth). [Upaya: Prayer to Lord Shiva will help in cleaning the dosha of papa graha.] How is the 7th related to the 4th (Sukhasthan) (the bhava for peace of mind, desires etc.)? 'Ichha' (desire/Kama) is the ultimate source of all problems. If one had no desires, except attaining God, there would not be scope for any sorrow. It is only the desire to achieve something, to latch on to something, an emotional attachment to something that causes the sorrow when it is either not attained or is lost. Now, desire for something is love or kama. The purity or impurity of desire determines the quantum of sorrow. Desire to attain God is, perhaps, the purest form of love/kama. Again, Kama can be for different purposes and with different grades/degrees of intensity. Desire for wife (cohabiting with one woman - as practised and example set by Lord Rama), children, home and their well being is a genuine and proper desire and to sustain them one needs money. Hence the need for a job/Karma and hence the sorrow when you fall short of resources for meeting those needs. Here comes

the relativity between the 7th, 4th and the 10th. But, if the same love were to turn into lust (carnal desire - an animal instinct for sex) then the desire is improper. The higher such improper and uncontrolled desires the more the sorrows that one experiences. 7th is also the house that indicates the overcoming of enemies or being vanquished by them. Now, when does a person have enemies? Only a person who has something which others do not, or, when somebody desires to attain something which others too are aiming, does one create and have enemies. However, if a person were simply desirous of attaining God, he is not going to have enemies. It is only materialistic things/worldly things, which attract enemies. A beggar is most likely not to have enemies, while a rich man is bound to have more enemies because what a beggar doesn't have a rich man has. Here comes the relation between the 6th and the 7th bhava. The 6th indicates enemies and the 7th indicates vanquishing enemies or being vanquished by them. A weak 6th Lord and a strong 7th bhava is sure to vanquish the enemies, while in the converse the native is defeated. 7th bhava of the naisargika bha chakra is 'Vanij sthana' meaning the house of trade and commerce. What is the aim behind the karma? If it is to earn money, then the second from the karma house (10th house) i.e., the 11th house and its trines come into focus. And of these, the 7th happens to be the 10th from the naisargika 10th bhava of the chart which indicates the karma to be performed and the actual desire for the performance of the karma (to earn money for sustenance). Thus, the 7th also becomes the house of business and being the naisargika house for 'Wife/Ardhangni' it also becomes the bhava for determining the compatibility with partners in business. Therefore, the 7th is truly reflective of the inner self of the person. It is reflective of the 'Ayana' of the person. An inappropriate lordship/placement/rasi of the 7th bhava indicates the extent to which a person bears a character, disposition in life, whether the person will be reborn or will attain moksha. Any affliction to the 7th would be detrimental to the development of the person as a good social being. Hence the 7th is a very vital bhava which holds the key to success or failure of life. Thus, to determine the strengths and results of native's chart, the 7th, 7th Lord and is Darapada (A7) placement become very significant and important. Mars in the 7th Indicates Kuja Dosha (this is due to the anger of Deva Rishi Narad - Upaya: Prayer to Hanumanji is the sole remedy). The placement of Mars in 7th indicates war or 'Yudh' in life (as may be seen from Lord Rama's life) which means a life full of struggles with frequent separation from wife. This could mean a separation, incompatible natures, angry nature/hot constitution of the wife/business partner, disharmony in marital life - which means a generally tense and strained personal life. However, the positive signs of have Mars in the 7th would mean that the person is very strong physically and also mentally as it aspects the 1st (Ascendant/Lagna), which is also because struggles actually strengthen the person mentally and physically. Venus in the 7th This would indicate love for all beautiful things, strong desire for sex (being the natural Kalatrakaraka i.e., the significator for sex), beautiful wife/partner, desire for material luxuries of life, a robust physique with sexual appeal, attractive body etc. Saturn in 7th

This would indicate the dirty side of sex and other likings, a delayed marriage, spouse/partner being older than self, this would also mean that the spouse could be older in thoughts, disposition, age etc., separation, disharmony. The desire for sex could even be a carnal desire (as it gains Digbala in the 7th) without any discretion for caste, creed and levels. Jupiter in 7th Jupiter, the Devaguru, is considered the best placement in the 7th. A Guru, and that too a Devaguru, could never do anything wrong. Hence he indicates the best for the overall well being of the person, particularly in a female's chart where he indicates absolute chastity. He should indicate the chaste desires of the person. Sun in the 7th Sun, king of all grahas, would mean that the spouse/partner is very dominating in nature, very regal/authoritative in disposition, angry/hot nature, reddish complexion, strong in physique and mental nature, a burning and never ending desire for sex and all things rich and royal. Moon in the 7th Moon, queen of all grahas, would thus indicate beauty, cool disposition, strong mind, charming, regal taste, splendorous mannerisms and dressing, urge for good and clean sex, white complexioned wife, good acumen to trade, gullible etc. Rahu in the 7th Being a demon, will indicate diabolical nature, carnal (sex)desires, ruthlessness in all aspects of life, dirty thoughts, filthy sex, involvement in prostitution, gambling and the likes. However, a controlled Rahu could also give the better things of life and material fulfilment. Propitiating Lord Shiva with water (Rudrabhishek) to control and calm the heated and passionate desires or have controlled sex is the best Upaya for Rahu, while - the mantra: "Hari Om Tat Sat" - Satyanarana Mantra is helpful to just cut off the effects of Rahu i.e., no desires at all). Ketu in the 7th Being the dismembered body of the demon Rahu, it would indicate a sickly spouse. Being the natural significator for Moksha, it would indicate that the partner/spouse will be a spiritual person. It could also indicate a nagging partner. An afflicted placement could mean sickness, unsteady mind, general destruction i.e., the infra-red passion of Ketu leads to selfdestruction as Lord Shiva destroyed Kamadeva. (The 7th house, is also the house of Kamadeva - hence the desires. Destruction of desires (i.e., Kamadeva) eventually leads to moksha). 7th Lord in the 6th bhava would mean the spouse turning an enemy where the faithfulness or fidelity is to be doubted. This could be redeemed only with a strong and benevolent Jupiter in the chart. 7th Lord in the 9th would mean that that bhagya (fortune) of the person will turn for the good after marriage. Since 7th indicates rebirth and the 12th bhava indicates Moksha/sleep, 7th is a naisargika enemy of the 12th (7th bhava is 8th from the 12th bhava) as, to attain the desires one has

to remain awake and be attached to the desire for its realization. Non-realization of the desire would eventually lead to rebirth for its fulfilment. The longevity of the first marriage (M1) is to be seen from the 2nd house to the 7th (i.e., the 8th bhava of the chart - the principle of 2nd being the maraka) as it is the sustaining house for the 7th. The 7th from the house of first marriage (M1) (i.e., 2nd bhava of the chart) would indicate the possibility of the second (M2) marriage and the longevity of this marriage is to be determined from the 2nd house to this bhava (M2) (i.e., the 3rd bhava of the chart). The 7th from M2 would indicate the 3rd marriage (M3) and the 2nd bhava from M3 would indicate its longevity. Subsequent marriages, usually till the 4th, are to be seen so on and so forth. Such a syndrome normally stops with the fourth marriage when the effect of Moon (in the form of mother or mother-in-law) comes in as a natural obstacle. However, these are to be reckoned by the Jyotish after careful observation of the customs and practices of different communities and persons. Normally, this phenomena of multiple marriages is most possible in people and communities where worship on Fridays is practised predominantly as they would imbibe more of Venusian effects. UPAPADA Upapada, also known as Gaunapada, is the 'Arudha' of the 12th bhava of the chart (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 1-2). (Gauna - means one who follows {Anuchara - that which follows - Sloka 2 of Chapter 30BPHS} - Accordingly, the 'Arudha' of the bhava that follows (12th) the Lagna is, thus, the Gaunapada or Upapada.) This pada determines the inner nature/attitude of the native towards the spouse. The 'Sambandha' or relationship of the lord of Upapada vis--vis the Lagna lord, by way of placement, will determine whether the native would marry at all or not. If the lord of Upapada goes to the 12th (the house for sacrifice/Tyaga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the delays, if any, and the reasons for such delay in marriage. Now, how do we see the 'sambandha' of the lord of Upapada with the lord of Lagna? The rasi/sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna is called 'Paka Lagna'. The Paka Lagna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. While the natal Lagna determines what is good or bad for the body, Paka Lagna signifies what a person likes or dislikes. Thus, a papa graha occupying the Lagna will not signify clearly the likes and dislikes of the person as the Paka Lagna would. Therefore, the relationship between a graha and the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna should be studied carefully to determine the likes and dislikes, whims and fancies etc., of a person. When the sambandha of a graha is not good with the lord of Lagna/Paka Lagna, the graha tends to reject its significations. This determines the fact that a certain placement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargik qualities, loses such qualities in terms of its relationship with the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna. This has to be studied carefully to determine whether the person would marry or not, what the person will like or dislike, what the person will adapt or renounce etc. For example, mere occupation of Lagna by Shani - a naisargika significator of alcohol and negative things - will not determine the persons liking for alcohol or negative aspects as his paka lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of benefics.

(Note: However, Brihaspati [Karaka for 'Jeeva' and Dhi Shakti which is the most important quality of man] is the naisargik karaka for Paka Lagna.) Since Upapada determines the nature/attitude of the person towards the spouse who is a lifelong partner, it is very important that the sign/rasi of the Upapada is auspicious. It is the auspiciousness of the rasi that determines the purity of nature of the native and how the person would treat the spouse. Any affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inauspicious, to that extent the native's attitude towards the spouse is affected. This would mean that the compatibility, fidelity, affection etc., which form the basics of good spousal relationship, either become questionable or it is totally absent depending on the inauspiciousness or affliction of the sign. Thus, the lord of Gaunapada becomes very important in determining the spouse (family etc.,), spousal attitude of the person, and happiness/sorrow from spouse. An exalted lord of Upapada will bring to the native a spouse from a noble family, while in the case of a debilitated lord of Upapada the reverse holds true meaning thereby that the spouse will be from a family below the status of the native. Following are the significations in the case of the lord of Upapada being conjoined with: 1. Surya - the spouse would be from a family enjoying political power, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun represents temples - a place where people of higher learning/caste live/work); 2. Moon - the spouse could be from a wealthy family, or a family with immense popularity. 3. Mars - the spouse could be from a family linked with the Martian qualities like Police, Military, Kshatriya families etc. 4. Mercury - the spouse could be from a family involved in dealing with writing/books, or in accounting professions, or in trade. 5. Jupiter - the spouse would be from a brahmin family, or from a learned family, or from a judicial family. 6. Venus - the spouse could be from a family with a poetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (like dairying), dealing in clothes or cosmetics, or anything that is linked with beauty. 7. Saturn - the spouse would be from a lower family, or lower caste, or from a family engaged in menial jobs such as factory workers etc. 8. Rahu - the spouse would be from a family involved in gambling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land. 9. Ketu - the spouse could belong to an ascetic family, or a family that is detached from normal stream of society. As we know the principle that it is always the 2nd bhava that sustains the previous bhava, determining the effects of the 2nd bhava from Upapada becomes important in determining the sustenance of the marriage. Any afflictions or inauspiciousness of the 2nd bhava from the Upapada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and

when it breaks what will be the reasons that determine such a break. From this we get an important principle:- The nature of sign in the 2nd bhava from Upapada is important in determining the real cause of break in marriage (which could be in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal separation, separation due to other ordinary or extraordinary circumstances etc.,). The following graha placements/rasi in the 2nd bhava from Upapada indicate the broad causes for break in marriage: 1. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a benefic, or it is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic, then the native enjoys good results (from wife) - [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 2. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a papa graha, and/or it is occupied or aspected by or conjunct with a graha in debilitation (either in rasi/navamsa), then the destruction of wife/marital happiness is bound to happen. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 3. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate an exalted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive aspect by any such graha, then the person should have many wives. The same is also applicable in the case of Mithun (quality of copulation and many companions) being the 2nd from Upapada. Even Taurus (owned by Shukra) is known to give plurality of marriage. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 4. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownership), then the death of wife will be at an advanced age. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 5. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the 7th lord or Sukra) is in own house, the loss of wife will be only at an advanced stage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 13 to 15). 6. If the lord of 2nd from Upapada is 2nd from the Lagna (natal ascendant) and is with a papa graha, then the marriage could break due to the native's thieving habits. 7. Shani and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada - loss of wife through death and calumny (slander). (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 16). If the said 2nd happens to be Shani's own house (Makar or Kumbh) the wife will have disease in legs; and, if Rahu too joins Shani's own house in 2nd, the wife is sure to be lame. Shani, Rahu and Surya in the said 2nd will cause distress to bones (Surya rules bones). 8. Mercury in 2nd from Upapada will cause verbal warfare (Budh rules speech) with wife. Even excess speech (unwanted speech) can damage the marriage. The marriage could break due to extra-marital relationships, as Budh rules Mithun and Mithun signifies such relationships. Budh also signifies dealing with books and writing. Indulgence in books and writing could lead to a break in marriage. Budh and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada causes breakage of bones. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 18). Budh and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada will give a stout body to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). If Mangal and Shani occupy such a 2nd house that happens to be owned by Budh, the wife then suffers from nasal disorders. (Slokas 19-22). Budh and Mangal in the 2nd from Upapada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). However, Budh in 2nd from Upapada in wife's horoscope will indicate a strong Rajyog for the husband. This too could be a cause of break in marriage.)

