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Global CE-5 ET Contact Reports from Occtober 13, 2012

Hello CSETI Friends and Welcome New Members from David Wilcock's Community! Thank you for your participation in our 25th monthly "Global CE-5 ET Contact" event which took place this past October 13, 2012. The report from the recent November 10, 2012 event will be published in a few weeks. Please email me your ET Contact experiences from that event - thank you in advance. To our new members: I think you will enjoy reading about the accomplishments of our current Global CE-5 group members below. You are welcome to create your own CE-5 team for our next event on December 15, 2012. Please contact me so I can add you to our CE-5 team list. Through our cooperation here, we have established a powerful monthly rhythm of ET contact since we began this process in October, 2010. You can think of this as the "Peoples' Disclosure Movement" because our CE-5 teams are unitedly working from the grass roots to bypass governments and forge solid interactive links of Love communication with our ET friends. We are making history here. Bless you for sensing the enormity of this worldwide movement, for taking the time month after month to keep the momentum going...and building! Now for the reports from October 13... In the end, we had: 61 Total team CE-5 sites 216+ Participants 19 USA States 19 Countries - an enthusiastic outpouring of heartfelt desire to interact with our Star Friends and to seek to cooperate with them to bring about Universal Peace. Some amazing experiences were recorded by you in numerous places, so read on and enjoy.

In the Spirit of Peace, Kosta Makreas Founder and Coordinator, "Global CE-5 ET Contact" Events San Bruno, CA USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OCTOBER 13, 2012 "GLOBAL CE-5 ET CONTACT" REPORTS:

It was October 27, 4:30 PM in the Philippines. I was on my way home after taking my major exam in Medicine. The sky was blue, weather was calm and cool and the clouds were scant. As I reached my place, the entire dorm was locked from the inside. I tried to call the landlord many times but he would not respond. I waited for about five minutes and while doing that, I looked at the big blue sky in awe. To my surprise, a pink, ethereal, transucent object appeared from the sky. It was flying very high that I thought it was just a glare created by an airplane, but when it went overhead I was very much convinced that it was a starship. It had two pink curves, as well as an oval shaped translucent sheath on its rear. From this point, I tried to communicate with it and said "Hi" to my star friends. One man passed by and I asked him to identify what I have been seeing. After several glances, he concluded, still with a bit of uncertainty, that it was a balloon. Another woman overheard us and also looked at it, but in the end she too was unable to identify it. When I was the one left looking at it(the craft), I tried to confirm by asking, 'Could you please identify yourself?'. Their response? The starship shone a yellowish light as bright as a night star, in the middle of the afternoon! The light shone for about three seconds, then it continued to move until it blended with the clouds. The very moment after that, the landlord arrived and opened the gate for me. I tried to look at my window when I got in and saw a blend of pink-and yellow clouds coloring the afternoon sky. I felt the peace and love resonating in the entire area. What an astounding experience! THE BOTTOM LINE: THEY LISTEN TO YOU ALWAYS, AND SHOW UP WHEN YOU ARE READY.They will make you feel special. Peace and Love, Kevin Below is a picture of the craft(optional). This was not taken by me but was seen in other states as well. I am a hundred percent sure this was the one. Thanks to Jon Lorber for giving me the link. &tbm=isch&tbnid=K92EwIaHjValzM:&imgrefurl= 29/ufo-shows-up-on-google-streetview_n_1924422.html&docid=TBQYe71avy5XGM&imgurl= 1/thumbs/o-GOOGLEUFONM570.jpg%253F6&w=570&h=456&ei=CLCeUJ_DCvDUmAWQ2YCADw&zoom=1&iact=rc

