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Para decir quin es alguien: Im Sam o que es algo: Thats my bag Para describir alguien: Shes tall o algo: Your shoes are nice. Procedencia: Were from London. Trabajos: Theyre students. Edad: Sallys twenty-one. Lugar donde alguien est: shes at home, o algo est: The books are on the shelf. Salud, estados de nimo: Im fine Shes ill. I am a doctor Im not a doctor? Am I a doctor?

OTHER VERBS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE USOS: Informacin personal: She works for IBM; habilidades: She speaks 4 languages Preferencias: I dont like coliflower Horarios fijados: The banks open at 8:30 Rutinas. I always get up at 7:30 Textos cientficos: Water freezes at 0 centigrade; geogrficos: Peru shares a border with Chile, proverbios; An Apple a day keeps the doctor away; mathematical: Two and two make four. RECORDA: 3 persona del singular (he-sheit) agregan s o es al verbo en la forma afirmativa y para las formas negativa e interrogativa utilizan el auxiliar does RECORDA que los adverbios de frecuencia always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely and never, se colocan adelante del verbo principal: I always have breakfast at home, pero despus del verbo to be: Shes usually on time for classes She loves Indian food I live in Cordoba She doesnt love Indian food - I dont live in Cordoba do y does unicamente Does she love Indian food? - Do I live in Cordoba? para interrog. y negativas

PRESENT CONTINOUS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE Youre studying English You arent studying English Are you studying English? EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO: now right now at the moment this week/ month/ year these days ESTAS EXPRESIONES SE COLOCAN AL USOS. PRINCIPIO O AL FINAL DE LA ORACIN.

Para las cosas que estamos hacienda en el momento en que hablamos: Im studying English now Para acciones que se estn desarrollando alrededor del momento en que hablo: Im taking a cokking course this month. Para hablar de situaciones nuevas, cambios que se estn produciendo, cosas que crecen o decrecen en igual grado: He is studying harder and harder Im forgetting my English little by Little. (EXPRESIONES COMUNES PARA ESTE USO:harder and harder better and better little by little more and more polluted) Para hablar de futuro cuando tenemos arreglado y programado todo: Were moving to a new flat next week ( ya tengo mi contrato firmado) Sheilas seeing doctor Nolan next Tuesday ( ya tiene el turno)

PAST SIMPLE VERB TO BE AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE I was at home yesterday I wasnt at home yesterday. Was you at home yesterday?

OTHER VERRBS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE USOS: Hechos del pasado, finalizados y sin conexin con el presente. Last night we ate at a fantastic Italian restaurant. Rutinas, hbitos y estados del pasado: When I was a child I usually went to school on foot. Siempre se tiene en mente un determinado momento del pasado que se expresa tcitamente: They lived in Madrid from 1997 to 2005 They didnt live in Madrid from 1995 to 2005 Did they live in Madrid from 1995 to 2005?

Did they live in Madrid from 1995 to 2005? o mediante las expresiones de tiempo como: last night/week/day/month/year a day/ month/ year ago two/five months/ years ago yesterday RECUERDA: Did es el auxiliar que se utiliza con todas las personas gramaticales para las formas negativas e interrogativa en las que se coloca el verbo en forma base. En la forma afirmativa el verbo es igual para todas las personas gramaticales la mayora de los verbos forman el pasado agregando ed a la forma base, PERO existen verbos que forman el pasado de forma irregular: 2 columna de la lista de verbos irregulares PAST CONTINUOUS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE USOS Acciones en progreso en el pasado: The children were playing football Accin repetida, pero no permanente durante un tiempo en el pasado: I was walking to the office that week. Dos acciones en progreso al mismo momento del pasado: I was making dinner, while my husband was taking the rubbish out. SECUENCIA DE TIEMPOS PASADOS. PAST SIMPLE + PAST SIMPLE: dos acciones pasadas que toman lugar exactamente una despus de la otra en el pasado: Alice wrote the letter and sent it to his parents.- Mr. Williams called the police when he found the dead body. PAST CONTINUOUS + PAST CONTINUOUS: dos acciones en progreso al mismo tiempo del pasado: While Allison was studying, her sister was listening to music. PAST CONTINUOUS + PAST SIMPLE: La accin, expresada en pasado continuo, estaba en progreso cuando ocurre otra, expresada en pasado simple, que la interrumpe: He was racing down the motorway when a tyre burst. Paul was having dinner when he heard the news about the accident. RECUERDA: WHEN: antes del pasado simple WHILE: antes del pasado continuo. Si esta expresin la colocas entre dos oraciones, ambas son en pasado continuo; se traduce como mientras She was reading a bok when you phoned her She wasnt reading a book when you phoned her Was she reading a book when you phoned her?

PRESENT PERFECT AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE Andrew has had an accident se forma con el auxiliary have/has ms el

Andrew hasnt had an accident participio pasado del verbo: 3 columna Has Andrew had an accident? de la lista de los irregulares; los regulares agregan ed igual que el pasado simple

