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Wage Differentials and Structure

labor market discrimination. Further, it is necessary to That the wage structure is slow to change is not per
know exactly what is the cause of an observed wage se a bad thing. Indeed, I would join most economists in
differential if a society decides it wants to eliminate agreeing that stability of the distribution of income is
this differential (see Altonji and Blank 1999 for an a good thing. The problem with such policies, how-
extensive discussion of these issues). ever, is that they often lead to heavy unemployment of
those groups whose relative wages are protected.
2.5 Rents See also: Comparable Worth in Gender Studies;
Most of the above discussion proceeded as if wages are Income Distribution; Inequality; Inequality: Comp-
determined in markets that are similar in process to arative Aspects; Labor Markets, Labor Movements,
the markets for melons and equities. The fact that the and Gender in Developing Nations; Labor Supply;
commodities involved in labor markets are human Labor Unions; Labor, Division of; Sex Differences in
beings requires that this ‘model’ be modified to some Pay; Wealth Distribution; Work, Sociology of
extent. Indeed, a set of institutions has emerged to
provide modification of the outcomes that would
follow from the unfettered equilibrium of the labor
market. Among these institutions is trade unionism, Bibliography
which has, over time and across societies, taken several Altonji J G, Blank R M 1999 Race and gender in the labor
forms. Government policy—both directly through market. In: Ashenfelter O, Card D (eds.) Handbook of Labor
legislation determining wages and indirectly through Economics, Vol. 3C. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 3143–
its role as employer—also affects the wage structure. 3260
At one level the existence of institutions such as Blomquist G, Berger M, Hoehn J 1988 New estimates of the
quality of life in urban areas. American Economic Reiew
trade unions creates another wage differential in which 78(1): 89–107
to be interested. In terms of Eqns. (1) and (2), being a Bound J, Johnson G 1992 Changes in the structure of wages in
union member or working in which wage rates are the 1980s: An evaluation of alternative explanations. Ameri-
determined by a collective bargaining contract means can Economic Reiew 82(3): 371–92
that a worker could earn a higher wage than another Brown C 1980 Equalizing differences in the labor market.
worker who is not so situated. In this case, W l Quarterly Journal of Economics 94: 113–34
β Uj( is the complete wage equation, including all Card D 1999 The causal effect of education on earnings. In:
observed and unobserved variables, where U equals Ashenfelter O, Card D (eds.) Handbook of Labor Economics,
one with union representation and equals zero other- Vol. 3A. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 1801–63
Deininger K, Squire L 1996 A new data set measuring income
wise. We do not, of course, observe everything about inequality. The World Bank Economic Reiew 10(1): 565–91
the workers and his\job, so we estimate the equivalent Ehrenberg R, Oaxaca R 2000 Modern Labor Economics, 7th edn.
of Eqn. (2), W l b Uj(
How good the estimator b is of the ‘true’ effect of
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA
International Labour Office 1999 Yearbook of Labour Statistics
unionism β depends, as in "the estimation of other 1999. ILO, Geneva
wage differentials, on the correlation of the omitted Juhn C, Murphy K M, Pierce B 1993 Wage inequality and the
determinants of wages with U. In the US, the con- rise in returns to skill. Journal of Political Economy 101(1):
sensus estimate of the average effect of unionism on 410–42
wages is about 15 percent (see Lewis 1986). Lewis H G 1986 Union Relatie Wage Effects: A Surey.
University of Chicago Press, Chicago
A more important effect of unionism and govern-
ment policy is their influence on other wage differ- G. Johnson
entials. Much of the above discussion of the structure
of wages and of wage differentials reflected the implicit
assumption that relative wages are, at least in the long
run, free to adjust to their market-clearing levels. This
assumption is all right for the analysis of labor markets
in the US, Japan, and (during the past 20 years) the War: Anthropological Aspects
United Kingdom, but there are serious problems
associated with its application to most other indus- Sun-tzu, the famous Chinese military expert, began his
trialized countries in which bargaining coverage is book The Art of War with the words ‘Warfare is the
over 75 percent (vs. 18 percent in the US and 22 greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the
percent in Japan in the early 1990s). To the extent that Way (Tao) to survival or extinction. It must be
union and\or government policy attempts to prevent thoroughly pondered and analyzed.’ These words,
increases in the dispersion of earnings, wage differ- 2,500 years later, still hold true: war has grown more
entials will not behave as neatly as the elementary deadly, and more damaging to human existence.
theory suggests. Instead, wage structures will be In the twentieth century alone, over 250 formally
subject to a great deal of inertia, and they will adjust at declared wars took over one 100 million lives. Un-
best very slowly to shocks in demand. declared wars, including political repression, commu-

