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Star Wars, Hippies and the problems with positive thinking.


16/02/2013 21:42

Star Wars, Hippies and the problems with positive thinking.
Posted by Damp Cardigan on June 18, 2012 Leave a Comment

Ive flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and Ive seen a lot of strange stuff, but Ive never seen anything to make me believe that theres one all-powerful Force controlling everything. Cause no mystical energy field controls my destiny. Han Solo I didnt want anything bad to happen. So, I thought really positively about it. But then, it happened anyway. So I told myself, it must have happened to make me stronger because everything happens for a reason right? So you see the positive thinking worked. I love being right. Im really struggling with this idea that extreme positive thinking can solve the worlds problems. Im struggling with the hypocrisy of those trying to apply these pass principles to modern living. Im struggling with the idea that the universe is a cosmic force in control of whatever we do and only true Jedis will reap the rewards using a none too subtle substitute for God. I am just struggling. I approached this topic a few years ago when I came across that hideous exercise in squeezing money out of the vulnerable The Secret. The less said about that the better but what I am seeing now is the aftermath of that particular brand of bullshit and its application into a world it has Page 1 of 3

Star Wars, Hippies and the problems with positive thinking. dampcardigan

16/02/2013 21:42

no place in. Thinking positively is fine. In fact, in a lot of cases, its the remedy needed to correct your ailments. Thinking negatively is also just as, if not a little more, important to modern living. Positive thinking works when applied to something that you have control over like taking an exam or learning to ride a bike. It does not work when applied to things like war, world hunger, lost keys and The Conservative Party. Saying that youre thinking positively about the outcome of any of these things is kind of like saying that you dont care. Its a way of excusing yourselves from actual action and responsibility. Christians excuse themselves with prayer. Its as fruitless as the over competitive fathers that populate every beach in Britain armed with a spade and a senseless need to engage in tidal defence. To a child the ocean is the most infinite of things and for them to see their fathers try and stop it passing their will like a pot-bellied, Speedo-wearing Gandalf must be a crushing disappointment. I fear the same for the children of those who will only deal in self fulfilling prophecies and misplaced values. If the ocean in this metaphor represents logic then the 21st Century hippy is the lonely dad on the shore slamming his spade into the sand screaming YOU SHALL NOT PASS! This approach didnt even work for Gandalf and he was a fucking wizard. The old hippy ideologies are long dead. Periodically theyre resuscitated by the image conscious but each time with a diminishing sense of conviction. Theyre relevant today only to those interested in fashionable ideas to attach to the romantic way in which they see themselves nullifying what little relevance history affords them. Taking this head in the sand approach to life in the western world is impossible as there is too much hardship to navigate. Emerging on the other side, sane of mind, would not be achievable without the immeasurable power of cynicism and the devastating effects of logic. To say you can exist here surviving on a strict diet of tie dye, bongos and positive energy is a testament to pure ignorance and an insult to those less fortunate. No amount of synchronised, field based silliness is going to feed Africa, abolish fascism and find my fucking car keys. The problem with positive thinking as a lifestyle choice is that its just that, a choice. I dont choose to be sceptic about most things just like I didnt choose our government but believe me; NO amount of positive thinking will rid us of that irreparable error of judgement. So please let this be the death of shifting the responsibility of what we do to our poor planet onto the cosmic shoulders of pointlessness. Lets kill it off in favour of actual progress. Please accept the following as a eulogy to your archaic solution: To the man who believes that his and our existence is defined either by fear or love and not the space in between where the rest of us live hear this, only a Sith deals in absolutes. Phil Watson. Filed under Film, Funny, Humour, Idiots, Journalism, Politics, Religion, Star Wars, Writing Tagged with Christianity, Fear, Gandalf, Han Solo, Humour, Jedi, Love, mystical energy, philosophy, politics, Positive Thinking, Religion., Rhonda Byrne, Sith, society, Star Wars, The Page 2 of 3

Star Wars, Hippies and the problems with positive thinking. dampcardigan

16/02/2013 21:42

Conservative Party, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, world hunger

dampcardigan These, are the facts. Blog at Theme: Structure by Organic Themes.

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