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Vectores y la geometra del espacio

11.7 Coordenadas cilndricas y esfricas


Usar coordenadas cilndricas para representar superficies en el espacio. Usar coordenadas esfricas para representar superficies en el espacio.

Coordenadas cilndricas
Ya se ha visto que algunas grficas bidimensionales son ms fciles de representar en coordenadas polares que en coordenadas rectangulares. Algo semejante ocurre con las superficies en el espacio. En esta seccin se estudiarn dos sistemas alternativos de coordenadas espaciales. El primero, el sistema de coordenadas cilndricas, es una extensin de las coordenadas polares del plano al espacio tridimensional. EL SISTEMA DE COORDENADAS CILNDRICAS En un sistema de coordenadas cilndricas, un punto P en el espacio se representa por medio de una terna ordenada r, , z .

Coordenadas rectangulares: x = r cos y = r sen z=z

Coordenadas cilndricas: r2 = x2 + y2 y tan = x z=z (x, y, z) P (r, , z)

1. r, es una representacin polar de la proyeccin de P en el plano xy. 2. z es la distancia dirigida de r, a P. Para convertir coordenadas rectangulares en coordenadas cilndricas (o viceversa), hay que usar las siguientes frmulas, basadas en las coordenadas polares, como se ilustra en la figura 11.66. Cilndricas a rectangulares: x r cos , y r sen , sin z z

Figura 11.66

Rectangulares a cilndricas: r2 x2 y 2, tan y , x z z

Al punto (0, 0, 0) se le llama el polo. Como la representacin de un punto en el sistema de coordenadas polares no es nica, la representacin en el sistema de las coordenadas cilndricas tampoco es nica.
(x, y, z) = (2
z 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 x 1 2 4

3, 2, 3)


Conversin de coordenadas cilndricas a coordenadas rectangulares

4, 5 , 3 a coordenadas rectangulares. 6

Convertir el punto r, , z

Solucin Usando las ecuaciones de conversin de cilndricas a rectangulares se obtiene



y z

(r, , z) = 4,

5 ,3 6

5 6 5 sen 4 sin 6 3. 4 cos

4 4 1 2

3 2 2

2 3

Figura 11.67

Por tanto, en coordenadas rectangulares, el punto es x, y, z mo se muestra en la figura 11.67.

2 3, 2, 3 , co-


Coordenadas cilndricas y esfricas


(x, y, z) = (1, 3, 2)

Conversin de coordenadas rectangulares a coordenadas cilndricas

1, 3, 2 a coordenadas cilndricas.

3 2 1


Convertir el punto x, y, z Solucin

2 y

Usar las ecuaciones de conversin de rectangulares a cilndricas. 1 3 3


1 2 3 x

= 3

r tan z


(r, , z) = 2, , 2 o 2, 4 , 2 3 3

) (

Figura 11.68

Hay dos posibilidades para r y una cantidad infinita de posibilidades para . Como se muestra en la figura 11.68, dos representaciones adecuadas del punto son 2, , 2 3 4 2, ,2 . 3

r > 0y

en el cuadrante I.

r < 0y

en el cuadrante III.

Las coordenadas cilndricas son especialmente adecuadas para representar superficies cilndricas y superficies de revolucin en las que el eje z sea el eje de simetra, como se muestra en la figura 11.69.
x2 + y2 = 9 r=3
z z

x 2 + y 2 = 4z r=2 z

x 2 + y2 = z 2 r=z

x2 + y2 z2 = 1 r2 = z2 + 1

y x x y x

y x

Figura 11.69




Los planos verticales que contienen el eje z y los planos horizontales tambin tienen ecuaciones simples de coordenadas cilndricas, como se muestra en la figura 11.70.

Plano vertical: =c

Plano horizontal: z=c


y y x

Figura 11.70



Vectores y la geometra del espacio

Rectangular: x2 + y2 = 4z2

Conversin de coordenadas rectangulares a coordenadas cilndricas

Cilndrica: r2 = 4z2

Hallar una ecuacin en coordenadas cilndricas para la superficie representada por cada ecuacin rectangular. a) x 2 b) y 2 y2 x 4z 2

Solucin a) Segn la seccin anterior, se sabe que la grfica de x 2 y 2 4z 2 es un cono de dos hojas con su eje a lo largo del eje z, como se muestra en la figura 11.71. Si se sustituye x 2 y 2 por r 2, la ecuacin en coordenadas cilndricas es x2 y2 r

Figura 11.71

4z 2 4z .

Ecuacin rectangular. Ecuacin cilndrica.

b) La grfica de la superficie y 2 x es un cilindro parablico con rectas generatrices paralelas al eje z, como se muestra en la figura 11.72. Sustituyendo y2 por r2 sen2 q y x por r cos q, se obtiene la ecuacin siguiente en coordenadas cilndricas.
Rectangular: y2 = x Cilndrica: r = csc cot

y2 r2 r r sen2 sin 2 r sin22 sen sin sen2 cos cos r r

x r cos 0 0 cos sen2 sin 2 csc cot

Ecuacin rectangular. Sustituir y por r sen q y x por r cos q. Agrupar trminos y factorizar. Dividir cada lado entre r. Despejar r. Ecuacin cilndrica.

2 1

2 y

Figura 11.72

Hay que observar que esta ecuacin comprende un punto en el que r nada se pierde al dividir cada lado entre el factor r.

0, por lo cual

La conversin de coordenadas rectangulares a coordenadas cilndricas es ms sencilla que la conversin de coordenadas cilndricas a coordenadas rectangulares, como se muestra en el ejemplo 4. EJEMPLO 4
Cilndrica: r2 cos 2 + z2 + 1 = 0
z 3

Conversin de coordenadas cilndricas a coordenadas rectangulares

Hallar una ecuacin en coordenadas rectangulares de la superficie representada por la ecuacin cilndrica r 2 cos 2 Solucin z2 1 0.

3 x

2 1 2 3 2 3 y

r 2 cos 2 r 2 cos 2 r 2 cos 2 sen2 sin r 2 sen2 sin 2 x2 y2

z2 z2 y2 x2

1 1 z2 z2 z2

0 0 1 1 1

Ecuacin cilndrica. Identidad trigonomtrica.

Sustituya r cos q por x y r sen q por y. Ecuacin rectangular.

Rectangular: y2 x2 z2 = 1

Figura 11.73

Es un hiperboloide de dos hojas cuyo eje se encuentra a lo largo del eje y, como se muestra en la figura 11.73.


