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The pregnants book

Week by week


On your first week of pregnancy, you're not actually pregnant. Yup... you read that right. Your doctor will count 40 weeks from the start of your last period to determine your baby's due date. However, the baby will not actually be conceived until around the start of Week 3 of pregnancy. During your period, the uterus sheds its lining. An egg will soon enter your fallopian tube. Should it make a partnership with a fast swimming sperm, this egg will grow into a baby. If you intend to get pregnant, the start of your period is a good time to kick bad habits out of your life such as smoking and drinking. Although the egg has not yet been fertilized, these unhealthy habits can harm the overall health of your body, the egg and your eventual offspring.

The week two of pregnancy is all about making a baby. That's right - there's technically still no actual baby growing inside of you during week 2. It is during this week that you'll be copulating with a partner in hopes of becoming pregnant. That, or it was during this week you accidentally got knocked up. Either way, one thing is for sure: whatever sex you had during the second week of pregnancy was either free of birth control or was faulty birth control because guess what... it got you pregnant! Week two of pregnancy is contraception week. It will take months before you know things like your baby's sex or eye color, but these details and so many others are already determined immediately upon contraception depending on what exact sperm cell inseminated your egg.

In the handful of days following contraception, your egg will transform from a solid grouping of cells to a clustered layer of cells around a fluid-filled cavity. This cavity is known as a blastocyst. The blastocyst will take a 7-10 day-long journey down the fallopian tubes into your uterus. And like that, you're pregnant!

During week three of pregnancy, many expecting mothers are not even aware of the fact that a new life is taking shape in their bodies. However, the week by week calendar of pregnancy has already entered the third week of first trimester pregnancy . The required sperm cell has hit the right spot on the female's fallopian tube. The resulting fertilized egg is busy expanding in the fallopian tube to become a zygote. The next stage entails shifting of this multiplied zygote into the uterus where it rests under the shed of thick uterus walls for the upcoming weeks of pregnancy. The entire process as mentioned takes about 8 - 12 days. Slight pregnancy spotting can occur during the third week of pregnancy. This is very normal and can be ignored. In the event that more than one egg is fertilized or one egg divides into two, twin pregnancy is expected. During week three of pregnancy, the zygote or your cherished baby is just about 0.1 - 0.2 mm large.

The Caretaker
Although you might not notice the new changes that will soon be visible within, your body however is cautious enough to take appropriate steps to help the new one nurture in your womb. The much-required early Pregnancy Factor Protein is already being produced. With time your body takes other vital steps for healthy development like forming a water tight sac known as amniotic sac to cushion the embryo and shaping up of the placenta.

The fourth week of pregnancy marks definite hormonal changes. You might now experience early pregnancy symptoms including fatigue, swollen breasts, bloating and frequent urination. These will be the first noticable symptoms of pregnancy.

Implantation Begins
The fourth week of pregnancy is the week just before your next menstrual cycle would have occured. Implantation takes place during this week. During implantation, the baby searches for a comfortable place in the uterus where it implants, that is to say, settles, for the rest of the pregnancy term. The cells now begin to divide into two groups: the group that forms placenta and the other group that forms the baby.

The Baby Begins To Take Shape

The chorionic villi are formed, the placenta that is supposed to take care of child till birth is appearing and most importantly, the little one's heart is beginning to beat. In the true sense, this is the week when life is actually generated. From the initial cells to the present blurred images that begin to form, there has been a major movement towards creating life.

Plan To Test
By now you must be very anxious to find out if you are indeed pregnant. The wait game to get concrete results by an early pregnancy test however could stretch forward to the fifth week. Though a urine pregnancy test can be undertaken during the fourth week, the results won't be as accurate until one more week. It is a home pregnancy test also known as ept pregnancy test(early home pregnancy test) that checks for the special pregnancy hormone known as HCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) hormone required to confirm a pregnancy.You can humor yourself during this time by taking the free online pregnancy tests.

Congratulations, the fifth week pregnancy ensures that all you happy would-be mothers are aware that you will soon be giving birth to a beautiful baby. The very obvious symptom would be your missed monthly cycle. In case the cycle has been regular so far, this is the time to celebrate. However, the next most prominent pregnancy symptoms will leave little time for celebrations. It is a desire to sleep endlessly. Other early signs of pregnancy include swollen and tender breasts (as the milk glands start multiplying) and abdominal pains.

The Baby Is Growing

At pregnancy week five, the baby's brain and nervous system starting to grow. The features are forming. Your heart is beating hard, right! Well, you'll be surprised to know that the little one's heart is beating twice as strong as your heart. Your baby in the fifth week of pregnancy could be as huge as one long grain of rice. It is time you consult a health care provider when you first detect early pregnancy symptoms.

The beginning of pregnancy week six marks another step forward in the direction of pregnancy weekly development during the first trimester of pregnancy. The early pregnancy symptoms typically begin to magnify by the sixth week. Your baby is growing. In week six, the heart is beginning to beat. The umbilical cord develops. The growth of the child is quite rapid and your baby's features begin to take shape. Those beautiful eyes waiting to see the world are already forming in the tiny life cuddled safely inside you. But the question is, is the sensitive baby of yours really safe?

Deal carefully with the threat of miscarriage

The first trimester of pregnancy carries the biggest pregnancy risk, the risk of miscarriage. This is one reason why most expecting parents tend to keep the good news a secret for at least the first few weeks. Many expecting mothers for obvious reasons are quite apprehensive about what might happen, especially considering the kind of lifestyle they may be leading. Irregular and bad consumption habits, tiring schedules and carefree attitudes all heighten the risk of miscarriage. The baby is forming in the sixth week of pregnancy. It's no longer just a mass of cells bundled together. There is real life developing inside you. The typical indications of a miscarriage pregnancy are bleeding, abdominal pains and/or passing of blood clots or grayish or pinkish tissues. Basic early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, pregnancy back pain, darkening of areola, pregnancy constipation, excessive salivation, food cravings, frequent urination, headaches, increased sense of smell, lower abdominal cramps, tender or swollen breasts are normal and will stay with you for another few weeks. For the father, the well-being of your wife should be ensured through regular checkups and the right nutritional intake.

In the seventh week of pregnancy, your baby goes through some spectacular growth. The baby's senses are developing in this phase of the first trimester of pregnancy. Nostrils, eye lenses, intestines, pancreas, the mouth perforation, ear indentations are all developing in the little one. Closely viewing every picture of an ultrasound in the seventh week of pregnancy would help you notice the apparent changes. Irritating early pregnancy symptoms, namely, morning sickness, continue during this week.

If you like checking yourself out in the mirror, you should do it a few extra times during the eight week of pregnancy. Soon, your body will change and become rounded with a belly. Pregnancy weight gain usually

begins around the eighth week of pregnancy. Maintaining a good pregnancy diet becomes very important in the eight week of pregnancy to ensure that pregnancy weight increases.

