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Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 22, 21 de diciembre de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 21, December 21, 2012

Primera Sargento Hispana

Sonia Trudeau fue promovida a sargento por el jefe interino de la polica de New Castle El nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, Javier Torrijos, comparte su visin de futuro.

Sonia Trudeau

La Comisin Hispana tiene Nuevo Presidente

The Hispanic Commission has New Chair

The new Chairman of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, Javier Torrijos, shares his vision.

First Hispanic Female Sergeant

Call for Details (215) 586-3257

Sonia Trudeau was promoted to sergeant by the acting chief of police of New Castle

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Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012, Vol. VII No.22 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper December 21, 2012, Vol.VII No.22

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel Pilonieta-blanco

editorial editorial
General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez

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Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco 302- 588 9584


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cOlabORaDORES contributors
Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan

Era de suponer que estuviramos alegres ante la proximidad de la Navidad y la celebracin con la familia, pero hay un espectro que nos ronda y nos ha nublado la alegra: la muerte de 20 nios pequeos y 6 de sus maestros que les orientaban para llevar una vida de bien. No puedo dejar de pensar en la tristeza que ha embargado a esos hogares por esa violencia irracional. Para ellos nuestra ms profunda solidaridad y respeto. La plaga de la violencia y las armas golpe duro una vez ms, de all que sea tan importante reconsiderar el derecho al porte de armas y estudiar sus regulaciones, una discusin que est siempre presente y que ante situaciones como sta debe ser profundizada, y sobre todo rechazar la cultura que glorifica la violencia y que les llega a los ms jvenes a travs de los video juegos y las pelculas. El ms guapo no siempre tiene la razn. Coincidimos con el presidente Obama cuando dice que el hecho de que el tema sea complejo no es una razn para no hacer nada. En esta edicin damos a conocer las ideas del nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, Sr. Javier Torrijos, quien comparte con nosotros sus ideas sobre el futuro de esa organizacin tan importante para la comunidad hispana de Delaware. Despus de 30 aos de historia, es de esperar que se lleve a cabo un plan con resultados positivos. Es tambin motivo de orgullo para todos la noticia de que por primera vez en los 100 aos de historia de la polica del Condado de New Castle, una mujer hispana ha sido ascendida a la posicin de sargento: Sonia Trudeau. Este es un ejemplo que demuestra que la mujer se ha ganado a pulso un lugar prominente en nuestra sociedad. Al finalizar el ao nos damos cuenta que ya han pasado 7 desde que empezamos esta aventura editorial y debemos reconocer que ha sido gracias a muchos colaboradores y amigos que este peridico sigue viendo la luz del da, y sembrando sus granito de arena para un mejor maana. De corazn gracias a todos los que comparten sus ideas en estas pginas, aquellos que promocionan sus negocios, proyectos e instituciones y sobre todo a nuestros lectores que le dan sentido a nuestra existencia. Nuestro norte se ha mantenido firme en la bsqueda de educar y educarnos para lograr una mejor integracin de los hispanos en este estado y en este objetivo no estamos solos, cada da nos queda ms claro y sabemos que otros muchos dan los mismos pasos, as que sigamos adelante. Siendo sta nuestra ltima edicin del ao, aprovechamos la ocasin para desearles a todos una Feliz Navidad y un Prspero Ao Nuevo. Dios quiera que todos tengamos ventura y prosperidad.

We were supposed to be happy with Christmas around the corner and celebrating with family, but there is a ghost haunting us that has clouded our joy: the death of 20 children and 6 of their teachers who were leading them towards a respectable life. I cannot stop thinking about the sadness that has seized those homes due to such irrational violence. For them, our deepest sympathy and respect. The plague of violence and of weapons has once again hit hard, hence the importance of reconsidering the right to bear arms and to study its regulations, a discussion that has always been present and that in situations like this should be deepened, and most of all, the fact that we should reject any culture that glorifies violence and gets to youngsters through video games and movies. The tough guy is not always right. We agree with President Obama when he says that The fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing. In this issue we present the ideas of the new president of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, Mr. Javier Torrijos, who shares with us his thoughts on the future of this organization so important to the Hispanic community in Delaware. After 30 years of history, a plan with positive results is expected to be carried out. It is also a matter of pride the news that, for the first time in the 100-year history of the New Castle County police, a Hispanic woman has been promoted to the position of sergeant: Sonia Trudeau. This is an example that shows that women have earned through hard work a prominent place in our society. Facing the end of this year we realize that it has been 7 since we started this publishing venture and we must recognize that it has been thanks to many colleagues and friends that this newspaper still sees the light of day, and has been able to collaborate with its two cents for a better tomorrow. Our heartfelt thanks to all who share their ideas on these pages, those who promote their businesses, projects and institutions, and especially to our readers, t hat give meaning to our existence. Our goal has remained steadfast in seeking to educate and to educate ourselves to achieve a better integration of Hispanics in this state, and in this aim we are not alone, every day it becomes clearer and we know that many take the same steps, so lets move on. Since this is our last issue of the year, we take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God grant us all happiness and prosperity.

DISEO GRaFIcO / GRaPhIc DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo


Leyes / Laws: Opcin de Escuela, Acalorado debate en la biblioteca de Wilmington adelanta soluciones / School Choice, Heated Debate at Wilmington Library Brings Forward Solutions Locales/ Local: Jvenes del centro Latino ganan trofeo en competencia robtica / Latino Center youth win robotics competition trophy. Estado / State: El nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, Javier Torrijos, comparte su visin de futuro/The new Chairman of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, Javier Torrijos, shares his vision.

Esteban M.P. Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez / Liliana Grajales Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos/ Andres Rustan Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega


Valentina P. Rodrguez Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P. / Marianella Vera Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Y mucho ms / And much more

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol. 7 No.22



Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

comunidad community

La Comisin Hispana tiene Nuevo Presidente

El nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, Javier Torrijos, comparte su visin de futuro.
>Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco Javier Torrijos de 48 aos de edad, es el nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, y as como otros muchos, no podamos dejar de preguntar sobre su relacin con el famoso Omar del mismo apellido, a lo que modestamente responde que s puede tener parentesco con Omar Torrijos, el general panameo que hizo posible que el Canal volviera a manos de los panameos. Segn su padre, la familia se dividi al momento de la independencia de Panam a principios del siglo XIX, de all que quedaran Torrijos en ambos pases, en resumidas cuentas, no somos muchos los Torrijos, apunta Javier. Nacido en Bogot, lleg a USA cuando tena solo un ao. Ha vivido ms de dos dcadas en Delaware y trabaja como director de uno de cuatro grupos de ingenieros del Departamento de Transporte de Delaware. Bajo su direccin han estado y estn importantes proyectos tales como la finalizacin de la ruta una y las modificaciones de conexin de la I-95 con la 1 y el Christiana Mall. Ha tenido como una pasin el trabajar con la comunidad hispana, sobre todo con su pastor y futuro suegro, el pastor Figueroa, hemos sido muy bendecidos en todo el sentido de la palabra (refirindose a su esposa y sus dos hijos). Como ingeniero de amplia experiencia que es, Torrijos sabe que una planificacin minuciosa es fundamental para tener xito, de all que se proponga poner en marcha bajo su liderazgo en la Comisin Hispana un plan que tenga objetivos a largo, mediano y corto plazo. Para ello quiere, en primer lugar, ampliar la comunicacin con la comunidad, hemos asistido a programas de radio y televisin y entrevistas como sta, para que la gente sepa que estamos trabajando y hacia dnde vamos, y esperamos que la gente nos d sus puntos de vista para enriquecer el proyecto. Como se sabe, la orden ejecutiva firmada por el Gobernador de Delaware Jack Markell en septiembre de 2011 estableci la Comisin Hispana de Delaware con el objetivo de mejorar y racionalizar los esfuerzos anteriormente realizados por el Consejo del Gobernador para Asuntos Hispanos y el Consorcio del Gobernador en Asuntos Hispanos. Y dentro de sus tareas se encuentran las siguientes: Asesorar al Gobernador, el Consejo de Ministros, los miembros de la Asamblea General y otros funcionarios estatales encargados de formular polticas sobre los medios para mejorar la prestacin de servicios a la comunidad hispana en Delaware; revisar, estudiar y priorizar los problemas que afectan a la comunidad hispana en Delaware, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, las preocupaciones de la comunidad relacionadas con la educacin, los servicios sociales, la vivienda, la salud, la cultura, la historia, las artes, los derechos civiles y humanos, asuntos legales y legislativos, el empleo, las finanzas y el desarrollo econmico; emprender y promover proyectos que beneficien a la comunidad hispana en Delaware; coordinar sus esfuerzos con otros consejos asesores, agencias comunitarias, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y otros grupos cuyos esfuerzos afectan a la comunidad hispana; obtener fondos de fundaciones y entes gubernamentales para apoyar a la comunidad hispana en Delaware; emitir recomendaciones al Gobernador y a la Asamblea General sobre la legislacin pendiente de la Asamblea General que sea de particular inters para la poblacin hispana; y desempear las dems funciones y atribuciones que le asigne el Gobernador. Despus de su primer ao, durante el que se organizaron comits y se aprobaron los reglamentos, los miembros de la comisin eligieron a Torrijos como su presidente y a Sonia Aguilar y Charito Calvachi-Mateyko como vice-presidentes. Tambin se han venido haciendo encuestas con la gente para determinar las necesidades de la comunidad, como por ejemplo, el transporte en Selbyville al sur del estado o sobre oportunidades de trabajo y de negocios en el Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano en Wilmington. La idea es generar propuestas claras para que los organismos del estado puedan dar soluciones. Por ejemplo, Poner en marcha un programa de transporte en el sur de Delaware (donde hay mucha poblacin hispana) necesita de mucho dinero, de all que sea necesario contar con el apoyo de la comisin, del pueblo hispano y de todos los ciudadanos de Delaware dice Torrijos, son cosas reales tal como saber cuntos hispanos trabajan para el estado para saber dnde estn y qu estn haciendo para poder trabajar juntos. Es un hecho que la mayora de la comunidad no sabe para qu est la Comisin, cules son sus miembros o dnde y cuando se renen, ya que hay pocos canales de comunicacin, y esto es una de las primeras cosas que Torrijos se propone: comunicacin de y hacia la comunidad. No hay suficiente representacin hispana en la vida del estado y yo quiero ayudar a tener un mayor impacto en la mejor manera posible, como voluntario y de cualquier manera unir al pueblo hispano. Tenemos claras algunas necesidades como trabajo, salud y transporte, y tenemos que ver la manera de unir todas las organizaciones y usar los recursos de la diferentes agencias para lograr ciertas metas. Lo que quiero dejar bien claro, agrega Torrijos, es que queremos tener una mejor comunicacin con la comunidad tanto a travs de los medios de comunicacin, como directamente escuchando lo que la gente tiene que decirnos a los miembros de la comisin. Para el presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware es fundamental la participacin de la gente para poder llevar a buen puerto el plan de trabajo a corto, mediano y largo plazo.

