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CONSTRUCTING AN EFAS MATRIX PURPOSE: An EFAS Table (also known as the EFAS Matrix) summarizes the results of an external

audit (ie your PETS-Scan). This is an important tool widely used by strategists. It helps bring discipline to the output of the external (OT) elements of the SWOT analysis. Review the example in the text before doing this exercise. Five Steps for Developing an EFAS Matrix:

Identify: any changes taking place in the macroenvironment that might have an impact, positive or negative on the industry in which your company is based? List external factors. Sort them into opps and threats (Ive listed five here, but dont be limited by that number). Prioritize. Do this by assigning a weight to each factor from 0-1 with 0 being not important and 1 being very important. The total weights assigned must equal 1. (Outstanding) rating to each factor based on effectiveness of the firms current strategy.


3) Evaluate. How well is your firm dealing with the opportunity or threat you have identified? Assign a 1.0 (Poor) to 5.0

4) Calculate weight * rating.


Sum. The highest score possible is 5 while the lowest is 1. The average is 3.0. This tells how well the firm is responding to factors in the external environment and can be useful when comparing firms across industries.

So What? In addition to short notes in the Comments column, briefly explain the significance of your analysis, and why the findings will be of interest to the managers of your firm.



Wt score


Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ..

Threats: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ..

Total Weighted Score


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