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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Minor Research Project A comparative study on employeeS job satisfaction IN AKP FOUNDRIES (P) LTD
By : Mr. Nagaraj.B.Nayak



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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


BIRDS B.S.W. College P.G. Dept of Studies in Social Work Tukkanatti. Tq: Gokak Dist: Belgaum
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION IN AKP FOUNDRIES(P)LTD. is research work completed by Mr. NAGARAJ.B.NAYAK during the block placement training at AKP FOUNDRIES(P)LTD,BELGAUM for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Social work, Karnataka University Dharwad
Mr.S.M. Jiralimath Dr. (Smt) V B. Pai Co-ordinator of BIRDS B.S.W Chairperson College P.G.Dept of studies in Dept of studies in social Social work ,Tukkanatti work.K U Dharwad

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker



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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

This is to state that the titled EMPLOYEES JOB SATISFACTION IN AKP FOUNDRIES(P) LTD. Is based on the original work carried by me during the block placement AKP FOUNDRIES(P) LTD BEKGAUM, and submitted to BIRDS B.S.W. College and P.G.Department of Studies in social work Tukkanatti, Karnataka University Dharwad for the award of the degree of MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK.

I also declare that this study has not been submitted either in full study has not been submitted either in full or in part of any other university.

Place- Tukkanatti Date Mr .Nagaraj .B.Nayak M.S.W 4th SEMESTER BIRDS B.S.W. College And P.G.Department of studies In social work Tukkanatti

Birds MSW college Tukkanatti

Job satisfaction among foundries worker

I express my sincere thanks to Mr.s.m.Jirlimath Coordinator Birds M.S.W. College for their guidelines and technical advice for every step of research.

I heartly thanks to our research guide Miss Ashwini Shetty for their career guidelines of research and supported or reason to success my research.

I personally thanks to all my M.S.W. Staff and akp foundries staff for their advice to research and support to hole process of research.

My special thanks to all respondents who is responded answer to my research question and for their valuable time spend with us sincerely.

I especially thanks to those who are supported directly and indirectly to me. This is dedicated to all my family members and M.S.W. lecturers and all my friends for their advice and encouragement.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

Capter No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Name of the topic

Introduction. Industrial profile Research methodology. Data analyses and interpretation. Findings and suggestion. Conclusion.& Questionnaire Bibliography

Page number

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

Chapter I

Theoretical Review of Literature.

INTRODUCATION Job satisfaction describes has content on individual in with his or job. The happier people are within this job, the more satisfied they are said to be job satisfaction in not the same on motivation although it is only clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction & performance methods include the job rotation job employment and job enrichment. Other influences on job satisfaction include the management style and attune employs involvement empowerment and autonomous work groups job satisfaction is a very impenitent attribute which is Frequently measured by the origination. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales were employees report their reactions to their job question relate to rate of pay work responsibilities, variety of tasks promotional opportunities the date itself and co-workers some questions are yes or no questions while others are to rate satisfaction on 1-5 seale (where 1 represents not at all satisfied and 5 represents extremely satisfied) In each country the participating work place included both private and state owned organization retail and manufacturing organization & small and large scale organization. To facilitate souses full completion of the project organization responsible for Security either at the local or national level were not included in the study. Altogether more than 5,800 employees participated in the survey project Table 1 submerges the basic characteristics of the participating employees by country

Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job an affective reaction to ones job and an attitude towards ones job. Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.

Scope Of the Problem

Executive Briefing:
The objective here is to report job satisfaction results from an employee survey conducted between 2005 and 2007 in four formerly socialist economies: Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, with a focus on gender and generational differences in response patterns. Personal contacts, the currency used to achieve objectives in formerly socialist economies, dictated the survey locations. Foreign scholars, part of a mentoring program that involved training in survey research, became the local project coordinators; so by default, the project locations included: Ufa, Russia; Yerevan, Armenia; Almaty and Taldyquorgan, Kazakhstan; and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. While a single location cannot possibly capture the population or workforce diversity in the country, for convenience, I refer to country name when discussing results.

Satisfied with job % Satisfied with my work on this job Mean age (Years) Young (% of Total) Older (% of Total) Women (% of Total) Mean education (Year) Men Job Time (Year) Unemployed (% of Total) Supervisor (% of Total) Employed in Soe (% of Total) Employed in Mfg (% of Total) Observations Year of serve a= les then 21 years in 1992 b = More than 40 years in 1992

Russia 62.8 65.4 38.8 38.8 14.2 40.8 14.9 9.6 21.5 43.9 50.8 29.2 1111 2005

Armenia 56.9 54.7 37.6 45.3 12.6 56.5 15.1 6.5 28 36.2 30.4 23.9 1509 2005

Kazakhstan 64.8 61.8 33.6 59.8 4 52.6 14.6 5 41.9 47.5 24 31.3 2179 2005

Kyrgyzstan 63.3 65.8 37.1 50.1 15.5 63.1 14.3 7 37.9 33.1 70.1 2.1 1004 2007

All 62.1 61.3 36.3 47.7 14.4 59 14.8 6.7 31.9 40.7 39 23.8 5803

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne studies. These studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed. This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction. Scientific management (aka Taylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylors 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management, argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly wages. The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction. It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylors work. Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories

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Models of job Satisfaction

Affect Theory Edwin A. Lockes Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/arent met. When a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesnt value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of a particular facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet. Dispositional Theory Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of ones job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Selfevaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine ones disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of selfesteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in ones own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one

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has control over her\his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction
Measuring job satisfaction

There are many methods for measuring job satisfaction. By far, the most common method for collecting data regarding job satisfaction is the Likert scale (named after Rensis Likert). Other less common methods of for gauging job satisfaction include: Yes/No questions, True/False questions, point systems, checklists, and forced choice answers. This data is typically collected using an Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) system. The Job Descriptive Index (JDI), created by Smith, Kendall, & Hulin (1969), is a specific questionnaire of job satisfaction that has been widely used. It measures ones satisfaction in five facets: pay, promotions and promotion opportunities, coworkers, supervision, and the work itself. The scale is simple, participants answer either yes, no, or cant decide (indicated by ?) in response to whether given statements accurately describe ones job. The Job in General Index is an overall measurement of job satisfaction. It is an improvement to the Job Descriptive Index because the JDI focuses too much on individual facets and not enough on work satisfaction in general. Other job satisfaction questionnaires include: the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS), and the Faces Scale. The MSQ measures job satisfaction in 20 facets and has a long form with 100 questions (five items from each facet) and a short form with 20 questions (one item from each facet). The JSS is a 36 item questionnaire that measures nine facets of job satisfaction. Finally, the Faces Scale of job satisfaction, one of the first scales used widely, measured overall job satisfaction with just one item which participants respond to by choosing a face.

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Occupational stress: The results obtained above show significant decreases in the mean stress score could be seen from young adult group to late middle age. The t values obtained in the table 1 show significant difference between young adults (25-35 yrs.) and those in early middle age (36-45 yrs.) and late middle age (46-60 yrs.). Young adults were The issue of job satisfaction, what it is and why it is important, brings with it a great deal of research and opinion accompanied by a vast store of written material. However , the topic j ob satisfaction lacks clarity and is sometimes controversial. The term job satisfaction is understood to mean everything from making all aspects of a job easy for employees to making the job meaningful, significant and challenging. Research on the importance of job satisfaction can be equally confusing with some research clearly indicating no correlation between job satisfaction and job effectiveness while other research indicates there is a definite connection between the two. The likely reason for this confusion, beyond a lack of understanding on the topic, is that all factors associated with job satisfaction are not understood, agreed upon, measured or correlated. Moreover, all the factors contributing to employee motivation and effectiveness are not captured in any one of the single ambiguous concepts of job satisfaction. Thus, much of the qualitative research has not been verified by qualitative data. Research conducted by Schleicher, Watt and Greguras (2004) indicates that individuals with identical responses to questions on job satisfaction often possess entirely different behaviors relating to job performance. Additionally, differing factors relating to job satisfaction hold varying degrees of importance to individuals. Thus, a proven model showing the relationship between job satisfaction and performance has been elusive despite the vast quantity of qualitative data supporting the relationship. These issues are very complex and have simply not been fully deciphered by researchers.

