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Paramagnetismo , diamagnetismo e ferromagnetismo

Abrimos uma porta , existem de fato locais em que animais e plantas preferem , crescer o ficar , estes pontos tem propriedades Eletromagnticas ( normalmente pelos minerais no subsolo ) esta caracterstica e propriedade chamada PARAMAGNETISMO , desde a era medieval era conhecido pois os locais de peregrinao religiosa ( proibido na Inglaterra po Henrique VIII , pois sabia do poder destas peregrinaes e a mudana de comportamento que produzia nas pessoas por isso as temia ) . Paramagnetismo , diamagnetismo e ferromagnetismo a fsica conhece a sculos , mais ai comea a ficar interessante foi Dr. Philip S. Callaham , Ph.D. ja que vocs gostam tanto de titulos e tambem separa o esotrica , que conseguiu medir pela primeira vez e criou um aparelho " PCSM Meter " que faz a leitura em segundos e cabe numa valise tipo 007 . Esta caracterstica Paramagntica ( O Livro chama-se Paramagetism Rediscovering Natures Secret Force of Growth ) das pedras solos e plantas , foi fruto de sua observao durante a 2 guerra mundial , quando estava montando uma base de Radar Secreta para os EUA vigiar os submarinos alemes na Irlanda ( apesar de ser pais neutro ) e dele tambem a patente usada pelo jatos da fora area os Morcegos Negros ( no sei o nome ) para confundir os radares inimigos ( nunca foram invisveis ) baseado em outro trabalho seu sob a observao das antenas de insetos ( O Livro chama-se Tuning in to Nature ) .Bom poderia continuar a falar sobre Callaham , mais acho que os dois textos abaixo da para ter uma idia e sim este para mim um dos mais Importantes Cientistas vivos ( Universidade da Florida , agora isolou-se no deserto ) que apesar da complexidade dos assuntos , e dos temas pesquisados , qualquer um pode ler e entender sinttico e objetivo , e sem duvida sem ler , testar e experimentar parece Esoterismo . Eu tambem tive o privilegio de conhecer um " Achad " de agua , o Sr. Me ( como era conhecido ) e sua casa fica na entrada do RASO DA CATARINA ,ele foi desafiado varias vezes por empresas de Poos Artesianos e nunca perdeu uma ( o que contam ) era capaz de dizer a profundidade e se a agua era boa para beber ou para os bichos ( Salobra ) .Fora os rezadores de cobra do Nordeste e alias em qualquer canto tem so perguntar , que aparece rezador de bicheira etc. Gostei , paramagnetismo esta faltando neste grupo , Sheldrake , que adora , pois seu trabalho foi inspirado na Agricultura Familiar na India durante um estagio , Alberto

PS : O SEGUNDO LIVRO"Tuning in to Nature " UMA OBRA DE ARTE DE PURA CRIATIVIDADE desta mente brilhante

In this earlier work, Dr. Callahan explains, with considerable "scientific" detail, his theories of paramagnetism and the round towers of Ireland, the "real" meanings of Egyptian hieroglyphics and of the pyramids, the relationship between cathedral towers and the antennae of insects, and how he "proved" that particles moving faster than the speed of light (tachyons) actually exist, using only an "electrometer" and a Benjamin ficus tree. Furthermore, he explains how ancient Egyptian priests levitated people, lists the requirements for levitation and for levitating a person or object, and explains how levitation is directly related to paramagnetism. O que fica, que muita coisa que se acredita pode OU no ser verdade, mas importante SABER comprovar para sair da ignorncia. No se trata de acreditar em tudo que ouve ou l, principalmente na internet, mas de ser criterioso, e isso a cincia faz, ela criteriosa, no partidria! No h porque confundir cincia com conservadorismo, ou afirmar que ela esta a servio desta ou aquela filosofia, isso tudo falso.

