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Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:1 of 14 Question 1: What is questionnaire? Discuss the main points that you will take in to account while drafting a questionnaire? A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Althou gh they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is no t always the case. The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton. Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile dat a. However, such standardized answers may frustrate users. Questionnaires are al so sharply limited by the fact that respondents must be able to read the questio ns and respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting a survey by questionnaire may not be practical. As a type of survey, questionnaires also ha ve many of the same problems relating to question construction and wording that exist in other types of opinion polls. Questionnaires may be classified as: Structured/ Standardized Questionnaire: Str uctured questionnaires are those in which there are definite, concrete and preor dained questions with additional questions limited to those necessary to clarify inadequate answers or to elicit more detailed responses. The questions are pres ented with exactly the same wording and in the same order to all the respondents . Unstructured Questionnaire: In unstructured questionnaires the respondent is giv en the opportunity to answer in his own terms and in his own frame of reference. Points to take into account while drafting a questionnaire: Writing an effective questionnaire is not a task for novices. At the very least it requires an understanding of four basics. These are: Considering the differen ces that exist when writing a questionnaire that respondents will fill out themse lves as opposed to when a professional interviewer administers the questionnaire to the respondent. Knowing what questions should be asked early on in the quest ionnaire, in the middle or toward the end. Understanding how to phrase questions . Being sensitive to questionnaire length. There are some basic differences in h ow the questionnaire should be constructed if it is to be filled out personally by the respondent or if an interviewer is going to administer it. These are: Sel f-administered questionnaires should be simple, straightforward and logical. Que stion

2 should follow question 1. Question 3 should follow question 2, and so forth. F urther, the going-in assumption with self-administered questionnaires should be that respondents

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:2 of 14 will not complete a questionnaire when there are complex skip patterns, when pag es are crowded or hard to read or when instructions for completion are overly co mplex. It has been estimated that as many as 50% of respondents who start a self -administered questionnaire will not complete it because they become irritated a nd annoyed at the way it is constructed. When writing a self-administered questi onnaire, then, every care must be taken to ensure that it is easy to complete in that it almost answers itself. Self-administered questionnaires should be writt en with an eighth grade mentality in mind while interviewer-administered questio nnaire can be quite complex. Because interviewers are trained in the flow of the questionnaires they administer and will conduct a number of practice interviews prior to confronting a respondent, developing a complex questionnaire that is i nterviewer-administered does not present a problem for the respondent. Keep the respondent in one mind-set at a time. If at all possible, complete all your ques tions about one topic before moving on to the next. For example, dont ask about a favorite place to shop, then about brands used and then go back to additional q uestioning on favorite place to shop. Save sensitive questions for the end. Agai n, this might not always be possible, but when it doesnt matter, be aware that se nsitive questions such as race or income can alienate respondents and turn them off to the entire interview process. If asked at the end, respondents are more l ikely to answer as they are wholly invested in the questionnaire. Biased questio n: What do you like about the last airline flight you took? Assumption here is t hat respondent liked something and the question tends to push for a positive res ponse. Unbiased question. What, if anything, do you like the last airline flight you took? By simply using if anything as part of the question phrasing, the res pondent is not put on the spot to find something to like. When conducting teleph one interviews, its relatively easy to keep respondents on the phone and answerin g questions for 15, 20 or 25 minutes if the questionnaire has a good flow and is thoughtfully written. But try keeping a respondent on the phone for 3 minutes w ith a questionnaire that is the least bit confusing, seems redundant or is insen sitive to sensitive issues. Question 2: What do you mean by primary data? What are the various methods of co llecting primary data? Primary Date is data that has not been previously published, i.e. the data is de rived from a new or original research study and collected at the source, e.g., i n marketing, it is information that is obtained directly from firsthand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation. Data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience. Published data and the data collected in th e

past or other parties are called secondary data. Primary data are directly colle cted by the researcher from their original sources. In this case, the researcher can collect the required date precisely according to his research needs, he can collect them when he wants them and in the form he needs them. But the collecti on of primary data is costly and time consuming. Yet, for several types of socia l science research required data are not available from secondary sources and th ey have to be directly gathered from the primary sources.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:3 of 14 In such cases where the available data are inappropriate, inadequate or obsolete , primary data have to be gathered. They include: socio economic surveys, social anthropological studies of rural communities and tribal communities, sociologic al studies of social problems and social institutions. Marketing research, leade rship studies, opinion polls, attitudinal surveys, readership, radio listening a nd T.V. viewing surveys, knowledge-awareness practice (KAP) studies, farm manage ments studies, business management studies etc. Primary data are always collected from the source. It is collected either by the investigator himself or through his agents. There are different methods of coll ecting primary data. Each method has its relative merits and demerits. The inves tigator has to choose a particular method to collect the information. The choice to a large extent depends on the preliminaries to data collection some of the c ommonly used methods are discussed below. 1) Direct Personal observation: This is a very general method of collecting primary data. Here the investigator directly contacts the informants, solicits their cooperation and enumerates the data. The information are collected by direct personal interviews. The novelty o f this method is its simplicity. It is neither difficult for the enumerator nor the informants because both are present at the spot of data collection. This met hod provides most accurate information as the investigator collects them persona lly. But as the investigator alone is involved in the process, his personal bias may influence the accuracy of the data. So it is necessary that the investigato r should be honest, unbiased and experienced. In such cases the data collected m ay be fairly accurate. However, the method is quite costly and time-consuming. S o the method should be used when the scope of enquiry is small. 2) Indirect Oral Interviews: This is an indirect method of collecting primary data. Here information is not c ollected directly from the source but by interviewing persons closely related wi th the problem. This method is applied to apprehend culprits in case of theft, m urder etc. The information relating to one s personal life or which the informan t hesitates to reveal are better collected by this method. Here the investigator prepares a small list of questions relating to the enquiry. The answers (infor mation) are collected by interviewing persons well connected with the incident. The investigator should cross-examine the informants to get correct information. This method is time saving and involves relatively less cost. The accuracy of t he information largely depends upon the integrity of the investigator. It is des irable that the investigator should be experienced and capable enough to inspire and create confidence in the informant to collect accurate data. 3) Mailed Questionnaire method: This is a very commonly used method of collecting primary data. Here information is collected through a set of questionnaire. A questionnaire is a document prep ared by the investigator containing a set of questions. These questions relate t o the problem of enquiry directly or indirectly. Here first the questionnaires a re mailed to the informants with a formal request to answer the question and sen d them back. For better response the investigator should bear the postal charges . The questionnaire should carry a polite note explaining the aims and objective

of the enquiry, definition of various terms and concepts used there. Besides th is the

investigator should ensure the secrecy of the information as well as the name of the informants, if required.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:4 of 14 Success of this method greatly depends upon the way in which the questionnaire i s drafted. So the investigator must be very careful while framing the questions. The questions should be: Short and clear Few in number Simple and intelligible Corroboratory in nature or there should be provision for cross check Impersonal, non-aggressive type Simple alternative, multiple-choice or open-end type a) In the simple alternative question type, the respondent has to choose between alter natives such as Yes or No, right or wrong etc. For example: Is Adam Smith called fat her of Statistics? Yes/No b) In the multiple choice type, the respondent has to answer from any of the given alternatives. Example: To which sector do you belon g? Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary or Service Sector c) In the Open-end or free answer questions the respondents are given complete freedom in answerin g the questions. The questions are like What are the defects of our educational system? The questionnaire method is very economical in terms of time, energy and money. The method is widely used when the scope of enquiry is large. Data colle cted by this method are not affected by the personal bias of the investigator. H owever the accuracy of the information depends on the cooperation and honesty of the informants. This method can be used only if the informants are cooperative, conscious and educated. This limits the scope of the method. 4) Schedule Method: In case the informants are largely uneducated and non-responsive data cannot be collected by the mailed questionnaire method. In such cases, schedule method is used to collect data. Here the questionnaires are sent through the enumerators t o collect information. Enumerators are persons appointed by the investigator for the purpose. They directly meet the informants with the questionnaire. They exp lain the scope and objective of the enquiry to the informants and solicit their cooperation. The enumerators ask the questions to the informants and record thei r answers in the questionnaire and compile them. The success of this method depe nds on the sincerity and efficiency of the enumerators. So the enumerator should be sweet-tempered, good-natured, trained and well-behaved. Schedule method is w idely used in extensive studies. It gives fairly correct result as the enumerato rs directly collect the information. The accuracy of the information depends upo n the honesty of the enumerators. They should be unbiased. This method is relati vely more costly and time-consuming than the mailed questionnaire method. 5) From Local Agents:

Sometimes primary data are collected from local agents or correspondents. These agents are appointed by the sponsoring authorities. They are well conversant wit h the local conditions like

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:5 of 14 language, communication, food habits, traditions etc. Being on the spot and well acquainted with the nature of the enquiry they are capable of furnishing reliab le information. The accuracy of the data collected by this method depends on the honesty and sincerity of the agents because they actually collect the informati on from the spot. Information from a wide area at less cost and time can be coll ected by this method. The method is generally used by government agencies, newsp apers, periodicals etc. to collect data. Information is like raw materials or in puts in an enquiry. The result of the enquiry basically depends on the type of i nformation used. Primary data can be collected by employing any of the above met hods. The investigator should make a rational choice of the methods to be used f or collecting data because collection of data forms the beginning of the statist ical enquiry. Question 3 a. Analyze the case study and descriptive approach to r esearch. a) Case Study and descriptive approach to research: Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and cha racteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive resea rch answers the questions who, what, where, when and how... Although the data de scription is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, Descriptive research cannot be used to create a causa l relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity. The descri ption is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Ofte n the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a surv ey investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of description and rese archers may follow-up with examinations of why the observations exist and what t he implications of the findings are. In short descriptive research deals with ev erything that can be counted and studied. But there are always restrictions to t hat. Your research must have an impact to the lives of the people around you e.g . finding the most frequent disease that affects the children of a town. The rea der of the research will know what to do to prevent that disease thus; more peop le will live a healthy life. Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the d efinition of either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies, but inst ead it can utilize elements of both, often within the same study. The term descr iptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analys is that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, w hile inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. A case study is a research method common in social science. It is based on an in-depth investigat ion of a single individual, group, or event. Case studies may be descriptive or explanatory. The latter type is used to explore causation in order to find under lying principles. They may be prospective, in which criteria are established and cases fitting the criteria are included as they become available, or retrospect ive, in which criteria are established for selecting

cases from historical records for inclusion in the study.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:6 of 14 Rather than using samples and following a rigid protocol (strict set of rules) t o examine limited number of variables, case study methods involve an in-depth, l ongitudinal (over a long period of time) examination of a single instance or eve nt: a case. They provide a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data, analyzing information, and reporting the results. As a result the researcher ma y gain a sharpened understanding of why the instance happened as it did, and wha t might become important to look at more extensively in future research. Case st udies lend themselves to both generating and testing hypotheses. Another suggest ion is that case study should be defined as a research strategy, an empirical in quiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context. Case study re search means single and multiple case studies, can include quantitative evidence , relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from the prior development of theoretical propositions. Case studies should not be confused with qualitati ve research and they can be based on any mix of quantitative and qualitative evi dence. Single-subject research provides the statistical framework for making inf erences from quantitative case-study data b) Distinction between research methods and research Methodology: Research Metho ds Research methods are the various procedures, schemes, algorithms, etc. used i n research. All the methods used by a researcher during a research study are ter med as research methods. They are essentially planned, scientific and valueneutr al. They include theoretical procedures, experimental studies, numerical schemes , statistical approaches, etc. Research methods help us collect samples, data an d find a solution to a problem. Particularly, scientific research methods call f or explanations based on collected facts, measurements and observations and not on reasoning alone. They ac- cept only those explanations which can be verified by experiments. Research Methodology Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describ ing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained. Its aim is to give the work plan of research.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:7 of 14 Question 4: Explain the important concepts in Research design? The research desi gner understandably cannot hold all his decisions in his head. Even if he could, he would have difficulty in understanding how these are inter-related. Therefor e, he records his decisions on paper or record disc by using relevant symbols or concepts. Such a symbolic construction may be called the research design or mod el. A research design is a logical and systematic plan prepared for directing a research study. It specifies the objectives of the study, the methodology and te chniques to be adopted for achieving the objectives. It constitutes the blue pri nt for the plan is the overall scheme or program of research. A research design is the program that guides the investigator in the process of collecting, analyz ing and interpreting observations. It provides a systematic plan of procedure fo r the researcher to follow elltiz, Jahoda and Destsch and Cook describe, A resear ch design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data i n a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy i n procedure. Components of Research Design: It is important to be familiar with the important concepts relating to research design. They are: 1. Dependent and Independent variables: A magnitude that varies is known as a variable. The concept may assume different quantitative values, like height, weight, income, etc. Qualitative variables ar e not quantifiable in the strictest sense of objectivity. However, the qualitati ve phenomena may also be quantified in terms of the presence or absence of the a ttribute considered. Phenomena that assume different values quantitatively even in decimal points are known as continuous variables. But, all variables need not be continuous. Values that can be expressed only in integer values are called non continuous variables. In statistical term, they are also known as discrete variab le. For example, age is a continuous variable; whereas the number of children is a non-continuous variable. When changes in one variable depends upon the change s in one or more other variables, it is known as a dependent or endogenous varia ble, and the variables that cause the changes in the dependent variable are know n as the independent or explanatory or exogenous variables. For example, if dema nd depends upon price, then demand is a dependent variable, while price is the i ndependent variable. And if, more variables determine demand, like income and prices of substitute co mmodity, then demand also depends upon them in addition to the own price. Then, demand is a dependent variable which is determined by the independent variables like own price, income and price of substitute. 2. Extraneous variable: The independent variables which are not directly related to the purpose of the s tudy but affect the dependent variable are known as extraneous variables. For in stance, assume that a researcher wants to test the hypothesis that there is rela tionship between childrens school performance and their self-concepts, in which c ase the latter is an independent variable and the former, the dependent variable . In this context, intelligence may also influence the school performance. Howev er, since it is not directly related to the purpose of the study undertaken by t he researcher, it would be known as an extraneous variable. The influence caused by the extraneous variable on the dependent variable is technically called as a n experimental errors Therefore, a research study should always be