9. Shukra in 2nd from Upapada could signify break in marriage due to libidinous activities. Rishabh being such a 2nd house indicates many wives or plurality of marriage, which could also be a cause for break in marriage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7-12). Shukra and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada will cause disorder of blood, leucorrhoea. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Sloka 17). 10. Moon in 2nd from Upapada would signify break in marriage (or death) due to problems in the lymphatic fluids that would damage the physical health of the wife. As Moon rules mind, it could also indicate emotional problems leading to break in marriage. If Shani afflicts such placement of the Moon, it is sure to cause severe depressions for the wife. 11. Surya in 2nd from Upapada would cause death/separation due to high fevers, bone disorders. 12. Brihaspati in the 2nd from Upapada would cause break due to child birth/childlessness, lack of intelligence, excess weight etc. Jupiter and Rahu in such a 2nd house will cause dental problems; while Guru and Shani in such a 2nd house will cause trouble in eyes/ears of the wife. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 19-22). 13. If Mangal happens to be in 2nd from Upapada, it could cause separation from wife through sudden accidents in combination with Kethu for certain; blood disorders; death in fights; death due to arms and ammunitions; separation due to fiery temperament; anger and inflexibility and ego; and other Martian qualities. However, all these are to be studied from the natal ascendant, Lagna Pada (Arudha of Lagna), the 7th from Upapada and the lords thereof. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 22 & 23.5). (Upaya for delayed marriage: Fasting on the days of the lord - can consume only milk and some fruits.) However, to clear the general afflictions to the 7th bhava and also the kidney, prayer to Lord Shiva is the key. Chanting the Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra 11 times with milk held in the hand and consuming that milk immediately thereafter helps in removing all poison (toxicity) from the body. This not only purifies the mind (thought) but also cleanses the kidney, which is signified by the 7th bhava. [Maharshi Attri is believed to cleansed the body of Lord Shiva off all the poison that he consumed during Sagar Manthana by placing Moon on his (Shiva's) head. Hence milk (signified by Moon) is believed to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled by Shiva) with the chanting of Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra]. Eighth House

yu ranam ripum cpi durgam mrtadhanam tath gatyanukdikam sarvam payedrandhrdvicakshanah ..9.. yu- age/ longevity; ranam - battles and wars; ripum - weaknesses; cpi - and also; durgam - difficult situation; mrtadhanam - wealth of the dead/ legacy/ inheritence; tath and gatyanukdikam - things that have happenes; sarvam -everything; payed- see; randhrt- randhra bhava/ 8th house; vicakshanah- observe from/ experience from, being conscious of

The length of one's life is to be seen from the 8th house. A strong 8th house, lord of the 8th and lord of the lagna who is also well placed determine the life of the person. There are four types of aayus - (1) Dirgaayu (long life - beyond 75 years); (2) Madhyaayu (middle life - 32 to 75 years); and (3) Alpaayu (short life - 20 to 32 years); while the fourth type is known as Balarishta (child death - 0 to 19 years). In normal parlance, a longlife or dirgaayu is considered good as it generally indicates the satisfaction of having lived the life as one gets enough time to accomplish the desires. The strengths of the 8th house and its lord, lagna and its lord and their placements; as also the 10th house and 10th lord (as it is the 3rd house from the 8th) are to be considered properly before pronouncing the longevity of the person. Since the 8th is indicative of the longevity, it is also intimately connected with the battlefield and enemies. A stronger enemy is bound to kill in the battle while a weaker enemy is likely to be won over. A proper study of the 8th house and the Rudramsa can indicate the timing of war, the length of war and its victory or defeat. Since 8th is also an indicator of forts and fortresses, one will come to learn their strengths and weaknesses, rise and fall of the forts (kingdoms and kings). We know that the lord of 8th is also called rogesh (lord of long-term disease). A proper and detailed study of the 8th could indicate the type of disease that one would die of and the length of time that one will suffer during the inimical period of the 8th house and its lord. The placement of the lord of 8th will also indicate the place where exactly in the physical body would one get affected by disease, the type and duration of such disease and its cure or otherwise. All this would depend on the placement of grahas in the 8th, placement and strength of lord of 8th and lord of lagna. It would be very interesting to note the relation between the 7th and 8th house in terms of longevity. While the 8th indicates longevity, the 7th (being the 12th to 8th) indicates loss to the longevity. A strong 7th indicating strong/over indulgence in sex causes loss of longevity. Loss of semen, which is vitality, cuts short the length of life. Thus the 7th, which is opposite to celibacy, affects very much the longevity of life. A strong Venusian activity is thus an enemy of the longevity. 8th is also the house of Mrutadhanam, meaning, the accruals in the form of legacies and insurance. It is also known as the house of unearned wealth, which also includes gambling. While the activity of gambling itself is seen from the 8th house, the karma (the act of speculation) for gambling is seen from the 5th house (it is the 10th from the 8th - Bhatbhavam principle). Thus, the 8th, along with the 6th and 12th houses is called the 'dushtstana' meaning the malefic houses because of their ability to either create or make enemies and provide detachment and loss. The Moon in 8th is particularly undesirable as it is called "Ashtama Chandra Marana Karaka" meaning the Moon in the 8th wields death-inflicting powers to the sign/house it owns. Rulers are known to be killed, wars are known to be lost, persons are known to lose their lives when the Moon is placed in the 8th. Ninth House

bhgyam ylam ca dharmam ca bhrtrpatnydikmstath trthaytrdikam sarvam dharmasthnnnirkshayet ..10.. bhgyam- fortune; ylam ca- and; dharmam - path of righteousness, duties and obligations; ca- also; bhrtrpatnydikmstath - also the wife of the brother; trthaytrdikam - pilgrimages etc.; sarvam - everything; dharmasthnnnirkshayet - judge from the dharma sthana (9th house) The 9th bhava signifies father, dharma, guru, past karma, bhagya, long journeys, thighs, sister-in-law (brother's wife), journeys to holy places etc. Why is the 9th house the significator of father and dharma? From the principle of trines, we know that Lord Brahma resides in the 1st bhava, while Lord Shiva resides in the 5th and Lord Vishnu in the 9th bhava. While the 1st bhava signifies 'ayu' (birth) and the 5th signifies prosperity, the 9th indicates 'dharma' since Lord Vishnu resides in it. It is he who fixes the dharma of the person and gives according to what he deserves. The 9th house of the naisargik rasi chakra is Dhanur (Sagittarius) which is a fiery sign and its lord is Devaguru Brihaspati (Jupiter). The fiery nature of Dhanur is because of its agni tatwa, which means energy in the form of light. This agni is called the 'Brihat Agni' or the light of enlightenment and it acts on the dhi shakti (head) without with one will never be able to attain enlightenment/knowledge. This energy is represented by Brihaspati as we know that he is the significator of dhi shakti. It is because of the reason that Lord Vishnu's will in determining the creation of the person, his dharma, his bhagya etc., is seen from this house of Brihaspati, that Jupiter is seen as representing God (Bhagavate/Bhagam) in the horoscope. Brihaspati is said to represent God in the horoscope because he possesses all the qualities like shantam (peace), shubhalakshanam (good looks/disposition), daya (mercy) etc., that God possesses. But how is Brihaspati connected with the birth of the individual? Jupiter represents God and he is the sustainer of life (jeeva) while Surya is the giver of life. Therefore, there should be some graha representing and acting as God to create life. It is Surya, in the form of father who acts as God to create life. God fixes our birth on the basis of our past karma but he cannot take birth on earth to create every individual being. The job of creation is thus the responsibility of the father when he, at that moment of creation, acts as God. The representation of God in physical form by the father is the reason why the 9th house is associated with father. How is father responsible for birth? The atma that is to take birth resides in the body of the father in a place called "Mooladharachakra". The Mooladharachakra is actually the end of the spinal chord in our body. In the fetal stage, the baby in the womb of the mother develops with a tail, which is actually the extension of the spinal chord, which gradually recedes, with the growth of the fetus. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna has explained how the atma comes to reside in this chakra of the father. It is in the form of rain that the atma comes down on the earth and through the soil, it enters the trees and gets into the fruits through the sap of the tree.

The atma, then finds its way to the father when such a fruit which bears the atma to be born is consumed by him. Through the blood stream it reaches the mooladharachakra where it resides till such time fixed by God for its birth. The deity of Mooladharachakra is Lord Maha Ganapthi as he is the deity of Ketu. We know that Ketu rules the tail. It is the initial tail that gradually recedes to become the end of the spine and is known as Mooladharachakra. Thus, Ketu becomes the important graha to be studied to see the procreative aspects of the father. Therefore, Ketu is known to expand the family in terms of numbers and is also symbolically represented by a yellow square, which is the symbol of Ketu (procreation). Since Surya is the giver of life and is the naisargik atmakarak (who also represents father), it is exalted in Aries in the Ashwin nakshatra, which is a nakshatra of Ketu. Thus, we see the connection of how and why Sun is exalted in Aries. Thus, we come to see the relationship between father and God. Therefore, the physical presence/form of father is seen from the 9th house. Besides, the other important of role of father in a person's life is to teach the child the ideals/principles of life. The first ideology/principle, otherwise known as dharma, is learnt from the house i.e., from the father. Then comes the role of the teacher - Guru. A good guru teaches good things to the child. Good knowledge is very important for the proper upbringing of the child. It is good knowledge and good principles imbibed by the child both in the family and from the Guru, that stand good in the life of a person. It keeps him principled in life. And good principles inculcate good and strong discipline. Therefore, the 9th house becomes a very important chart in the life of a person. Any deviation from/desertion of dharma leads to the destruction of the self finally. When dharma (principle) is affected, the 11th house (labhasthana) therefrom, which is the 7th house indicating wife, is first affected. Subsequently leading to affect the 5th (the house of children - because the wife's principles (7th) is affected) and the 3rd is affected as the prakrambal of the native is used to shield the family (wife and children). And when the 3rd is affected, the Lagna too is affected because it is the individual who is adding on to his sins (paapa). Now, when is the dharma affected? It gets affected in a bid to earn more (labha 11th house). Bad principles adopted to increase the income in labhasthan (11th) no doubt increases the income, but it also increases the sins to that extent affecting the 9th house, which sets of a chain reaction to the other houses (11th therefrom). This is derived from the "Mandooka Dasha" (Mandooka dasha means frog jumps on every third house. This is seen in the Rudramsa chart and is seen for devining wars, victories, defeats etc.). Thus, the 9th bhava is also for discipline. It indicates 'Japa' which disciplines the person's life. Strong 9th house will indicate a strong sense of discipline and, hence, strong principles. This will reflect the extent to which the person will observe discipline in life and obedience towards his father and Guru. (A strong 9th and the Sun placed in 4th or 8th from Lagna indicates the person to be very obedient to father.) The 9th house also reflects the past karma of the person. It is the good deeds in one's life that determine the quality of life one would lead in the next birth. The physical body of a person perishes with time, but the atma carries with it the karma accumulated by the person. It is according to this karma that one gets the share (Bhagya - derived from bhaga or bhagam, meaning the share from father/God) of the material things in the world. Hence, the 9th house is also called the house of 'Bhagya' - meaning, what one would enjoy as his/her share of things in the world as decided by God. Since the 9th signifies the thighs of the person, it also indicates long distance journeys. While studying long distance journeys, it is very important to study the "Jalapatha saham"

(Jala - meaning water; patham - meaning crossing; and saham - meaning point) to reckon whether the person will cross large bodies of water (oceans etc.,) and also "Paradesa saham" (Paradesa - meaning foreign; and saham - meaning point) to reckon whether the person will have residence in foreign land. However, the sambandha of Shukra is also to be reckoned as he is the significator of vehicles (means of conveyance), while Ketu, the mokshakaraka, will indicate astral travels (travel of the atma by detachment from the physical self - which is normally attained only by Sadhus after strong tapasya. Ketu helps attain this by way of detaching the mind from the physical self.). 9th bhava being the house of the Lord, it also indicates temples and other places of worship (strong influence of Surya on 9th will indicate construction of temples, while affliction from Rahu will indicate destruction/desecration of religious places). 9th bhava also indicates the wife of the younger brother and also the wife's younger sister. Another aspect that could be seen from the 9th house is 'renunciation' and its timing is to be derived from its 'Drig Dasha' (Drig - is the power to see). The spiritual guru of the person is to be seen from the 'Vimsamsa' (D-20) chart of the person. It is the spiritual guru who can help and guide the person during trying times and put him/her on the right path. Thus, we may see that the 9th house is a very important house of the horoscope of a person. It reflects the principles and ideals of the person and to what extent will he/she follow it in life. Thus, a good and strong 9th house would mean a strongly principled life and opposite would hold true in case of afflictions of the 9th. Connection between the lords of the 9th and 10th bhavas will indicate "Dharmakarmadipati Yoga" which will mean that the person will use the principles (whatever acquired from family and from guru) in performing karma (job). Hence, it may safely be assumed that prescribing a stone/gem of the 9th lord would be immensely beneficial to the person at all times with the exception being the case where the 9th lord is also the lord of the 6th house (the house of enemies). Also, Jupiter being the lord of the 9th of the natural zodiac, chanting the mantra "Om Gurave Namaha" will strengthen the 9th house, while chanting the mantra "Om Sat Gurave Namaha" will pacify him/her and also strengthen the person spiritually.

