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ESTEVA, Elisha Ellis R.


SN 20 Semen Analysis

What is SA? SA are mainly carried out to determine whether: A man has a reproductive problem that is causing infertility. A vasectomy or vasectomy reversal has been successful SA is the singular test for fertility in male that can provide information on sperm production. the function of the accessory glands. patency of the male ducts. and ejaculative function. Since semen samples may vary from day to day, 2 or 3 samples may be evaluated within a 3-6 month period for accurate testing. A semen analysis to test the effectiveness of a vasectomy is usually done 6 weeks after the vasectomy Ways to collect semen Masturbation, directing the semen into a clean sample cup. Do not use a lubricant which can kill sperms Coitus interruptus - withdrawing the penis from the partner just before ejaculating follow by ejaculating into a clean sample cup. Coitus - by using a condom. A special (silicon) condom that does not contain any substance that kills sperm (spermicide). After ejaculation, carefully remove the condom from the penis. Tie a knot in the open end of the condom and place it in a container that can be sealed in case the condom leaks or breaks. Ordinary condoms should not be used since they usually contain spermicides Semen Collection Abstinence of 2-6 days Keep the sample at body temperature, no sunlight Pass urine Deliver the sample within one hour of Wash hands with soap, dry ejaculation Collect the entire sample into the wide mouth sterile container, 70% of sperms is in the first part of the ejaculate Tests done in SA Volume. This is a measure of how much semen is present in one ejaculation. Liquefaction time. Semen is a thick gel at the time of ejaculation and normally becomes liquid within 20 minutes after ejaculation. Liquefaction time is a measure of the time it takes for the semen to liquefy. Sperm count. This is a count of the number of sperm present per milliliter (mL) of semen in one ejaculation. Sperm morphology. This is a measure of the percentage of sperm that have a normal shape. Sperm motility. This is a measure of the percentage of sperm that can move forward normally. The number of sperm that show normal forward movement in a certain amount of semen can also be measured (motile density). pH. This is a measure of the acidity (low pH) or alkalinity (high pH) of the semen. White blood cell count. White blood cells are not normally present in semen. Fructose level. This is a measure of the amount of a sugar called fructose in the semen. The fructose provides energy for the sperm. Normal Values Semen volume Normal: 2-5 milliliters (mL) (0.002-0.005 L in SI units) per ejaculation Abnormal: An abnormally low or high semen volume is present, which may sometimes cause fertility problems.

ESTEVA, Elisha Ellis R. 2B-MT

Liquefaction time Normal: Abnormal: Normal:

SN 20 Semen Analysis
20-30 minutes after collection An abnormally long liquefaction time is present, which may indicate an infection. 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter (mL) or more 0 sperm per milliliter if the man has had a vasectomy A very low sperm count is present, which may indicate infertility. But a low sperm count does not always mean that a man cannot father a child. Men with sperm counts below 1 million have fathered children. More than 30% of the sperm have normal shape. Kruger criteria: More than 14% of the sperm have a normal shape. Sperm can be abnormal in several ways, such as having two heads or two tails, a short tail, a tiny head (pinhead), or a round (rather than oval) head. Abnormal sperm may be unable to move normally or to penetrate an egg. Some abnormal sperm are usually found in every normal semen sample. But a high percentage of abnormal sperm may make it more difficult for a man to father a child. More than 50% of the sperm show normal forward movement after 1 hour. Sperm must be able to move forward (or "swim") through cervical mucus to reach an egg. A high percentage of sperm that cannot swim properly may impair a man's ability to father a child. Semen pH of 7.1-8.0 An abnormally high or low semen pH can kill sperm or affect their ability to move or to penetrate an egg. No white blood cells or bacteria are detected. Bacteria or a large number of white blood cells are present, which may indicate an infection.

Sperm count


Sperm shape (morphology)



Sperm movement (motility)

Normal: Abnormal:

Semen pH

Normal: Abnormal:

White blood cells

Normal: Abnormal:

Poor SA Poor SA can result from factors such as: Incorrect semen collection technique spillage, dirty container, long delay in delivering sample Poor technical expertise History of recent illness flu or high fever may depress sperm counts Long period of abstinence increased abnormal sperm morphology and decrease motility Short abstinence period lower semen volume and sperm count As it takes 10 weeks (64-70 days) for a new batch of sperm to be generated by the testes, it is best to repeat SA after a period Factors Affecting SA Results Caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and smoking tobacco. Herbal medicines, such as St. John's wort and high doses of echinacea. Temperature - sperm motility value will be inaccurately low if the semen sample gets cold. Exposure to radiation, some chemicals (such as certain pesticides or spermicides), and prolonged heat exposure.

ESTEVA, Elisha Ellis R. 2B-MT

SN 20 Semen Analysis

An incomplete semen sample -- more common if a sample is collected by methods other than masturbation. Conditions with Abnormal SA Certain conditions may be linked with a low or absent sperm count. These conditions include: Orchitis Varicocele Klinefelter syndrome Radiation treatment to the testicles Diseases that can cause shrinking (atrophy) of the testicles (such as mumps). Long term illness such as diabetes which may cause retrograde ejaculation Retrograde ejaculation refers to the entry of semen into the bladder instead of going out through the urethra during ejaculation Hormonal imbalance (testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), or prolactin Azoospermia - A small sample (biopsy) of the testicles may be needed for further evaluation.

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