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The Birth of Islam The word Islam comes from the Arabic term sallam, which means the

submission of oneself to Allah. Islam is the youngest religion in the world and its followers are called Muslims.

THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD It is believed that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born around 570 AD but was orphaned at an early age; he thus grew up under the care of relatives. Muhammad is said to be the last of the prophetsfrom Adam to Jesus Christ. At a young age, he worked as a caravan trader, the source of livelihood of their family. Khadijah, a rich widow who became his wife, improved his economic and social status. It is said that around 610 AD, the archangel Gabriel appeared before him and told him that he would be Allahs messenger. In ten years time, the angel appeared to him several more times, urging him to preach. These revelations were collected in the book called Quran or Koran (recitation in Arabic), the sacred book used by the Muslims.

QURAN The Quran describes the relationship between Allah and his creations. The Quran also maintains that all individuals are responsible for their actions, for which they will be judged by Allah, and so it provides guidelines for proper behavior within the society. The Quran is regarded as the Word of Allah delivered to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel and written in its present form by Muhammad. It consists of 114 chapters of unequal length. When Muhammad started to preach, his first converts were the immediate members of his family. Other people became angry with him. He preached that there is only one God who should be worshipped and that all idols should be thrown away. He also preached that everyone must help orphans, the oppressed, and the poor. The rich businessmen did not accept these teachings and did not want Muhammad to be their leader. They set out to persecute Muhammad and his converts, but Muhammad was not discouraged. In 622 AD Muhammad fled to an oasis north of Mecca called al Yathrib. This flight to the oasis is day one in the Muslim calendar and is called Hegira. He was invited to meditate between two conflicting Arab tribes living in al Yathrib, which was later renamed Medina. There were three Jewish clans living in the oasis, too. An ummah, or Muslim community, was founded in Medina, and Muhammads teachings were also gradually accepted. The Jewish clans resisted at first, but they eventually formed an ummah with the Muslims. Based on the revelations of the angel Gabriel, Muslims turned to Mecca, the site of the sacred stone, Kaaba. Mecca was still governed by people hostile to Muhammads teachings; this gave the Muslims a reason to raid caravans going to Mecca. Eventually, Mecca itself was conquered, and Muhammad returned to the city triumphant. The most sacred place for the Muslims is the Kaaba in Mecca. It is believed that this is where heavenly bliss touches the earth. It is believed that the Kaaba was built by Abraham. The mosque in Medina is the second most sacred place. Jerusalem is the third most sacred place because this was where Muhammad is said to have made his ascent to heaven.

BASIC TEACHINGS OF ISLAM THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Muslims have five duties, called the Five Pillars of Islam that they have to strictly observe. 1. Shahadah - the profession of faith, which is done by saying There is no other God but Allah and is His prophet 2. Salah - praying five times a day: Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, and Night. - Wudu - Cleaning several parts of the body It is the duty of every Muslim after reaching the age of puberty to perform five Salahs (prayers) at specific times during the day and night. These five specific times are: Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, and Night. A ritual called Wudu is also a necessity in Salah. Muslim can pray anywhere that is clean; Muslims do not make Salah in a bathroom. 3. Zakat - the giving of alms - 2.5% of ones excess wealth Zakat is an annual obligatory charity on every Muslim who possesses over the last year money or property that exceeds their minimum needs. The requirement is 2.5% of ones excess wealth. It is also considered as a tax because it supports the government workers who are not free to make money elsewhere. 4. Hajj - or the pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in a Muslims lifetime - Begins every year during Dul Hejja (12th month of the Islamic calendar) Muhammad

The performance of pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia is required once in a lifetime of every Muslim, if financially and physically able. Hajj begins every year during Dul Hejja which is the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. 5. Saun - fasting during the month of Ramadan

Ramadan refers to the ninth month in the Muslim lunar calendar, the month when revelations to the Prophet Muhammad started. During this time, eating, drinking, smoking, gum chewing, intimate relations and taking anything into the body are not allowed from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is also a time to discipline ones self from bad behaviors such as arguing, bullying, and saying mean things. Fasting is optional for the sick or those who are pregnant, menstruating, nursing and travelling. However, when their situation changes, they make up the days they missed fasting by feeding the poor one meal for each day of fasting they missed.

