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Chapter 2: - Editing Parcels

After creating the Parcel by following steps in previous chapter, we will now learn to edit those parcels as per the requirement. When we create Parcels we can see that the property numbers are not in sequence. We can arrange/numbering these properly by using Renumber/Rename option.

RENUMBER/RENAME: 1. Select any property (say select Property: 1) in the figure given below: -

2. After selecting, In Parcel: Property: 1 Tab select the option Renumber/Rename.

3. After selecting you can see a Renumber/Rename Parcel Window will appear.
This content is developed by M-CAD TRAINER A Boost to E-Learning

4. Give starting number as 1 and increment as 1 or you can give these values as per the requirement and press OK.

5. After pressing simply draw to line from the first property site to the last property site as shown: -

Last Property

First Property 6. Click enter to finish the line and again press enter to exit from the command and to see the changes in the property numbers.

This content is developed by M-CAD TRAINER A Boost to E-Learning

You can see that all the property numbers are arranged in sequence starting and ending to the property which is allocated. This is how we renumber the parcels. We can also make changes in the boundaries like change the position of the property boundaries, or you can add the boundaries. This can be more clearly elaborated with the help of an exercise below. 1. To change the position of the boundary, just click on the boundary line which you want to move.

Grip of the boundary line selected

This content is developed by M-CAD TRAINER A Boost to E-Learning

2. You can move that boundary line by picking it from its grip and move it to the new location as shown in the figure below: -

Boundary Line moved to the new location

Now you can add a new boundary line also by following the steps mention below: 1. In the Home Tab select Parcel Creation tool from the Parcel Drop Down Menu.

2. A Parcel Layout Tools toolbar will appear and select the line option from this toolbar.

This content is developed by M-CAD TRAINER A Boost to E-Learning

3. A Create Parcels Layout window will appear. Press OK and draw the boundary line wherever required.

4. As shown in the figure above a new parcel is created and automatically labeled as Property : 7

This content is developed by M-CAD TRAINER A Boost to E-Learning

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