framed in such a manner that the dependent variable completely influences the ch ange in the independent variable and any other extraneous variable or variables.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 3. Control: page:8 of 14 One of the most important features of a good research design is to minimize the effect of extraneous variable. Technically, the term control is used when a rese archer designs the study in such a manner that it minimizes the effects of extra neous independent variables. The term control is used in experimental research t o reflect the restrain in experimental conditions. 4. Confounded relationship: The relationship between dependent and independent variables is said to be confo unded by an extraneous variable, when the dependent variable is not free from it s effects. Research hypothesis: When a prediction or a hypothesized relationship is tested by adopting scientifi c methods, it is known as research hypothesis. The research hypothesis is a pred ictive statement which relates a dependent variable and an independent variable. Generally, a research hypothesis must consist of at least one dependent variabl e and one independent variable. Whereas, the relationships that are assumed but not be tested are predictive statements that are not to be objectively verified are not classified as research hypothesis. Experimental and control groups: When a group is exposed to usual conditions in an experimental hypothesis-testing re search, it is known as control group. On the other hand, when the group is expose d to certain new or special condition, it is known as an experimental group. In t he afore-mentioned example, the Group A can be called a control group and the Gr oup B an experimental one. If both the groups A and B are exposed to some specia l feature, then both the groups may be called as experimental groups. A research design may include only the experimental group or the both experimental and cont rol groups together. Treatments: Treatments are referred to the different condit ions to which the experimental and control groups are subject to. In the example considered, the two treatments are the parents with regular earnings and those with no regular earnings. Likewise, if a research study attempts to examine thro ugh an experiment regarding the comparative impacts of three different types of fertilizers on the yield of rice crop, then the three types of fertilizers would be treated as the three treatments. Experiment: An experiment refers to the pro cess of verifying the truth of a statistical hypothesis relating to a given rese arch problem. For instance, experiment may be conducted to examine the yield of a certain new variety of rice crop developed. Further, Experiments may be catego rized into two types namely, absolute experiment and comparative experiment. If a researcher wishes to determine the impact of a chemical fertilizer on the yiel d of a particular variety of rice crop, then it is known as absolute experiment. Meanwhile, if the researcher wishes to determine the impact of chemical fertili zer as compared to the impact of bio-fertilizer, then the experiment is known as a comparative experiment. Experiment unit: Experimental units refer to the predetermined plots, characteristics or the bloc ks, to which the different treatments are applied. It is worth mentioning here t hat such experimental units must be selected with great caution.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:9 of 14 Question 5: What are the differences between observation and interviewing as met hods of data collection? Give two specific examples of situations where either o bservation or interviewing would be more appropriate. Observation vs. interviewi ng as Methods of Data Collection: Collection of data is the most crucial part of any research project as the success or failure of the project is dependent upon the accuracy of the data. Use of wrong methods of data collection or any inaccu racy in collecting data can have significant impact on the results of a study an d may lead to results that are not valid. There are many techniques of data coll ection along a continuum and observation and interviewing are two of the popular methods on this continuum that has quantitative methods at one end while qualit ative methods at the other end. Though there are many similarities in these two methods and they serve the same basic purpose, there are differences that will b e highlighted in this article. Observation: Observation, as the name implies ref ers to situations where participants are observed from a safe distance and their activities are recorded minutely. It is a time consuming method of data collect ion as you may not get the desired conditions that are required for your researc h and you may have to wait till participants are in the situation you want them to be in. Classic examples of observation are wild life researchers who wait for the animals of birds to be in a natural habitat and behave in situations that t hey want to focus upon. As a method of data collection, observation has limitati ons but produces accurate results as participants are unaware of being closely i nspected and behave naturally. Interviewing: Interviewing is another great techn ique of data collection and it involves asking questions to get direct answers. These interviews could be either one to one, in the form of questionnaires, or t he more recent form of asking opinions through internet. However, there are limi tations of interviewing as participants may not come up with true or honest answ ers depending upon privacy level of the questions. Though they try to be honest, there is an element of lie in answers that can distort results of the project. Though both observation and interviewing are great techniques of data collection , they have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is important to keep in mind which one of the two will produce desired results before finalizing. Observation vs. interviewing: Observation Observation requires precise analysis by the rese archer and often produces most accurate results although it is very time consumi ng. Interviewing Interviewing is easier but suffers from the fact that participa nts may not come up with honest replies. Interview format: Interviews take the organisation in advance what teria based interviews: These are ities that an employer is seeking many different forms. It is a good idea to ask format the interview will take. Competency/cri structured to reflect the competencies or qual for a particular job,

which will usually have been detailed in the job specification or advert. The in terviewer is looking for evidence of your skills and may ask such things as: Giv e an example of a time you worked as part of a team to achieve a common goal.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 Technical interviews: page:10 of 14 If you have applied for a job or course that requires technical knowledge, it is likely that you will be asked technical questions or has a separate technical i nterview. Questions may focus on your final year project or on real or hypotheti cal technical problems. You should be prepared to prove yourself, but also to ad mit to what you do not know and stress that you are keen to learn. Do not worry if you do not know the exact answer - interviewers are interested in your though t process and logic. Academic interviews: These are used for further study or re search positions. Questions are likely to centre on your academic history to dat e. Structured interviews: The interviewer has a set list of questions, and asks all the candidates the same questions. Formal/informal interviews: Some interviews may be very formal, while others wil l feel more like an informal chat about you and your interests. Be aware that yo u are still being assessed, however informal the discussion may seem. Portfolio based interviews: If the role is within the arts, media or communicati ons industries, you may be asked to bring a portfolio of your work to the interv iew, and to have an in-depth discussion about the pieces you have chosen to incl ude. Senior/case study interviews: These ranges from straightforward scenario qu estions (e.g. What would you do in a situation where to the detailed analysis of a hypothetical business problem. You will be evaluated on your analysis of the problem, how you identify the key issues, how you pursue a particular line of th inking and whether you can develop and present an appropriate framework for orga nising your thoughts. Specific types of interview The Screening Interview: Compa nies use screening tools to ensure that candidates meet minimum qualification re quirements. Computer programs are among the tools used to weed out unqualified c andidates. (This is why you need a digital resume that is screening-friendly. Se e our resume centre for help.) Sometimes human professionals are the gatekeepers . Screening interviewers often have honed skills to determine whether there is a nything that might disqualify you for the position. Remember they do not need to know whether you are the best fit for the position, only whether you are not a match. For this reason, screeners tend to dig for dirt. Screeners will hone in o n gaps in your employment history or pieces of information that look inconsisten t. They also will want to know from the outset whether you will be too expensive for the company. Some tips for maintaining confidence during screening intervie ws: Highlight your accomplishments and qualifications. Get into the straightforw ard groove. Personality is not as important to the screener as verifying your qu alifications. Answer questions directly and succinctly. Save your winning person ality for the person making hiring decisions!

Be tactful about addressing income requirements. Give a range, and try to avoid giving specifics by replying, "I would be willing to consider your best offer."

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:11 of 14 If the interview is conducted by phone, it is helpful to have note cards with yo ur vital information sitting next to the phone. That way, whether the interviewe r catches you sleeping or vacuuming the floor, you will be able to switch gears quickly The Informational Interview: On the opposite end of the stress spectrum from scr eening interviews is the informational interview. A meeting that you initiate, t he informational interview is underutilized by job-seekers who might otherwise c onsider themselves savvy to the merits of networking. Jobseekers ostensibly secu re informational meetings in order to seek the advice of someone in their curren t or desired field as well as to gain further references to people who can lend insight. Employers that like to stay apprised of available talent even when they do not have current job openings, are often open to informational interviews, e specially if they like to share their knowledge, feel flattered by your interest , or esteem the mutual friend that connected you to them. During an informationa l interview, the jobseeker and employer exchange information and get to know one another better without reference to specific job opening. This takes off some o f the performance pressure, but be intentional nonetheless: Come prepared with t houghtful questions about the field and the company. Gain references to other pe ople and make sure that the interviewer would be comfortable if you contact othe r people and use his or her name. Give the interviewer your card, contact information and resume. Write a thank you note to the interviewer. The Directive Style: In this style of interview, the interviewer has a clear age nda that he or she follows unflinchingly. Sometimes companies use this rigid for mat to ensure parity between interviews; when interviewers ask each candidate th e same series of questions, they can more readily compare the results. Directive interviewers rely upon their own questions and methods to tease from you what t hey wish to know. You might feel like you are being steam-rolled, or you might f ind the conversation develops naturally. Their style does not necessarily mean t hat they have dominance issues, although you should keep an eye open for these i f the interviewer would be your supervisor. Either way, remember: Flex with the i nterviewer, following his or her lead. Do not relinquish complete control of the interview. If the interviewer does not ask you for information that you think is important to proving your superiority as a candidate, politely interject it. Th e Meandering Style: This interview type, usually used by inexperienced interview ers, relies on you to lead the discussion. It might begin with a statement like "tell me about yourself," which you can use to your advantage. The interviewer m ight ask you another broad, open-ended question before falling into silence. Thi s interview style allows you tactfully to guide the discussion in a way that bes t serves you. The following strategies, which are helpful for any interview, are particularly important when interviewers use a non-directive approach: Come to the interview prepared with highlights and anecdotes of your skills, qualities a nd experiences. Do not rely on the interviewer to spark your memory-jot down som e notes that you can reference throughout the interview. Remain alert to the int erviewer. Even if you feel like you can take the driver s seat and go in any dir ection you wish, remain respectful of the interviewer s role. If he or she becom es more directive during the interview, adjust. Ask well-placed questions. Although the open format allows you significantly to shape

the interview, running with your own agenda and dominating the conversation mean s that you run the risk of missing important information about the company and i ts needs.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:12 of 14 Question 6: Strictly speaking, would case studies be considered as scientific re search? Why or why not? Case studies are a tool for discussing scientific integr ity. Although one of the most frequently used tools for encouraging discussion, cases are only one of many possible tools. Many of the principles discussed belo w for discussing case studies can be generalized to other approaches to encourag ing discussion about research ethics. Cases are designed to confront readers wit h specific real-life problems that do not lend themselves to easy answers. Case discussion demands critical and analytical skills and, when implemented in small groups, also fosters collaboration (Pimple, 2002). By providing a focus for dis cussion, cases help trainees to define or refine their own standards, to appreci ate alternative approaches to identifying and resolving ethical problems, and to develop skills for analyzing and dealing with hard problems on their own. The e ffective use of case studies is comprised of many factors, including: appropriat e selection of case(s) (topic, relevance, length, complexity) method of case pre sentation (verbal, printed, before or during discussion) format for case discuss ion (Email or Internet-based, small group, large group) leadership of case discu ssion (choice of discussion leader, roles and responsibilities for discussion le ader) outcomes for case discussion (answers to specific questions, answers to ge neral questions, written or verbal summaries) Research methods don t seem so int imidating when you re familiar with the terminology. This is important whether y ou re conducting evaluation or merely reading articles about other studies to in corporate in your program. To help with understanding, here are some basic defin itions used. Variable: Characteristics by which people or things can be describe d. Must have more than one level; in other words, to be able to change over time for the same person/object, or from person to person, or object to object. Some variables, called attributes, cannot be manipulated by the researcher (e.g., so cioeconomic status, IQ score, race, gender, etc.). Some variables can be manipul ated but are not in a particular study. This occurs when subjects self-select th e level of the independent variable, or the level is naturally occurring (as wit h ex post facto research). Manipulation: Random assignment of subjects to levels of the independent variable (treatment groups). Independent variable: The treat ment, factor, or presumed cause that will produce a change in the dependent vari able. This is what the experimenter tries to manipulate. It is denoted as "X" on the horizontal axis of a graph. Dependent variable: The presumed effect or cons equence resulting from changes in the independent variable. This is the observat ion made and is denoted by "Y" on the vertical axis of a graph. The score of "Y" depends on the score of "X." Population: The complete set of subjects that can be studied: people, objects, animals, plants, etc. Sample: A subset of subjects that can be studied to make the research project more manageable. There are a va riety of ways samples can be taken. If a large enough random samples are taken, the results can be statistically similar to taking a census of an entire populat ion--with reduced effort and cost. Case Study: A case study is conducted for similar purpose as the above but is us ually done with a smaller sample size for more in-depth study. A case study ofte n involves direct observation or interviews with single subjects or single small social units such as a family, club, school classroom, etc. This is typically c onsidered qualitative research. Purpose: Explain or Predict Type of Research to Use: Relational Study In a relational study you start with a research hypothesis , that is, is what you re trying to "prove."

