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Pirie ai a es Jagdgeschwader 51 ‘Molders’ John Wea OSPREY ‘Ospeey’s primary Luftwaffe author and artist, JOHN WEAL thas written and/or illustrated. more than 20 titles in the Aircraft of the Aces, Gombat ‘Aircraft and Aviation Elite ‘Units series since 1994. Possessing one of the largest Private collections of original ‘German-language literature rom World War 2, his research Is firmly based ‘on this huge archive. Fluent ln German, Weal has also ‘spent much time establishing ‘contact with ex-members of ‘the Luftwaffe, from General ‘Staff Officers of the RLM to {frontline aircrew. He has often used these private seurees to ‘gain access to further archival ‘material, including complete \Luftwatte orders of battle for ‘the various fighting fronts and Individual combat reports. ‘Weal also helps his German ‘wite nun a small technical ‘translation and interprating ‘agency. Aviation Elite Units OSPREY Jagdgeschwader 51 ‘Molders’

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