Dispositional Theory Some of the theories relating to job satisfaction may further illustrate the complexity of the issue and help the understanding of how management may positively affect job performance through job satisfaction. The first theory is the dispositional theory. The idea that people who are happy in life are happy in their job is called the dispositional theory and there is significant research to support this idea. Heller(2002) connects three behavioral theories to aid in the

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understanding of the dispositional theory. These three theories include research on positive affectivity and negative affectivity, the big five personality attributes and core self evaluations. Positive affectivity is a personality characteristic described as high energy, enthusiastic and pleasurable engagement while negative affectivity is a personality type characterized as distressed, unpleasurable engagement and nervousness (Heller, 2002). Research has shown that people with positive affectivity are happier in their work and happier in life than those with negative affectivity. The big five personality attributes introduced by Goldberg (1990) have a near consensus agreement from behavioral experts as the comprehensive personality taxonomy. According to Heller (2002) these five traits include: extraversion (or surgency), neuroticism (or emotionalist ability ) , a g r e e a b l e n e s s , conscientiousness, and openness (or culture). Research has shown a strong correlation between these five factors and job satisfaction. The third facet of dispositional theory, core self evaluation theory, developed by Judge, Locke, and Durham (1997) is gaining acceptance as a model for determining job satisfaction and job performance. Core self evaluation theory has four facets i n c l u d i n g : s e l f - e s t e e m , generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability (low neuroticism). This theory again links personality attributes and practices with motivation, job satisfaction and job performance. All three dispositional theories recognize the connection between job satisfaction, motivation and performance but focus on the attributes of the person entirely. Thus, the dispositional theory suggests that some people will be satisfied, motivated and high performing at work regardless of how poorly managed while other people will not be happy no matter how great an organization. However, the data indicates that despite the correlation, personality can only explain less than half of the level of job satisfaction. This tells us that there are likely some elements within organizational control which can affect employee job satisfaction. Hygiene Theory Fredrick Hertzberg developed the hygiene theory on job satisfaction and employee motivation which can tie the principles of the disposition theory together with the influence management has on job satisfaction, performance and motivation. According to Herzberg (1974) there are two factors relating to satisfaction and motivation in the workplace; satisfiers and dissatisfies. Satisfiers relate to the content of the work such as achievement, recognition for achievement,

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interesting work, increased responsibility, growth, and advancement. Herzberg (1974, p18). Dissatisfies are related to how employees are treated and include such items as company policy and administration practices , supervision , interpersonal relationships, working conditions, salary, status, and security. Herzberg (1974, p18). If we combine this theory with the

disposition theory we can more clearly see a model for job satisfaction in which some satisfaction or dissatisfaction is inherent in the nature of each individual worker, some satisfaction comes from the content of the work and some dissatisfaction comes from the way they are treated. Managers have some influence on the level of satisfaction by fostering achievement, recognizing achievement, making the work interesting, giving employees responsibility and providing for opportunities for growth and advancement. More importantly, m angers can create dissatisfaction with inequitable pay, poor company personal policies, working conditions or job security. The importance of each of these job dissatisfies relates to the frequency it occurs and the intensity of the shortfall. In other words a policy that treats employees poorly every day is a bigger dissatisfies than a policy which treats them poorly only once per month. Moreover, the severity of the dissatisfies affects the importance of that dissatisfies. Therefore, if pay is at such a level that people cannot meet their basic needs, then pay would overshadow all other dissatisfies
and eclipse job satisfiers. How do you improve on job

satisfaction? Now that you may

have a feel for the complexity of the issue you may better understand how improving job satisfaction in your organization can be an illusive goal. The first step in improving job satisfaction might be to hire people who are satisfied with their life. This step should be fairly easy if you are hiring Christians who are putting Christ at the center of their lives. One school superintendent who led a school certified as a Best Christian Workplace told his staff that he wanted people who wanted to work at the school, liked the kids and were happy with the work. If they were not happy then they owed it to themselves to move on and find a job where they were happy. This might not have been the singular policy making this school a great place to work, but the job satisfaction theories certainly support the idea that this policy would have a significant impact on the overall positive culture of the workplace. Of course there is more management must do to make a great workplace. Management must minimize dissatisfies and maximize satisfiers. Although there is not a single instrument developed to measure and guide management in creating a satisfied workforce, the Best Christian Workplace survey

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provides some excellent insights. Taking a look at the survey instrument, we see there are several questions in the survey which are lagging indicators of job satisfaction. These lagging

indicators include:
1) I would rate my organization as an exceptional place to work. 2 All in all, I am satisfied with my job. 3 In general, I like working for this organization

6) Legal enactment on Issue.

Apprentices Act: The main purpose of the Act in to provide practical training to technically qualified persons in various trades the objective is promotion of new skilled manpower. The scheme is also extended to engineers and diploma holders. The act applies to area and industries on notified by central government (section 1 (4) )

Obligation of EmployerEvery employees is under obligations to take apprentices in prescribed ratio of the skilled workers in his employment in different trades (section 11) in every trade, there will be reserved places for schedules castes and schedule tribes (section 3A) Ratio of trade apprentices to workers shall be determined be central goat employer can engage more number of apprentice than prescribed minimum (section 8) The employer has to make arrangement for practical training of apprentices (section 9)employer will pay stipends to apprentices at pressurized rates if employee are less than 250. 50% of cast is shared by goat if employer is employing more than 250 workers. he has to bear full cost of training. Who can be apprentice should be of minimum age 14 years and he should satisfy the standard of education and physical fitness as prescribed (section 3). Duration of Training: duration of training period and ratio of apprentices to skilled workers for different trades has been prescribed in Apprenticeship Ruler 1991 Duration of Apprenticeship may be from 6 months to 4 years depending on the trade, an prescribed In rules. period of training is determined by national council for training in vocational trades (established by goat of India)

Legal position apprentices:

As apprentices is not a workman during apprentices training (section 18) provision of a lobar law like bones. PF ESI act. Gratuity, industrial dispute Act etc. are not applicable to him however provision of factories act regarding health safety and welfare will apply to him.

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Apprentice is also entitled to get compensation from employee for employment injury (section 16) An employee in under no obligation to employee the apprentice after compaction of apprenticeship (section 22(1))however in op state road transport coupon v up pariah enigma shack Beranger sang Air 1995 sc 1114 - 1995 2scc 1t was held that other things being equal, a trained appurtenance should be given preference over direct recruits at was also held that he need hot be sponsored by the coursed institute should maintain a list of persons already trained and in between be given in up rajya vidyat parished v state of up 2000 869 (sc).

Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition Act 1970.)

Purpose of the act in to regular employee of contract labour and to provide for a abolition of contract labour in certain cases.

Establishment to which Act applier.

The act in applicable to every establishment in which 20 or more workman are employed as contract labour as were so employed any time during last 12 month section 1(3)(a)) at will not apply to establishment where work of an intermittent al casual nature 5 performed (selection 1 (5)(a).

Contract labour.
A workman n deemed to be employed an contract labour in as n relation to work of the establishment it he in hired for such work by al through a contractor, with as without knowledge of principle employee (section 2 (1)(6) Corrector. The act appliance to every corrector who employee 20 or more workman (1 (3)6)) The contractor sill be likened (section 12) contractor in required to maintain muster roll and register of wages (section 29) He in required to follow other provision an my be contained in ruler made by appropriate Govt. contractor in regarded to pay wages to workman on line in presence of authorized representative of signature as there impression on wage register it contract fails to make payment can wages principle Employee in riable to make payment of wages to contract labor he can recover this amount from contract contractor in require to provide canteen facilities, first aid , rest rooms, drinking water, latrines and washings facilities an per rules made by state Govt (section 16 & 17)

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Employees Provident funds & misc provisions Act 1952 & The schemes.

Any person who 5 employed for work of an established as employed through contractor in as connection with the work of an establishment

*every establishment which in factory engaged in which 20 as more persons are employed. *Any other establishment employee 20 as more persons which central Govt may by notification specialty in thin half *Any establishment employing even less than 20 persons can be covered voluntarily u/s 1cu) of the act.

Employees covered enjoy a befit of social security in the farm of an unattachable and un with draw able (except in severely restricted ciroemstanees like buying house. Marriage 1 education etc) finanest egg to which employees and employees court 6ute equality throughout the covered persons employment This some is payable normally on retirement or death other bluefish mle employees pension scheme end employees Deposits linked insurance scheme.

Clarification about contribution :

After revision in wage siling, from Rs.5000 to 6500 WEF 1-6-2001 per month the govt will coalmine to contribute 1-167-up to the actual wage of maximum as. 6500 1 month towards employees pension scheme the employees scheme in the pension scheme will be Rs.541 w e f 1.6.2001 under employees Deposits linked insurance scheme the contribution a)0.50% in required to be paid up to a maximum limit of Rs 6500.