Examples of research hypotheses for a relational study: The older the person, th e more health problems he or she encounters.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:13 of 14 4-H members attending 4-H summer camp stay enrolled in 4-H longer. The greater t he number of money management classes attended, the greater the amount of annual savings achieved. Types of relational studies include correlation studies and ex post facto studie s. Co relational Study: A co relational study compares two or more different cha racteristics from the same group of people and explains how two characteristics vary together and how well one can be predicted from knowledge of the other. A c oncurrent co relational study draws a relationship between characteristics at th e same point in time. For example, a student s grade point average is related to his or her class rank. A predictive co relational study could predict a later s et of data from an earlier set. For example, a student s grade point average mig ht predict the same student s grade point average during senior year. A predicti ve co relational study could also use one characteristic to predict what another characteristic will be at another time. For example, a student s SAT score is d esigned to predict college freshman grade point average. Ex Post Facto (After th e Fact) Study: An ex post facto study is used when experimental research is not possible, such as when people have self-selected levels of an independent variab le or when a treatment is naturally occurring and the researcher could not "cont rol" the degree of its use. The researcher starts by specifying a dependent vari able and then tries to identify possible reasons for its occurrence as well as a lternative (rival) explanations such confounding (intervening, contaminating, or extraneous) variables are "controlled" using statistics. This type of study is very common and useful when using human subjects in real-world situations and th e investigator comes in "after the fact." For example, it might be observed that students from one town have higher grades than students from a different town a ttending the same high school. Would just "being from a certain town" explain th e differences? In an ex post facto study, specific reasons for the differences w ould be explored, such as differences in income, ethnicity, parent support, etc. It is important to recognize that, in a relational study, "cause and effect" ca nnot be claimed. All that can be claimed is that that there is a relationship be tween the variables. For that matter, variables that are completely unrelated co uld, in fact, vary together due to nothing more than coincidence. That is why th e researcher needs to establish a plausible reason (research hypothesis) for why there might be a relationship between two variables before conducting a study. For instance, it might be found that all football teams with blue uniforms won l ast week. There is no likely reason why the uniform color had any relationship t o the games outcomes, and it certainly was not the cause for victory. Similarly , you must be careful about claiming that your Extension program was the "cause" of possible results.

Research Methodology-MB0050 Assignment Set 2 page:14 of 14

Legal Aspects of BusinessMB0051 Assignment Set 2

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 Question 1: What are the situa tions which cannot be referred to arbitration? page:1 of 8 Arbitration law is a process that involves the assistance of one or more neutral parties known as arbitrators. Arbitrators are charged with hearing evidence fro m numerous involved parties in a dispute, and their main duty is to issue an awa rd deciding who gets what in order to resolve the situation. In some instances o f arbitration law, an arbitrator may also issue an opinion in conjunction with t he award, which is designed to explain the award and the reasoning that led to i t. Arbitration law and mediation law are two different processes and should not be confused. The award and the opinion are not capable of being reviewed by a co urt, and there is no availability for appeal. The purpose of arbitration law is to serve as a substitution to a trial and a review of the decision by a trial co urt. Subject matter of arbitration: Any commercial matter including an action in tort if it arises out of or relates to a contract can be referred to arbitratio n. However, public policy would not permit matrimonial matters, criminal proceed ings, insolvency matters anti-competition matters or commercial court matters to be referred to arbitration. Employment contracts also cannot be referred to arb itration but director - company disputes are abatable (as there is no master ser vant relationship here)5. Generally, matters covered by statutory reliefs throug h statutory tribunals would be nonabatable. Arbitration is an Alternative Disput e Resolution process whereby a person chosen as an arbitrator settles disputes b etween parties. Arbitration is similar to a court trial, with several exceptions : The arbitrator makes the decision called an "arbitration award The arbitration does not take place in a courtroom The arbitration award is binding. With rare e xceptions, there is no right to appeal Arbitration is not a matter of public rec ord. It is private and confidential There is no court reporter or written transc ripts Lawyers generally prepare their cases in an extremely limited manner The r ules of evidence are relaxed so that the parties have a broader scope, more expa nded opportunity to tell their stories to present their cases With very few exce ptions, it is much less expensive than legal litigation An arbitration time fram e is substantially less than that of litigation and going to trial No jury. The Arbitrator(s) maintain neutrality and conflicts of interests Generally, all pape rwork and evidence presented are destroyed after the Arbitration The arbitration and arbitration award does not have to adhere to Judicial Case precedent nor fo rmality of traditional court proceedings In India, Arbitration is one of the mos t effective and trusted proceedings in regard to private dispute settlement are guided by the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. Kind of matters cannot be re ferred for arbitration: As per general practice, matters involving moral questio ns or questions of public law cannot be resolved by arbitration. For instance, t he following matters are not referred to arbitration:

Matrimonial matters Guardianship of a minor or any other person under disability Testamentary matters

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 Insolvency, proceedings Crimin al proceedings Questions relating to charity or charitable trusts Matters relati ng to anti-trust or competition law Dissolution or winding up of a company India n Arbitration Act follows the guideline of: page:2 of 8 The Geneva Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1927 The New York Convention of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral A wards The Geneva Protocol on Arbitration Clauses of 1923 Question 2: What is the role of a Conciliator? Conciliation: Conciliation is a p rocess in which the parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a neutral third party (the conciliator), identify the disputed issues, develop options, conside r alternatives and endeavour to reach an agreement. The conciliator may have an advisory role on the content of the dispute or the outcome of its resolution, bu t not a determinative role. The conciliator may advise on or determine the proce ss of conciliation whereby resolution is attempted, and may make suggestions for terms of settlement, give expert advice on likely settlement terms, and may act ively encourage the participants to reach an agreement. In order to understand w hat Parliament meant by Conciliation, we have necessarily to refer to the function s of a Conciliator as visualized by Part III of the 1996 Act. It is true, section 62 of the said Act deals with reference to Conciliation by agreement of parties bu t sec. 89 permits the Court to refer a dispute for conciliation even where parti es do not consent, provided the Court thinks that the case is one fit for concil iation. This makes no difference as to the meaning of conciliation under sec. 89 b ecause; it says that once a reference is made to a conciliator, the 1996 Act would apply. Thus the meaning of conciliation as can be gathered from the 1996 Act has to be read into sec. 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The 1996 Act is, it may be noted, based on the UNCITRAL Rules for conciliation. Role of conciliator: The conciliator shall assist the parties in an independent and impartial manner in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute. The conciliator shall be guided by principles of objectivity, fairness and justice, giving consi deration to, among other things, the rights and obligations of the parties, the usages of the trade concerned and the circumstances surrounding the dispute, inc luding any previous business practices between the parties. www.beginwithdisbeli

The conciliator may conduct the conciliation proceedings in such a manner as he considers appropriate, taking into account the circumstances of the case, the wi shes the

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 page:3 of 8 parties may express, including any request by a party that the conciliator hear oral statements, and the need for a speedy settlement of the dispute. The concil iator may, at any stage of the conciliation proceedings, make proposals for a se ttlement of the dispute. Such proposals need not be in writing and need not be a ccompanied by a statement of the masons therefore. Conciliators do not: Make dec isions for disputing parties Make judgments about who is right, who is wrong or what the outcome of the dispute should be. Tell people what to do Make rulings F orce parties to participate in the conciliation process. Question 3: What are the unfair trade practices under the MRTP Act? THE MONOPOLI ES AND RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES ACT, 1969 OBJECTIVES AND POLICY: The Monopoli es and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission has been constituted under Section 5(1) of the MRTP Act, 1969. The Commission is empowered to enquire into Monopol istic or Restrictive Trade Practices upon a reference from the Central Governmen t or upon its own knowledge or information. The MRTP Act also provides for appoi ntment of a Director General of Investigation and Registration for making invest igations for the purpose of enquiries by the MRTP Commission and for maintenance of register of agreements relating to restrictive trade practices. The MRTP Com mission receives complaints both from registered consumer and trade associations and also from individuals. Complaints regarding Restrictive Trade Practices or Unfair Trade Practices from an association are required to be referred to the Di rector General of Investigation and Registration for conducting preliminary inve stigation. The Commission can also order a preliminary investigation by the Dire ctor General of Investigation and Registration when a reference on a restrictive trade practice is received from the Central/State Government, or when Commissio n s own knowledge warrants a preliminary investigation. Enquiries are instituted by the Commission after the Director General of Investigation and Registration completes preliminary investigation and submits an application to the Commission for an enquiry. Unfair Trade Practices: An unfair trade practice means a trade practice, which, for the purpose of promo ting any sale, use or supply of any goods or services, adopts unfair method, or unfair or deceptive practice. 1) False Representation: The practice of making any oral or written statement or representation which:

Falsely suggests that the goods are of a particular standard quality, quantity, grade, composition, style or model; Falsely suggests that the services are of a particular standard, quantity or grade;

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 page:4 of 8 Falsely suggests any re-built, second-hand renovated, reconditioned or old goods as new goods; Represents that the goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance, characteristics, accessories, uses or benefits which they do not h ave; Represents that the seller or the supplier has a sponsorship or approval or affiliation which he does not have; Makes a false or misleading representation concerning the need for, or the usefulness of, any goods or services; Gives any warranty or guarantee of the performance, efficacy or length of life of the good s, that is not based on an adequate or proper test; Makes to the public a repres entation in the form that purports to be warranty or guarantee of the goods or se rvices, a promise to replace, maintain or repair the goods until it has achieved a specified result, If such representation is materially misleading or there is no reasonable prospect that such warranty, guarantee or promise will be fulfill ed Materially misleads about the prices at which such goods or services are avai lable in the market; or Gives false or misleading facts disparaging the goods, s ervices or trade of another person. 2) False Offer Of Bargain Price: Where an advertisement is published in a newspa per or otherwise, whereby goods or services are offered at a bargain price when in fact there is no intention that the same may be offered at that price, for a reasonable period or reasonable quantity, it shall amount to an unfair trade pra ctice. The bargain price, for this purpose means: the price stated in the advert isement in such manner as suggests that it is lesser than the ordinary price, or The price which any person coming across the advertisement would believe to be better than the price at which such goods are ordinarily sold. 3) Free Gifts Off er And Prize Scheme: The unfair trade practices under this category are: Offerin g any gifts, prizes or other items along with the goods when the real intention is different, or Creating impression that something is being offered free along with the goods, when in fact the price is wholly or partly covered by the price of the article sold, or Offering some prizes to the buyers by the conduct of any contest, lottery or game of chance or skill, with real intention to promote sal es or business. 4) Non-Compliance Of Prescribed Standards: www.beginwithdisbelie

Any sale or supply of goods, for use by consumers, knowing or having reason to b elieve that the goods do not comply with the standards prescribed by some compet ent authority, in relation to their performance, composition, contents, design, construction, finishing or

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 page:5 of 8 packing, as are necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of injury to the person using such goods, shall amount to an unfair trade practice. 5) Hoarding, Destruction, Etc.: Any practice that permits the hoarding or destru ction of goods, or refusal to sell the goods or provide any services, with an in tention to raise the cost of those or other similar goods or services, shall be an unfair trade practice. 6) Inquiry Into Unfair Trade Practices: The Commission may inquire into any unfair trade practice: Upon receiving a complaint from any trade association, consumer or a registered consumer association, or Upon refer ence made to it by the Central Government or State Government Upon an applicatio n to it by the Director General or Upon its own knowledge or information. Relief Available: After making an inquiry into the unfair trade practices if the Commi ssion is of the opinion that the practice is prejudicial to the pubic interest, or to the interest of any consumer it may direct that? The practice shall be dis continued or shall not be repeated; The agreement relating thereto shall be void in respect of such unfair trade practice or shall stand modified. Any informati on, statement or advertisement relating to such unfair trade practice shall be d isclosed, issued or published as may be specified The Commission may permit the party to carry on any trade practice to take steps to ensure that it is no longe r prejudicial to the public interest or to the interest of the consumer. However no order shall be made in respect a trade practice which is expressly authorize d by any law in force. The Commission is empowered to direct publication of corr ective advertisement and disclosure of additional information while passing orde rs relating to unfair trade practices.

