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Bicol College College of Nursing Daraga, Albay


Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Part 1. Direction: Choose the best answer and encircle it. Avoid erasures. 1. Physiology a. Deals with the processes or functions of living things b. Is the scientific discipline that investigates the bodys structure c. Is concerned with organisms and does not deal with different levels of organization such as cells and systems d. Recognizes the unchanging nature of living things 2. An organ is a. A specialized structure within a cell that carries out a specific function b. At a lower level of organization than a cell c. two or more tissues that perform a specific function d. A group of cells that perform a specific function 3. The systems that are most important in the regulation or control of other systems of the body are the a. Circulatory & Muscular systems b. Circulatory & Endocrine systems c. Nervous & Muscular systems d. Nervous & Endocrine systems 4. Negative feedback mechanisms a. Make deviations from normal smaller b. maintain homeostasis c. are responsible for an increased rate of sweating when air temp. is higher than body temp. d. all of the above 5. Which of the following terms mean the same thing when referring to a human in the anatomical position? a. superior & dorsal b. deep & distal c. anterior & ventral d. proximal & medial 6. The chin is _____ to the umbilicus a. lateral b. posterior

c. distal

d. superior

7. A plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions is a a. Frontal plane b. Sagittal plane c. Transverse plane 8. Which of the following terms is correctly defined? a. The arm is that part of the upper limb between the shoulder and wrist b. The leg is that part of the lower limb between the knee and ankle c. The appendicular region includes the head, neck, and trunk d. The pectoral girdle is where the lower limbs attach 9. The pelvic cavity contains the a. kidneys b. liver

c. stomach

d. spleen

e. urinary bladder

10. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the a. diaphragm b. mediastinum c. mesentery 11. The heart is

d. rib cage

a. part of the mediastinum c. found within the thoracic cavity

b. surrounded by the pericardial cavity d. all of the above

12. The smallest particles into which an element can be divided using conventional chemical means are a. electrons b. molecules c. neutrons d. protons e. atoms 13. The number of electrons in an atom is equal to a. The no. of neutrons b. the no. of protons c. the atomic number

d. b and c

14. Which of the following would be a synthesis reaction? a. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) combine to form Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and Water b. Monosaccharides are combined to produce polysaccharides c. Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol d. All of the above 15. In a decomposition reaction a. the reactants gain electrons b. atoms are transferred to another molecule c. large molecules are broken down to smaller molecules d. all of the above 16. The rate of chemical reaction is influenced by a. The concentration of the reactants b. temperature

c. enzymes

d. all of the above

17. Enzymes a. Function by raising activation energy requirements for reactions b. Are protein molecules that act as catalysts c. Are very specific for the reactions they control d. b and c 18. A solution with a pH of 5 is a (an) ______ and contains _____ hydrogen ions than a neutral solution a. base, more b. base, fewer c. acid, more d. acid, fewer 19. Water a. Is composed of two Oxygen atoms & 1 Hydrogen atom b. carries small amount of heat from the body when it evaporates c. is composed of polar molecules into which ionic substances dissociate d. is not involved in most chemical reactions in the body 20. Which of the following is an example of a carbohydrate? a. glycogen b. wax c. steroid d. DNA 21. The basic units or building blocks of fats are a. monosaccharides b. disaccharides c. amino acids

e. none of the above

d. glycerol and fatty acids

22. Which of the following molecules is (are) correctly matched with the function? a. steroid hormones regulate many physiological processes b. hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood c. phospholipids are part of cell membrane structure d. all of the above 23. A protein a. is composed of amino acid building blocks c. may be denatured 24. DNA a. Is the genetic material c. contains the sugar ribose

b. has a function that depends on its shape d. all o the above

b. is a single strand of nucleotides d. transports amino acids during synthesis

25. Which of the following statements is true about facilitated diffusion? a. Net movement is with the concentration gradient b. It requires the expenditure of energy c. It does not require a carrier molecule

d. It moves materials through membrane channels 26. A process that uses vesicles to move liquid (not particulate matter) into cells is a. diffusion b. pinocytosis c. phagocytosis d. exocytosis 27. Cytoplasm is a. called the control center of the cell b. found surrounding the nucleus c. responsible for regulating what materials enter or exit the cell d. assembled w/n the nucleus 28. A large structure normally visible in the nucleus of cell? a. endoplasmic reticulum b. mitochondrion c. nucleolus

d. lysosome

29. The cell organelle that concentrates and packages material to be secreted is the a. nucleolus b. ribosome c. mitochondria d. Golgi apparatus 30. Which of the following organelles produces large amounts of ATP? a. nucleus b. mitochondria c. ribosomes d. endoplasmic reticulum 31. The organelle of cell that serves as the site of protein synthesis? a. ribosome b. vesicle c. Golgi apparatus d. nucleolus 32. Transfer RNA a. Is used to transcribe mRNA c. duplicates itself during interphase

b. binds to amino acids and has anticodon d. is a type of enzyme

33. The stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes unravel and new nuclei are formed? a. Anaphase b. Metaphase c. Prophase d. Telophase 34. A tissue that covers a surface, is one cell layer thick, and is composed of flat cells is a. simple squamous epithelium b. simple cuboidal epithelium c. simple columnar epithelium d. stratified squamous epithelium 35. Stratified epithelium is usually found in areas of the body where the principal activity is a. filtration b. protection c. absorption d. diffusion 36. An epithelial cell with microvilli would most likely be found lining the a. blood vessels b. nasal cavity c. serous membranes

d. small intestine

37. A type of junction between epithelial cells whose ONLY function is to prevent the cell from coming apart (provides mechanical strength) is the a. desmosome b. gap junction c. dermatome d. tight junction 38. The fibers in dense connective tissue are formed by a. fibroblasts b. adipocytes c. osteoblasts 39. Hyaline cartilage is found in a. external ear c. joints, covering the ends of bones 40. Blood is an example of ______ tissue a. Epithelial b. Connective

d. macrophages

b. disks between the vertebra d. costal cartilages

c. Muscle

d. Nervous

Part II. Direction: Draw a Generalized Cell of the body and identify its different parts. You may use the space at the back of each page.

Good luck!

Prepared by: Ma. Ruth G. Parel, MN Instructor

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