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1 1 PROGRAM: ____________________________________________________________________________ SEMESTER: ______ TAHUN: ______ Knowing Numbers MTE3101 Kursus: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Kod: ____________ 3 (3 + 0) Kredit: ____________

Minggu M1

Tajuk dan Kandungan Numeration Systems Early Numeration Systems

Hasil Pembelajaran

Kuliah (2 jam) The Tally Numeration System The Roman Numeration System The Egyptian Numeration System The Mayan Numeration System The Babylonian Numeration System Digits Grouping by tens Place Value Additive and Multiplicative

Tutorial (1 jam) Discuss Tutorial 1A (Class discussion supervised by lecturer; submit written report individually)

Amal i

ISL (2 jam)


Identify the early numeration systems

Students to write out Introduce reflective log the Reflective Log and submit to Weekly outline to be given to students lecturer for comments Course structure and content to be presented to students Assessment guidelines to be presented to students Reader: Musser Gary L. et. al (2006) Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: Pages 60 - 73

Hindu-Arabic Numeration Systems

Identify the Hindu--Arabic Numeration System


Numeration Systems Different Numeration Systems

Compare the development of various number systems overt numbers from base b to base 10 and vice versa

Number of Discuss Tutorial 1B ( Pair-work discussion symbols and submit report ) Change from base b to Base 10 Binary Numeration System

In pairs, discuss and plan the answer to Tutorial 1B using the Reader (Smith, 2001, pgs 129-140) and search for other appropriate resources

Reader: Smith, K.J. (2001). The Nature of Mathematics. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole , pages 129-140

SKEMA TLO M3 Elementary Number Theory Number Systems

Define number system Classify the set of real numbers

Definition Discuss Tutorial 2A Classificati in groups of 3-4 and submit report in groups. ons within the set of real numbers

Read the notes on Reference : Numbers and Numeration file Numbers and Numeration and Coursework to be given to students and deadline highlighted. search for one website on Classification of Number Systems. Print out and keep in a file as notes. Get information on Number Systems from the Internet. Print out two relevant websites and keep in a file as notes. Discuss Tutorial 3 and prepare for group presentation


Elementary Number Theory Number Systems

Perform number representation

Number Representati on

Workshop Tutorial 2B (Discuss In groups of 34 and submit a report)

Distribute Tutorial 3


Natural Numbers Characterize the divisibility of Prime natural numbers Numbers Apply prime Modular factorization Numbers using the Euclidean Algorithm Natural Numbers Modular Numbers The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic


Group Presentation of Tutorial 3

Coursework to be given to students and deadline highlighted Reader : S.Groves (2006). Exploring Number and Space. Deakin University. Divisibility: pages 201-205 Reader: S Groves (2006) Topic 2 The natural numbers- Additional notes. Prime Factorization: The Euclidean Logarithm

Prime Factorization The Euclidean Algorithm


Perform fundamental operations on modular numbers.

Clock Arithmetic Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in Clock Arithmetic Congruence Mod m

Solve application problems on modular numbers. (Refer Problem Solving in Smith (2001) for examples of problems.

Read A card trick in Reference for lecture: Miller, Heeren & Clock Arithmetic and Modulo Five Arithmetic in Hornsby (1990). Try Smith (2001). The Nature of Mathematics, p.216 221 out the trick with your Modular Arithmetic p.118 - 134 friends. Submit to your lecturer an Reference for tutorial: account on how Problem Solving in Smith (2001). The Nature of modular arithmetic Mathematics. 9th ed. p. 225-226 can be used to explain the trick Reference for ISL:

A card trick in Miller, Heeren & Hornsby (1990). Mathematical ideas. 6th ed., p.288. Additional reference materials: Clock arithmetic in susan/numberbracelers/modarith.html


Encode and decode secret messages in M7 Natural Numbers The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Number Recreations

Find prime factorization of natural number


Finding prime factorisation of Natural Numbers

knowledge in number concepts through number recreation activities

In groups, do Activity 2.10 on page 24 in Susie Groves (2006). Exploring Space and Numbers Study Guide. Make a group presentation at the end of Activity 2.10.

In pairs, read the Reference for lecture: article Ryans The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in Susie primes. Summit to Groves (2006). Exploring Space and the lecturer a oneNumbers Study Guide. p.24. page synopsis before the tutorial sessions. Reader for ISL:

Ryans primes in B. Juraschek & A.S. Evans (2000).

Additional reference materials: Prime Numbers in Richard J.B. Number Systems: An elementary approach. p. 142 145


Natural Numbers Number Recreations


knowledge in number concepts through number recreation activities

Do Tutorial 4 in groups Fibonacci Sequence and and present answers in class. Golden Ratio Magic Squares Problem Solving

Apply number concepts in problem solving activities

In pairs, read Squares that are Magic and carry out the activities 3x3 magic square and 4x4 magic square on p. 91. Write your learning experience on magic squares in your reflective log.

Reference for Question 1 for Tutorial 3: Smith (2001), The Nature of Mathematics. 9th ed. p. 376. Reference for Question 2 for Tutorial 3: Fibonacci Numbers Lesson Block L: p.102-p.109. Reader for Question 3 for Tutorial 3: Golden Rectangles in Smith (2001), The Nature of Mathematics. 9th ed. p. 370 - 373. Reader for ISL: Squares that are Magic taken from Humble (2002), p90 p93.

