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Shannon C.

FRIT 7430: Instructional Design Stage 3, Understanding by Design Fall 2010

UbD Stage 1 Template

Title of Unit Curriculum Area
Content Standards:

Machine Mania!

Grade Level Time Frame

4th grade
3 weeks

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

S4P3. Students will demonstrate the relationship between the application of a force and the resulting change in position and motion on an object. a. Identify simple machines and explain their uses (lever, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, screw, wheel and axle).

Students will understand that: 1. The relationship between the application of a force and the resulting change in position and motion on an object. 2. How simple machines make work easier. 3. That inclined planes, levers, wedges, screws, wheels and axles, and pulleys are simple machines. 4. The two or more simple machines make up compound machines. 5. That friction slows down work or makes work more difficult. Related Misconceptions:

1. Speed is the same as velocity. 2. Work is something a person gets paid for or gets tired doing.

Essential Questions

Overarching Questions: How is energy transferred using simple machines? How are simple machines used in the world around us?

Topical Questions: What are simple machines? How do simple machines make work easier? How does force affect the motion of an object?

What affect does friction have on the motion of an object?

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Week 1 1. Simple Pre-Test to assess student knowledge of material. W 2. Begin by showing examples of all simple machines. W, H 3. United Streaming video about Simple Machines. W, E 4. Refer to the essential question, How can simple machines make work easier? W 5. Promethean Planet flipchart about simple machines. E, T 6. Students will each name a simple machine. R, E, T 7. Brain Pop video about Inclined Plane will be shown. W, H 8. Refer to the essential question, How can inclined planes make work easier? W 9. Add to Simple Machine book: inclined plane, work, effort, distance, and ramp. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 10. Inclined plane discussion with PowerPoint Presentation. E, T 11. Class will perform the car/rubber band experiment. They will measure the effort used to lift the toy car with and without an inclined plane. E 12. Experiment discussion. R 13. Students will each give an example of an inclined plane. R, E, T 14. Brain Pop video on Levers. W, H 15. Refer to the essential question, How can levers make work easier? W 16. Add to simple machine book: lever, fulcrum, load, effort, clas one lever, force, class two

lever, class three lever. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 17. PowerPoint Presentation about levers. E, T 18. Lever experiment. E 19. Experiment discussion. R 20. Students will give examples of levers. R, E, T Week 2 1. Show students an apple and use a knife to cut it (wedge demonstration). W, H 2. Add to simple machine book: wedge, outward force, downward force. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 3. Wedge, book experiment. E 4. Nail and cardboard experiment. E 5. Brainstorm more wedge examples. R 6. Refer to the essential question, How are wedges useful? W 7. Each student will give an example of a wedge. R, E, T 8. Refer to the essential question, How can screws make work easier? W 9. Show students large version of a screw and teach the parts. W, H 10. Let students make a screw with pencil and paper (paper wrapped around pencil to form the inclined plane). E, R 11. Archimedes screw demonstration and race. E 12. Each student will find an example of a screw in the classroom. R, E, T 13. Brain Pop video on Pulleys. W, H 14. Refer to the essential question, How can pulleys make work easier? W 15. Add to simple machine book: pulley, fixed pulley, moveable pulley. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 16. Fixed pulley experiment. E

17. Moveable pulley experiment. E 18. Discussion about experiments. R, E-2 19. Each student will give an example of when he/she has seen a pulley. R, E, T

Week 3 1. Brain Pop video on the wheel and axle. W, H 2. Refer to the essential question, How can a wheel and axle make work easier? W 3. Add to simple machine book: axle, wheel. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 4. Pinwheel experiment. E 5. Overcoming friction experiment. E 6. Each student will give an example of a wheel and axle. R, E, T 7. Show students some examples of familiar compound machines. W, H 8. Refer to the essential question, How can simple machines make work easier? W 9. Students will have a video question quiz given to them to look at while the video is being played. E, R, E-2, O 10. United Streaming Discovering Simple Machines: Compound Machines. E 11. Add to simple machine book: machine, compound machine. Includes definitions, drawings, uses, thoughts. (Each student has his or her own simple machine book.) R, E-2, O 12. Each student will give an example of a compound machine in the school or classroom. R, E, T 13. Show students examples of all six simple machines and have students name each. W, H, E 14. United Streaming simple machines video. E 15. Promethean Planet flipchart on simple machines. E, T

16. Edheads simple machine online game. E, R, E-2, T 17. Various questions will be posed such as what is a simple machine, give an example of a lever, etc. R, E, T 18. Post-Test. E-2

Notes to the Instructor Use this area, if needed, to explain to the instructor how your planned activities above satisfy specific elements of the scoring rubric.

Stage 3 Scoring Rubric

(0 Points) 1. Does not clearly communicate WHERETO for learning activities Fails to provide a pretest for learners. 2. Alignment is not demonstrated between instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. There is evidence of alignment between some of the instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. (3 Points) Codes some learning activities with WHERETO (5 Points) Clearly codes each activity with WHERETO Includes a pretest to check for prerequisite skills and knowledge. Alignment is clearly demonstrated between instructional strategies, standards, and understandings of the unit. Matches all essential questions, understandings, skills, and knowledge with a corresponding instructional strategy. 3. Instruction has one global starting point for all learners. No evidence of an attempt at differentiation 4. Fails to provide opportunities for students to RETHINK ideas, REFLECT, and to REVISE work. 5. Does not indicate the use of technology in a meaningful way Utilizes Gardners strategy to provide different Entry Points. Evidence of an attempt at differentiation exists Provides opportunities for students to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and REVISE their work. Includes the use of technology Utilizes Gardners strategy to provide different Entry Points to meet the needs of all types of intelligences. Clear plan for differentiation Provides numerous opportunities for students to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and to REVISE work. Includes the use of technology in a meaningful way. Off the shelf resources are properly referenced
Your Score

6. Assignment is not organized Assignment Instructions not followed Several errors in grammar and form, which distracted the reader

Assignment somewhat organized Most assignment instructions followed A few errors in grammar and form which distracted the reader

Assignment is organized Assignment Instructions followed No errors in grammar or form that distracted the reader.

Your Total Score


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