Coordenadas cilndricas y esfricas


Coordenadas esfricas

Meridiano cero

En el sistema de coordenadas esfricas, cada punto se representa por una terna ordenada: la primera coordenada es una distancia, la segunda y la tercera coordenadas son ngulos. Este sistema es similar al sistema de latitud-longitud que se usa para identificar puntos en la superficie de la Tierra. Por ejemplo, en la figura 11.74 se muestra el punto en la superficie de la Tierra cuya latitud es 40 Norte (respecto al ecuador) y cuya longitud es 80 Oeste (respecto al meridiano cero). Si se supone que la Tierra es esfrica y tiene un radio de 4 000 millas, este punto sera (4 000,

80 O 40 N

80, 50).
50 hacia abajo del Polo Norte


80 en el sentido de las manecillas del reloj, desde el meridiano cero

Figura 11.74

EL SISTEMA DE COORDENADAS ESFRICAS En un sistema de coordenadas esfricas, un punto P en el espacio se representa por medio de una terna ordenada , , . 1. 2. 3. es la distancia entre P y el origen, 0. es el mismo ngulo utilizado en coordenadas cilndricas para r 0. es el ngulo entre el eje z positivo y el segmento de recta OP , 0

Hay que observar que la primera y tercera coordenadas, r y f, son no negativas. r es la letra minscula ro, y f es la letra griega minscula fi. La relacin entre coordenadas rectangulares y esfricas se ilustra en la figura 11.75. Para convertir de un sistema al otro, usar lo siguiente.
r = sen = x2 + y2

Esfricas a rectangulares: x sin sen cos , y sin sen sin sen , z cos

(, , ) (x, y, z)

Rectangulares a esfricas: y , x z y2

r x



z 2,





Coordenadas esfricas
Figura 11.75

Para cambiar entre los sistemas de coordenadas cilndricas y esfricas, usar lo siguiente. Esfricas a cilndricas r 0 : r2

sin 2 sen2 ,


Cilndricas a esfricas r 0 : z r2 z2


z 2,




Vectores y la geometra del espacio

El sistema de coordenadas esfricas es til principalmente para superficies en el espacio que tiene un punto o centro de simetra. Por ejemplo, la figura 11.76 muestra tres superficies con ecuaciones esfricas sencillas.
z z z




y x

Esfera: =c

Semiplano vertical: =c

Semicono: =c

(0 < c < ) 2

Figura 11.76


Conversin de coordenadas rectangulares a coordenadas esfricas

Hallar una ecuacin en coordenadas esfricas para la superficie representada por cada una de las ecuaciones rectangulares. a) Cono: x 2 b) Esfera: x 2 Solucin a) Haciendo las sustituciones apropiadas de x, y y z en la ecuacin dada se obtiene lo siguiente.
2 sen2 sin

y2 y2

z2 z2


cos 2 sen2 sin 2

2 sen2 sin

cos 2

Rectangular: x2 + y2 + z2 4z = 0

Esfrica: = 4 cos

x2 y2 sen2 sin sen2 sin 2 sin sen2 sen2 sin cos 2 tan2


cos 2 2 cos 2 2 cos 2


1 1

o 4 or


La ecuacin 4 representa el semicono superior, y la ecuacin 3 4 representa el semicono inferior. b) Como 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 y z cos , la ecuacin dada tiene la forma esfrica siguiente.

4 cos

4 cos

0 0, se obtiene la ecuacin esf-

Descartando por el momento la posibilidad de que rica

2 1 2 x 1 2 y

4 cos

4 cos .

Figura 11.77

Hay que observar que el conjunto solucin de esta ecuacin comprende un punto en el cual 0, de manera que no se pierde nada al eliminar el factor . La esfera representada por la ecuacin 4 cos se muestra en la figura 11.77.

Exercises See for worked-out solutions to odd-numbered exercises. Ejercicios See worked-out solutions odd-numbered exercises. worked-out solutions odd-numbered exercises. Exercises SeeSeewww.CalcChat.comforforworked-out solutions tototoodd-numbered exercises. Exercises See forforworked-outsolutions to toodd-numberedexercises. Exercises See for worked-out solutions to odd-numbered exercises. 11.7 Exercises See for worked-out solutions to odd-numbered exercises. 11.7 Exercises forworked-out solutions odd-numbered exercises. 11.7 Exercises See for worked-out solutions toInodd-numbered exercises.afindencontrar una ecuacin en coordenadas See for worked-out solutions to odd-numbered 4956, exercises. 11.7 In Exercises 16, a 6, convertir las coordenadas cilndricas del En Exercises los ejercicios 49 56, an equation in rectangular coordinates En los ejercicios 1 convert the point from cylindrical coordinates

11.7 11.7 11.7

SECCIN 11.7 Coordenadas cilndricas y esfricas 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Cylindricaland Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 11.7 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