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 Question 4: What are essential s of a valid offer? Offer: page:6 of 8 A proposal is an expression of will or intention to do or not to do something. I t is also called an "offer". It is one of the essential elements of an agreement . It is the very basis of the contract. It becomes a promise when it accepted. S ection 2 (a) of the Contract Act defines the proposal as "when one person signif ies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a v iew to obtaining the assent of that other, to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal". The person making the proposal is called the proposer or o ffer or the promisor. The person to whom the proposal is made is called the offe r or promise. For example; Sunil offers to sell his car to Padmaja for Rs. 50000 . This is a proposal. Sunil is the offer and Padmaja is the offer. An offer may be express or implied. An offer which is expressed by words, written or spoken, is called an express offer. An offer which is expressed by conduct is called an implied offer. An offer may be positive or negative. It may be in the form of a statement or a question. for example; Sridhar says to Radhika that he will sell his scooter to her for Rs.20000. This is an express offer. The Karnataka State R oad Transport Corporation runs omnibuses on various routes to carry passengers a t the scheduled fares. This is an implied offer by KSRTC. The offer must be made in order to create legal relations otherwise there will b e an agreement. If an offer does not give rise to legal obligations between the parties it is not a valid offer in the eye of law. In business transactions ther e is a presumption that the parties propose to make legal relationships. For exa mple a person invite to another person to diner if the other person accepts the invitation then it is not any legal agreement between the parties it is social a greement. An offer must be definite and clear. If the terms of an offer are not definite and clear it cannot be called a valid offer. If such offer is accepted it cannot create a binding contract. An agreement to agree in future is not a co ntract because the terms of an agreement are not clear. A person has two motorbi kes. He offers to another person to sell his one bike for a certain price then i t is not a legal and valid offer because there is an ambiguity in the offer that which motorcycle the person wants to sell. There is a difference between the of fer and invitation of offer. Sometime people offer the invitation for the sale. Essentials of a valid offer: A valid offer must intend to create legal relations . It must not be a casual statement. If the offer is not intended to create lega l relationship, it is not an offer in the eyes of law e.g. Sunil invites Sridhar to a dinner party and Sridhar accepts the invitation. Sridhar does not turn up at the dinner party. Sunil cannot sue Sridhar for breach of contract as there wa s no intention to create legal obligation. Hence, an offer to perform social, re ligious or moral acts without any intention of creating legal relations will not be a valid offer. The terms of an offer must be definite, unambiguous and certa in. They must not be loose and vague. A promise to pay an extra Rs. 500 if a par ticular house proves lucky is too vague to be enforceable. E.g. Sridhar says to Sunil "I will give you some money if you marry my daughter". This is not an offe r which can be accepted because the amount of money to be paid is not certain. A n offer may be made to a definite person or to the general public. When offer is made to a definite person or to a special class of persons, it is called "speci fic offer". When an offer is made to the world at large or public in general, it is called "general offer". A specific offer can be accepted only by that person to whom it has been made and a general offer can be accepted by any person. E.g . Sunil promises to give Rs.100 to Sridhar, if he brings back his missing dog. T his is a specific offer and can only be accepted by Sridhar. Sunil issues a publ ic advertisement to the effect that he would give Rs.100 to anyone who brings ba ck his missing dog. This is a general offer. Any member of the public can accept this offer by searching for and bringing back Sunil s

missing dog. An offer to do or not to do must be made with a view to obtaining t he assent of the other party. Mere enquiry is not an offer.

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 page:7 of 8 An offer should may contain any term or condition. The offeror may prescribe any mode of acceptance. But he cannot prescribe the form or time of refusal so as t o fix a contract on the acceptor. He cannot say that if the acceptor does not co mmunicate his acceptance within a specified time, he is deemed to have accepted the offer. The offeror is free to lay down any terms any terms and conditions in his offer. If the other party accepts it, then he has to abide by all the terms and conditions of the offer. It is immaterial whether the terms and conditions were harsh or ridiculous. The special terms or conditions in an offer must be br ought to the notice of the offeree at the time of making a proposal. An offer is effective only when it is communicated to the offeree. Communication is necessa ry whether the offer is general or specific. The offeror may communicate the off er by choosing any available means such as a word of mouth, mail, telegram, mess enger, a written document, or even signs and gestures. Communication may also be implied by his conduct. A person can accept the offer only when he knows about it. If he does not know, he cannot accept it. An acceptance of an offer, in igno rance of the offer, is no acceptance at all. It should be noted that an invitation to offer is not an offer. The following ar e only invitations to offer but not actual offers: Invitations made by a trade f or the sale of goods. A price list of goods for sale. Quotations of lowest price s. An advertisement to sell goods by auction. An advertisement inviting tenders. Display of goods with price-tags attached. Railway time-table. Prospectus issue d by a company. Loud speaker announcements. Question 5: Find out a case where a person appealed under the Consumer protectio n Act and won. The Consumer Protection Act was born in 1986. It is described as a unique legislation of its kind ever enacted in India to offer protection to th e consumers. The Act is claimed to have been designed after an in-depth study of consumer protection laws and arrangements in UK, the USA, Australia and New Zea land. The main objective of this Act is to provide better protection to the cons umers. Unlike other laws, which are punitive or preventive in nature the provisi ons of this Act are compensatory in nature. The Act intends to provide simple, s peedy and inexpensive re-dressal to the consumers grievances.

Legal aspects of Business-MB0051 Assignment Set 2 Question 6: What does the Info rmation Technology Act enable? Information Technology Act: page:8 of 8 In May 2000, at the height of the dot-com boom, India enacted the IT Act and bec ame part of a select group of countries to have put in place cyber laws. In all these years, despite the growing crime rate in the cyber world, only less than 2 5 cases have been registered under the IT Act 2000 and no final verdict has been passed in any of these cases as they are now pending with various courts in the country. Although the law came into operation on October 17, 2000, it still has an element of mystery around it. Not only from the perception of the common man , but also from the perception of lawyers, law enforcing agencies and even the j udiciary. The prime reason for this is the fact that the IT Act is a set of tech nical laws. Another major hurdle is the reluctance on the part of companies to r eport the instances of cyber-crimes, as they don t want to get negative publicit y or worse get entangled in legal proceedings. A major hurdle in cracking down o n the perpetrators of cyber-crimes such as hacking is the fact that most of them are not in India. The IT Act does give extra-territorial jurisdiction to law en forcement agencies, but such powers are largely inefficient. This is because Ind ia does not have reciprocity and extradition treaties with a large number of cou ntries. The Indian IT Act also needs to evolve with the rapidly changing technol ogy environment that breeds new forms of crimes and criminals. We are now beginn ing to see new categories and varieties of cyber-crimes, which have not been add ressed in the IT Act. This includes cyber stalking, cyber nuisance, cyber harass ment, cyber defamation and the like. Though Section 67 of the Information Techno logy Act, 2000 provides for punishment to whoever transmits or publishes or caus es to be published or transmitted, any material which is obscene in electronic f orm with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and with fine whi ch may extend to twenty five thousand rupees on first convection and in the even t of second may extend to five years and also with fine which may extend to fift y thousand rupees, it does not expressly talk of cyber defamation. The above pro vision chiefly aim at curbing the increasing number of child pornography cases a nd does not encompass other crimes which could have been expressly brought withi n its ambit such as cyber defamation.

Operations ManagementOM 0010 Assignment Set 2

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:1 of 8 Q1. Following table shows figures of weekly demand for a certain brand of toilet soap at a retail store, in the past eight months. Period Demand 1 32 2 20 3 47 4 31 5 24 6 50 7 38 8 42 Determine the forecast for the demand of that brand of toilet soap in the 9th week by the 5month moving average method. If the actual d emand for the soap in the 9th week turns out to be 56 nos, what would be the For ecast for the 10th week, calculated on the same basis? Answer: (a) Demand Foreca st for the 9th week is given by the average of the respective demands for the pr evious 5 weeks; i.e., F9 = (42 +38 + 50 + 24 + 31) / 5 = 185 /5 = 37 nos. (b) Si nce the actual demand in the ninth month is 56 nos., then the Forecast for the t enth month would be based on the new Moving Average for the just previous five m onths, i.e., F10 = (56 +42 + 38 +50 + 24) / 5 = 210/5 = 42 nos.

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:2 of 8 Q2. What do you understand by Line Balancing? Explain Johnsons rule for sequencin g and how it is different from CDS algorithm. Assembly Line Balancing, or simply Line Balancing (LB), is the problem of assigning operations to workstations alo ng an assembly line, in such a way that the assignment be optimal in some sense. Line Balancing is used to achieve, 1. the minimization of the number of worksta tions; 2. the minimization of cycle time; 3. the maximization of workload smooth ness; 4. the maximization of work relatedness; Johnsons Algorithm of Sequencing This algorithm is used for sequencing of n jobs through two work centres. The purpose is to minimise idle time on machines and reduce the total time taken for completing all the jobs. There are no priority r ules since all jobs have equal priority. The order of the operations will be mac hine1 first and machine 2 next. The steps to be taken are: i) Choose the job whi ch has the shortest processing time in any of the two work centres. ii) If it ha ppens to be on machine 1, then load it first; if it is on machine 2, allot it fo r loading last. iii) Eliminate this job. Continue this till all jobs have been a llotted. CDS algorithm given by Campbell, Dudek and Smith, gives m-1 solutions a nd we can choose the most optimal between them. We will use the Johnsons rule by converting the number of machines from m to 2, by considering differing combina tions like 1 and m, then1+2, then M-1 and M, then 1+2+3 and a M-2, M-1 and M, an d so on. This process is useful, when the numbers of machines is small. We will work out a problem where we have 4 machines. Q3. List out the seven forms of waste. Explain how 5Ss are used to eliminate them . Toyota has recognized seven types of waste, which have been found to be applic able in

many different types of operations both service and production and which form th e core of lean philosophy. Over-production: According to Toyota, producing more than what is immediately needed by the next process in the operation is the grea test cause of waste.

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:3 of 8 Waiting time: Waiting time is the pause between two inter-related processes (i.e . waiting for the inputs from the previous process to get started with the next process). Equipment effectiveness and labour effectiveness are two popular measu res which are widely used to measure equipment and labour waiting time, respecti vely. Transport: Moving items around the operation does not add value. Layout ch anges which bring processes closer together such as improvements in transport me thods and workplace organisation can all reduce waste. Process: The process itse lf may be a source of waste. Several operations may exist only because of poor c omponent design or poor maintenance. As such, these processes can be eliminated. Inventory: All inventories should become an objective for elimination. However, it can be reduced only by tackling the causes of inventory. Motion: Simplificat ion of work is a rich source of reduction in the waste of motion. An operator ma y look busy but sometimes no value is being added by the work. Defectives: Quali ty waste is often very significant in operations. Total costs of quality are muc h greater than that has traditionally been considered. It is, therefore, more im portant to address the causes of such costs. The 5-S terminology originated in J apan and even though the translation into English is approximate, they are gener ally taken to represent the following: 1. Sort: Remove what is not needed and ke ep what is needed 2. Straighten: Position things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are needed 3. Shine: Keep things clean and tidy; no refuse or dirt in the work area 4. Standardise: Maintain cleanliness and order. Ensure perpetual neatness 5. Sustain: Develop a commitment and pride in keeping to standards. Q4. List various Q C Tools? How does Crosbys absolute of quality d iffer from Demings principles? The basic tools for achieving quality control: Flow Chart Check sheet Histogram Pareto Analysis Scatter Diagram Control Chart ause and Effect Diagram Flow Chart: It is a visual representation of process, showing the various steps. It helps in locating the points at which a problem exists or an improvement is possible. Detailed data can be collected, analysed, and methods for correction c an be developed. Check Sheet: These are used to record the number of defects, ty pes of defects, locations at which they occur, times at which they occur, and th e workmen responsible for its occurrence. These sheets make a record of the freq uencies of occurrence with reference to possible defect causing parameter. It he lps to implement a corrective procedure at the point where the frequencies are m ore, so that the benefit of correction will be maximum. www.beginwithdisbelief.c om

Histogram: Histograms are pictorial representations of distribution of data. The y are used to record big volumes of data about a process. They reveal whether th e pattern of distribution has a single peak or many peaks and also the extent of variation around the peak value. This helps in

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:4 of 8 identifying whether the problem is serious. When used in conjunction with parame ters that are comparable, the visual patterns help us to identify the problem wh ich must be attended to. Pareto Analysis: Pareto Analysis is a tool for dividing problem areas according to the degree of importance and attending to the most i mportant. Pareto principle, also called 80-20 rule, states that 80 percent of th e problems that we encounter arise out of 20 percent of items. If you find that, in a day, you have as many as 184 assemblies having problems and there are 11 p ossible causes. It is observed that 80 per cent of them, that is, 147 of them ha ve been caused by just two or three of them. It will be easy to focus on these t wo or three and reduce the number of defects to a great extent. Scatter Diagram: These are used when we have two variables and want to know the degree of relati onship between them. We can determine if there is any cause and effect relations hip existing between and its extent over a range of values. Sometimes, we assume that there is no relationship, in which we can change one parameter making sure that it does not affect the variable. Control Charts :These are used to verify whether a process is under control. When variables remain within a range, they w ill render the product and maintain the specifications. This is the quality of c onformance. The design parameters determine the range of permitted deviations. S amples are taken and the mean and range of the variable of each sample (subgroup ) is recorded. The mean of the means, of the samples gives the control lines. As suming normal distribution, we expect 99.97 per cent of all values to lie within the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL). Corresponding to + 3s. The graphical representation of data helps in changing settings to bring ba ck the process closer to the target. Cause and Effect Diagram: In this diagram a ll possible causes are classified on quality characteristics that lead to a defe ct. These are arranged in such a way that, different branches representing cause s connect the stem, in the direction of the discovery of the problem. When each of them is investigated thoroughly, we will be able to pinpoint some factors tha t cause the problem. We will also observe that a few of them will have cumulativ e effect or even a cascading effect. Deming Wheel Deming wheel or PDSA Cycle, as it is called is a constant quality enhancing model; it consists of a logical se quence of four repetitive steps for constant enhancement and learning Demings ap proach is summarised in his 14 points. Constancy of purpose for continuous impro vement. Adopt the TQM philosophy for economic purposes. Do not depend on inspect ion to deliver quality. Do not award any business based on price alone. Improve the system of production and service constantly. Conduct meaningful training on the job. Adopt modern methods of supervision and leadership. Eliminate fear from the minds of every individual, connected with the organisation. Remove barriers between departments and people. Do not exhort, repeat slogans, and put up poste rs. Do not set up numerical quotas and work standards. Give pride of workmanship to the workmen. Education and training to be given vigorously. State and show t op managements commitment, for better quality and productivity. Deming with the help of the above principles gave a four step approach to ensure a purposeful jo urney of TQM. The slope illustrated in figure 1 is used to indicate that, if eff orts are let up, the

programme will roll back.