Tenth House rjyam ckamvrttim ca mnam caiva pitustath pravsasya rnasypi vyomasthnnnirkshanam ..11.. rjyam - royalty/ kingshjip/ authority; ca- and; kamvrttim - ambition; ca- and; mnam reputation/ fame; caiva- and also; pituh- father; tath - and; pravsasya - living in foreign land, immigration; rnasypi - also debts; vyomasthnt- the house of sky/ ether/ akasha; nirkshanam- judge from

Royalty/authority (Rajyam); place and profession/livelihood/honour; gains from father; living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from the 10th house so says the standard text (BPHS). The 10th house is the most important quadrant/kendra of a chart. It is one of the principle pillars of the life of the person as it depicts the karma/action of the individual. This shows the karmic direction in ones life. It is to be seen along with the 9th house which shows the dharma of the person. Any connection between the 9th and 10th house will show the interlink between the dharmik (religious) and karmic (action) levels of the native. The 10th house of the natural zodiac is Capricorn (Makar) owned by Saturn (Sani). Our Maharishis were such great seers that what astronomical science is proving today regarding the gradual drift or precession of the solar system towards the constellation Capricorn, was realized and noted by them many thousands of years ago. The four quadrants/kendras (Aries (Mesh); Cancer (Kark); Libra (Thula) and Capricorn (Makar)) of the natural zodiac represent the four yuga as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Aries (Mesh) - 1st house - Satyug Cancer (Kark) - 4th house - Tretayug Libra (Thula) - 7th house - Dwaparyug Capricorn (Makar) - 10 thouse - Kaliyug

ABHIJIT NAKSHTRA 10TH HOUSE AND THE RELEVANCE IN KALIYUG Vedic (Hindu) astrology is based on the lunar movement and is, therefore, centred around the movement of Moon (representing Krishna Vishnu avatar). The horoscope is, therefore, based on the principle movement of Moon. The fixation of Moon decides the fixation of other planets in the chart. Moon takes 27 and 1/3rd days to traverse the zodiac from zero degrees Cancer (Kark) and return to zero degrees Cancer. This would mean that there should be 27 asterisms/Nakshatras. However, we have 27 visible asterisms/Nakshatras from Ashwini to Rohini and the 1/3rd invisible nakshatra. The 1/3rd part of the invisible nakshatra was referred to Hari (Maha Vishnu) and this was found to be approximately 10 degrees (all other stars rule 13degrees and 20 minutes of a sign/constellation). As Capricorn (Makar) is the constellation that is the abode of Maha Vishnu in kaliyug, this invisible (inter-Calary) nakshatra named ABHIJIT NAKSHTRA was fixed in the Makar rasi. This is the rasi and star towards which the entire solar system is known to be heading and this movement of the solar system is known is precession. This is the nakshatra used to adjust the motion of Moon. This nakshatra is most powerful during the noon (12 noon) when Maha Vishnu is known to be on the move to ensure dharma and all good works can safely be undertaken during this period. Since this is in Capricorn the 10th house of the natural zodiac, the significance/importance of the 10th house in every individuals chart becomes very important and central to a persons quality of life and action. A strong 10th house determines whether a person will become a karmayogi or not. Karma is action/labour and perform karma one expends energy. Therefore, the first significator of the 10th house becomes Saturn (Sani) as he uses up a great deal of energy to do a work. Besides, Saturn is the planet who keeps the account of all bad karmas of a person and punishes a person according to the deeds of the person. Thus, Saturn is also known as a Karmic planet. Besides the individual karma, Saturn also keeps an account of the Pitri

Rina (debts of father and forefathers). Therefore, the first action of a person born on this earth should be to wipe away the pitri rina. Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita that blessed are those who die without any debts pitri rina in particular. To wipe away all accumulated debts and to perform work one needs energy and this energy comes from the planet Mars (Mangal). Mars, thus, becomes the 2nd important planet so far as the 10th house is concerned. As a matter of fact, this one of the prime reasons why Mars exalts and also attains digbal in the 10th house. Mars is represented by Lord Hanuman who is a symbol of supreme strength and energy. Regular prayers to Lord Hanuman will thus remove all Martian afflictions and help perform right karma. Where does all the energy of Mars come from? Sun (Surya) (Narayan) is the only source from where Mars draws the strength/energy. Sun is therefore another chief planet for the activities of the 10th house. Sun also gains digbal along with Mars in the 10th house. It is, therefore, very important that all karma/activity is performed during the day when there is natural sun light. Performance of any karma/activity either good or bad requires intelligence (Dhi shakti). Thus, Jupiter, the chief significator of Dhi Shakti becomes the 3rd important planet for the 10th house. Regular chanting of Brihaspati Gayatri helps strengthen Jupiter, which eventually strengthens the intelligence of the person and also helps the person perform only right and good karma. One of the most important aspects of doing any karma/action, is the basic desire to do so. This desire for doing a karma comes from the planet Mercury (Budh). Therefore, Mercury becomes a very important planet for the 10th house. A weak and afflicted Mercury could ruin the life of a person due to lack of desire to perform any karma/activity. The positive sides apart, the following are the negative sides of the above planets in the 10th house when they are either too strong or weak/afflicted: 1. Sun = short term goals over shadow the long term/actual goals of the person. Therefore, the ayana (direction) of the person is lost. 2. Saturn = there is too much of hard work with minimum of returns or very little achievement. 3. Mars = there is very high energy level and there is too much drive/passion in anything/work undertaken by the person. 4. Jupiter = there is simply too much knowledge and, therefore, lack of focus because of the broad base of knowledge. This aspect can, however, be controlled by strengthening Saturn (the lord of Jupiters debility) the primary level of control. The secondary level of control is by strengthening Moon (the lord of Jupiters exaltation). Saturn Jupiter conjunction causes Brahma Yoga. The different aspects of karma/activity are: (a) Creation (b) Preservation; and (c) Destruction

The planet occupying the 10th house signifies the karma/activity that would be performed by the individual. Sun in the 10th will signifies the creation. It represents a king or top positions in the government. It is bhagwan Ram who decides who will be the king. Thus, Sun in the 10th will give Rajyoga while its affliction will give the opposite Pravrajya yoga, meaning renunciation. Sun aspected by Saturn will cause delay or loss of the Rajyoga. Moon in the 10th signifies preservation. The sustenance of the Rajyog depends on the will of Krishna (Moon). A weak or afflicted Moon will render an oscillating Rajyog. To sustain such a weak or oscillating rajyog, it is important to strengthen Mars (the lord of Moons debility) at the primary level, and Venus (the lord of Moons exaltation) at the secondary level. The eleventh house is the house of gains and is known as Labha Bhava. The gains though mainly seen in terms of monetary gains, in general this house signify the gain of all objectives and desires. It is interesting to note that the third house is the house of desires and counted in the anti-zodiacal direction, the 3rd house shows the fulfilment of desires. This the why Maharishi Jaimini says that this is the house of Hara or destruction of desires. This is the last of the four upachayas (3/6/10/11) and being a upachaya, planets placed here cause growth of the lagna or the self. Almost all planets give auspisicious results while placed in this house as they shall help in gaining different objectives of the life. However, it must be remembered that all planets have their own way to fulfil their goals; malefics would do this in their own malefic way and benefics would do this in a benefic way. Primarily the planets placed in this house, shows gain in the life of the native, related to the significations of the planets so placed. So unless, planets are badly placed (debilitated, in inimical sign) or afflicted (placed with/ aspected by malefics), good results can be pronounced, without much afterthought. From the Argala perspective, the planets placed in this house shall have dhanargala on the 10th house of karmaphala; sukhargala on the 8th house of aayu and labhargala on the Lagna bhava. Thus the planets in this house can actively influence the significance on the 10th, 8th and the Lagna. THE SUN Favourable Glorious; Long life; Wise; Attain high status; Powerful; Wealthy/ Endowed with luxuries and good vehicles; Committed to his words; Successful in ventures; Visionary; Income from government (grace of ruler); THE MOON Favourable Long life; Blessed with children; Highly learned/ Great thinker; Helpful nature; Virtuous; Wealthy without much effort; Famous; Good friends and attendants; Glorious; Valourous; Honourable; Favourable for daughters; Expertise in trade related activities Unfavourable Unsuccessful in efforts MARS Favourable:

Prosperous; Valorous; Conquer enemies; Involved in manifold activities; King (association with 11th lord); Association with influencial people; Prosperity of elder siblings; Wealthy; Happy; Virtuous; Blessed with children; Miser; Gain wealth from both good and bad ways Unfavourable: Trouble to Children; Destruction of wealth MERCURY Favourable long-lived; Learned/ Intelligent; True to his words; Wealthy/ Financial gains; Happy; Possess obedient servants; Fond of luxury; Famous; Expertise in Trade and Commerce; Good in writing and handicrafts Unfavourable Suffer loss of wealth on account of sinful deeds JUPITER Favourable Long lived; Learned; Enormous gains/Prosperous (more so if Moon is conjoined)/ Wealthy/ Gain wealth due to patronage of the ruler/ govt.; Widespread reputation; Good luck/ Fortunate; Fearless; Few children; Many conveyances; Endowed with servants; Noble; Charitable; Possess articles of gold & silver; Inclined towards earning from righteous means only Unfavourable Not much education (eighth from fourth house) VENUS Favourable Handsome; Learned; Extremely wealthy & high financial gains; Owner of landed property; Kind hearted; Enjoy conveyances; Lover of truth; Virtuous; Fortunate; Earning through rightful means; Prosperity; Passionate (fond of company of women); Enjoy all comforts of life; Well-behaved; Famous Unfavourable Extremely passionate; Gain of wealth though questionable means; With 6th/8th/12th lord and weak- no financial gains; Wanderer SATURN Favourable Long-lived; Healthy; Extremely wealthy (however face obstacles in earning them)/ Endowed with comforts of all kinds; Stable minded; Endowed with landed property; Grace of ruler / govt.; Maha-bhagya yoga/ extremely fortunate (own house/ exaltation); Courageous Unfavourable Loss of wealth in trade etc.; Trouble to elder brother INTRODUCTION Tenth house is the Karma bhava or the house of action. This holds the key to the status, positions, reputation, fame and everything that we get as result of our action in this world. Since all planets govern one or other area of action, all of them give good results in this house, unless afflicted.

This is the third upachayas after the third and the sixth house and hence the planets in this house indicate growth of the Lagna or the self. However, the growth is given by the planets in their own way based on the natural characteristics of the planets. Planets in tenth house have dhanargala on the ninth house, sukhargala on the seventh house and labhargala on the twelfth house. Thus the significations of these three houses Seventh, Ninth and the twelfth are significantly influenced by the planets placed in the tenth house. THE SUN Favourable Happy; Powerful; Blessed with children; Conveyance; Bestowed with all comforts; Success in profession and all endeavours; Noble; Attain high position and status; Famous at far and wide; Grace of the king; Successful in political objectives (more applicable in dasamsa) Unfavourable Mentally worried; Trouble to mother THE MOON Favourable High academic attainments; Brilliant; Pious; Famous; Kind hearted; Virtuous; Successful in all endeavors; Valorous; Charitable; Wealthy; Successful in his efforts; Gain wealth due to grace of the ruler Unfavourable Illicit relationship with a widow; Obstacles; Indulge in sinful deeds; Loss of reputation MARS Favourable Strong body; Admired by people; Respected; Famous; Brothers will be long-lived (If the lord of the tenth is strong the); Fortunate; Prosperous; Interest in meditation; Devoted to his preceptor; Successful in his undertaking; Financially Well-off; King or Heir apparent (association with 9th/ 10th lord); Good conveyances (association with Jupiter); Association with ruler class; Posses land; Happy; Powerful; Charitable; Valorous (like a lion); Unconquerable; Efficient in his work; Rise high in life (even from a humble origin); Blessed with children; Glorious; Brilliant intellect. Unfavourable Obstructions in the professional career and other activities; Mentality of a thief; Indulge in sinful deeds; Cruel. MERCURY Favourable Engaged in virtuous deeds/ auspicious ceremonies; Patient; Wide spread reputation; Intelligent; Great thinker/ wise/ knowledgeable; Engaged in meritorious deeds; Perform religious rites; Honoured by the state; Acquire wealthy through many sources; Blessed with children; Wealthy and kind-hearted; Successful in his efforts; Loved by people; Inherit paternal property; If highly fortified, then the native would be good orator; well versed in trade and commerce and attain high position. Unfavourable (only if afflicted) Eye troubles; Stupid; Indulge in sinful deeds; Bad conduct