TAWHEED OR ONENESS OF GOD Muslims believe that there is only one supreme God which is Allah. In Islam, to believe in Allah is not only to believe in Allahs existence but also to believe in all of Allahs attributions, o worship Allah alone, and to obey all Allahs commands. Tawheed includes the oneness of Lordship, oneness of Worship, and oneness of Names and Attributes. a) Oneness of Lordship: To believe that Allah is the ONLY Creator, Provider, and The Commander b) Oneness of Worship: To believe that Allah is the ONLY God who should be worshipped and obeyed as Allah prescribed c) Oneness of Names and Attributes: to believe that Allah is Perfect and His Names and Attributes are Perfect according to what Allah tells us about Himself in the Quran.

Muslims believe that no one shares Allahs holiness with neither angel nor human Muslims do not believe that Allah sleeps, gets tired, or dies. Those attributes are only for Allahs creatures. Allah has neither Weakness nor Weariness Muslims do not believe that humans are made in the image and likeness of Allah

THE SIX PILLARS OF ISLAMIC FAITH 1.) Belief in God (Allah) - Islam teaches that there is one Unique God (Allah) who should be worshipped and obeyed. 2.) Belief in Mala-eka (Angels) - Muslims believe that Allah created unseen creatures such as angels. Muslims believe in their existence, their names, their tasks and descriptions as explained in the Quran. 3.) Belief in the Books of Allah - Muslims believe that Allah revealed books to mankind through his Prophets. The five prominent divine books are: 1) Abrahams Scrolls; 2) Zabur (Psalms) revealed to Prophet David; 3) Tawrah (Torah) revealed to Prophet Moses; 4) Injil (Gospel) revealed to Prophet Jesus; 5) Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad. 4.) Belief in the Prophets of Allah - Muslims believe that Allah sent Prophets to all mankind as messengers for their guidance. Muslims believe in their existence, their names, and their messages, as Allah ang His Prophet informed about them. They are all moral, truthful, and upright men chosen by Allah to be models to all mankind, both their words and deeds being in accordance with the divine commandments. 5.) Belief in Yawn al-Qiyama (Day of Judgment) - Muslims believe that the life of this world and everything that is in it will come to an end on one appointed day, when everything will be annihilated. This day will resurrect all the dead; Allah will judge with perfect justice each person individually according to his good or bad actions that he did during his life. Allah will reward those who lead a righteous life and did good deeds by sending them to Paradise (Jannah) or punish them in the Hellfire (Jahannam). 6.) Qada wal-Qada (Destiny, Divine Decree) - Muslims believe that since the whole universe is entirely under the direction and control of Allah, then everything that happens in this world, from the smallest to the greatest event is governed by Allah. Muslims put their trust in Allah. They are required, however, to make sincere effort to strive and do their best, and not simply sit back and let things take their course in blind resignation. Such belief gives a person a tremendous degree of inner certainty, confidence and peace of heart.

DRESS - For both males and females, Islam requires that they wear proper, decent, modest, and clean clothes. - Muslim women are also instructed by Allah in the Quran to wear as a minimum Hijab (head covering) At home, with her immediate family like her husband, children, brothers, uncles, grandfathers and other males (family members who have been forbidden to marry her), and with other women, a Muslim woman may take her outer garments off, and be free to beautify herself as she wants. UNLAWFUL CLOTHING AND ADORNMENT: - Tight clothing

- Transparent clothing - Clothes that expose parts of the body which are sexually attractive - Extravagant clothes - Swim suits - Makeup or perfume in public - Wigs and hairpieces - Gold and silk are prohibited to men only, but are allowed on women

Innocence of mankind at birth - Muslims believe that people are born free of any sin and bear no responsibility for others faults and sins. It is only after they reach puberty that they knowingly commit sins that they will be held responsible for their actions in this life and the hereafter. There is no original sin in Islam - Muslims believe that both Adam and Eve were equally tempted, both sinned, and were both responsible for disobeying Allah. Both were sorry and repented, and Allah forgave both of them. Muslims believe that no soul is responsible for the sins and faults of others - even if they are their parents, children, wives or husbands. Muslims believe that forgiveness s always available through repentance - Muslims pray for repentance directly to Allah, without any intermediary. Salavation in islam is only through belief and practice - Both go together, side by side, to be granted salvation.

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