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:5 of 8 Figure 1: Deming Wheel The explanation for every quarter of the Deming Wheel, sh own in the above figure is as follows: Plan means that a problem is detected, pr ocesses are stated and relevant theories are checked out. Do means that the plan is implemented on a trial basis. All inputs are correctly measured and recorded . Check means that the trials taken according to the plan are in accordance with the expected results. Act means that regular production is started, so that qua lity outcomes are assured when the above steps are satisfying. Crosbys Absolutes of Quality Like Deming, Crosby also lays emphasis on top management commitment and responsibility for designing the system so that, defects are not inevitable. He requested that there should be no restriction on spending for achieving the best quality. In the long run, maintaining quality is easier and cheaper or econ omical rather than compromising on its achievement. Crosbys absolutes are listed below: Quality is conformance to requirements, not goodness. Prevention, not ap praisal, is the path to quality. Quality is measured as the price paid for non-c onformance and as indexes. Quality originates in all factions. There are no qual ity problems. It is the people, design, and process who create problems. Crosby has also given 14 points similar to those of Deming. His approach stresses on, i ncreasing awareness, measurement of quality, error cause removal, corrective act ion, and continuously reinforcing the system, so that advantages derived are not lost over time. He intends that the quality management regimen must improve the overall health of the firm or organisation and prescribed a vaccine.The ingredi ents of the vaccine are: Commitment Integrity and honesty to produce everything right first time and every time. Communication Flow of information between suppl iers, departments, customers helps in recognising opportunities. Systems and ope rations These must bring in a quality environment so that everybody is uncomfort able with anything less than the best.

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 Q5. Explain two different Indepen dent demand item techniques. Independent demand item techniques are subdivided i nto: Reorder point (or Perpetual) Model Periodic review models page:6 of 8 Reorder Point (or Perpetual) Model The Reorder Point (ROP) or Perpetual model fo rmula allows determining the Safety Stock (SS) required to achieve a certain cyc le service level. In general, the longer the lead times and greater the variabil ity of demand and lead times, more is the need for safety stock. Assume that an inventory holding is continually depleted. The ROP is that level of inventory wh ich is just sufficient to help during the period that it takes for your supplier to deliver. More precisely, it is the forecasted demand expected during the lea d time. Of course the demand during the lead time may not materialise as we expe ct, if: Demand is lower than expected. You experience excess of stock when the n ew shipment is delivered. Demand is higher than expected. You experience a short age or stock-out before the shipment is delivered. To allow this possibility, SS is maintained. As a result, the formula for the reorder point is: ROP = DLT+SS Where, DLT = forecast demand during the lead time = expected average demand per period x number of periods for lead time SS = Safety Stock A well-used variation of the ROP inventory model is called the two bin system. Here each inventory it em is literally kept in two bins, side by side. Inventory is drawn out from the first bin until it is empty. This is the ROP. There is sufficient inventory in t he second bin to cover expected demand during the delivery lead time. It is a si mple, visual system that is commonly used for low-cost C type items. Figure 2 il lustrates the sawtooth pattern. Figure 2: ROP Inventory Model

Periodic Review Model In many cases, it is more practical to order several items at the same time, in case if there is a common supplier. So it makes sense to r eview all items from the common supplier periodically and order just what is nee ded. Normally inventory is topped to a target level, and for this reason this mo del is also known as the mm/max model.

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:7 of 8 This inventory model is still widely used because of the following common situat ions: Where individual transactions are difficult to record Where shelf life is a problem Where joint orders are placed with a supplier The first of these situa tions is rapidly disappearing in supermarkets, where there is increased use of p oint of sale terminals. The question with a periodic system is how often we must make the review. Usually, this is a practical consideration, perhaps coinciding with a scheduled order delivery cycle. Figure 3 graphically depicts the situati on where L is the lead time, R is the review period and Q is the order quantity. Note that an order quantity determined at A must be sufficient to last through the review period and the next lead time. And also note that the quantities are different for each review period. Figure 3: The Periodic Review Model The relevant formulas are: M = DL+DR+SS wher e, M = Target inventory level DL = Forecast demand during the lead time DR= Fore cast demand during the review period SS = Safety stock Q = M I-O = D (R+L) + SS (I+O) where, Q = Order quantity M = Target Inventory level I = quantity on hand O = quantity on order

Operations Management-OM 0010 Assignment Set 2 page:8 of 8 Q6. What is Failure? Explain with an example. Name the mechanisms to detect fail ure. There is always a chance that in developing a product or providing a servic e, things might go wrong. Mistakes are inevitable and are an intrinsic part of l ife. Nothing is perfect. Accepting that failure occurs is not equivalent to igno ring it, and this does not imply that operations cannot or should not attempt to minimize failure. Not all failures are equally serious. Some failures are incid ental and may not be noticed. In the finale of a concert performance a violinist may play a wrong note and the effect is unlikely to have any great impact. If h e or she is giving a solo performance, however, then the error may sour the whol e performance. The concert like all systems may be more tolerant to some types a nd some levels of failure than others. A failure can also be a process failure, wherein the activity is completed successfully but a person may still feel dissa tisfied if the underlying process is perceived to be below expected standard or benchmark. Example: If the cigarette lighter in a car or the pen used by a polic e officer to write a statement fails, the effect may be irritating but not neces sarily serious. Conversely, the failure of one component of a system may threate n the whole system. For example, leaking hydraulics in a car or a prisoner not i nformed of his or her rights can put the whole process at risk. Mechanisms to Detect Failure In-process checks: Employees check if the service i s acceptable during the process itself. Although in some situations this form of failure detection can detract from the service itself. Machine diagnostic check s: A machine is tested through a prescribed sequence of activities designed to e xpose any failures or potential failures. Computer servicing procedures often in clude this type of check. Point-of-departure interviews: At the end of a service , staff may formally or informally check if the service has been satisfactory an d try to solicit problems as well as compliments. Phone surveys: These can be us ed to solicit opinions about products or services. Television rental companies, for example, may check on the installation and servicing of equipment in this wa y. Focus groups: These are groups of customers who are requested to focus on som e aspects of a product or service. These can be used to discover either specific problems or more general attitudes towards the product or service. Complaint ca rds or feedback sheets: These are used by many organisations to solicit views ab out the products and services. The problem with this method is that very few peo ple tend to complete them. It may possible, however, to identify the respondents and so follow up on any individual problem. Questionnaires: These may generate a slightly higher response than complaint cards. However, they may only generate general information from which it is difficult to identify specific individual complaints.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:1 of 8 Q1:What is web ERP? What are its benefits? List out the different modules under ERP Inventory management Web ERP has become a necessity for businessmen to be aw are of their stock and inventory from anywhere, at anytime. Web ERP is an absolu te web-based ERP system that requires only a web browser and PDF reader. It has now become an open source application and is offered as a free download. Web ERP systems are gaining popularity than ever. It allows businessmen to update their systems in large organisations without the need of installing updates at any re mote locations, almost immediately. It provides real time information about fina nce, inventory, employee management, etc by providing advanced levels of service to consumers and suppliers 8.3.1 Benefits of Web ERP Web ERP Inventory system h as many benefits. Some of them include: It processes data on the server side. Th erefore, no installation is required on the client machines. It provides Multila nguage support; users can view the interface in their preferred language. It pro vides Multi-theme support; users can view the interface in their preferred graph ical theme. It runs on any web server and suitable for both high speed and low s peed internet connections. It can be installed on any device that has internet a ccess. Web ERP is developed using PHP as a web development language. These scrip ts are developed with stability and ease so that the application becomes readabl e with a minimum knowledge of scripting in PHP and the structure of ERP. The log ic is made as clear and simple as possible in order to remove any generalisation from the code, and to make it readable for all kinds of employees. It can also be configured easily on any operating system and the processing constraints requ ired are also economical. Web ERP has many features that make it suitable for ma intaining organisations of different sizes. It provides an easy structure of pro cessing by supporting features such as multiple inventory locations and multiple currencies. .Web ERP maintains all records that provide information like, amoun t of inventory stock available, amount of inventory ordered, amount of inventory sold, and amount of inventory that is defective. ERP Inventory management modul e takes care of transactional workflow in an organisation in sequential order. E RP Inventory module is subdivided into different modules such as: Inventory requ isition: The function of inventory requisition is to take the inventory constrai nts from various departments of an organisation. This is achieved when various d epartments fill the inventory requisition form. On filling the form, the head of the department fills up the

quantity/quality of the inventory required, considering the minimum inventory re quired, maximum inventory required, and the current inventory available.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:2 of 8 Inventory order assessment: Once the form is filled, inputs are taken from the f orm and processed. The inventory wanted by the various departments is compared w ith the minimum inventory required. Once the comparison is done, the final requi rement for various departments is fixed and a list of suppliers for the inventor y is then formulated Inventory placing: Once the supplier is chosen, an order is placed by filling the order form Supplier Performa: In this sub module, the sup plier provides quotation for further transactions Order received: In this sub mo dule, a comparison between order placed and order received is recorded i.e. a co mparison is done between Date of placing order with Date of receiving order, and Quality with Quantity of order placed. Once the comparison is done, the amount to be paid to the supplier and the mode of payment is decided. Quality checks: I t is necessary to check if the deliverables have met the expected outcome. There fore, quality check becomes an important phase where Research and Development(R &D) department performs a check and the department head acknowledges it by filli ng up a quality assessment form. Inventory bills and challans: In order to ensur e safe payment, bills and challans are chosen to represent the amount paid, paym ent mode along with the ID of supplier and Receipt ID. Minimum inventory assessm ent: Minimum inventory assessment aims at assessing minimum inventory inputs or requirements from various departments of an organisation. The assessment is done by preparing a Performa which is circulated to various departments and they are expected to fill up their minimum inventory requirements. This assessment is do ne, considering various factors such as costumers order received, inventory in h and and scrap. Minimum inventory requirement: Minimum inventory requirement is t he amount of inventory less than which employees cannot work i.e. it is that min imum amount of inventory required to perform any task. Maximum inventory assessm ent: In this sub module an assessment is done for maximum amount of requirements . This information is gathered from various departments to guarantee that no was tage happens. The assessment is done by considering factors such as customers or der received, inventory in hand, etc. Maximum inventory requirement: It is the a mount of inventory which is sufficient to perform any task. Q2:Briefly explain t he functionalities of CRM sub modules. List out the benefits of CRM Systems. Sub Modules in CRM The functionality of a CRM system can be studied under three sub modules. They are Marketing, Service and Sales. All these modules are Operation al, Collaborative and Analytical.

Marketing Module The functionalities of marketing module of CRM comprises short term execution of marketing related activities and long term planning within a c ompany. It also helps in activities like

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:3 of 8 campaign management, lead management, and planning. Marketing module enables you r company to run marketing campaigns using different communication channels. Thi s targets potential buyers using a product or a group of products as a message. It generates sales related opportunities which then can be converted into sales. Service Module The service module of CRM focuses on managing planned and unplan ned customer service. This module helps in activities such as Service Order Mana gement, Service Contract Management, Planned Services management, Warranty Manag ement, Installed Base (Equipment) Management, Service-Level Agreement Management , Resource Planning and Scheduling and Knowledge Management Sales Module The sal es module of CRM focuses on managing and executing the pre-sales process of the company by making it more organised. The sales teams in most companies are respo nsible for capturing opportunities and customer interaction. The CRM helps the s ales team in processing this data and following-up it in the future. The CRM als o helps in organising all relevant data received and captured for a deal, into o ne place. Some of the captured data can include expected budget, total spending, prospective customers, key players, products interested in, important dates and expected closing dates of a deal. Each of these modules can be stand alone appl ications depending on organisational need. It is important that the right softwa re is selected and implemented correctly. Then only any CRM can be effective. Be nefits of CRM An excellent CRM is the heart of every business success. With CRM, you can easily understand customer requirements, meet those needs effectively, predict market trends and enhance your business bottom line. A properly implemen ted CRM system can bring significant benefits to your organisations. System mean s, the complete consortium of 3 Ps, People (employees, culture), Procedures (way of doing business), and Programs (supporting applications and not just an applic ation running on a computer). The advantages that a CRM can bring are: Shared or distributed data: Customer relationships are happening at many levels and not j ust through customer service or a web presence. They start to understand the nee d for sharing all available data throughout the organisation. A CRM system is an enabler for making decisions and follow-up at levels. Better customer service: All data concerning interactions with customers is centralised. The customer ser vice department can greatly benefit from this because they have all the informat ion they need. And through the use of push-technology, customer service represen tatives can lead the customer towards the information they need. The customer ex perience is greatly enhanced.

