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A thesis submitted to the Department of Electx-ical and Cornputer Engineering

in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science ( Engineering )

Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada March 1998

copyright O Ardeshir Mo tamedi-Sedeh, 1998


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A speed control systern for a switched reluctance motor ( S R M ) drive using

proportional-integral control strategy is designed and presenred in this t hesis. Performance

i based on the ability to provide each phase with pulses of current during the torque s
productive pends ( the zone of increasuig inductance ) by selecting precietermined switching

angles. The control system maintains the desired speed in the face of variations of the load
or the rnotor parameters. Variable speed can be achieved using this control system. After reviewing the operating principles of the SRM and its different control strategics, modeling has k e n done under the assurnption of linear magnetic characteristics.

The torque characteristics and the dymmic differential equations. nevertheless. are nonhear.
The control structure consists of a fdforward controuer and a propoflional-integralspeed controller. A hysteresis controller i also employed t~ maintain the current within a pre-set s band based on a defmed algorithm. Stability of the nonlinear control system has been investigated using the second method of Lyapunov and the method of Krasovski

In this thesis, two control schemes; narnely current-source switched reluctance motor
( CSSRM ) and voltage-source switched reluctance motor ( VSSRM ) are designed, analyzed,

and simulated under different working conditions using the Matiab software package to
investigate the steady-state operation and dynamic response of the system. The rnotor performance and simulation results are discussed.


To my family for their support and encouragement

F and foremost, 1wish to achowiedge my sincere gratitude and deep indebtedness i m

to my research supervisor Dr. M. M. Bayoumi whose kindness, friendly guidance, and

financial support made it possible for me to continue with my research endeavor.

1 would also like to express my appreciation to others who helped:

To rny wife, Laleh, and my daughter, Sepideh, for their understanding, patience, and
moral support while 1 was struggling with th& thesis. To my parents, and my brother. Javad, for their continual encouragement and support. T o my feiiow coileagues in the Control and Robotics Laboratory. especialiy Gino Labinaz, for their advice, cooperation, and valuable discussions.


ABSTRACT .........................................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................. iv TABLEOFCONTENTS ............................................... LISTOFRGURES ................................................... LISTOFSYMBOLS ................................................




C m R 1 ......................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1

1.2 SRM CONSTRUCTION AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATTON .......... 2 1.3 APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1-4ENERGIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 DESIGN AND MODELING OF THE SRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 POUrER CONVERTERS ...................................... 1 1
1.7 ROTOR POSITION SENSING ................................. 15


1 -9 OBJECTlVES OF THE PRESENT WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI

1.10 THESIS OUTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

CHAITER2 ........................................................ 25

MODELINGOFTHESRM ............................................ 25 2-1INTRODUaON ........................................... 25 2.2 MODEL OF SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.2.1 Inductance Profile .................................... 28

2.2.2 Instantaneous Torque Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.2.3 Mechanical Subsystern Dynamics ......................... 38 2.3 SRM DRIVE OPERATION AND CONTROL VARIABLES . . . . . . . . . . 39

CHAPTER3 ........................................................ 40

DESIGN OF A SPEED CONTROLLER FOR THE SRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.1INTRODUCTION ........................................... 40
3.2 PERFORMANCE AND SPECIFICATIONS ....................... 41

3.3 SPEED CONTROLLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

CHAPTER4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

STABLITY ANALYSIS OF THE SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................... 50

4.2 THE SECOND METHOD OFLYAPUNOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.3 STABILITY OF THE CLOSED-LOOP ERROR SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.4 KRASOVSKI'S METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

CHAPTERS ........................................................ 75


5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................... 75

5.2 MODE OFCONTROL ....................................... 75

5.3SRMSUPPLY .............................................. 76

5.4 SRM DRIVE ANALYSIS ..................................... 77

5.5 SWITCHING S'i"RATEGY FOR SIMULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.6 EQUATIONS USED IN SIMULATION .......................... 81
5.7 HYSTERESIS CONTROLLER ................................. 83

5.8 SPEED CONTROL SCHEMES ................................ 84

5.9.1 Startng Performance

.................................. 91

5.9.2 Effect of Step Change in Speed Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.9.3 Effect of Parameter Variations ........................... 92

5.9.4 Effect of Luad Torque Disturbances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.9.5 Effsct of Switching Angle Variations ...................... 93 5.9.6 VSSRM Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

CHAPTER6 .......................................................

120 120

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .....................................


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6.2 SUMMARY OFTHE THESIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121



6.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

REFERENCES .....................................................


MOTOR DATA AND PARAMETERS .................................. 132






Figure 1.1

Cross sectional view of a four-phase SRM showing switching circuit for only one phase. Variation of inductance for one phase. Typical diagram of the phase current for a CSSRM drive. Typical diagram of the phase current for a VSSRM drive.

Figure 1.2
Figure 2.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 3.1

SRM fesding schemes. (a) Voltage-source feeding.

(b) Current-source feeding.

Basic power converter circuit configurations. Basic functional block diagram of an SRM drive. Block diagram of the proposed SRM speed control system. Schematic diagram of a four-phase SRM. Inductance profde for one phase. Stmcture of a four-phase SRM. Inductance profiles of the SRM phases.

Block diagram of the speed control system.

Feedforward controller. System configuration for stability study ( linear analysis ).

Figure 3.2
Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2

Block diagram of the closed-loop system with

the nonlinear ekment.

Figure 4.3

System configuration ( simplifed block diagram ) for stability study ( nonlinear anaiysis ).

Figure 4.5 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2

The region satisfying the sufficient conditions.

Control scheme of the CSSRM drive.

SRM electrical subsystem for the control scheme of the CSSRM drive.
Control scheme of the VSSRM drive. SRM electrical subsystem for the control scheme of the VSSRM drive. Speed response of the CSSRM dnve for a step change in the reference speed.
CSSRM torque produced when the motor accelerates from rest to the reference speed.

Figure 5.3
Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Figure 5.9 Figure 5.10 Figure 5.1 1 Figure 5.12 Figure 5.13

Speed error of the CSSRM drive for a step change in the reference speed.
Phase current waveform of the CSSRM drive when the motor accelerates from rest to the reference speed.

Phase voltage waveform of the CSSRM dnve when the motor accelerates from rest to the reference speed.

Speed response of the CSSRM drive when the reference speed is doubled at t=0.1 sec.
Speed response of the CSSRM drive when the moment of inertia J is doubled.
Speed response of the CSSRM dnve when the phase resistance r is increased by 20%.

Speed response of the CSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.

Figure 5.14 Figure 5.15 Figure 5.16 Figure 5.17 Figure 5.18 Figure 5.19

Motor Torque response of the CSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.

Spee response of the CSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.
Torque response of the CSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.

Speed response of the VSSRM drive for a step change in the reference speed.

VSSRM torque produced when the motor

accelerates from rest to a reference speed.
Speed error of the VSSRM drive for a step change in the reference speed.
Phase current waveform of the VSSRM dnve when the motor accelerates from rest to a reference speed. Phase voltage waveform of the VSSRM drive when the motor accelerates from rest to a reference speed.

Figure 5.20
Figure 5.2 1 Figure 5.22 Figure 5.23

Speed response of the VSSRM drive when s the reference speed i doubled at t=0.1 sec. Speed response of the VSSRM dnve when the moment of inertia J is doubled.

Figure5.24 Figure 5.25 Figure 5.26

SpeedresponseoftheVSSRMdrivewhen the phase resistance r i increased by 20%. s Speed response of the VSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.
Motor Torque response of the VSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.

Figure 5.27

Speed response of the VSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.

Figure 5.28

Torque response of the VSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.


coefficient of friction
speed error



id, i '

demand current
hysteresis band dc in current ik saturation current current amplitude moment of inertia suffix denoting phases
dope of the inductance profe




integral gain of the speed controiler proportional gain of the speed controuer phaseinductance
aligned phase inductance



unaligned phase inductance

number of rotor poles

number of stator poles
number of phases
phase r a i stance
complex variable of the Laplace transform

electromagnetic torque
demand torque

load torque controller output voltage

dc link voltage

Lyapunov function

mechanical power
rotor pole pitch rotor pole arc stator pole arc

darnping ratio
rotor position

extinction angle ""on", "off' angle

flux linkage

actual speed of the motor

demand speed of the motor

undamped natural frequency


current source switched reluctance rnotor proportionai-integral switched reluctance motor voltage source switched reluctance motor





Electricai drives play an important role in modern indusuies. In the last two decades
a new type of electrical dnve named the switched reluctance motor ( SRM ) drive has been introduced and investigated. The switched reluctance rnotor drive has now reached a level of matunty that allows it to be used in industry as an efficient brushless drive with cost advantages, a wide speed range, and inherent simplicity and ruggedness. Actually. the SRM
is not a new concept. EarIy inventors of electromagnetic engines understood the switched

reluctance principle but were unsuccessful in their attempts to build a motor due to poor electrornagneiic and mechanical designs and to the unavailability of suitable switching devices.
An interest in switched field machines was revived in the 1960's with the advent of the

thyristors. In the early 1980ts, the first SRM dnve system using the new technology became commercially available as a result of work done by a group at Leeds and Nottingham Universities in the U.K. [1,2].

In recent years, this machine has seen a revival of interest for applications in 10 w and
medium power drives. Such a machine is emerging as an attractive solution for variable-speed
applications due to several advantages. Most prominent among these are the simple structure

of the motor with coils on the stator and no windings or bnishes on the rotor. and the reduced
component count of the converter due to the unidirectional current requirernent. The machine

has saliencies on both the stator and rotor. A shaft position sensor i usually necessary to s control switching of the power semiconductor devices.


The SRM is characterized by its singly excited doubly salient geometry. The rotor is
made of a stack of steel laminations cut to yield the desired number of rotor poles. The rotor

carries no rotor windings, squirrel cage bars or permanent rnagnets. The stator is constructed of steel laminations cut to give the required number of stator poles. The rotor and stator need not have the sarne number of poles. Windings are phced over the stator teeth and coils are connected to forrn phases. The structure of a four-phase switched reluctance rnotor is depicted in Figure 1.1, where for simplicity, only the coi1 of one phase has b e n drawn.

s The construction of the SRM i very simple, rugged, and reliable compared to that
of conventional machines such as dc or ac machines [3]. The advantageous features of an

S R M are as foilows:
i ) The SRM has simple laminations, wide stator slots for the phases and no rotor windings.

permitting inexpensive manufacturing.

) With no rotor winding, the SRM exhibits only minoirotor heating. Most of the heating occurs in the stator where the machine is most easily cooled, thus reducing its thermal limitations,



One Stator Phase

Figure 1.1 Cross sectional view of a four-phase SRM showing switching circuit for ody one phase.

iii ) The SRM requires only unipolar currents. permitting the design of an inexpensive

converter with one controllable power switch per phase. iv ) Extreme high speeds are possible.