Penal provision:
Liable to be arrested without warrant being a cognizable offence.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Default by employer in paying contribution as inspection / distraction. Charge attract imprisonment up to 3 years and lines up to rs 10.000(s.14) for any retrospective with damage up to 100% of arenas

EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE Act 1948 Applicability of the Act &

In extended in area wise to factories using power and employing was more person and to man power using manufacturing units and establishment employing 20 or more person up to rs 75000/- per month w e f I 4-2004 it has also been extended up on shops, hole restaurant road motor transport undertaking equipment main ten staff in hospital. To be deemed as wages

Basic pay Dearness allowance House rent allowable Over time wages (but not to be taken into account for determining the coverage of an employee) Payment for day of rest Production in centime Bonus other than statuary bonus Night shift allowance Payment for unsubstantiated holidays Meal 1 food allowance suspense allowance Lay off impanation Children education allowance.

Benefits : To the employees under the act Medical, sickness extended sickness for certain diseases enshrined sickness, dependent maturity 6.esides feral expenses rehabilitation allowance medical 6 benefits to insured person and his or less spouse.

Contribution period

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1st April to 30th September 1st October to 31st march

FACTORIES ACT 1948Applicability of the act Any premises whereon 10 more persons with the aid of power al 20 or more workers are were without aid of power working on any days preceding 12 months where in manufacturing process in being carried on. Employer to ensure health of workers pertaining to Clean lines Dispose of wastes and effluent ventilation and temperature dust and fume over eroding artificial humidification lighting Drinking Water spittoons.

Safety Measures.

Facing of machinery. Work on near machinery in motion Employment prohibition of young persons on dangerous machines Stinking gear and devices for carting off power Self acting machines Casing of new machinery Prohibition of Employment of womens and children near cotton openers. Working Hours spread over & over time of Adult. Weekly hours not more then us Daily hours not more than 9 hours Intervals for rest at least hour on working for 5 hours Spread hours not more then 10 hours Over tapping shift prohibited Extra wages for over time double than normal rate of wages. Restrictions on employment of women before 6 am and beyond 7 pm.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Employment of young persons Prohibition of employment of young children e g 14 year non Adult workers to carry tokens. E g certificate of fitness. Working hours for childrens not more then 4 hrs & not permitted to work during urgent shift.

Welfare Measures
washing facility facilities for staring and drying clothing facilities for setting first aid appeals one first aid box not less then every 150 workers shelters rest rooms and lunch rooms when there are 150 or more workers crches when there are 30 or more women workers Welfare office when there are 500 or more workers


Objective of Act To protect the dignity of mother hood and the dignity of a new persons birth by providing for the full and healthy maintenance for child at this important time when she is not working.

Coverage of the Act Upon all women employees either employed directly or through curator except domestic women employees employed in mines factories plantation and also in other reestablishment it the state Govt decided to apply thin act to women employees in shop and commercial establishment they also will get the benefit of thin Act Bihar Punjab, Haryana, west Bengal, up Orissa & authors have done so.

Condition for eligibility of benefit

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Ten week before the date of her excepted delivery, she may ask the employer to give her light work for a month At that time she should produce a certificate that she is pregnant. She should give written notice to the employer about seven week full the date of her delivery that she will be absent for six weeks before and after her delivery she should also name the person to whom payment will be made in case she can net take at her self. She should take the payment for the first six week before she given to leave Their employer cannot discharge her or change her conditional of service while she is on materiel leave. Cash Benefits

leave with average six week before the delivery leave with average pay for six weeks after the delivery A medical bonus of 25 it the employer does not provide free medical call to the women. An additional leave with pay op to the month it the women shows proof of it nests due to the pregnant I delivery, miscarrying or premature birth in care of miscarrying six week leave with average pay from the date of miscarrying.


Objective of the Act To provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employment Minimum rate of wages Such as basic rate of wages etc. variable DA and value of other wineskins etc. Fixing House for normal working shall constitute a normal working day inclusive of one or more specified laterals To provide for a day of rest in every period of seven days with remuneration To provide for payment for work on a day of rest at a rate not then the over time rate.

Fixation of minimum rates of wages the appropriable government to fix minimum rates of wages the employees employed in par alas of schedule either at 2 or either part of notification U/s 27. To make review at such intervals not exceeding five years the minimum rates or so fixed and revised the minimum rates government can also minimum wages for Time work piece work at piece rate Piece work for the purpose of security to such employees on a time work basic

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Overtime done by employees for piecework or time rate workers.

Impact of the Problem

Research indicates that employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to stay with their employers. According to this survey, 86% of employees indicated overall satisfaction with their current position, with 41% of employees reporting they were very satisfied. Whats more, majority of employees (58%) reported that the current economic climate has not made any difference in their level of satisfaction and this is good news for employers, especially during the economically challenging time. It is not surprising that during the current economic downturn, which some have compared to the 1929 Great Depression, employees selected job security for the second consecutive year as the most important aspect of their job satisfaction. It was also at the top of HR professionals list this year for the first time. Benefits, compensation/pay, opportunities to use skills and abilities and feeling safe in the work environment rounded off employees top five very important job satisfaction contributors nearly identical to the top five of 2008. Factors that were not strongly connected to employees overall job satisfaction were organizations commitment to a green workplace, networking, career development opportunities, paid training and tuition reimbursement programs, and organizations commitment to
professional development.

Other noteworthy findings include the following: Employees whose organizations had been somewhat affected by the current financial crisis were more satisfied overall with their current jobs compared with employees whose organizations had been greatly affected by the recession. Nearly three out of 10 employees were very satisfied with their compensation pay.

The most common methods companies used to measure and monitor employee job satisfaction were exit interviews, feedback from employees performance reviews, speaking with employees on an individual basis, tracking turnover data and conducting employee attitude surveys. What Do These Findings Mean for Employers? Conduct Environmental Scanning:

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The external forces or trends that affect the organization is an integral part of the organizations strategic plan. Through a process called environmental scanning, organizations systematically gather and analyze all relevant data about external opportunities and threats that may affect them at present and in the future. Examples of external forces include changing demographics, economic conditions, emerging marketplaces, advances in technology and increased global competition. Organizations can then use these data to evaluate their mission/vision, develop goals and develop/train employees.

Review of Similar Research

Job satisfaction influences a firms bottom line understanding factors contributing to job satisfaction improves firm performance. Studies conducted in developed market economies and formerly socialist economies show that the majority of workers report themselves satisfied with their job. Many factors contributing to job satisfaction are the same across countries, and quite surprisingly do not hinge solely on pay or hours of work. Numerous job attributes, worker characteristics and workplace environment contribute to job satisfaction. Expectations of receiving a desired reward are clearly important. While additional pay might not be an option, understanding that job security or the opportunity to learn new skills or the friendliness and respect of co-workers is important does illuminate ways that workplace conditions and policies might be configured to enhance job satisfaction. Sources of managerial stress have been well documented since the late 1970s. Ivancevich and Matteson (1980) identified four categories of work stressors: physical environment, individual level (amixer of role and career development variables), group level (primarily relationship-based) and organizational level (a mixture of climate, structure, job design and task characteristic) Schuler (1982) also identifies seven categories of work stressors in organizations: job qualities, relationships, organizational structure, physical qualities, career development, change and role in the organization. Quick and Quick (1984) proposed four categories of stressors: task demands, physical demands and interpersonal demands. Stress is involved in an environmental situation that perceived as presenting demand which threatens to exceed the persons capabilities and resources for meeting it, under conditions where he or she expects a substantial differential in the rewards and costs from meeting the demand versus not meeting it (Mc Grath, 1976). From the documented evidence, it is clear that