827 827 827 827 827 827 827 827 827 827

In Exercises 16, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 4956, find an equation rectangular coordinates Exercises 16, convert the find equation InInExercises16, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates InInExercises4956, find inanequationininrectangularcoordinates y to rectangular coordinates. point for Exercises de given anequation in rectangularcoordinates the equation rectangulares 4956,findan equation inincoordenadas coordinates punto en coordenadas rectangulares.fromcylindricalcoordinates In Exercises 16, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 4956, find an spherical en rectangularandesfricasits InExercises 16, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates InExercises 4956, ecuacin dada coordinates, and sketch its In rectangular coordinates. point from cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 4956, find an spherical in rectangularand sketch its equation coordinates, coordinates toExercises 16, convert the rectangular coordinates. for the equation la torectangularcoordinates. point from cylindrical coordinates rectangularcoordinates. point from cylindrical coordinates coordinates. forthe equation given inspherical in rectangular coordinates the equation given coordinates, sketch to rectangular convert the forExercisesgrfica.giveninspherical coordinates, and sketch its the su In Exercises 16, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 4956, findininspherical coordinates, and sketch its graph.equation given an equation in rectangular coordinates In Exercises 16, convert the In Exercises 4956, find an equationcoordinates, and sketch its dibujarequation given inan sphericalcoordinates, and sketch its to rectangular coordinates. for the equation given in spherical in rectangular coordinates to for In Exercises 16, In 4956, find equation rectangular coordinates to 1. 7, 7, 0, 5 for the graph. 1. rectangular coordinates. 0, 5 coordinates. 2. 2.2, 2, , , 4 4 graph.equation given in spherical coordinates, and sketch its graph. equation given in spherical coordinates, and sketch its to 1. for the equation given in spherical coordinates, and sketch its to rectangular coordinates. for the graph. graph. to 1. 7,7, 0, 5 for the 7, 0, 5 4 graph. 0, 5 1. rectangular 2.2. 2,2, ,,, ,, 444 3 1. 2.2. 2,2, , 4, 2 3. 7, 0, 5 4. 6, 4, 24 graph. 5 3.1. 3, 3,7,4, 4,51 4.2. 6,2, 7, 0,4, 5 42 1. 3, 0, 1 1 2. 2, graph. 49. 50. graph. 5 333 4 1.3. 7, 0, 5 2.4. 2,6, 49. 50. 4 1. 3, 7, 0, 5 2. 2, 2 3.3. 3,3, 0,4,111 4.4. 6,6, ,,,4,4,22 33 49. 50. 555 5 2, 4 1. 3, 7 4, 6, 2. 6, 4 4, 3, 8 49. 50. 34 1 2 3. 4,3,7, 4,4, 3 4. 6, 0.5, 4 4, 3, 8 4, 5. 6. 5.3. 4, 4, 1 6.4. 6, 5 49. 50. 49. 50. 3. 7 6, 3 4. 0.5, 4, 2 3444 5 49. 50. 34 4 3.5. 3,4, 7 4, 13 3 4.6. 6, 0.5, 4, 2 3, 8 0.5, 3. 3, 7 6,6, 4. 3 5.5. 4,4,77 4,6,6,33 6.6. 6, 0.5, 444 23,3,88 5 49. 50. 4 5 49. 50. 3. 4, 7 6,13 4. 5. 4, 7 4, 13 6. 6,0.5, 44, 3, 8 4, 6, 0.5, 4 3, 8 3, 5. 3, 6. 0.5, 4 4, 2 8 51. 52. 5 49. 50. 5. Exercises 712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates 6. 42 4 In 4, 7 6, 3 51. 52. 6 4 0.5, 4 3, rectangulares 5. los ejercicios 7 aconvert the point from rectangular coordinates 6. 4, 7 6, 712, 12, convertir las coordenadas 8 0.5, 4 3, 8 5. Exercises 3 6. 51. 52. 51. 52. EnExercises 6, 712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates In Exercises 3 0.5, 4 3, 8 5. 4, 7 51. 52. 51. 52. 6 InInExercises712, convert the point 6. from rectangular coordinates 666 222 51. 52. to cylindrical coordinates. point from rectangular coordinates In Exercises 712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates InExercises 712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates 712, convert cilndricas. the 6 cos 22 4 2 sec 53. 54. In punto en coordinates. 51. 52. 6 cos 2 sec delcylindricalcoordenadas cylindrical coordinates. 51. 52. cylindrical totocylindricalcoordinates.the point from rectangular coordinates 53. 54. 51. 52. IntoExercises712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates 6cos 2sec In cylindrical coordinates. 53. 54. 444cos 222sec 53. 54. to Exercises 712, convert the point from rectangular coordinates to Exercises coordinates. Incylindrical coordinates. 6 2 sec to 7. 0, 5, 1 712, convert 464 cos cos 222csc sec 53. 54. 53. 54. 55. 56. 2, 2, 8. 22 2, 22 2, 44 4csc cos 24sec sec 53. 54. to cylindrical coordinates. 7. cylindrical 5, 1 8.8. 2 2, 2 2, 4 to 7. 0,0, 5, 1 coordinates. 55. 56. 4 csc cos 2 4 csc sec sec 53. 54. csc sec 55. 56. to cylindrical coordinates. 4 csc cos 2 csc sec sec 53. 54. csc 424sec sec 55. 56. 7.7. 0,0,5,111 8.8. 222 2,2, 222 2,2,44 5,5, 4 4 cos 53. 54. csc 4 csc sec 55. 56. csc 4csc sec 55. 56. 7. 0, 5, 12, 4 8. 23, 2, 3, 7 2, 4 0, 2, 2 2, 7. 0, 5, 1 8. 2 2, 2 2, 4 9. 10. csc 4 csc 55. 56. 7. 2, 8. 9.9. 2,2, 2,2, 4 4 10. 3,3, 2, 3, 2 2, 4 In 10. 2 3, 7 7 csc 5764, convert the point from4cylindrical coordinates 4 csc sec 55. Exercises 5764, convertconvertir las coordenadascoordinates 56. from4cylindrical cilndricas 0, 5, 1 7.9. 2,2, 2,2, 4 4 8. 3,3, 2, 3, 2 2, 4 csc csc sec 55. Exercises 56. 10. 7. 2, 1 8. 9. 2, 5, 2, 4 10. 3, 2, 777 2, 4 En los ejercicios In csc csc sec 55. Exercises 5764, a 64, the point from cylindrical coordinates 56. 7. 1, 1 8. 9. 0, 2, 10. 3, 3, 7 2 9. 10. 2 3, 11. 2, 5,3, 4 4 12. 3, 3, InInExercises5764,57 convertthepoint from cylindrical coordinates 9. 0, 2, 10. 2 3, 7 2, to spherical coordinates. the point 11. 1,1, 2,3, 44 12. 22 3,3,72,2, 6 In Exercises 5764, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates InExercises 5764, convert the point convert 11. 2, 12. 3, 3, In spherical coordinates. esfricas.from cylindrical coordinates Exercises coordinates. 9. 1, 2,3, 4 10. 2 2 3, 7 6 6 del spherical5764,convert the point from cylindrical coordinates to punto en coordenadas 11. 2, 2, 4 12. 3, 3, 2,6 9. 1, 3, 4 4 10. 2 3,3, 2, 6 11. 2,1, 3,3,444 12. 3,2 3,3, 72,2,66 totospherical5764, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates 9. 