in this earlier work, Dr. Callahan explains, with considerable "scientific" detail, his theories of paramagnetism and the round towers of Ireland, the "real" meanings of Egyptian hieroglyphics and of the pyramids, the relationship between cathedral towers and the antennae of insects, and how he "proved" that particles moving faster than the speed of light (tachyons) actually exist, using only an "electrometer" and a Benjamin ficus tree. Furthermore, he explains how ancient Egyptian priests levitated people, lists the requirements for levitation and for levitating a person or object, and explains how levitation is directly related to paramagnetism

Agriculture:Paramagnetic Rock
Paramagnetism is a low level weak magnetic force that can be read about in any good physics book. However it is only recently that the genius of Phil Callahan has recognized the vital importance of this force to the fertility of soils and hence to agriculture, connecting modern physics understanding to the knowledge of the ancients. Put simply - poor soils do not display a paramagnetic force good ones do. Measurement is a simple test using a PCSM meter (see illustration). Good rock dust is available which can be spread a tonne an acre or more to raise the reading and hence the general fertility not only to benefit the crops but also the soils flora and fauna. Poor soil Good Soil Very Good soil Superior Soil 0-100 100-300 300-700 700-1200

Good Rock Dust Our Paramagnetic Rock

1200-3000 4000

1) The PCSM Meter provides a digital readout, using the standard unit of measurement of CGS, or Centimeter-Grams-Seconds, which is the weight of paramagnetic material that will move one centimeter to a magnet in one second. Substances that can be analyzed by this meter include rock dusts, humates, soils, minerals, fertilizers, and others agricultural amendments. The following table, Range of Paramagnetic Values, was provided by Dr. Callahan at the 1995 Acres, USA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Range of Paramagnetic Values CGS Value 0-100 Poor 100-300 Good 300-800 Very Good 800-1,200 Excellent Dr. Callahan also presented the following table, Range of Paramagnetic Values for Soils, at the 1995 Acres, USA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri: Range of Paramagnetic Values for Soils Soils Paramagnetism Poor 0-100 Good 100-300 Very Good 300-700 Superior >700 _ In Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth, Callahan

states that the key to a healthy, productive soil is Compost, Soil Organisms, and Paramagnetism, or C-O-P. Thus, the use of paramagnetic rock dusts may be viewed as a complementary practice to traditional humus-building practices like composts, cover crops, green manures, and crop rotations. Here it may be helpful to place paramagnetism in the larger context of alternative agriculture. Alternative farming systems include Organic Agriculture, Biodynamic Farming, Nature Farming, Permaculture, and Eco-Farming. Sustainable Agriculture may be viewed as an umbrella term that includes all of these alternative farming systems, as well as Low-Input. Acres, USA is the eco-farming magazine that publishes books and articles on Phil Callahan's work, paramagnetism, rock dusts, and related concepts and practices. At the recent, USA conference in Minneapolis, MN, on December 79, 2000, Dr. Callahan gave a keynote address on paramagnetism and related topics like insect attraction to infra-red frequencies, which occur as spots on plant leaves when crops are improperly fertilized (i.e., with synthetic nitrogen fertilizers). In reference to his latest research, Callahan said (paraphrased) "plant roots and leaf hairs are dielectric wave guides for carriers of biophoton light energy; therefore in the presence of paramagnetic materials, these organs become super charged." Based on these latest insights from Callahan, my conclusion is that paramagnetism super charges the energetic plant system, thus enabling roots and leaves to function and metabolize at a higher rate of activity which

results in enhanced photosynthetic carbohydrate production, thereby resulting in improved plant growth and yield, improved nutritional composition, and a natural ability to resist insect attack. Some of these outcomes, especially differences with insect attraction, are due as much to variations in resonance frequency as an improved status to plant health. Part III: Paramagnetic Influence Separate from Any Biological-Chemical Affect Rock dusts are known to enhance plant growth by altering biological and chemical aspects of the rhizosphere that rich region of biological activity at the root-soil interface. A few researchers have designed

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