War: Anthropological Aspects

nal violence, and tribal genocide took millions more; violence. This academic research has demonstrated
for example between 50–100 million tribal people have that war is a far more complex reality than classical
been killed by forces and citizens of states in the definitions positing a violent contest between two or
twentieth century. If we expand the definition of war more armed forces seeking a military, and thus
to include such conflicts as ‘the war on drugs’ and gang political, victory (Warren 1993, Nordstrom and
warfare, casualties figures rise, though accurate stat- Robben 1995). Soldiers often battle unarmed civilians
istics are not available on these forms of violence. and not each other—evident from the ethnic cleansing
As we enter the third millennium, one-third of the of the Yugoslav forces in Bosnia and Kosovo or the
world’s countries are engaged in some form of political two million deaths in Sudan’s civil war. Paramilitaries,
violence. Whether these conflicts are called war or not private militias, death squads, and roving bands of
often depends more on political rhetoric than on an armed predatory gangs patrol warzones. Some operate
accepted definition of the term. In addition, approxi- at the behest of state forces while others are in-
mately two thirds of the world’s security forces use dependent of all sovereign or rebel control. Mercenary
human rights abuses to control their populations. The forces are a global phenomenon today, and range
victims tend to label this violence war or dirty war, from informal groups such as the Yugoslav mercen-
while the state tends to classify this as defense or aries fighting in Central Africa to the formal Executive
counterinsurgency. Outcome organization, comprised of former apartheid
The world has not always been characterized by South African soldiers, who broker with governments
such high levels of violent warfare. Wars today are as well as rebel groups. Battlezones are also home to
longer in duration, more deadly, and kill higher looters, sex workers, criminals, and profiteers. War-
numbers of civilians than wars of preceding centuries. zones are a bazaar of international arms and supplies
The reasons behind war and the ways in which it is merchants who reap billions of dollars yearly world-
waged change across cultures and time. The changing wide. International nongovernmental organizations
characteristics of war demonstrate that organized are found in all warzones today, providing services
violence is not a fixed and eternal fact of biology, nor ranging from conflict resolution to humanitarian and
an inescapable feature of a Freudian psyche, but a development aid. Finally, the fronts of wars are home
human practice guided by norms of behavior and to the inhabitants. Regardless of formal military
codes of conduct situated in cultural values. regulations mandating the legal role of women, chil-
dren, and the aged in war, all of these people fight for
survival when they find themselves on the frontlines.
1. Defining War Armed or unarmed, women defend homes and towns,
children are forced to take up arms and fight, and the
Neither the two world wars nor the several hundred aged battle forced sieges. The unscrupulous sell out
local and regional wars since 1900 have brought us their neighbors for a few coins, and the altruistic set up
closer to a shared understanding of war. Most scholars medical clinics, schools and trade routes to provide
accept a basic definition of war as the deployment of critical resources under bombardment.
violence to force opponents to comply with one’s will.
War is organized, group-level, armed aggression
rooted in hierarchies of dominance which assume 2. The Deelopment of War
winners and losers in a contest over resources, people,
and power. Yet war is defined differently by the War is a fairly recent invention, in terms of the
winners and the losers, by historical perspective, by anthropological expanse of human existence. Hu-
soldiers and pacifists—and in each case the definitions mans, as a species, have lived 90 percent of their
are more politically charged than factually correct. history without war. Social hierarchies and concepts
For example, freedom fighter, terrorist, insurgent, of ownership appear necessary for the advent of war.
rebel, traitor, and soldier are all terms variously The earliest form of human organization was the
applied to the same actors by different groups seeking band: fluid egalitarian groups of nomads. The archeo-
to maximize their own political and moral justifica- logical record indicates that while interpersonal viol-
tions. Governments define war in their own interests, ence was known in bands—determined by puncture
and militaries are loath to admit strategies that entail and crushing wounds from weapons—it was limited.
civilian casualties, torture, and human rights abuses. It did not reach the level of formalized intergroup
The most basic understanding of war is affected by violence among contending warriors.
differential and biased reporting; for example, casualty The first indications of organized warfare occur as
statistics for World War Two vary by millions, ownership of animals, goods, and property create
depending on the nationality and viewpoint of the divisions within societies. With the historical devel-
researcher. Controlling the definitions of war are opment of tribal societies and protostates comes a
integral to the waging of war (Sluka 1992). differentiation in power, and the emergence of organ-
The ethnographic study of war and peace has added ized intergroup violence (Ferguson and Whitehead
a new dimension in the understanding of political 1992). These societies did not have standing armies

