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J E&q Sa Rited in Great

Vol. 23, No. 3, PP. 319-330, Britain


co20-7225/85 $3.00 + .@I 0 1985 PewmoD Press Ltd


J. N. REDDY a_nd C. E Litt Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia PoQiechnic Institute and State University, Backsburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. Abstract-A higher-order shear defbrmation theory ofeiastic shells is developed for shells laminated of orthotropic layers. The theory is a modification of the Sanders theory and accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strains through thickness of the shell and tangential stress-free boundary conditions on the boundary surfaces of the shell. The Naviewype exact sofutions for bending and natural vibration are presented for cyli~d~~al and spherical shells under simply supported boundary conditions. INTRODUCTION


OF THE CLASSICAL theories were developed originally for thin elastic shells, and

are based on the eve-~r~hhoff assumptions (or the first ap~roxima~on theory): (1) straight lines normal to the undeformed middle surface remain straight and normal to the deformed middle surface; (2) the normal stresses pe~endi~~lar to the middle surface can be neglected in the stress-strain relations; and (3) the transverse displacement is independent of rhe thickness coordinate. The first assumption lends to the neglect of the transverse shear strains. Surveys of various classical shell theories can be found in the works of Naghdi [I] and Bert [Z, 31. These theories, known as the Loves first approximation theories (see Love [4]) are expected to yield sufficiently accurate results when (i) the lateral dimension-to-thickness ration (a/h) is large; (ii) the dynamic excitations are within the low-frequency range; (iii) the material anisotropy is not severe. However, application of such theories to layered anisotropic composite shells could lead to as much as 30% or more errors in deflections, stresses and frequencies. As pointed out by Koiter [5], refinements to Loves first approximation theory of thin elastic she& are meaningless, unless the effects of transverse sh.ear and normal stresses are taken into account in the refined theory. The transverse normal stress is, in general, of order /z/R (thickness to radius ratio) times the bending stresses, whereas the transverse shear stresses, obtained from equiribrium conditions, are of order h/a (thickness to length along the side of the panel) times the bending stresses. Therefore, for Q/R < 10, the transverse norma stress is n~~i~bl~ compared to the transverse shear stresses. The effects of transverse shear and normal stresses in shells were considered by Hildebrand, Reissner and Thomas [6], Lure [7], and Reissner [8]. The effect of transverse shear deformation and transverse isotropy, as well as thermal expansion through the thickness of cylindrical shells were considered by Gulati and Essenberg 191, Zukas and Vinson [lo], Dong d al. [ 1 I, 121, Wsu and Wang ff3], and Whitney and Sun f14, $51. The higher-order shelf theories presented in flit, 151 are based on a displacement field in which the displacements in the sutiace of the shell are expanded as linear functions of the thickness coordinate and the transverse displacement is expanded as a quadratic function of the thickness coordinate. These higher-order shell theories are cumbersome and computationally more demanding, because, with each additional power of the thickness coordinate, an additional dependent unknown is i~tr~d~~d into the theory. Further, such theories account for constant transverse shear stresses through thickness, a.nd therefore require a correction to the transverse shear stiffness. The present study deals with a higher-order but simple shear deformation theory of laminated shells. The theory is simple in the sense that it contains the same dependent unknowns as in the first-order shear deformation theory in which the displacements of the riGddle surface a& expanded as linear functions of the thickness coordinate and tfie transverse deflection is assumed to be constant through the thickness {see Reddy [16]). The theory is based on a displacement field in which the displacements of the middle


:. K. REDBjY

and c. F


surface are expanded as cubic functrons Q$ the thickness ccordinate. and the transverse displacement is assumed to be constant through the rhickness. The latter assump?ion is equivalent to neglecting the stretching of normak to the middle surface of the shell. The additional dependent unknowns introduced with the quadratic and cubic powers of the thickness coordinate are evaluated rn terms of the derivatives of the transverse dispiacement and the rotations of the normals at the middle starface. This displacement ,5eld leads ia the parabok distribution of the transverse shear s?resses (and zero transverse nor~:aJ strain). and therefore no shear correction factors are used.