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as far as work life is concerned extreme stress is so aversive to employees that they will try to avoid it by withdrawing either psychologically (through disinterest or lack of involvement in the job etc.) Physically (frequent late coming, absenteeism, lethargy etc.) or by leaving the job entirely (Beehr and Newman, 1978). It predisposes the individual to develop several psychosomatic illness, in contrast, the absence of extreme stress would result in more satisfied, happy, healthy and effective employees. However, the stress one experiences in the job vary from mild to severe depending ones physiological, psychological and social make up (French and Caplan, 1970, Margolis et al., 1974., Miller 1960 and Wardwell et al., 1964). Stressors at the individual level have been studied more than any other category. Role conflicts, role ambiguity, role overload and under load, is widely examined individual stressors (Mc Grath 1976; Newton and Keenan, 1987). It is also reported by many researchers that the low job satisfaction was associated with high stress (Hollingworth et al., Abdul Halim, 1981; Keller et al., 1975; Leigh et al, 1988). Age can be explained in the terms, that the individuals matured personality disposition related to the attainment of developmental tasks specific to each developmental tasks specific to; each developmental phase and its influence on individuals perception of the situations as stressful or otherwise. Several researchers reported that in industrial setting job satisfaction and job involvement increases with age and as a result occupational stress would decreases (Cherrington, 1979) in view of dearth of conclusive studies about whether the same this is true with the teachers at different age levels in India, the present study was conducted.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Chapter No II COMPANY PROFILE Introduction

Founded in 1978, AKP Foundries rapidly became the leader of high quality Ductile and Gray Iron castings. They are a TS 16949 company. Their company distinguishes itself by its high level performances in the precision Ductile and Gray iron casting industry because of their team work, meticulous quality control, optimum production capacity, better skills of their technicians and specialized engineers and also their state of the art equipment. One of the major advantages is that AKP Foundries has an in-house sophisticated CNC and conventional machine shop. They are capable of providing the castings in finished condition. Their investment in Research & Development is well known and along with universities, allied industry partners and other sources, they seek to identify, develop, and more importantly, apply new and improved technologies in order to produce the evolving specifications of their clients.

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Management in an industrial environment which is in perpetual change, demands flexibility, that is why at AKP Foundries, they have given themselves the mission to precise their productivity,

quality and innovations and thus without forgetting to turn their undivided attention to their skills, constant quality of product, efficient service and all with respecting delivery delays.


Mr. B K Bhandare and Dr. D Pharmikar established AKP Foundries in the year 1978. Earlier both used to work in Kirloskar Bros. With the great vision both started the company as a small-scale unit with around about 90 employees.

Initially the company adopted a traditional method of casting named Cupola Method for the production process, which was time consuming and had low capacity of production.

The company has adopted a new technique of production named Furnace Method for the production process in the year 1990. This method has high production capacity of around about 500 Kgs. A latest technique has been adopted to identify quality of products and raw materials through spectrometer.

Mr. R B Bhandare joined the company as a Chief Executive in 1985. Pride to join AKP he was working as a metallurgist in Mysore Kirloskar Bros in Harihar and promoted Birds MSW college Tukkanatti

Job satisfaction among foundries worker as Joint Managing Director in 2000. Mr. Paraj Bhandare joined the company as a Chief Executive in 2002 and was promoted as Joint Managing Director in 2005.


Infrastructure Facilities
1. Two storey building administration office and laboratory with corporate look 2. Production line beside corporate office, which include a. Canteen facility b. Shelter, rest rooms and dining hall c. Purified drinking water, lighting facility to avoid stress & strain to the eyes of the workers. 3. Exhaust fun, and maintained open space to get used of natural resources.

AKP Foundries (P) Ltd will maintain a path of sustained growth by responding proactively to new market opportunities and consumer needs. They will continue to harness emerging technology to match global technology standards. In our pursuit of growth, they will remain totally committed to quality and customers satisfaction.

Efficiency in production Up gradation of technology in work of changing technological need. To provide better salary and welfare facilities to Employees. Being the best in customer satisfaction. Creating a diverse, global culture.

AKP Group Profile

AKP Group was established in 1978. The main activities are Foundry, CNC machining, Trading in Foundry raw material and other ancillaries relating to the foundry industry.

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The AKP Group consists of the following companies:

AKP Foundries (P) Ltd. AKP Ferrocast (P) Ltd. Belgaum CNC (P) Ltd. Integral Alpha (P) Ltd. Vishal Traders.

Objectives of AKP
The basic objective of AKP Foundries is customer satisfaction by improved products at regular intervals as per requirement of the customer. Better service with standard quality at lower price is the motto of the company. The company aims at becoming a leader in the foundry industry by producing larger amount of Gray Iron and Ductile Castings at lower price without affecting quality and by earning new customers and which in turn needs in increasing their profit both at domestic market and international market.

Research and Development

They constantly seek to identify, develop and apply new and improved technology in order to produce the evolving specifications of their customer. With this view AKP is working in collaboration with various research institutions and allied industry partners. AKP today makes use of modern simulation tools for methoding and other research activities. They work closely with their Customers' Technical Team right from the initial stage of development of the Product in the following ways:
Reduce the weight of the product Help in better design Reducing cost System integration

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Quality Quality Policy

We at AKP Group of Companies are committed to enhance the satisfaction of all stake holders by manufacturing cost effective products by implementing the best practices in all areas of operations. We are also committed towards building a safe and healthy environment through effective implementation and continual improvement of the management systems.

AKP Foundries is certified by TUV for the following. ISO 9001:2000 & ISO/TS 16949:2002 Company certified by TUV Suddeutschland, Germany. AD 2000-Merkblatt WO/PED by RWTUV Essen, Germany.

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Quality Objectives
Achieving best performance rating from customers aiming at fullest customer satisfaction. Minimizing wastage and rejection levels to optimize the cost. Upgrading technology. Employee development through continuous training.

Products and Markets/ Capabilities and Services Products

Manifolds Valve bodies Bearing caps SiMo parts Compressor parts

Engines/power generation Compressors Valve components Separating Technology Construction mining

Capabilities and Services Capabilities

o Castings weights, 5 kgs (11 lbs) to 180 kgs (400 lbs) per piece

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker o Box sizes o o 600mm*700mm*(300mm+300) 1100mm*800mm*700mm


Core making: shell & cold box Moulding process: green sand

Ductile Iron (Nodular Iron/Spheroid graphite iron/SG Iron) & Gray Iron Castings, Silicon Moly alloyed Castings (SiMo). CNC Machining (HMC/VMC/Turning Centres) High Tech Inspection Facilities (All equipments including CMM) Painting (all types) Heat Treatment

Area of Operation
AKP has its presence in national as well as in global market. The esteemed domestic customers are:

Customers (India)
Atlas Copco Cummins India Wartsila India Crane Process Flow Technologies L&T Komatsu Intervalve India Eicher Motors York Refrigeration Alfa Laval Caterpillar

Customers (Export)
Atlas Copco, Belgium Wartsila, Finland Eaton Corp, USA Cummins, UK Aasted Mikroverk Aps, Denmark Exporting to other customers in Europe & USA.

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Future Plans
To achieve increase in productivity every year by 5-10% to meet the target of 4200 Tons/annually by 2009. Increase in productivity by way of adding latest machinery, using correct technology and automation for proper utilization of manpower. To give maximum emphasize on quality, both at foundry stage and customer end by adopting good system and satisfy the customer by supplying 100% components in time at competitive price. Supply maximum number of components direct online. Having basic infrastructure as above, company plans to get into collaboration or joint venture of any product for home market and worldwide. Company has purchased additional land of 50000 sq. mtrs. for expansion of a new foundry, Ferrocast. Construction has started and the production will begin by the month of March- April 2009.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker



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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Production Department
Production is the functional area responsible for turning inputs into finished outputs through a series of production processes. The Production Manager is responsible for making sure that raw
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materials are provided and made into finished goods effectively. He or she must make sure that work is carried out smoothly, and must supervise procedures for making work more efficient and more enjoyable.

The production department further consists of six small departments that are essential to carry out the production.

Moulding Department: Objectives: Large number of boxes to be moulded. Reduce rejection percentage. Process management responsibility: Birds MSW college Tukkanatti

Job satisfaction among foundries worker Production manager. Moulding supervisor. Input required: Daily scheduled plan given by the planning department. Raw materials. Pattern. Metal required for the production of casting.


In moulding department there are two types viz.: Machine moulding. Hand moulding. Activities carried out: Preparation of sand as per the work instruction set by the department in charge. If required any hollow is made in casting. Output: Achievement of objectives. Ok mould as per control plan. Required records to be maintained by moulding in charge people.

Melting Department: Objectives: To give a required quality of material as per control limits to achieve product quality. To increase the productivity. Optimal utilization of electricity. Process management responsibility: Melting in charge.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker Melting supervisor. Input required: Inspection report. Metal. Raw material.


Pattern Department: Objectives: To provide defect free pattern for production. To develop first time right casting. Resources required: Drilling machine. Skilled manpower. Work environment. Provide on the job training. Input required: Incoming pattern from customer pattern maker/suppliers/sub contractor. Customer complaints related to patterns. Receipt of sample casting from fettling department..