&dur=312&sig=105425354444146101645&page=1&tbnh=153&tbnw=216&start=0&ndsp=8 &ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:74&tx=143&ty=22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta, We had 4 in our group: Me (Doreen), Jim, Carol & Rick... we decided to bring out the air mattresses, and instead of going up to the Platte we normally do, we went out into the desert and lay out in a sand bowl with the entire sky in full view. This cut down on the cold and wind tremendously!! Again, we video taped our experiences which proves to be very worthwhile... we started the evening with the prayer to the seven directions and Dr. Greer doing the Puja in Sanskrit, immediately after this there was lots of activity in the sky--- it seemed to be beaming with energy... first there were several flashes to the north, so Carol and I continued to ring our singing bowls to the North, there was also a slow moving object that was moving away from us but didn't look like a satellite or a plane; we continued to watch this until it just disappeared into nowhere. Then we laid down on our air mattresses in this desert bowl and meditated as the CSETI protocol says to, with Dr. Greers cd. During the meditation we all experienced different things. I was conversing with a being that told me to look towards the North at 11pm; well that seemed late as we were planning on being out till 10 maybe 1030... At the end of the evening we pushed through till 10:30 then started packing up... as we made our way out of the desert we pulled over at 10:55pm and looked to the North and waited and at exactly 11pm we saw what looked like a shooting star in the North sky... that was good enough for me!! As we watched the video back over the next week it is truly amazing the footage we got... we had some of the same probes as last time from our Star family... in addition, we experienced a snake shaped light that flew threw our group on several different occasions, but always during the meditation; as we meditated on 4 different occasions this night and did lots of vectoring in!! While we were up after meditation and sharing our experiences, we were just having such a fun conversation and were laughing a lot, we noticed in the video that during our laughter, there were orbs just falling over our group truly amazing and so beautiful.... weve drawn the conclusion that laughter raises our vibrational frequency, and makes it easier for beings to connect with us. Tahete, Doreen and her team!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vernon BC Canada We were three people inside the yurt starting at 7:00 pm. The tri-field meter was turned on and silent in the middle of the group. There had been no discernible signals inside the yurt. As soon as Victoria mentioned her meditation, and her vision of beings accompanied by blue lights, the meter began signalling in the usual "ET voice" chatter and continued for most of the evening. Doug, Victoria and I are all experienced meditators, and so we just went into trance and reported what was happening. Doug was immediately transported to a platform with a clear dome, he was viewing stars and planets from a position in space (that he did not recognize). On this platform he was interacting with beings but had difficulty summarizing the content of their communication. As soon as Victoria or myself began reporting what was happening, he was "pulled back" each time to our location, where he could see what was being described by us. When V. spoke of a light blue being, he saw a blue crystal hanging overtop the group, hung inside a kind of web. When I spoke about a golden spinning disc surrounding our group, he was able to see this as well. Victoria and I seemed to be receiving a third eye chakra procedure for most of the evening. We both felt definite pressure in this area for an extended period. I felt like a transdimensional apparatus was attached to my forehead. Towards the end, the tri-field meter seemed to drone continuously like it was picking up a machine signal. At 9:00 pm we ended the event and went home. Lois (who lives very near to Victoria) was not able to attend the Oct 15th event, but a few days later she sent a question by email asking if anyone was having contact with blue light beings, as she was experiencing contact with them at that point...I told her about Victoria's meditation vision and CE-5 experience. Lois felt it was a confirmation of the ongoing contact that is happening in their neighbourhood. Cheers Deb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, My name is Aaron and I participated in the Albany, NY group last October. Here is my report: -October 13, Albany, NY group.

We didn't see too much in the way of craft, mostly due to the overcast sky, but there was certainly quite a bit happening nonphysically in our group. I sensed a number of things throughout the night but will only report here about the ones that other people also independently corroborated.

Tall beings in the trees No sooner had we begun our circle-wide introductions when I noticed that there appeared to be very tall, seemingly elderly beings, dark in shadow, looming beyond our circle standing among the trees. They appeared to be about 15 feet tall and felt very old and not necessarily extraterrestrial but simply observing the proceedings or just acknowledging what we were doing here. After the introductions ended, 1 or 2 other people said they saw tall beings in the trees.

Presence This was something I was aware of but didn't hear anyone else bring up, at least the first part. Dwight's (I think?) tri-field meter began beeping very early in our first round of meditations--noises that people said they had never heard it make before, and I began to feel the strangest sensation of something attempting to enter or manifest into our reality, some force just behind our circle among the trees to the east. It was large and dark, fuzzy or blurry. I normally stay cool and try to communicate with things like this but it caught me off guard and ramped up in intensity so much I almost grabbed the guy next to me. It then faded and receded.

During the second meditation, I felt this presence slowly approach our circle again from the Northeast. It was a formless mass that hugged along the ground and entered our circle, remained in the center for perhaps a minute, then just as leisurely left the way it came. I decided to say nothing, since it was definitely on the unusual side, but during the review, someone said she felt a presence enter our circle, occupied the middle then left.

This was my first time to a CSETI expedition despite having followed Dr. Greer's work for years. I feel privileged, thanks for having me!