&et (tL, t2%{) denote the orthogonal eu-rvihnear coordinates (or sheir coordinates) SK? that the ti- and .$2-curves are hnes of curvature on the midsurface { = 0. and (-ctir~es are straight lines perpendicular to the surface { = 0. For cyiindrical and spherical shells the lines of principal curvature coincide with the coordinate lines. The values of atie principal radii of curvature of the middle surface are denoted by _Ri and R2~ The position vector of a point on the middle surface is denoted by F, and the poskon of a point at distance { from the middle surface is denoted by istance ds between points (& : t2, 0) and (tl + dt, , & + cl&, 0: is determined by

where dr = coordinate lines. and CI, and 01~are the ~s~~$zcc ~r?eitks

are tangent

to the _TIand &

The distance

d between


(,$!, .& {) and ($! C dl, , & + d&_ ( -6 d<) is givers by

It should

be noted

that the vectors

= E -d&

and ^

are parailel

to the vectors Q1

The sheh under consideration is compcsed of a finite number of orthotropic iayers c? uniform thickness. Let W denote the number of layers in the shell, a.nd $, and <A_! be the top and bottom {-coordinates of the kth lamina. Following the procedure similar ?o that presented in [ li 71 for fiat plates, we begin with the following displacement field:

A fii&el:urder shear de~omation thewy of iaminaled da&c &&s


where t is time, (6%UP$1 are the d~sp~~~ments afong the (& , &, g) ~~~~~~~~~~, fu, 0, w) are the dispIacements of a point on the middIe surface and y?iland $2 are the rotations at 5 = 0 of normals to the midsurface with respect to the & and &-axes, respectively. The particular choice of the displacement field in eqn (5) is dictated by the desire to represent the transverse shear strains by quadratic functions of the thickness coordinate, {, and by the requirement that the transverse normal strain be zero. The functions $i and fIi will be determined using the condition that the transverse shear stresses, (rf3 = 05 snd ~23 = rrs.vanish on the top and bottom surfaces of the shell:

These canditions are equivalent to, for shells laminated of orthotropic layers, the requirement that the corresponding strains be zero on these surfaces. The transverse shear strains of a shell with twa principal radii of curvature are given by



This displacement is used to compute Ihe strains and stresses, and then the equations of motion are obtained using the dynamic analog of the principle of virtual work. Substituting eqn (9) into the strain-displacement relations referred to an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, we obtain


Here x, denote the Cartesian The stress-strain relations

ccsrdisiinates l&x, = aidEi. i = 1, 2) for the kth Iamina are given by

where Q$) are the material consrmts of the kth iamiiaa in the lamir:ate caordinat:: sys~~, The dynamic versim of the principle of vimal work for the present case yields

A higher-order shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells


(Q, ,

KI) = fi j+ &)t 1, t2W k=, i-k-1


The inertias & and z (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are defined by the equations, r, = 11 -I- Ir2,




I2 1
Qr 3h2 -







72 = I2 + z

I3 -


14 - 415 3h2Rz



3h2R, 4 I4 + 3h2R2

F3 = $



3h2 5
s 3h2

9h4 7



5 +$I7







,$ k=,








The governing equations of motion can be derived from eqn (13) by integrating the displacement gradients by parts and setting the coefficients of &A,I%, 6~ and Qj (i = 1, 2) to zero separately (the moment terms in the first two equations are omitted):

The resultants can be expressed and (13) in eqn (14). We get

in terni-as 0% the sfrair. composes~s



; i5\

where .4,, II,,, etc. are the laminate


for I, j = B, 2, 4, 5, 6.








Exact solutions of the partial di%erential equatbms (16) on arbitrary Comaiss snd fk general boundary conditions is not possible. However, for simply supported shells whose projection in the xl.x2-plane is a rectangle we can solve these equations exactly, phOVid& the larnination scheme is of antisynxxeiric cross-ply [0/90/0/90 n * - ] or svmzxttic are cross-ply [O/90 e - vIv type. The i\iavier soiution exists if the :ollowing stiff&ses zerc9 1171:

' A45







are assumed

io be of ?he form,

respective!y. where okand b denote the lengths along the _rl- 2nd x-l-directions, w e assume the fcllawing so%utica ikprm the-l Following the Wavier solutim procedure, satisfies the boundary conditions ia eqn (3 I ):

A higher-order shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells


where fi(x,, x2) = cos axI sin px2, f3(x1, x2) = sin O!.xlsin Px2, Substituting eqn (22) into eqn (16), we obtain f2(x1, x2) = sin axI cos Px2 a! = rmrla, /3 = nr/b. (23)

where Qmn are the coefficients in the double Fourier expansion of the transverse load, Qmn&x~,




m,n= 1 and the coefficients MO and Cti (i, j = 1, 2, Equation (24) can be solved for U,,,,, solution is given by eqn (22). The series in of terms in the series. For free vibration eigenvalue equation
. . . , 5) are given in the Appendix.