Output: Achievement of objectives. Ok casting dimension. On time casting development. Production carried out as per plan.

1. Maintenance Department

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker Objectives: To reduce break down hours of machines To maintain plant and machine operating condition to achieve the product quality Responsible persons for maintenance department: In charge maintenance Maintenance engineer Input required: Machine break down slip Suggestions from top management List of machinery Utilities and equipments, manufacturers manual Output: Achievement of the objectives Necessary records are to be maintained by the maintenance in charge.


2. Planning Department


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Job satisfaction among foundries worker Improvement of delivery performance To achieve the sales target To maintain the finished components inventory To improve suppliers delivery performance Responsible persons for planning department: Manager planning Input required in managing the process & for the department: Computer, software, manpower, fax machine Purchase order, fax/emails, and pattern correction intimation from pattern shop


3. Purchasing Department
Objectives: To improve suppliers daily performance To provide better service to production i.e., to ensure uninterrupted raw material supply Responsible persons for purchasing process: Store in charge. Production manager. Input required: Previous years consumption List of raw materials required for production. List of suppliers names that supply raw materials. Output: Achievement of objectives Procurement of material on time and uninterrupted production Required records to be maintained by stores manager

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4. Quality Control
Quality control is a process employed to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service. It may include whatever actions a business deems necessary to provide for the control and verification of certain characteristics of a product or service.

Objectives: To ensure that the products, services, or processes provided meet specific requirements and are dependable, satisfactory, and fiscally sound To identify products or services that does not meet a companys specified standards of quality Responsible persons for quality control: Quality control manager Well-trained and qualified lab personnel Input required: Full fledged and well equipped laboratory with sophisticated instrument and apparatus

6. Management Representative

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker The Management Representative (MR) is expected to play a key role in the development and maintenance of the Quality Management System of an Organization. The ISO 9001 Standard places multi dimensional responsibilities on the MR which includes establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality system, infusing customer orientation in the organization and keeping the system dynamic through continuous tracking of achievement levels. The unspecified


responsibilities of a MR extend manifold and, in effect, he assumes a pivotal role in the journey towards continual improvement and excellence.

Objectives: Establish, implement and maintain the quality management system Report performance through data analysis to top management via management review Promote quality awareness throughout the organization

Responsibilities: Reporting to top management on the performance of the Integrated Management System and need for improvement

7. Customer Representative
Customer representative are those who have been trained to handle customer concerns and questions. It is expected for those customer representatives to provide service to its customers, and give immediate action to their issues. Companies should see it that their customers are happy. Responsibility of a Customer Representative: To communicate with the customers and gather information as to their concerns. This information will enable a customer service representative to provide answers or facilitate the processing of their request.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker The customer representatives are in charge of managing and finding solutions to the customers complaints. Some of the forms where customer service representative reach out to its customers are as follows: E-mail, telephone, and mail correspondence, fax, personal service Qualities of a good Customer Representative:


A customer representative is required to have good communication skills as his work involves communicating and handling customers. Computer knowledge is likewise required, as most information will be drawn over the computer. But to top it all, you should have good interpersonal skills as you are dealing with customers problems and concerns.

8. Quality Management System

Quality Management System (QMS) can be defined as a set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution (production/development/service) in the core business area of an organization. QMS integrates the various internal processes within the organization and intends to provide a process approach for project execution.

QMS enables the organizations to identify, measure, control and improve the various core business processes that will ultimately lead to improved business performance. Implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) within an organization needs to be a decision by top management. The objective of the quality system needs to be clearly defined so that the system can be effective.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker The design and implementation of quality management system in AKP vary depending on the type, size and products of the organization. Each company will have it's own objective, however most companies objective is to increase profitability. AKPs Quality Management System assists by: Managing costs and risks Increasing effectiveness and productivity Identifying improvement opportunities Increasing customer satisfaction


Customer loyalty and repeat business Market share Operational efficiencies Flexibility and ability to respond to market opportunities Effective and efficient use of resources Cost reductions Competitive advantages Participation and motivation of human resources Industry reputation Control on all processes

ISO 9001:2000 requires a quality system to be documented, tested, measured and assessed. Management commitment is essential for the implementation and ongoing success of the Quality Management System. QMS objectives must be measurable and reflect the overall company objectives.

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The QMS must be able to be managed properly, adequate resources must be allocated. The system must be reviewed regularly and measured for effectiveness; adjustments must be made to reflect major changes to the organization and business practices. The system must be practical and accessible to all employees within the organization.

9. Finance Department

The role of the Finance Unit in AKP Foundries is the overall management of the financial affairs of the Department. Key elements are to: Negotiate and co-ordinate budgets in respect of the administrative costs of the Department and funding the various services provided by the Department and its Agencies Administer the Department's funds in compliance with all required accounting and financial procedures Fulfill the Department's public accountability obligations through the production and publication of Annual Appropriation Accounts

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Drive forward the modernization of this Department's financial systems and procedures

10. Human Resource Department

Human resource is a term with which many organizations describe the combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with performance, Employee Relations and resource planning. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Human resources have at least two related interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm's organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues.

The objective of Human Resources is to maximize the return on investment from the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk. It is the responsibility of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner.

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Though the total number of employees in AKP Foundries is around 250, the person in charge of Human Resource Department is only one. No format organization structure (for HRD) exists. Here everything is cross-functional.

HR policies such as recruitment, selection, promotion etc are only for workers category and not for staff. In staff, a person retires, the successor subordinate will take up the position after undergoing some basic learning or skill development required to meet the requirement of the post.

Compensation: when a worker meets with an accident he is firstly given first aid and then referred to the doctor (in contact by the organization) for further treatment. Welfare facilities: the organization has provided the workers with uniforms, shoes, goggles, helmets and safety equipments. Facilities: canteen facility is provided; good sanitary facilities are also provided. A get-together for all employees is held once in a year. Overtime/Shift: no overtime/shift exists. Eight hours is a fixed time meant to achieve the target.

11. Marketing Department

Marketing consists of the strategies and tactics used to identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with customers that result in value for both the customer and the marketer.

Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research.


Marketing is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology is also a small, but growing influence. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.

But in the foundry business the word marketing has connotations of heavy machinery, mining, construction etc. this can also be stated as Industrial Marketingmarketing of goods and services from one business to another.

Chapter III


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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


1)Title of the study Employee job satisfaction in akp foundries(p)ltd Introdu ction to the Problem
Job satisfaction describes how constant an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the most satisfied they are said to be job satisfied is not the same on motivation although at in clearly inked Tab design aims to en have Tab satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation Tab enlargement style and culture employee involvement empowerment autonomous work groups. job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organization. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs questions relate to rate of pay work responsibilities verify of tasks promotional opportunities the work it self and co- workers some questioners ask to rate satisfaction on 1-5 scale (where 1 represent not a all satisfied and 5 represent extremely satisfied)

How people feel about their jobs over all and about different as aspects of them. Satisfaction means the costiveness of Their jobs called an a satisfaction

2) Motivation for the study

Industrial labours are the of industry to seen the industry labor are the must essential for that industry should give some facilities to the workers so industry should give self satisfaction to the workers or labours in doing his work a should understand the problems of labours & do made full solving such problems then only the labours are self satisfied in their workers industrial labours should concentrate is mind & body complete his work other wise he has no interest in his work one should be self satisfied when he is recognized & dignified in his work labor need appreciation for thee work the salary, work environment composition should make an employee to feel better to work.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


3) Objective of the study

1) To understand welfare provide for industrial labor 2) To understand the factory environment 3) To understand the socio- economic condition or status 4) To understand the industrial labor expenditures 5) Are they satisfied with his job

4) Conceptual clarification
The first objective is that to understand welfare proved for industrial labor what are the facilities provide of industrial labor are the very important in factory because they will able to do the what are the facilities provide for the labours or them what are the well fare functions provided example, like worker loss the his any part of the body how will help the factory to labor like all this to understand To understand the factory environment and what kind of environment Provided for the labours and here we have to know about the are area of factory is devolved or grown are they provide for the good environment to workers ? like a good food facility (canteen) urine facility rest room from cleanness etc are they factory provided ? Industrial labours are the facing a lot of socio-economics problem first we `the social work we have to find the what kind of problem they are facility in society and oater we should solve the problems of that all. Same like a economics status also how they balancing all factors. And how much money they are spending for the food, shelter, cloth, medical & etc To understand the labor behavior and that people good & bad habits how much money they are spending per month are they keeping account dairy like expenditure book. Every month how much money they are saving & where they keeping

6) Universe & sampling

Universe :
Universe : In this study the universe is employee of akp foundries, so the Universe include all the department or sections of the akp foundries
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Sampling :
I have selected employee of akp foundries (p)ltd Belgaum all the department of factory. Contacted the respondent through structured questionnaire

7) Data collection process

Data collection process, process is a systematic method of doing something to get expected result. Every process has beginning & ending their is gap between there two A way of doing something or any activity to which these is beginning and ending is called the process, expected result is possible only when the process is done in a systematic or scientific way. The way of doing something is an important aspect of every process which result in achieving our expected goals.