War: Anthropological Aspects

and military institutions separate from general society; conduct and engagement: soldiers fought soldiers in
warrior status tended to be open to all able-bodied hand to hand combat on battlegrounds apart from
men, and, less commonly, to women. The early years human habitation. This was not a new era of war for
of tribal war were not necessarily a dangerously lethal humankind: Buddhist and Hindu scriptures 2,000
activity. For many tribal groups, preparations for war years BCE outlined similar ‘gentlemen’s wars’ in Asia.
constituted an elaborate ritual process. The rules of While military texts tend to focus on these formal
engagement were often well delineated: contending military engagements between two contending armies,
factions would meet in full battle regalia and hurl another form of warfare developed during this period:
challenges and possibly weapons. Casualties generally colonial repression of conquered peoples. In many
brought a halt to the aggressions. Here, it is the display ways these actions presaged the dirty war of contem-
and enactment of power, and not violence, that defines porary times—wars that brutally targeted unarmed
war. Among some communities—the archeological people in attempts to instill political acquiescence.
record suggests these were later developments— The colonial encounter gave rise to another distinct
fighting was much more lethal, though the intent was form of war: the guerrilla war, the mainstay of wars
seldom, if ever, genocide. The goal was to force for independence worldwide. Guerrilla warfare was
surrender and extend control over people, property, or developed by nonstate actors challenging financially
territory. and technologically superior state forces. Classical
Formalized military institutions and standing ar- guerrilla philosophy—institutionalized in the mid-
mies develop with the rise of the ‘state’ as a form of twentieth century by military strategists such as Mao
political, economic, and social organization. The term Zedong, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh—postulates
state here is used in its anthropological sense— that guerrilla forces, by definition, have the support of
originating some 8,000 years ago, and not in the the broad population, and it is this that gives them
political science definition as developing in the mid indefatigable strength, crucial resources, and moral
1600s. (The latter, the modern state, will be considered political superiority. While in many cases this has
in the next section.) Chiefdoms are replaced by royal proven true, it is by no means always so. Guerrilla
families or governing bodies. Social, gender, and often groups such as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia,
ethnic inequality is codified in laws of land ownership, Renamo in Mozambique, and the Contras in Nic-
labor rights, and inheritance. Dispute resolution be- aragua demonstrated that nonstate forces can also use
comes formalized into judicial systems, and the legit- repressive tactics in an effort to control populations.
imate use of force is restricted to state leaders and
institutions. Contemporary warfare—fought among 4. The Twentieth Century
contenders for power, privilege, and gain—emerges.
The twentieth century was characterized by soph-
3. The Changing Nature of War isticated and far reaching developments in the in-
ternational laws and institutions governing war and
Contemporary warfare itself has changed dramatically protecting peace. Despite these, this period was the
over time and circumstance, giving lie to any notion bloodiest in human history. Overall, wars in the
that war is a ‘natural’ social phenomenon or a fixed twentieth century were longer in duration, more lethal
product of overarching political organization (van in the cost to human lives, and more destructive to
Creveld 1991). The era of the modern state provides a societal systems than in preceding times. Simply
good illustration (Holsti 1996). In Europe, the end of pointing out that this era saw the advent of world war,
the Thirty Years War (from 1618 to 1648) coincided high-tech and nuclear war, and modern paramilitary
with the beginning of the modern state (marked by the warfare does not convey the changes in the philosophy
Treaty of Westphalia). The Thirty Years War depopu- and conduct of war that occurred during this time
lated a large part of Central Europe. It was known for (Keane 1996). The most dramatic example concerns
its sheer brutality: writers of the time speak of the the ethics of who may and may not be targeted in war.
wanton killing, torture, plunder, and destruction of Over 80 percent of the casualties in World War One
anyone and anything who found themselves in the were soldiers. With the advances in modern tech-
path of the aggressors. The levels of violence are nology and the idea that a country’s citizens were now
attributed to the enduring impact of religious wars and part of the war effort (given their role in producing the
the Inquisition, to the transformations wrought by means of war), noncombatant casualties rise to 50
urbanization and early industrialization, and to the percent of all war-related deaths in World War Two.
upheavals marking the shift from kingly rule to the This trend escalates rapidly in the last half of the
modern state. twentieth century: in the Vietnam war, more than 80
Over the following two centuries the nihilism percent of all casualties were noncombatants, and at
characterizing the Thirty Years War gave way to what the start of the twenty-first century, civilians account
has been called the gentlemen’s war of the Enlight- for 90 percent of all war-related deaths worldwide.
enment period. Formal warfare during this era often, Not only has the line between combatant and non-
though certainly not always, followed strict rules of combatant grown indistinct, the line between gender

