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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

Definition of Teaching:
An academic process by which students are motivated to learn in ways that make a sustained and positive influence on how they think, act, and feel. great impact in the molding of the next generation. That is why education should be valued by social institutions like government, the family and civil society. course of their activities concerned with the learning to students.

Teaching is a noble profession. It is service-oriented. It has the potential to have a

Teaching duties are defined as all those professional tasks performed by teachers in the teacher can anticipate that certain activities will result in learning, but not guarantee it. There are many responsibilities regarding teaching profession some of them are following. 1. Class room duties; 2. Maintain Records and Reports; 3. Organizer/planner; 5. Maintain a Safe Environment; 7. Learning Facilitator; 10.Resource Provider;

Professional responsibilities of Teachers

Teaching is undertaking certain tasks or activities with the intention to learning. A

4. Equal opportunities and education;

6. Communicate with parents and attend meetings; 8. Management and Administrative Activities; 9. Managing Extracurricular activities;


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

1-Class room responsibilities

A. Developing classroom culture; B. The preparation of lessons; C. Presentation of lessons; D. Evaluation of students;

Professional responsibilities regarding class room perform by teachers are following

E. Teacher-student relationships;

It is the essential responsibility of teacher developing and maintaining classroom routines or structures that have clear boundaries of acceptable and professional student/teacher interaction.

Developing classroom culture

F. Interaction with students with identified needs;

It is the responsibility of teacher to Prepare adequately for daily teaching assignments and to plan the semesters or years work in each subject to promote orderly development and progress. Good preparation of lesson demand that a teacher know exactly what is to be attempted from the beginning to the end of each lesson period.

The preparation of lessons

As well, teachers should have a very clear idea of how they and their students are going to achieve the objectives set. This requires that teachers make advance decisions as about the The method of presentation Proportions of teacher and student activity Student assignments, both in class and for homework The audio-visual and other teaching aids that will be used.

Many authorities believe that proper lesson preparation gives the teacher a confidence and enthusiasm that is reflected in the attitudes of students


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

It is the one of the most important responsibility of the teachers to understand the state of students mind and their level of perception then presenting in a way that students could easily perceive and encouraging participation of students.

Presentation of lessons

Successful teacher is one who has the quality of enthusiasm and excites their students about learning. Probably this quality is a result of many things, including depth of knowledge, clearly defined objectives, careful planning, a sincere liking for children, good health, job satisfaction, a well-modulated manner of speech and willingness to adjust and to innovate. A teacher continually evaluates her own performance, the progress of her student, and translates this evaluation into report card grades, test scores and anecdotal reports to parents and administrators. She must also communicate assessment results to students in order to promote further growth and learning.

Evaluation of students

It is the teachers responsibility the maintain a good relationship with students and physically contact students in a way that makes them comfortable, e.g., shaking hands, a congratulatory pat on the back, or with very young students by gently guiding them or holding their hand for reassurance or encouragement

Teacher-student relationships

When acting as a student's mentor, develop a relationship with clear professional boundaries that cannot be incomprehension as a personal, rather than a professional, interest in the student

It is the teachers responsibility to maintain interaction with all the students,especially sensitive interacting with students who may have poor boundaries for appropriate behavior after being afraid by physical, emotional or sexual abuse, because they may misunderstand your actions.

Interaction with students with identified needs

Careful training, planning, programming, documenting and reporting will help protect students from neglect or abuse, and staff from complaints or allegations.


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

2-Maintain Records and Reports
Teachers are required by law to keep accurate records of the attendance of students in their charge, including absences and lateness. In many institutions, the traditional room register, kept by each teacher, has been supplanted by central record keeping, generally with the help of a computer. Nonetheless, teachers will still frequently have a responsibility for providing input information. This information must be accurate and promptly supplied.

In addition to routine attendance records, teachers are obligated to keep systematic records of evaluations of student progress, including test and examination results. This matter may assume great importance if a parent questions the grading assigned to a child by a teacher or the decision to withhold advancement to a succeeding grade. Anecdotal records have also proved useful.
(1)A board shall establish and maintain the regulations of student record for each student

enrolled in its schools.

School Act Student records Section 23 state that:

(2) Subject to subsection (4), the following persons may review the student record maintained in respect of a student: The student The students parent, except where the student is an independent student A person who has access to the student under a separation agreement or an order of a court Attendance of the student A test, a test result or an evaluation of a student Instructional activities like assignments Non-Instructional activities

(3)Student record contains

(4) A person who contributes information to a student record is exempt from any liability with respect to the provision of that information if that person, in providing that information Efficient evaluation and accurate records are particularly important for use in regular parentteacher interviews acted in good faith, acted within the scope of that persons duties and responsibilities, and did not act in a negligent manner.


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Teachers must be able to organize their learning environment, whilst establishing some ground rules. They should provide adequate resources for the lesson, plan the delivery of the subject matter and be aware of the need for flexibility, when as so often happens, things do not run according to plan.