Data Collection
Data collection implies to collection of information and facts about the respondents or problems from the field situation

4 important things a) Data from the respondents b) About the problem c) Interns of facts or information d) From field selection Data Collection will happen by the through the three ways that are observation Interview Questionnaire

An accurate watching and nothing down the phenomena an they occur in nature is Observation Observation is not just seeing or watching but it is purpose full seeing

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Accor : P. V Young Systematic and deliberate study through the eyes of spontaneous occurrences at the time they occur along with nothing down is observation

Questioner is a device for securing answers to the questions by using a formed when the Scope of research is very wide We collected the information on personal behavior personal opinion Personal attitude of past & future through questionnaire method of data collection

Interview is a person to person process. There will be two person a) Investigator b) Respondent. There is verbal questioning in interview the interviewer asks question & the respondent answer. Interview is like a purposive conversation A meeting of person face to face especially for the purpose of formal conference on some pint in interview. Accor to P.V Young A systematic method by which a person enters more or less imaginatively in to the inner life of respondents.

8) Advantages of Study
1) it help to understand the labor satisfaction 2) It is good for the understand the labor feeling

9) Limitation for study

It is only for AKP Foundries(p)ltd Belgaum It is a Micro level Study

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


This research is limited like 50 respondents Subject: Job Satisfaction among foundries workers

Chapter IV

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Analysis and interpretation Research conducted the research on Job Satisfaction among foundries workers In AKP foundries(p)ltd belgaum. I Selected only 50 respondents. Here the now I started to give analysis and interpretation about each data the interview schedule was focused basis on fallowing Personal information Work stress Immediate Supervisor Career Tenure

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Communication System Compensation package Performance Management This are all comes under Job Satisfaction among foundries workers Analysis of data means studying tabulated material in order to determine inherent facts or meaning by analysis easily we understanding the inherent factors of the research topic. Analysis refers to seeing data in the light of hypothesis or research Question and drawing conclusions by analysis all trying to give meaning to each data. Now I started to give analysis and interpretation about each data. Area : AKP foundries(P)ltd.Belgaum

Table No: 1 Respondent age.

S No 1 2 3 4 5 Explanation 18-25 Years 26-35 Years 36-45 Years 46-55 Years 55 Onwards Total Total No 11 15 11 8 5 50 % 22% 30% 22% 16% 10% 100%

The about table shows the age level of respondent totally 5 types of age level mentioned here those are 25, 26, 35, 36-45, 46-55,55 above

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Here 18 to 25 age members are 22 %. 30 respondents are having 26 to 35 ages. 22% respondent are have 36to45 years. 46- 55 years respondent are 16% and above 55 years people are 10% only, In this table we can know that 22% people are within the age of 18-25 years otherwise 30% people are of 26-35 years and 22% of the people are within the age of 36-45 years and 16% of the respondents are the 36 to 45 years and 10% of the people are 55 years above It means in the factory 26 to 35 years people are high.

Diagram No 01 level of education.

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 14% 28% 8% 4 46% Series1

4% 5

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The above table shows the level of education by respondents. Totally 5 type of education mentioned here those are primary education, High School, College, Degree, illiteracy Here the primary educated are the 14% and 46 % of the people educated up to high school level 28% of the education up the respondents are educated up to the college level. 8% of the respondents are education up to the degree level and last 4% of the people are illiterate In this table are can know the 46% of the people are high school level they educated and 28% of the people are the college level, 14% of the people primary educated, 8% of degree and 4% of the people are illiterate one. It means the in factory high school level of the educated is working

Diagram No 02 like the work

26% 1 2 3 2% 8% 64% 4

The above table shows that the respondent the work out of 50 respondent. The totally 5 type of options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) Agree 5) strongly Agree.

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Out of the respondent 8% of the people are strongly disagree with work and 0% of the people are disagree with work. 2% of the people are the neutral about work they like and 26% of the people are agree and last 64% of the people are strongly agree with the work In this table we know the 64% of the people are strongly agree about the like the work and 26% of the people are agree the work and 8% of the people strongly disagree about like the work 2% of people are Neutral In means in factory out of 50 respondents 64% of people like the work.

Table No -02 Respondents performs for the job S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Explanation strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total Total No 1 0 2 14 33 50 % 2% 0% 4% 28% 66% 100%

The above table shows this the respondent to performs for the out of 50 respondent totally 5 type of option for those people 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) neutral 4) Agree 5) strongly agree Out of the 50 respondent 2% of the people are strongly disagree about freedom to perform 45 job and 0% of the people are disagree 4% of the people neutral 28% of the people agree with his job and 66% of the people strongly agree with freedom to perform his job

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In this table we know 66% of the people strongly agree with freedom to perform his job and 28% of people only agree. 4% of people neutral with performance and 2% of people are strongly disagree with freedom to perform his job It means in totally out of 50 respondents 66% of the people strongly agree to freedom to perform his job

Table no-03 work load heavy of the respondents S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Explanation Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total Total No 4 6 8 9 23 50 % 8% 12% 16% 18% 46% 100%

The above shows that the work load heavy of the respondent 50 respondent 5 type of option 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral4) agree strongly agree. Out of 50 despondence 8% of the respondents are strongly disagree 12% of the respondent are disagree 16% of the people are neutral 18% of the people are agree and 46% of the people who are the respondents are strongly agree with work load in heavy

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In this table we know the 46% the respondents are strongly agree with work load in heaving and 18% of the people are agree 16% of people Neutral 12% of the respondents are disagree and 8% of the respondent are strongly disagree with work load heavy of the respondent It means out of 50 respondents 46% of the people are strongly agree with work load heavy .

Table No-04 respondents Skills demands of the job

S.L 1 2 3 4 5

Explanation Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

Total No 9 0 7 11 23 50

% 18% 0% 14% 22% 46% 100%

The above table shows that the respondents skill demands of the job out of 50 respondents the totally 5 type of options for respondents 1) Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) Natural 4) agree 5) Strong Ages

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Out of the 50 respondents 18 % of the respondents are strongly disagree, 14 % of the people are natural, 22 % of the people agree with work and 46 % of the people who are respondents are strongly agree with skills demands of the job are more then that I have. In this table we know 46% of the respondents are strong agree 22 % of the people are agree with respondents skills demands of the job It means 46 % of the respondents are strongly agree about skills demands of the job are more then that I have.

Diagram No 3 : colleagues understanding to help the respondents

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 6% 2 1% 3 4 18% 41%



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The above the table shows that the colleagues understand to help the respondents out of 50 respondents totally type of option we gave them 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) natural 4) Agree 5) Strange agree. Out of 50 respondents 4% of the people says that colleagues not help us and 6 % of the people are designee 1% of people are neutral 18% of people are agree they are and 72% of the people are strongly agree with colleagues understand to help us In the table we know that the 72% of the respondent all strongly agree with colleagues understand to help the respondent and 18% agree 6% disagree 4% strongly disagree 1% neutral It means that 72% of respondents are help to the colleagues in factory.

Diagram No 04 :

respondents Get help from supervisor

18% 1 10% 2% 4% 2 3 4 66% 5

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The above the table shows that the respondents Get help from supervisor out of 50 respondents the totally 5 type of option gave them 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) Agree 5) strongly agree. Out of the 50 respondents 4% of the respondents are strongly disagree, 2% of the respondents are disagree, 10% of the people Neutral, 18% of the people agree, and 66% of the respondents says that Get help from supervisor they said strongly agree. In this table we know that the 66% of the people are get help from supervisor strongly they agreed. 18% of agree, and 2% of population they said disagree. It mean In factory 66% of the respondents are strongly agree with get help from supervisor.