The SRM aiso has sorne c h disadvantages. The most important is the pulsed. or at
least non-uniform. nature of the torque produced which leads to torque ripples and may contribute to acoustic noise.
The excitation is switched sequentiaily fiorn phase to phase as the rotor moves. When

a phase is energized, a reluctance torque, which tends to align the stator and rotor poles, is
produced. The torque is a nonlinear hinction of the phase current and the rotor position. In fact. the torque is developed through the tendency of the magnetic circuit to adopt a configuration of minimum reluctance, ie., for the rotor poles to move into line with the stator poles and to maximize the inductance of the excited coils [4]. Figure 1.2 shows a cyclic variation of inductance as rotation occm. A motoring torque is produced if a phase is excited during the interval when the inductance is increasing. For an operating speed and torque, the stator current must be initiated and cornmutated at p r e s c n i rotor angek. Correct timing of the excitation of the phase winding

depends on the position of the rotor. Therefore, a direct or indirect rotor position sensor is
an essential elernent of the conuol system in order to position the current pulse appropriately.


The switched reluctance motor is a simple and robust electrical machine which is

fuding applications over a wide speed and power range. The application potential Cor SRM
drives i considerable. Switched reluctance motor drives exhibit many attractive performance s

features for positioning applications 15.61. They possess high reliability and efficiency ( in excess of 85% for the motor and converter together ), which are desirable for automotive applications. The high speeds achievable using SRMs are suitable for fan and pump drives. The robust bmshiess construction and good thermal features ( heat loss is largely confined to the stator ) make the drive attractive for mining and flameproof applications in addition to traction and acraft engine applications 17). The simple motor construction and the low cost, fault tolerant power ektronics have made the switched reluctance mo tor drive a strong contender for many applications in industrial, aerospace, automotive, robotics and domestic applications.


The excitation of a phase magnetizes both the stator and the rotor. This produces a toque, causing the rotor to align its poles with those excited on the stator. Thus, sequential phase excitation causes rotor motion, which synchronously aligns the rotor poles with those excited on the stator.

The switched reluctance motor cm be fed either by a current source or by a voltage

source supply. With a current source supply, a current generator of variable amplitude forces

pulses of c m n t into the phases at certain rotor positions. Figure 1.3 shows a typical diagram
of the current for the motoring operation of a current source S R M drive. This figure shows


Rotor Angle


Rotor and stator poIes aligneci

Figure 1.2 Variation of inductance for one phase.

Figure 1.3 Typical diagram of the phase axrrent for a CSSRM drive.

that the current is forced into the phase at 8 and removed at ,

eOflwith 0 , ,

and Bd lying

in the zone of increasing inductance.

With a voltage source supply. a voltage generator of constant amplitude is applied

s across the pharas at certain rotor positions. The actual cumnt i forced to follow the demand
c m n t between an upper and a lower limit in the hysteresis band by a hysteresis controller.

In a voltage source SRM drive. various waveforms c m be obtained for the current. A typical
supply stroke for one phase in the motoring operation is Uustrated in Figure 1.4. Pulsed shapes of the remaining phases are shifted by ar/q ( in th& thesis 15') from each other. where a, and q are rotor pole pitch and the number of phases. respectively.

The energizing interval goes 6rom 0 to O6. At 8 , ,

the voltage generator is flly

applied across the phase to establish a current into it. From zero to


two operating

modes. A and B, can exist. M d A occurs when the back emf is las than the source voltage. oe
In chis mode, t e phase current is regulated at the desired amplitude by chopping the voltage h source. Mode B occurs when the back emf is greater than the generator voltage. The deenergizing interval goes from applied across the phase.

e O ,to

8. At 8 the current extinguishes and no voltage is , ,


The nonlinear nature of the machine and the switching circuits, the wide range of possible configurations of motor and power circuits, and the difficulties in modeling the machine, make the SRM drive a particularly dficuIt one to design weli (81. Fundamental

(a) Chopping mode (Mode A)

@) Single puise mode (Mode B)

F i ~ 1.4 Typical diagram of the phase m e n t for a VSSRM drive. e

design considerations and design aspects, such as the number of phases to be employed, the ratio of the number of rotor poles to the number of stator poles, and the values of rotor pole

arc and stator pole arc are dixussed in [9].

A helpfd approach is to divide the work into design methods based on :
( a ) linear methods,

ie., based on the analysis of circuits with current-independent

( b ) nonlinear methods, Le., based on circuits w t cument-dependent parameters. ih ( c ) hite-element solutions of the magnetic fields. leading either to a direct solution of the

performance or to the calculation of parameters for circuits [IO]. As computing power has become greater and more accessible, attention has k e n tumed to the application of Mteelernent ( FE ) analysis to switched reluctance geometries. One of the principal contributors to this area is G.E. Dawson [Il].
In contrast to the SRM's simple and straightforward construction, mathematical

models for this machine tend to be complex and difficult to develop. The phases of the switched reluctance motor are usuaily modeled by a resistance in series with an inductance which depends on the rotor angle. The behavior of the machine may be determinecl by solving the dinerential equations associated widi this quivalent circuit. Models generally fa11 into two classes: those which neglect the magnetic saturation and those which take this into consideration.

Simplifed models based on iinear magnetization characteristics have been reported

by [12.13,14]. Models baed on noniinear magnetization characteristics have b e n published

by severai authors e.g. [ 151. Research on a h e a r version of the SRM for low speed systems

was initiated at Queen's University in the mid 1980's [ 161. This involved investigation of the

magnetic configuration and control aspects of the linear SRM using finite element analysis and
the construction of test models in conjunction with extensive analysis of a rotary SRM [ 171.

Pattison 1171 presents two models for the SRM: a simplifled mode1 which negiects magnetic saturation and a more complete mode1 which includes a noninear magnetintion characteristic. He has concluded that the performance of an SRM is suongly dependent on
the control algonthm and the energization scheme employed.

The SRM can be represented by rneans of its magnetic characteristics, which give the

Jr linked with a motor phase as a nction of the current i into the phase as weU as the

rotor positions 8. The Jr-i plane is divided into two main regions, linear and saturated. according to the level of current. The linear region i located from zero up to a current equal s to its saturation value 1,; the saturated region is located beyond Im. If the machine is operated below the magnetic saturation, then the relationship between the flux-linkage and the current at the instantaneous rotor position 0 is a straight line whose slope is the
instantaneous inductance L. If there is magnetic saturation. then the torque should be derived

as the derivative of coenergy or field stored energy.

Saturation has the two main effects of increasing the motor size required for a given torque, and at the same t h e decreasing the KVA per horsepower requirement of the power electronic device for a given torque and speed. While saturation is desirable from this point of view, at the same time it reduces the energy conversion capability of a motor of given dimensions. evaluated at a given peak current. Saturation therefore generally leads to a srnaier converter but a large motor.

An accurate and cornprehensive noniinear mode1 of SRM. however. is extremely

complicated and i computationally intensive to be implemented in real time for control s purposes. The more complete model would be a good model for the design process of doubly-salient motors. .

The assumption of a iinear magnetization characteristic leads to a model which has

reasonable accuracy and which requires o d y a small amount of development effort and can
be simulated quickly.

Ti model would b usehil in investigations of motor and control hs e

scheme performance. s It i apparent that a iinear model, which does not describe saturation, cannot be reliable for motor design. although it has been used for exploring control strategies and converter ratings.


In switched reluctance motors, the motor torque is proportional to the square of the current so that the converter has to supply only unidirectional currents. Therefore, converters feeding the SRM are of the unipolar type and they generally use one switch per phase. The function of the converter is to switch the current from one phase to another in synchronism with the rotor position so as to provide positive current in the phases with increasing inductance.
The commutation in the SRM is a current commutation. This means that at every

commutation, the current in the off-going phase must be reduced to zero and the current in

the on-going phase must build up b m zero. Various converter configurations for S M have
k e n proposed and studied [2,18-231. These converters dBer kom each O ther by the feeding

scheme and by the energy recovery technique used during the commutation from one phase to the next, For switched reluctance motors, two feeding schemes are possible: voltage-source feeding and current-source feeding. Figure 1.5 shows these two dEerent feeding schemes. Current-source feeding i partkularly suitable for low-speed operation. On the other hand, s voltage-source f&g

is suitable for high-speed operation when the counter emf is high and

e it may thereby be dficult to maintain constant currents [21]. The voltage control can b
achieved by chopping the bus voltage using the switching devices.

AU converter configurations comprise two essential elements: frstly, a controlled

switch or switches to connect the direct voltage source to the winding to build up the current;

secondly, an alternative path for the current to take when the switch is turned off The most appropriate choice of circuit configuration depends on the drive power level, the supply voltage and the application. Some of the more cornmonly used converter circuits are shown

in Figure 1.6.
In Figure 1.6 ( a ), the upper and lower switches are turned on and off together and the phases are completely independent. Figure 1.6 ( b ) shows the simple biflar winding circuit which achieves unipolar operation with only one switch per phase. However. the leakage inductance of the phase windings causes high voltage spikes during current turn off

[Ml. Fgure 1.6 ( c ), a split level dc source is used. For a four phase motor, there are four In
switches and four diodes, giving one switch per phase. However, in this circuit, the phases

Voltage source

1s Current source

Figure 1.5 S R M feeding schemes. (a) Voltage-source feeding. (b) Current-source feeding.

Figure 1.6 Basic power converter circuit configurations.


are not completely independent. The circuit in Figure 1.6 ( d ) is a new converter design described in [18]. This circuit is called the C-durnp circuit because the trapped energy is

dumped into a capacitor before king returned to the dc source. In addition, this circuit has
oniy one switch per phase, and it uses a single rail dc supply.


Switched reluctance motors are controlled by switching the phase currents in synchronism with the regions of rising stator inductance. As the rotor poles move from the

unaligned position io the aligned position, with a stator pole, the inductance of that stator coi1
varies fkom a minimum value to a maximum value. Since the coi1 inductance varies with the

a rotor position, SRM commutation h always been associated with instantaneous rotor
position As a result, it is apparent that the performance of an SRM drive system ( effective control of speed, torque and torque pulsations ) depends strongly on the accurate placement

of the phase c m n t pulses relative to the machine rotor angle. Therefore, the rotor position
information is essential for the control section in order to generate the commutation signais.

A variety of position sensors are commercially available for detecting the rotor s position. Rotor position information i obtained from one of the many types of available physical position sensors, such as an optical encoder, which consists of an optical sensor and
an interrupting type disc [24]. The switched reluctance motor commutation strategy may use the rotor position feedback ( ie., signal ftom opto-interrupters ) to derive the commutating

signais for the inverter switches.

E n o r in rotor position detection could have a direct impact on the commutation positions, and may resdt in shifts of the phase conduction periods. The accuracy of position
information determines the efkiency and torque capability as well as the torque pulsation of

ihe drive. The high cost and low reliability of discrete position sensors have led researchers
to seek ways of eliminating these sensors [25]. In many indusuial environments the positionsenshg devices rnay not be highly reliable due to effects such as electromagnetic interference.
high temperature and dust. In addition, for fractional horse power drives the cost of the

position sensor becornes a substantial part of the o v e r d dnve system cost. In such applications indirect rotor-position sensing is an attractive alternative. Some of the reported sensorles schemes [26] consist of estnating the rotor position using phase irnpedance measurements. Some researchers have used a state observer to
estimate the rotor position fiom measurements of the stator voltage and the coil currents [27].


