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WLU Faculty of Education Lesson Planner

Teacher: Miss Walser Grade: 5 Curriculum Area: Phys. Ed Date/Time: Thursday March 7, 2013 Lesson Topic/Title: Cooperative Games Giants, Wizards and Elves Lesson Focus (Overall expectations) Demonstrate personal and interpersonal skills and the use of critical and creative thinking processes as they acquire knowledge and skills in connection with the expectations in the Active Living, Movement Competence, and Healthy Living strands for this grade. Learning Expectations (Specific Expectations) 1.3 communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information accurately as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living (e.g., Active Living: warn others and report to the teacher if any equipment is broken or unsafe to use; Movement Competence: when working with a partner to create a developmental gymnastics sequence, listen to their partner and share ideas for ways to improve the sequence; Healthy Living: practise using refusal skills if presented with choices or peer pressure regarding use of alcohol or tobacco) 1.4 apply relationship and social skills as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living to help them interact positively with others, build healthy relationships, and become effective team members (e.g., Active Living: demonstrate leadership skills by taking turns leading warm-up activities; Movement Competence: collaborate with teammates to plan how to move the ball up the field, then follow through with the plan; Healthy Living: show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours) Lesson Objectives (Learning Goals) Assessment By the end of this lesson, students will be Diagnostic - Teacher anecdotal observation able to: of students prior knowledge of safety and apply relationship and social skills as they relationship and social skills (example participate in a variety of cooperative below). activities actively and safely participate in cooperative games. Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills Materials/Safety Resources/Citations OPHEA - Gymnasium - Chart Paper - Markers - Think, Pair, Share self assessment worksheet - Pencil Still Need:

The Lesson: Before the Learning Activity (Anticipatory Set) Est. Time Teacher will be standing in the middle of the gym, as students come out of change room. Stand by me will be used to gather students together 10 mins and give instructions
Students gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity. Blob Tag Choose one student to be the blob. That student runs and tags other students. As students are tagged, they join the blob by holding the hand of or linking arms with an outside player. Only students on the ends of the blob may tag other players. When the blob reaches a size of five people, the blob may split into two smaller blobs of two and three. Restart the game with a new blob as necessary. During the Learning Activity Stand by me!


30 mins

Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals. Have students reword Learning Goals using their own language. Have students share newly worded learning goals orally. Brainstorm a list of characteristics and behaviours students need to understand when playing cooperatively, actively and safely with other students in a variety of cooperative activities. Record these characteristics, called Success Criteria on chart paper as a visual reference for students throughout the unit.
Giants, Wizards and Elves Giants - Formed by raising high on tip toes, stretching arms high, curling fingers and growling. Wizards - Formed by crouching very slightly, pointing and wiggling all fingers, as if casting a spell and saying: Bbzzz as if electricity is coming from fingers,

Kazaam, abradabra or whatever magic word you choose. Elves - Squat down on haunches, cupped hands (fingers up) beside ears to represent elf ears and make shrill high pitched noises or words of your choice (as long as all players know the words). - Divide the class into two equal teams. - Each team will huddle at their own safety zone (opposite end of the playing area, designated by a line or some boundary). In the huddle, teams will agree on a character to portray during the acting phase. - The teams will now face each other about 5 feet apart at the center of the playing area (half-court). - On the signal, teams will act out the character on which their team agreed. - The winning team will now chase and attempt to tag the players from the losing team. - The losing team will attempt to make it back home to their safety area without getting tagged. - Players who get tagged, must join with the other team. After the chase, the process starts again with each team meeting to decide the character to portray. Remember all players from the team must portray the same character. Following are which characters win against other characters: Giants beat Elves - as they can squish the elves Elves beat Wizards - as they are very wise and immune to magic Wizards beat Giants - as giants are not wise nor immune to magic - If both teams pick the same character, nothing happens and each team returns to pick another character. The game ends when all players are on the same team. Crossing The Great Divide - Divide the class into small groups (approx. 5) - The object of the game is to get your group across the great divide (an area you select, ie. half court line) - To do so the players start line up beside each other, with their feet touching the feet of the players next to them. The team must cross the great divide without anyone's feet losing contact with the feet of the players next to them. When to

players lose contact, the group must return to the starting line before starting their next attempt. - To adjust the difficulty of this game, add or subtract the number of players in a group. At the end of the game, try having the whole class as a group. 10 After the Learning Activity (Closure) mins Review Success Criteria. Using the Think, Pair Share Strategy, students discuss with a partner what they need to improve on and set a goal for improvement for the next class. Students record their answer on paper. Reflection: This lesson was successful! They loved Giants, Wizards and Elves participated and were very engaged and enthused. It is important to do a few practice runs of Giants, Wizards and Elves to practices the process and learn who beats who. It may have been helpful to have an anchor chart with the poses for each as well as who beats who. Cross the Great Divide was a difficult challenge. I think that it was too much cooperation though after Giants, Wizards and Elves. A more independent exercise such as a fitness circuit or a game of tag may have been better to end the lesson. I feel that Cross the Great Divide would have been more effective if we did it on another day as perhaps the main activity or warm up! In general, student participated and cooperated very well! Of course there were a few issues. Next time, I think I would introduce the process through which we handle these issues beforehand when beginning the cooperative games unit maybe. I took a backseat and let the student solve most issues, stepping in to facilitate the process every once in a while. I think this was effective.

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