JUPITER Favourable Perform righteous deeds; Spiritually inclined; Able; Widespread reputation; Respected by masses; Study Srimat Bhaagavat Gita; Wealthy; Grace of ruler/ Govt.; Good conduct; Successful in all efforts; Comforts of conveyances; Headship/ Hold administrative position; Happiness from children, father; Loves discipline and order; Wise; Charitable; Honourable Unfavourable Evil deeds (10th lord afflicted); Financial distress; Unhappiness with regards to children (placed in 6th from the karaka Bhava) VENUS Favourable Glorious; Wealthy; Intelligent; Virtuous; Happiness from friends; Respected; Attain high status and position; Famous; Engaged in religious work; Interested in works related to cosmetics or beauty products or building homes; gain in the company of women Unfavourable Difficulties and obstacles in undertaking SATURN Favourable Successful in undertaking (benefic influences); Happy; Powerful; King/ head of a village; Minister/ Judge; Wealthy; Famous; Courageous; Interested in Agriculture Unfavourable Obstacles in career; Miserly; Bilious constitution; Afflicted- indulge in sinful deeds; Troubles to father Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 9:18 AM 4 comments Analysis of Bhava XIII- Planets in the Ninth House INTRODUCTION Ninth house is primarily known as the Dharma bhava or the house of righteousness. This house is very important for righteous actions of a native. If benefics are placed in this house, then the person is righteous, virtuous, engaged in charitable activities and fortunate. Malefics, excluding Sun in the ninth house can make the native irreligious and involved in sinful activities. Saturn in the ninth can cause of fall of dharma and such natives are usually attracted by different dharmas compared to their own. It is also the house of father and hence presence of any malefics can harm the health of the father; more so if the malefic is weakly placed and afflicted. However, for proper analysis to the fathers health the strength of the ninth lord and the karaka is also seen. This is also the secondary house of worship being the fifth from the fifth house and the planets placed here shall also make give inclination towards worship of different deities signified by the planets. From the argala perspective, planets in the ninth house has dhanargala on the eighth house; Sukhargala on the sixth house and the labhargala on the eleventh house. Hence the Links to this post

significations of these three houses sixth; eighth and eleventh are significantly affected by the planets in the ninth house. THE SUN Favourable Religeous; Philantropic; Respected for his virtuous deeds; Respect Brahmins & scholars; Wealthy; Endowed with children; Endowed with all happiness and Fortunate. Unfavourable Proud; Stray from the path of righteousness; Trouble to father; Inimical toward mother & brother. THE MOON Favourable Highly learned; Charitable; Constructs cattle sheds, ponds for public utilities; Prosperous children; Long life to father; Wealthy; Endowed with friends & Relations; Engaged in meritorious deeds; Religious; Devoted to elders and parents; Intelligent; Happy; Passionate- Attract members of opposite sex; Fortunate from his young age; Courageous and Respected by learned. Unfavourable Weak constitution; Sickly MARS Favourable King's favourite; Wealthy; Fortunate; Glorious; Philanthropic/ generous; Worshipper of Ganesh / Hanuman Unfavourable Early loss of father; Unfortunate (no prosperity); Illicit relationship with the wife of his preceptor; Cause sorrow and pain to others; Mean; Violent; Irreligious; Commit sinful actions; Cruel; Unsuccessful in his efforts; Devoid of happiness from brothers; Hated by people MERCURY Favourable Interested in spiritual disciplines; Religious minded; Charitable/ philanthropic; Endowed with many children; Intelligent; Wise; Extremely learned; Virtuous, humble & amicable; Learned in Vedas and Shastras; Fond of music; Patient; Full of glory; Fortunate; Long-lived father; Well cultured; Interested in meditation; Endowed with wealth and happiness; Of good conduct; Orator; Proficient in his work; Perform religious rites; Bring reputation to his family; Destroy those who indulge in sinful deeds; Worshipper of Vishnu. If associated with Jupiter engaged in the religious studies and if associated with Venus, engaged in various art forms. JUPITER Favourable Religious & Charitable; Interested in meditation; Pious; Wealthy; Long lived father; Righteous; Respected; Honourable; Protect others; Devout; Philosophical; Blessed with children; Minister/ Advisor/ Judge; Knowledgeable in shastras; Worship family gods; Learned; Handsome; Endowed with leadership qualities; Own palatial mansion; Devotee of Brahmins; Loved by near and dear; Endowed with many children; Famous; Truthful; Like justice; Travel to foreign land; Conservative/ traditional; Strict on the principles; Fortunate

VENUS Favourable Strong body; Religious minded; Inclined towards meditation; Perform religious rites; Enjoy all comforts; Blessed by children; Long lived father; Highly prosperous; Devout; Philosophical; Grace of king/ govt; Happiness from brothers, wife, children and friends; Wealthy; Generous; Devoted to service of gods, guru and guests; Inclined towards money lending business; Live a comfortable & happy life; Fortunate Unfavourable Worries related to spouse; Urinary troubles SATURN Favourable (Only under benefic influences) Belief in yoga shastras and renunciation; Detached; Religious; Faith in tradition/ Traditional; Involve in repair of religious institution; Build cattle sheds, ghats etc.; Philosophical Unfavourable Sinful; Unfortunate; Poor; Childless; Loss of father (weak & afflicted Saturn; weak and/or afflicted ninth lord); Irreligious; Evil minded; Meagre wealth; Unhappy; Cause troubles to brothers and others; Cruel minded Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 9:16 AM 0 comments Analysis of Bhava XII- Planets in the Eighth House INTRODUCTION Eighth house shows the sum total of all our past karma, for which we have taken birth in this world. The birth in this world is due to all the sins and mistakes we have done in the past life/ lives and hence this house signify the weaknesses which make us bind to this illusory world. Once all the karmas are redeemed, there is no need of staying any longer in this world and hence, this house also becomes the houses of longevity. Almost all shastras say that there should not be any malefics in the eighth house, otherwise the longevity of the native is severely curtailed. However, malefic such placed is either exalted or own house, then the longevity is not much affected. Along with the longevity of the native, this house also rule the longevity of relationships or marital ties. Malefics placed here can affect the marital harmony and longevity of the marriage. Among malefics, Marss placement is the worst placement and it goes by the name of Kuja dosa. This cause extreme troubles in marriage and the spouse might suffer death (if Mars is badly placed) or bad health. Planets in the eighth house generally express their negative qualities. Though shastras classify planets as benefics and malefics, all planets are capable of giving good or bad results based on whether their negative or positive qualities are expressed. The positive qualities are displayed when a planet is well placed in exaltation or mulatrikona or own house or friends house and the negative qualities are displayed when a planet is debilitated or in enemies house. This must be kept in mind while analysing a bhava and it is specifically applicable to eight house as this house is the house of our weaknesses. Even if a malefic is placed here, it must be very strong, for favourable results, otherwise, the results can be extremely troublesome. Links to this post

From the argala perspective, the planets in the eighth house shall have dhanargala on the 7th house, sukhargala on the fifth house and labhargala on the ninth house. Thus the significations of houses 5th, 7th and 9th are significantly influenced by the planets in the eighth house. The placement of Moon in the eighth is condemned by most classics. This position of Moon goes by the name of chandrastama. For such positions of Moon, the native suffers with regards to the functional and natural significations of Moon. As moon govern the physical body and mind and its resistance to diseases etc., such position of Moon can cause chronic illnesses and also mental troubles such as depression etc. Among all the planets the placement of Mercury in the eighth house is accorded high regards by all shastras. Mercury is treated as grandson by the karaka of the eighth house; Saturn and Mercury rarely give bad results if placed in eighth house, unless heavily afflicted. Such position of Mercury gives good health, long life; knowledge of occult; virtuous and gain wealth with his own effort. THE SUN Favourable Famous; Sudden gains (from lotteries or speculation or inheritence); Committed to his words Unfavourable Angry; Defective eye sight; Weak constitution/ Health troubles; Head Injury; Loss of Wealth; Separation from kith & kins; Few children; Devoid of happiness; Disease of Anus; Suffer from Headache & Fever THE MOON Favourable Long life (only under benefic influences) Unfavouable Fickle minded/ Restless/ suffer psychological troubles; Weak constitution and easily affected by dieases; Face adversities; Fear from enemies and Danger from watery places; Short life (more so if moon is afflicted and the eighth lord is also weak and afflicted) MARS Favourable (only under benefic influences) Happy married life, Good health and Long-life Unfavourable Eye diseases / Defective eye sight (BS, BJ); Short life (unless the eighth lord is strong); Afflicted body/ Suffer due to blood related diseases; Critical to others; Sickly; Infamous; Suffer poverty; Ugly; Sexual perversions; Sorrowful; Early death of father; Urinary diseases; Consumption (T.B.); Few children; Suffer rheumatism and shooting pains; Unsuccessful in his efforts; No support from others; Adversities in life; Devoid of marital happiness (this one of the conditions of Kuja dosa) MERCURY Favourable Long lived; Owner of a large area of land; Many children; Respect and honour in many ways and will get wide spread fame and reputation; Widely known for his qualities; Authority to award punishment (judge, magistrate etc); Wide spread reputation; Supporter of his family;

Virtuous; Famous; Glorious; Powerful; Acquire wealth by favour of the king or by doing business; Enjoy the company of women JUPITER Favourable Long lived; Free from diseases; Saintly person; Learned; Well versed in Vedas & shastras Unfavourable Will not live in paternal house; Loose morals; Short lived; Sinful; Illicit relationships; Suffer poverty & earn his livelihood by serving others VENUS Unfavourable Happy; Long life (Venus rules over Mrtyunjaya mantra); wealthy, long-lived; owner of lands; Saravali says that such natives will be endowed with all kinds of comforts, very wealthy, like a king and happy, which is also supported by Chamatkar chintamani, which adds enjoyment of conveyances to the list. Favourable Trouble to mother; Short life (more so if afflicted); Sickly; Have a devoted wife but he will be discontented; Base; Harsh speech; Tormented by debt SATURN Favourable Long life (also dependent on the strength of the 8th lord) UnfavourableIntimacy with low caste women; Earn by serving others; Defective eye sight; Limited number of issues; Unclean; Suffer from piles and other diseases of anus; Suffer poverty; Cruel minded; Devoid of good food; Unsuccessful in ventures; Loss of wealth; Devoid of company of friends; Sickly; Evil minded Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 9:12 AM 1 comments Saturday, September 04, 2004 Analysis of Bhava XI- Planets in the Seventh House INTRODUCTION The seventh house is primarily seen for relationships and marital aspects of a native and secondarily for business and trade. Presence of malefics or affliction otherwise to this house cause marital disharmony, trouble to spouses health. Since this house is opposition to the Lagna, planets placed here significantly affect the Lagna by aspect. If the planets placed here is friend to the Lagna lord, then the Lagna (self) gains from the significations of the 7th house, however, if inimical to the Lagna lord, then the native suffer due to the significations of the planets placed in the seventh. Since any relationships is an emotional bond, predominant with water elements, any fiery planets (Sun, Mars) placement in this house can cause trouble in the marital life and the relationship bond of the native as fire is inimical to the water element. Placement of watery planets such as Moon and Venus makes the native highly emotional regarding relationship Links to this post

with the opposite sex and they tend to be more passionate and like to have company with many partners. If these planets are afflicted, then this might cause perversions. Mars and Mercury gets into Marana karaka avastha since, Mars is a bachelor and hence abhors marriage or any relationship with the opposite sex. For Mercury, he is still an undeveloped sexually and thus in the house of relationship, Mercury feels extremely uncomfortable. However, not both give similar results while placed in the 7th house. Mars is more deadly as it cause the Kuja Dosa and makes marriage a difficult path to tread. However, though Mercury is not as bad as Mars, it makes the native suffer from impotency and not able to cope up sexually with the partner. In addition, Mars and Mercurys functional and natural signification suffer significantly while they are placed in the 7th house. THE SUN Favourable Witty; Successful in trade and business Unfavourable Late Marriage; Marital disharmony; Passionate; Immoral; Trouble to wife/ Many wives; Bald; No respect for opposite sex; Wanderer; Meat eater; Urninary troubles; Suffer due to litigation; Wrath of government; Loss in business. THE MOON Favourable Good looking; Well behaved/ good manners; Soft spoken; Passionate- Fond of womens company; Grace of ruler/ govt.; Happiness from wife/ Marital harmony; Gains from foreign trade & business Unfavourable Poverty; Illnesses; Eye defects; Suffer fear of water; Envious of others; weak constitution (suffer many diseases due to this); Greedy MARS Unfavourable Ill health; Loss of spouse/ Ill health to spouse (due to kuja dosa); Obstacles in getting married; Move away from home; Sexual intimacy with women of loose character; Sexual perversions (association with Mercury/ Saturn); Fond of liquor; Sexual intercourse with women in Menses (association with Ketu); Without potency; Full of vanity; Humiliation at the hand of opposite sex; Immoral; Unhappy; Troubled; Suffer poverty and troubled by enemies & diseases. MERCURY Favourable Handsome; Wealthy; Enjoy happiness from mother; Possess conveyances; Religiously inclined; Broad-minded; Married to a good natured; wealthy; intelligent wife (more applicable in Navamsa); Possess knowledge of law and rules of own country; Wise; Well dressed; Glorious; Married to a wealthy wife; Respected; Less virile Unfavourable Eat non-vegetarian food; Loss of husband (in female horoscope); Suffer from Leprosy. JUPITER Favourable