USOS: Para referirse a hbitos o estados que comenzaron en el pasado y continan hasta el momento presente. EL EENFASIS SE COLOCA EN LA ACCIN Y NO EN EL MOMENTO EN QUE ESTA OCURRE: Jane has worked for the same company since 2000. Para referirse a una accin que comenz y finaliz en el pasado. No nos importa cuando ocurri la accin, sino sus resultados: Sue has lost her key. Now she cant open the door un habito o evento repetido en un periodo de tiempo que conduce al presente: She has often worked at night until now. Notars que entre el auxiliar has y el participio se ha colocado un adverbio de frequencia. Para referirse a una actividad que se ha completado en el pasado reciente, pero an indefinido: I have just had lunch. I have recently been to the cinema. Para referirnos a acciones que ocurrieron o nunca ocurrieron en nuestra vida hasta ahora, siempre sin especificar el tiempo pasado: Have you ever been to London? (ever algn momento de tu vida hasta ahora) I have never been to London (never momento de tu vida hasta ahora) ESPRESIONES DE TIEMPO: since: al principio de un perodo de tiempo: since she got married for: ms un perodo de tiempo: for twenty years just: algo que acaba de ocurrir: Ive just had a coffee already: algo que ocurri antes de lo esperado: Ive already finished my homework yet: se traduce como todava y solo se utiliza en interrogativas y negativas: I havent finished my homework yet Have you done it yet? PRESTA ATENCIN A LA UBICACIN DE LAS EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO EN LOS DISTINTOS TIPOS DE ORACIONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! en en ningn

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE They have been eating vegetables for the last five years They havent been eating vegetables for the last five years Have they been eating vegetables for the last five years?

USOS Para referirse a hbitos o estados que comenzaron en el pasado y continan hasta el momento presente. EL EENFASIS SE COLOCA EN LA DURACIN DE LA ACCIN Y NO EN EL MOMENTO EN QUE ESTA OCURRE: Jane has been working for the same company since 2000. Esta accin puede o no continuar en el futuro. Para indicar un hbito temporario que comenz en el pasado y contina en el presente: He has been taking a gardening course this semester. Para referirnos a una accin completa que se produjo durante in perodo de tiempo presente e incompleto: She has been working in the garden all day. no ha terminado. La accin comenz en el pasado y dur por algn tiempo y sus efectos an son visibles en el presente. La accin puede haber finalizado o no, esto no importa, IMPORTAN LOS EFECTOS QUE SE PUEDEN VER: Have you been crying? Your eyes are red. Para expresar disgusto o irritacin: She has been reading my emails What have you been doing all day? PAST PERFECT AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE USOS Para describer una accin pasada anterior a otra accin pasada, es decir a un pasado ms alejado en el tiempo a otro al que estamos haciendo referencia: He had already done his homework when he left Es decir el primero termin su tarea (had already done his I had begun my studies when I met him I hadnt begun my studies when I met him Had I begun my studies when I met him? Implica que el da todava

homework) y despus se fue (he left) Para hablar de una accin que comenz y finaliz en el pasado y que tuvo resultados visibles en el pasado: In her youth, my aunt had lived in Italy for five years; thats why she spoke Italian so well Primero ella vivi en Italia (my aunt had lived in Italy), luego hablaba italiano muy

bien (she spoke Italian) PASSIVE VOICE Christopher Wren designed St. Pauls cathedral

St. Pauls was designed by Christopher Wren

PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT My brothers are fixing the door CONTINUOUS PAST Somebody cleaned the window yesterday SIMPLE PAST The chef was cooking spaghetti CONTINUOUS PRESENT A woman has invented the dishwasher PERFECT SIMPLE John will give Susan a necklace FUTURE EXPLICACIN

ACTIVE I play the piano at the concert

PASSIVE The piano is played by me at the concert The door is being fixed by my brothers The window was cleaned yesterday Spaghetti was being cooked by the chef The dishwasher has been invented by a woman A necklace will be given to Susan by John

La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando queremos cambiar el foco o punto de vista desde el que vemos la accin: En la voz activa el foco se coloca sobre el sujeto que realiza la accin. En la voz pasiva el foco se coloca sobre el sujeto u objeto afectado por la accin. El complemento agente se introduce con: BY (por) cuando estamos hablando de una persona o WITH (con) cuando estamos hablando de cosas. El complemento agente debe estar si o si cuando utilizamos los verbos discover invent write compose damage design destroy make and build qu es responsable de la accin. Cuando la persona que ejecuta la accin esel hacedor natural de la misma, o el sujeto de la oracin en voz activa es they somebody, es decir no es un sujeto especfico, se omite el complemento agente. necesitamos identificar quin o

MODALS MUST: obligacin ms del tipo interna: You must arrive on time to work; invitation: You must come and stay with us some time; reproaches: Must you have the TV on so loud? Im trying to work here HAVE TO: obligacin externa regla: You have to wear uniform at school

HAD TO: forma pasada de los dos anteriores: I had to wear uniform, when I went to school DONT HAVE TO: no es necesario, obligatorio: You dont have to wear uniform at our school DIDNT HAVE TO: no era necesario, obligatorio: I didnt have to wear uniform at my first job MUSTNT: prohibicin: You mustnt talk to strangers. SHALL: sugerencia, recomendacin: Shall we leave now?; obligacin leve: I shall clean my bedroom CAN: permiso: You can smoke in the designated area; habilidad: You can see the palace from my bedroom; pedido: Can you do it for me, please?

MAY: permiso: You may take another candy; posibilidad de que algo sea: She may have the book we need; para pedir permiso: May I leave the table, please? MIGHT: posibilidad pero muy especulativa esa manera: She might be her mother. COULD: habilidad pasada: I could play the piano when I was five; posibilidad: This could be the answer to all your problems; para pedir algo de forma ms educada que can: Could I go now?Could you open the window, please? SHOULD: sugerencia, recomendacin, obligacin leve: You should pone to your grandma; para expresar lo que deseas, planes o esperas que ocurra: The lecture should finish at twelve. I hope it wont be longer SHOULDNT: sugerencia, recomendacin de no hacer algo: You shouldnt go out. Its freezing; para expresar lo que no deseas, planeas o esperas que ocurra: I hope the lecture shouldnt be boring! ests muy poco convencido de que las cosas sean de


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