10. 11. 1, 3, 4 12. 2 3, 2, 6 11. 12. In Exercises 5764, convert the point from cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 5764, convert to spherical coordinates. the point from cylindrical coordinates to spherical coordinates. 11. 1, 3, 12. 2 In Exercises coordinates. to spherical coordinates. In 1, 3, 4 0 4, 0 57. 58. 3, 11.EExercises 1320 fi find an equation2in 3, 2, 6 12. i2 cylindrical coordinates 11. 1, i 3, 413 20, d 12. to57. 4, 4,coordinates. I11. Exercises 13 20, find an equation2in 3, d2,i6 l coordinates i li 2, 6 di to spherical4,coordinates. In Exercises 13 13 20, an equation cylindrical coordinates 1, 3, 3, 12. 4, 4, 0 58. to sphericalcoordinates. 57. 4, 4, 58. 3, InInExercises13 20, find an equation in cylindrical coordinates En Exercises 41320, find an equation inincylindricalcoordenadas 57.spherical4,00 58. 3,3, forlos ejercicios 20,find hallar una in cylindricalcoordinates the equation given in equation coordinates. In Exercises 13 20, findinan equation in cylindrical coordinates In Exercises 13 20, a find rectangular ecuacin en coordinates 4, 0 2 57. 4,4, 4, 04 58. 3,3,2 4,4,00 4,0 57. 4, 4, 0 0 58. 3, 3, 59. 4, 2, 60. In the equation given in an cylindrical 57. 4, 4, 0 4 58. 2, 2 4, 0 2 for the equation given dada en coordenadas rectangulares. fortheequation ecuacin an equation in cylindrical theequationgiven in rectangular coordinates. equationgiven in rectangular coordinates. forExercises 13 20, find an equation incoordinates. coordinates 59. 4,4, 2,2, 4 60. 2,2, 2 3,3,02 2 cilndricas de13 20, findinrectangularcoordinates. coordinates la given rectangular cylindrical In Exercises 13 20, find rectangular coordinates. coordinates 4, 57. 4, 4, 4 58. 3, 2 In the 59. 60. 4, 57. 58. 3, 59. 4,4, 4,2,0 60. 3,2,2 3,4, 02 for Exercises for In z 4 an equation x cylindrical 57. 4, 4,04 58. 2, for the equation given in rectangular coordinates. 59. 4, 2, 46, 6 60. 2, 24, 3,3, 02 2, 0 59. 60. 61. 62. 13. 14. in 9 59. 4, 2, 4 60. 2, 2 3,3, 42 for the equation given in rectangular coordinates. for the equation given in rectangularxcoordinates. 61. 62. 2 3, 4 13.the 4 4 14. x 9 9 59. 4,4, 2, 4 6, 6 60. 2, 2 4, 3, 3, 2 61. 4, 2,6, 6 62. 4, 3, 4 2 for z z2 equation 2given in rectangular coordinates. 46 59. 4, 60. 2,4, 3, 3, 2 13.zzz 4 4 2 9 9 61. 4,4, 2, 6,6,66 62. 2, 4,4, 3,3,444 13. 14. 4 59. 60. 61. 4, 62. 4, 2 2, 34 6, 61. 62. 4, 3, 13. zx 2 4 y 2 z 2 17 14. xz 9x 2 y 2 11 4 9 13. 14. 5 63. 64. 15. 16. 61. 12, , 6, 6 62. 13. 14. 2 63. 4,12, 5 64. 17 11 15.z 16.x 9 2 61. 4,12, ,,6, 6 62. 13. z 2x 4 2y 14. x z 92x 63. 4, 64. 4, 3, 61. 12, 56, 6 62. 4,4, 2,2, 34 17 11 15. 16. 63. 12, ,,,555 6 64. 4,4, 2,2,334 13. xx22 4 22 z2z 17 14. zz x92 y2y 11 15. xz2x 2 4yy2y 2 zz2z 2 17 16. zxz2 xx2x 22 yy2y 2 11 2 2 3, 61. 12, 62. 4,4, 2,3, 4 13. 14. 3 63. 12, , 5 6, 64. 4, 4, 2, 3 63. 64. 15. xy y 2 z 2 17 16. zx 2 x 2y 2 y 28x 11 17 11 15. 16. x2 17. 18. 3 63. Exercises 6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates 64. y22 15. 2 16. 2x 2 2 2y 2 2 8x 2 In 12, 5 17.x y 2x 18.z 63. Exercises 6572, convert the 64. 4, 2, 3 15. yx222 xyy22 zz222 17 16. xz2x2 xx222y2 yy22 8x 11 63. 12, ,,,5 64. 4, 2, 3 17.y 18.x y2 z 17 15. xyy xx2x 16. zx22 xyy22 y8x2 11 17. 18. In Exercises 6572,aconvert the point 4, 2, 3 12, 56572, 72, convertir lasfrom sphericalesfricas del 63. los ejercicios 65convert the point from spherical coordinates 64. from spherical coordinates 17 15. yy x 210 z 16. xx yy 8x 11 17. 2 18. 8x 17. 18. point coordenadas coordinates z 19. 20. InInExercises 6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates En cylindrical coordinates. 17. 18. 2 2 y2 2 8x 2 3z 0 to 2 In Exercises 6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates In Exercises coordinates. 2 z 3z 19. 20. 2 In cylindrical 6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates 17. y2y x2 10 22 18. x2x y2y 8x2 cylindrical coordinates. 19. 20. 8x 3z 17. 18. 2 19. yy2y2 xx2210 zzz 2 20. xx2x 2 yy2y 2 z8x2 3z3z 000 cylindricalcoordinates. totoExercises 6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates punto en coordenadas cilndricas. 17. y 18. x 2 10 z2z 19. y22 10 20. x 22 y 22 zz2z 3z 0 0 10 z2 19. 20. Intocylindricalcoordinates. the point from spherical coordinates Exercises 6572, convert In cylindrical6572, convert the point from spherical coordinates Exercises coordinates. to cylindrical coordinates. to 10 z2 3z 0 19. 2 20. 2 y2 In to Exercises 2 In y 2 65. 66. 4, 18, 2 19. Exercises 2128, find an equationxin rectangular 3z 0 20. x 22 yy22 zz22 coordinates 10 z2 y z 19. yy22 10 2128, find 20. to65. 10, 6,coordinates. to cylindrical6,coordinates. In Exercises zz2 coordinates 10 3z 0 19. Exercises 2128, find an equationxin rectangular 3z 0 10, 6, 18, 66. to cylindrical 2 2 equationcoordinates, coordinates rectangularcoordinates coordinates 10, 18, 65. 10, 6, 2 66. InInExercises2128, findin anequationininrectangularcoordinates Exercises 2128, find anhallar 20. in rectangularand sketch its equation inrectangularcoordenadas 65.cylindrical coordinates. 66. 4,4, 18, 222 for the equation given an In Exercises 2128, findancylindrical coordinates, coordinates In los ejercicios 21 a 28, equation ecuacin en 65. 10, 6, 2 2 2 66. 4,4, 18, 23 65. 10, ,6, 2 66. 4, 18, 2 2 En Exercises 2128, findin cylindricalin rectangularand sketch its una 36, 67. 10, 6, 68. 18, 3, In the equation given inin cylindrical coordinates, and sketch its 65. 36, , 2 66. 4, 18, for the equation given an equation coordinates, and sketch its forthe equation given incylindrical coordinates, and sketch the equation given cylindrical forExercises 2128, ecuacin dada enin rectangular cilndricasits 67. 10, 68. 4,18, 18,3, 2 3 In Exercises 2128, find an equation coordinates, and sketch its 2 65. 36, , 6, 2 22 66. 18, 18,3, 3 3 graph.equation given in an equationin rectangular coordinates In Exercises 2128, find an equation coordinates, and sketch its coordinates 67. 36, 68. 65. 10, 66. 4,18, 3, 67. 36, ,, 6, 2 2 68. 