Switched reluctance motor drives are emerging as an attractive solution for variable-

speed applications on account of their numerous advantages. Most prominent among these are the simple structure of the motor and the reduced component count of the power converter due to the unidirectional current requirement. which contribute to lowering the cost

of the SRM dnve system and incrcase its reliability. However, the developed torque is a
nonlinair k t i o n of the rotor position and the stator current. Control of the motor i made s

more complicated by the nonlineantks found not only in the motor, but


in the switching

converters which arise due to the power switches. The prirnary disadvantage of a switched reluctmce motor i the high torque ripple s content compared with conventionai machines. This usually contributes to acoustic noise and vibration. The shafi torque in an SRM is the sum of the torques generated by each of the stator phases, which are controki independently. Torque pulsations are most significant during the commutation periods w*knthe torque production mec hanism is transferred from one active phase to another. There are essentially two primary approaches for reducing the toque pulsations [28]: One rnethod is to improve the magnetic design of the motor, whereas the other is to use sophisticated electronic controL Most of the literature on mvitched reluctance motor drives focuses on the design and

modeling of the motor and on the configuration of power converters. There are several papers
that address the control aspects of the SRM. Open-loop strategies have been suggested and investigations using angle and current amplitude regdation were reported. The simplest and most commonly used control strategy for the SRM involves the use of constant input voltage [29]. The phases are tumed off and on based on t e switching impose by the electronic comrnutator. Since this i an open-loop h s control strategy. improvement of the dynamic behavior can only be achieved by a better

design of the motor itself and its electronic commutator. Such a scheme suffers from the fact
that the response is not robust when the motor is exposed to interna1 or external disturbances. Dynamic perf'ormances can be improved by introducing feedback control The basic hinctional block diagram of a switched reluctance mo tor drive system is given in Figure 1.7. Closed-loop control strategies for switched reluctance motors are proposed in [29-331. [29]

inuoduced for the ksst tirne the application of feedback iinearization to electnc drives. They reported the work on control of SRM for trajectory tracking in robotics applications. In this work they developed a nonlinear mathematical mode1 based on experirnentally rneasured data. In fact. this approach introduces a transformation to convert a nonlinear system into an equivalent h e a r one. It is assumed that ali plant parameten are known and that the motor acceleration is measurable. Unfortunately, their controkr is computationdy quite complex
and. moreover, requires the accurate mode1 of extemal loads in addition to that of the SRM.

In [30], the equations of the SRM are expresseci in a rotating reference frarne.
Constant speed as well as piecewise Iinearized inductance curves and known parameters are assumed ho wever. Instantaneous torque control is taken into account, while magnetic saturation is ignored. A Floquet transformation is constructeci to express the equations of the switched reluctance motor. The paper shows that. under the assumption of constant velocity,
the switched reluctance motor may be modeled as a linear tirne-varying system. A change of
variables was suggested which enabled it to b descnbed by a linear the-invariant system for e

which the control design i much easier. T i design gives good results only for switched s hs reluctance motors operating at low s p d . Moreover. a tradeoff is considered between peak torque and torque ripple.

In [31] a fuzzy logic controiier is used to control the speed of a switched reluctance
motor drive. Fuzzy logic controkrs are based on the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. The design of a fuay logic controiler does not require an accurate mode1 of the plant. This is appreciated in motor drive applications where the motor andfor the mechanical load are usually dexnbed by a set of nonlinear. differential equations or are partially unknown. A

conventional controuer adjusts the system control parameters on the basis of a set of differential equations which represents a model of the process dynamics. In a h i u y logic controller, these adjustments are handled by a f q rule-based expert system. While the overd hizy behavior avoids any speed overshoot. the ripples usually related to the switching
are still unavoidable.

in 1321 a model-reference adaptive control of a variable reluctance motor for lows p d , high-toque mode of operation suitable for robotrs applications has been considered. The spline h t i o n s are used to model the variabIe reluctance motor characteristics relating

hs the electric toque to the rotor angular position and the winding current. T i mode1 leads to
an adaptive controiler. This work concem itseif only with the low-speed operation. In this
study, instead of using the fun-order system. a reduced-order mode1 is considered. The paper s also assumes that the rnagnetic saturation is due ro the winding current only and i not a function of the rotor position.

In [33] the design of a feedback linearization controuer for switched reluctance motor
is presented. The mathematical model of the motor takes the magnetic saturation into

account. To reduce the torque ripples in the drive system the design of a robust controller

based on the second method of Lyapunov for speed tracking application has been presented.
The main idea behind the feedback linearization control scheme is to transform the nonlinea.

system dynamics into a linear one. The feasibiiity of using artifcial neural networks to develop discrete t h e dynamic

models for a switched reluctance motor drive system that includes bo th faulty and fault-Free
behaviors i examined in [34]. SRMs are capable of operating despite the presence of faults s

such as partial phase shorts or extemal faults in the power converter. making SRMs irnpo rtant

in high-reliability applications. Faults impart transient changes to machine inductances that

are nifficult to model &+y.

Afkr this transient period. SRMs are capable of functioning

at a reduaxi level of performance. nie purpose of this work is to present a methodology that

can be used to construct an artincial neural network capable of modeling the dynarnics of
SRM drive systems, or any dynamical systerns. The approach employed in this paper.
however, appears to consume considerable computational resources.
While proportional-integral convol scheme represents a simple strategy, its

implementation for driving an SRM is rather novel, and its good performance is apparent. In the cornpetition with more advanced controllers, the P-I controuer has generally been regarded as one of the most likely candidates to succeed in industrial applications. The main reasons for thk include: simpcity. lower cost, ability to achieve zero steady-state error. ease of irnplernentation. robustness, good speed of response, good stability, and other desirable

feature~. controllers are extensively used in many drives where speed control is desired. P-1 In this thesis, a speed controuer based on the proportional-integrai control strategy i used. s


The objectives of this thesis are:

1. To develop a simple, but reliable model of the switched reluctance mo tor that can b used e

to simulate. and evaluate the closed-Ioop performance of the speed control system.

2. To design and apply a controkr based on the proportional-integrai control strategy in the

speed control of the switched reluctance motor.

3. TO study and investigate the stability of the nonlinear control systern ushg the second
method of Lyapunov. and also the Krasovski's method.
4. TOsirnulate the propose. speed control system scherne shown in Figure 1.8 under different

w o h g conditions. and for two dinerent methods. using the Matlab software package and also to investigate the performance and report on the results.


In chapter 1, the history, structure. operation, applications, energization. design and

modehg, power converters, rotor position sensing. control aspects of the switched reluctance motor. and the objectives of the present studies are reviewed.

In chapter 2, a sirnplified mode1 of the switched reluctance motor is developed.

Expressions for inductance, voltage, and the instantaneous torque are derived. The control variables are identifiai. In chapter 3, a speed controller for the switched reluctance motor using the proportional-integral control technique is developed. The function of t h controller is to force the motor speed to foiiow pre-specined tracks without excessive overshoots or oscillations.

In chapter 4, stability of the nonIinear control system is investigated using the second
method of Lyapunov. In addition, we apply another approach named Krasovski's method.
which is also based on the second method of Lyapunov, in order to examine the stability of
the noniineu control system. Krasovski's method takes both the equations of the electrical

and mechanical subsystems into account. Suficient conditions are O btained for global
asymptotic stabity of the nonlinear system. In chapter 5. the switching strategy and the control system schemes for the SRM
s p d control ( two different methods ) are designeci and presented and the relevant equations

used in the simulation are identified. Simulations are carried out under different working conditions. and the performance and results are presented as weiL
In chapter 6, a summary of this thesis, the conclusions drawn from the present work

as well as suggestions for fiirther work are presented.




One of the important points in any control system design is to develop a good

mathematicai mode1 which represents the plant d e r various operating CO nditions. Therefore.
to properly evaluate the switched reluctance mo tor performance and the effectiveness of dserent control schemes, a reliable model is required. The model should represent the static
and dynamic characteristics of tke machine with adequate accuracy.

The purpose of ti chapter is to obtain a mathematical model for the switched hs

reluctance motor used for the design of the speed controuer. The mode1 is represented by a set of differential equations which are obtained using standard electric circuit and machine

In order to include ail relevant dynamics, the plant is modeled ( like any
electrornechanicalsystem ) as a combination of two subsystems: an electric subsystem derived

fiom Kirchhoff s laws, which describe the dynamic behavior of the stator. and a mechanical
subsystem derived fkom Newton's law, which accounts for the mechanical load and the rotor

dynamics. The two subsystems are coupled together by energy conversion consideratiom.
Figure 2.1 depicts the schematic diagram of a four-phase SRM.

The inductance p r o f i and the instantanmus toque expression are developed assurning hear
magnetic characteristics.A h , the modes of operation are described and the control variables
are i d e n W .


Voltage relations for a switched reluctance motor are the same as for any other
electrical machine. ie., the voltage appiied to the stator terminais equals the sum of a voltage

drop due to resistive losses and the induced voltage due to flux Linkage variations. Therefore.
the voltage equation for the k

phase of an SRM [17] will be:


v, = phase voltage
i, = phase current

qt = flux M a g e
O, = rotor position
t = time

r = phase winding raistance

Since Jr, is a function of 8 and ik, equation ( 2.1 ) c m be expanded using the partial ,

denvatives of

Jr, to yield:

2.2.1 Inductance Profile

A crucial ciifference between the switched ductance motor (a doubly salient machine) and nomsalient machines lies in the fact that the dependence of flux linkage on the current
does not Vary saiusoidaIly with the rotor position In generai, it could be any periodic function

of 8 [ 0 . , 3 ] Due to the symmetric location of the poles, the mutual inductance between phases

can be neglected [33]. As a result,


is only a function of i ( in addition to the rotor ,

, s position 8 ) and i not a function of any other winding currents. The flux M a g e for a phase
s winding, q,. varies cyclicaIiy with the rotor position 8, and i a noninear function of the phase current i,, when parts of the magnetic circuit become saturated. The relationship between the flux linkage and the winding inductance is

%( Bk,k )

= i, Lk( 8,,ik).

As discussed in Chapter 1, it is essential for designing and building the S R M to

recognkre the dependence of the phase inductance on the instantaneous phase current as well

as the rotor position. An accurate and cornprehensive nonlinear mathematical modeling of

SRM,however, is extremely compkated and is computationally intensive to be implemented

in real tirne for control purposes.