About the Baby

Your baby is quite small right now, just about 5/8ths of an inch. The growth continues in this week with the highlight being bone formation. The fingers and toes are growing and the knee joints have also formed. The digestive system also begins to develop during this week. More facial developments can also be noticed in pregnancy eight week. Blood begins to flow through a rudimentary circulatory system, while the digestive tract continues to grow.

Get extensively checked

Missing the second menstrual cycle tops the list of the other important things that happen during this week. And because this has happened your Doctor is willing to take your pregnancy seriously. Now is the time for undergoing a few important tests to ensure the right prenatal development. Blood pressure and weight readings are recorded (and should be monitored weekly), a pelvic exam is conducted which checks the size of uterus, cysts, coloring of cervix, as is a blood test to check immunities, Rh factor, and iron level. The urine sample is also checked for hCG and other important proteins. Apart from the tests, this stage also answers one of your awaited questions. When is the pregnancy due date? Because tests have been conducted and growth has been checked your doctor will be able to indicate your pregnancy due date. Many online pregnancy calculators can also give you a good estimation of your due date

During ninth week of pregnancy, you can begin to shop for pregnancy clothes. There are various stores that offer plus sizes meant for pregnant women. Consider buying cheap maternity clothes as the clothes would anyway be redundant shortly anyway. You can buy funky maternity clothes (like a maternity novelty t shirt), and stylish maternity clothes (to add that extra zing).

Baby is Developing Fine

While you are satisfying your shopping drive, the pregnancy stages are continuing to cause changes within your body. The embryonic period ends in nine week and the placenta is also quite developed. The tiny child inside you is growing well. The baby is drinking amniotic fluid. Reflex muscle movements continue and the baby now has a tendency to move away if touched by the uterus walls. Many mothers are quite apprehensive about the child's features and especially the nose. Many would prefer it to be sharp and pointed. At this stage of pregnancy development, the tip of the nose is becoming visible.

Nine weeks of pregnancy have successfully passed. The tenth week of pregnancy promises to present you the most special gift for nurturing the beautiful baby inside you with care and loads of love. In this stage of prenatal development, you might be able to feel the baby's heartbeat. It gives a chance to experience the life inside you as closely as possible. Those who have heard it say that it is like the thunder of horses but who better than you to explain how it feels to hear your baby live for the first time. In addition to the heart beat, the other changes happening to your baby in the 10th week of pregnancy include the formation of toes, the opening of the eyes, the forming of external genitalia and ears. The embryonic tail is now completely gone. The risk of miscarriage is also about to end in the 10th week. Expecting mothers will notice that the uterus size increases by the end of week 10. Irritating early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and morning sickness, which were at a peak in the 9th week, are also beginning to

fade away. By the 12th week, for most women, morning sickness symptoms and nausea during will be a thing of the past. No wonder the tenth week of pregnancy is greeted with a broad smile by the mother-to-be.

As we approach the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, for many expecting mothers, the pregnancy begins to show. The changes happening to your body will soon apparent and noticeable to all during your eleventh week pregnancy. Now is a good time to inform others about the good news, especially those in your professional circle. Your work commitments for the next few months need to be planned accordingly. Another very crucial debate that enters the picture at this stage of pregnancy development is the growing argument regarding the right food intake and proper amount of weight gain during pregnancy. Before looking into the right pregnancy weight gain parameters let us have a look at the 11th week of prenatal development.

Baby's Growth
Your baby is doing well. His head is exceptionally huge, about half of the body size, in this stage. But this of course is temporary and normal. Other developments include slight hardening of the bones, separation of fingers and toes and the cutest of kicking and stretching acts. The movements will increase as the baby grows and soon you will experience the first feel of your child inside you. The child is doing fine and hope that you too are doing great on both personal and professional fronts. If the Dad is not very receptive about the dynamic changes within you, take him along for the next doctor's visit and make sure he hears the child's heartbeat. This will help win the desired support and comfort from your partner.

The Right Food Intake during Pregnancy

Coming back to the weight gain issue, to begin with, stop thinking too much about it. An increase in weight during pregnancy is quite normal and in fact very much required. A pregnancy weight gain chart can confirm this. Slight weight loss during the first trimester of pregnancy, due to issues like nausea, is all right but eventually in the weeks that follow, a weight increase must happen. It is essential for you and your baby. Normal pregnancy weight gain will be naturally lost in the post pregnancy period. Breast-feeding takes up ample calories and is the trick to get back in shape. If you are overweight, you still need to gain weight during pregnancy. For the underweight pregnant mothers, the pregnancy weight gain is especially essential. The pregnancy weight however must not increase because you are taking in too much fat and sugar as provided by junk food. Your weight must increase by in taking nutrition-rich foods during pregnancy. Pregnancy nutrition is not dependent upon non-vegetarian foods and can be accomplished through a vegetarian diet as well. Relax your worries regarding pregnancy weight gain and eat smartly over the next 29 weeks of pregnancy.

The beginning of the twelfth week of pregnancy marks the beginning to the end of the first trimester. There are a host of changes that have happened in your life during the last 12 weeks, so take some time to fill out the change guide appended at the end of this week's developments.

The Baby In Week 12

Your baby is a little more developed than the last week. He might just achieve the 2-inch mark while you are 12 weeks pregnant. The eyes and ears are moving closer to occupy their final positions on the face. The child's kidneys are secreting urine into the bladder and the nerve cells are multiplying at an excellent rate. The

brain's structure is same as it will be during her/his birth and the reflex movements are also improving. Knowing the sex of the child however is still not possible.

About You
The best news in the 12th week of pregnancy is that the risk of miscarriage has subsided. The other frustrating early pregnancy symptoms like tiredness, morning sickness and nausea plan to leave you alone while you head for the second trimester of pregnancy. You will soon start to feel better and recover from the earlier experienced issues. The other most noticeable change in the body is the increased uterus size. The uterus in weeks to follow will grow enough to appear just above the pubic bone, out of the pelvis. It further continues to grow into your abdomen. In case of twin pregnancy, the size will be even larger. Don't fret this increased size; the uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy size within few weeks of the delivery. Other changes could include patching on areas of the skin for some expecting mothers. Use sunscreen when outdoors as at this time your skin is quite sensitive to the harmful ultraviolet rays. You might also have to deal with freckles or darkening as the 12th week of pregnancy passes. A burning sensation in the throat, chest and abdomen area could also occur in this week. To deal with the issue, try eating more frequently. Drink liquids before and after a meal (avoid liquid in take while taking a meal). Stay away from fizzy drinks and spicy food as this will worsen heartburn. You've worked your way towards the end of first trimester of pregnancy and living carefully can certainly take you easily through the remaining two trimesters.

A Journey through the First Trimester Pregnancy

Before we move to the second trimester pregnancy it is imperative to look into the overall changes that have transpired so far and mark a checklist of essential Do's and Don'ts.

The Key Changes for Mothers

You have conceived and the body has undergone various hormonal changes. Early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, pregnancy back pain, darkening of the areolas, pregnancy constipation, excessive salivation, food cravings, frequent urination, headaches, increased sense of smell, lower abdominal cramps, and tender or swollen breasts that have made life difficult in the initial weeks of pregnancy have almost faded by the 12th week.