Aaron Mustamaa Brooklyn, NY

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------On October 13th, four of us assembled for our San Bruno, CA CE-5 expedition. While we were assembling in the parking lot for the hike up to our "temple," several of us saw flash bulbs. These would prove to be our only celestial sightings because when we got to the top of the hill, there was a cloud cover so the stars were only visible in brief moments. We formed our circle and Steve turned on Dr. Greer's Structure of the Universe meditation from the app. During this meditation, my dog, Annabelle, who has become a regular CE-5er, got fidgety and started sniffing the air. A sure sign of visitors! We then played crop circle tones for a few minutes. We finished up by listening to Dr. Greer's Crestone meditation. The meditation was playing flawlessly until suddenly there was lots of electrical buzzing and interference on the recording just as I've heard on some of the Skype meditation sessions, so I was sure that our friends were there. Just as Dr. Greer got to the part of the meditation where he says that we are all connected by Love, I felt a tremendous whoosh of Love envelop me and pass through me. I don't know if anyone else in the group felt this, but it was fantastic! I then dug out my phone and turned on the magnetometer included with the app to see if there was any reading. As soon as I turned it on, it began making little musical sounds that lasted for a few seconds before fading away. Our ET friends have learned to be creative since our local skies often do not cooperate. I can't wait until next month's adventure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've been doing this for a while now and go with the protocols you email me with. i do this daily 4am-6am then outside to see if i can spot anything, i always get pulsating lights and the cseti logo triangle. however in the past 3 weeks or so there has been a big change in the prep mediation (BIG-TIME) this has turned into a LUCID-ADVENTURE WITH THESE FRIENDLY STAR PEOPLES unlike anything i've ever experienced (IN THE COSMOS) takes my breath away. i explained to them iam in my sixth decade now and what mite do to help while still in this life. what iam getting back is, for me to spread the word-give it out, AND THEY WILL LAND AND THE WORLD WILL WITNESS. as an ambassador i said yes. GOD BLESS . allen from downtown seattle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Kosta Martha asked me to write up our experiences last weekend at Stephenville Texas. :::: Earlier in the day we started our CSETI by going over ,and discussing how Samadhi, the protocols and puja ceremony is

ancient and important. We started meditating at the lake as the sun was setting. There were military jets that were very active during the day as well as in the evening. This was very unusual at this location we were told. In short, we had an airshow. ! As we meditated all around us there was also a light show of lightning. Our circle of 9 people did a short puja, listening to the Gayatri mantra , tones and music while meditating on the Oneness of all, and the boundless mind. Two of us had radar detectors that were silent during the Puja ceremony, afterwards they were constantly active .! Our visitors presence was registered on the radar detectors . These detectors appeared to be responsive to questions that were asked, as well as when the jets went by. yet we did not get an answer to where the star people were from. The detectors rocked !! Our star family were definitely with us the whole time, The sky was not very clear as the thunderstorm was approaching but we did see what was described as shooting stars, and the sky did open up many times. We also got pictures of brilliant orbs not visible to the naked eye. Later as many had gone to bed. two of us went out and started playing a native american drum, The drummers thought that a voice was talking with them from inside the cabin, this later proved to not be so. Also it appeared that native americans were singing in the background while the drum was being played. The presence of beings was shared with us in this way I felt a whirling display of multicolored lights as I lay down in my tent, and then remember seeing the stars as vividly and up close as possible, I think the star people with us this night were trying to show me where they were from, but I forgot. We then had a major rainstorm, and much later the coyotes and dogs started howling.. !! Peace and Oneness realization be with us all. Namaste Tom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------For the October Global CE-5, a very close friend (also my roommate) and I had a late night meditation with great success. It's been dropping below freezing here, so we had the meditation indoors. But that of course has never stopped us from connecting with our ET sisters and brothers. I had some wonderful experiences during the meditation. The profound presence of guardians, on and around our planet, is on the brink of an astonishing critical mass. If you were to gaze upon earth right now with your third eye, you would see that Gaia is utterly saturated in this divine light of love and ascension. Even if you haven't seen it yet, this unconditional love can