TOalleviate these dfliculties, the simplified mode1 is presented. The linear mode1 does

not take into account the dependence of the phase inductance on the phase cun-ent caused by
the iron saturation In other words, for control purposes, the model does not need to contain

the fine details that would be required for designing and building the machine. A simplined model for the SRM is obtained by modifying equation ( 2.2 ) with the

following assumptions: i ) There is negligible mutual flux linkage between phase windings:

ii ) The ferromagnetic material in the machine has a hear B-H characteristic.

s Although the rnodel precision i reduced as a result of these assumptions, the model
development effort, the rnodel cornplexity, and the simulation run tirne are greatly reduced by ignoring the saturation [17].As a side benefit, the sirnplined model is easy to understand
and to deal wt because it is expressed in the farniliar elements of inductance and raistance. ih
A linear magnetization characteristic i m p b that the flux M a g e , for a given angle, varies

linearly with the current Under these conaitons, it is convenknt to use the inductance instead

of the flux linkage directly.

In general, the simplified model is a good model when:

1. Dif'ferent control strategies and motor performance can be investigated. 2. Design and building of the motor itself is not required.

3. Reasona ble precision i achieved. s

4. Modest computing resources are needed.

5. Fast simulation run tirne is required.

In addition, the use of a Iinear model is justifed on the ground of providing sufficiently
accurate c m n t waveforms for control purposes. In cases where higher precision is needed,

the model should include the magnetic saturation. The higher precision may be achieved by
a substantial increase in the model complexity and in the simulation run tirne. Under the commonly made assumption of magnetic linearity, the flux M a g e of phase

k would be:

where Lk is the phase inductance.

This dennition may be substituted into equation ( 2.2 ) to give equation ( 2.4 ).

Since the term

4 - is the angular speed o.thus dt

It is sometimes usefl to reformulate equation ( 2.4 ) as:


When the voltage is applied to the winding, the rate at which the current builds up.
and the maximum value it attains, depends upon the relative positions of the poles at which
the voltage i applied and the speed of the motor when it is applied. Assuming constant speed, s

then based on equation ( 2.7 ). it is desirable to switch the voltage on when

dL, -is essentidy

zero, and when Lk(0,)is a minimum. These conditions allow a very high rate of change of
current; the current reaches the desired level quickly. When Lk(8,)increases and becomes signifcant,
( i p

4 -

dk( 0,)

dik - decreases dt

and may become negative if the motional emf

) overcomes ( vk - rik ). When the voltage

is set to zero, the motional e d

forces the current to zero. The actuai shape of the current pulse is detennined by the switching points and the magnitude of the voltage. This control scheme has k e n suggested by [17] and [9]. If the motional emf is insuEcient to lirnit the current. then the voltage must be manipulated or chopped to keep the current w i t h the machine and control constraints. It is seen that the performance of the machine is desctibed in t e m of the parameter

Lk( 8,). Assurning that L, ( 8 ) follows the trapezoidal current-independent variation. the ,
idealized inductance profile over one rotor pole pitch is shown in Figure 2.2. The structure of a four-phase switched reluctance motor is depicted in Figure 2.3, where for simplicity, the
co of only one phase has been drawn. In Figure 2.2. four zones can be recognUed dong the

pitch. namely the zones fiom -0, to O, from O to





P r , and from Pr to

Pr + P, = EL,0 , . In zone 1 , ( d g n e d zone ). the rotor pole does not face the stator pole and ihe inductance is minimum ( L, ); in zone 2, there is a rise in the overlapping of the pole

surfaces and the inductance increases; in zone 3 ( aligned zone ). the rotor pole faces the stator pole and the inductance is maximum (La ); in zone 4, there is a shonage in the overlapping of the pole surfaces and the inductance decreases.
The inductance i a periodic hinction of 0 with period ar . The equation of the s

inductance profde for phase 1 can be approxirnated over a period by

and that of phase k by

L k ( 0 ) = L , [ O- - ( k - l ) ] 4

Rotor Angle

Rotor and stator p l e s alignai

Figure 2.2 Inductance profile for one phase.

Figur 2.3 Structure of a four-phase SRM.

where q is the number of phases, and K is the dope of the profde in the zone of increasing inductance, that i, s

The inductance profiles of phases for the switched reluctance motor of Figure 2.3 are shown
in Figure 2.4.

2.2.2 Instantaneous Torque Expression

The operation of the switched reluctance motor is described by the voltage and torque
equations of each phase. For convenience. let us write L k ( 8 , ) as L,. The voltage drop on
the phase resistance r can be neglected as it is much less than the induced voltage. Assuming

magnetic linearity, the phase voltage will be:

The above equation may be rewritten as

Vk =

i dLk ik dLk , 4-di, + -- + -dt

2 dt

2 dt

The expression for the instantaneous power will be:

The texm in brackets rnay be rewritten as

ns u

d l de -(-L,i i ) and the term - is the motor speed. dt 2 dt

The term (- L,i f ) is recognized as the increase in stored magnetic energy. and the term 2 'i d ~ , , o as the power converted to mechanical work But. the mechanical power developed 2 de per phase i: s


where Tkis the toque devdoped per phase. Equating equation ( 2.15 ) with the second term

in equation ( 2.14 ) we get:


2.16 ) shows that the instantaneous torque per phase, even with the

simplifying assumptions, is a quaciratic function of the phase current and is determined by the

current mjected into the phase winding and is positive i the rotor position interval at which n
the phase inductance is gicreasmg as the rotor position. 8, increases. Ti torque i negative hs s

when the phase inductance is decreasing as 8 increases and it i zero where the phase s inductance is constant. Substituting ( 2.8 ) into ( 2.16 ) yields the instantaneous torque developed by phase 1 over the four sectors in Figure 2.2 respectively as:

where K is given by equation ( 2.10 ). The instantaneous torque developed by the motor is the sum of the instantaneous toques developed by the individual phases, Le.,

For the switched reluctance motor rotating in the positive direction, a motoring torque
is therefore developed when the rotor travels dong the zone of increasing inductance. No

torque is developed when the rotor travels along the unaligned or the aligned zones. A

braking torque is developed when the rotor travels along the zone of decreasing inductance.
A more accurate analysis, including flux fringing and saturable iron, would predict a

torque pulse dinerent from the one approximated by equation ( 2.16 ). To include flux

fringing and iron saturation in the torque analysis. the magnetic fields must be nurnerically
method [35]. computed using a f~te-element

2.2.3 Mechanical Subsystern Dynamics

Application of Newton's law yields the dserential equation of the mechanicd subsystem This describes the interaction of the load torque, Tl .the electromagnetic torque,

T,and the rotor speed o.Le..

where J is the moment of inertia of the system, B is the viscous friction coefficient, and T, i s
the load torque. T is the electncd torque. The mechanicd variables, the rotor position and
the rotor velocity influence the dynamics of the electrical subsystem t hrough the derivative

of the flux Mage.


Having developed a mode1 for the switched reluctance mo tor. we need to fmd out the
control characteristics of the SRM before designhg a speed control system for the motor. The

SRM can be energized either by a current source or a voltage source supply.

In a current source SRM drive, a current generator of variable arnplitude forces puises of m n t into the SRM phases at certain positions of the rotor. The control variables of the current source SRM drive are the amplitude of the current generator and the CO nduc tion angle

- Brn ) . Without loss of generaluy. the "on" angle can be set at zero and the CO nduction

angle would thus coincide with the "off' angle [15].

A convenient strategy for controllhg a current source SRM drive relies on using the

current amplitude to adjust the torque and setting the "off' angle at its maximum value. The

maximum "off' angle is q u a i to the angular shift between two adjacent phases so as to
prevent their contemporaneous conduction.

In a voltage source switched reluctance motor drive, a voltage generator of constant

amplitude is applied across the SE2M phases at certain positions of the rotor. A current loop is built up around the phases and. when required. it regulates the current by chopping the voltage generator. The control variables of a voltage source SRM drive are the on / O ff angles
and the current amplitude.
A convenient strategy for controhg a voltage source S R M drive relies on using the

current amplitude to adjust the torque and selecting the "off' angle to rnaximize the torque for every level of current and speed.




In this chapter. the design of a speed controlier for the switched reluctance motor
using Roportional-Integral control strategy i presented. While Proportional-Integral control s
represents one of the sirnplest strate&, its implementation for driving an SRM has not been extensively investigated before, and its good performance is apparent. In the cornpetition with more advanced controllers. the P-1 controller has generally been regarded as the one most

likely to succeed in indusuial applications. The main reasons for this have k n simplicity.
lower cost, zero steady-state error, ease of irnplementation, robustness, good speed of response, good stability, and other desirable features. P-1 controilers are extensively used in

many drives where speed control is desired. A P-1 control law is chosen only because of the
above-mentioned reasons and is not intended to infer that this is the best control law.

Our control objective i to track a reference speed trajectory. Each phase is provided s
with current during the torque productive p e n d of rotation, and the amplitude of the current is adjusted such that the desired level of torque i obtained. This desired level is dictated by s

an extenial feedback loop for controhg the speed. The controuer parameters are checked
in such a way to guarantee stability of the plant. that is, to make a Lyapunov candidate V a

non-increasing function of tirne. Switched reluctance motors have a pronounced nonlineiuity. At current levels below the flux saturating values, the torque developed is proportional to the square of the coi1 current. As we are trying to track the mo tor speed with a linear control law, we cm expect
this nonlinearity to affct the performance. A compensation for the nonliearity i not to s drive the motor with U ( controller output ) but rather with

d . compensation is mThis

correct when current is used as the controL

A feedback control system i employed for speed control of the switched reluctance s

motor drive io provide the desirable performance. This consists of a P-I controller which compares the actual speed of the drive and the required speed signal set by the user. The controller output is the torque reference.
P-I controkr has a proportional as well as an integral term in the fonvard path. The
integrai component of this controller wiU ensure that the steady state error is zero for a step

o change. This is a very useful feature C r many applications. The P-I control is applied to the

SRM drive with the motor working in the linear region of its magnetic characteristics. This

i a good approach for investigating the effectiveness of the control system as the torque s
npple in the linear region i significant and the torque characteristics are nonhear. s


The expected performance of a drive depends on the type of application. The performance requirements are stability, accuracy, speed of response, and ro bustness. All the

above terms can b specifred for step changes in the input cornmand to the control system. e

The satisfactory relative stability means the absence of large values of overshoot and
thus adequately damped response. Accuracy is measured in terms of the steady state error

between the step command input and the output variable. Speed of response i measured in s
t e m of the rise
and settling time of the controUed variable. The response time of a drive

s system i de6ned as the t h e taken by the system output to reach about 90% of the input

reference cornrnand signai In other words. it shows how fast a system can respond to

e changes in the input conditions. Robustness requires that the overail control system b
relatively insensitive to extemal andor intemal disturbances.

nie speed reguiation ( speed tracking capabilities ) of a drive system is the ability of
the drive to maintah the preset s p e d under varying load conditions. In many industrial applications it is irnperative that the system respond quickly to a load disturbance and maintain a steady constant speed. For certain processes and certain given inputs. the proportional-integral controller c m Iead to zero steady state error, good speed of response and stability if the controller e parameters are weIl tuned. However. in some situations. it may b sensitive to changes in the system parameters andior external disturbances as they are strongly based on the d ynamics of the systern king controlled. Dynarnic system parameters can change due to operating conditions and also due to component ageing over the lifetime of the system. The load c m also Vary, and sornetimes one controkr must be able to handle a variety of different loads.

