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Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec 08 / .Jan 09

Fluid Mechanics
Time 1 hr.,. Max MarksIOO
Nul c: A u:.wer FIVE fllll fJ III!Sf ious, (lf/ea.\1 TWO
fJIIestiou.vfr om eacll pari.
a. Dtfti:rcntiatc between : i) and 1'\on-Ncwtonian fluids. ii) !deal and Real
Vapour pressure and
(OR Mark.\)
tluids. iii) D)namic and Kinematic 'iscosity of flunh iv)
ca\ it;tlton
b. Derive an expression l(u capillary rise in water (04 Marks)
c. A cubical block of sides I m ami weighing 350N slides dov:n an inclined plane with J
unil(>ml velocity of l.S m/s. The inclined is !<tid on o slope uf 5 to 12
horitl>tual and has an oillilm ol l.Omm thickness. C'ulcuhttc the dynomic viscosity of oil.
2 a. l'rmc that the centre of pressure lies belo\\ the ccmrc or gra\ ity of a venic:llly immersed surface in a Sl<ltic lluid. (081\lork.\)
h l\n inverted C - tube manometer is connected to two horizontal pipes A and B through
wh1ch water is flowing. The vertical distance bet\\ccn lbc axes of these pipes IS '10cm.
When an oil (S = 0.8) is used as n gauge Iluid, the bcight of water columns in the
two limbs of the invettcd manometer (when measured lh..1m the respective lines of
thl' arc found to be same and equal to 35cm. the difference of pressure
he tween the pipes. Pipe B is lying below the pip<: A (08 Murk.\)
c ,\ m.:tall1c body floalo; at the 111tcrface ofmercUI) (S 11.6) and water such that 30% ol its
volume is suhmcrgcd in mercury and remaining in water Estimate the of the metal

3 a Prnvc that the equipotentialltncs and the stream lines are intersect orthogonal!}
(06 Murks)
b. Oivcn th<: velocity field. V 5x
1 l5x
yj. obtain the cq.uation or the streamlines. For the
nbtwc g1vcn velocity (icld, for the continuity and irrotalionality. (M "'rks)
I he 'clocity pokntial function is !.t" en by the expression. = -

- x
1) hnd the velocity components in x andy din:clions.
11) <;ho\\ that 4nepresents a possible case of flo\\ .
\ }' 2
3 ty
(06 1\tarlu)
4 a. Whnt do you mean by : i) Geomctne similarity ii) Kinematic similarity iii) Dynamic
sim1lttriry iv) Dimensional homogeneity. Morkl
b. The thrust (T) of a propeller is assumed to depend on thc <txial vdocity of the lluid (V). the
drn,ity (fl) and viscosity (I!) of lluid, the rotational speed (N) rpm, and lbc diameter of the
propclkr (IJ). Find the relationship lbr T by using dimensional analysis. ( 10 Marks)
c. ,\ model of an air duct operating with water produces a pre,sure drop of 101..1'\fm' O\'Cr
10m length If the scale ratio is 1150. pw = 1000 kg!m
, Pa - 1.2 kgtm
0 001 P.-s.
0.00002 P. s. estimate the corresponding pressure drop in a 20m long air duct
(06 Marks)
I of2

S a. Derive equation of motion along <l stream line and hence obtain the Bernoulli's
equation for incompressible tluids. (0(
b. Using the Euler's equation of motion. derive the Bernoulli's cqunllon for a compress1blc
fluid under going i) Isothermal process and ii) Adiabatic process. (06
c. A conical tube is lixed venicall) With us small end upwards. V clocuy of flow dov.'ll the
tube is 4.5m's at the upper end and 1.5m
s at the lower end. Tube is I.Sm long and the
pressure at the upper end is 2-t.3 kPa (ab). Loss in the tube expressed as head is
0.3 ( Vt V )
'2g, where V 1 and V l arc the velocities of flmd (S 0 8) tlow at the upper
and lower ends respectively. What is the pressure head at the lower end? (OR Mark\)
(, a. Derive an e"prcssinn for the actual discharge through orilice meter. (08 Mark11
b. Water is lLl be supphcd to a town or 4 lakhs inhabitants. The reservOir is 6.4 km away from
the town and the loss of head due to frictum IS measured as 15m. Calculate the s1zc of the
supply main if each mhabitant consumes 180 litrcs of water per day and half of the tbily
supply is pumped is l! hour. Take the coefficient ofliiction for the pipe. 0.0075.
c. 1\ vcmurimcter is tn be mstallcd in a li!Onun pipeline hori/ont:lll} at a section v.herc the
pressure II 0 kPn (gauge). If the muxlmum tlow rate of water 111 the pipe: is 0 15m
lind the least diameter of the throat so that the at the throat does not fall he low 80
(varuum). that 4% of the diflerential head is lost between inlet and the throal
(06 \lark\)
7 a. Derive Hagen Poiseuille equation for a laminnr flow in a circular tube. (10 \llrk<l
b. W<llcr at 15C llows between two large parallel plates at a distance of 1.6mm apan.
Determine i) the maximum velocity ii) pressure drop per unit length and iii) shear
stress at the walls of the if the average velocity is 0.2 m/s, The viscosity of water at
!5(' is giwn as ().()I poise. (tO Mnrk<)
II a. We knov. thnt the velocity oC sound wave is the square rout llf the ratio of change of
pressure to the change t>l density of a l101d. Using this definition. derive the ..:xprcssion' llll'
a vcloctty of sound 10 a fluid \\hen it undergoes 11 process i) Isothermal and
ii) Reversible adiabatic. (01ol\1orl..\)
b. Define fol11ming and write their equations:
ii) I dt
iii) thickness
iv) Mmncntum thickness. (0< Murk<)
c. A man to the ground from :.111 aeroplane with the help of a parachute wh1ch is
hemispherical havlllg a diameter of 4m the resistance of air with a unifoml velodty
of 25m/s. Find the weight of the man if the \\cil!.ht of rarachute is 9.81 N, Take Cu - 0.6

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