Highly educated; Worried; Financial gains; Chaste, learned and devoted wife; Attached to his wife; Gain wealth from wife; Excel his father in qualities/ More generous than his father; Blessed with children; Orator; Poetic; Head of village; Learned in shastras/ Famous for his learning; Highly intelligent; Powerful; Handsome Unfavourable (only on affliction) Illicit relationship with other women VENUS Favourable Handsome/ have a charismatic personality; Passionate; Surrounded by women; Wealthy; Surrounded by luxuries; Wealth from in-laws; Influential due to wife; Expert in various art forms; Happy married life; Fond of promoting controversies and quarrels; Possess conveyances; Efficient in work; Unfavourable Hyper sexed; Have extra marital affairs; Believe in material enjoyment; Loss of wife/ Remarriage; Devoid of children SATURN Favourable Good friends; Stable wealth; Stable minded wife; Stable marital life; Gain from the trade of Iron and Metal Unfavourable Delays in Marriage; The spouse would be significantly older than the expected age / Lean bodied wife (more applicable in Navamsa); Affliction to body; Involve in prostitution; Sorrowful; Sexual intimacy outside marriage/ Intimation with women of questionable character/ Intimation with many women (own sign exaltation)/ Homosexuality (associate with Mars)/ Un-natural sex (associate with Venus)/ Suffer humiliation in the hands of women; Poor; Unhappy; Wander aimlessly; Sickly; Suffer loss of wife; Poor; Ugly; Sinful; Loose morals; Sickness to both the native and the spouse Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 4:00 PM 3 comments Analysis of Bhava X- Planets in the Sixth House INTRODUCTION Sixth house is commonly called the Ari bhava or the bhava of enemies and it is also an Upachaya. Being an upachaya, the planets placed in this house promotes the significations of the Lagna bhava and help in its growth. It is usually said the the best place for the Malefics are the upachayas. However, their placement in the sixth house is tricky since, this position on one hand gives valour and the power to conquer enemies, on the other, it gives trouble from the enemies. However if the lagna lord is stronger than the sixth lord, then the native wins over the enemies and otherwise if the sixth lord is stronger. The kind of enemies can be seen from the natural significations of the planet who is placed in the sixth house. For example, if Sun is placed in the sixth there shall be enemity with influencial persons and persons from the govt. This might also show the predominant characteristic on the enemies. The benefics placed in this house makes the person free from enemies and if there is enemity, the native conquers his enemies without much effort. Links to this post

This is also the house of diseases. The diseases caused in this bhava is more pathogenic than physiological. If a planet is weakly placed in this bhava then the native suffers diseases in the physiological system ruled by the planet. The physiological system ruled by different planets are as follows: Sun - Skeletal sytem Moon - Circulatory system Mars - Muscular system Mercury - Nervous system including skins Jupiter - Digestive system Venus - Reproductive system Saturn - Excretory system Along with the systems governed by different planets, they also govern other body parts, which needs to be studied to understand different diseases a person would be suffering with. Understanding diseases are an essential part of medical astrology and shall be taken up in another article. Sixth house is also the house of maternal uncles and in whole it represents the mothers family. If malefics are placed here as well as afflicted, then the natives maternal uncles might suffer. If a benefic is placed in the sixth, its natural significance suffers with the expense of the house itself (the house gains with the placement of a benefic). Thus is Moon is placed in the sixth the person suffers with lack of mental felicity and involved in many unlawful activities if afflicted too. Similarly if Venus is so place, the significations such as relationship, marital harmony etc., suffer heavily and if Jupiter is so placed, the person suffers due to excessive eating (they would like to eat, but many things would be prohibited by the doctor). If Mercury is so placed, then the person gets into trouble due to communication and he is troubled by his kiths & kins. Venus is placed in Marana Karaka Avastha (MKA) in this house and the natural as well as functional significations of Venus significantly suffer while it is placed here. Planets in sixth have argala on the 5th, 8th and the 3rd house. Hence planets in this how singnificantly affect the significations of the mentioned houses. THE SUN Favourable Powerful (but can be overpowered by his enemies); Successful in endeavours; Glorious; Famous; Wealthy; Passionate Unfavourable Billious temperament; Suffering to Maternal uncle; Heart or eye diseases; Bone related diseases; Acidic Troubles MOON Favourable Conquer enemies (only if strong) Unfavourable

Poor; Sickly / weak constitution; Stomach ailments; Stupidity; Suffer in enemy hands; Low sexual vigour; Low life force- Lazy and Lethargic; Lower longevity; Cruel; Angry; Sinful deeds, working against the laws (govt.); Sickly in childhood. MARS Favourable Famous; Successful in his undertakings; Valorous; Defeat his enemies; Blessed with children; Wealthy; Glorious like a king; Highly passionate; Handsome; Stout bodied and Leader in his community Unfavourable Rheumatism; Leprosy (association with Mercury); Suffer hyperacidity; Troubles to maternal uncle and Spendthrift; Troubles in Litigations. MERCURY Favourable Respected/ favour by the ruler/ govt.; Author; Free from enemies; Victorious in the battlefield; Free from diseases; Earn wealth with his own efforts. Unfavourable Leprosy (association with Mars and 6th lord); Rheumatism & shooting pains (affliction by Saturn or Nodes); Troubled by enemies/ Enemies in his community; Lazy; Harsh speech; Belligerent; Argumentative and gets angry often in arguments; Obstacles in achieving success in educational pursuits; Showy; Proud; Fond of creating controversies; Restless JUPITER Favourable Conquer enemies/ Free from enemies; Progression of lineage; Free from diseases, Clever; Interest in Mantra recitation (house of speech, 2nd, from the house of mantra, 5th); Famous; Reputation through spouse Unfavourable Marks of wound on the body; Rheumatism; Suffering from cough and cold; Acidity; Sickness to mother; Lazy; Troubled by enemies; Falling sick due to excessive eating. VENUS Favourable Devoid of enemies Unfavourable Dangerous and scheming enemies (affliction); Suffer poverty; Unhappy; Relationship with many women/ Disliked by women; Inimical toward wife; Distressed; Mean; Unsuccessful in efforts; Deprived of happiness from father or guru; Dull; Trouble in begetting children SATURN Favourable Powerful; Vanquish his enemies and diseases (however, troubled by them); Travel far and wide (association of Mars) Unfavourable Belligerent; Financial distress; Little learning; Troubles to legs/ Suffer rheumatic pains, Suffer loss of longevity (if Saturn is eighth lord); Eat a lot; Wealthy; Proud; Passionate; Courageous; Evil minded; Suffer early loss of maternal uncle

Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 3:54 PM 0 comments Analysis of Bhava IX- Planets in the Fifth House

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INTRODUCTION The fifth house is predominantly known as Suta Bhava or the house of progeny. Since children reflects the future in anyones life, this house is also called the house governing the future. If this house is under affliction, then there shall be troubles in procreation and also the future of the native is ruined. This also the house of chitta, or the inner harmony. Affliction to this house cause the person inherently restless and possess lesser emotional quotient. Since this is the house of progeny, which is the reflection of the native himself, this house is also known for any kind of creative impulses and very important for innovation and geniuses. Among other things, this is the house of power and authority and also represent disciples or subordinates, on which the power is weilded. Planets well placed in this house confer power and authority to the native, while if weakly placed, can cause troubles related to these areas. Fifth house is also the house of worship and mantra. Planets placed in this house reflect the natives affiliation towards different forms of divinity. If a male planet is placed here, the conception of divinity for the native is masculine and powerful, whereas female planets shows that for the native, the divinity is feminine and protective. Jupiter confers the conception of nirguna brahman and make the native worship formless form of the Brahaman. From the argala perspective, planets in the fifth house shall have dhanargala on the 4th house, sukhargala on the 2nd house and labhargala on the 7th house. Hence the significations of the 5th house such as children, knowledge, authority etc, significantly impact the significations of the 2nd, 4th and 7th house. THE SUN Favourable Devoted to Shiva; Sharp Intellect and Wise Unfavourable Trouble to first child/ Childless; Devoid of wealth; Use intelligence in sinful deed; Wanderer; Stomach ailment (such as acidity) and Short lived. THE MOON Favourable Progenys well being; More female offspring; Highly intelligent; Fickle minded/ Changeable; Worshipper of Mother; Timid; Wise; Glorious; Truthful/ Sattvik mind; Skillful in handling money/ finances; Philantropic; Meritorious; Rajayogi- Not attached to material surrounding, even if have abundance; Councellor / Advisor; Have good friends; Serve the ruler/ king (govt. servant) MARS Unfavourable

Suffer poverty; Unhappy/ worried; No children/ Loss of children/ abortions; Immoral; Wicked/ Mean/ Sinful (association with eighth lord)/ Uncontrollable; Unstable mind; Wrath of the ruler/govt.; Suffer from cuts or wounds; Liar (like to say foul against others in his absence and create controversies); Shrewd; Troubles from enemies; Mental disorder; Lack of Intelligence; Troubles in education; Backbiter; Tormented by hunger; Suffer hyperacidity; In female horoscope this indicate terrible labour pain Favourable Have children (only under benefic influences); Governmental positions of high status; Intelligent and analytical minded; Courageous MERCURY Favourable Mothers well being; Many children but get them late in life; Possess children (only under benefic influences); Highly intelligent; Soft spoken; Wise; Learned in Mantra Shastra and Hypnotism; Minister/ advisor; Happy; Glorious; Well educated; Hold position of authority; Skilful in Trade and speculation Unfavourable Loss of children/ Inclined towards adoption; Sinful JUPITER Favourable Highly intelligent; Wise/ Learned; Possess broad eyes; Good conversationalist/ Good orator; Endowed with illustrious children; Glorious; Feed others; Good in politics (rajaniti shastra)/ Favour by king/ govt.; Knowledgeable in Law/ Good advisor/ Judge; Prosperous; Tolerant; Fond of luxuries; Author with fruitful imagination; Wealth from children Unfavourable Loss of children/ Difficulties in begetting children (in Capricorn, Aquarius or Cancer); Suffer loss of wealth due to wrath of ruler; Loss of memory; Devoid of wisdom VENUS Favourable Wise; Intelligent; Educated; Endowed with poetic skills; Clever minister/ advisor/ judge; Long lived grandmother; Respected; Honoured by govt; Well versed in worldly affairs; Have children but devoid of happiness from them; Conveyances; Wealthy; Hardworking; Successful in speculation Unfavourable Lacks courage/ Cowerdice SATURN Favourable Birth of children (more daughters); Affairs with many women; Philosopher; Endowed with the skill of use machines Unfavourable Childless/ Adopt a daughter (under benefic influences); Weak constitution; Extremely poor; Engaged in inferior trades; Evil minded/ Heartless; Devoid of intelligence; Devoid of learning/ Troubles in education; Devoid wealth and happiness; Wanders aimlessly; Unstable mind; Suffer gastritis

Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 3:46 PM 0 comments

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004 Analysis of Bhava VIII- Planets in the Fourth House INTRODUCTION Fourth is the house of happiness and shastras define this as sukha sthana. Since all of us are in the search of happiness in life, this house shows what motivates all our actions. Being a kendra, it has strong bearing on our activities. We all know that the Kendras are the houses of Vishnu and hence shows our actions, and the Konas are the houses of Lakshmi and shows the results we get for those actions. Malefics placed here makes the person unhappy at his native place/ home and makes him leave home / native place and go to foreign land to settle down. Where as benefics makes the person enjoy happiness at his home or native land. Along with happiness, fourth house is also seen for immovable properties such as Land, house etc. and also conveyance. Planets placed in dignity and under benefic influences bestow the native these things and many more luxuries. Whereas any affliction to this house make the native devoid of happiness from these things. This house is also seen for Mothers health. This house must be under benefic influences for Mother to be free from any troubles. Otherwise, troubles can be predicted to Mother. This house rules the heart. Affliction to this house can cause heart troubles. However, one must look for affliction to the Karaka Sun as well, before pronouncing the results. From the Argala perspective, this house has dhanargala on the 3rd house, labhargala on the 6th house and sukhargaloa on the Lagna. Hence planets in this house influences the prosperity of the siblings (3rd); service / enemies (6th) or the health of the native (lagna). THE SUN Favourable Sociable; Soft hearted; Fond of vocal / instrumental music Unfavourable Lack of Happiness; Troubled mind/ Restless; Devoid of friends or relations/ Troubled by friends or relations; Loss of paternal property; Devoid of wealth; Devoid of conveyance; Live away from his home; Troubles to Mother; Heart trouble THE MOON Favourable Happy/ Satisfied; Fond of luxuries; Passionate- Fond of womens company; Sacrificing; Have good friends & relatives; Attain high status and position/ hold leadership position in his community; Good reputation/ liked and loved by people; Have good house, conveyances; Trade on waters (river or ocean) Unfavourable Trouble to mother and Childhood troubles MARS