El nuevo presidente de la Comisin Hispana de Delaware, Javier Torrijos.

La prxima reunin de la Comisin ser el 15 de enero en el Legislative Hall de Dover a las 10:00 y ser abierta al pblico, porque sta es la comisin del pueblo. Me gustara que vengan y escuchen lo que estamos haciendo. Para mayor informacin sobre la Comisin puede visitar: index.html

Certified Medical Assistants on Site Certified Diabetes Educators on Site

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Sponsored by the Delaware Academy of Ophthalmology PLACE: Rose Hill Community Center 19 Lambsons Lane New Castle, DE 19720 DATE: TIME: Saturday January 26, 2013 SNOW DATE: Saturday, February 2, 2013 9AM to 11:00 AM EYE MDS There will be several Board Certified Ophthalmologists available to screen for cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, as well as to answer any questions you have about your eyes. The goal of this event is to provide access to services for the uninsured. If you or anyone you know has not had an eye exam in the past two years or has eye problems you are concerned about, take advantage of this free service.
Certified Diabetes educators will be on site Flu Shots Blood sugars, cholesterol screenings and cancer risk assessment by Christiana Care Health Services

For more information call (302) 655-6187x230, 264, 261

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

comunidad community


The Hispanic Commission has New Chair

The new Chairman of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, Javier Torrijos, shares his vision.
>Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco Javier Torrijos, of 48 years of age, is the new Chair of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, and as many others, we could not help but ask about his relationship with the famous Omar of the same last name, to which he modestly replied that it is possible indeed that he can have relationship with Omar Torrijos, Panamanian General that enabled the Canal to go back to the Panamanians hands. According to his father, his family was divided at the time of the independence of Panama in the early nineteenth century, so there were Torrijos in both countries, in short, we are not that many Torrijos, says Javier. Born in Bogota, he came to USA when she was only a year old. He has lived more than two decades in Delaware and works as director of one of four groups of engineers of the Delaware Department of Transportation. Under his leadership, there have been -and are- important projects such as completion of the route 1, and the connection and modifications of I-95 with route 1 and Christiana Mall. He has had a passion to work with the Hispanic community, especially with his pastor and future father-in-law, Pastor Figueroa, we have been very blessed in every sense of the word (referring to his wife and two children). As an experienced engineer that he is, Torrijos knows that a careful planning is essential to succeed, thus his intent to start under his leadership in the Hispanic Commission a plan that has long, medium and short term goals. To achieve this, he wants first of all to expand communications with the community, we have attended radio and TV programs and interviews like this, to let people know that we are working and where we are going, and we hope people give us their views to enrich the project. As it is known, the executive order signed by Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware in September 2011 established the Delaware Hispanic Commission with the objective of enhancing and streamlining the efforts previously undertaken by the Governors Council on Hispanic Affairs and the Governors Consortium on Hispanic Affairs. And among its duties are: To advise the Governor, the Cabinet, members of the General Assembly, and other state policymakers on means to improve the delivery of services to the Hispanic community in Delaware; To review, study, and prioritize issues affecting the Hispanic community in Delaware, including, but not limited to, the concerns of the community involving education, social services, housing, health care, culture, history, the arts, civil and human rights, legal and legislative matters, employment, finance, and economic development; To undertake and promote projects that benefit the Hispanic community in Delaware; To coordinate its efforts with other advisory councils, community agencies, non-profit organizations and other groups whose efforts affect the Hispanic community; To obtain funding to support the Hispanic community in Delaware from foundation and government sources; To issue recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly concerning legislation pending the General Assembly which is of particular interest to the Hispanic population; and To perform such other functions and duties as assigned to it by the Governor. After its first year, during which committees were organized and regulations adopted, the committee members elected Torrijos as their Chair, and Sonia Aguilar and Charito Calvachi-Mateyko as co-Chairs. Surveys have been also been conducting to identify community needs, such as transportation in Selbyville, south of the state, or on careers and business opportunities in the Latin American Community Center in Wilmington. The idea is to generate clear proposals for state agencies to provide solutions. For example, To implement a transportation program in southern Delaware (where there are many Hispanics) we need a lot of money, so that is why it is necessary to have the support of the commission, of the Hispanic people and all citizens of Delaware, says Torrijos, there are real things such as knowing how many Hispanics work for the state to know where they are and what are they doing to be able to work together. It is a fact that most of the community does not know what is this Commission for, who their members are or where and when they meet, as there are few channels of communication, and this is one of the first things that Torrijos plans to do: establish communication from and to the community. There is not enough Hispanic representation in the life of the state, and I want to help make a greater impact in the best way possible, as a volunteer, and in any way, to unite the Hispanic people. We have clear some needs such as work, health and transportation, and have to see a way to unite all organizations and use the resources of the various agencies to achieve certain goals. What I want to make clear, Torrijos adds, is that we want to have better communication with the community both through the media, as well as listening to what people have to say to the members of the commission. For the Chair of the Delaware Hispanic Commission is essential to involve people in order to make a success of the work plan for the short, medium and long term. The next Commission meeting will be on January 15 in the Legislative Hall in Dover at 10:00 and will be open to the public, because this is the committee of the people. I would like everybody to come and hear what were doing. For more information on the Commission you can visit: index.html


Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Por qu?
Durante estos ltimos das, mi corazn y mi espritu se sienten pesados y tristes. Al igual que muchos estadounidenses y personas de todo el mundo que se siguen preguntando una y otra vez: qu est pasando? Para m, como madre de dos jvenes adultos, no puedo ni siquiera comenzar a comprender cmo alguien podra emocional y espiritualmente superar ese atroz acto criminal y de violacin de la vida humana como el cometido contra los veinte nios y seis adultos en la escuela Sandy Hook Elementary School el viernes 14 de diciembre en Newtown, Connecticut. A medida que pasa el tiempo, cada da sabemos ms sobre el agresor, pero todava me pregunto por qu? Ahora sabemos que era Adam Lanza, de 20 aos de edad, hijo de Nancy Lanza de 52 aos de edad, quien fue asesinada en casa por su hijo Adam antes de ir a la escuela Sandy Hill y comenzar la matanza de personas inocentes. He ledo que su madre Nancy era una Prepper, trmino ste usado para aquellos que participan en un movimiento de supervivencia que prepara a los individuos para lo que ellos creen es el advenimiento de la descomposicin de la sociedad y el colapso de la economa. Este grupo los entrena para utilizar armas y para almacenar alimentos y muchos otros suministros. Al parecer, se estn preparando para lo peor por venir y por eso ella tena cinco armas legalmente registradas. Ella tambin practicaba tiro al blanco con sus dos hijos, Adam y Ryan. Algunos de los amigos y miembros de la familia de la seora Lanza dicen que ella era una paranoica apocalptica (survivalist) que crea que el mundo estaba al borde de un violento colapso. Una semana antes del tiroteo, dicen los amigos que ella estaba preocupada porque estaba perdiendo a su hijo Adam debido a su estado de salud mental, que estaba empeorando y que estaba teniendo dificultad para llegar a l. Esta ltima afirmacin lo dice todo para m y me hace preguntarme, por qu demonios le enseas a usar armas y le das acceso a ellas a alguien incapacitado y psicolgicamente perturbado? Irnicamente, fue asesinada por las propias manos de su hijo y su arma de propiedad legal. Desde el incidente, los medios estn llenos de esta noticia e incluso programas de televisin que son para el entretenimiento, como Saturday Night Live y The Voice, han comenzado sus programas con escenas muy conmovedoras en apoyo a las 26 vctimas. Me embargu con llanto mientras vea al presidente Obama contener sus propias emociones al dirigirse a la nacin y yo apoyo su llamado a la accin para tomar el control de las armas. Durante su visita a Newtown, el presidente Obama se comprometi a utilizar todo el poder que tiene su investidura para evitar ms tragedias como sta. Esperamos que los cambios realmente se materialicen. Se puede argumentar que el problema no son las armas, sino las personas que usan tales armas, sin embargo, por qu la gente necesita un arsenal de armas en su casa? Cul es la lgica de esto? Supongo que algunos podran argumentar: porque pueden y porque portar armas es nuestro derecho constitucional. Creo que es necesario que haya una revisin. En este momento de celebracin, mantengan en sus corazones un lugar especial para las familias y amigos de las 26 vctimas de la escuela primaria Sandy Hook. Ellos tienen momentos muy difciles por delante. Mantnganlos en sus pensamientos y oraciones, y permitan que sus seres queridos sepan lo mucho que significan para ustedes, no tomen la vida y cada da por sentado.

For the past few days, my heart and spirit feels heavy and sad. Just like many Americans and people from all over the world that are still finding themselves questioning over and over again: what is going on? To me, as the mother of two young adults, I cant even start comprehending how anyone could emotionally and spiritually move on from such an unspeakable act of crime and violation of human life as the one committed to the twenty children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday December 14th in Newtown, Connecticut. As time passes, with each day we come to learn more about the shooter and perpetrator, but I still question why? We now know that it was Adam Lanza, a 20 year old, son of 52 year old Nancy Lanza who was killed at home by her son Adam before he went into Sandy Hill School and begun the killing of innocent people. I have read that his mother Nancy was a prepper this is a term used for those that take part on a survivalist movement which prepares individuals for what it is to believe the coming of the breakdown of society and economic collapsing. This group trains them with weapons and the stashing of food and many other supplies. Apparently, they are preparing for the worse to come and that is why she owned five legally registered weapons. She also did target shooting with her two sons Adam and Ryan. It is said by some of Mrs. Lanzas friends and family members that she was a paranoid survivalist that believed that the world was on the brink of violent collapse. A week before the shooting, it is said by friends that she was worried because she was losing her son Adam due to his state of mind and he was getting much worse and she was having difficulty in reaching him. That last statement said it all for me and leaves me questioning why in the world would you teach and give access to someone who was psychologically unfit and disturbed to use weapons? Ironically, she was murdered by her sons own hands and her legally owned weapon. Since the incident, the media is filled with this news and even television shows that are meant for entertainment, such as Saturday Night Live and The Voice, had very moving openings in support of the 26 victims. I was moved into tears while watching President Obama hold back his own emotions while addressing the nation and I support his call to take action over gun controls. When visiting Newtown, President Obama vowed to use whatever power his office holds to prevent more tragedies like this. Let us hope that changes will be made. You can argue that the problem is not the weapons, but the people that use such weapons, however, why do people need an arsenal of weapons in their homes? What is the logic to that? I guess some would argue because they can and it is our constitutional right to bear arms. I believe that there needs to be a revision. In this time of celebration, keep in your heart a special place for the family and friends of all the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. They will have very hard times ahead. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers and let your loved ones know how much they mean to you, dont take life and each day for granted.