The tmnsient performance cm be adjusted to satisfy the systems specifications by adjusting

the proportional and integral gain constants of the controller. Le.. K p and K,.


The parameters of the proportional-integral controller need to be adjusted to effctively control the process whose dynamics are descriaed by a set of differential equations.
The drive incorporates four hysteresis control loops for the phase currents. By properly

designing the P-1 controkr, it is possibb to make the transient response to a step input exhibit reiatively small or no overshoot. In the design of the speed controller. the time response of the current loop wiu be assumed to be so fast that the current reference WU be considered to coincide with the actual currents. However. the dynamics of the current loop

is taken into account during the simulation of the drive system.

The response of a system cm be easily analyzed if the system could be approximated

by a second order systern Therefore, for simplicity in the analysis. the electrical time constant of the motor is neglected, as the mechanical Ume constant of that motor is usually much larger than its electrical time constant. A schematic of the sped loop is given in Figure 3.1.
A feedforward controller as shown in Figure 3.2 translates the demand t orque Td into

appropriate instantaneous phase currents which WUcause the switched reluctance motor to

h meet t e dernand. The feedforward controller consists of a torque-to-current transformation

block and a commutation systern T e fnction of the commutation system is to designate the h appropriate phases for torque development and commutation. In designing the speed controkr we aim to have no more than 5% overshoot and that
the rise time should be iess than 5 milliseconds. A darnping ratio

= 0.7 of the linear mode1

wiil meet the overshoot requirement and for this damping ratio. a rise time of about 5

Load Toque




Speed Controllei .


b Feediomard Contmller
' FC

T -

7 *



) S w k M Rekiclance Motor



Figure 3.1 Block diagram of the speed control system.

miUiseconds suggesu an undamped naturd frequency of about on= 400 radsec. Most
systems king anaiyzed for control system design are much more complicated than the basic

second-order system Approximating the system by a second order mode1would be used oniy for guidance. Since the mechanical time constant of the motor is much higher than the electrical tirne constant, the goveming electromechanicd equation of the switched reluctance motor ( the dynamic equation of the mechanical subsystem ) can be simpEed as [8]:

For the closed-loop system, we get:

w here

o = the actual speed of the motor

o = the demand speed of the motor ,

I = the moment of inertia

B = the coefficient of friction

Kp = the proportional gain of the speed controiler K, = the integral gain of the speed controkr
Tl = the L a torque od

T, = the cornmand torque

It is assumed that the load toque T, and the demand speed adare constant and thus

their derivatives are zero. After differentiating equation ( 3.2 ) with respect to tirne, we
O btain:

A state-space representation of the whole cbsed-loop drive system using the phase

variables is adopteci. niis can be written as:


The output variable is the mechanical angular velocity.

The transfer function between the input and the output of the closed-loop system is

given b y


1 and s are the identity matrix and the complex variable of the Laplace transform, respectively.

Therefore. for the whole system ( closed-loop drive system ) we have:


Using B and J as in Appendix 1, then the characteristic equation is given by:

Knowing C and

0,. one

can easily calculate K p and KI.For C = 0.7 and on 400 radsec, =

we get Kp= 0.892 and KI= 256. If a different design criterion is selected, the above

s parameters would correspondingly be changed. When a smaller overshoot in s p d i

required, the damping ratio of the system is increased. As it was stated earlier, the transient
performance of the system can be adjusted to satisQ the system specifcations by tuning the controuer constants K p and K,.




For a given control system, stability is a basic requirement that needs to b e guaranteed. If the system is linear and tirne invariant. more than one method is available to check whether the system is stable or not. Among these methods are the Nyquist stability criterion and the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion If the system is nonlinear, or if it i linear s but tirne varying, however, then these methods of checking stability cannot be applied. Lyapunov technique, which plays an important role in control and system theory, is

a technique for anaimg the stability of nonlinear as weil as linear dynamic systerns based on
the state space representation of systems described by ordinary differential equations. This technique i in principle very general and powemil Lyapunov developed a fundamental s
method of determining the stabaty of a dynamic system based on a generalization of energy

consklerations. Lyapunov presented two methods, called the fnst and the second methods of Lyapunov, for detemiining the stability of dynamic systems described by ordinary differential equations.

The ksst method assumes that we can obtain a explicit fom of the solutions of the n
diEerentid equations and these are used for the analysis.

The second rnethod of Lyapunov, which i aiso called the direct method of Lyapunov, s will be used in this study. Stability of the nonlinear control system i investigated using this s
method. In addition, we apply another approach; narnely Krasovski' s method, which is based

on the second method of Lyapunov. in order to examine stability of the nonlinear control system Kmovski's method takes both the ektrical and mechanical subsystem equations into account. Sufficient conditions are obtained for global asyrnptotic stability of the nonlinear



The second method of Lyapunov is the most general approach for the determination
of stabihty of nonlinear andor linear tirne-varying systems. This method, also applies to iinear,
the- invariant systerns. The second method does not require the explicit solution of the

differential equations. ~ e . by using the second method of Lyapunov. we can determine the , stability of a system without solvhg the state equations. The system dynarnics must be describai by a state-space mode1 The state-space mode1 description of a given system is not

unique but depends on which variables are chosen as state variables.

If the total enecgy of a mechanical or electrical system is continuously dissipated. then
the system whether Linear or nonlinear. must eventudiy settle down to an equilibnum point.

Thus, we may conclude that a certain equilibrium point of a system i stable by exarnining the s

variation of a single scalar fnction caiied the Lyapunov function ( V-fnction ). From the properties of the V- hinction. one should be able to answer the question of stability or

instability of chat equilibrium point. The V-function is no t unique. and dilferent choices may
in general lead to different domains of stability.
The major problem in applying this method to nonlinear system is the construction

of Lyapunov huictions [36].It should be noted that Lyapunov theorerns on stability of

equilibrium points in nonhear systems fi~mish only sunicient conditions. Therefore, failure
to construct a Lyapunov function for a given system does not imply that the such equilibrium

points are unstable. The nonlinear control system i simulated as a final check on stability. s


One of the most powemil methods for studying the stability properties of a system i s
the Lyapunov's second rnethod. It consists in the use of an auxiiiary function, which

generalizes the role of the energy concept in mechanical systems. The auxiliary or Lyapunov
function needs to satisfy certain conditions [36]. In fact, this approach deterrnines stability without actually having to solve the dfierential equations. In this method a function of the state variables having special properties is formed. and the derivative of the function with respect to tirne is taken If this derivative is negative dong the trajectories of the system, it can be s h o w that the equilibrium point under consideration i asymptoticaily stable. s For control purposes, we model a switched reluctance mo tor driving a constant load. Since the mechanical t h e constant of the motor is rnuch higher than the electrical tirne constant. the goveming electromechanical equaiion ( the dynamic model of the mechanical subsystem ) of the switched reluctance motor can be simplified as:


o ( t )= a

scalar representing the angular speed of motor

J = the rotor inertia

B = the coefficient of fiction

T,= the load torque, and

T, = the command torque.

In fact, equation ( 4.1 ) represents the h e a r approximation to the system nonlinearity. Yet. there is no general way of hding Lyapunov functions for nonlinear systems. This is a fundamental drawback of the direct method. Therefore, faced with specific systerns. one has to use experience. intuition. and physical Lisights to search for an appropriate Lyapunov fnction. Stability anaiysis for linear time-invariant systerns is well known. Lyapunov functions for combinations of subsystems may be derived by adding the Lyapunov functions of the
subsystems. Since nonlinear control systems may inchde Linear components ( whether in p h t

or in controuer ). we should be able to describe iinear systems i the Lyapunov formalkm n

[36]. Figure 4.1 shows the speed control system configuration for hear stability analysis.

Given the dynamics of the motor, Our objective is to synthesize a controiler which would ensure a global asyrnptotic stability result for the motor speed traclcing error. In other words, the control scheme should be designed so as to guarantee global asymptotic

stability of the equilibrium point of the error differentialequation With this in mind, wr: defuie .

the motor speed tracking emor to be the Merence between the reference speed and the plant
actual speed. Thus the error is given by:

where o i a scalar representing the desired motor speed trajectory. And o is the actuai , s motor speed. The primary concem of the controller is to adjust the input signal such that the plant actual speed follows the reference speed. In other words, e i required to be kept as s close as possible to the point e = O. This c m be accomplished by d e f h g a positive definite

s function V ( e ) and getting conditions such that the tirne denvative of V ( e ) i negative
definite. Equation ( 4.1 ) can be put in the following form:

Given the above dynamic equation, we can design a controller which would achieve the stated

control objectives if the term on the right-hand side of the above equation ( 4.3 ) is assumed to be the control input which is given by:

The command toque Td for any speed error signal e i calculated by the speed controiler s
using equation ( 4.4 ).

To formulate the dinerential equation describing the speed tracking error e . we

rewrite equation (4.3) in t e m of the speed tracking error. Assuming that a i a constant. , s we take the denvative of equation ( 4.2 ) with respect to t h e which yields:

We rewrite the above equation using the expression for the control hw.Le.. equation (4.4)
in order to obtain the following equation:

After differentiating with respect to the. we get:

The above equation is the closed-loop characteristic equation of the error signal e . This
equation rnay be rewritten as foIlows:



The tracking error e will asyrnptoticaiiy go to zero provided that the parameters K, and K2 are such that equation ( 4.10 ) is stable. The necessary and su fficient condition for the

stability of this linearized system is that KI>O and K2>0.

As stated earkr, we wili continue to investigate the stability of the assumed linear

system using Lyapunov method in order to obtain a candidate Lyapunov hinction V which.
in tuni, wdi be used for checking the stability of the nonlinear system by the Lyapunov

approach. Now. the stability of the linearized system is investigated by formulating a positive dennite Lyapunov function V for the speed tracking error equation, and ensuring that the time derivative of the Lyapunov function i negative definite. s
The speed tracking error equation is rewritten in the state space as:



= e


For this mathematical mode1 ( linearized system ). if a Lyapunov function can be found and shown to decrease with tirne dong the trajectory, then the system i stable. A class of s

scalar hurtions that piay an important role in Lyapunov analysis is the quadratic form. As a
possible Lyapunov fnction we choose

and its derivative with respect to time i given by s

4K~~12~1 2(pll - Klp12- K2pu)xix2


2(p1, - ~ , p , ) x Z ~

( 4.16 )

w here


We select P ( a real constant symrnetric matrix ) appropriately as a positive definite


satisfjing the foIlowing Lyapunov equation ( Sylvester's theorem ):

Thus equation ( 4. f 5 ) may be rewritten as:

Q may be chosen to b the identity matrix. Since Q is assumed to b positive defmite, e e


a negative dehite quadratic hnction and the system is asymptotically stable.

