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Objek Ilmu/Batas Kajian Ilmu Attractions: Science / Science Research Limits Position the object in the sciences is important, because science will never exist without the object. Because the object is a thing, cause, or a person who is the subject or an object, thing, and others, who were targeted for examination, attention, and so forth. Science in the study of objects or have restrictions on the scope of the studies. Science originated or derived from human experience and also stopped at the limits of human experience and does not include anything that is beyond human experience itself (Jujun Suriasumantri: 2005). In filasafat western science (modern), science is limited to the field of empirical science or physical, of all things that can be observed by the senses. Meanwhile, according to Islamic epistimologi, we not only know the physical, but also the non-physical. Each science object can be divided into two: the material object and formal object. a. Material object (material object), which is something that was targeted thinking, something that investigated or something learned. Material objects include things that are real or concrete example humans, plants, the universe, the solar system, as well as flora and fauna etc. or abstract things such as ideas, values, and spirituality, the material and non- -material. example: the material object of sociology is human / community. Material objects are also referred to as subject matter (subject matter) b. Formal object (formal object), which is the center of a special study of a particular science. For example, humans as material objects that can be studied or reviewed by an angle different methods of political science, anthropology, medicine, psychology and others. Medical study the process of metabolism and disease in humans. Psychological study of human psychology. Sociology studies the relationship between people. So the formal object can be interpreted as a way of looking, I review conducted by researchers of the material objects and personal nsip principles used. Differences according to formal objects and material objects are very widely used in science. Material object is a substance that is a review of research or knowledge creation or thing in the probe, in the view or in the highlight by a discipline that includes what kind of things are concrete or abstract. While the formal attractions are limited to what diindrawi afford it, but the whole nature of things both real and abstract. Material objects are universal (general), which is all that is (reality) while the formal object (scientific knowledge) that is specific and empirical. Studying material objects sense and work directly evaluate the results of the formal object and test that knowledge with the practical realization of the truth. While the formal object of investigating these things to understand the depth of it, or understand the material object it is essential, to understand the nature of these things in depth (to know the nature of everything). Object of this formal point of view that distinguishes the nature of philosophy and knowledge. Since the philosophy of trying to understand something deep inside. You can imagine how vast and covers that good science object seen from substance problems and his perspective on the issue, so it can be concluded that the object of science is embodied everything in perspective and in-depth study of the (radical). Dan untuk memudahkan mempelajarinya para ahli membagi objek-objek ilmu tersebut

kedalam objek material dan objek formal. And to facilitate learning experts divide objects into objects of material science and formal object. In the opinion of others (M. Quraish Shihab: 1996) stated that the object of science is divided into two main parts, namely the nature of material and non-material nature. Cutting-edge science that direct view of the nature of matter, cause people to limit their knowledge in the field. In fact most of them do not acknowledge the reality that can not be proven material in nature. Another opinion states that the object of knowledge is the natural events, which can be well known because he was something real (real). However, the object can vary, therefore the scientific knowledge can not be absolute. In the opinion of A. Sonny Keraf and Michael Keraf two in his book entitled A Review of Philosophical Sciences, the object can be said to be real (real) if it has at least three meanings: 1. First, the real meaning apart from the human mind. Real, natural stimuli that make interesting scientists to examine. 2. Second, the reality of the object of science is a known reality, which seems to scientists. 3. Third, the reality in question is a public reality, the reality that concerns many people.

5. Differences of Sciences Other Sciences (Religion and the Arts) There are some fundamental differences between science, religion, and art. Some experts argue that science is a holistic body of knowledge that is tested systematically arranged rationally and empirically proven. Science is the measure of truth so that the truth of rationalism and empiricism is Rational and Empirical science. So the truth of science continues to be recognized as true until there is proof to the evidence stronger. Ontologically, begin science exploration in human experience and stop at the limits of human experience. Unlike religion which entered the exploration area that is trasendental that are beyond human experience. Religion is a truth rooted in God's revelation about human life and the environment. Jadi kebenaran agama bukan merupakan hasil usaha manusia. So the truth of religion is not the result of human effort. Value dalah absolute religious truth or dogmatic, because it is believed to come from God. Studies are studying is an empirical reality and, while studying religion is nothing but an empirical reality. Scientists should not be in the name of science to reject it, because their territory is empirical territory. Even in essence how many abstract concepts they use, which actually does not exist in the material world, such as the density of objects, or the roots in mathematics, and how many are things that can be seen but can not reach its potential as a light nature. Art, on the other hand knowledge trying to describe a phenomenon with its fullest meaning. If the science of trying to develop a simple model of the empirical world by abstracting reality into some of the variables that are bound in a relationship that is rational, then the art (at least the literary arts), trying to reveal the object of study is that it

becomes meaningful to the creator and those who meresapinya. Art by Moehtar Lubis, a product of the power of human creativity and inspiration that is free from the grip of various bonds and shackles. The artwork is intended for humans, in the hope that the creator and the object expressed able to communicate with humans that allows the message he brought works of art. Science is trying to find a natural explanation of the conclusions of a general nature and impersonal. Instead of art remains individual and personal, with a focus on "individual human experience." Somerset Maugham concluded that man glorify himself even through experience (suffering) of others.

The relationship between science, religion, and the arts are very concerned and needed by humans. George Sarton faiths recognize that humans are required by religious beliefs. According to him, this need was one of the triumvirate is needed by humans: art, religion and science. Ia mengatakan bahwa, He said that, Reveals the beauty of art. Seni adalah kenikmatan hidup. Art is life's pleasures. Religion means compassion. Religion is the music of life. Science means truth and reason. Science is the conscience of mankind. We need all three: art, religion and science. The science is absolutely necessary, though never enough. Thus it can be seen that in religion, art and science are fundamental differences is the value of truth contained in it as the absolute value of religion because it comes from God, while in the arts and subjektifitasnya is relatively high, and the truth shall be binding in some circles only. closing Science was formed because of the curiosity of man will be something that will cause businesses manner or using a method based on the theory and media to get the answers to these curiosities. Science is a science that tries to explain the secrets of nature in order to symptoms or natural phenomena is no longer a mystery. However, the phenomenon is not always present in nature can be answered by science, or at least a lot in the beginning of science can not answer. This is due to the knowledge referred to in the terminology here requires facts. In accordance with the above definition of science, the science of the following characteristics didapatlah, coherent, empirical, systematic, common (universal), measurable and verifiable, science can progress so as to promote the creation of knowledge-knowledge and new discoveries. Then, the object of science is not talking about something that is beyond the scope of human experience. Object of science is divided into two: the material object and formal object. The difference from the perspective of the science and art of religion lies in the inherent value of religion is absolute, while the art is relative. As mentioned above, there is science because of knowledge, otherwise the cause of science knowledge. Thus, differences in defining the science is not a fundamental difference because the definition of science is present due to the process of verification of

the science itself. With the discussion about the science of the study is expected aka tone or even new discoveries in science itself that will give birth to new sciences that can be implemented in life.

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