In pairs, search the Internet to explore An example of a good site for ISL: more on Number Recreations. Write Additional Reference Materials: your learning The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio in Miller, Heeren experience searching & Hornsby (1990), Mathematical the internet in your Ideas. 6th ed. p. 198 202. reflective log. The Golden ratio: p.279 The Digits in Shakunta Devi. (1987). The joy of numbers. p. 15 30. Fundament Refer to Topic 7: Notes on Rational and al property of Irrational numbers: fractions Read the article titled Reference for lecture: The Cantor Story Rational Numbers in Smith (2001), The Nature of and Mathematics. 9th ed. p.188 194.


Rational numbers

Describe the fundamental properties


Basic properties Cardinality of the rational numbers

of fraction

Perform fundamental operations on rational numbers Determine the cardinality of rational numbers Define complex and continued fractions Generate a continued fraction from a rational number Apply complex and continued fraction in problem solving activities

Operations Complete Activity 7.1 (a) to (g) Pg.138 and with rational submit report to lecturer numbers One-to-one correspondence and cardinality

submit a synopsis of the article.

Rational and irrational numbers from the Study Guide on Exploring number and space by Susie Groves, 2006 (Deakin University). Pg. 135 - 142 Reader for ISL: The Cantor Story by Hemmings, R and Tahta, D. (1984)

Countable sets and aleph zero


Rational numbers Complex fractions and continued fractions

Problem solving

Definition of a complex fraction Simplifying a complex fraction Definition of a continued fraction Writing a rational number as a continued fraction Evaluating a continued fraction Examples of problems involving fractions

Refer to Topic 7: Rational and irrational numbers Additional notes Complete and submit Exercise 7.5 & Exercise 7.6

Surf the website suggested and highlight important points on continued fractions.

Reference for Lecture:

Complex Fractions in Miller, Heeren & Hornsby (1990), Mathematical Ideas. 6th ed. p. 242-243 Problems 55 59 in Smith (2001), The Nature of Mathematics. 9th ed. p.195 The Necklace Problem from Lilavati in Shakuntala Devi (1984). The book of numbers. p.108 Additional self-reading and discussion during ISL. Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/cfINTRO.html Reference for tutorial:

Topic 7 :Rational and irrational numbers Additional notes from the Study Guide on Exploring number and space by Susie Groves ,2006 (Deakin University).


Irrational numbers Basic properties

Define and characterize a irrational number Use contradiction to prove square of two is an irrational

Definition and properties of irrational numbers. The square root of 2 as example of an irrational number (Proof by contradiction)

Tutorial 5

Complete Activity 7.2 Reference : Task (a) to (d) page Michael Sullivan (1999) 144 from Algebra & Trigonometry. NJ: Prentice Hall. page 70-71 S. Groves (2006). Exploring Number & S. Groves (2006). Exploring Number & Space. Study Space. Study Guide. Australia: Deakin University Guide. Australia: Pg. 142-156 Deakin University

Bennett A.B and Nelson L.T, (1998), Mathematics for Elementary Teacher: An Activity Approach 4th ed, McGraw-

SKEMA TLO number Perform Product rule of operations by square roots using product rule and Quotient rule of quotient rule square roots of square roots. Apply irrational numbers in problem solving activities Problem solving Exercise 1.5 Question involve with 1,3,5 and 7 from page irrational number 26,27 from Brodie,R and Swift,S (2002) New QMaths II. Nelson Thomson Learning Hill

Square roots and surds


Irrational numbers Square root and surds o Q uotient rule o P roblem solving

Discuss answers for Reference : selected questions in Michael Sullivan (1999) exercise 1.7 page Algebra & Trigonometry. NJ: Prentice Hall 70-71 problems (i) 29-37, Miller. C. D , Heeren, V.E, Hornsby E. J. (1990), (ii) 65-73 Mathematical Ideas 6th Ed. Harpr Collins Publishers, USA (odd numbers only) from Michael Sullivan Brodie, R., Swift, S. (2002). New Q maths 11C. Australia: (1999) Nelson Thompson Learning Algebra & Trigonometry. NJ: Prentice Hall


Complex Numbers Modulus, argument and conjugate of a complex number Operations involving Complex Numbers

Determine the

modulus, argument and conjugate of a complex number

Modulus Argument Conjugate

Answer selected questions Exercises A, pg 440,441 No.12,13,14,16,27 and 29 from reference

Gather relevant information on Complex Number on topics modulus, argument and conjugate from the Internet. Print and keep the notes in a file.

Reference : Nicholson,W.K. (2002) Linear Algebra with Applications. 4th ed. McGraw Hill .


Complex Numbers Operations

Perform fundamental operations on complex

Operations Polar form

Answer Q 3,11,17,19, 21,23,25,27, 35 and 45 (pg 731Michael Sullivan

Gather relevant Reference: information on the Michael Sullivan (1999). Algebra and Trigonometry. topic Complex Numbers in the Polar Mullan, E. (2001). Maths in action: Mathematics 2

SKEMA TLO involving complex numbers Complex numbers in polar form numbers Convert complex number from coordinate form to polar form and vice versa Whole numbers Fractions and decimals Standard forms Square roots and surds (1999)) Algebra and Trigonometry Form from the Internet. Print and keep the notes in a file.

Ho, S.T. Collegfe mathematics syllabus c.


Estimation of quantities Roundin g off numbers

Perform estimation on quantities Round off numbers

Present tasks in groups. Related exercises from reference given

Prepare tasks on Reference : Tipler, M.J. New national framework pgs 29 and 67 from mathematics. Nelson Thornes Limited. Tipler, M.J. (2003). New national framework mathematics. Nelson Thornes Limited REVISION REVISION EXAMINATION

M16 M17 M18

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