In order for V to qualify a a Lyapunov hinction. V m s be positive d e f ~ t and Y s ut e

must be negative defite. Sylvester criterion provides conditions on P for the positive

defjniteness of V = X PX [37]. According to this criterion, V is positive d e f ~ t if and only e

i al principle minon of P are positive. Such a matrix P is then a positive d e f ~ t matrix. f e

Using the Matlab package software. we $et the r n a h P as:



Since accordhg to Sylvester's theorem, the conditions o n P are satisfied, hence the iinearized
system ( rnotor speed tracking error ) i globally asymptotically stable. s
As we stated earlier. this positive defuite V-hinction i now used as a candidate s

6 1

Lyapunov function for investigating the stability of the nonlinear system. Figure 4.2 shows the block diagram of the closed-loop system with the nonlinear elemenr. The nonlinear element includes the nonlinear dinerential equations governing the dynamics of the system and also the noniinear rektionship between torque and current in the switched reluctance motor. It will be assumed that the input-output characteristics of the noniinear element can be described by a function r = g ( r d );where s, is the input and s is the output of the no nlinear

element Figure 4.3 lustrates the speed control system configuration for the stability analysis
of the nonlinear system ( s i m p W i block diagram of the closed-loop system with the

s nonlinear eiement ). The system to which the procedure of stability analysis i applicable can
be represented by this simplified block diagram. In Figure 4.3, h ( e ) represents the nonlinear

element of the system combined with the transfer hinction of the P-1speed controller. The system equation for the motor speed tracking error will be



state variables

x, = e .

x2 = .

the state equations

wiU be

Load Torque

Figure 4.2 Block diagram of the closed-loop system with the nonlinear element.

Load Toque


Figure 4.3 System configuration ( simplified block diagram ) for stabiiity study ( nonlinear analysis ).

Knowing V. it wili be found that

Equation ( 4.26 ) cm be rewritten in the following form:


- 0.006dx: - (2.5d - 6 4 0 . 0 0 6 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ - 0.01~:

The new matrix for P wiU be

Sylvester's theurem yields the foUowing conditions for

and su8inent condition for

Y to be negative defhte. A necessary

y to be negative dennite is that the determinant of P be positive

the successive

if the system order is even and negative if system order is odd. and that

principal minors of even order be positive and the successive principal minors of odd order

be negative; that i, we m u t have s

From the roots of the above quadratic equation. the sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability for the nonlinear system will be:

It should be emphasized that by employing a dinerent Lyapunov function candidate. we rnight

be able to obtain dinerent stability conditions. V-functions that provide wider bounds usually
exist. But to obtain this Mprovement other than by trial and error requires more advanced methods [37]. In inequality ( 4.31 ). f ( x , ,x,) represents the variation with respect to t h e of the motor toque which is a function of the speed error e and its tirne denvative . Figures 4.4 and 4.5 graphically illustrate the region satisfjing the suficient conditions and the bounds

determined by inequality 4.3 1 and for the reference speed of 80 rad/sec. This i the region for s

which V is positive dennite and

Y is negative definite. If the trajectory i restncted to lie s

wihin the region illustrateci in Figure 4.4 wwhe the ssufncint conditions hold. then the system

is globally asymptoticaiiy stable.


We may examine asymptotic stability of equilibrium States of nonlinear systems

without linearization Several methods based on the second method of Lyapunov are available for this purpose. One of these approaches is Krasovski's method for testing suficient conditions for asymptotic stability of nonlinear systems [38]. In this thesis. Krasovski's method takes both electncal and mechanical subsystems equations of the nonlinear system under consideration into account. Sufficient conditions are obtained for global asymptotic stability of the nonlinear system.

s According to KmsovMs theorem, if the system i descnbed by


= f ( X ) then we

where F ( X ) is the Jacobian matrix of the system and F T ( x ) is the transpose of F ( X ) . Krasovski's method suggests a simple form of Lyapunov function candidate for noniinear

systems. namely, V ( X ) = f T ( x ) f ( x )The negative definiteness of .

F(x) irnpks the

negative denniteness of y [36,38]. Therefore, the equilibnum state is asymptoticdy stable.

If in addition.

fT(x)f(x) -





then the equilibrium state is globally

asymptoticdy stable.

W e choose phase currents and motor speed as state variables. Thus,

The Jacobian matrix for the system is

As we obtamed in chapter 2, the system equations ( electrical and mechanical ) are given by


- - - l ( T - T, - B a ) do

Equation ( 4.36 ) may be rewritten i the following form: n

Mer taking partial denvatives. we get






Then the transpose o f F ( X ) , denoted by F =(XI. as foliows: i s


F ( x ) which is the sum of F(X) and F T ( x ) is equal to:

According to Krasovski's theorem, if @y) is negative definite, then the equiiibnum state i s
asyrnptoticaIly stable. As the switching strategy adopted i this study assumes that only one n phase is energized at a time. toque must be developed by a single phase when it is energized.

Sylvester's theorem yields the following conditions for

to b negative defmite: e


The above conditions may be rewntten in the foilowing form:

r + K o > O

The condition deterrnined by ( 4.44 ) may be rewntten as

where T, i the electromagnetic torque developed by the k" phase of the motor. The s detailed derivation of the above conditions is s h o w in Appendix II. The system will be asyrnptoticany stable in the large if V ( X ) = f T (x)f( X)


1X 1

. If electrical and

mechanical parameters of the nonlinear system change under different operating conditions s such that the above inequalities remain satisfied. then the noniineu system i globally
asyrnptoticaiiy stable. It should be noted that Lyapunov and Krasovski theorerns on stability of nonlinear systems fu-h only sutficient conditions. Therefore, for points outside the regions s a t i s w g

the sufficient conditions. for a given system we cannot imply that the control system i s

unstable. The nonlinear control system i simulated as a h a l check on system stability. s




Control of a switched reluctance motor drive with a feedback loop is quite involved.
and ti complexity increases as higher performance is demanded. The main reason for this hs

compiexity is that SRM dynamics are represented by nonlinear equations.

The scherne which will be used for controllhg the switched reluctance mo tor drive

i based on curent regulation by means of a hysteresis band algorithm. This leads to a control s
system in which the speed is controlled by adjusting the reference current.

The SRM drive system i simulated using two d8erent methods, namely; the current s
source as weii as the voltage source supply. The cornplete simulation results are ako
presented in this chapter.


The control objective is to provide each phase with current over an appropnate angle

of rotation ( the torque productive period of rotation ) and to adjust the amplitude of the

current such that the desired level of torque i obtained. The desired level of torque will s usuaLly be dictated by a feedback loop for c o n t r o h g the speed of the rnotor.


The switched reluctance motor c m be fed either by a current source or by a voltage

With a cunent source supply, a current generator of variable amplitude forces source ~upply.
pulses of current into the phases at the certain positions of the rotor, Le., the current is forced

into the phase at


ernand then dowed to go to rero and hence be removed ai eO6,whereby 8,"

e 0 ,must lie in the zone of increasing inductance. The control variables of a current

source SRM drive are the amplitude of the c m n t generator 1, and the "on" and "ofE" angles

Bo,, and

e 0 ,. The current amplitude is controlled from zero to I,

with 0 ,

and the "on" and "off'

angles from zero to

OOr. Current-source feeding is particularly suitable for

low-speed operation when the motor torque must be closely controlled with minimum ripple. With a voltage source supply, a voltage generator of constant amplitude is applied across the phases at the certain positions of the rotor. In practice, a rotor position sensor provides a signal corresponding to the torque productive region for each phase of the mo tor.
This signal i usai to apply voltage to the motor winding. The control variables of a voltage s

source SRM are the onloff angles 0 and log and the c m n t amplitude 1,. Voltage-source , feed8ig is suitable for high-speed operation when the counter emf is high and it is difficult to
maintain constant currents. Chopping the voltage generator c m be executed to apply voltage levels less than the

generator voltage. In practice. a current transducer provides a signal which is proportional to the winding current. This is compared to a reference signai in a feedback control system causing the winding current to be chopped so as to maintain a constant current over the torque productive region


Analysis of the control characteristics of the switched reluctance motor drive is carx-ied

out at the steady state and under the assumption of constant motor speed. In addition. the operation of the SRM drive is done under the assurnption that the motor works in the hear region of its magnetic characteristics. The hear region is distinguished by a current level which is less than the saturation value 1, .

The switched reluctance motor drive develops a positive torque when the rotor travels
along the zone of increasing inductance. If phase 1 were supplied by a current pulse of amplitude i when the rotor moves from zero to a,/q and similarly with respect to the other phases. the instantaneous torque developed by the rnotor would be:

As the switching strategy adopted in this study assumes that only one phase is energized at

a the. torque must be developed by a single phase when it is energized.


The characteristics of d the phases are the same except that they are phase s hifted by l
ar/q ( in th study 15 mechanical degrees for an 8/6 four-phase



The maximum

conduction interval, however, must be equal tu:

to prevent t e contemporaneous conduction of two adjacent phases. During the conduction h interval the instantaneous torque is

and zero elsewhere.

The torque characteristics are determineci with reference to the average torque
developed by the motor. which can be expressed as the number of phases tirnes the average torque developed by phase 1, that is,

where T,is k hemtanmus torque of phase 1 and given by equation ( 2.17 ). For equations

( 5.3 ) and ( 5.4 ). the average torque will be

Equation ( 5.5 ) indicates that there are two effective control variables, namely, the current amph& and the conduction intervaL With no loss of generality, the "on"angle may be set
at zero. and equations ( 5.2 ) and ( 5.5 ) would then be reduced to


Therefore, the average torque of the SRM d i v e is a quadratic hnction of the current amplitude. It i, however, linear with respect to the "off'angle. #en s to a,/q ,then the average torque wiU be given by
the "off' angle is equal

The average torque would coincide with the instantaneous torque and would be a quadratic

hinction of the current amplitude.

A convenient strategy for controlling the drive is obtained by using the current

amplitude to adjust the torque and setting the "off' angle to its maximum value. The

s maximum "'off' angle i equal to the angular s h . ktween two adjacent phases so as to
prevent their contemporaneous conduction, and is given by equation ( 5.6 ). In a voltage source switched reluctance motor a current loop is built up around the phases and, when required, the current is regulated by chopping the voltage generator. The s the motor i supplied by a two-level voltage. At Ion, voltage generator is fuUy applied across the phase to establish a current through it. The chopping interval extends to the "off' angle

eo,. During this intervai, the current is regulated at the demanded level by chopping the
supply voltage. Again, a convenient strategy for c o n t r o h g the voltage source switched reluctance motor drive is by using the current amplitude to adjust the torque and then selecting the 'off' angle to maximize the torque.


The speed control of a switched reluctance mo tor drive requises the identification of
the switching strategy. The "on" and the "off' angles are switched every ar/qdegree. The

current can be regulated at the demanded level by chopping the voltage source. From the

Linear analysis, we know that the toque produced is proportional to the square of the current

through the winding. Hence. the torque and, in tum. the speed c m be controlled by controhg the current.

