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Give Artists Creating Together a Hand: Volunteer!

Volunteering with Artists Creating Together

ACT is a non-profit organization that connects people with disabilities to the arts. To make our programs possible, we rely on wonderful people like YOU who volunteer your time and abilities to encourage the growth of artists with special needs. Below you will find our volunteer opportunities for Winter and Spring of 2013. Thank you for giving ACT a hand!

Volunteer Opportunities Winter-Spring 2013 20120122012013 One-Time Volunteer Opportunities

On-Going Opportunities
Adult Art Classes: ACT offers a number of opportunities just for adults! Check out the diverse options offered and volunteer with one that fits your interest! Creative Movement & Dance: This introductory dance class meets each Monday from 11:30am12:30pm at The Grand Rapids Ballet (341 Ellsworth SW, Grand Rapids) and takes place in the winter and spring semesters. Visual Art Classes: Each Monday from 6:30-7:30pm at ACT students have 4-10 week sessions in various visual art forms. Classes include Pottery, Printmaking, and more and take place throughout the year. Other Art Classes: Each Tuesday from 5:00-6:00pm at ACT, students have 4-10 week sessions in various non-visual art forms. Classes include gardening, Glee class, Dance and much more! Choir: The ACT choir is made up of over 50 singers, aged 18 and up who have weekly practices and regular performances. Join us on Thursdays from 12:30-1:30 at Kuyper College! Arts and Mentoring: ACT a holds specialized art classes for GRPS transition students (18-26 yrs) from Glee show choir to Multi-Media art and from recycled art to pottery. Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-11:30am at ACT offices. Classes take place throughout the school year.

CELEBRATE! A Community Arts Day ACT, the Girls Choral Academy and the Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities are teaming up to host a community art day for families. Volunteers are needed during the day to help with arts and crafts tables. Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the Cook Arts Center with shifts between 10:50am-12:30pm. ACTion ART Exhibit ACT is hosting a two-week long art exhibit, from April 8April 19, 2013, showcasing the work and talents of adult artists with disabilities. Volunteers are needed to help set-up the artwork display, staff the gallery, and assist during the special ACTion Art Artists Reception, on April 12, 2013. Gallery hours on weekdays will be from 10am6pm, Saturday April 13 from 9am-3pm, and Sunday April 14 from 1pm-4pm. Festival Day 2013: ART in ACTion! Come for a day of fun and art at Lincoln Campus on Friday, May 3, 2013 with over 1,200 kids, teachers, artists, volunteers and community partners! Volunteers are needed from 9:00-2:00pm on Festival Day (May 3) and on May 2 from 2:30-7:00pm for set-up.

To volunteer for any of these activities or with any questions, please call or e-mail Program Director, Katie Timmermans (616-885-5866 or Learn more about ACT online at or on Facebook: Artists Creating Together

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