Pregnancy weight initially decreased due to nausea and morning sickness but has now begun to increase as the symptoms have subsided. The most critical pregnancy risk of miscarriage has been dealt with by the end of the 12th week. The body is releasing necessary hormones like hCG and the natural changes like increased uterus size, development of placenta, etc. are all in place.

The Key Changes for the Baby

The baby is growing rapidly. From a mass of cells bundled together, the baby is now a real life growing inside you. The child's heartbeat can now be heard. Baby's face complete with a tiny chin and nose is now apparent The skin however is like a transparent sheet It is not possible to find out the child's sex during the first trimester pregnancy. The baby now has reflex actions however due the small size these movements cannot really be felt. There are reasonable muscle developments

Essential Preparation

Here are a few essentials which expectant mothers must have fulfilled by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Diet considerations - eat healthy to stay healthy and give birth to a fit child. Make sure that your food habits include all that is required to meet the complete diet requirements during pregnancy. Exercise - regular pregnancy exercise is the secret to easy and safe delivery. The post pregnancy health is also largely affected by the exercise schedule maintained during pregnancy. Unhealthy habit forming substances - banning all unhealthy habit forming substances like alcohol, cigarettes or tobacco is a definite requirement during pregnancy. Any casual approach to this mandate can result in harmful, irrevocable consequences to both the mother and the child. Maternity leave - the end of the 12th week of pregnancy calls for serious planning of any potential maternity leaves from a job. A balance between personal and professional commitments must be maintained. Finances - start saving for tomorrow. Your family is expanding and the effort to give your child a comfortable life must now begin. Health care - regular checkups and following your doctor's advice is again a strict pregnancy mandate. Informing others - if you still haven't informed other important people around you about the good news and then start preparing your announcement speech.

The baby's room - and if all the mentioned tasks have been successfully accomplished then you can start using your spare time to decorate the little one's paradise.


Welcome to the first week of the second trimester of pregnancy. The energy lost during the initial weeks of pregnancy is now back to their original levels and even the physical desires are back to a normal level. A new liveliness replaces the previous feelings of continuous tiredness and nausea. Regarding pregnancy trimesters, the second is generally the smoothest for most women. As for the physical changes for week 13, expect the breasts continue to change. You'll find yourself wearing less fitted clothes as the pregnancy progresses. The uterus is also expanding and a painful sensation in the abdomen area could now accompany. Round ligament pain is the technical term to explain the stretching of the uterus and the corresponding abdomen pains. Simply relaxing can cure the pains however if they stay for longer durations and are complemented with other issues like bleeding or vomiting, get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Regarding regular prenatal development, the doctor will keep an eye on blood pressure count, weight, fundal height (uterus growth), baby's heart tones and urine.

Pregnancy pillows are a great way to beat the un-welcomed pregnancy pains and steal some hours of relaxation. The increased uterus size, along with other factors like stress or discomfort of carrying a baby makes it tougher, as time progresses, to rest easily. A pregnancy pillow then can provide the desired comfort with ease.

Baby's Growth In Week 13

The tiny creature nurturing inside you is now about 3 inches long. The body is now growing faster than the head to balance out the head to body ratio. The child will now start urinating out the amniotic fluid he started drinking a few days ago. The pancreas is now fully formed and is secreting insulin. The villi, which help in peristaltic movement and digestion, are also forming in the intestine by the second trimester of pregnancy.

There is a real life developing inside you with every passing day at 14 weeks pregnant. The baby is growing and is now about three and a half inches long. The child weighs approximately three and a half ounces in the 14th week of pregnancy. The child's body is growing: arms and legs are getting in place, fingerprints are also formed, the liver starts secreting bile and the child now has a grip. The baby can also start breathing fluid in and out of the lungs. Baby's hair is sprouting all over forming the hair mask known as Lanugo, with even the eyebrows getting their share of the hair. And if so much is happening inside, then why not connect with the life living inside you. Start sparing a few minutes every day, just to be with you baby. Even the experts feel that being with the child for a little while during pregnancy helps create a special parent-child bond. Just resting your hands on the belly and thinking about your child can make a difference. So grab some time from the over occupied schedule and be with the life you will shortly give birth to.

Changes in You
The 14th week of pregnancy marks another step ahead and brings along with it a host of changes. Depending upon the sex of the child, the prostate gland will develop or the ovaries would descend down. Pregnancy constipation is an issue that some mothers experience during this stage of pregnancy. Some tips to deal with pregnancy constipation include, taking in ample quantities of water (just remember that even too much is not enough) and eating high fiber food (though make sure not to overdo it, as this could lead to excess gas). As for the rest just enjoy and maintain high spirits while you wait for D-Day during the remainder of your pregnancy.

This is one of the first stages of pregnancy that can yield vital information about the sex of the child. Though not 100% accurate, ultrasound results in the 15th week of pregnancy could yield information as to the sex of the child. Knowing whether the little one in your womb is a baby boy or a girl is now possible. The question however is, do you want to know now or wait for the day of the birth and see your child to unearth the little secret? There are no suggestions to the situation and medically there is no harm in knowing the details. The general opinion is divided. Many feel that the right time is during birth while others feel that knowing this information can help with the planning. Decide which side of the fence you're on and proceed accordingly.

Baby's Growth Synopsis

The child has stretched another half inch and is now about 4 inches long. The baby is now inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The child has already started reacting and now can sense light as well. The taste buds are beginning to form. Sweat glands appear and the hair growth continues through this week. The baby's ears are almost in place and muscular developments continue on their normal course. Lanugo now covers every

part of the baby in utero, except for the palms, soles of the feet, lips, penis, nails and inner fingers and toes. Some babies start sucking their thumb around this time.

How Are You Feeling This Week?

Certainly better than the last few weeks, right! As for the changes your body is undergoing this week the key ones include, higher output supply by the heart to provide baby with the required oxygen (about 20% higher and will increase further as pregnancy matures), an expanding figure that will soon require maternity clothes and a pregnancy weight gain of about 5 pounds (slightly higher or lower gain is alright). Some expecting mothers may experience a stuffed up nose, increased salivation and maybe a little restlessness. But all these issues won't irritate you for long. Another few weeks and you will be the proud mother of the sweetest child on earth.

The last 15 weeks pregnancy must have been tiring. Thinking, planning and living day and night with the thoughts of how your lives will soon change is understandably difficult to handle. So make sure to spare some time this week and enjoy quality time together. Mom is in a better shape; especially considering the last few weeks and after a few weeks it will be kind of difficult to materialize exciting plans. So just chill out while the baby is developing normally during the sixteenth week pregnancy. apart from spending time with your partner, joining pregnancy clubs and meeting and chatting with others who are undergoing similar changes can certainly be helpful. These clubs allow you to share all your anxieties with a group of like-minded people. During these discussions, you might very commonly come across few concepts which you have heard before but do not entirely understand. We'll discuss those shortly.