Favourable (only under benefic influences) Good health; Own conveyances & landed property; Mother will be long-lived; Gets land and clothes by the favour of the king/ ruler. Unfavourable Restless; Adversities in the family; Domestic disturbances (kuja dosa); Early death of father; Health troubles to mother/ Loss of mother (if highly afflicted); Devoid of land/ home; Live in dilapidated house; Suffer poverty; Inimical relations with kith and kins/ Devoid of friends; Live away from his native place; Devoid of Conveyances and land MERCURY Favourable Soft spoken; Active doing something all the time; Patient; Broad eyes; Happiness from parents; Learned; Happy; Flatterer; Wealthy; Own lands and Conveyances; Own good clothes; Wise; Enjoy company of friends; Fond of various art forms Unfavourable (only if afflicted) Devoid of land and conveyances; Bitterness in relations; Deceitful/ Acquire wealth by questionable means; Deprived of ancestral property JUPITER Favourable Happy/ Contented; Wise; Highly intelligent; Good conduct/ Clean hearted; Own land & good house; Own conveyances; Good health to mother; Good friends; Happiness from children & wife; Wealthy; Endowed with luxuries; Conquer enemies; Take part in religious ceremonies; Ambitious; Grace from rulers/ govt.; Reputed in his community Unfavourable Not contended; Devoid of land and conveyances; Suffer loss of mother; Bitterness with relations VENUS Favourable Handsome; Intelligent; Happy/ Happiness from brothers; Good nature/ Forgiving nature; Enjoy conveyances; Good health to mother/ Looks after his mother; Enjoy landed property & house; Possess good ornaments, dresses etc; Leader in his community; Get many gifts from followers Unfavourable Devoid of land and conveyance; Distress to mother; Illicit relationship with other women; SATURN Favourable (only if Saturn is strong and under benefic influences) Happiness from mother; Popular in his community; Hold leadership positions Unfavourable Lazy; Devoid of paternal properties; Bad character; Gets into bad company; Loss of mother/ Bad health to mother/ troubles mother; Lack of happiness; Troubled; Sickly in childhood; Devoid of material happiness (from house; conveyance etc.); Domestic troubles; Loves Isolation Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 5:28 PM 1 comments Links to this post

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 Analysis of Bhava VII- Planets in the Third House INTRODUCTION Third house is a upachaya or a house of growth. Any planets in this house as reckoned from the Lagna, cause the growth of the Lagna bhava. However, the ways in which a planet shall help in growth of the Lagna shall be dependent on their own nature. Being the bhava of courage, malefics in this bhava gives courage, their affliction can cause lack of siblings or trouble to siblings. Benefics in such place may cause lack of courage or cowerdice, but is good for the health and affairs of siblings. This is also the house of skills and dexterity. Planets in this house make the person skillful in the areas ruled by the planets. Thus planets like Moon or Venus can make a person artist, however the genius and creativity is only ruled by the fifth house. Being the 7th house from the 9th house, planets in this bhava also aspect the ninth house of fortune. Hence, Malefics placed here give troubles with fortune, more so if afflicted and benefics give rise in fortune. Being the 9th house from 7th house of relationship, it shows the dharma in the relationships and hence it also the house of morality. Affliction to this house also makes a person low in morality and principles. From the Argala perspective, planets in the 3rd house shall have dharnargala on the 2nd house, labhargala on the 5th house and sukhargala on the 12th house. Thus courage and initiative actively influences the wealth one accumulates, the knowledge one gathers and the expenditure one involves in. If benefics or the karka or the friends of the karaka of 2nd/ 5th/ 12th are placed in the 3rd house, the significations of these houses shall enhance, otherwise suffer due to significations of 3rd house. THE SUN Favourable Valorous; Famous; Wealthy; Happy; Have a good and eventful life; Intelligent; Generous; Good to friends; Forgiving nature; Patient; Devoid of illnesses; Handsome; Liked by women; Respected; Honourable; Conquer enemies; Go to pilgrimages; Philantropic; Virtuous; Endowed with material comforts; Fortunate; Aquire comforts due to grace of ruler; Prosperity of brother; growth of family. Unfavourable Devoid of siblings; Cruel Deed; Inimical towards his relations; Ear troubles; Destruction of family THE MOON Favourable Prosperity and well being of brothers; more sisters; Healthy; Strong & Courageous; Religious; Good in Literature; Enjoys material pleasures; Dependent on friends; Dependent on relations & Friends; Fond of Traveling Unfavourable Suffer Rheumatism; Autocratic/ Cruel and Miser MARS

Favourable Financial gains; Brothers long lived (Mars under benefic influences); Patience; Valorous/ Courageous; Unconquerable; Generous; Meritorious; Honoured by the ruler/ govt.; Happy; Independent/ self-confident; Healthy and Famous; Self made person Unfavourable No younger siblings; Wife of questionable character; Association with prostitutes (association with nodes); Inimical to siblings or Loss of younger siblings; Devoid of good living place; Suffer tuberculosis / consumption MERCURY Favourable Many siblings; Happy; Posses landed property; Acquire wealth; High morals; Independent; Good natured; Virtuous; Tolerant; Long life (when third lord is strong); Long life to brothers; Inclination towards trade and business; Courageous; Clever; Detached from worldly affairs; Dependence of younger siblings on the native. Unfavourable Suffering in life; Suffer throat diseases; Timidity (weak third lord); Consummate rogue; Devoid of friends; Unstable mind JUPITER Favourable: Big family; Many siblings; Religious; ; Detest materialism/ belief in simple living; Clever; Determined; Fond of Travelling; Brothers achieve high position; Fortunate but cannot earn as much as he desires; Get national honour or recognition Unfavourable: Stingy/ Miser; Impatient; Idiotic; Suffer poverty; Suffer from Acidity / Inflammation; Sinful; Malicious nature; Humiliated in public; Dominated by wife; Ungrateful; Not a friend of anybody; Worried; Devoid of courage VENUS Favourable Tolerant; Many siblings (mostly sisters); Determined; Wealthy and Happy Unfavourable Weaker constitution; Miser; Not liked by people; Devoid of happiness / wealth; Wife dominates over the native; Devoid of courage; Devoid of enthusiasm; Less fortunate; Attracted towards women; Lose morals and involve in lowly acts; Unhappy regarding children; Dependent on others SATURN Favourable Many siblings; Intelligent; Courageous/ Great strength; Determination; Natural leader; Holding administrative positions; Generous (even treat his enemies well); Patient/ persistent; Happy married life; Charitable; Ambitious; Good orator Unfavourable Loss of brothers/ Unhappy on account of brothers; Earn by questionable means; Lazy; Unhappy; Mean; Devoid of gratitude towards others; Face many obstacles in life; Suffer ear troubles; suffer due to rheumatism (vata)

Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 10:10 PM 0 comments Sunday, August 29, 2004 Analysis of Bhava VI- Planets in the Second House

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INTRODUCTION The 2nd house is primarily for Accumilated wealth (karaka Jupiter); accumulated wealth (karaka Moon) and Application of knowledge (since this is tenth from fifth house); Speech (karaka Mercury); Eyes (karaka Sun) or Face (Karaka Sun) Malefics placed in this house adversely affect these significations. Checking the argala perspective, planets placed in the 2nd house would have argala on the Lagna bhava (dharnargala); Fourth house (Labhargala) and Eleventh house (sukhargala). Malefics placed in this house affect the significations of these houses adversely, while benefics placed in second house, enhance the said houses. SUN: Favourable Healthy; Immensely Wealthy; Aquire wealth due to the grace of ruler/ govt.; Learned in shastras; Wise; Good eye sight; Good reputation/ fame Unfavourable Egoistis; Devoid of wealth; Loss of wealth due to wrath of Government; Diseases in Face/ Mouth; Eye diseases; Lack of Intelligence; Devoid of knowledge of shastras; Ill health; Domestic disharmony (conflict with kith and kins on account of spouse); Stammer (association with Mercury and the 2nd lord is weak); Trouble to Children. THE MOON Favourable Handsome; Glorious; Wealthy; Complacent; Knowlegeable; Large family; Attached to the family; Soft spoken; Endowed with material comforts. Unfavourable Speech troubles; Passionate; Stupid and Uneducated. MARS Favourable Gain wealth; Well educated; Good eye sight and Defeat his enemies. Unfavourable Lack of education; Eye troubles such as cataract, defective eyesight or night blindness; Eat stale food; Ugly face; Speech defects; In company of mean people; Stupid and Miser. MERCURY Favourable Many children; Talkative; Educated; Well versed in shastras; Determined; Contented; Wealthy; Virtuous; Distinction in academic pursuits; Financial gains; Proficient in Mathematics (aspected by Jupiter); Poetic; Intelligent; Soft spoken; Fond of good food and drinks; Famous; Highly moral; Orator; Generous; Fond of luxurious living; Unfavourable

Uneducated; Suffer from windy troubles; JUPITER Favourable Handsome; Intelligent; Eloquent; Sweet tongued; Soothsayer (Whatever he says comes true); Prosperous; Wealthy; Fond of good food; Fond of luxuries; Charitable; Fond of poetry; Well versed in administrative matters Unfavourable Difficulties in education; Have thieving inclination; Liar and vulgar speech; Drunkard; Immoral; Destroyer of family; Relations with others wives; Childless; Talkative; Difficulties in accumulate wealth VENUS Favourable Attractive eyes; Wealthy; Prosperous family; Get good food; Humble nature; Kind hearted; Helpful to others; Eloquent/ sweet tongued/ Humble in speech; Wealthy; Poetic; Enjoy good food/ drinks; Glorious; Enjoy luxuries; Enjoy company of women; Intelligent; Handsome/ decently dressed Unfavourable Eye troubles (lord weak/ afflicted); Night blindness (associate with Moon) SATURN Favourable In charge of a religious institution; Earn in foreign land /becomes wealthy in foreign land Unfavourable Suffer poverty/ Deprived of wealth by the king; Remarriage; Possess no lands; Suffer eye troubles; Suffer diseases in face; Ugly in appearance; Harsh speech; Detaches himself from the family to move to foreign land RAHU Rahu is inimical to the Karaka of the house Jupiter (wealth) or Family and being a malefic can cause distress in these areas. Favourable: Financially successful in the business related to fish, meat or restaurant; Harsh tongue/ shocking speech; Diplomatic speech. Unfavourable: Thieving habits; Low sinful deeds KETU Favourable: The native is inclined towards arts and literature; Sweet tongued Unfavourable: Troubles to eyes and throat Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 12:36 PM 10 comments Links to this post

Analysis of a Bhava V- Planets in First house INTRODUCTION This section shall enumerate the different effects of all the planets in different houses. The effects of all the planets shall be divided into two distinct categories namely the favourable effect, the unfavourable effects: A planet gives favourable results if it is placed with strength viz., placement in exaltation, Moola trikona, own house or natural friends house if is under the influence of natural benefics Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or Moon. A planet gives unfavourable results if it is weak by placement viz., placement in debilitation or enemies house. if it is under the influence of natural malefics Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Sun or Ketu. The relations signified by a house suffer, if the house is placed with malefics (afflicted) and the lord of the house is weakly placed as well. If benefic aspects such house, the suffering is either nullified or minimised to great extent. The influence on the lord of the the bhava also shows the effect on the natives mental makeup towards relations signified by that house. Thus if the 3rd lord is afflicted, the the native might not go well with brothers. The different relations governed by the houses are: Lagna- Self Second- Family as a whole Third- Siblings in general and younger siblings in particular Fourth- Mother Fifth- Children; Secret friends Sixth- Enemies, maternal uncles Seventh- Spouse EighthNinth- Father TenthEleventh- Friends, Paternal uncle Twelfth- Secret enemies The natural benefics (Jupiter, Mercury, Moon & Venus) are good for the health and longivity of the relations and natural malefics (Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu & Ketu) cause health troubles and reduction in longevity and health. In the the third house malefics give lesser siblings and in the fifth house it gives difficulties in birth of children and also lesser in numbers. THE LAGNA Lagna is primarily a kendra bhava and secondarily a trikona bhava and hence Parashara says that this bhava is specifically auspicious of all natives. If there is affliction to this bhava, the whole horoscope is affected. Malefics placed here can harm the bhava, however since this is a kendra bhava, if those malefics (Mars or Saturn) are placed in own house or exaltation, they constitute two mahapurusha yoga namely Ruchaka and Sasa Mahapurusha yoga. When such mahapurusha yoga occurs, the planet doesnot harm the bhava and instead promote the bhava.