The motor under investigation has four phases which must be energized and
cornmutateci at the correct rotor angles if it is to operate effectively. In the energization
SCh e m

employed here, a single phase i energized at a t h e . The 'on'' and "off' angles are s

nxed at On and Bof. The actual phase to be energized i detennined by the rotor position. s

A fdforward controller, which consists of a torque-to-current transformation block and a

commutation system. translates the demand torque T, into the appropriate phase currents which wiU cause the SRM to meet the demand ( Figure 3.2 ).


The speed control system introduced in chapter 3 ( Figure 3.1 ) is simulated using the
equations described in the previous chapters. The feedback control system employed for speed control of the switched reluctance rnotor drive. consists of a Proportional-Integrai controller which compares the actuai speed of the drive and the required speed signal provided by the user. Upon speed demand, the speed controller cornputes the value of the control signal U using equation ( 4.4 ), which yields the torque demand T, ( Figure 3.1).

In this closed-Ioop conirol system, the output of the speed controller generates a
manipulated signai which i interpreted as the torque demand. As the switching strategy s adopted in this study assumes that only one phase i energized at a tirne, the torque T must s ,

be developed by a single phase when it is energized. The current required to produce this

torque i obtained fiom equation ( 2.17 ) and is given below: s

where K is given by equation ( 2 1 ). .0

The system equations that are used in the simulation are as follows:

-- du

1 T - T, - B o ) (

where k = the suffix denoting phases

v, = the phase voltage
r = the phase winding resistance

T = the motor torque

o= the actual speed

J = the moment of inertia

i ,

= the actual phase current

0, = the rotor position

T,= the load torque

B = the coefficient of fiction

L, = the phase inductance

i , = the demand phase current

The actual current that produces the torque is obtained fiom equation ( 5.12 ).


The hysteresis controiier maintains the current waveform between an upper and a

lower E

t in the hysteresis band. The actual current is fed back to be compared with the

reference current. Whenever the actual current exceeds the upper band. the output voltage

h changes fkom V to O and t e c m n t starts to decay. As soon as the current crosses the lower
band E t , the voltage changes back again and the actual current starts to increase.

By simulating a hysteresis controler, the actual current is forced to follow the

demand current in equation ( 5.9 ). In hysteresis control, the foliowing control Iaw i applied: s

w here

i, = the dowed hysteresis band

V, = the power converter dc bus voltage ,


The drive system has b e n designed to operate in the speed control mode. A speed
e m r obained h m the reference speed and position informaion generates a reference torque signal using a P-1 algorithm. T i cornmand is used to generate the desired currents. The hs
huiction of the commutator is to designate the appropriate phases for torque development and

commutation. The algorithm used by the commutator maximizes the conduction region in order to produce maximum motor torque. Performance is based on the ability to provide each phase with pulses of current during the torque productive periods of rotation and to adjust
their amplitude either through chopping or by selecting predetermined switching angles. The

torque magnitude is controlled by adjusting the current amplitude.

T e speed control system is sirnulated using two different control schemes of Figure h
5.1 and Figure 5.3. In some wes, it is the steady-state operation that is most important. For
example, this rnay be the case in air-conditioning and in pump drives. In Other cases, such as in robots and actuators, dynarnic performance rnay be more important. Figure 5.1 shows the control configuration of a current source switched reluctance motor drive and is suitable for investigating the steady-state operation of the drive. In one revolution each p

h conducts as many pulses of unidirectional current as there are rotor

poles, so that there are qN, pulses or working strokes per revolution. The shape of the current pulse varies with torque and speed. An important special case is. however. shown in Figure 5.1, in which the current waveform is flat-topped. Since di = O during the dt conduction angle, the sum of the motor back-emf in this interval and the voltage drop across

the phase resistance must be equal to the appiied voltage. Rectangular current pulses can be realized at low speeds if the phase is switched on

at the unaligned position and off at the aligned position. and the current is maintained constant. In this configuration, the manipuiated signal ( output of the speed controller ) which

is a torque demand is entered into a hnctional block based on equation ( 5.8 ) to deliver the
e current reference for the supply. The phases to b energized depend on the value of the rotor
position obtained fiom equation ( 5.10 ). In simulation, four look-up tables set up the current

, references for phases using the related 8 and lof angles. Figure 5.2 shows the electrical
subsystem of the switched reluctance motor simulated based on the scheme of Figure 5.1. Figure 5.3 shows the control corQuration of a voltage source switched reluctance

motor drive and takes into account the dynamic performance of the drive. In this configuration, a current loop is built up around each phase and. when required, the current

is regukted using the hysteresis controller. which manipulates the phase voltage. The SRM
system has been divided into two electrical and mechanical subsystems. Figure 5.4 shows the

electrkal subsystem of the SRM ba.sed on equation ( 5.12 ). In Figure 5.4. as we can see, the
electrical dynamic rnodeling of the motor is constructed and simulated using different components and blocks. The mechanical subsystem of the SRM is also set up based on

equation ( 5.11 ). The variation of phase inductance with the rotor position is obtained from






Figure 5.1 Control scheme of the CSSRM drive.

Figure 5.4 SRM electrical subsystem for the control scheme of the VSSRM drive.

equation ( 2.8 ). In the simulation, four look-up tables ( Figure 5.4 ) build the variation of phase inductances with the rotor position


In order to test the proposai control suategies ( schemes of Figures 5.1 and 5.3 ) and
to mvestigate the steady-state and dynamic responses of the system, the switched reluctance motor drive has been simuhted under dEerent working conditions on a digital cornputer using the Matlab software package. The results of the simulation are also presented in this chapter. Data and parameters of the SRM are found in Appendix 1. Performance is based on the ability to provide each phase with pulses of current during the torque productive periods of rotation. For torque production. it is assumed that
a constant current could be established instantaneously, could be held constant over the

required zone of rising inductance and could then be removed as quickly as commutation

e allows. In practice, this can b approximated very well at low speeds. Considering low-speed

operation of the system, current is established in a phase winding by closing the switches. The
current rises rapidly to the desired value because the appIied voltage is large in relation to the hpedance, and at low speed the back-emf is low as weU At low speeds. the phase penod i s sufficiently long to enable shaping of the current pulse by repeated switching within this

perbd, whkh has been called chopping controL For low speeds, the switching angles are kept
at constant values that maximVe the motor torque with minimum ripple.

The primary disadvantage of a switched reluctance motor i the high torque npple s

content compared with conventional machines. This would contribute to acoustic noise and

v b a i n The origin of toque pulsations in a switched reluctance motor is due to the highly irto
nonlinear and discrete nature of the torque production mechanism. In addition, the torque
rippk is due to dre sharp edges in the profiles of the inductance. The sharpness in the edges

onginates from the approximation of the inductance profiles given by equaiion ( 2.8 ). The ripple should be smaller with practical motors since their profiles are smoother.

5.9.1 Starting Performance

To examine the steady-state performance of the switched reluctance mo tor the

following simulation tests are camed out based on the control scheme of Figure 5.1 ( current source switched reluctance motor ). Figure 5.5 illustrates the simulated speed response when
the motor is allowed to accelerate fiom rest to a reference speed of 40 radsec. with a load

torque of 10 Nm. It can be seen that the speed response is quite good, that is, with a very

smaii oveahoot ( about 1.07% ) and oscillations. The correspondhg torque, speed error.

phase current, and phase voltage for the above - mentioned transition are shown in Figures

5.6 - 5.9, respectively. M e r an initial transient, the speed and the torque converge to their

tinal values. The time required for the speed to rise f o zero to one hundred percent of the rm
demand spee ( rise tirne
t, )

is about 5 milliseconds. The way in which the speed error

changes with tirne for a step change in the speed reference. from a standstill condition, is shown in Figure 5.7. The speed error is high initially after which it approaches zero as the
output speed tracks the rekrence speed. T e prirnary fnction of a speed controiler is to make h

this speed error zero as quickly as possible, with a minimal overshoot in the actual speed.

Figures 5.8 and 5.9 illustrate the rectangular cunent and voltage pulses. respectively.

5.9.2 Effect o Step Change in Speed Demand f

Figure 5.10 inutrates the operation of the drive due to the effect of a step change in

speed dernand h m 40 rad/sec to 80 radsec at t = 0.1 second while the Ioad torque is held
constant at 10 N m The control system is shown tu be capable of controlling the motor under
the variabk speeds of the drive. The amount of overshoot is about 2.86%. when the reference

speed is changed from 40 rad/sec t O 80 radlsec.

5.9.3 Effect of Parameter Variations

The sensitivity of the system when the motor is subjected to uncertainties in the
mechanicd and the electrical parameters ( rotor inertia and phase resistance ) is investigated.
Here t e rotor inertia J is doubled and the phase resistance is increased by 20%. Figures 5.1 1 h
and 5.12, respective1y. show the effect of these variations on the speed response of the drive.

Inspection of t k e figures indicates that there is no significant change in the speed response
from that of Figure 5.5. The amount of overshoot in Figure 5.11 and Figure 5.12 is about 1.96% and 11.6196, respectively.

5.9.4 Effect of Load Torque Disturbances

One of the desirable characteristics of a high-performance dnve is that the drive m u t

show robustnes during load torque disturbances. In many v a r i a b l e - s e drive applications,

s it i important that the systern respond quickly to a load disturbance and maintain a steady
speed. A simulation test is carried out to observe the response of the dnve under load torque

.7 disturbance. The load torque is changed fiom 10 Nm to 8 Nrn at t = 0 0 second and

subsequently it is increaed to 10 Nm at t = 0.14 second for a reference speed of 40 radsec.
The correspondmg speed response is as shown in Figure 5.13. It can be seen that at t = 0.07

second when the load torque is decreased to 8 Nm there is a very slight increase in the motor speed but the controller is able to hold the motor speed close to the reference value. However, when the load torque i increased to 10 Nm at t = 0.!4 second there is a very s slight dip in the motor speed, but the controller i able to track the reference speed quite s closely. The correspondhg rnotor torque response for the above-mentioned load torque disturbances is as shown in Figure 5.14. As we can see. the moto r torque follows the required demand,

5.9.5 Effect of Switching Angle Variations

The dependency of motor performance on the switch-on angle with respect to the unaligned position and switch-off angle with respect to the aligned position is also investigated. The

selection of the switch-on and switch-off angles dictate the motor performance at different

bads and speeds. S k the switched reluctance motor inherently produces a pulse of torque
due to excitation of any single phase, the overall torque ripple depends on the me thod used

to cornmutate the motor. that is. to switch the torque-producing excitation from O ne phase to the next. For motoring operation the puises of phase current must coincide with a period of increasing inductance. ia.when a pair of rotor poles is approaching alignment with the stator poles of the excited phase. The timing and dweii of the current pulse are both important in determining the torque, the eaiciency. and the smoothness of the operation. SRM commutation has always k e n associateci with instantaneous rotor position. As a result. it is apparent that the performance of an SRM drive system ( effective control of speed, torque

and torque pulsations ) depends strongly on accurate placement of the phase current pulses
relative to the machine rotor angle. Therefore. the rotor position information i essentid as s
a feedback for the control section in order to generate the commutation signals.