War: Anthropological Aspects

and age in soldiering has too. Women die in equal whether by intention or by accident. The reigning
numbers to men, and more children are killed in war functionalist theories did not fit their observations
today than soldiers. The use of child soldiers has (Foster and Rubinstein 1986). Clearly, the advent of
grown in recent years: at present over three hundred nuclear war gave lie to ideals of ‘victory’ in war—for
thousand exist worldwide. This serious rise in civilian the first time all sides to a conflict could perish. Wars
casualties parallels an increase in the number and such as those fought by the USA in Vietnam and by
sophistication of international organizations (such as the USSR in Afghanistan laid to rest old notions of the
the United Nations and the Organization of African gentleman’s war. Dirty wars such as those in Argen-
States) and international legal bodies (such as the tina, and genocides such as those conducted by the
International Court of Justice and the War Crimes Nazis in World War Two and the Khmer Rouge in
Tribunals) seeking to control destructive wars. Today Cambodia challenged notions of the inherent func-
there are 70,000 protocols protecting human rights. tionality or rationality of war. The increases in
noncombatant deaths undermined the claims of
5. Theorizing War sociobiology—it became hard to argue that noncom-
batant deaths, widespread torture, systematic sexual
As the predominate means of waging war changes violence, and the death of children were biologically or
through time, so too do the definitions and theories of socially productive acts (Enloe 2000). Scholars also
war (Simons 1999). In premodern times many, in- began to question Clausewitz’s ‘truism’ that war is
cluding early Christian and Buddhist societies, saw (predominately) an extension of politics. Certainly it is
war as inescapable at times, but not as honorable; the political, but the recognition of the vast sums of
post-war period was crafted as one of atonement. The money made in wildcatting valuable resources in
notion of the honorable war develops in the west with warzones and in selling war supplies worldwide made
the rise of the ‘gentleman’s war’ of the modern state. it necessary to integrate economics with politics in the
Carl von Clausewitz, the famous Prussian military war equation (Kaldor 1999). The rise of religious,
expert, codifies war as ‘an extension of politics,’ ethnic, and identity factors in contemporary conflicts
placing war directly in the rational politics of En- rendered it necessary to add social and cultural factors
lightenment philosophy. Warfare, as rational, became in with the politico-economic ones (Rupesinghe and
justified—the most dangerous examples of this were Rubio Correa 1994). And studies of peaceful societies
seen in colonial conquests, often rationalized under such as the Semai and the Quakers demonstrated that
the rubric of the ‘evolution of civilization’ by scholars. war is not inevitable, nor basic, to the human condition
These Enlightenment philosophies wed with the (Gregor 1996).
functionalist and structuralist schools in the early
1900s. Here, theoreticians investigated the ‘functions’ 6. The Future of War
of war, and placed the causes of war in competition
over scarce resources, overpopulation, and the in- The dawn of the third millennium is marked by vast
creasing complexity of societies. At the same time, differences in war. While the superpowers spend
psychological and sociobiological theories were popu- trillions of dollars on high technology earth and space
lar. These postulated aggression and self-interest as based weapons systems, the vast majority of today’s
inherent to humans, and therefore as serving an war casualties are killed by small arms wielded by
evolutionary purpose. The fact that not all societies nonspecialists. The greatest dangers are the most
engage in war, and that the majority of the people in accessible: there are estimated to be 500 million to one
any society at war do not choose to fight was not billion firearms in use today in the world; a lively
addressed by these theories. Political theory within international black-market sells every conceivable
these schools was shaped by the advent of the world implement of war from AK47s to nuclear materials;
wars. After World War One, functionalist theories recipes for chemical weapons can be found in basic
take an idealist cast that postulates the progress of texts; and computer specialists can wreck nationwide
civilization as one that will finally eschew war. In the havoc by disrupting a country’s basic infrastructural
wake of the vast destruction of World War Two, support systems. All of these facets of the war industry
realist theory replaces idealism as the dominate theory are set in global interactions (Castells 1998). Our
in the social and political sciences. Here, war is seen as theories of war must be revised to address these
a natural effect of competition among sovereign states. dynamics defining the contemporary world. Theories
In both schools the solution lies in creating strong of war in the near future will in all likelihood address
state and international institutions to wage, and ideally the complexities of war systems that spend billions on
to control, war. technological defenses (at the end of the twentieth
As the period of the World Wars gave way to wars century military spending worldwide reached 780
for independence, regional wars, and the Cold War, billion US dollars per year) while killing with inex-
theories of war underwent another revolution. Critical pensive conventional weapons—and will delve into
to this shift is the fact that researchers around the the cultural factors and economic gains as well as the
world began to experience political violence directly, political quests that underlie these realities. In the long