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

The sUccess Of sBA leNDINg By Regional Administrator Natalia Olson-Urtecho For two years in a row the U.S. Small Business Administration has helped to put more than $30 billion into the hands of small business owners across the country. In fiscal year 2012, SBAs loan programs posted the second largest dollar volume ever, surpassed only by the 2011 fiscal year, which was heavily boosted by the loan incentives under the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. The pace of SBA loan-making is a healthy sign for the national economy and the credit markets and is one of the foundations for ensuring the availability of financing to small businesses trying to establish themselves, grow and create new jobs for Americans. SBA lending totals in Delaware set a new record in fiscal year 2012 as SBA backed $57.7 million in Delaware loans, guaranteeing 133 loans in total. This is a 13% increase from the agencys 2011 Delaware loan volume of 118 loans and a 73% increase in dollars lent, up from $33.3 million in FY 2011. This also exceeds the all-time record for SBA-backed dollars lent in Delaware, set in 2006 at $42.3 million. In the past year, SBA began streamlining and simplifying many of its loan programs to provide more access and opportunity for lenders and small businesses. As part of this effort, SBA encouraged lenders to use more of their own paperwork and the agencys updated processing systems, so that more than 80 percent of its loan applications can now be processed online. These efforts, among other loan enhancements, resulted in nearly 1,300 lenders returning to SBA lending and opened up more points of capital access for small businesses wherever they do business. The results are clear: 504 Loans Set All-Time Record. By improving and simplifying the loan making process and reducing paperwork, SBA saw a record year for the Certified Development Company (504) loan program, which helped 9,471 entrepreneurs supporting $15.09 billion in small business lending. Here in Delaware SBA guaranteed 13 loans through the 504 program for more than $12.2 million. CAPLines Loan Program Jumps 400 Percent. A revamped CAPLines program, which provides working lines of credit to small businesses such as manufacturers and government contractors, jumped 400 percent from 108 loans and $118 million in 2011 to 532 loans and $410 million in 2012. Low-dollar Loans on the Rise. Lenders are making more low-dollar loans using SBA Community Advantage and Small Loan Advantage loan programs that encourage lenders to make low-dollar loans, which are an important tool for small businesses. In fiscal year 2012 the number of Community Advantage loans increased to more than 11 times the number of loans in 2011. The Small Loan Advantage program ended the fiscal year with 820 loans for $150.6 million nearly 80 percent of the years SLA loans were after SBA simplified the processes on June 1. SBAs Growth Capital Program Breaks Record for the Third Consecutive Year. The Small Business Investment Company debenture program provided a record $2.95 billion to small businesses in FY 2012, a 14 percent increase over the previous year and the highest single-year volume in the 54-year history of the program. This good news is due in part to a number of improvements that contributed to an increased number of new SBIC licenses and reduced license processing times. Here in SBAs Mid-Atlantic Region, your local district office in Delaware is ready to help and for more information about SBA please visit www. As we look forward to 2013, SBA stands ready to help you start, grow or expand your business! The IMPOrTANce Of chrIsTMAs seAls The holidays are all about giving. That is why I urge everyone to place American Lung Association Christmas Seals on all of their holiday packages. Every time you hand a loved one a gift with a Christmas Seal placed on their package they can see that you care for their lung health. The Christmas Seals are Americas oldest direct mail revenue generator, funding the American Lung Associations programs. Purchasing these seals help in the fight against lung disease, childhood asthma, and lung cancer. Funds also go toward smoking cessation programs and the American Lung Associations fight for clean, healthy air. This holiday season give your loved ones hope for clean air and a cure for lung disease. Purchase Christmas Seals to carry on a longstanding American tradition and help to fund the programs that protect and improve our airways. For more information on the American Lung Associations Christmas Seals Campaign, visit, or call 1-800-LUNGUSA. Deb Brown President and CEO American Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic DelAWAre TO exPAND OrgAN DONATION cAMPAIgN Delawares Statewide Organ Donor Designation Campaign a targeted effort to increase the number of registered organ and tissue donors in Delaware by 28,000 by the end of April 2013. The joint partnership among hospitals, physicians, public health, and the regions organ and tissue transplant organization is unprecedented. Organ donation campaigns currently underway in other states are not nearly as encompassing as our Delaware Campaign, states Wayne A. Smith, President & CEO of the Delaware Healthcare Association. The Campaign will emphasize the online donor registry, accessed through The website allows Delawareans to register to become organ donors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort of their own homes. On behalf of our 1,600 physicians, we enthusiastically support this Campaign and we look forward to building education and awareness activities around organ and tissue donation, said Mark Meister, Executive Director of the Medical Society of Delaware. Rita M. Landgraf, Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services adds, As one of the largest state agencies with over 4,000 full-time employees, we proudly support this life-saving campaign. We will build on the efforts already underway by bringing the message about organ and tissue donation to our employees, their families, and our clients. This Campaign is important to bring hope to the 600 people in Delaware who are waiting for a life-giving organ transplant, states Howard M. Nathan, President and CEO, Gift of Life Donor Program. In order to save more lives, we need more people to say yes to organ and tissue donation and add the organ donor designation to their drivers license or state I.D. card. In Delaware, only 47.5% of the states licensed drivers or state I.D card holders have registered as donors. The Campaign partners are working together to increase the States organ and tissue donor designation rate to at least 50% by the end of April 2013. Progress has been steady toward meeting the Campaigns goal with close to 10,000 new enrollees added since the Campaign launched in April 2012. Delawares Organ Donor Designation Campaign is a component of the national Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) campaign, which challenges workplaces to educate all employees and the community about the critical need for organ and tissue donation and to encourage people to register as donors.

Abogada de Inmigracin


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Delaware, sobre todo los de las zonas de mayor delincuencia, estn recibiendo educacin de baja calidad de las escuelas pblicas porque no hay responsabilidad en lo que respecta a desempeo en el sistema escolar pblico. Ellos no creen Delaware est atacando seriamente el problema de la violencia, el crimen y la pobreza, que es el resultado directo de analfabetismo entre los jvenes a quienes se les proporciona una pobre experiencia educativa. Su objetivo es la obtencin de eleccin de escuela, ya sea en forma de escuelas chrter, escuelas cibernticas (en lnea), escuelas privadas, o educacin en el hogar, a fin de empoderar a los padres para que toman decisiones acerca de la educacin de sus hijos.

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Opcin de Escuela
Acalorado debate en la biblioteca de Wilmington adelanta soluciones
por Sam Friedman Un foro sobre la eleccin escolar organizada por la Coalicin de Nueva Opcin de Escuela de Delaware (Delawares New School Choice Coalition) se torn intenso entre los que abogan por la eleccin de escuela y los que creen que la reforma educativa puede venir por otros medios. El concejal Jea Street recibi el aplauso de alrededor de las 70 personas presentes cuando argument en contra de la eleccin de escuela sobre la base de que algunas de las escuelas chrter no fueron tan buenos como se anunciaron. El verdadero propsito de este (frum) es vender el concepto de eleccin u opcin, dijo. Los nios que no seamos capaces de educar hoy estn destinados a ser nuestros criminales maana. El sistema funciona? No. Podemos arreglarlo? S. Vamos a solucionarlo con un sistema de eleccin y de vales? En mi opinin, no. El Pastor Derrick Johnson critic el sistema de educacin de Delaware por tratar a los nios de zonas de bajos ingresos de manera diferente, como por ejemplo expulsando o suspendiendo a los nios de los barrios con mayores ndices de delincuencia a una tasa desproporcionada con respecto a los estudiantes suburbanos. Critic a los gobiernos federal y estatal por no haber hecho ms que los programas destinados a promover la asistencia a la escuela y los valores comunitarios estn suficientemente bien financiados. Sher Valenzuela, quien recientemente perdi la carrera por la posicin de Vicegobernadora, se gan una ronda de aplausos por sealar que hay una falta de liderazgo en el estado con respecto al tema de la educacin. Si no hacemos algo diferente con el dinero que ustedes estn pagando, o que yo estoy pagando como consumidora, vamos a seguir obteniendo resultados deprimentes, dijo. Esto no tiene por qu ser mantenido en el mismo sistema complicado que conocemos. Tenemos mucho ms poder del que estamos ejerciendo. Jim Hosley, Director de Excelencia Educativa del Instituto Csar Rodney, explic a la audiencia que las Cuentas de Ahorro Educativo, donde los padres se les da una cierta cantidad de dinero de los fondos de educacin para gastarlo como quieran, han sido implementadas en estados como Louisiana y Arizona con gran xito. Otros panelistas incluyeron el concejal Kevin Kelly, el Defensor de la Juventud Kirk Lacy, y el Consejero Acadmico de Lincoln University Ralph Simpson, quienes hablaron sobre los retos de conseguir que los jvenes de familias de bajos ingresos en Delaware, especialmente los hombres, encuentren el apoyo de las escuelas y la comunidad para mejorar la alfabetizacin y oportunidades para avanzar econmicamente. El foro fue organizado por la Coalicin de Nueva Opcin de Escuela de Delaware, una organizacin fundada por Ismael y Tahsiyn Hackett, residentes de Wilmington que creen que los jvenes

School Choice
Heated Debate at Wilmington Library Brings Forward Solutions
by Sam Friedman A forum regarding school choice hosted by Delawares New School Choice Coalition turned heated between those who are advocating for school choice and those who believe education reform can come by other means. Councilman Jea Street received applause from the standing room only crowd of about 70 when he argued against offering school choice on the grounds some of the charter schools were not as good as advertised. The real purpose of this (forum) is to sell choice, he said. The children we fail to educate today are destined to be our criminals tomorrow. Is it broken? Yes. Can we fix it? Yes. Are we going to fix it with choice and vouchers? In my view, no. Pastor Derrick Johnson criticized the Delaware education system for treating children from lowincome areas differently, such as expelling or suspending children from neighborhoods with higher crime rates at a disproportionate rate to suburban students. He criticized both the federal and state governments for not doing more to make sure programs aimed at promoting school attendance and communal values were well funded. Sher Valenzuela, who recently lost her race for Lieutenant Governor, drew a round of applause for pointing out that there is a lack of leadership in the state on the issue of education. If we dont look at doing something else with the money youre paying, Im paying as consumers, we will continue to get dismal results, she said. This doesnt have to be kept in the same convoluted system we know. We have a lot more power than we are exercising. Jim Hosley, Director of Education Excellence at the Caesar Rodney Institute, explained to the audience that Educational Savings Accounts, where parents are given a certain amount of money from the education funds to spend how they want, have been implemented in states such as Louisiana and Arizona with great success. Other panelists included Councilman Kevin Kelly, Youth Advocate Kirk Lacy, and Lincoln University Career Counselor Ralph Simpson, who all spoke about the challenges of getting young people from low-income households in Delaware, especially men, to find support from the schools and the community to improve literacy and opportunities to advance economically. The forum was hosted by Delawares New School Choice Coalition, an organization founded by Ismael and Tahsiyn Hackett, Wilmington residents who believe Delawares youth, particularly those in areas of higher crime, are receiving sub-standard education from the public schools because there is no accountability of performance in the public school system. They do not believe Delaware is serious about dealing with the violence, crime, and poverty that is a direct result of illiteracy among young people who are provided a poor educational experience. Their objective is to obtain school choice, whether in the form of charter schools, Cyber School, private schools, or homeschooling, in order to empower parents to make decisions about their childrens education.

