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To Whom It May Concern: My name is Ian Cohen. I live on the other side of the world in Jerusalem, Israel. It would of course be absurd for Linda Ellis to request a restraining order against me, but no less absurd than her request for such an order for Matthew Chan! I am also the victim of copyright extortion letters, and Matthew and his forum provided immense support, guidance and education to me in my efforts to cope with the legal threats I faced. Why a victim of extortion? Because out of the blue, people receive threatening legal letters demanding obscene amounts of money ($7,500 in Ms. Elliss case) for what is always a small and innocent copyright infringement. The letters bully and threaten the recipient with impending legal action unless they pay up! People suffer a great amount of emotional and financial hardship when they receive these letters. People such as Linda Ellis harass them, and they usually pay up in order to reduce their high levels of stress and anxiety. Matthew Chan is morally outraged by the actions of those like Linda Ellis. His forum, which is seen by people the world over gives invaluable information to thousands, and offers emotional and other support to the victims. Matthew Chan is a model citizen, sacrificing his time, energy and even money to help others and fight back against the moral turpitude of the copyright trolls. Matthew Chan is a peoples hero! He fearlessly puts himself at risk in order to fight a just and moral battle. It is inconceivable that an American Court would allow a bogus request for a restraining order to shut down an absolutely vital worldwide Internet forum. I sincerely hope that the court sends Ms. Ellis a clear message! I have to add that I have been following the forum for almost two years, and I have never read a single threat made by Mr. Chan against any other individual. Fighting copyright trolls is an intellectual campaign. There would be no reason for it to involve death threats! The suggestion is absurd! Many thanks Ian Cohen Jerusalem Israel

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