Table No:05 : Appreciation to Good work for Respondents

S l. 1 2 3 4 5

Explanation Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

Total No 0 0 4 13 33 50

% 0% 0% 8% 26% 66% 100%

The above table shows that the my supervisor give appreciation to good work done by me promptly out of 50 respondents the totally 5 type of option we gave them 1) strongly disagree, 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree. Out of 50 respondents 8% of the people says neutral 26% of the people says agree and 66% of the people say strongly agree with appreciation to good work for respondents.
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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


In this table we know that the 66% of the respondents are strongly agree 26% of the respondents are agree and 8% of respondents are says neutral no buddy sags that disagree & strongly disagree. In factory 66% of the people are appreciation to good work for respondents.

Table No : 6 respondents Uncertain about tenure

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Explanation Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

Total No 11 9 6 7 17 50

% 22% 18% 12% 14% 34% 100%

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


The above table shows that respondents about tenure out of 50 respondents the total 5 types of option we gave them 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree. Out of 50 respondents 22 % of the respondents are strongly disagree 18% of the people disagree 12 % of the people are Neutral 14 % of the people are agree and 34 % of the people are strongly agree about respondents uncertain about tenure It means 34% of the people are strongly agree with the respondents uncertain about tenure in the company.

Diagram No -5 : Satisfaction with overall Job security.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2% 1 0% 2 3 4 5 10% 16% 72% Series1

The about table shows that satisfaction with over all job security out of 50 respondents. The totally 5 option are gave them that are the 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of the 50 respondents 2% of the people are strongly disagree 10% of the people are Neutral 16% of the people are agree and 72% of the respondents are strongly agree with the satisfaction with overall job security In this table we know the satisfaction with overall job security 72% of the people are strongly agree 16% of agree. It mean in factory workers all satisfaction about security up to 72 %

Table No -7 Company updates respondents with all important development SL.No 1 Explication Strongly disagree Total No 1 % 2%

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


2 3 4 5

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

6 1 16 26 50

12% 2% 32% 52% 100%

The above the table shows that the company up data respondents with all important development out of 50 respondents the totally 5 types of option we give them 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents. 2% of the people are strongly disagree 12% of the people are disagree 2% Neutral 32% of people agree and 52% of the respondents said strongly agree with the company updates respondents with all impotent development. In this table we know 52% of the people are strongly agree for this and 32% of the people are only agree 12% of the people are disagree and Natural & strongly disagree all 2.2 Mean in factory 52% of the people are strongly agree for company up data are with all important development.

Table No -8 : Supervisor communicates regularly about department performance. SL.No 1 2 3 4 5 Explication Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total Total No 1 1 6 16 26 50 % 2% 2% 12% 32% 52% 100%

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


The above the table shows that the supervisor communication regularly about department performance out of the 50 respondent s the totally we gave them to 5 options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents. 2% of the people are strongly disagree 2% of people are disagree 12% of the people are Neutral 32% of the people agree and 52% of the people are spayed strongly agree with supervisor communication regularly about department performance In this table 52% of people are strongly agree 32% of people are agree and strongly disagree are 2% only & disagree in also 2% It means out of 52% respondents. highest strongly agree for this.

Diagram No 6 : Good understanding about the companies varies benefits plan/schemes.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 10% 4% 1 2 3 4 5 22% 20% 44% Series1

The above the table shows that the good understanding about the Good understanding about the companies varies benefits plan/schemes out of 50 respondents the totally 5 type of option are gave them 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents. 10% of the people are strongly disagree 4% of the respondents. are disagree 22% of the respondents. are Neutral opinion 20% of the people are agree and 44% of the respondents. are strongly agree with the good understanding about company various benefits plans schemes. In this table are know that the 44% of the people are strongly agree for the good under standing about the companies varies benefits plans schemes. It mean in factory 44% of the people are know the all plans & schemes

Table No -9 : Satisfaction of Salary

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


SL.No 1 2 3 4 5

Explication Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

Total No 6 12 6 12 14 50

% 12% 24% 12% 24% 28% 100%

This above table shows that the satisfied of salary out of 50 respondents the totally we gave them to 5 options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of the 50 respondents 12 % of the people are strongly disagree 24 % of the people are disagree 12% of people are Neutral and 24% of the people are agree and 28% of the respondents Says strongly agree for the satisfied with satisfaction of salary. In this table we know the 28% of the respondents are told yes we are strongly agree and same agree & disagree all 24& 24% and strongly disagree & Neutral are the same like 12 -12% It mean the out of 50 respondents 28% only agree with what are taking money or salary

Diagram No -7 : Company compensation package matches similar to respondents.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


10% 4% 1 44% 22% 2 3 4 5 20%

Table above table shows that the company compensation package matches similar to respondents. Out of 50 respondents we gave them to 5 options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents 10% of the people are strongly disagree 04% of the people are Neutral 20% of the people all agree and 44% of people say strongly agree In this table 44% of the people says that are strongly agree the Company compensation package matches similar to respondents

Table : No 10 Satisfaction with regularly performance. SL.No 1 Explication Strongly disagree Total No 3 % 6%

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


2 3 4 5

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

5 0 11 31 50

10% 0% 22% 62% 100%

This above table shows that the I am Satisfaction with regularly performance Out of 50 respondents the totally we them to 5 options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of the 50 respondents 6% of the people are strongly disagree 10% of the people are disagree neutral is 0% agree is 22% and 62% respondents told that they are strongly agree with the satisfaction with the regularly performance. It mean In factory 62% of the respondent are strongly agree for satisfied with the regularly given to me on my performance.

Diagram No 8 : If Respondent done good work then company will count carrier growth

Birds MSW college Tukkanatti

Job satisfaction among foundries worker


80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 1 2% 2 8% 3 10% 4 5 80% Series1

This above table Shows that the If respondents done good work If Respondent done good work then company will count carrier growth Out of 50 respondents the totally he gave then to 5 option that are the 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents 0% of the people told that are strong disagree 2% of the people disagree 8% of the people are neutral 10% of the people are age and 80 % of the people strongly agree for the respondent done good work then company will counts career growth. In this table know the 80 % of the respondent are strongly agree & 0% of the people are strangle disagree It means in factory out of 50 respondents 80 % of people are strongly agree what they are doing.

Table No 11 : Respondent feels to service are well recognized. SL.No 1 2 Explication Strongly disagree Disagree Total No 0 1 % 0% 2%

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


3 4 5

Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

0 5 44 50

0% 10% 88% 100%

This above table shows that the I feels to services are well recognized out of 50 respondents to we gave 5 option 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents strongly disagree 0% disagree is 2% only natural is also 0% and 10 % of the respondents told agree and 88 % of the people are strongly agree with the respondents to the people are strongly agree with the respondent feel services are well recognized. In this table we know the 88% of the people are strongly agree 10% of the people agree and Neutral 0% It means in factory out of 50 respondent 88 % of the people are strongly agree about respondents feel to Service are well recognized.

Diagram No 9 Overall opinion.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


8% 24%


4% 1 2 3 4 62% 5

This above table shows that the respondents overall opinion out of 50 respondents to we gave 5 option 1) excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Not good 5) Bad. Out of 50 respondents excellent is 2 %, and 4 % of people says very good 62% of the people says good 24% of the people says not good and 8% of the people says Bad about overall opinion In this table we know the 62% of people says the good and very les persons are says like 8% excellent & bad. It mean in factory everybody satisfied about over all opinion job is good

Diagram No 10
Work Schedule to tight.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


8% 12% 46% 1 2 3 16% 18% 4 5

Above the table shows that the Work Schedule to tight out of 50 respondents I gave them to 5 options 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3) Neutral 4) agree 5) strongly agree Out of 50 respondents 8% of the people says that strongly disagree 12% people says disagree 16% of the people says neutral 18% of the people says agree and 46% of the people says that strongly agree with work schedule to tight. In this table we know 46% of the people are strongly agree with this and only 8% of the people are strongly disagree about this. It means 46% of people are strongly agreed with walk schedule in to tight.

Diagram. No 11 Supervisor help get easily

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


The about table shows that the supervisor help get easily and colleges understand to help. In this table out of fifty respondents, we gave them five options that are the 1 strongly disagree. 2 disagree. 3 neutral. 4 Agree. 5 strongly agree In this table 2% of the people says strongly disagree 6% of the people says disagree 12% of the people says neutral 24% of the people says agree and 66% of the people are strongly agree. And that same in colleagues understand help us. Out of 50 respondents strongly disagree 4%, disagree 4%, 22% of the people are agree 70% of the people are strongly agree to colleagues understand to help us.

