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EE 624-Assignment 1 Due Aug.

17th, 2012

1. Using the result y 2 (y x)2 + x2 , prove the following inequality for the Gaussian Q function, Q(x) < ex
2 /2

, for x > 0.


2. In this problem we prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality restated here for convenience, |< s, r >| = s(t)r (t)dt s r , (2)

for any complex valued signals s(t) and r(t), with equality if and only if one is a scalar multiple of the other. For simplicity we assume in the proof that s(t) and r(t) are real-valued. (a) Suppose we try to approximate s(t) by ar(t), a scalar multiple of r, where a is a real number.That is we are trying to approximate s by an element spanned in the subspace by r. Then the error in the approximation is the signal e(t) = s(t) ar(t). Show that the energy of the error signal, as a scalar a, is given by, J(a) = e

= s

+ a2 r

2a s, r .


(b) Note that J(a) is a quadratic function of a with a global minimum. Find the minimizing argument amin and evaluate J(amin ). The Cauchy-Schwarz now follows by noting that the minimum error energy is non-negative. That is it is a restatement of the fact that J(amin ) 0 1

(c) Interpret the condition for equality in the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. (d) Interpret the minimising argument amin as follows: the signal amin r(t) corresponds to the projection of s(t) along the unit vector in the direction of r(t). The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality then amounts to saying that the error incurred in the projection has non-negative energy with equality if s(t) lies in the sub-space spanned by r(t). 3. Modied From Tse(Problem 3.5) Consider the use of dierential BPSK scheme proposed in Section 3.1.3 for the AWGN channel (a) Find a natural non-coherent scheme to detect u[m] based on y[m 1] and y[m] assuming the channel is constant across the two symbol times. Your scheme doesnt have to be the ML detector. (b) Analyse the performance of your detector at high SNR. You may need to do some approximations. (c) What is the ideal coherent detector and how does the high SNR performance of your detector compare to that of the coherent detector? 4. MATLAB Assignment- Simulate a BPSK communication channel in MATLAB. Generate the BER curve for BPSK detection in AWGN channel. Superpose the analytical curve over it. The following MATLAB commands are useful:rand,randn,plot. 5. Simulate the repetition coding scheme for n = 7 with BPSK modulation in MATLAB. Plot the probability of codeword error from simulations for both the symbol-wise and block detection schemes vs SNR. Also plot on the same graph the probability of error obtained from the theoretical expressions and demonstrate that they coincide with the respective simulation results.

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