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From Introduction to Conclusion

When preparing to draft your introduction: Briefly sketch the research youve read that is specifically relevant to your topic. Rephrase your question as a lack of knowledge or gap in understanding. o Make sure to let readers know what part of the research presented you will extend, modify, or correct. Sketch an answer to So what if we dont find out? This will encourage readers to continue reading. Revise and position your claim. For theological work, place it in both the intro and conclusion. Include terms that seem to run all the way through your research: Dont use terms directly related to your topic. Focus on concepts you bring to the argument and intend to develop. Questions to ask of your topic: How does your topic fit into a larger context? o How does it fit into a larger story? o How does my topic function as part of a larger system? o How does your topic compare to and contrast with other topics like it? Ask questions about the nature of the topic itself o How has your topic changed through time? Why has this taken place? Where is it going? o How do the parts of your topic fit together in a system? o How many different categories of your topic are there? Transform positive questions into negative ones? o Why is X not this way? Ask speculative questions o Why? o Why? o Why? Ask What if? Ask questions that reflect disagreements with a source o If a source makes a claim you think is weakly supported or wrong, question it. Ask questions that build on agreement o If a source makes a claim you think is persuasive, ask a question to extend its reach Ask questions analogous to those others have asked about similar topics o Smith studied topic X using a Y approach. o How would Y approach affect my study of Z. Look for questions that other researchers pose but dont answer.

From Introduction to Conclusion

Find a discussion list online discussing your topic. Evaluate your Questions Reconsider your questions when the following is true: You can answer the question too easily by looking it up or summarizing a source. You cant find good evidence to support the answer. This usually occurs when no relevant facts exist, the question is based on opinion, the question is too broad, or you cant obtain crucial sources. You cant plausibly disprove the answer. If you cant imagine disproving a claim, Propose some working answers to your question: Take some time to speculate some answers. Decide on a working hypothesis. If an answer seems promising, call it a working

then proving it is pointless.

hypothesis and use it to guide your research. If you cant imagine any working hypothesis, reconsider your question.

Im working on the topic of X, because I want to find out Y, so that I (and you) can better understand Z.

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