Baby's Development in Week 16

The child's limb movements are more coordinated as each week passes. The nails are growing; so don't forget to buy a nail cutter with other baby accessories as the child might require some trimming soon after birth. The head is now almost proportionate to the body and the legs are also quite developed.

Week 16 for You

Time for some more tests. Checking out the right prenatal development and therefore going in for few tests like AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), which tests the blood sample is on the schedule for this week. Other changes include increased discomfort in sleeping (maternity pillows can help with this). Other typical symptoms like sore breasts and minor abdominal pains can be expected. During the discussions about pregnancy you might come across few terms which you do not have a very clear understanding on. A partial understanding of certain information can be dangerous considering how sensitive the 40 weeks pregnancy is. A precise guide to few such terms is presented below:

False Pregnancy - False pregnancy is a psychosomatic condition, wherein, a woman experiences all symptoms of pregnancy but there is no actual pregnancy. The concern is also experienced by small number of men. There is no one specific explanation to this concept. Various reasons like emotional conflict, unfulfilled desires to conceive and give birth, cessation of menstruation, constipation, weight gain, and stress are all considered to contribute to making the female believe that she has conceived, when in reality there is no pregnancy. The effects of false pregnancy are so serious that despite negative pregnancy reports, the women suffering with false pregnancy tend to believe that they have conceived and will soon give birth to a healthy child. False pregnancy could also be an indicator of severe depression. Infections During Pregnancy - Both mother and children are prone to infection during pregnancy. The most common one is Toxoplasmosis, which spreads by coming in contact with cat's stool. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) form another category of infection that affects mothers. It is a bacterial infection which

enters the urethra from the rectum and makes its way up to the bladder, where it continues to multiply. Maintaining proper hygiene and drinking enough water can help deal with the issue. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a genital tract infection, which is caused by overgrowth of bacteria that are usually present in small numbers in the vagina. Yeast Infections are another category of vaginal infections that are commonly experienced during pregnancy. The increased estrogen level during pregnancy causes the vagina to produce more glycogen, making it even easier for yeast to grow there. To avoid any such concerns during pregnancy, select comfortable cotton inner-ware and avoid fitted pants. Other prevention tips include eating yogurt to maintain the bacterial balance in vagina, avoiding perfumed soaps, drinking cranberry juice and maintaining good hygiene practices. Ectopic Pregnancy - Ectopic pregnancy is a situation wherein the embryo does not reaches the uterus, but instead adheres to the lining of the Fallopian tube. Often confused with a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy results in bleeding that expels the implantation out of the tubal and ends in a termination of pregnancy. Is Lupus Pregnancy and childbirth impossible? - Well the answer is no. You might come across statements asserting that a lupus patient cannot give birth to a healthy child. These remarks are not completely accurate. Medical science has progressed and ensured that even lupus patients can give birth to normal children. The birth rate in a lupus pregnancy though is not 100%, yet the success rate is quite high and the exact situation can only be gauged after careful examination of the patient. Lupus primarily affects young women and in few instances, hidden risks of teen pregnancy coupled with lupus are mistaken with lupus abortion. Knowing these concepts can make dealing with issues that arise during various pregnancy stages over the 40 weeks of pregnancy much easier.

A few weeks ago, you were blessed with the sound of the baby's heartbeat in your womb. In the seventeenth week pregnancy, you can feel the child move inside you. At first, expecting mothers might not recognize the movement inside their body and therefore might have a tendency to ignore the initial movements. Slightly overweight moms might not feel the child this early, however those who have already given birth before know how it feels and therefore can recognize the movements sooner. Thinner moms might feel the baby move even earlier than week 17. The movements are primarily due to the muscular developments the child is undergoing. Other vital developments in the child during this week include the formation of brown fat deposits under the skin (this helps maintain the body temperature of the child during the birth and soon after), the baby's size has also increased to generally around 5 inches by now and the placenta is growing thicker every week.

Changes in You
Week 17 suggests that you hide away all your heels for the weeks ahead. As for the physical changes, the uterus is now between your pubic bone and navel. The baby's movements known as quickening are now experienced and act as an important determinant of the pregnancy due date calculation. The feeling is compared to having butterflies in the stomach and is therefore also referred to as fluttering. The heart continues to pump at an increased rate and few soon-to-be mothers might also notice increased vaginal discharge as the pregnancy stages continue. If you notice these changes, simply lay back and relax as they are normal and will fade away after birth. The biggest gift of 17th week pregnancy is that it takes you another week closer to your baby.


In the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the most apparent of pregnancy symptoms become very real. You will love to eat and the huge appetite would be beyond control. The cravings will leave chance at any dieting attempts and it will soon show by way of an enlarged belly. Soon, expecting mothers will notice a difficulty in maintaining balance all thanks to the huge body size. Don't panic, all these side effects of pregnancy will return to normal after giving birth. Right now, just eat and enjoy life. As for the other tips and changes around this time, it is suggested that you lie on your left side as otherwise there is unnecessary pressure on your pelvic veins.

Baby's Growth Chart In Week 18

The baby is now about five and a half inches long and weighs approximately 7 ounces. The child's growth is faster in this phase of the second trimester of pregnancy. Baby's stomach, intestine and colon are developing. The stool that the child will soon pass after birth is also being formed. He can now sleep inside your body. Skin remains transparent and is kind of pink in color. Blood vessels are visible through the skin. The child's protective cover known as Myelin that continues to form till about one year after birth, is beginning to form. The prostate gland is also beginning to develop. Vernix, a textured substance, is now covering the child's body to protect him/her during the remaining weeks of pregnancy.

Your baby undergoes radical changes in the 19th week of pregnancy. There are two reasons for this. First, there actually are faster changes and secondly, the changes are much more noticeable now. For instance, the baby might suddenly seem taller. Height does increase as time progresses but now because the child's legs are developed and straightened, doctors measure fetal growth from head to toe and not from crown to rump. Therefore, the child's ultrasound picture at this stage of pregnancy presents seemingly drastic growth. The actual height increase actually is just about another two inches from the last week; however, measuring from head to heal, the baby's height is now around 9 inches. The child's weight in this month is approximately eight and a half ounces. Other growth taking place in this week includes regular functioning of the kidneys as they continue to make urine, growth of hair on the child's scalp of (which may be prominent on the face and ears for some time after birth as well) and many specialized tasks like smelling, hearing, sensing, touching and seeing are being coordinated by brain with the respective sense organs.

The Week's Progress and Task for You

Your pregnancy is almost halfway over. By now you must have adjusted to the changes that pregnancy and childbirth has in store for mothers to be. As for the expected physical changes this week, the skin might be drier than usual and some expectant mothers might also experience itchy skin. As advised earlier, drink gallons of water to beat all such issues during pregnancy. Other remedies include a gentle massage using a warm facecloth. A much more crucial issue that now must be catered to is registering with childbirth classes. Such classes can help to a large extent in dealing with the various issues confronted during pregnancy and childbirth. Researches have indicated that those enrolled in childbirth classes have easier times during childbirth. Such classes touch upon a variety of subjects that are extremely vital for any soon-to-be mother and therefore present a convenient solution to various pregnancy related problems. In addition to various other subjects, childbirth classes will highlight the importance of exercising during pregnancy. Diligent and careful workout during the pregnancy weekly stages can help curb the dreaded pains of childbirth.