Error in rotor position detection has a direct impact on the coinmutation positions,
and shifts te phase conduction periods. The accuracy of position information determines the h

efkkncy and torque capabiiity as weii as torque pulsation of the drive. The high cost and low reliabiky of discrete position sensors have led researchers to seek ways of eliminating these sensors. In many industrial environments the position-sensing devices prove to be unreliable
due to eEects such as eiectromagnetic interference, high temperature, number of connections. and d u t Therefore, the sensoriess techniques for switched reluctance motors must satisQ an

accuracy requirement in position estimation.

In th study, the maximum conduction angle for each phase is 15 mechanical degrees
in order to get maximum torque with minimum npple. To examine the effect of switching an& variation, a simulation test is carried out when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees. As we can see Erom Figures 5.15 and 5.16 the reduction in conduction angle

increases npple in the motor speed and torque.

5-9-6 VSSRM Simulation

The same simulation tests as for the CSSRM case are carried out for the VS SRM case

based on the control scheme iIiustrated in Figure 5.3 ( the voltage source switched reluctance
motor ) to examine the dynamic performances of the switched reluctance motor. Figure 5.17 shows the sirnulated transient speed response, when the motor i ailowed to accelerate from s rest to a reference speed of 40 radlsec. with a load torque of 10 Nm. It c m be found that the speed response i still quite good, that i. with a reasonable overshoot ( about 25% ) and s s oscillations. The current hysteresis band is set at 0.5 A As before, see the CSSRM drive

performances. the sarne simulation tests under dEerent working conditions are carried out
and Figures 5.18

- 5.28 illustrate the corresponding system responses. In Figure 5.22 the

s amount of overshoot is about 11.91%, when the reference speed i changed from 40 radsec to 80 rad/sec. Figure 5-17 shows an increase in the ripple and higher overshoot when compared with Figure 5.5. As we can see from Figure 5.23 the larger values of moment of inertia J reduces the npple. Figures 5.27 and 5.28 shows the effect of the switching angle variation The reduction in conduction angle icreases ripple i the motor speed and torque. n

Time (sec)

Figure 5.5 Speed response of the CSSRM drive for a step change i the reference speed. n

Time (sec)

Figure 5.6 CSSRM torque produced when the motor accelerates from rest to the reference speed.





0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.7 Speed error of the CSSRM drive for a step change i the reference speed. n






0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.10 S peed response of the CSSRM drive when the reference speed is doubled at t= O. 1 sec.


00 .4



0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.11 Speed response of the CSSRM drive when the moment of inertia J i doubled. s





0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.12 Speed response of the CSSRM drive when the phase resistance r is increased by 20%.

load torque in Nm

Time (sec)

Figure 5.13 Speed response of the CSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.



bad torque in Nm




A 1


O O 00 .1


00 .5


0.09 0.105 0 1 .2
Time (sec)


01 .6



Figure 5.14 Motor Torque response of the CSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.

0.1 Time (sec)

Figure 5.15 S m response of the CSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.

Time (sec)

Figure 5.16 Torque response of the CSSRM drive when the conduction angle i decreased s by 2 degrees.


0.1 0.12 Time (sec)

Figure 5.17 Speed response of the VSSRM drive for a step change in the reference s p d .


0.1 0.12 Time (sec)

Figure 5.18 VSSRM torque produced when the motor accelerates from rest to a reference speed-


00 .4



0.1 0.12 Time (sec)




02 .

Figure 5.19 Speed error of the VSSRM drive for a step change i the reference speed. n

Time (sec)

Figure 5.20 Phase current waveform of the VSSRM drive when the motor accelerates fiom rest to a reference speed.




0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.22 Speed response of the VSSRM drive when the reference speed is doubled at t= O. 1 sec.






01 . 0.12 Time (sec)




I 0.2

Figure 5.23 Speed response of the VSSRM drive when the moment of inenkt J is double..



00 .4


00 .8

0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.24 Speed response of the VSSRM drive when the phase resistance r is increased by 20%.

ioad torque in Nm

Time (sec)

Figure 5.25 Speed response of the VSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.

load torque in Nm

Time (sec)

Figure 5.26 Motor Torque response of the VSSRM drive under varying load torque disturbances.






0.1 0.12 Time (sec)





Figure 5.27 Speed response of the VSSRM drive when the conduction angle i decreased s by 2 degrees.

Time (sec)

Figure 5.28 Torque response of the VSSRM drive when the conduction angle is decreased by 2 degrees.




Switched reluctance motors have gained increasing popularity in variable-speed drives and have k n found competitive with traditional ac and dc drives becausr of their simple structure, mggedness, 10 w cost, and the simpbty of the associated unipolar po wer converter.

There i a growing dernand for SRM drive systerns for such diverse applications as aerospace, s
defense, robotics, traction and automotive, mining, oil and gas industries, and products such

as pumps. fans, and appliances. Moreover, the switched reluctance motor c m be designed for
low speed and high torque capability. These characteristics make the switched reluctance motor attractive for direct-drive applications. However, its nonlinear electromechanical characteristics and its periodic variation of inductance in each phase result in torque ripple and hence speed ripple.
The control of the switched reluctance motor i not a perfected art and design of s

controuer for the SRM is quite a chdenging problem. P-1 controuers are widely used for motor control because they are robust and they give good performance at low cost. However, control theory has advanced beyond conventional controllers and new techniques have ken developed which can be applied to motor control In this concluding chapter, the research

work is Summarized, Avantages and disadvantages of P-1 controllers are explained, and some

suggestions for further research are presented.


An introduction and a literature review of the switched reluctance rnotor were

presented in chapter 1. After reviewing the operation of the S R M and its difEerent control strategies, a simple but reliable mode1 of the SRM, with the assumption of linear magnetic characteristics, is used to simulate and evaluate the closed-loop performance of the speed control system. This mathematical mode1 of the switched reluctance motor, which gives a better appceciation of the operating characteristics and the control purposes for the machine,
was developed in chapter 2.
A speed controiler system based on a proportional-integral control strategy was

designed in chapter 3. Our control objective i to track a reference speed trajectory. A P-1 s control law is chosen only because of its very good and desirable features and is not intended to infer that this is the best control law. A feedback control system was employed for speed control of the switched reluctance motor drive to provide the desirable performance. This consists of a P-1 controiler which compares the actual speed of the drive and the required

speed signal provided by the user. The transient performance can be adjusted to satisfy the
system s p e ~ ~ c a t i o by adjusting the controller constants K, and K,. ns Performance is based on the ability of the control system to provide each phase with pulses of current during the torque productive periods by selecting predetennined switching

angles. Stability of the control system using the second method of Lyapunov and Krasovski's

method was studied and investigated in chapter 4. Suficient conditions for global asymptotic
stability of the nonluiear system were derived. The proposeci speed control system schemes ( CSSRM drive and VSSRM drive control schemes ) were designed and simulated for steady-state operation and dynamic performance under different working conditions. This was reported in chapter 5. The performance and results were presented as well. Moreover. the relative robustness of the control system was investigated by changing the system parameters and by applying extemal

It was s h o w that even with sinplQing assumptions, the torque is a quadratic huiction of the phase cucrent. The f d f o w a r d controkr, whkh translates the demand torque

T into appropriate phase currents, consists of the toque-to-current transformation block and ,
the commutation system The hnction of the commutation system is to designate the appro priate phases for torque development and commutation. In the feedforward contro 1

scheme employed in this study, a single phase is energized at a tirne. The "on" and "off'
angles are fixeci at 3 ,
positionand d. The actual phase to be energized is determined by the rotor


Proportional-Integral controllers have been widely used in industry. In cornpetition with more advanced controliers, P-1 controllers have generally been regarded as more

successhl in industrial applications .The main reasons for this have been simplicity. lower cost. zero steady-state error. ease of implementation. robustness, accuracy, good speed of response, and abiiity to achieve stability.
A P-1 controkr has a proportional as weii as an integral term in the forward path. The

integrai component of this controbr wi. ensure that the steady-state error i zero for a step s

change. This is a very usehi feature for many applications. Although a P-1 controiIer makes

the steady-state error zero, the transient response rnay not be acceptable. For example, It
e could increase the s e t h g tirne. This might not b tolerated in some high-performance

applications such as robotics. Nevertheless, a P-1 controller can be designed to respond very
quickly, but in this case an undesirable speed overshoot may occur. Hence, one has to choose

a design suitable to a particular application.

P-i controkrs can fdter out high-frequency noise, because they are essentidy low-

pass fters. P-1 controliers are examples of good classical control design techniques. One drawback is that they are strongly based on the dynamics of the system k i n g controlled and
in some situations they may be sensitive to changes in the piant parameters andlor extemd

disturbances. At the present tirne, many applications use P-1 control strategies for speed control. despite some of its disadvantages. However, due to the high nonlinearity of the switched reluctance motor. more advanced control iaws could be employed where supenor dynmic performance is desired under aiI motor operating conditions.


The potential for m e r research work in this area is vat. In this thesis. a simplified
SRM dynamic mode1 which neglects magnetic saturation was developed and simulated. The
model does not need to contain the ine detas that would be required for design and construction of the machine. For futther work, an SRM model which inchdes a nonlineu magnetization characteristics can be developed. This model c m improve the accuracy, particularly for high performance applications. The cost of higher precision i a substantial s

increase in model complexity and in the simulation tirne.

Some high-performance industrial applications such as robotics and machine tools

require variable speed drive systerns which need to be relatively insensitive to parameter variations andor extemal disturbances. They also require drive system that are highly
accurate. robust, and fast To provide such a high degree of performance, more advanced and

complex control strategies may be needed. These could b adaptive. hizzy logic-. or neural e

e networks-based control strategies which could b employed to make the system highly robust
and accurate.

In this study, the research involved modeking, system design, and simulation. The next
step would be to experimentally test these theoretical results. This experirnental approach

could also be an area for tture research.


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7.5 k W

32 A

1900 rpm

10 mH 110 m H
1 .O5 rad

0.35 rad 0.42 rad



0.0016 kg. rn2

0.004 Nmlradlsec




(II. 1 )

According to Krasovski's theorem. if


is negative d e f ~ t ethen the equilibrium state is .

asymptoticaily stable. Sylvester's theorem yields the following conditions for negative definite. A necessary and sufEicient condition for


to be

F(x) to be negative d e f ~ t is that e

the determinant of F(x) be positive if the system order is even and negative if system order is odd. and that the successive principal minors of even order be positive and the successive
principal minors of odd order be negative; that is,

Since the phase inductances of the SRM are positive, the four above conditions are equivalent

to one condition, Le,,

As x, = o ,therefore,



Then inequality ( II.8 ) becornes as foiiows:


- yX4Kr, =3 K - KI4 =4

B -2- J

- Kx,





Afier simplification. we get

This inequality may be rewritten as foiIows:

Since x, = ik. the above condition may be rewritten in the foiiowing form:

As Tk = - ~ i : , the condition determined by ( II. 10 ) may be rewtitten as:

1 2

where T, is the electromagnetic torque developed by the k th phase of the motor.



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