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Nevada Regional Science & Engineering Fair Science Fair Check Sheet
To be completed by Fair Director/Exhibitor(s)/Parent MUST be attached to Back Right Side Panel of display board prior to WNRS&EF

WNRS&EF Locator #_________________

Exhibitor(s)_____________________________________________________ Grade________ Fair Director__________________________ School__________________________________

______ My Fair Director has reviewed with exhibitor(s)/parent WNRS&EF procedures and rules including project drop off/pick-up dates and times.

______ Fair Director/Exhibitor(s)/Parent have READ DISPLAY AND SAFETY RULES AND CHECKED PROJECT FOR COMPLIANCE. ______ Fair Director/Exhibitor(s)/Parent understand and agree to any non-compliance with Display and Safety rules will result in confiscation of illegal materials and/or subject to project Failure to Qualify and removal.
Note: This includes (and not limited to): food, liquids, batteries, plants, soils, glass, metal and sharp objects, unsecured
magnets, marbles, balloons. Photographs are urged to document experiment showing non-compliance items. Human & ANIMAL PHOTOGRAPHS ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC GUIDELINES check with WNR&SF Display & Safety.

Does project involved ANY humans, animals/pets, or bacterial cultures? Yes ____ No ____ IF YES, Project is subject LOCAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEW COMMITTEE (LSRC) APPROVAL. Please attach a copy of the LSRC form, all subject permissions and needed clearances, and attach all paper work to back right-hand flap of display board.
Note: This includes (and not limited to): any taste testing (requires a listing of ingredients), surveys and questionnaires,
listing of testing physical activity, demonstrating or modeling devices/inventions on humans and animals/pets, product testing on humans and animals/pets, culturing bacteria (germs).

_____ Fair Director/Exhibitor(s)/Parent labeled and cited all photographs, charts, and graphs i.e. photo taken by parent, graph designed by student, graphic obtained from Site Source(s).

Fair Director/Exhibitor(s)/Parent have read and completed this Science Fair check sheet prior to the WNRS&EF, attached this sheet and necessary documents required for entry to the back of display board, and agree to abide by the WNRS&EF decisions on entries that are non-compliant with the rules. School Fair Director: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________


Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________________________________________________


Classroom Teacher (If Project is a Class Project): ___________________________________________________________


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