Increased customer satisfaction: The customer feels that he is more "part of the team" instead of just a subject for sales and marketing. Customer service is be tter and the needs of the customer are anticipated and addressed. Many companies believe that more satisfied customers means a good predictor for repeat busines s.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:4 of 8 Better customer retention: If a CRM system can help to fascinate customers, it i ncreases customer loyalty. Customers keep coming back to buy again and again. He nce, higher customer retention is assured More business: If you are delivering t he ultimate customer experience, this seeds the word-ofmouth buzz, which brings in more new business. More profit: More business at lower cost equals more profi t. Q3:Illustrate the role of ERP systems in Human Resources. List out the benefi ts of Human Resource management systems. Human Resource maintains huge volumes o f information of employees and becomes complicated and difficult for management. Therefore, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that maintains a centralised data base is a powerful tool that can be deployed to maintain an efficient processing . ERP[3] maintains a database which includes employee details such as contact in formation, salary details, attendance, promotion details, and performance detail s of all employees. Deploying ERP in Human Resources department reduces processi ng time and cost issues. ERP system also helps in decision making and controllin g reports. Communication within the departments of an organisation is very neces sary. ERP systems also maintain policies and standards, suggestion box, opinion surveys, business calendar, recruitment letters, news, forum and other related f eatures of the organisation Human Resource (HR) technology bridges the gap between Human Resource Management (HRM) and information technology. The activities of human resources are general ly specific to companys norms and policies and vary from one organisation to the other. The function of HR can vary from keeping track of employees skills, achiev ements and salary. To reduce the burden of manually managing activities of the o rganisation, electronic automated process has become necessary. The HRM systems mainly have two objectives. They are: To make the workflow cost effective and le ss time consuming. To provide self service benefits to the employees of an organ isation. To provide flexibility to the employees to change their policies taken, update their contact information anytime, etc. The HRM system has many benefits . This system has many portals that help the HR department to work faster and ef ficiently. Some of them include: HR employee portal: This portal maintains infor mation such as attendance, leave records and other employee related activities.

Employee self service portal: This portal helps employees to avail or claim for travel expenses and other benefits of an organisation.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:5 of 8 Security portal: This portal maintains security of an organisation by keeping tr ack of the visitors visiting the organisation. Candidate portal: This portal mai ntains information of candidates applying for jobs advertised by the HR departme nt. The various advantages that the Human Resources derive from deploying ERP sy stem are listed below: Automates the processes which requires minimum customisat ion Allows the user to access computing support for different departments of an organisation Provides security of information as database is made centralised Fa cilitates users to authorise accommodating processes between various departments of an organisation and external agents Allows instant updates of information in the database Provides access to every employee to browse information such as pe rsonnel development, and personal costs Q4:Describe how you would go about the d ifferent phases of the ERP implementation lifecycle, if it were being done in yo ur company One important factor that must be realised is that the post-implement ation phase is very critical. Once the implementation is over, the vendors and t he hired consultants will go. To reap the full benefits of the ERP system, it is very important that the system must get enterprise-wide acceptance. There must be enough employees who are trained to handle the problems that might crop-up. T here must be people, within the company, who have the technical prowess to make the necessary enhancements to the system as and when required. The system must b e upgraded as and when new versions or new technologies are introduced. Here the organisation must think in terms of the incremental benefits of the new enhance ments. Since with any up gradation or enhancements, there will be a lot of other aspects like user training that have to be considered. So instead of going in f or up gradation when vendor announces a new version, the organisation must first analyse the costs and benefits of he new version. After finishing the entire ph ases of the ERP implementation the organisation will need a different set of rol es and skills than those with less integrated kinds of systems. It must be made sure that every individual who uses these systems needs to be trained on how the y work, how they relate to the business process and how a transaction ripples th rough the entire company whenever they press a key. The training will never end. It is an ongoing process. New people will always be coming in, and new function ality will always be entering the organisation. We need to know that, the condit ions and measures that have to be adopted during the implementation process are unique. The same cannot be applied by the management of the company after the im plementation. Different set of guidelines and measures have to be adopted

for successful functioning of the system after the implementation. Projects on t he ERP system implementation get a lot of resources and attention. However, an o rganisation can only get the maximum value of these inputs if it successfully ad opts and effectively uses the system.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:6 of 8 Q5:Discuss briefly about JD Edwards and PeopleSofts applications and their various modules PeopleTools is an integrated set of client/server business application developme nt and customisation tools from PeopleSoft. These tools enable customers to impl ement, modify, and maintain PeopleSoft applications as well as to extract, analy se and manipulate data. PeopleTools includes several tools for reporting, custom isation and workflow. PeopleSoft continually adds and refines technology to opti mise their customers information systems. They help customers take advantage of n ew and emerging technologies, giving them more choices and freedom to develop th eir own innovative business processes. Some of them are given below: Self-Servic e Applications: Helps to improve productivity throughout the organisation. Peopl eSoft focuses on providing the occasional user with easy access to information a nd functionality specific to their role. They have developed a set of self-servi ce applications to help companies quickly and cost-effectively distribute functi onality throughout the enterprise over the Internet, and intranets. Built with a spontaneous interface based on a standard Web browser such as Netscape Navigato r or Microsoft Explorer. These Java-based, cross-platform applications enable em ployees, customers, suppliers, and other occasional users to perform self-servic e administrative tasks easily. Self-service applications are linked to PeopleSof t core product lines. Such as PeopleSoft Accounting and Control, Human Resources Management, and Materials Management. Web Client: Self-service applications use the PeopleSoft Web Client. The Web Client is downloadable on demand and runs on a Web browser across multiple platforms. Its affordability, open architecture a nd simplicity provide an ideal framework for delivering enterprise solutions to a large number of people. Applications dont need to be installed at every desktop ; they are accessed easily through a browser. In addition to supporting self-ser vice applications, the PeopleSoft Web Client has a Work list and Query interface . This improves the flow of the companys business processes and improves access t o information for occasional users. Furthermore, all data transmitted between th e Web Client and the application server is coded for added security. Because the Web Client takes advantage of PeopleTools, self-service applications can be dep loyed across the Internet or existing corporate intranets with common business r ules workflow logic and security features. Multi-layer Transaction Processing: T he ability to support large numbers of parallel users, while maintaining reliabl e, and superior performance, is critical to enterprise-wide data processing. Peo pleSoft works in a variety of settings over Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Network (WANs), throughout organisations. In the latter, the application lo gic runs on an application server instead of the client. The application server is designed to relieve the client from processing intense SQL transactions, ther eby reducing LAN traffic and improving performance across WANs. Three layered ar chitecture also provides increased scalability to accommodate high volumes of pa rallel users while maintaining a consistent and reliable performance level. Peop leSoft continues to support its traditional two layered architecture as well. On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP): Companies must be able to quickly extract and

analyse the information they require for effective decision-making. OLAP, or onl ine analytical processing, is a powerful method for interactively analysing data online. PeopleSoft integrates popular OLAP tools including Cognos PowerPlay and Arbor Essbase that enable users to easily

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:7 of 8 share multidimensional data stored in various locations. With the Cube Manager a pplication, users can define the data they want to extract into an OLAP cube. It enables them to quickly view information from all different angles to test conc lusions, conduct what-if scenarios and compare alternative strategies. With mult idimensional information presented in quick-read formats, managers can make bett er decisions, react faster to competitive threats and identify inefficiencies. W orkflow: An essential part of the solution, PeopleSoft workflow capabilities hel p communications companies achieve enterprise-wide integration of information, a pplications, and people. Workflow enables a company to automate many time-consum ing clerical tasks, while putting useful data into the hands of users. With work flow, the companys PeopleSoft applications do more of the work. For example, if m anagerial approval is needed for a work order, the system automatically forwards the request. Workflow can also help the company track projects, by initiating a workflow message to the appropriate person when a project exceeds a predetermin ed cost. The company can even bring non-PeopleSoft users into the workflow proce ss, using e-mail systems and the Internet for collecting, and distributing data. The different product modules available from JD Edwards are: Foundation Suite: Consists of Back Office, CASE Foundation, Environment/ Toolkit, Financial Analys is Spreadsheet Tool and Report Writer, WorldVision GUI, Electronic Burst & Bind. Financial Suite: Consists of General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Rec eivable, Fixed Assets, Financial Modelling and Budgeting, Multi-Currency Process ing, Cash Basis Accounting, Time Accounting) Logistics/Distribution Suite: Consi sts of Forecasting, Requirements Planning, Enterprise Facilities Planning, Sales Order Management, Advanced Pricing, Procurement, Work Order Management, Invento ry Management, Bulk Stock Management, Quality Management, and Advanced Warehouse . Management: Consists of Equipment Management, Transportation Management, Job C ost and Service Billing Services Suite: Contract Billing, Subcontract Management , Change Management, and Property Management. Manufacturing Suite: Consists of C onfiguration Management, Cost Management, Product Data Management, Capacity Plan ning, Shop Floor Management, and Advanced Maintenance Management) Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Mining and Real Estate Suite: Consists of Procurement , Inventory Management, Equipment Management, Job Cost, Work Order Management, S ubcontract Management, Change Management, Contract Management, Contract Billing, Service Billing, Homebuilder Management, and Property Management. Energy and Ch emical Suite: Consists of Agreement Management, Advanced Stock www.beginwithdisb

Valuation, Sales Order Management, Bulk Stock Management, and Load and Delivery Management.

Enterprise Resource Planning OM 0011 Assignment Set 2 page:8 of 8 Government, Education, and Not-for-Profit Solutions: Consist of Financial Admini stration and Reporting, Budget Administration, Fund and Encumbrance Accounting, Grant and Endowment Management, Purchasing and Material Management, Warehousing and Central Stores Management, Human Resources Management, Service and Work Orde r Management, Capital Project and Construction Management, Contract Management, Plant, Equipment, and Fleet Maintenance. Utility and Energy Solutions: Consists of Customer Information System, Human Resources Management, Work Management, Reg ulatory Reporting, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Enterprise Maint enance Management. JD Edwards offers customers the means of achieving greater on going control of their businesses. It is enabled by their ability to define and redefine the way they do business as markets, customers and competitive conditio ns change. Behind this customer commitment is a twenty-two year history of liste ning to customers, understanding what they ask of business technology. At the sa me time learning the problems and requirements of their industry and developing solutions accordingly. By emphasising solutions, relationships, and value, JD Ed wards maintains its focus on what truly matters to its customers. Q6:What is BAP I? Why BIAP is considered as commanding tool in the SAP consultants toolkit BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces to obje ct-oriented programming methods that enable a programmer to integrate third-part y software into the proprietary R/3 product from SAP. For specific business task s such as uploading transactional data, BAPIs are implemented and stored in the R/3 system as remote function call (RFC) modules.[2] BAPI is the most dominant t ool in the SAP consultants toolkit. It is one of a set of tools for interfacing w ith an SAP R/3 system. The priority of BAPI is calling data in and out of SAP. F or the SAP consultant, BAPIs are the small, powerful ships that keep these barge s of data moving. SAPs R/3 system is now open by releasing the specifications for some 170 business application programming interfaces (BAPIs). This helped third -party applications interact with R/3 directly. BAPIs can be called as sets of m ethods that allow external applications to collaborate with specific R/3 busines s objects such as customers, accounts, or employees. As R/3 data is addressable through callable methods, BAPIs gives flexibility to the third party application vendors to build supporting applications for the R/3 system.

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 Q1: Explain briefly assessment tool Schedule the Assessment page:1 of 8 An assessment needs to be planned at least a month in advance of the consensus b uilding meeting. The appropriate length of time depends on the agendas of the ex ecutives that need to be part of the assessment. Most frequently, planning start s 60 days before the consensus building meeting. The activities that are involve d in conducting the assessment usually occur during a period of 10 to 14 days. F igure shows a sample timeline of the activities that are required to conduct an assessment. Sample Schedule for Conducting an Assessment For each of the items in the assess ment tool, as shown in Figure 8.2, respondent must choose a score from 1 to 5 fo r the description that best represents the organisations management practices. No te that only the scores 1, 3, and 5 are anchored in a short description. If the respondent believes that the item is implemented between two descriptions (1-3 o r 3-5), then the value between those descriptions should be chosen (2 or 4). Usi ng Figure 8.2, as an example, if the respondent believes that the organisation i s between a 3 (We segment customers by classes of trade) and 5 (We segment custo mers based on profitability, potential growth and strategic value), then the app ropriate response is a 4.