18, 18, 3 for the for rectangulares de given in cylindrical in rectangular coordinates la find cylindrical coordenadas y In 65. 36, 66. 18, 3, 2 for the 67. 36, , , 6,2 3 68. 18, 53, 6, 3 3, 2 3 67. 6, 68. 5, graph. 69. 70. 67. 10, 6, 2 68. 4, graph. graph. equation given in cylindrical coordinates, and sketch its for the equation given in cylindrical coordinates, and sketch its for the 69. 36, 70. 18, 3, graph. equation graph. dibujarequation given in cylindrical coordinates, and sketch its 2 67. 36, 68. 18, 5 6,3 6, 3 3 69. 36, 70. 18, for the 3 2 67. 6,6, 68. 5,5, 5 3, 6, 3 69. 6,6, ,,, 6,6, 333 70. 5,5, 5553,6,6,3 graph. su grfica. 21. r 22. z 2 67. 6, 68. 5, 69. 6, 7 6, 2 3 70. 5, 5 4, 6, 4 6, 6 6, 69. 8, 70. 7, 3 71. 72. graph. 6, 69. 70. graph. 21. 22. graph. 71. 72. 21. 22. 21. rrr 333 22. zzz 222 69. 6,8, 7 6, 36 70. 5,7, 5 4,6, 4 71. 8, 72. 6, 69. 6, 7 6, 70. 5, 71. 8,8,77 6,6, 666 72. 7,7, 54,4,33 444 21. r r 3 3 6 22. zrz 212 21. 22. 23. 24. 69. 8, 7 6,6, 6 3 70. 5, 4, 3 3 71. 8, 7 6,6, 63 72. 7, 4, 36, 4 71. 6, 72. 7, 2 1z 21. r 3 6 22. z r 1 21z 71. Exercises 73 88, use a computer algebra system or graphing 72. 7, 54,3 6, 4 23. 24.z 1z 21. rr 2 3 6 6 22. rz r 2222z 2 CAS 71. 8, 7 In 8, 7 6, 6 23. 24.r 1z2 2 21. r 3 26 22. zr 21z 23. 24. 72. algebra 3 4 or graphing 6, 71. Exercises 736 72. 7, 4, 3 4 21. r 3 z 6 5 22. rz 22r cos 23. 2 24. 23. 24. 25. 26. CAS 71. Exercises 88, use a computer algebra4, 3 In 8, 6 4 72. 7, 4, 6 23. 24. CAS utility 7 convert theuse a computer 7, In 2 CAS In Exercises6, 7388, use a computer algebra system or graphing 2z 1 to 73 73 point from one system system por computo another among 25. 26.r 1 2 2 cos2 CAS In Exercises 73 88, use a usar un sistema algebraicoorgraphing CAS EnExercises 73 88,a 88,acomputer algebra system or graphing In los ejercicios 88,use computer algebrasystem or graphing system 23. 2r 24. r z 2zr 2 cos 25. 26. 23. r 22 z2z62 5 5 24. zz rr22cos2 25. rr2r 2 zz2z6 555 26. zrz r1zrcos22 2 26 CAS In Exercises 73 88, use a computer algebra system or graphing 2 2 cos utility to convert the point from one system to another among z cos 23. 24. 25. rr z 2sen 5 26. zr r22 cos2 25. 26. utilitytoconvert theusepointfromone systemsystem or graphing convertthepoint from one systemsystem or systems. thepoint from one systemtotoanotheramong one systemtoanother among anotheramong 2 27. 28. utility totoconvertcylindrical, fromspherical coordinategraphing 25. 26. CAS In Exercises 73 88, use a computer algebra to another las coorthe rectangular, and CAS utility to una73 88, use a computer algebra system or graphing In Exercises 73 88, point from onealgebra to another among utility 2 tadora o convert the 27. 28.z r cos CAS utility to convert the pointde graficacin para convertir among In Exercises herramienta computer systemcoordinate systems. a 25. r2r zz sen5 26. z r r 22cos2 the rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate cos 27. 28. 25. r r 2zsen 5 26. rr 2 cos 27. rr22 22222sen5 28. rzr 2r22cos 22 therectangular, the point and one system to rectangular, cylindrical, and the rectangular, cylindrical,sistemasphericalcoordinatesystems. de cos 25. r 2 2sen 26. r 2 2cos sen cos 27. 28. 2cos 27. 28. utility to convertcylindrical,from spherical coordinatesistemas utility to convertcylindrical,fromspherical coordinate systems. the rectangular, cylindrical,from spherical coordinate systems. the rectangular, the point and spherical entreanothersystems. sen 27. Exercises 2934, convert the point from rectangular coordinates 28. denadas del punto de un and one system to another among a system los systems. utility to convert the another among the Rectangulares point and one otro, toEsfricas among In r 2 sen 27. Exercises 2934, convert the point from2rectangular coordinates 28. r 2 cos 27. rr 2 sen 28. the rectangular, cylindrical,Cilndricas y esfricas. systems. the rectangular, cylindrical,Cilndricas and spherical coordinate systems. In 2 sen cos 27. Exercises 2934, convert the point rr rectangular coordinates 28. from2 cos Rectangulares Esfricas coordenadas rectangulares,Cilndricas cilndricas the Rectangulares rectangular, cylindrical,and spherical coordinate systems. and spherical coordinate Inspherical2934,convert the point from rectangular coordinates rectangular coordinates Rectangulares Esfricas In Exercises 2934, convert the point from rectangular coordinates Cilndricas Esfricas to In Exercises 2934, convert the point from In Exercises coordinates. Rectangulares Cilndricas Esfricas Rectangulares Cilndricas Esfricas In Exercises 2934, a 34, convertir las coordenadas rectangulares Rectangulares Cilndricas Esfricas spherical coordinates. 4, 6, 3 73. Rectangulares Enspherical 2934, convert the point from rectangular coordinates spherical coordinates. totolos ejercicios 29 convert the point from rectangular coordinates IntoExercises2934, convert the point from rectangular coordinates Cilndricas Esfricas In spherical coordinates. Exercises 2934, convert Cilndricas Esfricas 4, 6, 3 73.Rectangulares to Exercises coordinates. the point from rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates. spherical coordinates. 73. In Cilndricas Esfricas 73. Rectangulares to punto 0 coordenadas delspherical coordinates. esfricas. 4, 0, 0 29. 30. 73. 4,4,6,333 3 73. 4, 6,6, 6, 74. 4,6, 3 to29. 4, 0,en coordinates. 73. 4, 6, 32, to spherical 30. 4,4, 0, 0 to 4,4, 0, 0 74. 4, 6, 3 29. 4,4,0,000 30. 4,4,0,000 0,0, 0,0, 29.spherical coordinates. 30. 73. 4,6, 3 2, 3 74. 4, 2, 73. 6, 6, 2, 3 74. 6,6,6,2,2, 333 29. 4, 0, 02 3, 4 30. 2,4,0, 0 2 29. 30. 4, 0, 0 2, 2, 4 31. 32. 73. 74. 6, 2, 3 74. 29. 4,0, 0 30. 5, 9, 8 75. 74. 6, 3 31. 0, 0 32. 4, 0, 29. 4, 0,2,02 3, 4 30. 75. 31. 2,2 3, 4 32. 2, 4 29. 30. 2,2,2, 0 31. 4, 2,2,02 3,3,44 32. 2,2,2,4440222 74. 6, 2, 3 75. 74. 6, 2, 3 5,5, 9,9,88 8 75. 6, 2, 3 0,21, 3, 4 4, 4 2 0, 29. 30. 2, 4, 2,2, 1 31. 4,2, 22 23,43 32. 2,2,1,0,402 2 31. 32. 3, 33. 2, 34. 2, 74. 5,5, 9,0.75, 6 75. 5, 9,9, 8 75. 31. 32. 10, 9,8 76. 5, 8 75. 33. 3,3, 1, 3, 3 3 34. 