The glass is half full and half empty at 20 weeks pregnant. A long path has already been traveled and the same distance is still yet to be covered. While the barricades have taken different forms from one phase to another, pregnancy remains a tough time to deal with. Childbirth lessons, eating healthy, drinking a lot of water, exercising, petite maternity clothes and maternity body pillows can be your weapons to fight the battle.

Changes to Expect in Week 20 of Pregnancy

Sleeping will grow to be more and more uncomfortable as pregnancy progresses. The increased waistline, changes in the uterus position, stuffed internal organs, heartburn and indigestion, and cramped legs all work together to make for some restless nights. Despite tiredness and a dire requirement to sleep, there could be sleepless nights. Pregnancy body pillows might soothe the tricky situation. The top of the uterus in week 20 is almost at the belly button now. If it is your first delivery, the baby will drop or engage into the pelvis a few weeks before delivery and remain almost same until childbirth. As for the second pregnancy (or who have had more children before), this will not happen until birth.

About The Child's Development In Week 20

The baby is about 10 inches long now, again measuring from head to toe. The protective layer of the greasy white substance Vernix that began forming a few weeks earlier now covers the baby and protects him/her during pregnancy. This substance's smooth texture helps during pregnancy delivery. The child is now swallowing at a better rate than earlier and has developed teeth buds beneath the gum line. The limbs are almost proportionate to normal sizes and around this week of pregnancy, the child's eyelashes and eyebrows are almost formed.

This 21st pregnancy week is comparatively easier to the times you've already gone through or will undergo in a few weeks. These are just minor issues here and there. The irritating very early pregnancy symptoms have subsided and the baby is also not yet fully formed which makes life a little easier. Around this time the only changes include mild acne issues (due to increased oil production) and aching legs due to added pressure on the veins in your legs. Both of these problems can be dealt with. The former concern can be managed by washing the face quite a number of times through the day and drinking water, which hopefully you have been doing anyway. The latter issue, pressure on the veins of the legs, can be aided by increasing circulation with a brisk walk. For either of the issues, please do not apply or consume any medication without doctor's prescription.

Fetal Development In Week 21

The baby in this week is about ten and a half inches long and weighs approximately about three quarters of a pound. By now the child's moves inside the womb are quite articulate and if the baby is a girl, her vagina will be formed by now. The child also adds rapid eye movement, which are vital for baby's healthy sleep schedule in his growth chart. The little one has translucent, soft red skin and by this time of the pregnancy weekly growth, he is ready to tease you with his unexpected moves.

If you have been observing the baby's development closely over the last few weeks you will have noticed the changes the child undergone over time. The baby goes through high paced changes in the second trimester of pregnancy. The child is about one pound in weight and 11 inches long. The baby's eyelids and eyebrows are now fully formed. The lanugo mask that has been covering baby is now visible.

The Expected Changes Moms Will Face During Week 22

Pregnancy moves another stage forward with your weight steadily increasing over time. By now the heeled shoes are a strict no for all you expecting mothers. Regarding the physical changes to expect, the uterus

would be about an inch above your navel. For mothers expecting multiple babies, leg cramps resulting from a shortage of calcium will be a regular phenomenon by now. Skin changes are also quite normal during this phase of pregnancy. Many also face a peculiar situation known as vascular spiders in which reddish areas appear all over the body due to increased estrogen levels. This issue along with other pregnancy appearance related problems like thicker, lustrous hair, faster growing fingernails, skin discolorations, pigmented circles around nipples, and swelling are all temporary and will fade away within a few weeks following delivery.


By the twenty-third week of pregnancy, issues like skin discolorations or stretch marks become a concern to many of the first time mothers. In addition to the noticeable stretch marks, your body will undergo various other changes while preparing itself for the scheduled delivery. For instance, the uterine muscle will begin having contractions to signal that it is getting prepared for delivery. Signs of premature labor can also be felt during this phase. The key cause of premature labor is dehydration. This makes premature labor more likely to occur in the summertime. This should once again emphasize the importance of drinking a plentiful amount of water every day. Preeclampsia is a situation that a few expectant mothers might encounter. Medically, it is state of significant swelling all over the face and hands, weight gain, blurry vision and continual headaches. Any expecting mother experiencing such symptoms should make an appointment with the practitioner at the earliest. Preeclampsia can prevent the placenta from receiving enough blood, thus depriving your baby of essential nutrients and lower oxygen levels, possibly resulting in low birth weights and other problems.

The Baby's Growth Chart in Week 23

The child weighs approximately one pound and is about 11 inches long. The skin is translucent and baby has a thin figure, but it will soon fill up with baby fat. In about a week, the child's lungs will develop branches of the respiratory tree and cells that produce surfactant, to help with the air sacs inflation.

About Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are basically streaks in the skin and are an issue faced by the majority of women during their later stages of pregnancy. Bright red or purplish in color, stretch marks are prominently visible on lower abdominal and can also be found on buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts. The key cause of stretch marks is the expanding belly to accommodate the child. This expansion results in changes in the elastic supportive tissue that lies just beneath the skin. Unfortunately there are no sure-fire ways to prevent pregnancy stretch marks. Thankfully most of them disappear in the 6 to 12 months that follow pregnancy. If you feel that you must undertake a specific stretch

mark removal treatment, there are various options available. Topical medications or laser treatment are among the few medical treatment paths to select from. The best home remedy for stretch marks is to gain no more than 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. However, pregnancy is a time when more important concerns like proper nutritional intake and child's health must be taken as a priority over stretch marks. Therefore, while in the second trimester of pregnancy, just eat and drink well and leave concerns like stretch marks to fade away at a later date.

At 24 weeks pregnant, it is appropriate to make a decision regarding cord blood banking. However, before getting into the intricacies of the cord blood banking, let's have a note on how you feel and the how the baby is progressing in the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. The uterus will now be about an inch and a half above the belly button. The baby is in full spirits to make sure that you, even for a single minute, cannot ignore his existence inside of you. And the best way chosen by the little one is by practicing kicks and jumps and flips and flops inside your womb. The baby has gained about a quarter of a pound in weight and is almost developed by now. The child's skin is red in color and the bones are solidifying. He is getting prepared for breathing and is all set to charm you with monstrous yet cute acts. A few expectant mothers might have encountered headaches during the first trimester of pregnancy. The issue should now have subsided. Don't be relaxed, another concern, namely, swellings in ankles and feet, will soon begin to bother you. Technically known as edema, swelling is a result of changes in blood chemistry and the excessive pressure exerted by the expanding uterus on blood veins. Drinking fluids is again the only suggestion to aid this problem. A simple yet important pregnancy tip therefore is, make huge posters with water written all over them and hang them in very corner of your house or office. Do whatever you must do to remind yourself to drink lots and lots of water during every day of pregnancy.