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22



informacin information

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

La Primera Sargento Hispana

Sonia Trudeau fue promovida a sargento por el jefe interino de la polica de New Castle, el pasado 30 de noviembre.
>Gabriel Pilonieta-Blanco El teniente Rubn Martnez, presidente del captulo de Delaware de la Asociacin de Policas Hispanos de USA, no poda borrar su sonrisa cuando comentaba sobre el ascenso de Sonia a Sargento, es que por primera vez en los 100 aos de historia de este cuerpo, una mujer hispana logra alcanzar este grado, ha venido haciendo un trabajo excelente y todos estamos muy orgullosos de ella. Sonia Trudeau, en sus 13 aos como oficial de polica de New Castle, ha venido trabajando activamente para mejorar las relaciones de la comunidad hispana con los uniformados, algo que todos sabemos no es nada fcil; culturalmente hay una gran barrera que hay que cruzar. De familia colombiana, Sonia naci en Florida y lleg a Delaware al enterarse de la posibilidad de trabajar en la polica mientras cursaba la carrera en Justicia Criminal en la universidad de West Chester. Hizo la solicitud, el curso y se qued. Hoy en da es la cara visible de los hispanos en la polica, creo que hemos avanzado mucho en lograr que la gente entienda que la polica est para ayudar, dice Sonia, y explica que este ascenso la hizo sentirse orgullosa, pero lo que ms le dio alegra fue cuando su pequea hija le dijo emocionada ahora tienes tres lneas, mami, algo tan sencillo como eso resume aos de esfuerzo en la vida de Sonia y su pasin de servicio como mujer y como hispana. Sonia siente que ha cambiado la historia y es un modelo para otras mujeres latinas que vean en ella que s es posible lograr lo que se propone, para m ser polica lo es todo, hacer las cosas bien, lo mejor que pueda. As como el teniente Martnez fue mi mentor, ahora yo puedo ayudar a otros que quieran dedicarse a trabajar en la polica.

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Por su parte el Jefe interino de la Polica (Acting Chief) Elmer Setting coment que conoce desde hace aos los pasos de Sonia Trudeau y con gusto le ha asignado mayores responsabilidades porque es la manera como trata a la gente, sa es su clave de su xito y agrego que tengo fe en ella y s que va hacer un buen trabajo. Adems, las buenas noticias para los hispanos en la polica de New Castle no se limitan al ascenso a sargento de Sonia Trudeau. Tambin por primera vez en un ao, cuatro nuevos oficiales completamente bilinges han entrado al cuerpo policial. Entre ellos Flores de Reyes de 24 aos nacido en Toluca, quien desde pequeo soaba con ser polica; Alexander Balvuena de 25 aos, nacido en New Jersey de padres e mexicanos, para quien ayudar a su comunidad es su norte; Esteban Ruiz Ramrez, quien se crio en Mxico hasta los 13 aos y ahora ve la oportunidad de seguir los pasos de su to militar y algn da ser investigador de escenas de crimen; y finalmente el joven de 22 aos Jonathan Feliciano de familia puertorriquea, graduado en la Universidad de Delaware en Justicia Criminal y Sociologa y quien para la salida de esta edicin estar gradundose de la academia de polica y aspira a ser un detective de primera. Con un, estoy aqu para ayudar, se despide Sonia Trudeau, primera sargento hispana del Condado de New Castle.

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Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

eventos events
The First Hispanic Female Sergeant
Sonia Trudeau was promoted to sergeant by the acting chief of police of New Castle, on November 30.


Unos cuantos tragos pueden hacer de ti un asesino al volante.



Lt. Ruben Martinez, president of the Delaware chapter of the Hispanic Police Association of USA, could not wipe the smile from his face when he commented on Sonias appointment to sergeant, for the first time in the 100 year history of this institution, a Hispanic woman manages to reach this level; she has been doing an excellent job and we are all very proud of her. Sonia Trudeau, in her 13 years as a police officer in New Castle, has been actively working to improve relations of the Hispanic community with the people in uniform, something that we all know is not easy; culturally, there is a large barrier to be crossed. Sonia comes from a Colombian family but was born in Florida. She came to Delaware when she found out about the possibility of working with the police while studying Criminal Justice at West Chester University. She applied for the position, enrolled at the university and stayed. Today she is the visible face of Hispanics in the police, I think weve come a long way in getting people to understand that the police are there to help, says Sonia, and explains that this promotion made her proud, but what gave her more joy was when her little daughter said excited now you have three lines, Mommy, something as simple as that summarized years of effort on the life of Sonia and her passion for service as a woman and a Hispanic. Sonia feels that she has changed history and is a model for other Latinas who see in her that it is possible to achieve what one wants, for me being a cop is all, do the right thing, as best as I can. As Lieutenant Martinez was my mentor, now I can help others who want to do police work. Acting Chief of Police Elmer Setting said he has known for years the footsteps of Sonia Trudeau and gladly assigned her greater responsibilities because is the way how she treats everyone, thats the real ticket

En Delaware es ilegal manejar con una concentracin de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08 o mayor ya que puede ser mortal. El alcohol afecta tu velocidad de reaccin y tu juicio. Checkpoint Strikeforce (fuerza de ataque en un puesto de control) de Delaware es una campaa de aplicacin a nivel estatal de seis meses que cuenta con un mayor nmero de patrullas y puestos de control para DUI durante todas las semanas desde ahora hasta el 31 de diciembre. Si te atrapan, pierdes tu licencia y debes pagar miles de dlares en multas y sanciones. Evita siempre manejar si has estado bebiendo.


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and added that I have faith in her and I know she will do a good job. Moreover, the good news for Hispanics in New Castle police is not limited to Sonia Trudeaus promotion to sergeant. Also, for the first time in a year, four new fully bilingual officers have entered the police force. Among them Flores de Reyes, 24 years old, born in Toluca, who since childhood dreamed of being a cop; Alexander Balvuena, 25 years old, born in New Jersey and of Mexican parents, for whom to help his community is his goal; Esteban Ruiz Ramirez, who was raised

in Mexico until age 13 and now sees an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of his military uncle and someday be a crime scene investigator; and finally the 22 year old Jonathan Feliciano, of Puerto Rican descent, graduated from the University of Delaware in Criminal Justice and Sociology, and who at the issue of this edition will be graduating from the police academy and aims to be a top detective. With an Im here to help, Sonia Trudeau says goodbye, first Hispanic female sergeant of New Castle County.



Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

comunidad community
Santa en el Vecindario

Santa in the Neigborhood

La Coalicin de vecinos de Westside, en Wilmington organiz una visita de Santa Claus al vecindario la noche del mircoles 18 de diciembre. Las familias disfrutaron de una agradable velada, sabrosa comida y recibieron los nios un regalo de parte de Santa Claus. Muchas sonrisas y deseos de buenaventura fueron compartidos por los ms de 300 vecinos que acudieron al Wilmington Head Start ubicado en la parroquia San Pablo. El esfuerzo fue posible gracias a donaciones recibidas por particulares, comerciantes y algunas organizaciones humanitarias.

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Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22


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eventos events

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

LEGO Robotics y las Ganas de Aprender

Jvenes del centro Latino ganan trofeo en competencia robtica.
>Fernando Alcayaga

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LEGO Robotics and desire to learn

Latino Center youth win robotics competition trophy.
>Fernando Alcayaga Robots have fascinated many for decades; its unique qualities have been with us in various areas of daily life, from military to industrial, to housework. There is not a task in which a robot is not involved in our daily actions. Los robots han fascinado a muchos durante dcadas, sus excepcionales cualidades nos han acompaado en diferentes mbitos de la vida diaria: desde militares hasta industriales, pasando por labores domsticas. No existe una labor en la cual un robot no est involucrado en nuestras acciones diarias. Por esta razn, un decidido grupo de jvenes del Centro Latino particip en una de las competencias ms famosas de robtica a nivel nacional e internacional. La 2012 Senior Solution Challenge de la Liga FIRST LEGO y por supuesto se llevaron un trofeo bajo el brazo. Durante ms de tres meses estos nios y nias, todos menores de 13 aos, trabajaron para disear y programar un robot que les permitiese sortear diferentes pruebas en un tablero de juego. La idea era crear un artefacto que ayudara a las personas ancianas a mejorar su calidad de vida. En el desafo, los pequeos estudiantes aprendieron a disear un robot por completo con piezas de LEGO y a programar el software necesario para ejecutar las actividades. Cada semana buscaron informacin y crearon diferentes modelos para llegar con una solucin eficaz a los problemas presentados. El equipo TechieMOEbotics del Centro Latino fue una revelacin total en el certamen. Adems de ser los ms pequeos en edad, eran los nicos latinos que estaban participando. Lo que los llev a ser gratamente reconocidos por los presentes. Sin duda los chicos dejaron su marca y corazn en cada uno de los integrantes del comit del concurso. Aunque no llegaron a la final, el pequeo equipo cientfico consigui un trofeo otorgado por los jurados que vieron en ellos la fuerza, el entusiasmo y la solidaridad para salir adelante. El Programa de LEGO Robotics es dictado cada ao por el departamento de Informacin y Tecnologa del Centro Latino y tiene como misin fundamental acercar a los nios a las nuevas tecnologas y as promover el estudio cientfico y matemtico entre los hispanos. Si usted est interesado en que sus hijos participen de este entretenido y desafiante concurso, puede conseguir ms informacin llamando al Centro Latino al 302-655-7338. Las inscripciones para el prximo curso comienzan en agosto de 2013. For this reason, a determined group of youngsters from the Latino Center participated in one of the most famous robotics competitions nationally and internationally. The 2012 Senior Solution Challenge FIRST LEGO League, and of course took a trophy home. For more than three months, these children, all under 13, worked to design and program a robot that allowed them to overcome various tests on a game board. The idea was to create a device that would help older people improve their quality of life. In the challenge, the young students learned to design a robot entirely with LEGO bricks and programmed the software needed to implement activities. Each week they sought information and created different models to reach an effective solution to the problems presented. The team TechieMOEbotics of the Latino Center was an outstanding revelation in the contest. Besides being the youngest in age, they were the only Latinos participating, which led them to be pleasantly recognized by those present. No doubt the boys and girls left their mark and heart in each of the members of the competitions committee. Although they did not make it to the finals, the small scientific team got a trophy awarded by juries who saw in them the strength, enthusiasm and solidarity to succeed. The LEGO Robotics Program is taught each year by the Department of Information and Technology of the Latin Center and its primary mission is to bring children closer to new technologies and thus promote scientific and mathematical study among Hispanics. If you are interested in having your children participate in this fun and challenging competition, you can get more information by calling the Latino Center at 302-655-7338. Registration for the next academic year begins in August 2013.