The influence of the planets on the physical features and nature, while placed on the Lagna can be seen from the characteristics of the planets, which are as follows: Sun o Has honey-coloured, golden Brown or Tawny eyes (madhu pingala drk) o Has Sqarish Face (Chaturasrah) o Has bilious temeperament (pitta prakrti) o Is intelligent (Dhiman) o Has limited hair (Puman alpaka) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Moon Is extremely windy and phlegmatic (bahu vata kapha) Is Learned (Pragnya) Has round face (Brtta) Has good looking eyes (Subha Drk) Has sweet speech (Madhu vakya) Fickle-minded (Chanchal) Is Lascivious/ eager to associate with opposite sex (Madana Aturah) Mars Has fierce and blood-red eyes (krura/ raktetasana) Unsteady or wavering (chapala) Has bilious temperament (pitta prakrti) Is angry (Krodhi) Has thin waist and physique (Krsah Madhya Tanu) Mercury Is admirable (vapush) Is splendid and beautiful (Strestha) Has beautiful skin/ skin without blemishes (shlishtvak) Is fond of humor (hasya ruchi) He has a mix of all the three humours, i.e., bilious, phlegmatic and windy Jupiter Has a big body (Brhat Gatra) Has Tawny hair and eyes (Pingala murdhajeksane) Is phlegmatic (kapha prakrti) Is Intelligent (Dhiman) Is expert in all Shastras (Sarva shastra visharada) Venus Is charming (sukhi kanta) Splendorous physique (vapusshreshta) Has beautiful eyes (sulochana) Is poetic (kavya karta) Is Exceedingly phlegmatic (Kapha adhikya) Is also windy (Anilaatma) Has curly hair (vakra murdhaja) Saturn is Has an emaciated and long physique (Krsha Dirgha Tanu) Has tawny eyes (Pingala Drsti) Is of windy in temperament (anilaatmakah) Has protruding teeth (sthula danta)

o Is lazy (alasa) o Is Lame (Pangu) o Has coarse hair over the body (khara roma) o o o o o o o Nodes Rahu has smoky appearance (Dhumra akara) Has bluish body (Nila tanu) He resides in forests (Vanastha) He is horrifying (Bhayankarah) He is of windy temperament (vata prakrti) He is intelligent (Dhiman) Ketu is akin to Rahu

Note: Terms inside the closed brackets are the sanskrit term taken from BPHS. Since the Lagna signify the self and the personality of the native, the influence of different planets shall influence the personality of the native too. If more planets are placed in the Lagna (or aspect it), the person would be broad minded as he would be having the attitude / personality traits bestowed by all planets. Many shastras say that such people will be a king, which in modern context mean an able leader or a natural leader. This is a Marana Karaka Sthana for Saturn and hence the natural significations of Saturn such as longevity gets severely affected. However, if they also constitute the Mahapurusha yoga, the effect undergo transformation and the Marana Karaka avastha is cancelled. The different Karakas for this bhavas are: Sun - Soul; Health and Vitality Moon - Body Jupiter - Intelligence Saturn - Hair The effect of different planets on Lagna is based on their interaction with these different karakas. If they are friends to the Karaka, they shall enhance the significations of the karaka; otherwise they shall affect it adversely. However, it needs to be emphasised again that strong planets (exaltation, own, friendly houses) tend to give less malefic results than the weaker ones. It is also to be noted that each planet is a karaka for other houses too. If it is placed in a dusthana (6th/ 8th/ 12th) from the concerned house (karya bhava), then the native is unfortunate related to the affairs to that house. For example if Saturn is placed in the Lagna, it can curtail longevity since, it is the karaka of eighth house (longevity) and if placed in the Lagna, it would be placed in sixth house from the eighth, which happens to be a dusthana from the karya bhava. Similarly Mars is the Karaka for enemies and if placed in the Lagna, would be in the eighth (dusthana) from the sixth house, causing damage to the sixth house. Thus, this position of Mars, causes suffering to the enemies in the hands of the native (Lagna- self). One more very important thing to consider is the concept of argala. Planets in the Lagna would have argala on the 12th house, 3rd house and the 10th house. Malefics in the Lagna would have the argala on the 11th house too. Thus the planets in the Lagna shall effect the influences of these four houses also. If benefics are placed in Lagna, then it enhances, expenses on good cause, prosperity of the siblings, enhacement of reputation and fame and also income from desirable sources. Malefics placed in the Lagna gives quite opposite results.

THE SUN Favourable effects Less Hair on head (baldish)/ Prominent forehead; Dignified; Sattvik Natured; Good health; Intelligent; Learned; Knowledgeable; Wise; Ambitious; Initiative; Natural leadership qualities; Commanding nature; Bilious Temperament; Hot tempered; Fierce; Less spoken; Valourous; Self contended; Famous; Wealthy; Acquire territory (Leo); Father of daughters (Virgo) Unfavourable effects Lethargic (predominance of tamasik guna); Obstinate; Cruel Hearted; Lack the forgiving attitude; Wanderer; Proud; Fluctuating wealth; Devoid of Learning; Devoid of authority; Devoid of progeny; Blind; Subservient to Women (Pisces); Suffer from boils; Diseases in the Head; Eye defects/ diseases/ troubles/ Eye Inflammation or Cataract of eyes/ Night blindness (Leo); (Cancer); Heart disease (Capricorn); Lose his wife/ Ungrateful (Virgo). THE MOON Favourable Handsome; Happy; Strong built; Well versed in shastras; Wise; Intelligent; Clever converstationalist and Wealthy Unfavourable (weak in paksha bala along with other weaknesses) Fickle minded; Restlessness; Weak constitution; Deaf and Mute MARS Favourable Healthy; Strong constitution; Stout body; Big navel; Reddish hands; Valorous; Wealthy; Hot tempered; Honoured by the ruler/ govt.; Long life; Fond of sight seeing Unfavourable Rarely get peace of mind; Marks of wounds or boils; Suffer many diseases during childhood; Stealing habit; Stupid; Cruel; Angry temperament; Unstable mind; Suffer from Mental troubles; Wicked disposition; Short life; Few children; Ugly appearance; Rheumatism; Eye diseases; Accidents; Injuries to Limb; Loss of wife/ Trouble to wife; Face evil consequences for his actions MERCURY Favourable Gentle; Educated; Early marriage; Devout listener of the recitation of religious scriptures; Like to travel to many places; Travel to pilgrimages; Inclined towards Mantras and Tantras; Have the power to free people from the influence of evil spirits; Soft spoken; Forgiving; Kind hearted; Gain of wealth; Distinction in academic pursuits; Good health; Golden lustre on the skin; Interested in Astrology; Happiness from brothers; Religious minded; Proficiency in Arts; Poetry, Literature, Logic, Mathematics and use of arms; Stout body/ Handsome; Knowledge of own country; Well versed in shastras; Sweet and tactful conversationalist; Long-life; Destroys the Arishta (evil effect on longevity) caused by other planets in the horoscope and Good physician, Prosperity of children; They usually dont suffer from any diseases. However, if they contact any disease, it will be very complicated. Unfavourable Suffer from skin diseases, bilious troubles and jaundice; Defective limb; Antagonistic towards gentlemen; Suffer from eye diseases; Inimical relations with his brothers and will be deceitful; He will be deprived of the comforts of bed (sexual pleasures) and will be a

devotee of evil Gods; Suffer the loss of sight in his left eye (association with Saturn); Expenditure on undesirable persons. JUPITER Favourable Dignified appearance/ Handsome; Good natured/ amicable; Good speaker; Learned; Well versed in shastras; Knowledge of Vedas; Many children/ Happiness from children; Happy; Long lived; Perform religious deeds; Long lived; Fearless; Tolerant; Respected; Virtuous; Charitable; Philanthropic; Go to pilgrimages; Famous; Enjoy luxuries and material pleasures Unfavourable Indulge in sinful deeds; Unstable mind; Medium span of life; Childless; Ungrateful; Full of false vanity; Forsake his near and dear; Like travelling; Inimical towards others; Miserable Jataka Parijata says in this respect - If a powerful Jupiter in his full rays is posited in a kendra (1,4,7,10), he alone wards off all aristhas just as a sincere prayer to God Mahadev destroys all sins of the devotee VENUS Favourable Handsome/ charming/ attractive; Soft-spoken; Long lived; Proficient in Mathematics; Learned in shastras; Loved by his wife; Fond of ornaments, good dresses & beauty; Liked by opposite sex; Wealthy. Unfavourable Thieving inclination; Cheat; Suffer rheumatic / phlegmatic diseases; Troubles in generative organs; Two wives (Venus own 6th/8th/12th); Fluctuating fortune; Hard hearted (lack of compassion). SATURN Unfavourable Rheumatism; Bilious complaints; Mendicant (aspected by Moon); Poor; Sickly; Unclean; Suffering from diseases in childhood; Indistinct speech; Lazy / Lethargic; Greedy; Sorrowful; Narrow minded; Conquer enemies. The native is always dissatisfied, greedy, endowed with broad vision (they cant see minute details) and over ambitious. They are usually jealous of others improvement and as a result suffer lack of peace of mind. However, if placed in own house or exalted or when placed in Pisces or Sagittarius, the native is gets name and fame. Favourable (only if in own house or in exaltation) Leader of his community; High status & position RAHU Favourable Conquer enemies; Successful in his endeavours with others help. Rahu is Leo, Cancer or Aries Lagna is specifically beneficial. Unfavourable Physical troubles and Troubles in married life. KETU Favourable

Good speaker; Successful in education (the deity of Ketu is Ganesha, who is the giver of the siddhis) Unfavourable Lean; Lacks physical felicity; Marital disharmony Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 12:30 PM 0 comments Analysis of a Bhava IV- Generic Effect of Planets Favourable and unfavourable effects of planets 1. Benefics gives unfavourable results related to its significations when placed in the 3rd, 6th or 8th or 12th houses. 2. Malefics give facourable results related to its significations when placed in the 3rd, 6th or 11th houses. 3. Planet gives unfavourable results when i. Placed in Debilitation ii. Conjoined with/ aspected by malefics iii. Conjoined with/ aspected by enemies iv. Placed in Rasi Sandhi or Gandanta v. Placed in inimical sign vi. Hemmed between malefics (Papakartari) 4. Planets give favourable results when i. Placed in exaltation ii. Placed in friends house iii. Conjoined with / aspected by Benefics iv. Conjoined with/ aspected by Friends v. Hemmed between benefics (subha kartari) 5. Planets placed in Bhava Madhya is capable of giving full results whereas the result of a planet placed in bhava sandhi would be feeble. Results of Planets: Sun: Unfavourable position: Wrath of ruler, lord Shiva, father; Diseases in Heart, stomach, eyes; troubles to bones; diseases caused by Pitta; Fear from Quadrupeds and fire; Destuction of copper utensils; Decline of personal influences on others Favourable positions: Sattvik Nature; Blessings of lord Shiva, father and rulers; Acquisition of copper utensils; Increase of wealth through journeys and by trade in woolen goods, grass, gold, leather and medicines. Moon: Unfavourable position: Queens anger; dissatisfaction of the mother or her illness; diseases caused by vata, pitta and impure blood; enmity with superiors or relatives; wrath of Ma Durga; loss of crops; Danger to life; ill fame Favourable position: Satisfaction to mother; Gain of money by trading in ghee, sugar, clothes; Income by chanting mantras or by breeding cattle, by marine traffic and by dealing with diamonds, through the help of women and by increase of crops and increase of fame and riches Links to this post

Mars: Unfavourable position: Misunderstanding with brothers, Loss of landed property and gold; Fear from fire, thieves and enemies; Wrath of god Subrahmanya and trouble from military personnel; Ailments arising out of impure blood, fever, eye diseases; Loss of utensils; Cuts and wounds caused in the body by weapons Favourable: Acquision of landed property, gold, weapons; Favour of commander in chief; Grace of lord Subrahmanya; Profit from loss of enemies; Profit from brothers and kings Mercury: Unfavourable position: Wrath of lord Vishnu; Suffering from the heir-apparent; Suffering due to abusive languages; Trouble from theives. Favourable: Acquisition of horses, gold, land; Increase in friends; Acquisition of wealth with the help of Brahmins and good advisors; Income from sculptural skills and arbitration work; Increase of Fame; Performance of religious deeds; Earning by writing or mathematics; Grace of lord Vishnu Jupiter: Unfavourable position: Ear troubles; Sickness to children; Wrath of gods and brahmins; Enmity with wicked people Favourable: Increase of clarity of mind; Gain from religious practices, through persons well versed in recitation of Vedas and through favour of rulers; Acquisition of gold, horses and elephants; Blessings of gods and brahmins Venus: Unfavourable position: Sickness to wife or other female relations; Destruction of clothes; Decrease in general prosperity; Sorrow caused by love; Hatred towards government servants; Association with low born people; Death of cattles; Loss of silverware Favourable position: Gain of silver utensils; Fine clothes; Ornaments; Diamonds; Underground treasures; Marriage; gain of money; Increase of taste for music; Access to cattle and good food Saturn: Unfavourable position: Diseases caused by vitiation of wind and phlegm; Ignorance; Tendency to steal; Irritability; Calamities; Lazyness; Physical and Mental debility; Suffering due to sarcastic attitude of spouse, children and servants; Dislocation of limbs; Jealousy. Favourable position: Reduction of sorrow; Association with old women; Increase in servants and iron goods; Headship of a town; Acquisition of buffalows Nodes: The effects of Rahu are similar to the lord of the rasi occupied by him and of Saturn. Similarly the effects of Ketu are similar to the lord of the rasi occupied by him and of Mars. General Inauspicious effects: Death; Serious diseases; Danger to near and dear ones; Destruction of house; Fall from position; Wrath of the rulers; Unpopularity; Loss; Waste of money and land; Theft of property; Dishonour; Ill fame

