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Dear Member,
IPMA Research management Board (RMB) mission is to develop, perform and
monitor the IPMA strategies, products and standards on the research and development
area. The RMB expertise presents the PM professional outlook for the present and
future IPMA developments on this field.
RMB would like to create products that can improve the value significantly for the
PM research communities working worldwide to add new knowledge to the existing
body of knowledge for better project performance covering all dimensions and
functions of project management. RMB would like to particularly focus on issues that
are being faced by our member associations. To serve you better we would like to
know your expectation from RMB. This questionnaire has been designed to know
your expectation. Being our primary stakeholder your feedback on this questionnaire
will be of great value and will help us to serve you better. Kindly spare a little of your
valuable time to answer the following questions and send your response directly to : / . The outcome of this survey will
be communicated to all of you.

Prof ( Dr) Rajat K. Baisya

Marketing Manager
IPMA Research Management Board

Dr.Brane Semolic
RMB Chairman
IPMA Research Management Board

Department of Management Studies

Indian Institute of Technology , Delhi
Hauz Khas , NewDelhi-110 016

Name & Address of the member of association:

Name & designation of the respondent :
1. Do you know the existence of Research Management Board
under IPMA ?

: Yes/ No

2. Are you aware of the kind of activities RMB has already

undertaken ?

: Yes/ No

(a) If yes, do you think existing programme of RMB

: Yes/ No
meets your expectation.
(b) If Yes, how ? : (i) -------------------- (ii) -------------------- (iii) -------------( c) If No , what are your expectation from RMB in terms of your own
Priority? (i) --------------------- (ii) -------------------- (iii) -------------(d) Can you state the key deliverables of these programme and how can those
help improve PM research activities globally ? : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Can you list down in order of importance the additional benefits that you expect
from the functioning of RMB : i) ------------------------ ii) -------------------------iii) -------------------- iv) -------------------- v) --------------------.
4. Have you seen the RMB Newsletter recently launched? :
Yes/ No
(a) If yes , where you have seen it first ? : --------------------------------------5. What is your opinion about the quality and content of the first inaugural issue?
Indicate on a 5 point scale ( 1 being poor and 5 being excellent)
----6. What do you like to read in this newsletter in the forthcoming issues?
(i) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(iii) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Have you heard about IPMA Research Award ?

Yes/ No

8. Will you extend support in terms of marketing Research Award to PM Research

community in your country?
Yes/ No
9. Does IPMA Research Award help you to promote PM research?


(a) If Yes, How? ------------------------------------------------------10. Are you aware of any research body under other global professional association ?
(a) If Yes, name them : ----------------------------------------------------------------11. What are the research agenda of other associations of comparable global standing
like IPMA that you know of : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. How would you like to measure the performance of RMB ? Give three critical
measures ? (i) ------------------------------- (ii) ----- -------------------------------------(iii) ------------------------------------------13. How can we get regular feedback from you to serve you better? Give your
suggestions , if any . : -----------------------------------------------------14. Any other issues that you like us to address which has not been covered above : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your valued response.

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