About Cord Blood Preservation

Cord blood banking is a technique wherein the excess blood present in mother's body after birth is collected and stored frozen for future medical use. Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells. It is also referred to as stem cell cord blood and can be used to treat a host of diseases. The process is completely safe. This cord blood preservation process takes just about 10 minutes. The blood can either be donated for public use or can be stored for your own personal use at a later date. Personal storage usually costs a nominal fee. It is a completely voluntary decision and talking with experts in greater detail can help you make up your mind with regards to cord blood banking.

Technically there are still 15 weeks before your baby's due date. Most women will give birth to a healthy child between the 38th and 42nd week of pregnancy, however a minority might encounter the pregnancy complication of pre-term labor and premature pregnancy.

Changes in You and Your Baby in Week 25

The child is growing taller; he is now about thirteen and a half inches in length. He is beginning to add the aforementioned body fat and will soon be more proportionate width to length. The baby's nervous system will undergo major developments in coming days. Other features have almost taken shape by now. The respiratory system of the child is now quite strong. The head and feet are slowly rotating so that the head is pointed towards birth canal. As for pregnancy trimesters, the second one will soon be over. Working out will now be extremely tiring and sleeping quite difficult. But keep up your spirits as the pain will soon end. Drink plenty of water take in proper

nutrition and workout with ample cool down sessions. You can also expect to start visiting your doctor more regularly.

About Pre-Term Labor and Premature Birth

Premature delivery is a scenario in which childbirth occurs before the beginning of 37th week of pregnancy. This early birth, due to incomplete development in the child, might lead to many medical ailments and could be fatal to the baby. There are various causes of premature labor including undue stress during pregnancy, harmful consumption habits like consuming drugs or alcohol, worsened lifestyles, lack of social support, infection to the mother or an accident. Women who have had previous premature delivery or women who have certain abnormalities or are expecting multiple babies are especially prone to the dangers of early birth. Some key medical conditions that could lead to premature birth include UTI (urinary tract infections), vaginal infections, bleeding, high blood pressure, birth defects in the child, under or over weight mothers and lack of time between two subsequent pregnancies. The key symptoms of pre-term labor are elucidated below. If you happen to experience any of the following symptoms, make no delays in contacting your doctor at the earliest.

Frequent contractions Pelvic pressure, a feeling where it seems like a mass is pushing itself down. Cramps similar to period Change in vaginal discharge Experiencing Preclampsia

Even though pre-term labor is not very common, do not neglect any potential medical indications. Medicine has progressed drastically and there are ways to deal with premature birth if handled expertly. Therefore tread with caution as you progress towards the next week of the pregnancy wheel.


Congratulations, another crucial phase of your pregnancy has been successfully completed. There are just a few weeks left to go. In week 26, the baby is 14 inches and weighs close to 2 pounds. If your baby is a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum. The skin is changing from transparent to opaque. You will be surprised to know that as the baby grows she would now respond in a certain fashion to various external noises. Try finding out what excites your child. She can also now differentiate between light and dark. As for you, in week 26 even others can start to feel the baby. Dads will now certainly be delighted. After all, feeling one's own child is a joy that cannot be replicated. Mood swings are a common phenomenon during

pregnancy and will certainly be present in the 26th week as well. Pregnancy high blood pressure can make you irritated. Pregnancy back pain is another issue that will unfortunately only become worse. These changes and problems are all normal. To distract yourself, now would be a good time to start decorating the child's room and thinking of baby names. These preparations will take you closer to your child during the remaining weeks of pregnancy.

Welcome to the start of the third and final trimester of pregnancy. The changes happening to you and baby will be radical from now until delivery. Mood swings, sudden food cravings become intense as the third trimester pregnancy begins. Dads and others who are in close contact with you might start feel as miserable as you do. So just try to be soft on them and manage your mood swings. You can do this by changing environments (going out for a walk) or jotting down your emotions on a piece of paper. Calling friends and chatting with them will also help you chill out. Weight gain will be quite drastic from now on. However, this is very much required and is completely healthy. Therefore do not panic and most importantly do not plan out a diet schedule. The weight gain is desperately required for your and the baby's health. There could be minor breathing issues due to the shortage of space required by the lungs to expand. Simply ignore it and think about your baby.

Your Child in the First Week of the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

The baby is progressing well. And if she's made it through the stages of pregnancy and has reached this stage without problems, there is a very slim chance of any serious complication moving forward. The baby is about 15 inches in length and now weighs about 2 pounds. The skin, though wrinkled, is adding on the required fat layer as the pregnancy progresses smoothly.

The little one inside is kicking hard and is gaining fuller looks as he adds on fat in the 28th week of pregnancy. Very much developed, the child looks almost like what he will look like after birth. The features are quite developed at this stage of the pregnancy. Your doctor might now be able to give you indications regarding the child's position in the womb. However, since there is still ample space inside for the baby to shift, he might switch position over the next few days. By this point, you will feel as if you are dating your practitioner. The visits are more frequent and every development is being carefully gauged. Those moms who are Rh-negative but have Rh-positive partners might go in for Rhogam shots to avoid any birth complications. Other tests like gestational diabetics will likely be performed. Weight, blood pressure counts, the size of child, and tests for infections are all going on in this week and in the remaining days of pregnancy.

A Note for Dads

Your better half is undergoing tremendous physical and psychological pains right now. Shopping for her and the child, arranging for a movie night, spending a quiet evening with her, will all help to cheer her up. Being next to her and taking care in special ways can help deal with the difficult times of pregnancy.

The pregnancy wheel is rotating in full motion as your pregnancy enters the 29th week. The child is in full spirits as she grows up to enter the new world within a few short weeks. Every move of the beautiful little one

must now be checked and recorded. The kicks and movement of the baby inside you must be noted; if possible using fetal kick counts available in stores. Any change in the frequency of your baby's kicks is an important piece of information that your doctor will certainly be interested in. The child is now in a position to regulate her own body temperature and the bone marrow will soon begin producing red blood cells. At this time, the baby is roughly fifteen and a half inches long and weighs close to two and a half pounds.

What's Bothering You In Week 29?

It is already week 29 of pregnancy and you must be thinking of when the baby will actually be born. By now it must be difficult to work. It is high time that you make appropriate arrangements for a maternity leave to avoid any undesired hassles. Troubles that presented themselves in the first trimester, like heartburn and constipation, might again resurface. Breathing problems will remain for the duration of the pregnancy. Hemorrhoids, due to a growing uterus and gas troubles, due to a slower digestive cycle are other key hassles to anticipate. Itchy hemorrhoids can be aided by applying a hot pad or cold compresses on the affected area. The pressure exerted by the uterus on the bladder accounts for more frequent urges to use the restroom.