General auspicious effects: Good health; Royal favour; Gain of money; Friendship or increase in friends; Success in all undertaking; Mental peace; Elevation to high position; Popularity; Fame; Birth of children. Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 12:28 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Analysis of a Bhava III- Generic effect of planets in houses Lagna: Malefics: Failure, diseases in head, sorrows, dishonour, displacement, loss of money, pains all over the body, discomfort in all ways Benefics: General comfort, success, good health, financial prosperity, fame, promotions to higher positions Second house: Malefics: Loss of ancestral property, diseases in the face, sickness for the family members, diseases in right eye, scandals, loss of utensils. Benefics: Increase in family wealth, gains of utensils, family amity and happiness Third House: Malefics: Misunderstanding with friends and people who help them, Misfortunes to brothers, diseases in chest, neck and right ear; mental affliction, bad conduct or cowerdice. Benefic: Good conduct, courage, happiness to brothers, increase in help from others and good health Fourth House: Malefics: Distress to mother and maternal relations, loss of cattle, beds, cots, landed property and vehicles, heart trouble, general misery and discomfort due to impure water. Benefic: Vehicles, lands, cattle, beds and general prosperity and health Fifth house: Malefics: Illness/ death / danger to children, leaving of sanchita karma, mental unrest, irritable temperament, illness to natives advisors Benefics: Birth of children, good health, peace of mind, influence and increase of good deeds Sixth house: Malefics: Occurance of wounds or ulcer in the organ ruled by the 6th sign, fear from theives and enemies, trouble in waist and navel; obstacles in undertakings; ailment signified by the occupying planet Benefics: Enemies would be vanquished, diseases will disappear and new ones do not sprout out Seventh house: Malefics: Sickness or death or separation from the life-partner, disturbances in journey; urninary troubles; fire hazard in spouses house

Benefics: Marriage, recovery of lost wealth, enjoyment and happiness, safe return of relations gone to the foreign land, building of a good house. Eighth house: Malefics: Illness to servants, obstacles in all work, diseases in anus, quarrels with all, loss of wealth due to theives/ rulers or enemies; loss of appetite; diseases, bad name Benefics: Freedom from diseases, courage, longevity, facilities to acquire new houses, building mutts etc. Ninth house: Malefics: Illness to elders, father, grandchildren; ill luck; divine wrath; disinclination to the acts of charity; gradual decline of hard earned merit; ruin of ones power of penance; hard heartedness Benefics: Blessings from elders and parents; mental happiness; gods grace; increase of fortune, inclination to do good acts; increase of tapas; philantropy; happiness from grandchildren Tenth house: Malefics: Failures in efforts; loss of reputation; loss of respect; ruin to assistants; breaks in profession; diseases in anckle; exile Benefics: Contruction of wayside inns; new roads; council halls; temples; success in all attempts; increase in reputation; increase in influence; rise in profession; acquisition of assistants Eleventh house: Malefics: Illness to elder brother and sons, ailment in the left ear and legs; gain of articles as indicated by the planet Benefics: Reduction of grief; accomplishment of desired objects, gain of fresh sources of wealth and material objects signified by the planet Twelfth house: Malefics: Squandering of money; fall from position; troubles in the feet; trouble to the left eye; falls due to carelessness and sinful actions Benefics: Heavy expenditure for good purposes; gradual termination of sinful actions; recovery from illnesses Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 12:25 PM 0 comments Analysis of a Bhava II- General Analysis The following section is taken from Prasna Margam Postures Vs. Kendras (Used in Remedies) The Lagna, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th signify the postures Waking (Chakramana), Lying/ Sleeping (Sayana), Sitting (Upaveshat), Standing (Sthiti) respectively. Links to this post

External and Internal Bhavas Bhavas can be considered to have two significations, viz., External and Internal. The external ones are as mentioned before, whereas the internal ones are given by Varahamihira in Brhat Jataka. This difference is very important in the horoscope analysis. One must know that there are two aspects of significations of each house; one of which shows various expect of our own self , whereas the the other aspect is more related to the environment we are in and also the relations we are with Strengths & Weaknesses of Bhava The Bhavas which are associated with or aspected by their lords or benefics (Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon) are said to thrive well. Those conjoined with or aspected by malefics suffer annihilation. (26) The Bhavas which have benefics in the 2nd, 7th and the 12th or 4th and 10th from them are considered favorable. (27) The benefic nature of Bhavas is destroyed by their connection with the lords of sixth, eighth and twefth or with the natural enemies of their lords. If the bhava, or its lord or the karaka is weak, then also the bhava suffers (28) The association of a bhava or its lord with sixth, eighth or twelfth or their lords cause suffering to the bhava. The association can be of following way: The dusthana lords are placed in the bhava or aspect the bhava The dusthana lords are conjoined with or aspect the bhava lords The bhava lords occupy the dusthanas A bhava should be considered weak under the following circumstances The said bhava, its lord or its karaka is weak The bhava is hemmed between malefics The bhava is aspected by malefics The bhava is aspected by the enemies of their lords Benefics do not associate/ aspect them Natural malefics are placed in the 4th, 8th, 12th or 5th or 9th Out of all the afflictions, if the two or three of them are present, the bhava suffers annihilation Significator (Karaka): If the different karakas are strong, then events attributed to them will be predominantly seen. If weak, then these shall exist only in name. With regard to Saturn, if he is strong, miseries and diseases decreases, however, if weak, it is felt in abundance The lords of the 9th and other favourable houses, though they may be malefics, nourish their bhava. This point has been emphasised by Varahamihira in the verse Lagnath Puthre. Benefics if strong contribute good fully, malefics if weak give their evil in full (34) A planet capable of giving rise of both good and inauspicious results, confer good results when it is strong and the the evil results when it is weak (37) A favourable planet if capable of conferring auspicious results fully, moderately according as the navamsa it occupies is vargottama, own or friendly or inimical. Similarly a malefic planet

is capable of giving inauspicious results fully, moderately or feebly according to the navamsa it occupies is inimical, own, friendly or vargottama (38) If the lord and the karaka of a bhava are strong and occupy favourable houses, then the indications of the bhava will be fully experienced. On the contrary if they are weak and occupy the 6th/ 8th or 12th, the results of that bhava will be negetive or feeble (39) If the lord and karaka are strong but occupy an unfavourable position, then though the effects of the bhava may be seen, the native will not enjoy them. On the contrary, if the lord and the Karaka are weak, but occupy favourable positions, the effect will be experienced by the native, however it would be feeble (40) If the two, the lord and karaka of a bhava, if one is strong and the other is weak, then the influence should be considered to be mixed in nature (41) If the lord of a bhava occupies a favourable position from the Bhava itself, then the effects of the Bhava will be full, however only if they are placed in favourable position from the Lagna, then the native shall have good experience (42) Such bhavas as have any relationships with the Lagna or its lord such as aspect, association, kendra disposition etc. shall be surely experienced. Benefics in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th become unfavourable. Malefics in the 3rd, 6th or 11th become favourable. The most important of all these houses is Lagna. The 5th and 9th houses are equally important. It is these three bhavas that benefics show their greatest good and malefics their worst evil. (44) Malefics in the sixth house confer all significations governed by the planet such as copper, lead etc., however the bhava i.e., the 6th house suffers. The results could be rise in enemity and diseases. (45) The good and bad significations ascribed to different planets should be used when describing the effects of dashas. (47) Planets give rise to favourable or unfavourable results based on whether they occupy Ishta or Anishta bhavas. On the basis of Samgnadhyaya, the various effects should be inferred. When Bhavas are ruined: When the lord of the 8th from a certain bhava or saturn transits the bhava and at the same time, the dasa / antar of the 6th, 8th or 12th operates, the bhava under consideration suffers. Similarly diseases signified in the various parts of the body as signified by the bhava concerned can be predicted. Posted by Sarajit Poddar at 12:22 PM 0 comments Analysis of a Bhava I- Significations of Houses INTRODUCTION Analysis of bhavas is the first step to be taken in interpretation of the horoscope. Though many things have been written on this so far, there are many inconsistencies in the books written by various authors. These inconsistencies tend to discourage any new students of Jyotisha. Thus this article strives to present the subject in a very systematic manner and hopes that the Jyotish enthusiasts and the beginners would gain substantially from this. Links to this post

The article is divided into various sections starting from the significations of Bhavas; General strengths and weaknesses of bhava; Generic effect of Benefics and malefics in the bhavas and the specific effect of all the planets in the different bhavas. I however admit that this article is no way comprehensive and leaves enough room for improvement. I shall modify/ add sections to this as and when time permits.

SIGNIFICATIONS OF HOUSES(from Prasna Margam) Note: The terms inside the brackets are the sanskrit terms used in the classic. Lagna: Excellence/ Superior goodness of beauty/ Extreme Skillness/ Cleverness/ Self Confidence (Sauthavam); The state of being/ Existence/ Perseverence/ Standing/ Stay at a place (Sthiti); Self- dependence/ Sound State/ Health/ Ease/ Comfort/ Contentment/ Satisfaction (Svasthya); Welfare/ Welbeing/ Yasha/ Fame (Shreya); Victory/ Success/ Acheivement (Jayo) Second House: Family, Wealth (Vitta), Speech (Vani), Right Eye (Dakshina Chakshu), all forms of Knowledge (Vidyascha Vividha) Third House: Patience (Dhairya), Vitality and Potency (Virya), Wrong thoughts (Durbuddhi); Siblings (Sahodara); Valour (Parakrama); Right Ear (Daksha Karna); Assistance/ help/ following (Sahaya) Fourth House: Mother (Mata); Sacrifice (Suhut); Sisters child (Bhagineau); Landed Property (Kshetram); Sukham (Happiness); Vehicles and Carriages (VahanamHsanam); grace/ beauty/ charm/ amour (Lalitya); Resting/ sleeping (Shayanam); growth and prosperity (Vriddhi); Cattle (Pasu); Birth house/ birth place (Janma Griha) Fifth house: Wisdom (Pragna); Abilities (Pratibha), Intelligence (Medha); Ability to discern (Viveka Shakti); Good deeds of past life (Puratana Punyam); Mystical hymns (Mantra); Advisor/ Misnister (Amatya); Children (Tanuja); Mental Satisfaction/ Cheerfulness (Saumansya) Sixth house: Thief / Smuggler (Taskar); Enemies/ Hostile persons (Araati); Impediment/ Obstacle/ Interruption (Vighna); Wounds/ Injuries (Vyaadha); Harm to body (Tanu Kshati); Death (Marana) by Enemies (Ari) or Weapons (Shastra) Seventh House: Marriage (Vivaha); Amour/ sexual instincts / Passion/ (Madana); Bharya (Spouse); association with other relations (Bhartr Samagama); Bed/ Sleeping place (Sayya); Wifes dwelling place (Sthri sadma); Lost things (Nastartha); Coitus (Maithuna) Eighth House: Destruction/cessation of everything (Sarvapranasa); Misfortune/ Danger (Vipad); Defame/ loss of repute (Apavad); Cause and Place of Death (Maranasya Hetupradesha); Servants (Daas); External houses/ house external to the living place (Mathadikam Veshma); Chronic diseases (Gadaa); Danger/ Obstacles (Vighna) Ninth House: Luck (Bhagya); Duty/ Righteousness (Dharma); Kindness/ Empathy (Daya); Good deed (Punya); Father/ Guardian (Taat); Grand children (Sutatmaja); Donation/ Charity (Daana); Worship (Upasana); Good conduct and amicable disposition (Sushil); Teacher/ Preceptor (Guru)

Tenth House: Religious Shrines (Devalaya); Townships (Nagar); Council (Sabha); Houses besides the road (Margalaya); Servants/ attendants (Daas); All Activities (Sarvakarma); Follow Order/ Command (Aagnaalambana) Eleventh House: Fulfillment of all desires (Sarvabhistaagama); Elder Brother (Jyestha Bhrata); Wife (Jaya) of Own Son (Nija-atmaja) or Daughter in Law; Left Ear (Vamkarna); Gain/ Profit (Labha) Twelfth House: Sin/ Evil (Paapa); Loss/ Expenses (Vyaya); Fall (Patana); Emancipation (Niraya); Left Eye (Vama-ambakam); Loss/dis-appearence of position (Sthana Bhramsa); Loss of Limbs / Physical injuries/ Depression/ Sorrow (Vikala)

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