2, 4 1 2 24 31. 32. 2, 2,1,42, 2 76. 33. 2,3,21,22 433 34. 1,2, 1 2 2, 1, 2 3, 3 2 2 3, 4 31. 32. 2,1, 2, 1 2 33. 34. 2, 1,1,42,11 5,10, 9,0.75, 6 8 75. 0.75, 76. 5,10, 0.75, 6 75. 10, 9,0.75,666 76. 2, 1, 2, 31. 32. 33. 34. 3, 33. 3, 1, 2 3 34. 1, 2, 5, 0.75, 8 75. 10, 9, 8 6 76. 10, 76. 3, 1, 33. Exercises 35 40, convert the point from2,1 34. 20, 2 3, 4 77. 10, 0.75, 76. In 33. Exercises 35 40, convert the 34. from spherical coordinates 20, 77. 3, 1, 2 3 1, 2, 1 33. 34. 10, 0.75, 6 76. 20, 77. 10, 0.75, 6 76. 20, 222 3,3, 444 77. In 3, 1, 2353 convert the point from 2, spherical coordinates 3, 1, 2 340, 1, spherical coordinates 1 33. Exercises 35 40, convert the point from spherical coordinates 34. 1, 2, 1 10, 0.75, 6 76. point InInExercises35coordinates.the point from spherical coordinates 20, 2 2 3,3,1 4 4 77. 20,2 0.25, 4 3, 77. 7.5, 3, 78. toExercises 3540, convert the point from spherical coordinates rectangular 40, convert 20, 0.25, 1 77. In Exercises 35coordinates. point from spherical coordinates In Exercises In rectangular coordinates. the 40, convert 7.5, 3, 78. to rectangular coordinates. 20, 2 0.25, 4 77. 7.5, 3, 78. 20, 0.25, 1 4 77. torectangular coordinates. the point from spherical esfricas del rectangularcoordinates. the point from spherical coordinates 7.5,20.25, 111 4 78. to Exercises 35 40, convert Enrectangular 40, a 40, convertir las coordenadas coordinates los ejercicios In Exercises 35 35 convert the point from spherical coordinates 20, 0.25, 77. In rectangular coordinates. 7.5, 2 3, 1 78. 3, 2, 2 7.5, 0.25, 78. to Exercises 35 40, convert to 79. In 7.5, 78. to 4 35. en 36. 79. 7.5, 0.25, 1 78. punto 4, coordenadas rectangulares. 12, 3 4, 9 to35. 4, 6, coordinates. 79. 7.5, 0.25, 1 78. 3, 2,2 79. 3,3, 2,2,22 to rectangular coordinates. 36. 12, 3 4, 9 7.5, 0.25, 1 78. 3, 2, 2 to rectangular coordinates. 79. 3,3, 2,2, 2 2, 3 79. 3 6, 12, 35. 4,4, 6,6, 4 4 36. 12, 3 4, 9 35.rectangular 444 36. 12, 333 4,4, 999 3 80. 79. 35. 4, 6, 4, 0 36. 12, 3 4,4, 9 35. 4, 6, 4 36. 9, 37. 12, 38. 80. 3, 2, 2 35. 4, 6, 4, 0 36. 12, 4,4, 79. 3 3 2,323 2, 3 2, 80. 3, 2,3 2 2, 79. 3 2,2, 2 2, 3 80. 3,3 2,2,33 2,2, 333 37. 4,12, 38. 12, 79. 3 35. 12, 6, 4,4, 0 36. 9,9, 3 4,4, 80. 35 2, 4 3,2, 3 32 80. 37. 12, 6, 4,40 38. 9,9, 3 4, 4, 9 35. 4,12, 6, 4,40 36. 12, 3 4, 4, 9 37. 4, 38. 12, 81. 80. 35. 5, 36. 6, 37. 12, 4, 4, 0 4 38. 9, ,4, 4, 9 37. 38. 3 4 39. 40. 2, 3 81. 0 37. 12, 38. 9, , 2 80. 3 5 2, 3 3, 33 2 81. 80. 3 2,4 3 3,2, 2 81. 5352,2,443,3,2,333322 39. 12, 40. 9, 3 80. 5 2,2, 43, 3 2 37. 12, 38. 9,6, 4, 2 81. 50,2,2,5,3, 2, 3 2 81. 5 4 3 4 3 0 39. 12, 4,34, 4 40. 9, ,4, 2 37. 5,5, 4,4,4, 044 38. 6, 39. 5,5, 4,4,33 04 4 40. 6,6, ,,,4, 222 82. 4 81. 37. 38. 39. 5, 4, 3 4, 4 40. 6, , 2 39. 40. 82. 3 39. 5, 40. 6, 81. 5 0, 4 5,3, 3 2 82. 0, 4 3, 81. 5 2, 4 4 4 82. 0,0,2,5,5,3, 3 2 In 5, 4, 3 4 81. 0, 5, 4 2 39. Exercises 41 48, find an equation in,,,spherical coordinates 40. 6, 82. 0, 2, 5, 444 3 2 82. 5 5, 5, 4, 3 4 2 39. Exercises 41 48, find an equation in spherical coordinates 40. 6, 5, 3 4, 5 83. 82. In 5, 4, 4 2 39. Exercises 41 48, find an equation spherical coordinates 40. InInExercises34148, find an equation 6, inspherical coordinates 83. 82. 0, 5, 4 for the equation 48, in an equation in spherical given 83. 82. 5,5,33 4,4, 555 83. 0, 5, 4 In Exercises 41 48, find an equation coordinates. coordinates In Exercises 41 48, find rectangular in spherical coordinates 82. In Exercises 41givenfind an equation in spherical coordinates 5,5,2, 114, 6,5 83. 0, 5, 4 5,3 3 4, 5 3 83. for the equation given in rectangular in coordinates. 84. 5, 3 4, 5 3 4, 83. for the equation rectangular for Exercises 4148, find rectangular coordinates. coordinates In the equation 48, afind an equation coordinates. coordinates In Exercises 4141 find an equation ecuacin en 84. for los ejercicios given ininrectangular coordinates. coordinates for the equation givenin hallar una coordinates. 5, 2,2, 11 6,53 3 3 11 5 83. En Exercises 41given in rectangular coordinates. coordenadas 84. In the equation 48, 48, an equation in spherical spherical 5, 2,2,11 6,6,33 3 114, 6,3 83. 84. for the equation givenin rectangular z in spherical 2 41. y equation given in rectangular coordinates. 42. in 6 5,2, 114, 6,6, 3 4, 6 83. 84. 2,11 2.5, 53 84. 3.5, 85. for the equation given dada en coordenadas rectangulares. 84. for y y de la 41. y 42. z 6 esfricas2 2 2 ecuacinin rectangularzcoordinates. 2 for the 2 85. 41.yy 2 2 42. 41. the equation given in rectangular zcoordinates. 42. z z2 666 2 2,3.5, 2.5, 3 84. 85. 2,3.5,2.5,6 3 11 84. 3.5,11 2.5,66 85. 41. yx 2 2 y 2 z 2 49 42. zx 2 6 y 2 3z 2 0 41. 42. 43. 44. 2,112.5,6, 4 84. 3.5, 2.5, 6, 6 85. 3.5,1.3, 6 85. 41. 2x 2 2 2y 2 2z 2 49 42. 2x 2 6 2y 2 3z 2 0 8.25, 2.5, 6, 3 86. 3.5, 1.3, 85. 43.y 44.z 41. y 2 2 2 42. z 2 6 2 8.25,2.5, 6 4 86. 49 43. 44. 41. xx2 2 2 z 22 49 42. xx2 6 2 3z22 0 43. xy2x2 2yy2y2 zz2z 2 49 44. xz2x 6yy2y 3z3z 000 2 3.5, 2.5, 6 85. 8.25,1.3, 64 86. 3.5,1.3, 85. 8.25, 1.3, 6444 86. 41. 42. 43. xx 2 yy 2 z16 49 44. xx y 49 3z2 43. 44. 45. 46. 3.5, 85. 8.25, 1.3, 4 86. 8.25, 1.3, 86. y 43. 2 44. x 13 3z2 3, 3 4, 3 87. 8.25, 2.5, 86. 13 3z 2 0 45. 2 y 2 z216 46. 43. x2x y2y zz22 49 44. x2x yy 87. 16 13 3z 45. 46. y 0 43. x 22 y22 16 49 44. x 132 45. xx2x22 yy2y22 16 2 49 46. xx222 13 222 3z 22 0 8.25, 1.3, 4 86. 87. 8.25, 1.3, 4 86. 3,3,33 4,4, 333 87. 0 43. 44. 2 45. xx 2 yy 2 16 2 46. xx 2 13y 2 z 2 9z 0 16 13 45. 46. 47. 48. 8.25, 1.3, 4 86. 3,3, 3 4,4, 3 3 87. 3,3 4, 6, 3 87. 45. 2x 2 2y 2 2z 2 46. 2x 2 2y 2 2z 2 9z 0 8,3 88. 3, 3 4, 87. 2 2z 47. 48. 45. x22 y22 1622 46. x 2 13 2 88. 47. 48. 162 45. 2 46. yy2 47. xx2x yy2y 2z2z 48. xx2x 132y zz2z 9z9z 000 3,8, 4, 6, 3 87. 88. 3, 3 87. 8,8,3 4,6, 3 6, 88. 16 45. 46. y 47. x 2 y 2 2z2 48. x 2 13 z 22 9z 0 2z 9z 47. 48. 3, 87. 8, 3 4, 6, 3 6, 88. 8, 88. y2 2z2 y2 z2 9z 0 47. x2 48. x2 8, 6, 88. 47. xx22 yy22 2z 22 48. xx22 yy22 zz22 9z 0 y 2z y z 9z 0 47. x 48. x 8, 6, 88. 8, 6, 88. 2z 9z 0 47. 48. 8, 6, 88.

