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Parentesco Ps-Schneider

PPGAS/ UFSCar Programa de Curso, 2 semestre 2011 Parentesco Ps-Schneider Prof. Igor Jos de Ren Machado Ementa A crtica de Schneider ao parentesco, elaborada entre 1968 e 1984, continua a ressoar hoje em dia no debate antropolgico. Esse curso pretende entender o impacto dessa crtica, os desdobramentos e a pretensa reformulao do campo do parentesco, conhecida como novo parentesco ou parentesco construtivista. Por fim, veremos tambm uma srie de crticas ao novo parentesco. Cronograma e bibliografia

Aula 1 (O parentesco Americano) SCHNEIDER, D. American Kinship: a cultural account. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Aulas 2 e 3 (Do parentesco americano ao fim do parentesco) SCHNEIDER, D. A Critique of the Study of Kinship, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1984 Aula 4 (Algumas reaes tardias) Feinberg, Richard. Introduction: Schneiders cultural analysis of kinship and its implications for anthropological relativism. In Feinberg e Ottenheimer (eds), The cultural analysis of kinship: the

legacy of David M. Schneider. Urbana e Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2001.

McKinley, R. The philosophy of kinship: a replay to Schneiders Critique of the Study of Kinship. In Feinberg e Ottenheimer (eds), The cultural analysis of kinship: the legacy of David M.

Schneider. Urbana e Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2001.

Goodenough, Ward H. Conclusion: muddles in Schneiders model. In Feinberg e Ottenheimer (eds), The cultural analysis of kinship: the legacy of David M. Schneider. Urbana e Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2001. Aula 5 (Efeitos generificados da crtica schneideriana) YANAGISAKO, S & J Collier. Toward a unified theory of gender and kinship, in Collier & Yanagisako (eds) Gender and Kinship, pp.14-50; 1987.

YANAGISAKO, S & C DELANEY. Naturalizing power, in Yanagisako & Delaney (eds) Naturalizing

Power, pp.1-22, 1995.

Aula 6 (Ecos no Brasil) FONSECA, Cludia. De afinidades a coalizes: uma reflexo sobre a transpolinizao entre gnero e parentesco em dcadas recentes da antropologia. Ilha: Revista de Antropologia. Vol. 5, n. 2/2003. PISCITELLI, Adriana. Nas fronteiras do natural: gnero e parentesco. Revista Estudos Feministas, vol. 6, n.2,/1998, p. 305-321. FONSECA, C. L. W. Me uma s? Reflexes em torno de alguns casos brasileiros. Psicologia USP, So Paulo, v. 13, n. 2, p. 49-68, 2002. Aula 7 (ecos no parentesco occidental) STRATHERN, M. Reproducing the future: Essays on Anthropology, Kinship and the New

Reproductive Technologies. New York, Routledge, 1992.

STRATHERN, Marilyn. No limite de uma certa linguagem. Mana, 2, Oct. 1999 . Aula 8 (do fim ao comeo: relatedness) CARSTEN, J. After Kinship, London: Cambridge University Press. 2003 CARSTEN, J. The substance of kinship and the heat of the hearth: feeding, personhood and relatedness among Malays in Pulau Langkawi, American Ethnologist22: 223-241, 2004 CARSTEN, Janet. Knowing where youve come from: Ruptures and continuities of time and kinship in narratives of adoption reunions. J. R. Anthropol. Instvol. 6, no4, pp. 687-703, 2000. Aula 9 (alguns efeitos do recomeo) BAMFORD, S. Conceiving relatedness: non-substantial relations among the Kamea of Papua New Guinea, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 10: 287-306 (e), 2004. HOWEL, Signe. Kinning. The creation of life trajectories in transnational adoptive families, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9: 465-84. 2003. FONSECA, C. L. W. . Famlia e Parentesco na Antropologia Brasileira Contempornea. In: Carlos Benedito Martins; Luiz Fernando Dias Duarte. (Org.). Horizontes das cincias sociais no Brasil: antropologia. So Paulo: ANPOCS, 2010, p. 123-154. Aula 10 (De volta ao sexo - crticas direita) SHAPIRO, Warren. What human Kinship is primarily about: toward a critique of the new kinship studies. Social Anthropology. 16, 2,137-153, 2008. PARKIN, Robert. What Shapiro and Mckinnon are all about, and why kinship still needs anthropologists. Social Anthropology. 17, 2,158-170, 2009. Aula 11 (deslocando Schneider) SAHLINS, M. What kinship is (part one). JRAY 17 (N.S.), 2-19, 2011. SAHLINS, M. What kinship is (part two). JRAY (N.S) 17, 227-249, 2011. Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n.

Aula 12 (individualismo selvagem - crticas esquerda) VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo. The gift and the given: three nano-essays on kinship and magic. In Bamford, S. e Leach, J. (eds.). Kinship






reconsidered. Berghahn Books, 2009.

PATTERSON, Mary. Introduction: reclaiming paradigms lost. Ast. J. Anthropol 16, abril 2005. OLIVIER, Allard. La parent en substance: La critique de Schneider et ses

effects. LHomme 2006/1 n 177-178, p 437-466.

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