4-Equal opportunities and education

It is the responsibility of teachers to provide the equal opportunities for learning and career development to all the students without any discrimination. Therequirementsforequalopportunitiesareunderpinnedbylaw. Educationauthorities,governingbodiesandteachersareboundby manyoftheprovisionsofhumanrightslaw. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has three main tasks: To work to end gender discrimination To promote equal opportunities for women and men To review and suggest improvements to the sex discrimination law.

5-Maintain a Safe Environment

A teacher is responsible for keeping students safe. Teacher must continually be aware of environmental risk that may harm a child, as well as instruct all students in their care of procedures for dealing with situations that might arise. Theycreate and maintain a classroom environment that is leading toward learning, as well as safe for individuals and the class as a whole.

6-Communicate with parents and attend meetings

to their supervisors and to parents or guardians in order to best meet expectations of all stakeholders. Teacher continues to provide feedback regarding progress toward and achievement of those goals and objectives of student.

A teacher communicates time to time instructional goals and objectives to students,


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

7-Learning Facilitator

Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff members is another role for teacher leaders. When teachers learn with and from one another, they can focus on what most directly improves student learning. Their professional learning becomes more relevant, focused on teachers' classroom work, and aligned to fill gaps in student learning. Such communities of learning can break the norms of isolation present in many institutions.

8-Management and Administrative Activities

It is also responsibility of teachers to performing management activities, in management activities perform three major following roles Contributing to the selection for appointment and professional development of other teachers. Co-coordinating or managing the work of other teachers Participating, if required, in any scheme of staff development and performance review Reviewing from time to time his/her methods of teaching and programs of work Participating in arrangements for his/her further training and professional development as a teacher.

9-Managing Extracurricular activities

Educational programs are enhanced with a program of activities designed to motivate students and enrich their educational experience by going outside the curriculum. These activities are voluntary for both students and teachers and may include athletic, cultural or other special-interest activities. It is the responsibility of teachers to arranging extracurricular activities time to time according to students need and development.

10-Resource Provider

Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources. These might include Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use with students. They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson or unit plans, and assessment tools.


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

Ways of fulfilling Professional Responsibilities

Teachers professional responsibilities categorize into five main areas which are following:

1. Responsibilities regarding their subject;

2. Responsibilities regarding their students;

3. Responsibilities regarding the institution;

4. Responsibilities regarding their profession;

5. Responsibilities regarding their community;

1-Responsibilities regarding their subject;

abilities for giving best results:

For fulfilling responsibilities related to their subjects teacher should have the following Seek and state truth in that subject. Keep themselves ready for development in their field.

Provide activities and materials that improve the students intellectuality. Try to discover and solve the problems related to subject Avoid conflicts of interest which crate problem for their teaching.

Provide security from different attacks both within and outside the profession.


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

2-Responsibilities regarding their students;
Give them a model behavior and mannerisms by self-example. practical activities and experiments. Plan, set and evaluate grade test, exams and assignments. Be honest in student appraisal and avoid favoritism. For fulfilling professional responsibilities related to students and improve their performance a teacher must have the following abilities:

Shift between formal and informal methods of teaching, like debates, discussions, Understand their strengths, weaknesses and areas of interest.

Resolve conflict among students by encouraging positive debate.

3-Responsibilities regarding the institution;

Be ready to adjust teaching styles to meet individual needs of students.

For fulfilling professional responsibilities related to their institutions teacher should have the following abilities:

Follow the schedule of duties assigned to them according the rules and Follow the subject matter of their course approved by the institution. Avoid outside employment or activity which creates conflicts. regarding faculty. institution require corrective action. regulation of institution.

Indicate and report the institutional authorities when circumstances of

Fulfill their proper role in ensuring fair judgment and recommendation Observer and ensure implementation of rules and disciplines made by


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

4-Responsibilities regarding their profession;

should have the following abilities: Honestly and accurately represent their professional qualification. Be honest and responsible regarding their profession. relationship. any source.

For fulfilling successfully professional responsibilities regarding their profession teachers

Be ready for the help of other colleagues who lack the professional activities.

Use no discrimination among all the members of profession in their professional

Protest and defend the educational programs against any undesirable change from Provide effective leadership to ensure continuous focus on student achievement.

5-Responsibilities regarding their community

should have the following abilities:

For fulfilling their professional responsibilities regarding the community the teachers

To use their professional capabilities for the improvement of community. Promote the principles and ideals of democratic citizenship Encourage the community to exercise its responsibility to be involved in the formulation of educational policy

Obey local, state and national laws Aware of the influence of educators upon the community-at-large


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Teaching Profession and its Responsibilities

Blase, J., & Blase, J. (2006). Teachers bringing out the best in teachers: A guide to peer consultation for administrators and teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Killion, J. (2001). What works in elementary schools: Results-based staff development. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council. Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. (2001).Classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. DfEE (1999) Social Inclusion: Pupil support, Circular 10/99. London: DfEE.

Larner, M. (2004). Pathways: Charting a course for professional learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. DfES (2001a) School Teachers Pay and Conditions of Employment Document. London: DfES.

Website National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) National Union of Teachers (NUT) Association (SHA)

www.teachersunion.orgNational Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) Secondary Heads Women Teachers (NASUWT)


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