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In what ways did developments in Palestine in the years 1919-1948 bring about the creation of the state of Israel?

Developments such as The Balfour Declaration, Jewish migration to Palestine in 1919-39, Impacts of the Second World War and The UN Mandate helped bring about the creation of Israel in several ways. Firstly, the Balfour Declaration, a statement made by the British government stating its support for a Jewish State in Palestine, helped bring about the state of Israel by giving hope to the Jews. Previously, the Jewish community in Palestine had not even believed it to be possible, but the Balfour declaration made the idea of a Jewish state more concrete, making it seem more possible. Moreover, the existence of the declaration gave the Jews a mindset that, as it was possible, they should push for it. Secondly, increasing Jewish migration into Palestine helped bring about the creation of the state of Israel as the growing Jewish community brought to light the need of a Jewish state. From statistics of the Jewish population in 1922, there were 83,790 Jews. The Jewish population increased to 445,457 in the year 1939. Furthermore, the growing number of Jews in Palestine increased the chance of having a state. Thirdly, the Holocaust during the Second World War helped greatly in bringing about the state of Israel. This is because there was tremendous sympathy for the Jewish people after the war. This sympathy would then lead to more people trying to help the Jews. Being under British rule, Palestine could not fully gain independence as either a one-state or two-state country. Moreover, there were Jewish terrorist activities being carried out during this time. After WW2, despite the committee of enquiry reporting that immigration limitations of Jewish people should be lifted, the British did not implement the report and even turned back boatloads of refugees, such as the one ship, the Exodus, which carried 4,500 Jewish refugees from Germany. This led to intensified Jewish terrorist attacks, in which they destroyed bridges and roads and raided banks. From this, it led to the British sending more troops in to suppress the terrorist attacks, and eventually, after the bombing of the King David Hotel, the British pulling out and giving up its mandate. This is considered as being one step closer to independence as Palestine would no longer be under British rule, which was a hindrance to the establishment of their homeland. The UN Mandate helped bring about the creation of Israel as, Palestine, no longer being under the rule of the British, would later be split into two states. This would lead to them eventually gaining independence.

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