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 page:2 of 8 Example of Customer Relationship Management Assessment Tool There might be items in the assessment tool that cannot be answered by a particular individual. This may occur because the respondent is not familiar with the organisations approach to a particular item. Each item in the assessment tool includes a box with the option Dont Know. Respondents should choose this option if appropriate, rather th an leaving the item blank. The fact that someone does not know about a particula r issue is useful information. If that person must know more about the activity, providing them with the necessary information offers the opportunity for a quic k fix. Because the assessment tool was designed to be used in any organisation, it is possible that an individual activity may not be important to a specific or ganisation at a point in time. For this reason, we ask participants to rate the important of each item on a three-point scale: minor importance, important, crit ical, rating depends on the individuals perception of the importance of the item to the organisations success now and in the future. It is important that responde nts take the time to include a short justification for the score and the importa nce they give to each item. This justification will be necessary during the cons ensusbuilding session in order to explain their scores to the other participatio ns. Completing the assessment tool individually takes between 45 minutes and one hour. It is recommended that respondents complete the assessment without interr uption because the structure of the process requires a sequence of thought that if interrupted might result in the respondent forgetting the reasoning behind pr evious responses. Q2:Analyse how Time based Process Mapping (TBPM) facilitates i n analysing various activities visually. Time Based Process Maps (TBPM): This ma pping facilitates in representing and analysing the various activities visually. The analysis of the tasks is done with respect to time. TBPM helps the organisa tion in a great regard

when the managers want to condense the time that is required for ous activities. Time compression is defined as the activity that reducing or eliminating the activities that do not add any value of the organisation. The main objective of the time compression re that the productivity of the organisation is increased, the

performing vari facilitates in to the business task is to ensu

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 page:3 of 8 quality of the output is met, the cycle times and the lead times between various activities are reduced. Time is an important unit of analysis; TBPM is the most popular type of mapping that is considered by all the organisations for mapping the supply chain. It divides time into two categories such as: Value adding tim e: It is the time in which the processing of the important tasks and activities takes place. The activities that are able to benefit and add value to the busine ss of the organisation is processed. Non value adding time: It is defined as tha t time when various activities of the process results in no loss or reduction in benefit to the customer of the organisation. For example, consider the Time Bas ed Process Maps (TBPM) for a book printer. The objective of the process is to de fine and identify the activities that benefit and add value to the business of t he organisation[2]. Figure : An Example of a Time Based Process Maps In the process of managing the supply chain, an activity is said to be adding value to the process, www.beginwi

if any one of the following conditions hold good such as: The customer accepts t he task.

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 Term is physically changed. At the initial stage the task is carried right. page:4 of 8 However, during the process of activities it is vital for the managers to clearl y state the activities that add value and the activities that do not add value. This further ensures that, the entities participating in the activities are clea r to proceed with the analysis of the task. Q3:Discuss the different eras of Sup ply Chain Management. Sketch the traditional objectives of SCM Eras in Supply Ch ain Management Six major movements are observed in the evolution of Supply Chain Management studies. They are: 1. Creation 2. Integration 3. Globalisation 4. Sp ecialisation Phase I 5. Specialisation Phase II 6. Supply Chain Management 2.0 1 . Creation Era An American industry consultant in the early 1980s coined the ter m Supply Chain Management. However, the perception of Supply Chain in management was of great importance in the early 20th century especially by the creation of the assembly line. The characteristics of this era of Supply Chain Management, consists of requirement for large-scale changes, re-engineering, downsizing driv en by cost reduction programs, and widespread attention to the Japanese practice of management. 2. Integration Era This era of Supply Chain Management was highl ighted with the development of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems in the 1960s. Integration Era developed through the 1990s by the introduction of Enterp rise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This era has continued to develop into the 21st century with the development of internet-based collaborative systems. This era of Supply Chain evolution is characterised by both increasing value-added a nd cost reduction through integration. 3. Globalisation Era www.beginwithdisbeli

Globalisation era can be characterised by the attention towards global systems o f supplier relations and the expansion of Supply Chain over national boundaries and into other continents. Although the use of worldwide sources in the Supply C hain of organisations can be traced back to several decades ago (example, the oi l industry), it was not until the late 1980s that a

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 page:5 of 8 considerable number of organisations started to integrate global sources into th eir core business. This era is characterised by the globalisation of Supply Chai n Management in organisations with the goal of increasing competitive advantage, creating more value added, and reducing costs through global sourcing. 4. Speci alisation Era Phase I: Outsourced Manufacturing and Distribution In the 1990s, i ndustries started to focus on core competencies and adopted a specialisation model . Companies discarded vertical integration, sold off non-core operations, and out sourced those functions to other companies. This changed management desires by e xpanding the Supply Chain well. Supply Chain specialisation enables companies to develop their overall competencies in the same way that outsourced manufacturin g and distribution has done. It allows them to concentrate on their core compete ncies and assemble networks of best in class domain and specific partners to con tribute to the overall value chain itself, thus, increasing overall performance and efficiency. The ability to quickly obtain and deploy this domain related Sup ply Chain expertise without developing and maintaining a distinctive and complex competency in house is the leading reason why Supply Chain specialisation is ga ining popularity. Outsourced technology for Supply Chain solutions debuted in th e late 1990s and has taken root in transportation and collaboration categories m ost dominantly. This has developed from the Application Service Provider (ASP) m odel from approximately 1998 through 2003 to the OnDemand model from approximate ly 2003-2006 to the Software as a Service (SaaS) model we are currently focused on today. 5. Specialisation Era Phase II: Supply Chain Management as a Service S pecialisation within the supply chain started in the 1980s with the beginning of shipping brokerages, warehouse management, and non asset based carriers. It has grown beyond shipping and logistics aspects of supply planning, collaboration, execution and performance management. Given at any moment, market forces could c laim changes from suppliers, logistics providers, locations, and from any number of specialised participants as components of supply chain networks. This variab ility has important effects on the supply chain infrastructure. One of it is fro m the foundation levels of establishing and managing electronic communication be tween the trading partners. 6. Supply Chain Management 2.0 (SCM 2.0) To build Gl obalisation and Specialisation, the term SCM 2.0 has been introduced. It describ es both the changes within the Supply Chain itself as well as the evolution of t he processes, methods and tools that manage it in this new "era Traditional Obje ctives : The major objective of Supply Chain Management is Customer Satisfaction a nd to achieve this all roadblocks are eliminated in-between ultimate customer an d the raw material supplier. The

traditional objectives of Supply Chain Management are To minimise total Supply C hain cost to meet fixed and given demand.

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 To maximise the overall value g enerated. To maximise net revenue and gross revenues minus total cost. page:6 of 8 To comprise the right products in the right quantities at the right place at the right moment at minimal cost. Q4:New information technologies have become critical to compete and create compet itive advantages to a firm. Give a brief description on this topic. New informati on technologies have become critical to compete and create competitive advantage s to a firm. Six emerging technologies which were thought to be most critical we re: E commerce. Internet. Groupware. Automatic transaction system. Knowledge man agement. Modelling/Simulation. Among these, E-commerce and Internet were viewed as most essential. Groupware refers to a growing set of information technologies that enhance peoples interactions. Examples of groupware are e-mail, video confe rencing, electronic bulletin boards, and Lotus notes. Overall, firms must recogn ise the strategic value of having timely and accurate logistics information. The logistics information system must be considered as strategically important to t he overall firm. As a result, efforts at integrating logistics information requi rements with the capabilities of ERP systems must be successful An Enterprises R esource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated transaction processing and report ing system. ERP systems provide the means for tracking organisational resources, people,

processes, and technology. The system serves as the backbone to the organisation i n terms of providing the information and support required for making decisions A typical ERP system is designed around four primary business processes. They are :

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 Selling a Product or Service: C ustomer order management process. Making a Product: Production planning and exec ution process. Buying a Product: Procurement process. page:7 of 8 Costing, Paying the Bills and Collecting: Financial/management accounting and re porting process. Q5:Briefly explain the impact of Reverse Supply Chain Managemen t on profitability Impact of Reverse Supply Chain Management on Profitability Th e intention of every organisation in implementing Reverse Supply Chain Managemen t in its business process is mainly to increase the profits and also to build th e companies goodwill in the eyes of its customers. This again would help in incr easing the profits of the company. Effective Reverse Supply Chain Management yie lds direct benefits that include improved customer satisfaction, decreased inven tory levels, and decrease in the distribution and storage costs. Experts in this field have noted that, a well administered Reverse Supply Management System wou ld result in savings in transportation, inventory carriage and waste disposal co st and also improves customer satisfaction. It can also be said that an effectiv e Reverse Supply Chain Management improves customer relationship, improves envir onmental regulatory obedience that increases profitability of the organisations. A well planned Reverse Supply Chain Management brings profits by utilising tech nology to evaluate at the point of customer returns. Realising the critical natu re of the returns process and treating returns as perishable assets and by estab lishing the returns process as a high priority. In order to earn maximum profits from the implementation of Reverse Supply Chain Management organisations must f irst analyse as to how this will contribute to profits. This is an activity that involves executive management. Initiatives that do not go hand in hand with exe cutive management either have little ability to support organisations profitabil ity or will end up in the closure of the firm Q6:List down the impact of Informa tion Technology in Supply Chain Management. Impact of IT on Supply Chain Managem ent After we have assessed the developments of Information Technology applicatio ns in Supply Chain Management, let us now examine the impact of Information Tech nology in various fields of Supply Chain Management. We will also examine as to how Information Technology has contributed to the performance improvement of Sup ply Chain, by improving efficiency and thereby bringing in value addition. The d evelopment in the field of Information Technology, in the last few decades has a ffected the ways of doing business. With the recent developments in Information Technology, the concept of Supply Chain management is gaining huge benefits to t he organisations. The major reason for

organisations to opt for Information Technology in Supply Chain Management is, t he complexity involved in the process. For example, the use of internet increase s the speed of communication, through greater interactivity, between the organis ations and customers. This demonstrates a development in Supply Chain, towards o nline technology.

Supply Chain Management OM 0012 Assignment Set 2 page:8 of 8 Information sharing is the major aspect of Supply Chain Management in the proces s of incurring profits, increasing performance, and efficiency of business. This has been made possible with the implementation of Information Technology in Sup ply Chain Management. The various other impacts of Information Technology on Sup ply Chain Management can be evaluated as follows: The popular impact of IT in Su pply Chain is through the applications related to order processing. This relates to placement of orders and checking for the status of the order placed. This ha d helped in the reduction of cost in order processing, as detection and correcti on of errors are done more accurately and easily. IT plays a great role in the m anagement of purchases in the Supply Chains. This is possible because of applica tions that assist in the communication with vendors, checking price quotes, and in making purchases. IT helps the Supply Chain by assisting the process of track ing shipments to regional warehouses. This provides the organisations with infor mation on the consistent performance of the delivery service it is using. This a lso enables the managers to make sure that the delivery services that are in use , are meeting their agreed timelines. Reporting, processing, and settlement of c laims are now easier using the IT tracking system applications. IT has become vi tal in inventory management, which is one of the important aspects of Supply Cha in. The IT has facilitated organisations to establish EDI information programs w ith their customers. IT has provided organisations with the facility to offer th eir customers ways to contact them, with respect to issues related to the servic es. It also assists in integrating customer information. Overall, it is of great use to both customers and the firms. The introduction of IT in Supply Chain Man agement has led to closer buyer and supplier relationship, through high levels o f information sharing. IT will assist organisations to deliver the best of servi ces to their customers. For example, use of internet for e-commerce allows the c ustomers to get information related to the cost of a product, place orders, trac k delivery, and pay bills. Thus, we can conclude that, the impact of IT in Suppl y Chain Management is much larger as it enables inter organisational communicati on and in turn, decreases cycle time and builds up collaborative work.

Advanced production and operations management OM 0013 Assignment Set 2

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 Assignment Set 2 Q1:Different iate between Product layout and Fixed Position layout with examples page:1 of 9 Physical layouts describe the actual placement of people or machines that take p art in the transformation process. Process choice and physical layout are closel y linked. To a large extent, process choice dictates the physical layout of the transformation process. The process type is reflected in how the operation arran ges its activities, or its layout. Specifically, we now have to decide how the t asks that make up the operation are to be delivered. The process type determines the nature of the tasks that are performed, for example, are these project acti vities or are they part of the work in a line process? The layout determines whe re and in what sequence activities that make up a process are located. The three basic layout types fixed, process, product and hybrid or cell layouts. Fixed Po sition Layout In a fixed position layout[1], the product or person being acted o n remains in one place, while operations take place around it. Workers come to t he product (or to the production location) instead of the product moving between workers and work centres. Workers carry out single or multiple activities to mo dify a product or provide a service until completion. Fixed-position layouts are used in services, for example, in dental or surgical treatments where the patie nt remains in a single location while being treated. In manufacturing, the produ ction of heavy, bulky or fragile products, such as ships and airplanes, and most construction projects take place with the people and machines moving around the product. Fixed position layouts are associated generally with lower volume proc ess types most usually projects (as in construction), but sometimes with jobbing processes (specialised contractors in construction) and batch processes (as wit h the production of airplanes or construction of many types of the same house on a housing development). Product Layout The product layout was developed during mass production, as an extension of the principles of scientific management in t he context of assembly-line production. In a product layout, people and machines are dedicated to a single product or small range of similar products. Each work station is laid out in a sequence that matches the requirements of the product e xactly, and each stage is separate from the next stage. A typical product layout is as shown in Figure 7.3.