always be felt by allowing one's self to relax, and gently connect with the natural flow of all that is. Earlier that evening while at the gym I saw multiple beautiful, electric blue orbs hanging out with us. I'm happy to say I could feel my star friends present from the moment I woke up on Saturday. My roommate said he too was engaged with higher frequency energies and ET for most of the day. After the meditation I went outside into the frigid ambient as long as I could, but didn't spot any ships. Although, the overwhelming abundance of clear stars overhead was an amazing sight in of itself. I hope everyone else gained something positive from their experiences as well. Great love and appreciation, Steven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------A while back we were on a ce5 outing. It was a nice comfortable evening we were bundled up with hot and cold coffee and treats. We had a wonderful display in the night sky. Earlier I had walked around our area and felt the presents of our friends. Energy just coursed through my being, wave after wave through all my chakras. Half way through our three hour adventure I was drawn to the other end of the clearing we were in. I just got up and walked away from our group! As I headed off to the other end of the clearing my friend Laura came to follow me. I had left without saying anything to anyone! Laura and I headed off and as we came to the area I had been pulled to the energy from the earth was so intense. We stood alone amazed at our feelings Again waves of energy through all our chakras. I asked Laura to go and get the others. I walked a little way back as the others came to me. When I did so I passed through a barrier of energy. We gathered there I told the others what I was feeling and already we all were feeling the energy. As a group we passed back through the area I described almost everyone began to have similar experiences to my own. One of us said we were walking through walls. We ended up in a very powerful area we held hands and I felt we were surrounded my many of our friends inside a ship! One of our party began to vocalize communication she received from the ETs. What a wonderful night, thanks Kosta for a great experience. I cannot wait to go out again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kosta, This was a short but satisfying contact. After about an hour of deep meditation follow by 15 minutes of CTS (Coherent Thought Sequencing) I vectored through imaging three sequences

from deep space down to my contact site. Alone, and not yet able to remote view, I supposed that the chances for contact would be slim. The night sky was intense with northern lights, not unusual here north of the arctic circle, but these lights repeatedly formed a bulls eye or fingerprint pattern around my contact site (that is unusual). After the third vector, two lights appeared in what appeared at first to be satellites moving in opposite north south directions moving away from each other. Both however phased out after covering a few degrees of arc. I was unable to reach out mind to mind, heart to heart, but still was ecstatic they showed up. I'm optimistic and look forward to the next, hopefully closer, contact. js -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, Kosta and Group Saturday October 13, Dina and I (Tony) in Nashville, TN participated in the monthly Contact meditation. The night was relatively clear, with the faintest haze. Most stars were visible. We faced north or south. We observed two satellites (east-west and north-south) over a 2 hour period. I invited the ETs, if safe, to give us a sign they were listening and participating, a sign that Dina could also see, and that we could share with the global meditators. About 15 minutes before we finished our meditation for the night, we were both looking directly overhead. We both saw a very bright white flash, then a few seconds later (slightly different position) a fainter flash, and finally (slightly changed position) a third, fainter flash. This was clearly meant for all of us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 13, 2012, 7:14 p.m. Despite the looming gloomy clouds and spits of rain, 12 of us from Continuum X, McCall, Idaho, were in loving and light communion, a feeling of joy with a party atmosphere. Ten of our group went up Warren Wagon Road several miles to a camp ground in the Payette National Forest along the upper Payette Lake where they simply sent their intent for communion from there. Approximately 6:50 p.m. after they returned to base where myself and one other member awaited (I had been monitoring the computer E-Mails, Facebook and such as well as telephone consultations throughout the day), I was urged to go look outside. We were awed at this unusual cloud formation. It felt like a representation of a huge mother ship. The trees which have gone into mostly the dull colors of mountain foliage seemed greener than ever. The reddish look to the mountains is the first I had seen it like that even with spectacular sunsets.