V,,, etc., for each m and n, and then the eqn (22) are evaluated using a finite number analysis, eqn (24) can be expressed as an

([Cl - w~WI>{AI (0) =


wlme {A} = {Urn,, vmn, JG,, *k, as,}, and w is the frequency of natural vibration. For static bending analysis, eqn (24) becomes




Here we present solution of eqns (26) and (27) for some sample problems. All of the calculations were carried on IBM/308 1 processor in double precision arithmetic. It is well known that the series in eqn (25) converges faster for uniform load than a point load.

326 Table 1. Nondimensionalizedt deflectiorx



C. F. LiU (0/90/@) square tamna:es under mu~o~d~

and stresses in three-layer loads First-ordx

shear defonnalion k? = k;3 _ i -.-


IIS, 201


Valiable kc 5, & w U! c4 w Cl z4

3D-elasticit) theory [ 181 0.755 0.117 s.590 0.123 0.552 0.0938


k; = k; = 1 I.5581 0.4475 cf.1727 0.63W $2.5I72 C.0735 0.4333 0.5385 O.S556

kf z k; z z

j;; = ;_; z ; _

1.9218 0.7345 0.183 0.7125 0.5684 0.1033 0.4347 0.53% OO7SC



c.4337 0.5384 0.3703

The following

Bamina material properties are used in aBt Baminakes disc-dssed here:

Bending analysis I. Three-layer symmetric cro.s.s-ply [S/!?O/C] hminated plate mder sixwid~! transwse bad. Tine purpose 612 rhis example is to illustrate the accuracy of the higher-

order theor== over the first-order theory when compared IO the exact solutioc &trined using the three-dimensional elastic theory. The condimensional center ?eEections anti stresses obtained wing various theories are compared in Tabk B fcxr vatiaous side :,o thickness ratios. To show the infiuence of the shear correction coefkients on the acc~ac:j of the solutions obtained using the lirst-order theory, four dXerent sets of the shez correction coefficients (k: = k2) xe I.x&. From 1% results it is clear that +h?e higher-exk$er lhe0x-y gives, in general, more accurate s~hkons thaw the first-order theory, and that ttie selection, of the shear correction coefficients is crucia! to the accuracy of the soiution obtained using the first-order theory. 2. An isotr~gic spherical sheil ztndeer pint load a? the cmier. The probLm data Es
R, = I?2 = 94.8


a = b = 32.0 in..

h = 0.; jT~

Table 2. Center

deflection N=9


X :oj) of a spherical iz = 49

shell under point load a~ the center N = 99 39.591 39.560 39.724 39.114 3.9194 3.9!58 0.1735 6.1715 0.03864 0.03704 u.cO8523 0.007337 w= i49 n;= lkj$


32.594 32.584 3.664 3.661 0.1646 0.1637 0.03485 0.#3450 0.0067 I

39.469 39,458 3.9019 3.8986 o.i713 0.1701 0.03756 0.03668 0.00798 3.007275

39.786 39.775 3.9269 3.9530 0. I748

0.1 Q.32 I.6 3.2 6.4

0 1720
0.03927 0.037 I?



A higher-order shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells


Table 3. Nondimensionalized center deflections, W = (-wh3&/q0a4)103,of cross-ply laminated spherical shells under sinusoidally distributed load (u/b = 1, R, = Rz = R, q0 = 100)

Of90 Rla

0/90/0 a/h = 100

1.0337 1.032 1 2.4109 2.4099 3.6150 3.6170 4.2027 4.207 1 4.3026 4.3074 4.3370 4.3420