salud health
Que Nadie Pase Desapercibido
El impacto de la inmigracin en los nios atrapados en el sistema de bienestar infantil
Una de las muchas consecuencias de la aplicacin de un sistema de inmigracin agresivo es la separacin de nios, a menudo ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, de sus padres sin papeles legales. Tomemos el caso de Felipe Montes, un padre que ha pasado los ltimos dos aos luchando para reunirse con sus tres hijos pequeos, quienes fueron colocados en hogares de guarda en Carolina del Norte despus de la deportacin de Montes a Mxico a finales de 2010. Tales casos slo tocan superficialmente un problema creciente. Nuestras polticas de inmigracin a menudo no tienen en cuenta las necesidades de millones de nios a los que afectan directamente. Segn el Centro Hispano Pew, aproximadamente 5,5 millones de nios en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo 4,5 millones de ciudadanos nacidos en Estados Unidos, viven en familias de estatus mixto-legales con al menos uno de los padres sin papeles legales. Estos nios corren el riesgo de ser separados de sus padres en cualquier momento. Los padres que enfrentan deportacin deben con frecuencia tomar la decisin de llevar a sus hijos con ellos o dejar a sus hijos en los EE.UU. bajo el cuidado del otro padre, familiar o amigo. En muchos casos, los padres pueden decidir que es en por el bien de sus hijos que permanecen en los EE.UU. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, la capacidad de los padres para tomar tales decisiones se ve comprometida cuando su hijo entra en el sistema de bienestar infantil, lo que puede provocar una serie de acontecimientos conducentes a perder la patria potestad. La falta de protocolos consistentes a travs de los diferentes sistemas pblicos que enfrentan las familias separadas agrava an ms el problema. El Centro de Polticas de Inmigracin y First Focus emitieron una hoja informativa esbozando los desafos nicos que las medidas de control migratorio impuestas por las autoridades federales y estatales representan para el bienestar del nio y la unidad familiar, incluidas las consecuencias para los nios y las familias que participan en el sistema de bienestar infantil. Para obtener ms informacin, pngase en contacto con Wendy Feliz Sefsaf en el Centro de Poltica de Inmigracin en

Falling Through the Cracks:

The Impact of Immigration Enforcement on Children Caught Up in the Child Welfare System
One of the many consequences of an aggressive immigration enforcement system is the separation of children, often U.S. citizens, from their unauthorized parents. Take the case of Felipe Montes, a father who has spent the past two years fighting to reunite with his three young children, who were placed in foster care in North Carolina following Montes deportation to Mexico in late 2010. Such cases only scratch at the surface of a growing problem. Our immigration policies often fail to address the needs of millions of children whom they directly impact. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, approximately 5.5 million children in the United States, including 4.5 million U.S.-born citizens, live in mixed-legal status families with at least one unauthorized parent. These children are at risk of being separated from a parent at any time. Parents facing removal must frequently make the decision whether to take their children with them or leave their children in the U.S. in the care of another parent, relative, or friend. In many cases, a parent may determine that it is in their childs best interest to remain in the U.S. However, in some cases, a parents ability to make such decisions is compromised when their child enters the child welfare system, which can prompt a series of events leading to the termination of parental rights. The lack of consistent protocols across the different public systems that encounter separated families further exacerbates the problem. The Immigration Policy Center and First Focus release a fact sheet outlining the unique challenges that federal and state immigration enforcement measures pose to child well-being and family unity, including the implications for children and families involved in the child welfare system. For more information, contact Wendy Feliz Sefsaf at the Immigration Policy Center at wsefsaf@

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22



comunidad community

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

Posadas y Misas en Espaol, Posada and Christmas Masses in Spanish 2012

Domingo/Sunday, December 23--Advent Masses with Posadas: 1:00 PM--Holy Angels/Santos Angeles, Newark 4:00 PM--St. Dennis/San Dens, Galena, MD Noche Buena/Lunes/Monday, December 24: 4:00 PM--St. Elizabeth/Santa Isabel, Westover, MD 7:00 PM--Holy Angels/Santos Angeles, Newark, DE 9:00 PM--Our Lady of Fatima/Nuestra Seora de Ftima, New Castle, DE, followed by posadas 7:00 PM--St. Francis de Sales/San Francisco de Sales, Salisbury, MD 7:30 PM--Ss. Peter & Paul/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Easton, MD 7:30 PM--Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nuestra Seora de Guadalupe, Roxanne, DE 8:30 PM--St. Catherine of Siena/Santa Catalina, Wilmington, DE 8:30 PM--Immaculate Conception/Inmaculada Concepcin, Marydel, MD, with posadas at 7 PM 9:00 PM--St. Paul/San Pablo, Wilmington, DE with caroling/villancico beginning at 8:00 PM. 9:00 PM--Holy Cross/Santra Cruz, Dover, DE 9:00 PM--St. Dennis/San Dens, Galena, MD 9:30 PM--St. Michael the Archangel/San Miguel Arcngel, Georgetown, DE 10:00 PM--St. John the Apostle/San Juan Apstol, Milford, DE Navidad/Martes/Tuesday, December 25 10:00 AM--St. Paul/San Pablo, Wilmington, DE: bilingual 12:00 PM--St. Michael the Archangel/San Miguel Arcngel, Georgetown, DE 1:00 PM--Holy Rosary/Santo Rosario, Claymont, DE 7:00 PM--St. Agnes/Santa Ines, Rising Sun, MD Lunes/Monday, December 31: Feast of Mary & New Year/Fiesta de Mara y Ao Nuevo 4:00 PM--St. Elizabeth/Santa Isabel, Westover, MD 7:00 PM--Immaculate Conception/Inmaculada Concepcin, Marydel, MD 7:00 PM--Our Lady of Fatima/Nuestra Seora de Ftima, New Castle, DE 7:00 PM--St. Catherine of Siena/Santa Catalina, Wilmington, DE 7:30 PM--Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nuestra Seora de Guadalupe, Roxanne, DE 9:00 PM--Ss. Peter & Paul/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Easton, MD 9:00 PM--Holy Cross/Santa Cruz, Dover, DE Martes/Tuesday, January 1: Feast of Mary & New Year/Fiesta de Mara y Ao Nuevo 12:00 AM Midnight/medianoche--St. Michael the Archangel/San Miguel Arcngel, Georgetown, DE, 10:00 AM--St. Paul/San Pablo, Wilmington, DE: bilingual 1:00 PM--Holy Rosary/Santo Rosario, Claymont, DE In addition, Posadas will be celebrated in many homes. For a listing of locations, please contact your nearest parish with a Hispanic Ministry. Tambien celebraremos Posadas con varios familias en sus casas. Si quieres el horario de ellas, favor de llamar la parroquia cerca de ti con la misa en espaol.

Posada is the Spanish word for to take shelter or to take in. Christians throughout Latin America celebrate a novena before Christmas of meditations and feasts inviting participants to give shelter to the newborn King in their lives. The Hispanic communities are pleased to invite the entire community to take the Christ child in our hearts in inspiring Posada celebrations. Dont be surprised if Joseph and Mary show up seeking posada. Delicious tamales and piping hot atole drink will be served. All are welcome. Todos son bienvenidos. Sbado/Saturday, December 22--Advent Masses followed by Posadas: 7:00 PM--Our Lady of Fatima/Nuestra Seora de Ftima, New Castle 7:00 PM--St. Catherine of Siena/Santa Catalina, Wilmington, DE 7:00 PM--St. Agnes/Santa Ins, Rising Sun, MD
Bilingue - Bilingual

Bilingue - Bilingual

Bilingue - Bilingual
Gratis-Complimentary Bilingue - Bilingual

Gratis-Compliment ary

Bilingue - Bilingual


Bilingue - Bilingual

ispano.c www.eltiempoh re, Year de Delaware de 2012 - Delawa nal para el estado de septiembre Peridico Bisema 7, No. 16, 21 Delaware Ao


VII, No. 16, Septem

per de Bi-weekly Newspa Delaware Statewi ber 21, 2012

Celebrando la Hispanidad

Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 17, 12 de octubre de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 17, October 12, 2012

Peridico Bisemanal para

Seorita Hispana 2012

Mara Morales

Fiesta de Gala del Centro

Una Noche en el Ecuador

el estado de Delaware Delaware Ao 7, No. 18, 26 de

Lationamericano m octubre de 2012 - Delaware,

Saln Hispano de la Fam

Zaida Guajardo al

Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Year VII, No. 18, October 26, 2012

El Triunfo de una Esperanza

Un acuerdo entre el Departamento de Justicia Condado de Sussex pone fin a demanda por discriminacin

Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper de Delaware 2012 Peridico Bisemanal para el estado Year VII, No. 21, December 07, diciembre de 2012 - Delaware, Delaware Ao 7, No. 21, 07 de

y el

Antorcha Guadalupana en Delaware

Peridico Bisemanal para

La Adopcin, un Nuevo Sentido a Nuestras Vidas

el estado de Delaware Delaware Ao 7, No. Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly 20, 23 de noviembre de 2012 - Delaware, Year Newspaper VII, No. 20, November 23, 2012

El Triunfo de una Esperanza

Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 21, 07 de diciembre de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 21, December 07, 2012

Un acuerdo entre el Departamento de Justicia y el Condado de Sussex pone fin a demanda por discriminacin

Antorcha Guadalupana en Delaware

Latino American Community

A Night at the Ecuator

Conferencia Latinas Fuertes

Center Gala

y Saludables

Latinas Fuertes y Saludables

La Escuela Primaria Lewis


Desfile de las Banderas

Celebr la Hispanidad


The Triumph of Hope

and An agreement between the Justice Department lawsuit the Sussex County ends discrimination

The Triumph of Hope

An agreement between the Justice Department and the Sussex County ends discrimination lawsuit

If you don

(215) 586 Call for Details Posi ol /

s Espa

you are los t have a website


Celebrating e ispanic Heritag

Se llev a cabo la primera conferencia sobre fortalecimiento financiero para lderes hispanos en Delaware

Conferencia de Empoderamiento Financiero

Miss Hispanic 2012

Saba usted que Kennett Square es reconocida como una de las mayores concentraciones de estaciones de ferrocarril subterrneo del pas?

Mara Morales

La Escuela Primaria Lewis

Desfile de las Banderas

Celebr la Hispanidad


Tenemos Derecho a Vivir en Paz

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ing customers!

the first Hispanic Financial Empowerment Leadership Conference was held in the Christina Hilton in Newark.

Conference of Financial Empowerment.

Do you know that Kennett Square is recognized as one of the greatest concentration of Underground Railroad stations in the country?

We have the Right to Live in Peace

Bilingual Websites & Webmarketing for small businesses starting at Hablamos Espaol / Posicionamos su sitio Web en Google y otros buscadores

If you dont have a website you are losing customers! EL 6 DE NOVI EMBRE VOTA - VOTE NOVE Call for Details (215) 586-3257 MBER 6TH $699
The Council of Spanish speaking Organizations (Concilio) celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a Gala in one of the most upscale hotel in the beautiful waterfront in Philadelphia.

el Consejo de Organizaciones de Habla Hispana celebr su 50 aniversario con una gala en uno de los hoteles de Filadelfia.