828 828 828

Chapter 11 CAPTULO 11 Vectors and y la geometra del espacio Vectores the Geometry of Space Chapter 11 Vectors and the Geometry of Space

In Exercises 8994, match the equation (written in terms of In Exercises 8994, match the equation (written in terms of En los ejercicios 89 a 94, asociar la ecuacin (dada en trminos cylindrical or spherical coordinates) with its graph. [The graphs cylindrical or spherical coordinates) with its graph. [The graphs de coordenadas cilndricas o esfricas) con su grfica. [Los grare se marcan (b), (c), d), (e), f).] are labeled (a),a), b), c),(d), e) y and (f ).] ficos labeled (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f ).] (a) (a) a)
4 3 4 3 3 4
z z z

In los ejercicios 99 a 106, convertir la ecuacin rectangular a In Exercises 99106, convert the rectangular equation to an En Exercises 99106, convert the rectangular equation to an equation in (a) coordenadas cilndricas and (b) spherical equation in (a) cylindrical coordinates and (b) spherical una ecuacin a) encylindrical coordinates y b) en coordenadas coordinates. coordinates. esfricas. 99. x 2 99. x 2 101. x 2 101. x 2 103. x 2 103. x 2 105. x 2 105. x 2 y2 y2 y2 y2 y2 y2 y2 y2 z2 z2 z2 z2 4y 4y 9 9 25 25 2z 2z 0 0 z2 100. 4 x 2 y 2 z2 100. 4 x 2 y 2 102. x 2 y 2 z 102. x 2 y 2 z 104. x 2 y 2 36 104. x 2 y 2 36 106. y 4 106. y 4

(b) (b) b)

z z z

3 2 3 2 y 1 2 3 y 2 1 2 3 3 2 32 y 3 1 2 x 2 x 3 3 x

4 4 4

2 4 4 4x x x z z z 5 5

2 2 4 4 4 y y y

En los ejercicios 107 a 110, dibujar el solid that tiene la descripIn Exercises 107110, sketch the slido que has the given In Exercises 107110, sketch the solid that has the given cin dada en coordenadascoordinates. description in cylindrical cilndricas. description in cylindrical coordinates. 107. 0 107. 0 108. 108. 109. 109. 110. 110. 0 0 0 0 2, 0 2, 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 ,0 ,0 ,2 ,2 r 2, 0 r 2, 0 2, 0 r 2, 0 r r a, r r a, r r 4, z 2 r 4, z 2 z 4 z 4 3, 0 z r cos 3, 0 z r cos z a z a r 2 6r 8 r 2 6r 8