0/900/900/00 a/h = 100


u/h = 100
1.1948 1.1937 3.5760 3.5733 7.1270 7.1236 9.8717 9.8692 10.446 10.444 10.653 10.65 1

u/h = 10
11.429 11.166 12.123 11.896 12.309 12.094 12.362 12.150 12.370 12.158 12.373 12.161

a/h = 10
6.4253 6.7688 6.6247 7.0325 6.6756 7.1016 6.6902 7.1212 6.6923 7.1240 6.6939 7.1250

a/h = 10
6.3623 6.7865 6.5595 7.0536 6.6099 7.1237 6.4244 7.1436 6.6264 7.1464 6.6280 7.1474

2.4030 2.4024 3.6 104 3.6133 4.2015 4.207 1 4.3021 4.3082 4.3368 4.3430

of the present theory (HSDT) with that theory (FSDT) and classical shell theory (CST) for various terms in the series is presented in Table 2. It should be noted that Vlasov did not consider transverse shear strains in his study. The difference between the values predicted by HSDT and FSDT theories is not significant (especially for a/h > 5) for the isotropic shell problem considered here. 3. Cross-ply spherical shells under sinusoidal, uniform, and point loads. The material properties are the same as those used in the problem discussed above. Tables 3-5 contain the nondimensionalized center deflection of various cross-ply shells under sinusoidal, uniform, and point loads, respectively. The difference between the solutions predicted by the higher-order theory and the first-order theory increases with the increasing value of R/a. Also, the difference is the most for the symmetric laminates, especially for shallow shells and plates. Note that for point-loaded shells the difference between the solution predicted by the first-order theory and the higher-order theory is more significant (especially for antisymmetric cross-ply laminates). 4. Natural vibration of cross-ply cylindrical shells. Table 6 contains the nondimensionalized fundamental frequencies of cross-ply cylindrical shells for three lamination schemes: [O/90], [0/90/0], and [O/90/90/Oo]. For thin antisymmetric cross-ply shells, the first-order theory underpredicts the natural frequencies when compared to the higherorder theory. However, for symmetric cross-ply shells, the trend reverses. 5. Natural vibration of cross-ply spherical shells. Table 7 contains nondimensionalized natural frequencies obtained using the first- and higher-order theories for various crossply spherical shells. Analogous to cylindrical shells, the first-order theory underpredicts


of the center

transverse shear




the first-order


Table 4. Nondimensionalized center deflections, W = (-wEzh3/qou4) 103, of cross-ply laminated spherical shells X under uniformly distributed load 0/90 Theory 5 10 20 50 100 Plate FSDT HSDT FSDT HSDT FSDT HSDT FSDT HSDT FSDT HSDT 0/90/0 0/900/900/00

a/h = 100 1.7535

1.7519 5.5428 5.5388 11.273 11.268 15.714 15.711 16.645 16.642 16.980 16.977

a/h = 10
19.944 17.566 19.065 18.744 19.365 19.064 19.452 19.155 19.464 19.168 19.469 19.172

a/h = 100

a/h = 10
9.7937 10.332 10.110 10.752 10.191 10.862 10.214 10.893 10.218 10.898 10.220 10.899

u/h = 100
1.5358 1.5332 3.7208 3.7195 5.6618 5.666 6.6148 6.6234 6.7772 6.7866 6.8331 6.8427

a/h = 10
9.8249 10.476 10.141 10.904 10.222 11.017 10.245 11.049 10.249 11.053 10.251 11.055

3.6445 3.6426 5.5473 5.5503 6.4827 6.4895 6.6421 6.6496 6.6970 6.7047

9.7816 9.733 9.7108 9.712 9.6873 9.5880

12.207 Ei .855 12.173 i 1.800 12.i66 11.79 I?.!53

1I .74 iZ.16?
IL.79 12.i62


A higher-order shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells


same generalized displacements as in the first-order shear deformation theory. Variationally consistent derivation of the governing equations of motion for the theory is presented. Exact solutions for deflections and natural frequencies of simply supported cross-ply shells are presented, and results for several sample problems are included. In general, the higher-order theory is believed to be (on the basis of Problem 1 results) more accurate than the first-order theory.
Acknowledgements-The results reported in this paper were obtained during an investigation supported by the Structural Mechanics Program at NASA Langley Research Center through Grant NAG-i-459 and the Ma~ematics Program at Army Research O&e through Grant DAAG-29-85-K~~7. REFERENCES

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C(1, 1) = -Alla2 - Ad6D2

C(1, 2) = -A,za$ - A&n@

c(2, 2) = -a2A,, - ,t3*A2>


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