Aniversario 50 del Concilio

El Centro de las Artes Schwartz

Celebrando En Dover

Estacin Pbica de Radio una ceremonia la primera radio

Celebraron con pblica del estado.

Estacin Pbica de Radio

celebra la Hispanidad

Celebraron con una ceremonia la primera radio pblica del estado.

The Concilio 50th Anniversary

Schwartz Arts Center Celebrates

Celebrating in Dover

Hispanic Heritage

Hispanic Hall of Fame

Zaida Guajardo to the

Delawares first public radio news station first public radio

Ceremony celebrates Delawares

Bilingual Websites & Webmarketing Bilingual Websites & for small businesses starting at Webmarketing buscadores Hablamos Espao for small businesses l / Posicionamos Web en Google y otros starting at Posicionamos su sitio su sitio Web en Hablamos Espaol / Google y otros buscadores

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Delawares first public radio news station

Ceremony celebrates Delawares first public radio news station

If you dont have a website you are losing customers!

Bilingual Websites & Webmarketing for small businesses starting at Hablamos Espaol / Posicionamos su sitio Web en Google y otros buscadores

Guadalupe Torch in Delaware

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Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

comunidad community


Ampliando Asistencia sanitaria en Middletown:

Westside Family Healthcare inaugura un nuevo centro de salud
El lunes 10 de diciembre Westside Family Healthcare celebr una ceremonia de corte de cinta y jornada de puertas abiertas para la inauguracin de su nuevo centro de salud de 10 salas de exmenes situado en el sur del condado New Castle. El nuevo centro de salud est ubicado en 306 East Main Street en Middletown, Delaware. En el acto ceremonial intervinieron el senador Tom Carper, Congresista de los EE.UU. John Carney, la senadora estatal Bethany Hall-Long, representante del estado S. Quinton Johnson, el alcalde de Middletown Kenneth Branner, y el concejal por el condado de New Castle Bill Powers. Westside Family Healthcare est agradecida de tener el apoyo de nuestros funcionarios electos y de la comunidad al abrir nuestras puertas en Middletown, dijo Lolita Lpez, Presidente y CEO. Esperamos trabajar para mejorar el estado de salud de esta comunidad a travs de un mayor acceso a la atencin preventiva y primaria de salud con altos estndares de calidad, asequible y culturalmente apropiada, y a travs de la colaboracin de los proveedores existentes y las organizaciones comunitarias de la zona. Situado en Main Street, cerca de la oficina de correos, el centro de salud de Middletown abri sus puertas el 19 de noviembre 2012 despus de recibir financiamiento de la Administracin de los Recursos y Servicios de Salud del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU. en junio de 2012. Con la apertura del centro de salud Middletown, los individuos y las familias que residen en las comunidades del sur del condado New Castle y el norte del condado Kent ahora tendrn acceso a una atencin de salud asequible y de calidad tanto primaria como preventiva. El centro de salud Westside Middletown dar acceso a servicios de salud mdica familiar de calidad, salud de la mujer y la atencin de salud mental, as como servicios de apoyo, tales como la coordinacin de gestin para enfermedades crnicas y asistencia de ayuda financiera. Los pacientes tendrn acceso fcil a los servicios de salud oral a travs de nuestro centro de salud Wilmington as como la atencin prenatal a travs de nuestro centro de salud de Bear / New Castle. A travs de alianzas y contratos con proveedores de servicios locales, incluyendo Christiana Care Health System, los pacientes Westside tendrn fcil acceso a los servicios especializados. La apertura del centro ser una oportunidad para mejorar el estado de salud de los residentes de todo el estado. Mientras que las reas de Middletown, Townsend, y Odessa del Sur del condado New Castle han experimentado un rpido crecimiento y cambio en la ltima dcada, ha habido un crecimiento limitado en el acceso a servicios de atencin de salud - especialmente atencin primaria asequible. Esta brecha en los servicios de salud ha dado lugar a importantes disparidades de salud entre los adultos y los nios, incluyendo un aumento en la prevalencia de adultos con diabetes y una tasa alarmante de adultos reportando tener presin arterial alta. Estos niveles reportados estn por encima del punto de referencia establecido por la Administracin de los Recursos y Servicios de Salud del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU. Durante 24 aos, Westside Family Healthcare se ha comprometido a entender y responder a las necesidades de las poblaciones carentes de servicios mdicos en su rea de servicio actual y en el estado, donde ms de 101.000 residentes de Delaware no estn asegurados. Westside pas de ser un centro de salud de dos habitaciones en 1988 a operar seis centros de salud en los condados de New Castle y Kent, as como una unidad mvil de salud que atender a casi 27.000 pacientes en 2012. Con la apertura de la instalacin de Middletown, Westside continuar cumpliendo con su compromiso de ofrecer igualdad de acceso a las poblaciones carentes de servicios mdicos a lo largo de Delaware.

Expanding Access to Healthcare in Middletown

Westside Family Healthcare Opening a New Health Center
On Monday, December 10th at 12:00 PM Westside Family Healthcare held a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house for the opening of its newest 10 exam room health center located in Southern New Castle County. The new health center is located at 306 East Main Street in Middletown, Delaware. Speakers at the ceremonial event will include U.S. Senator Tom Carper, U.S. Congressman John Carney, State Senator Bethany Hall-Long, State Representative S. Quinton Johnson, Middletown Mayor Kenneth Branner, and New Castle County Councilman Bill Powers. A tour and open house of the health center will immediately follow the ribbon cutting ceremony. Westside Family Healthcare is grateful to have the support of our elected officials and the community as we open our doors in Middletown, said Lolita Lopez, President & CEO. We look forward to working to improve the health status of this community through increased access to affordable, quality and culturally appropriate preventative and primary care, and through collaboration with the existing providers and community organizations in the area. Located on Main Street near the Post Office, the Middletown health center opened its doors on November 19th, 2012 after receiving funding from the Health Resources and Service Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in June 2012. With the opening of the Middletown health center, individuals and families who reside in the communities of Southern New Castle and Northern Kent Counties will now have access to affordable, quality primary and preventative healthcare. The Westside Middletown health center will provide access to coordinated, quality family medical, womens health, and behavioral health care as well as support services such as chronic disease case management and financial aid assistance. Patients will have easy access to oral healthcare services through our Wilmington health center as well as prenatal care through our Bear/New Castle health center. Through partnerships and contracts with local health providers including Christiana Care Health System, Westside patients will have easy access to specialty services. The centers opening will provide an opportunity to improve the health status of residents across the state. While the Middletown, Townsend, and Odessa area of Southern New Castle County has seen rapid growth and change in the recent decade, there has been limited growth in access to health care services especially affordable primary care. This gap in health services has led to significant health disparities among adults and children, including an increase in the prevalence of adults with diabetes and an alarming rate of adults reported having high blood pressure. These reported levels are above the benchmark set by the Health Resources and Service Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For 24 years, Westside Family Healthcare has been committed to understanding and responding to the needs of medically underserved populations in its current service area and in the state, where more than 101,000 Delawareans are uninsured. Westside grew from a two-room health center in 1988 to operating six health centers in New Castle and Kent Counties as well as a mobile health unit that will serve nearly 27,000 patients in 2012. By opening the Middletown location, Westside will continue to fulfill its commitment to providing equal access to medically underserved populations throughout Delaware.


informacin information

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

$tand By Me en Sussex
El Consejo del condado Sussex se asocia con la organizacin $tand By Me para ofrecer entrenamiento financiero a los empleados del condado y al pblico en general
El Consejo del condado Sussex se asociar con $tand By Me, el programa estatal de empoderamiento financiero, para ofrecer entrenamiento financiero personal gratis a los casi 500 empleados del condado a partir del ao prximo. Tambin en enero se ofrecer entrenamiento financiero gratuito para el pblico a travs de $tand By Me en las bibliotecas pblicas del condado. El Condado se complace en asociarse con $tand By Me para ofrecer este tipo de entrenamiento financiero a nuestros empleados y al pblico - de forma gratuita, dijo el Administrador del Condado Todd F. Lawson. Desde la compra de una casa hasta balancear una chequera, la educacin financiera es una habilidad esencial para cualquier ciudadano. En tiempos econmicos difciles como estos, qu mejor manera de ayudar a las personas que darles las herramientas para ayudarse a s mismos a mejorar su situacin financiera? La Directora del Departamento de Bibliotecas del condado de Sussex Kathy Graybeal dijo que el programa se sumar a la gran cantidad de materiales, servicios y programas que ya estn siendo proporcionados por las bibliotecas pblicas locales. Las bibliotecas hoy en da son mucho ms que slo libros. Son centros de medios, son centros de trabajo, son centros de recursos para toda la comunidad , dijo Graybeal. El programa $tand By Me le dar al pblico una razn ms para visitar su biblioteca local, ya sea para revisar la ltima novela de aventura, participar en la hora de cuentos para nios, navegar por Internet, solicitar un trabajo o conseguir ayuda con su currculo. Las bibliotecas son realmente el centro de una comunidad. Son lugares para expandir nuestro conocimiento y enriquecer nuestras vidas. Desde que comenz en junio de 2011, $tand By Me - un proyecto en conjunto entre el Estado de Delaware y United Way de Delaware - ha proporcionado entrenamiento financiero gratis y un conjunto de herramientas para sortear desafos financieros a ms de 2.000 residentes de Delaware. $tand By Me ofrece a los habitantes de Delaware econmicamente vulnerables y de bajos y moderados ingresos un entrenamiento financiero personal en los lugares de trabajo, instituciones educativas, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y agencias gubernamentales. El primer centro de orientacin financiera se puso en marcha en el centro de servicios Hudson State Service Center en Newark en mayo de 2011. Desde entonces, los servicios de $tand By Me se han ampliado para incluir los campus de Wilmington y Stanton de Delaware Technical & Community College, West End Neighborhood House y el Centro Comunitario Claymont. Los entrenadores financieros de $Tand By Me tambin estn disponibles en el sitio en ubicaciones empresariales en los tres condados, incluyendo los supermercados ShopRite, el hotel Hilton Christiana, Walgreens, Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de Delaware y Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. En el condado de Sussex, el socio sin fines de lucro de $tand By Me ser la asociacin Goodwill de Bridgeville de Delaware y el condado de Delaware. Adems del entrenamiento financiero en los lugares de trabajo, $tand By Me tambin ayuda a las personas ya las familias a navegar el complejo mundo de la universidad y la solicitud de ayuda financiera, proporciona acceso a mejores alternativas para prstamos del da de pago y tiendas de canjeo de cheques, ofrece asistencia para solicitar e interpretacin los reportes de crdito, y proporciona servicios de planificacin financiera para ayudar a las personas aumentar su propia seguridad econmica. Estamos muy emocionados de traer este importante programa para el condado de Sussex, en colaboracin con el Consejo del Condado, las bibliotecas pblicas, las empresas locales y las organizaciones no lucrativas, dijo Mara Dupont, Directora de Capacitacin Financiera del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de Delaware. Es importante conocer la gente que har que estos servicios sean de fcil acceso y sencillos de usar. La Secretaria de DHSS Rita Landgraf, quien presion para que los entrenadores financieros atendieran a los empleados de su departamento en los tres condados, ve la necesidad de empoderamiento financiero a lo largo del estado. El mensaje de $tand By Me de autosuficiencia econmica es una parte fundamental de nuestra misin en el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud, dijo Landgraf. Muchas personas, sin importar su condicin, necesitan escuchar el mensaje de apoyo de un asesor financiero que le ayuden a tomar las riendas de su futuro financiero. Para obtener ms informacin acerca de $tand By Me, vaya a, o contacte a Mary Dupont por el (302) 255-9245 o