(c) (c) c)

z z z 5 5

(d) (d) d)
5 5 5

5 x

5 5 5

5 5

y y x

5 5 5

y y y

En los ejercicios 111 a 114, dibujar el solid that tiene la descripIn Exercises 111114, sketch the slido que has the given In Exercises 111114, sketch the solid that has the given cin dada en coordenadas esfricas. description in spherical coordinates. description in spherical coordinates. 111. 0 111. 0 112. 0 112. 0 113. 0 113. 0 114. 0 114. 0 2 ,0 2 ,0 2 , 4 2 , 4 2, 0 2, 0 ,0 ,0 6, 0 6, 0 2, 0 2, 0 2, 0 2, 0 2, 1 2, 1 a sec a sec 1 1 2 2 3 3

(e) (e) e)
2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2x x x

z 2 2 1 1

z z

(f ) (f ) f)
3 2 2 y y 2 2 2 2 2 x 2x x

z z z 3 3

4 4 4

1 1 1 2

2 2

y y y

Think About It In Exercises 115120, find inequalities that Para pensar En los ejercicios 115 a 120, hallar inequalities that Think About It In Exercises 115120, find las desigualdades describe the solid, and state the coordinate system used. que describen al slido, y especificar el sistema de coordenadas describe the solid, and state the coordinate system used. Position Posicionar al the en el sistema de coordenadas the utilizado. the solid on slidocoordinate system such that en el Position the solid on the coordinate system such that the inequalities are as simple tan sencillas que las desigualdades seanas possible. como sea posible. inequalities are as simple as possible. 115. A cubo con cada arista de 10 centmetros 115. Uncube with each edge 10 centimeters longde largo. 115. A cube with each edge 10 centimeters long 116. A cylindrical shell meters long with an inside diameter de 116. Una capa cilndrica 8de 8 metros de longitud, 0.75 metros of 116. A cylindrical shell 8 meters long with an inside diameter of 0.75 meter and an un dimetro exterior de meters dimetro interior y outside diameter of 1.25 1.25 metros. 0.75 meter and an outside diameter of 1.25 meters 117. A spherical shell con radios interior y exterior 4 4 pulgadas 117. Una capa esfricawith inside and outside radii ofde inches and 117. A spherical shell with inside and outside radii of 4 inches and 6 inches, respectively y 6 pulgadas, respectivamente. 6 inches, respectively 118. The solid that remains after a hole 1 inch un orificio is 1 pul118. El slido que queda despus de perforar in diameter dedrilled 118. The solid that remains after a hole 1 inch in diameter is drilled through the center travs del centro de diameter gada de dimetro aof a sphere 6 inches inuna esfera de 6 pulthrough the center of a sphere 6 inches in diameter 119. gadas de dimetro. x 2 y 2 z 2 9 and The solid inside both 2 y 2 z 2 9 and 119. The solid inside both x 2 119. El slido dentro tanto de x 2 y 2 z 2 9 como de x 3 2 y2 9 y2 9 2 4 x 32 2 4 3 9 2 x 4. 120. The 2solid y between the spheres x 2 y 2 z 2 4 and The solid between the spheres x 2 y 2 z 2 4 and 120. x 2 y 2 z 2 9, and inside the cone z 2 x 2 y 2 y2 z2 the z2 = 4 x 120. El2 slido entre las9, and inside y2 cone z 2 y x2x 2 y2y 2 z2 = 9, y esferas x2 dentro del cono z 2 x 2 y 2. True or False? In Exercises 121124, determine whether the True or False? In Exercises 121124, determine whether the statement o true or En los ejercicios 121 a 124, why or give la Verdaderois falso? false. If it is false, explain determinar sian statement is true or false. If it is false, explain why or give an example that verdadera o falsa. Si es falsa, explicar por qu o declaracin esshows it is false. example that shows it is false. dar un ejemplo que pruebe que es falsa. 121. In cylindrical coordinates, the equation r z is a cylinder. 121. In cylindrical coordinates, the equation r z is a cylinder. 121. En coordenadas cilndricas, la2ecuacin z 2= z es un cilindro. 2 and x 2 y 2 z 2 4 represent the y2 r 4 represent the 122. The equations 2 and x 122. The equations 2 2 2 sameecuaciones surface. 122. Las surface. 2 y x y z 4 representan la same 123. The cylindrical coordinates of a point x, y, z are unique. The cylindrical coordinates of a point x, y, z are unique. 123. misma superficie. 123. Las coordenadas cilndricas de point x, y, z y, z) unique. 124. The spherical coordinates of a un punto (x, are son nicas. 124. The spherical coordinates of a point x, y, z are unique. 124. Las coordenadas esfricas de un punto (x, y, z) son nicas. 125. Identify the the surfaces (in cylindrical 125. Identify the curve of intersection of the surfaces (in cylindrical 125. Identificar lacurve of intersection ofde las superficies (en coorcurva de interseccin z sin and r 1. coordinates) z sin and r 1. coordinates) denadas cilndricas) z sen q y r 1. 126. Identify the curve of intersection of the surfaces (in spherical Identify the 126. Identificar la curve of intersection of the surfaces (in spherical 126. curva de interseccin de las superficies (en coor2 sec and 4. coordinates) and coordinates) denadas esfricas)2 sec 2 sec y 4. 4.

89. r 5 89. r 5 89. r 5 5 91. 5 91. 5 91. 93. r 2 z 93. r 2 z 93. r 2 z

90. 90. 90. 92. 92. 92. 94. 94. 94.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 sec 4 sec 4 sec


Desarrollo de conceptos rectangular to cylindrical coordinates and vice versa. rectangular to cylindrical coordinates and vice versa.

95. Give the equations for the coordinate conversion from 95. Give the equations for the coordinate conversion from

c is 96. Explain why in spherical conversin de graph of 95. Dar las ecuaciones para lacoordinates the coordenadas recc is 96. Explain why in spherical coordinates the graph of a half-plane and not an entire plane. half-plane and not an cilndricas tangulares a coordenadasentire plane.y viceversa. a 97. Give the qu en las coordenadas esfricas la grfica de 96. Explicar porequations for the coordinate conversion from 97. Give the equations for the coordinate conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates and vice versa. q rectangular to spherical coordinatesentero. versa. = c es un semiplano y no un plano and vice 97. Dar las ecuaciones para la conversin de coordenadas rectangulares a coordenadas esfricas y viceversa.


98. (a) For constants a, b, and c, describe the graphs of the 98. (a) For constants a, b, and c, describe the graphs of the a, b, and z c in cylindrical a, b, and z c in cylindrical coordinates. coordinates. 98. a) Dadas las constantes a, b y c, describir las grficas de las ecua(b) For constants a, b, and c, describe the graphs of the constants a, b, and c, describe the graphs of the (b) For r a, ciones b,y z c en coordenadas cilndricas. equations a, b, and c in spherical equations a, b, and c in spherical b) Dadas las constantes a, b y c, describir las grficas de las coordinates. coordinates. ecuaciones a, b, y c en coordenadas esfricas. equations r Para discusin equations r

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