This cloud stayed long enough for me to get a picture of it and then promptly began to disperse, returning the scenery to that of a typical mountain town near sunset. We thank our family for their amazing manifestation and their loving attention not only to protecting our group but also that nature which sustains us from around us. Linda Irwin Continuum X Headquarters McCall, Idaho -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, How are you, hope everything is well...Here is my report for this Month... Oct 12, at 9:00 a.m..On my I-pod, turned on tones and left I-pod playing on the upstairs porch, I went downstairs and did a meditation on my computer...Then did house cleaning....I left the tones on till 1:00 p.m... Started to get dinner ready early...Played tones again on my I-pod at 4:45 p.m, and played the CTS recording on my I-pad...Then I had dinner and about 7:30 p.m turned the tones off on the I-pod and played the Structure of the Universe recording on the Ipod...after the meditation I had turned on the Making Contact recording and read up on the CSETI working group training materials...By 9:50 p.m, I had called it a night... Oct 13, 10:00 a.m...On my I-pod, I played the tones and left it on the porch and played on my computer CTS recording...Later after my CTS, I had played the Om mani padme hum meditation to relax me, for some reason I was really tense...At 1:18 p.m, I had gone on the porch and turned the tones recording off..At 6:12 p.m I turned on the I-pod and played the tones recording and left it on, at 7:00 p.m, turned on Making Contact recording...I had gone upstairs and turned off the I-pod recording of the tones it was about 8:20 p.m, a few minutes after that the electricity had gone off, so I had to end my CE-5 Contact because of it, and set up all the candles all around the house and check on the flashlights...But I used that time to read up more of CSETI working group training materials....Well, this is my report... I really was hoping that something exciting would happen but, the electricity going out for the night, got exciting when I had to try finding things in the dark and not remembering where I had placed everything:(( crying...Anyway, Kosta you have a nice night and many blessing to you and your family... Aloha from Kula Maui Hawaii Arthurlynn Kanuha -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ET Contact report for Saturday, October 13, 2012 in southern Sweden

At home, I did a meditation in the afternoon around 5:30 PM to put attention on our global CE-5 group and did some CTS to my location for later that night. At about 8:30 PM I went out to the site outside the city limits at a spot which is pretty well-secluded and surrounded by trees, bushes and a pond. Upon arriving at the location, I sat down and started playing the field-work tones. Aside from the usual nearby urban light pollution, it was a beautiful night with Jupiter hanging in the northeast in the midst of Taurus and Auriga. I got my camera out and started taking some long-exposure flash-less shots of the area around me and the sky as well. Just after taking a photo of the sky, what looked like a meteor passed right overhead just south of the zenith. I took some more shots but didn't have anything appear on the reel. I also used my high-powered green laser to signal in pulses towards the zenith and towards other areas of the sky that were important identifiable points for me. After turning off the tones I went into a meditation, first with the use of the recorded mantra meditation, then with a silent meditation on my own. With my inner sight, I used a golden light, infused with a positive energy of peace, as a beacon sending it out to deep space and into and across the Earth. I saw this light connecting the circuits of all the global CE-5 groups engaged with this effort. I also saw this light resonate with its own tone, and in a way, giving a tune-up to the resonant frequency of the Global CE-5 community and through us to the rest of humanity. After this, I did the CTS and felt I had a lock-on with somebody up there. After zeroing in on my location mentally, I felt the need to open my eyes and send out the green laser to clarify, real quickly, where I was. After flashing the laser towards the zenith a couple of times, I saw in the North at about 30 degrees, just east of the northernmost part of Ursa Major, a stationary light appear. It stayed lit for a moment and then faded out to the point where there was no light there. It was star-like in appearance and as bright as if not brighter than the stars of the Dipper nearby. This was at about 9:30 PM and immediately I got up to get a clearer view of that area of the sky to see if a cloud might have obscured a plane or satellite or something, but there were no clouds there and the entire sky was clear. This seemed really similar to some of the lights that have been captured by CSETI on film and posted on YouTube. As I felt that this may have been contact, I sent out a thought of 'thanks!' for this manifestation of light. I stood still for a moment with my hands and third eye making a triangle, and I let myself be open to connecting to whatever ETs might be in the area and aware of what I was doing. During these few minutes, I felt very steady and centered, and although it was cold, I felt a nice buzz of energy and warmth flowing through my body. After this I decided to take a little break and have a snack, and by the time I finished eating I decided that it was cold enough for me to head back home. So I packed my things up after another glance around the sky and quickly asking for the ETs to be with me at home as I meditate and dream during the night. I started walking up the path towards the road. As I was leaving I was thinking how nice it was for them to have lit up like that even though I'm just