Diagram No 12. Get help from Supervisor.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


The above table showed that the t help from supervisor , my supervise gives appreciation good work done by me promptly out of the 50 respondents are guile them to 5 options D strongly disagree dis agree neutral agree strongly agree

In this table hot the help from supervisor 0% of the people are strongly disagree 0% of the people says disagree 8% of the people says natural 26% of the people says agree and 66% of the people says that strongly agree about set help from supervisor

Table No 12. Company updates me all important Development

Super visor

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Disagree Agree

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

communicates regularly about all development performance


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Des agree Strongly disagree Total

2 3 1 1

3 6 3 1 1

16 8 2

48% 36% 12% 2% 2%




The above table shoes that the company updater me all impotent development out of 50 respondents we gave them to 5 option strongly disagree disagree natural agree strongly agree

In this table only 2% people says strongly disagree 2% of the people says disagree 12% of the people says natural 36% of the people are agree and 48% of people says strongly agree about the company update me all impotent development As same as 50 respondent us gave 5 options and 2% of the people says strongly disagree 2% of the people says disagree 24% of the people says natural 36% of the people says agree and 48% of the people are respondents says the supervisor communicates regularly about all departments

Table No 13 . I am satisfied the salary

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Disagree Agree

Respondents over all opinion Excellent V Good Good Not Good Bad Total

% 6% 26% 68% 4% 4% 100%

4 1 1 6

1 11

1 4 1 6

2 6 3 1 12

1 5 8



The above table shows that the I am satisfied with the salary I receive and our all option about job out of 50 respondents we gave them 5 options strongly disagree disagree natural agree strongly agree.

Out of 50 respondents 12% of the people says that strongly disagree 24% of the people are disagree 12% of the people says natural 24% of the people says Agree 28% of the people says strongly agree

Chapter V I. Findings
In the research named job satisfaction among foundries workers. The identified major findings rawer the listed below

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


1) Among 50 respondents 46% of the people are the educated of to high school and very less like 4% of the people are the illiterates. It mean in factory I find educated are high in factory. 2) Total out of 50 respondents 30% of the people are 26-35 years and 10% of people are 46-55 years. It means in factory highest 26-35 years mens are working in factory. 3) Out of 50 respondents 64% of the people says strongly agree they all like the work and very less the people all like 2% people says disagree with work. 4) 66% of the people says strongly agree to freedom to perform in job and 28% of the people Aare agree and 2% of the people are disagree with freedom to perform in job . supervisor 5) Out of 50 respondents 72% of the people are strongly agree with colugos understand to help you, it means in factory every one help getting from some one. 6) Get help form supervisor 66% of the people are getting help from supervisor it means supervisor will help to the worker in factory 7) 66% of the people says strongly agree about the supervisor gives appreciation to good work. In factory workers done good work then supervisor help them. 8) Among 50 respondents 72 of the people are the satisfied about security and 2% people are not satisfied. It means out of 50 respondents 49 respondents are agree with security. 9) Out of 50 respondents 66% of the people are strongly agree about the understanding about companys various benefits / schemes it means more then 40 people are know the plans / schemes. 10) Satisfactions with the salary I Receive 52% of the people are strongly agree about this.48% of people disagree. 11) Out of 50 respondents 84% of the people says that the strongly agree with satisfied with the regularly given respondent on he performance. And 16% of the people are disagree it means more then 40 people are agree. 12) Out of 50 respondents 98% of the people says the strongly agree with the services are recognized only the 2% of people are disagree. It means people are agreeing for services are well recognized. 13) Out of 50 respondents 62% of the people say well to our all opinion. Only the 8% people says bad it mean factory condition is to good 14) Among the 50 respondents 48% of the people are agree 7 strongly agree. 52% of the people are disagree & neutral about uncertain about tenure in the company. 15) Out of 50 respondents every bodies has negatives about the research topic & some of the people are not interested and some of not gave us to information.

II. Recommendation
1) Provide a good facilitys to workers. 2) Higher officers should co-operate with the workers.

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


3) Counseling is very important to workers for reducing the emotional stress 4) Proper communication should be there in the organization. 5) Employees must be provided information about the factory acts. 6) Supervisor must cooperate with employees so that the labor turnover problem can be reduced & are comfortable to work more effectively. 7) Reduce the work load in factory 8) Providing safety & health measures. 9) Adapting a humanistic approach in deal with the personal problem of the employers. 10) The work schedule should be flexible.

I learnt many things during research process. 1) How to conducting research as specific subject. 2) I learnt the skill of survey
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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


3) I learnt how to collect data mattered for research. 4) I learnt how to duel up report with industrial workers. 5) I earn how to prepare questionnaire 6) I learnt that how to abject with situation 7) I learnt that how to approach the respondents & ask the maintained gestation in the form of survey sheet. 8) I learnt how to do tabulation & single frequency table & cross tables very well. 9) I learnt communication skills. 10) I learnt the people expression dosing the time of asking the question 11) I got the research knowledge with practical experience. 12) I learnt about research.

IV Conclusion.
I completed Employees job satisfaction project successfully at AKP Foundries(P) Ltd., Belgaum. Here I have learnt many things regarding the company and the working environment. Employees are given good facility to work & improve their performance. And employees are also working very efficiently

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Here I observed one good thing is there are employees working from last 30years also and employees are very loyal to their employer. Finally students doing projects at AKP foundries (P) Ltd., Belgaum can learn new things and also staff & workmens are very cooperative & supportive.


Employee job satisfaction

1) Respondent Name : ___________________________________________ 2) Respondent age 1) 18-25

: 3) 36-45 4) 46-55 5) 55 Above. 5) Ill literate :

2) 26-35


1) Primary

2) High School : 5

3) College 4) Degree

Kindly Follow the Following categories. Strongly agree

Birds MSW college Tukkanatti

Job satisfaction among foundries worker


Agree Neutral Disagree

: : :

4 3 2 1

Strongly disagree : 1. Work

1.1 Do you like the work? 1.2 Do you think that your present work will hell you grow in carrier? 1.3 Do you give suggestion on work 1.4 Do you feel You have freedom to perform your job ? 1.5 Do you find your self part of the team ?

4 3 2


Work tress 5 4 3 2 1

2.1 Do you find that the skills demand of the job are more than you have ? 2.2 Do you find work load is too heavy ? 2.3 Do you find the work schedule Too tight ? 2.4 Do you feel free to get help from supervisor ? 2.5 Do you find colleagues understanding to help[ you ?

3. Your Immediate supervisor. 5 4 3 2 1

3.1 My supervisor gives appreciation to good work don by me from promptly ? 3.2 My views and participation are valued. 3.3 My supervisor gives me feed back on my work. 3.4 My supervisor gives me guidance whenever I want. 3.5 My supervisor corrects me gently when I go wrong in the work

4. Career tenure 5 4 3 2 1

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker

4.1Do you feel uncertain about your tenure in the company ? 4.2 Would you recommend employment in the company to your friend ? 4.3 Do you feel that the company has concern for its people ? 4.4 Tick the minimum number of year you plan to work in the company. 4.5 How satisfied are you with the overall job security?


5.Comunication System. 5
5.1 company updates the with all impotent development. 5.2 My supervisor share with me on all important corporate development. 5.3 My supervisor communicates regularly about our departments performance. 5.4 I have a good understanding about the companys various benefit plans/schemes. 5.5 I can share with my supervisor on my carrier anxieties.

4 3 2

6. Compensation package. 5
6.1 I Satisfied with the salary I receive. 6.2 I am satisfied with the well fare facilities extended by the company. 6.3 I am satisfied that my compensation package matches my responsibilities. 6.4 I agree that the companys compensation package matches similar organization in the industries.

4 3 2

7. Performance management. 5
7.1 I Satisfied with the ratings given to me on my performance. 7.2 If I do good work, I can count on career growth in the company. 7.3 I feel my service are well recognized. 7.4 Individual initiative is encouraged in the company.

4 3 2

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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


8 Over all opinion.

8.1 Your overall opinion on the company as an employer.


Very good


Not good


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Job satisfaction among foundries worker


S No 1 2

Name of reference Book


Year of Published

Page No of refferd 5-50 1-17

Industrial Relation C.B Mamoria Aspects of Labour A.M Sharma Welfare & Social Security. Labour problems Social Welfare. Labour Problems Internet

Himaliya Published 1995

3 4 5 6

& C. Khusrestha P.Giddogi

1999-2005 2008

13-50 0-18


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