$tand By in Sussex
Sussex County Council to Partner with $tand By Me to offer Financial coaching to County Employees and Public
Sussex County Council will partner with $tand By Me, the statewide financial empowerment program, to offer free one-on-one financial coaching to the countys nearly 500 employees beginning early next year. Also in January, free financial coaching for the public will begin being offered through $tand By Me at the countys public libraries. The County is excited to partner with $tand By Me to offer this type of financial coaching to both our employees and the public free of charge, County Administrator Todd F. Lawson said. From buying a house to balancing a checkbook, financial literacy is an essential skill for any citizen. In tough economic times like these, what better way to help people than to give them the tools to help themselves improve their financial standing? Sussex County Department of Libraries Director Kathy Graybeal said the program will add to the multitude of materials, services and programs already provided by local public libraries. Libraries today are so much more than just books. Theyre media centers, theyre job centers, theyre resource centers for the entire community, Graybeal said. The $tand By Me program will give the public one more reason to get inside their local library, whether its to check out the latest adventure novel, take part in a childrens story time, surf the Internet, apply for a job, or get help with a rsum. Libraries truly are the center of a community. Theyre places to expand our knowledge and enrich our lives. Since it began in June 2011, $tand By Me a joint project between the State of Delaware and the United Way of Delaware has provided free financial coaching and a toolkit to navigate financial challenges to more than 2,000 Delawareans. $tand By Me provides financially vulnerable low- and moderate-income Delawareans with one-on-one financial coaching at workplaces, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. The first financial empowerment center was launched at the Hudson State Service Center in Newark in May 2011. Since then, $tand By Mes services have expanded to include the Wilmington and Stanton campuses of Delaware Technical & Community College, West End Neighborhood House and the Claymont Community Center. $tand By Me financial coaches also are available on-site at employer locations in all three counties, including the ShopRite Supermarkets, the Christiana Hilton, Walgreens, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. In Sussex County, $tand By Mes nonprofit partner will be the Bridgeville location of Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County. In addition to financial coaching at workplaces, $tand By Me also helps individuals and families to navigate the complex world of college and financial aid applications; provides access to consumerfriendly alternatives to pay-day loans and check cashing stores; offers assistance with requesting and interpreting credit scores; and provides financial planning to help individuals increase their own economic security. We are very excited about bringing this important program to Sussex County in partnership with County Council, the public libraries, local businesses and nonprofits, said Mary Dupont, Director of Financial Empowerment for the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. It is important to meet people where they are to make these services easy to access and user-friendly. DHSS Secretary Rita Landgraf, who pushed for financial coaches to serve her departments employees in all three counties, sees the need for financial empowerment across the state. $tand By Mes message of economic self-sufficiency is a critical part of our mission at the Department of Health and Social Services, Landgraf said. For many individuals, no matter their status, they need to hear the supportive message from a financial coach that will empower them to take charge of their financial future. For more information about $tand By Me, go to, or contact Mary Dupont at (302) 255-9245 or

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empleos jobs

1704 3rd Street Wilmington, DE 19805

FULL-TIME pOSITIONS La Esperanza, a multi-service nonprofit agency that supports the integration and empowerment of Sussex county Latino residents, seeks qualified individuals for the following full-time positions: OFFICE MANAGER/BOOKKEEpER Experience in nonprofit environment Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills Experience with accounting and other spreadsheet software applications Bachelors Degree in Business or Accounting or 5-7 years experience BILINGUAL VICTIMS ADVOCATE Fully bilingual (Spanish/English) Experience working with immigrant victims Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills Bachelors Degree or 3-5 years related experience. BILINGUAL pREVENTION SpECIALIST Fully bilingual (Spanish/English) Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills Bachelors Degree or 3-5 years related experience in substance abuse prevention. Certification a plus. BILINGUAL EDUCATION COORDINATOR Fully bilingual (English/Spanish) Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications Ability to work flexible hours, including some evenings Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills Bachelors Degree or 3-5 years experience in adult education BILINGUAL RECEpTIONIST Fully bilingual (Spanish/English) High School diploma or equivalent Experience working in office environment Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications Experience working with diverse individuals and the public Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills Send resume and cover letter to La Esperanza, 216 North Race Street, Georgetown, DE 19947, fax to 302-854-9277 or email to cporretti@ For a complete job description, contact cporretti@ Excellent benefits, 403(b), and salary commensurate with experience. Equal Opportunity Employer. No calls please. EXpERIENCE NANNY & HOUSE CLEANER NEEDED. changing diapers for babies, cleaning and washing up after childrens meals, scheduling and coordinating childrens activities.Cleaner:A part time cleaner is required to clean,t idy and organise the house, doing light housework,Shopping & running errands. Experience Nanny, Cleaner and House sitter can apply, Shift Available.Contact:(powell.turner@



CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO De limpieza en bancos o fabricas en Claymont. Telefono 302- 893 6669 Marlyn pAYASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversin Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Landscaping en new Castle Agustin Vasquez 302- 983 3592 BUSCO EMpLEO en restaurant o yarda En Wilmington. Telfono 323-973 6478 Cecilio Vergara- Jose Luis Morales COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302- 761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 BUSCO TRABAJO En restaurante o limpieza, vivo en Wilmington. Telefono 302- 494 3283 Jeanette BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware vivo en New Castle 302- 983 3592 Agustin Vasquez BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302- 563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes VENDO pOSTRES Gelatinas, flanes, tortas cheseecakes etc. Para toda ocasin vivo en New Castle, entrego en cualquier parte. Ana Garcia 302 442 8826 pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 pAYASO TETERETE Diversin garantizada en sus fiestas infantiles Tel. 302- 444 7661 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove AIRE ACONDICIONADO/ CALEFACCION Hago trabajos profesionales a domicilio, tenga 14 aos de experiencia. Delaware 561-420 7363 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o jardinera Wilmington o New Castle Pedro Rivera 302- 256 3212 BUSCO TRABAJO En construccin o jardinera. Javier Vega 302- 553 8564 Kennett LANDSCApING Y pATIOS proyectos para patios. Wilmington o Newark 302- 444 1574 Rogelio Dominguez. CHOFER BUSCO TRABAJO Como chofer para bodega o distribuidora. Tengo licencia clase D. Tel. 302- 384 3253 Antonio Gutierrez SONIDO pARA FIESTAS Cualquier evento Sonido fish contar 302 444 7661 JARDINERIA En Salsbury MD Carlos Arce 410- 845 2095 BUSCO TRABAJO En Drywall en Wilmington o Newark. Pedro Ceballos 302- 319 0858 CONDUCTOR- MOTORISTA Me ofrezco para trabajar para empresa o particular. Interesados llamar a Miguel Cceres 302- 258 8286 Georgetown HAGO TRABAJOS DE pINTURA Techos acsticos y pintura en general en el Condado de New Castle 302-383 2840 Santiago Vera Espinoza. LIMpIO CASAS Y OFICINAS En Wilmington y Newark 302-530 4164 Manuel Alczares BABYSITTING Me ofrezco en Laurel. Chirley Escobar 302745-0391 Durante el dia de lunes a viernes BUSCO TRABAJO En Yarda o construccin, vivo en Wilmington, Feliciano Cruz te. 302-250 9293 BUSCO TRABAJO limpieza en el centro de Wilmington maanas

302- 565 8758 Juan Salazar. BUSCO TRABAJO limpieza De limpieza en Georgetown DE cualquier horario. 302- 396 8669 Roberto Ibarra INSTALO ALFOMBRAS Hago trabajos en Delaware, Maryland y Pensilvania 302- 428 1538 Jose Figueroa. BUSCO TRABAJO en fbrica, en la maanas 302- 425 01 93 Leonilda Diaz. ELECTRICISTA Soy electricista profesional buscando trabajo, soy bilinge y vivo en Newark, disponible para trabajar en todo Delaware. Nicolas Romero Jr. 302- 379 6204 REpARACIONES ELECTRICAS E INSTALACIONES A domicilio, rea de Wilmington. Llamar a Hector Gonzalez al 302- 494 2457 BUSCO TRABAJO Construccin, pollera o techos en Georgetown llamar al 344-2177 Jess Vasquez. BUSCO TRABAJO En Yarda o Demolicin en New Castle tel 785-375 352 Marcelo Garcia BUSCO TRABAJO En Seaford en construccin, tengo experiencia. 302- 629 5293 Silver Trejo. CARpINTERO Se busca para trabajo de remodelacion de oficina. Debe tener Herramientas y referencias de trabajos anteriores. Calificado? llame 302-832 3620 Gabriel


LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROQUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805 ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles. LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 QUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOwN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELBYVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S. HARBESON: CoolSpring Presbyterian Church ESL 288843 Log Cabin Hill Rd.Lewes, De 19958 (302 )249-5073 Lunes y Miercoles 6:30 -8:00pm SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION Leila Borrero Krouse. La Casita 411 Wicomico Street, Suite A, Salisbury MD 21801 EL pROGRAMA DE AMERICANIZACIN Clases de ingles y Ciudadana Gratis Clases de ingles y ciudadana para adultos principiantes, intermedios, y avanzados se ofrecen a la escuela secundaria de Caesar Rodney en Camden, Delaware- 239 Old North Road. Clases de noche el martes y el jueves de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Clases del otoo comienza 9 septiembre de 2010. La inscripcin para nuevos estudiantes est abierta siempre. Para mayor informacin llame al (302) 697-2173 o (302) 697-0538

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

TRABAJO DE LIMpIEZA Busco trabajo en limpieza, vivo en Old Baltimore Pike, maanas, Maria Aguilar 302- 266 0634 302-559923 BUSCO TRABAJO en Delaware Janet 302- 274 9134 HAGO TRABAJOS de Landscaping, roofing, construction, painter, remodelation. Leandro Corona 610- 268 2455 BUSCO TRABAJO de Limpieza o atencin al cliente 302- 2563212 Pedro Rivera

Solucin al Anterior

CONSTRUCCION Se hace todo tipo de trabajo de construccin Licencia y seguro, estimados gratis En cualquier parte de Delmarva Jose Figueroa 302-3914511

