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Class Focus Skill Duration Theme Topic

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Year 3 Arif Grammar 60 minutes World of Knowledge My Neighbourhood 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.5, 3.3.2, 3.7.2, 4.1.1 By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to: 1. Differentiate the usage of next to, beside, between, behind and in front. 2. Use preposition of location (next to, beside, between, behind and in front, opposite) in a proper sentence. ICT(power point slides, sentence strips, worksheet, location map Pupils were already familiar with the locations. Preposition of location

Specifications/ : Learning standards Learning objectives:


Previous Knowledge: Language Focus :

Primary Innovations 2012

Teaching Procedures (Pre/ Presentation/ Meaning) min) Name of Activity 1. Review Vocabulary Simple questions and answers drill using picture prompts to revise vocabulary. 2. Modelling Teacher introduces the terms of Preposition of Location. Teacher demonstrates to the pupils. Teacher introduces the preposition by writing down on the board. Teacher drills the words. (While/ Practice/ Use) mins) Name of Activity Simon Says... Teacher introduces Simon Says game. Teacher calls randomly few pupils to test Simon Says in front of the class. Teacher starts the game and pupils participate. Pair work Teacher instructs pupils to get into pairs. (30 (10

Rationale For pupils better understanding.

Materials Power point slides

To involve all the pupils to participate actively in the activities

Sentence strips, location map

Primary Innovations 2012

Teacher asks one of the pair to give instructions to the partner and the other one to respond orally and vise versa. For example: Pair 1: Stand behind the chair Pair 2: responds accordingly Location Game Teacher distributes sentence strips to all the pairs. Teacher instructs one pupil to read out the sentence to the pair and the other pair to name the building on the given map. Each pair gets to take turns to complete the sentence strips by using the map as a guide. Teacher demonstrates how to do the activity. Teacher emphasises to use the sentence pattern as below. For example: Pair 1: It is behind the church. It is not the bank or the clinic. Pair 2: It is the school.

Primary Innovations 2012

(Post/ Production/ Form) minutes) Name of Activity


To test pupils understanding towards the objectives of the days lesson.


1. Written Worksheet Teacher distributes worksheet 1 to students to complete individually in given time. Teacher disscusses the answers with pupils. Pupils correct their mistakes. Teacher distributes more worksheets as homework.

Primary Innovations 2012

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