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 Assignment Set 2 page:2 of 9 A Typical Product layout The sequence of operations in a product layout follows a straightforward sequence, where one activity in the line cannot be started unl ess the previous activity has already been completed. In manufacturing, the prod uct layout is common in automobile assembly and other high volume applications. In services, this layout can be found in high volume, standard services, especia lly where there is a tangible element, such as fast-food preparation. IKEA, the furniture retailer, has a product layout for its stores. People have to follow a pre-defined route through the store, from one area to another. In this way IKEA achieve rates of customer throughput that few other retailers can match. The op eration does not need to be laid out in this manner indeed, space restrictions o ften dictate that a straight line cannot be used. In line operations, workstatio ns need to be located close together to minimise materials movement. Materials f low and control is critical, especially in ensuring that there is a steady flow of work to do and that both stock-outs (where materials run out) and large piles of Work-In Process (WIP) are minimised. Because each workstation is dependent o n the next, the speed of the entire line is determined by the workstation with t he lowest capacity. Furthermore, if a single work centre is not operating the en tire line comes to a halt very rapidly. Japanese automotive manufacturers have m ade a feature of this for some time if there is a problem with any part of the o peration, any worker can stop the line. This focuses attention on removing and p reventing recurrence of the problem, which would be Q2:What is new product development? Explain the impact of internet on new produc t development. Process of developing a new product or service for the market. Th is type of development is considered the preliminary step in product or service development and involves a number of steps that must be completed before the pro duct can be introduced to the market. New product development may be done to dev elop an item to compete with a particular product/service or may be done to impr ove an already established product. New product development is essential to www.

any business that must keep up with market trends and changes. Product developme nt is a broad field of endeavor dealing with the design, creation, and marketing of new products. Sometimes referred to as new product development (NPD), the

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 page:3 of 9 Assignment Set 2 discipline is focused on developing systematic methods for guiding all the proce sses involved in getting a new product to market. There are a number of organiza tions dedicated to supporting product development professionals, such as the Pro duct Development and Management Association (PDMA) and the Product Development I nstitute (PDI). According to the PDMA, the organization s mission is "to improve the effectiveness of people engaged in developing and managing new products - b oth new manufactured goods and new services. This mission includes facilitating the generation of new information, helping convert this information into knowled ge which is in a usable format, and making this new knowledge broadly available to those who might benefit from The second workshop was held to share informatio n and identify common concerns regarding the impact of the Internet on product d evelopment among the CENDI agencies. The design of products, the impact of the I nternet on the product development life cycle, and the speed with which products need to be designed and then mature were discussed. During the planning for the workshop, lead agencies were identified to give presentations on their experien ces and concerns, and to lead the discussions of the group on that topic. The ag enda developed for the meeting included a series of questions under each topic t o guide the lead agency s presentation and the discussions Q3:What does the word TEAM stand for? What are the three essential elements in t eam building? Decisions on controlling teamwork are really important as this hel ps in improving the productivity of an organisation regarding the quality of wor k delivered. If teamwork is controlled properly, it has positive impact on produ ctivity. The word TEAM is popularly known as: T Together E Everyone A Achieves M More Together Everyone Achieves More shows the importance of teamwork at the work place. The best way to make people work more productively with no additional cos t is through teamwork. A high performing team plays a very vital role in improvi ng the business. Through teamwork, one can achieve something which is much bigge r, more effective and enjoyable rather than same individuals working individuall y on their own. Team building skills is very important and valuable for any busi ness and provides an extra edge.

It is an ongoing process. Through decades of trial and error method, the militar y has found that when units of people play and compete together they start think ing as a group and find it easier to work as complementary parts rather than as individuals. This also improves the communication which helps them to function a s a team.

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 Assignment Set 2 There are th ree essential elements for team building. They are: Goal: The team goal should b e clearly shared and understood by all through strong communication channels amo ng the team members. page:4 of 9 Skills and personalities: Availability of a wide range of skills and personaliti es helps in complementing strengths which can be used to support team goals and compensate the weaknesses. Factors affecting work: Factors affecting team work s uch as remote working and personal differences should be either removed or overc ome. Those factors should not be allowed to have negative influence on the team Q4:List out the inventory decision rules for MRP. Explain the basic strategies f or CRP. Many decision rules can be employed for lot sizing under MRP. Static Lot -sizing Rules The static lot sizing rule consists of: 1. Fixed order quantity (F OQ) The organisation must order or produce a fixed quantity or a multiple of tha t fixed quantity must be ordered or produced. 2. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) T he organisation must order or produce the economic order quantity, plus any addi tional items needed to refill safety stock, if it has fallen below its desired l evel. It yields minimum total setup/ordering plus holding costs and assumes rela tively constant demand. Dynamic Lot-sizing Rules The dynamic lot sizing is made up of: Lot-for-Lot (L4L) The L4L rule specifies the following: The organisation must order or produce exactly the quantity required in each period, to satisfy g ross requirements and to maintain safety stock at its required level. This rule agrees with Just-In-Time philosophy of ordering/producing only when required and is simple to use.

Orders or production can be modified easily for purchase discounts or restrictio ns, scrap allowances, process constraints and so on.

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 page:5 of 9 Assignment Set 2 Maximises the number of orders placed and minimises on-hand inventory so can be expensive, if setup/ordering costs are significant. Periodic Order Quantity (POQ ) The POQ rule specifies the following: Order or produce a quantity equal to the gross requirements for P periods excluding any items in on-hand inventory, plus any additional items needed to replenish safety stock, if it has fallen below i ts desired level. Covers exactly P periods of gross requirements and keeps safet y stock at constant level. Matches the quantity ordered to the quantity required and hence reduces on-hand inventory. CRP was known since Taylor had showed, how to develop work standards when good computer software was available early in th e 1960s. Failure to develop adequate capacity planning resulted from poor qualit y, incomplete processing data, and work standards in most companies. Rough cut c apacity planning techniques were applied to loading and sequence scheduling for the Model 401 computers and later to Capacity Planning and Operations Sequence S cheduling (CAPOSS) for 370 series computer. CRP is a technique that allows busin ess to plan in advance. It also determines how large their future inventory capa city needs to be, in order to meet demand. CRP helps companies to determine how much space they will need, to hold these materials. It verifies that you have th e sufficient capacity to meet the capacity requirement for the MRP plans. Thus, it helps the planners to take the correct decisions on scheduling before the pro blem develops. The key elements of the CRP are establishing, measuring, and adju sting the limits or levels of the production capacity. This depends on the proce ss of determining the amount of labor and machine resources required, to accompl ish the tasks of production. Inputs to the CRP process are the Order Entry modul es in a MRP system, which facilitates translating the orders into hours of work by the work center and by time period, via the use of parts routings and time st andards. CRP assists to determine the timing of capacity expansion. The basic st rategies are: Capacity Lead Strategy It is a very aggressive strategy and is use d to attract customers away from competitors. It is done according to the expect ations of demand and the capacity is increased. Capacity Lag Strategy It is done after the demand has increased and then the capacity is increased. It is a cons ervative strategy and may result in loss of customers as, it assumes that custom ers will return after capacity has been met, which might not be true. Average Ca pacity Strategy

It is a moderate strategy, in this the average expected demand is calculated and then capacity is increased accordingly

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 Assignment Set 2 page:6 of 9 Q5:Enumerate the importance of customer population in the waiting lines. Explain the multiserver mode Waiting Line systems is based on the queuing theory. Hence , it is also known as Queuing systems. It consists of two important components a nd they are customers population source and the system of service. Customer popul ation can be finite or infinite, arrival process can be random, and waiting area can be of limited length or more than waiting line. Also, customers can be serv ed based on first come first serve basis, can have a service area with one or mo re channels, and the time taken to serve may be random. the Customer population can be classified into finite or infinite. Customer population is considered fin ite when the count of customers present affects the possible new customers servic e system which is already present in the system. However, the population is cons idered infinite when the count of customers waiting in the line does not conside rably affect the rate at which the population makes new customers. The different ways in which customers behave depend on the characteristics of waiting line. T able 11.1 explains the various processes that a customer does in order to avoid waiting. Various processes and their actions Multi-server model In this, there i s a single phase and the input source is infinite with no balking and no renegin g. Poisson is the arrival distribution. is the mean arrival rate and exponential is the service as the mean service time. The waiting line is distribution with m as the mean service rate and single with unlimited length and based on the fir st come first serve priority order. Operating characteristics of multiple-server are as follows: Average utilization: Probability that no customers are in the s ystem: Probability that n customers are in the system:

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 page:7 of 9 Assignment Set 2 Q6:Analyse the difference between Mass Production and Toyota Production System. Dr. Shingo and Mr. Taiichi Ohno have invented/ rediscovered the Just in Time sys tem-which has become the backbone of the Toyota production system. The synergy c reated by this industrial revolution and its powerful effects which influenced t he international economic order. Just-in-Time (JIT) Production is all about supp lying customers with what they want and when they want it and aims to minimize i nventories by producing only what is required & when it is required. Orders are "pulled" through the system when triggered by customer orders, not pushed throug h the system in order to achieve economies of scale by producing larger batches. After Second World War, Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno at the Toyota motor compan y in Japan pioneered the concept of Toyota Production System. The rise of Japan to its current economic pre-eminence quickly followed, as other companies and in dustries copied this remarkable system. Manufacturers around the world are now t rying to embrace this innovative system, but they are finding the going rough. T he companies that first mastered this system were all head-quartered in one coun try-Japan. However, many Western companies now understand Toyota Production Syst em, and at least one is well along the path of introducing it. Superimposing thi s method on the existing mass-production systems causes great pain and dislocati on Production methods The craft producer uses highly skilled workers and simple but flexible tools to make exactly what the customer asks forone item at a time. Few exotic sports cars provide current day examples. We all love the idea of cra ft production, but the problem with it is obvious: Goods produced by the craft m ethodas automobiles once were exclusivelycost too much for most of us to afford. S o mass production was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century as an alternative. The mass-producer uses narrowly skilled professionals to design pro ducts made by unskilled or semiskilled workers tending expensive, single-purpose machines. These churn out standardised products in very high volume. Because th e machinery costs so much and is so intolerant of disruption, the mass-producer keeps standard designs in production for as long as possible. The result: The cu stomer gets lower costs but at the expense of variety and by means of work metho ds that most employees find boring and dispiriting. Kanban system Many people think the Toyota production system a Kanban system: th is is incorrect. The Toyota productionsystem is a way to make products, whereas the Kanban system is the way to manage the Just-in-timeproduction method. In sho rt, the kanban system is an information system to

harmoniously control theproduction quantities in every process. It is a tool to achieve just-intime production. In this system what kindof units and how many un its needed are written on a tag-like card called Kanban. The Kanban is sent to t hepeople of the preceding process from the

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 page:8 of 9 Assignment Set 2 subsequent process. As a result, many processes in a plant are connected with ea ch other. This connecting of processes in a factory allows for better control of necessaryquantities for various products. The Kanban system is supported by the following: Smoothing of productionReduction of set-up time design of machine la yout Standardisation of jobsImprovement activities Autonamation A kanban is usua lly a card put in a rectangular vinyl envelope. Two kinds are mainly used: Withd rawal A Withdrawal Kanban details the kind and quantity of product which the sub sequent process should withdraw from the preceding process, while a Production-o rdering Kanban specifies the kind and quantity of the product which the precedin g process must produce. The Withdrawal kanban in fig.2 shows that the preceding process which makes this part is forging, and thecarrier of the subsequent part must go to position B-2 of the forging department to withdraw drive pinions.The subsequent process is machining. The Kanban in fig.3 shows that the machining pr ocess SB-8 mustproduce the crank shaft for the car type. The crank shaft produce d should be placed at store F26-18. These cards circulate within Toyota factorie s, between Toyota and its many co-operative companies, and within the factories of co-operative companies. In this manner, the Kanban can contribute information on withdrawal andproduction quantities in order to achieve Just-in-time product ion. Suppose we are making products A, B, and C in an assembly line. The parts n ecessary to produce these products are a and b which are produced by the precedi ng machining line(fig.4). Parts a and b produced by themachining line are stored behind this line, and the production-ordering Kanbans of the line are attached to these parts. The carrier from the assembly line making product A will go to t he machining line to withdraw thenecessary part a with a withdrawal kanban. Then , at store, he picks up as many boxes of this part as his withdrawal kanbans and he detaches the production-ordering kanban attached to these boxes. He then bri ngsthese boxes back to his assembly line, again with withdrawal kanbans. At this time, the production-orderingKanbans are left at store a of the machining line showing the number of units withdrawn. These Kanbans will bethe dispatching info rmation to the machining line. Part a is then produced in the quantity directed by that number of Kanbans. In this machining line, actually, parts a and b are b oth withdrawn, but these parts areproduced according to the detached order of th e production-ordering Kanbans. Autonamation In order to realise Just-in-time per fectly, 100 per cent good units must flow to the prior process, and this flow mu st be rhythmic without interruption. Therefore, quality control is so important that it must coexist with the Just-in-time operation throughout the Kanban syste m. Autonamation

means to build in a mechanism a means to prevent mass-production of defective wo rk in machines or product lines. Autonamation is not automation, but the autonom ous check of abnormality in the process.

Advanced production & operations management OM0013 page:9 of 9 Assignment Set 2 The autonomous machine is a machine to which an automatic stopping device is att ached. In Toyota factories,almost all the machines are autonomous, so that massproduction of defects can be prevented and machine breakdowns are automatically checked. The idea of Autonamation is also expanded to the product lines ofmanual work. If something abnormal happens in a product line, the worker pushes stop b utton, thereby stopping his whole line. For the purpose of detecting troubles in each process, an electric light board, calledAndon, indicating a line stop, is hung so high in a factory that it can easily be seen by everyone. The Andon inth e Toyota system has an important role in helping this autonomous check, and is a typical example of Toyota s

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