At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, there's not much time remaining on the pregnancy calendar. Now is a good time to make preparations for the baby shower. Unlike earlier traditions where a baby shower was arranged only for the first child, today parents are welcoming all their siblings with equal excitement and warmth and planning out a baby shower for all expected children. Some parents prefer to wait for the child's birth and then get into celebration mode, however, this stage of pregnancy is perfect for a baby shower party. Not only will it cheer up the moody mother-to-be, but will also give you a chance to indulge in something productive over the next few weeks of pregnancy while you might be on maternity leave. This is also a time to treat yourself. Get a maternity portrait done to keep the memories alive. And how about a maternity gift while dads prepare for the baby shower? For many first time parents, this is perhaps the last celebration where you will have a chance to spend quality time together with friends before the baby arrives. To ensure a fun baby shower, be sure to include interesting baby shower games in the schedule. The unspoken word baby shower game is quite famous and can be included in the plan. Simple to play, the game requires you to assign one word to each guest. The guest is not supposed to speak out the assigned word in public and is eliminated if caught uttering the word. Other enchanting baby shower ideas include setting up a theme party.

There are various ways to invite guests to a baby shower party. If the list is long, settle for an economical baby shower invitation. Baby showers are quite popular these days and marketers have made it a point to profit nicely off of them.

About The Baby's And Your Development In This Week Of Pregnancy

Your baby weighs about 3 pounds in this week. The child's head is growing in size to manage for the rapid brain developments that occur during this last phase of pregnancy. Lanugo, the early protection sheet, is now beginning to disappear. Bone marrow is now completely catering to its task of the RBC (red blood cells) production. The nervous system of the child will soon be fully functional and the delicate darling inside you can now produce tears. As for you, the pregnancy-associated tears will soon end as the final stage approaches. The prenatal insomnia now plans to invade your bedroom. Welcome to the warm up session for post-pregnancy sleepless nights. Other enemies like irritating backaches and itching promise to continue thorugh this week of pregnancy.

By week 31 your pregnancy is becoming quite advanced. The child is already 16 inches long and weighs over 3 pounds. Fat is accumulating and the baby is moving inside the womb to take up the final position. The only important body organ that remains less developed at this stage of pregnancy is the lungs. The eyebrows and eyelashes are filling in fast. Swollen feet, squeezed stomach, tightened muscles and contractions are just a few things expecting mothers will be experiencing now. Colostrums or pre-milk might start leaking from breasts. Now is a good time to finish your post pregnancy delivery shopping. Soon it will be extremely difficult to get around. Buy some cheap maternity clothes to help cheer up through the irritating times ahead. Important stuff that you will soon require after childbirth includes breast feeding pillows, nursing pajamas, nursing gown, breast feeding tops, nursing tops, breast feeding cover, breast feeding pump and much more. Let this week of pregnancy be devoted to some serious shopping.

By the beginning of the 32nd week of pregnancy, you are into a phase when any indication or pain could be labor pain. The question is, how to know if the pains are actually the final ones. The child's vigorous movements, technically referred to as Braxton Hicks contraction, further mystifies the puzzle of real pain. About 15.8 inches tall, the baby weighs approximately three pounds ten ounces in this stage of pregnancy. The wrinkles from the child's skin are disappearing and there is a strong chance that the baby even if born now, would be medically healthy. Minor issues like nursing or sucking could be a problem with premature babies. The five senses are completely functional and the child is settling in a head down position for birth.

How About You??

Continual movements will make you wonder if these are real contractions. For first time mothers, it isn't really easy to find out if the contractions are indicative of final labor pains. A few indicators that can help solve the riddle are, dropping of the baby, diarrhea, upset stomach, increase in practice contractions, weight loss, increase in blood pressure and like everybody suggests, you will know when it is about to happen. This phase of pregnancy is not really prone to any major complications before childbirth. For informational purposes, please note that placenta previa is a rare complication that few pregnant women might face during this time. In this situation, the placenta completely or partially blocks the cervix. Another uncommon condition

related to the placenta is abruptio placenta which is when the placenta separates from the uterus. Immediate pain and bleeding are signs of this problem. Apart from these issues, constipation and indigestion are the common problems that prevail during this week of pregnancy as well

Week 33 of pregnancy and it could conceivably by any time that your child will make you rush to the hospital. Registering at a hospital in advance can help deal with any unpleasant situations at the time of delivery. The child is almost fully developed. There are only a few minor changes yet to take place. The baby is rapidly gaining weight. Her knee and elbow can easily be distinguished. In case you are experiencing rhythmic bumps, then relax, because the baby is having hiccups which are perfectly healthy. The fat deposits under the child's skin continue to develop and the skin color is slightly pinkish. If you're expecting a boy, his testicles have moved to the scrotum and for baby girls, the clitorus is quite prominent. The amniotic fluid will be at its maximum level by the thirty-third week of pregnancy.

Changes in You
As for the moms, the countdown has almost reached the final stages. Focus on relaxing because in another few days your child will make sure that you are always on your toes. You uterus is over 5 inches above the navel. Pain and numbness in the fingers and wrist may also be experienced. Minor swelling should also be expected. Stomach cramps might decrease your appetite. The weight that you might be experiencing at this stage is actually your baby's weight gain. A pregnancy weight gain chart can be reassuring in this matter. The little one is growing and gaining quite rapidly in the final stages of pregnancy.

At 34 weeks pregnant, the baby is getting stronger to face the challenges of a new world. She is getting plump with fat deposits offering fullness to the body. The lungs are completely developed and are producing surfactant that coordinates the exchange of oxygen in lungs. The child is also developing antibodies to fight infection. About five pounds in weight, she can now open and shut her eyes. Multiple babies can no longer move due to shortage of space.

A Look At Mom's Health In Week 34

While the baby is getting stronger, moms are getting weaker due to the weight they carry. By now it is probably completely tiring to stand up even for few minutes. The routine visits to healthcare practitioners now include a careful check of the cervix. Any signs of effacement or dilation indicate the nearing labor. The baby must have dropped down by this time. There will be pressure on the vagina. This is a direct implication of the dropping down process. Breathing is thankfully easier as you are ready for load shedding. Technically when the baby drops, his head enters the birth canal. With these developments in place the final event of pregnancy is just round the corner.

The beginning of week 35 of pregnancy brings along good news: the third trimester pregnancy is almost over, meaning you're about to give birth! In just a few days you will be able see your feet again. It won't be possible to revert back to your pre-pregnancy routine immediately after delivery; however, you'll be back to your normal self before you know it. With just a few days left before the birth, your baby is all set to fill your world with enduring happiness. The child's growth is almost complete with just a few minor changes yet to take place. The placenta that helped the baby grow inside you has completely matured. Weight gain is rapid in this week as well. The child's

increasing size might hinder the movements inside your womb, thus lowering the fetal count. He is plump and cute with fat deposits accumulating under the skin. The lungs are fully formed. He is producing cortisol to help the lungs develop in preparation for birth.

Are You Panicked?