LLANTEROBusco trabajo como cauchero en Delaware, Juan Santillana Gonzalez 302-3334473 COCINERO Me ofrezco, tengo expererincia. Para trabajar en Georgetown 302-2280916 Frank Pieiro

pANADERO SE OFRECE Tengo experiencia como panadero, repostero y pastelera. Disponible para trabajar en Dover o Georgetown. Por favor llamar a Constantino Reyes 410-713 2809


ALQUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 Y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154 SE ALQUILAN HABITACIONES. llamar;302- 4947154 no dejar mensaje de voz. razon ;Ruth Matos ApARTAMENTO EN ALQUILER Cmodo apartamento de dos habitaciones en Wilmington, DE. Para ms Informacin llamar a Magda al 302- 333- 3270. RENTA CUARTO EN NEWARK COMPLETAMENTE RENOVADO. INFORMACIN 302-562 3139 RENTA 2102 Seneca Road Elsmere, Apartamento 2 cuartos Baseman, Front & Rear Yard$750.00 (302) 777-2162

Franco Sierra Experto en Trabajo Garantizado, somos expertos, Licenciados y Asegurados Para un presupuesto llame al 302-377 7939
BILINGUAL SCREENING NAVIGATOR/OUTREACH COORDINATOR Womens Mobile Health Screening, LLC is seeking a bilingual screening navigator/outreach coordinator. This person will be responsible for accompanying a mobile mammography van to community screenings, greet patients, assist with medical forms, interpreting for patients and staff, and ensure that all data collection is accurate and complete. Qualifications: Fluent in Spanish and English a must; excellent written and verbal communication skills; proficiency with Microsoft Office; valid drivers license; previous customer service experience and an outgoing, compassionate personality. Familiarity with medical terminology, social service programs a plus. Please fax or send resumes to the following address:Fax: 302-672-7834 Womens Mobile Health Screening165 Commerce Way, Suite #2 Dover, DE 19904

Limpieza de Alfombras

SE VENDE Vendo systema de sonido con traila de 5X8 pies Contiene: 2 bajos Peavey de 2000W cada uno y dos medios Peavey de 2000 w cada uno, mezlcadora de cd, un mixer, un equalizador, un cros-over, una potencia de 1500W todo por solo $5500.00 o mejor oferta. Ver fotos en facebook en Sonido Konquistador (seccion de fotos) Para mas informacion llamar al (302) 382-1530 VENDO COMpRESORES CDos compresores a la venta de motor 5.5 Honda en muy buenas condiciones. Llamara a Daniela tel 443-333 0265 VENDO CAMIONETA Expedition 2000Color vino, 170K, $4.000, excelentes condiciones Sr. Trejo 302- 629 5293 VENDO Vendo Carro Acura 97, 3.5L, 195.000 millas, valor $3.500.00, tel.856 449 6805 Carmen Martinez:

HOUSEKEEpING wANTED For Hockessin Home Call 302- 234 6620 ACCOUNT REp/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to pERSONAL ASSISTANT needed to Check Mail,Banking and Bill payment, Run miscellaneous errands Paid $400/wk. send your resume ASAP to

SERVICIO COMpUTADORAS HABLO ESpAOL Telf.: 302-7439920 email: hmarinap@ Sr. Horacio

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22


Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

calendario calendar
lOS SEORES DEl TIEmPO El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012, BIlINGUAl STORY TImE The holidays are the perfect time for a bilingual story time. Bring the whole family. 11 am Saturday February 16 COmPUTACIN EN ESPAOl Wednesdays @ 7pm: January 9 February 6 All free events at Woodlawn Library, 2020 West 9th Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 (302) 571-7425 VIRGEN DE lA AlTAGRACIA. El Grupo Altagraciano les invita a compartir una gran fiesta en honor a nuestra madre y patrona, la Virgen de la Altagracia. Este evento se llevara acabo en la Iglesia San Pablo en la Calle 4 #1010 Wilmington, De 19805 el dia Domingo 20 de Enero, 2013 en la misa de las 10:30 a.m. Para mas informacion favor de contactarse con Petra y/o Cirilo Victoria al 302-836-1216. Los Esperamos! DOVER DAYS Kent County is gearing up for one of its signature events the Dover Days Festival that will celebrate its 80th birthday the first weekend in May, 2013. The event received an early birthday present, when the American Bus Association recently named it among the Top 100 events in the United States. For information about the festival, contact Kent County Tourism at 302-734-7511 or visit the official festival website,


RING IN THE NEW YEAR AT THE GRAND 2013 PROGRAMMING AT THE GRAND BEGINS ON JANUARY 11 Say goodbye to 2012 and ring in the new year with excellent programming at The Grand. Start the new year off with plenty of laughs when comedienne Kathleen Madigan returns to The Grand with her show Gone Madigan (January 11 at 8PM.) One of Americas most popular headliners, her accessible and unpretentious style has earned her a devoted and growing following, including Lewis Black who calls her the funniest woman in America. If folk and Americana music are your genres of choice, you will not want to miss A Fiddlers Feast on January 12 at 8PM on the Copeland Hall stage. The show features Jay Ungar and Molly Mason who achieved international success when their performance of Jays composition, Ashokan Farewell, became the musical hallmark of Ken Burns The Civil War on PBS. They will be joined on stage with Scotlands premier fiddle ambassador Alasdair Fraser and California cellist Natalie Haas as well as Dirk Powell whose live performances of powerful Appalachian music have inspired audiences around the world. Take a trip down memory lane with Blood Sweat & Tears on January 19 at 8PM. One of the greatest horn bands in the history of popular music, BS&Ts alumni roster reads like a Whos Who of the worlds greatest jazz and rock musicians. With hits like Spinning Wheel and And When I Die, its sure to be a night you will never forget. Amazing performances continue live @ the baby grand this January. On the 26th at 8PM, get ready to be dazzled by James Galea Australias No. 1 Magician. The global YouTube sensation injects new life into the art of magic with his unique, cutting-edge style fused with a wicked sense of humor. Ellen Degeneres has said, I dont know how he does it, but [he] blows my mind every time I see him. The entertainment live @ the baby grand continues on January 27 at 7PM with An Evening with Jesse Cook. With fiery guitar work, intoxicating rhythms, and smoldering onstage charisma, the rumbaflamenco guitarist sears the soul of anyone fortunate enough to see him live.

RAINFOREST ADVENTURE Until January 6, 2013 Help Save the Rainforests! Rainforest Adventure is a multisensory expedition that introduces visitors to tropical rainforests around the world, highlights the challenges facing these unique ecological wonders, and suggests ways that people can make a difference. . Delaware Museum of Natural History 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807-0937

WAlk FOR AUTISm April 27, 2013 Bellevue State Park, 800 Carr Rd., Wilmington DE 19809 Sign-in9:00 A.M. Step-off11:00 A.M. RegistrationFree! Fundraising encouraged to support Autism Delawares statewide programs Raise $100 or more, and win a prize! To registerwww.autismdelaware. org; (302) 224-6020

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 LA ofiCiNA NioS y fAmiLiA 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 AmEriCAN CANCEr SoCiETy 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW CaStle, De 19720. tel. 324-4227 CAridAd CATLiCA 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd iNC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 WESTSidE hEALTh 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 27 Marrows Road Newark, DE 19713. Tel.4550900 AyudA LEgAL iNmigrANTES CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. WESTENd NEighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h ENriETTA J ohNSoN m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diviSiN dE mANTENimiENTo dE LoS NioS CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 vCTimAS dE vioLACiN SExuAL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 Cancer Care Connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. CoNdAdo dE KENT dELmArvA rurAL miNiSTriES 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd iNC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diviSioN dE mANTENimiENTo dE LoS NioS CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CoNdAdo dE SuSSEx CENTro LA ESpErANzA 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diviSioN dE mANTENimiENTo dE LoS NioS 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 A b r i E N d o p u E r TA S a y u Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 CENTro dE iNformACiN pArA pAdrES 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 LA CASiTA 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 CENTro dE SALud LA rEd 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t el . 855-1233 TELAmoN Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 LNEA dE Apoyo pArA vCTimAS dE vioLACiN SExuAL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800262-9800

BRANDYWINE ZOO Monday, December 31, 10am12:30pm ZOO NOON Years Eve Celebration (For all ages) Brandywine Zoo Celebrate the New Year Zoo-style by ringing in the New Year at NOON! Well have games, crafts, and a celebratory atmosphere and of course a sparkling cider toast as the clock strikes 12 (Noon that is!) Program takes place outside in the zoo, so dress for the weather! Special Pre-registration Fee: $5 per person/$4 per person Delaware Zoological Society Members. Pre-registration required by December 27th. Walk in registration fee: $6 per person/$5 per person Delaware Zoological Society Members. Limited space, call for space availability. Brandywine Zoo, 1001 North Park Drive, Wilmington, DE, (302) 571-7747,

COURSES AND WORkSHOPS The YWCA Delaware Center for Womens Entrepreneurship (DCWE) wants to help 2013 be the year you start your own business, or expand your current business. Let us help achieve your dreams! Registration is open, so dont delay! Call or email us, 302-224-4060, x226, to register or for more information. Please also check us out at for further information and to register ONLINE for any of our offerings. DCWE 2013 Schedule Business Assessment & Basics/BABS (free) (One two-hour workshop) Wednesday 1/9, 1/23 5:30-7:30pm NC Wednesday 1/17 5:00-7:00pm KC Wednesday 1/31 10am-Noon KC Tuesday 1/8, 1/15 6:00-8:00pm SC Wednesday 1/9 10am-Noon SC Business Plan Development Series (must attend BABS first) (8 week course and 8 counseling sessions, $299, scholarships available based on need) Tuesday 2/12-4/2 5:30-8:0pm NC Wednesday 2/6-3/27 10am-Noon KC Thursday 1/24-3/14 6-8:30pm SC Wednesday 2/6-3/27 9-11:30am SC NC = New Castle County, 153 E. Chestnut Hill Road, Robscott Bldg, Newark DE KC = Kent County, CenDel Foundation, 101 W. Lockerman Street, Dover, DE SC = Sussex County, 20155 Office Circle, Unit 1, Georgetown, DE

But thats not all, The Grand continues to add new programming to their 2012-2013 season line-up. Please visit The Grands website for all updates and to view what is in store for the entire season. MyChoice series and single tickets can be purchased by visiting either websites at or; by calling 302.652.5577 or 800.37.GRAND; or visiting the Box Office at 818 N. Market Street, Wilmington.

CoNdAdo dE ChESTEr pA LA ComuNidAd hiSpANA 314 e. State St. keNNett Square, pa, 19348 telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 miSiN SANTA mArA 29 gap NeWport pike, aVoNDale, pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 progrAmA mAdriNA oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360 WeSt CHeSter, (610) 696-5122

DElAWARE HElPlINE 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

Delaware 21 de Diciembre 2012 Vol 7 No.22

El Tiempo Hispano Delaware Bilingual Newspaper


Bilingual Bi-Weekly Tri-State

8,000 copies 450 locations Available on-line [FREE ADS] 4,500 internet suscribers

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Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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