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Chapter 1: The game of whist, reading newspapers. Dinner & lunch at the club (same dining-room, same table).

Reform Clubs comfortable bedrooms. Clubs entrance hall & gallery- with its inlaid wooden floor, or in the round gallery, above which rose a blue stained glass dome supported by twenty Ionian columns in red porphyry. Clubs kitchens, larder & pantry- fish store & dairy. Food served in special china, finest table linen. Clubs cut glass made to a one- off design that held his sherry, his port or his clavet served with cinnamon and herbs. Foggs clock- was watching the hands of the clock move forward. It was a complicated piece of machinery that showed the hour, the minute, the day, the month and the year. Chapter 2: Foggs house (Saville Row) The house was clean and tidy, austere and puritanical, and well planned for servants. He liked it. For him it was like being inside the shell of a snail, but a snail that had gas lighting and heating. Coal gas supplied, in fact, all that was needed for heating and lighting. Second floor bedroom- Electric bells and speaking tubes made it possible to communicate with the suites of rooms on the ground and first floors. One the mantelpiece an electric clock matched the clock in Phileas Foggs bedroom, and both instruments showed exactly the same time, down to the last second. Piece of paper above the clock. It set out the daily routine for domestic service.

House in general- comfortably furnished, no library or books. Unnecessary since the Reform Club gave him access to two libraries, one for literature and the other for law and politics. Chapter 3: The Reform Club- dining-room, with its nine windows opening onto an attractive garden with trees that had already turned an autumn brown. Main drawing-room- magnificent place decorated with richly framed paintings. fireplace with coal fire. Chapter 4: X Chapter 5: X Chapter 6: In Suez (Liner Mongolia)- The Mongolia, which belonged to the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, was an iron-hulled, propeller-driven steamer with a spar-deck. It weighed 2,800 ton and had a nominal 500 horsepower. The Mongolia regularly did the run from Brindisi to Bombay via the Suez Canal. the quayside was gradually getting busy. Sailors of different nationalities, shopkeepers, brokers, porters and fellahs were flooding in. The weather was fairly good, but the air was chilly because of an easterly wind. Some minarets stood out above the town in the pale sunshine. Towards the south a jetty about 2,000 metres long stuck out like an arm into the harbour of Suez/ Several fishing boats or coastal vessels moored across the surface of the Red Sea, some of them still having the elegant outline of an ancient gallery. Eleven oclock was striking as the steamer dropped anchor into the harbour noisily letting steam out of its funnels. Chapter 7: X Chapter 8: X Chapter 9: The Mongolia, shaped like a long propeller-driven rocket. On 13 October, Mocha was sighted, surrounded but its ruined walls above which stood out green date palms. In the distance, towards the mountains, huge fields of coffee plants stretched out. Passepartout was delighted to contemplate this famous town, and he even thought that with its circular walls and its tumbled-down fort sticking out like a handle it looked like a giant-sized coffee cup. One the horizon the outline of hills formed a harmonious backdrop. Soon the rows of palm trees covering the town could be seen, standing out clearly. The liner entered the natural harbour formed by the islands of Sulsette, Kolaba, Elephanta and Butcher, and by half past four it was alongside the quays of Bombay.

Chapter 10: And so all the marvels of Bombay seemed of no interest to him: the town hall, the magnificent library, the fortifications, the docks, the cotton market, the bazaars, the mosques, the synagogues, the Armenian churches and the splendid temple on Malabar Hill with its twin polygonal towers those magnificent remains of Buddhist architecture. He walked around the streets of Bombay On that particular day they were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and entertainment. Chapter 11: On Train- The countryside was well cultivated and dotted with small towns, in which the towers of temples replaced the steeples of European churches. Numerous small rivers, most of the tributaries or sub-tributaries of the Godavari, irrigated this fertile land. The locomotive driven by an English engineman and fuelled by English coal, poured out its smoke over plantations of cotton, coffee, nutmeg, cloves and red pepper. The steam spiralled up over clumps of palm trees, between which could be seen picturesque bungalows, a few viharas or monasteries, now in ruins, and some wonderful temples decorated with the inexhaustible richness of detail of Indian architecture. Forests that the route of the railway had sliced through At eight oclock in the morning and fifteen miles from the station at Rothal, the train stopped in the middle of a vast clearing, around which were a few bungalows and workers huts. Chapter 12: X Chapter 13: They reached the edge of a small river and there by the light of iron torches tipped with burning resin, they glimpsed a carefully constructed wood pile. It was the funeral pyre, made from precious sandalwood, and already soaked in sweet-smelling oils. On the upper part rested the embalmed body of the rajah A hundred yards from the pure stood the temple, whose towers reached up into the darkened treetops. Chapter 14: the valley of the Ganges. When the weather was clearer they could see, out of the windows of the carriage, the varied landscape of Bihar, then green-clad mountains, fields of barley, maize and wheat, rivers and pools infested with greenish alligators, well-kept villages and luxuriant forests. Chapter 15: The carriage first of all went through the Indian quarter, with its narrow streets, on either side of which stood huts swarming with a cosmopolitan, dirty and ragged population, then it entered the European quarter, with its attractive brick houses, shaded by coconut trees and bristling with ship masts.

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