one person doing the protocols. I looked up to the sky just as I was thinking this and I saw in the South-West at about 40 degrees a very quick and small flash of light near Sagitta and Aquila. This flash seemed to say We're with ya! or "Roger that!" This was at 9:43 PM. ---------------- --------------------------------------I have a few things to note that I've noticed since the last Global CE-5: After last month, I found that there is a bubble in my cheap compass that I don't remember being there before. (I really don't remember analyzing whether or not there was a bubble beforehand, but at least now I know that there is one.) Another thing I noticed that is notable because it's happened two months in a row now; There is a pond nearby my field-site and I know that there are some birds that hang out there during the night. After sundown the ducks and other birds are generally very quiet. BUT - whenever I'm coming out of a deep closed-eye meditation and becoming aware of some kind of energetic shift or presence in the area nearby, I hear the ducks splashing around in the pond for an extended period of a minute or two. I feel that they may be reacting to something related to the contact being experienced. Also, I've noticed that when I do ask for contact to continue into my dream-time, I find that my dreaming is very 'intellectual' and I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I have a lot of ideas to write down. The dream-time almost feels like a kind of rehearsing for what I will further develop in thought and in writing during the next day. So in the morning after I get up I spend a good hour typing up whatever little epiphanies I've had. It nearly always relates to outlining the shifts that must be a part of this transformation towards a sustainable and enlightened civilization on Earth. (For example, this morning I wrote about how advances in breakthrough technology must also be accompanied by breakthrough advances in culture that will come about through education and the raising of awareness. I also wrote about how the current macroeconomic system can be characterized as a 'casino' culture of competition, gambling, and ignorance being enforced from the top down. Of course this system is nonsensical, dangerous and unfair to the whole of humanity and to the dignity of life itself. Now, let's continue forward with our work and create the better world our hearts tell us is possible!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Kosta, I hosted a fabulous retreat in the mountains this weekend. Everything about it was in the Divine Flow. Although we didnt have any sightings on Saturday, I had an AMAZING sighting on the Thurday evening prior to our Contact Night. I right away posted it on The CE-5 group on Facebook. Here is a copy/paste of what I reported:


Y'all !!! I just saw a jet of some kind chasing down an ET ship in my backyard! My heart is racing. I went out at 8:20pm to send out the Love and Friendship vibe to our star brothers and sisters. I saw a few nice meteorites go by but nothing unusual. As I was about to head back (5 min ago), I sent out another message to come by if it was safe to do so. Nothing. Then I got up to walk across my big backyard and I heard a loud jet coming from the west. Right in front of it and going much faster was an amber colored orb shaped light hauling ass across the sky. It turned from amber to green to yellow then it all went past my treeline to the East and was gone. Just wanted to share this. I have a good deal of contact in my backyard but have never witnessed the "chase". Peace and Godspeed to One and All, Ann Marie- Chester, VA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global CE-5, 13/10/12. Madrid (Spain). Jaime and Mario

I was joined on this occasion by a friend, Jaime, for whom it was his first ce5. We did everything indoors, and we had different experiences. As he shared, for the first time he experienced a state of clear being inside the meditation (in which he is also beginning), where he saw circular and triangular interweaveing patterns on the upper left and lower right edges of his mind's eye vision, and a general most curious feeling (in his words hard to describe). He also felt distinctly tapped on his left temple. My own exprience (Mario) was that when contact was established, something wonderful opened up. I felt like my perception and energy were being shared, and there was an extraordinary presence in the room and in my consciousness. It wasn't an individual presence, but a collective presence. I later donwloaded that I was exeriencing a link with my fellow ce5ers around the world, and also the Ets participating in this gathering, and the experience was being facilitated through the Ets. It was a most wonderful, joyous, peaceful and powerful connection. I'm not sure if Jaime was experiencing this, since he was immersed in his own experience and found it difficult to articulate in words, but I got from the Ets that they understood we were a new group and that we should just share with one another, which is what we did. The feeling of connection with the global ce5 field lasted for hours (approximately 5hrs), long after Jaime and I parted ways. Telepathically, I suggested into the field and the Ets that this link be solidified and accessible, since it represents an enormous leap forward in the strength of what we do. On the sensation level, I felt the telepathic connection with our friends which for this occasion was not specific to the features and remote viewing of an et/ets but more like a strong feeling of the presence. Also a feeling of being touched on the right arm, and a while later on the left arm. Also, during the contact experience I noticed an energetic intense heat in my sex organs for a while, which I understand has happened to other cseti ambassadors. The next day I went more

deeply into this, and did an energy healing technique to harmonize and understand this energy work on the part of the Ets. From my session I gathered that it is an energy update intended for us to propagate it into the morphogenetic field. It involves an upgrading of the mitochondria of all the cells in the body, the gonads, and intuition-extra sensory perception/intrasensory perception. After the session, which I finished a while ago, I feel the same heat all over my body (I believe its the mitochondria upgrade).

I have to say regarding this linking energetically with others, its been one of the most joyful experiences in my life. I really do hope we can build on that, its extraordinary! And I believe we have the capacity to do it.

Mario and Jaime


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