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Unit Planner

Unit Title: Routines

Stage 1

Unit Question: What can a portrait tell you?

Teacher: Mirjam Blaser Class: MYP AOI focus questions:

Which particular area of the AoI sets the context of learning

Time frame: 8 weeks Significant concepts:

What we want students to remember for the years to come

Specific Objectives:
Objectives which are addressed in, and pertinent to, this unit

Health & Social Education What can you learn from a portrait about its sitter? What can you learn from a portrait about its creator? Can a portrait tell you something about the time or society it was made in? Assessment Task(s) and Criteria:
What constitutes acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

Artworks can be read like books.

Learner Profile Qualities:

Aspect(s) of the learner profile the unit will help develop

Apply the human canon to a portrait drawing Be able to apply organisational rules to a personal artwork. Show an understanding of the handling of art materials and techniques: pencil drawing and shading. Realistically draw a portrait in pencil with values, tone and correct proportions. Be able to explain the canon of the human head as well as be able to apply it to a personal artwork. Prepare a variety of adequate photos to make an informed choice of subject. Actively look for images related to the unit theme and analyze them. Express ones opinion both verbally as well as in written form using adequate art vocabulary. Further practise the application of tone to achieve a 3D quality to drawings. Learn how to draw the features of the

Record, learn and use subject specific

vocabulary in group discussion and DWBs.A Research and communicate the use of portraits in art. A Complete a final piece, showing the ability to make an interesting composition B Document each stage of the process in the Developmental Workbook, writing a full explanation and evaluation C Engage fully in the project. D

Knowledgeable- Know how to apply the human canon to a portrait drawing. Know how to achieve different values and textures with pencil.

Unit Planner
face. Gain an understanding of the purpose of Portraits Improve observational drawing skills Content:
Stage 2
Knowledge and/or skills used to develop the significant concepts of stage 1 and to enable the student to answer the unit question

Teaching strategies and learning experiences:

Prior knowledge, how to monitor and support learning throughout the unit, formative assessment, learning styles, differentiation, mother tongue issues


Discuss their personal routines. Reflect on and communicate their opinion on the importance of routines for a healthy life. Choose a personal routine to depict. Gain competence in handling, and familiarity with the materials: pencil drawing and shading The human canon Improve ability to apply organisational rules effectively to a personal artwork.

Development of subject-specific and general ATL skills

Demonstration of how the human canon applies to a face. Drawing facial features realistically -demonstration and practice. Group introduction and discussion of theme. Main instruction in English, reinforced with French. Individual support and instruction. Group discussion. Peer feedback. Written and verbal evaluation. (Written in English, verbal may be in French) Formative and summative assessment.

DWBs Paper A4 Pencils Coloured pencils Erasers Internet Camera

Organisation: Be able to independently organise materials for each lesson. Collaboration: Through experimentation, be able to identify and resolve problems of pictorial organisation to produce a final piece.
Reflection: Evaluate their work process and document feedback clearly in DWBs.

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