Pregnancy was difficult but child labor and birth are even more complicated. Sleepless nights, backache, difficulty handling weight, and increased visits to the restroom will be some irritants during your final days of pregnancy. However, just be patient because in another few days these hurdles will clear away and you will be the proud mother of a sweet baby. If standing becomes a continuous problematic issue you can try using a support belt.

Dear Dad
How does it feel now? Just a few more days and your life will change for the better. Are you ready to take up the responsibilities that wait ahead? Mom has already undergone enough and needs every comfort life has to offer. Your baby darling too deserves just the best. So simply spend the remaining few days of pregnancy planning out a beautiful life for your wife and baby.

Week 36 of pregnancy doesn't have much excitement to offer; unless of course you go into labor. The basic tasks like getting registered with a hospital for delivery, decorating the baby's nursery, jotting down a list of potential baby names have all been catered to. The doctor visits are in full swing and all that can be done through this week is watch some nice movies and read interesting books while you await childbirth. And while you live through these tough times, the baby is busy adding on weight. She is already five pounds and two ounces and 17.8 inches long. And believe me, she looks simply wonderful. This is a time when the child requires putting on weight so don't let your weight increase bother you. In addition to the weight increase, the baby's muscles harden as the pregnancy progresses towards the final date. If born now, she is ready to swallow and digest milk. Hope you too are ready to nurture her with utmost care and loving.

Changes in Soon-To-Be Mothers

By now, you certainly must feel that you have expanded beyond practical limits, but there is more that can still happen. You will continue to grow even bigger between now and childbirth. Your uterus is about five and a half inches above the navel. The full term begins next week. One thing that must be kept in mind right now is that the cure for pregnancy related discomfort must not be sought from hot baths. A warm shower is all right but sitting back in hot water bath is not advised. As for the other changes, baby is moving down and this takes off the earlier experienced internal body pressures. This change also results in improved appetite. The grand finale of your pregnancy is already here, are you all set?

Weeks 37 to Week 41 of the pregnancy are considered as full term pregnancy times. Labor pains during this time are perfectly normal and desirable.

About The Child

He is doing perfectly well. With all growth parameters satisfied, the baby is all set to pick a nice birthday date. He is inhaling amniotic fluid which could cause hiccoughs. These are medically considered as a positive growth indicator. With an average size of 20 inches, the child is working on his grip. Reflexes by now are fully functional. All internal organs have also now developed.

A Quick Note on Mother's Health in Week 37

Mothers might experience increased vaginal discharge at this stage of pregnancy. If you are waiting for the expected due date of pregnancy then be prepared to wait a little longer or be surprised by an unanticipated labor. Its rather rare that a women delivers exactly on her scheduled due date. As your body prepares for the pregnancy, it discharges cervical mucus. This mucus plug deals with the undesired bacterial infection around the uterus area. Some expecting mothers might soon lose this mucus plug. As for the rest, delivery is just around the corner. So don't panic if you exceed the anticipated due date. Enjoy eating in this last stage of pregnancy.

The full pregnancy has already begun and 38th week of pregnancy could very well be the final week. In a matter of a few days you would be able to see and hold your child for the first time. Now that the birth room is a few days away, you should have decided if you want your partner to be there inside the labor room or not. The decision is yours but being with the one you love greatly helps go through the anticipated and unanticipated pains of childbirth. While you are busy imagining what will soon follow, the baby is gaining weight. Don't be shocked, the process will continue until birth, though you might not feel the gain any further. By now she is also storing meconium in her intestines. The child is settling down in your pelvis and this could send a buzz in the lower part of the body. She's shed most of the lanugo cover, though the process continues after birth.

Expecting Mothers
Just another few days and the world will change for the better. To begin with, your room would look different and sound different. The baby's sounds would fill the dull surroundings. Currently you must be feeling slightly better than before thanks to the improved breathing conditions. Pressure will now be on the thighs and bladder. As for the rest, problems plan to stay another few days followed by the big event. And soon the Dday of the pregnancy calendar will change your life forever.

Week 39 of fetal development has begun and you're still pregnant. This is perfectly normal. It is simply a matter of few more days. Due date calculations are approximate and rarely does the childbirth take place on the exact calculated pregnancy due date. Childbirth after the 38th week is absolutely normal and healthy for both your baby and you, so just sit back for another few days and think about the comforting post pregnancy massage you'll be able to receive shortly.

Baby's Growth in Week 39

Now that the baby is almost 38 weeks old, he is perfectly healthy and is doing great. The lungs are appropriately matured and surfactant production is increasing. Over 7 pounds in size, the child will be under close monitoring through the final days of pregnancy. A check on the child's heartbeat helps assess the progress. Ready for birth, your baby has already completed all major development requirements. Just after the birth your baby might seem a little peculiar. Well, don't worry, as all newborns look kind of different from

normal expectations. And moreover these seemingly strange looks won't stay for long, it is just a matter of a few days before the newborn will grow to be a perfectly normal and beautiful child. And dearest mom, whom do you want your baby to look like? Should she resemble you or pick few distinct features from her father's looks? Have you pictured your child's look? If not, then take my word on it, she looks even prettier than the adorable baby gazing at you through the poster hung on the front wall of the nursery. Start imagining your baby's gorgeous looks because this can take off the anxiety of the upcoming childbirth. Many of you might deliver this week and or the next. There is not much time left for being pregnant. Thirtyeight weeks of pregnancy have sailed by swiftly and the remaining few days of pregnancy promise to end soon.


Week 40! Almost the last week of the pregnancy. Some expecting mothers might give birth in week 41 or 42 at the latest. Once these few days are over, you can return to the normal pre pregnancy regime. Well, almost. The baby will obviously demand a few changes here and there which you will certainly have to make way for. A serous bit of advice here, make sure to breast feed your child for the initial few weeks. It is not only excellent for his heath but is also necessitated by your body. Another post pregnancy tip is to pay attention to the father after the delivery. Many partners complain that wives tend to ignore their husbands. Keep in mind that even they have been longing for you for the last few months. And Dads, make sure to help Mom in every way possible. Taking care of the child is a responsibility that must be equally shared by the two of you. Be close to the baby and get involved in daily chores. After all, this is the best way to connect with your child. Enough tips for now. It is time that you also update yourself on an important concept referred to as induction. Inductions are artificial means to bring about labor. On certain occasions, health care providers might feel that it is time that the childbirth takes place. In such cases, different medical and non-medical techniques are deployed to bring about artificial pains followed by real childbirth.

A Quick Note on Labor

True labor will be completely different from all the false labor alarms you've experienced. You will unmistakably know when you are going into labor. It will start with infrequent contractions, which will gain momentum over time. The baby starts moving down and once you are fully dilated, that is the child has moved down, pushing begins. What soon follows is delivery. After delivery, the umbilical cord will be clamped and

cut, a process which is painless to both mother and child. And finally the birth of placenta, it is over before you even realize it started. Easy isn't it? =) Baby is healthy and is lying head down, well at least in 96% of cases. With hardly any space to move, the child is eager to move outside the secured womb and enter the new world as the final stage of pregnancy ends shortly. For more information visit


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