War: Anthropological Aspects

term, we should be prepared for the possibility that van Creveld M 1991 The Transformation of War. The Free Press,
war, as we know it, may not define future conflict. New York
While employing violence in the pursuit of dominance Warren K B (ed.) 1993 The Violence Within: Cultural and
Political Opposition in Diided Nations. Westview Press,
may continue to fuel war, violence may shift from
Boulder, CO
physical killing to a different order of threat and
inequality, and dominance might be reckoned along C. R. Nordstrom
such nonmilitary factors as economics, environmental
control, social viability, or a set of factors as yet
unrecognized. War has not always been a part of the Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
human condition, and perhaps future changes in All rights reserved.
sociopolitical organization and ethical systems will
render war altogether obsolete. Effective research into War: Causes and Patterns
the causes, solutions and future of war will hone
combinations of theoretical inquiry with ethno- War involves large-scale organized violence between
graphy—helpingtoerasearbitrarydistinctionsbetween states or other political units. Although the conduct of
theory and data (Nordstrom 1997). The greatest war has changed in important ways over the millennia,
advances will be in rethinking the very meanings of war itself has been a recurrent phenomenon in in-
violence and aggression, going beyond simple biolo- ternational politics. It is one of the primary sources of
gical and rudimentary social explanations to explore change in international systems and an important
the complex interactions of violence and power, factor in the evolution of the social and political
economics, survival, and identity both within and organization of societies. Theorizing about the causes
across local, regional, and transnational populations. of war goes back to Thucydides’ History of the
Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta, but
See also: Conflict and War, Archaeology of; First scholars are far from agreement on what causes war.
World War, The; Military and Politics; Military
Geography; Military History; National Security Stud-
ies and War Potential of Nations; Second World War, 1. Patterns of Warfare
The; Tribe; War: Causes and Patterns; War, Sociology
of; Warfare in History The current international system represents the most
recent stage in the evolution and globalization of the
system that originated in Europe about five centuries
Bibliography ago. Warfare in this system has historically been
dominated by the ‘great powers,’ though the fre-
Castells M 1998 End of Millennium. Blackwell, London quency of wars between these leading states has
Enloe C H 2000 Maneuers: the International Politics of steadily declined, while their severity has increased.
Militarizing Women’s Lies. University of California Press,
Berkeley, CA
The period since 1945 has been characterized by both
Ferguson R B, Whitehead N L (eds.) 1992 War in the Tribal the longest period of great power peace in the last half
Zone: Expanding States and Indigenous Warfare. School of millennium and a dramatic shift in the concentration
American Research Press, Santa Fe, NM of war from Europe to other regional subsystems and
Foster M L, Rubinstein R A (eds.) 1986 Peace and War: Cross- from international wars to internal wars, many of
Cultural Perspecties. Transaction Books, Oxford, UK which have been intractable ethnonational or religious
Gregor T (ed.) 1996 A Natural History of Peace. Vanderbilt ‘identity wars.’ These recent trends have led some to
University Press, Nashville, TN argue that we have reached a turning point in the
Holsti K J 1996 The State, War, and the State of War. Cambridge history of warfare. Some argue that major war between
University Press, Cambridge, UK
Kaldor M 1999 New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a
advanced industrial states has become obsolete, while
Global Era. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA others argue that traditional wars over power or
Keane J 1996 Reflections on Violence. Verso, London ideology will give way to a ‘clash of civilizations’
Nordstrom C 1997 A Different Kind of War Story. University of defined in terms of religious or cultural identity
Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (Huntington 1996). These arguments reflect different
Nordstrom C, Robben A C G M (eds.) 1995 Fieldwork Under theoretical perspectives on the causes of war.
Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Surial. Uni-
versity of California Press, Berkeley, CA
Rupesinghe K, Rubio Correa M 1994 The Culture of Violence.
United Nations University Press, Tokyo 2. Theoretical Approaches
Simons A 1999 War: back to the future. Annual Reiews in
Anthropology 28: 73–108 Carl von Clausewitz (1976) wrote in his influential
Sluka J 1992 The anthropology of conflict. In: Nordstrom C, book On War that war is a ‘continuation of politics by
Martin J (eds.) The Paths to Domination, Resistance other means,’ suggesting that war is an instrument of
and Terror. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, policy for advancing state interests. This implies that
pp. 18–36 war ultimately involves a political decision by state


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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