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9/11 in Synchronicity

Synchronicity is the art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly

mundane with mystical or estoric significance. Other folks believes that that these
attacks were created by the pro-new world order elite (or among a high level elite
that want to have an one world government. Some individuals claim that certain
aspects of the September 11th, 2001 attacks are encoded or mentioned in
Hollywood productions (before the actual attacks against the World Trade Center
occurred). This is true to a certain extent. There are films with the numbers, dates,
or visuals of the damaged towers of the 9/11 attacks. The Bush administration to
this day deny that they have any knowledge of an attack using planes, but that's
a lie. Mainstream news accounts show that even NORAD and the Pentagon had
drills before 9/11 relating to how a terrorist aircraft would hit targets in D.C. and
New York. Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri wrote an article for the USA
TODAY entitled, "NORAD had drills of jets as weapons" (created in 4/18/2004
and then updated in April 19, 2004) documenting how NORAD did hijacking
exercises indeed prior to 9/11. Some of the hijackers even were trained and funded
by the FBI. Muhammad Atta was given $100,000 from Mahmoud Ahmad, who was
once the head of the ISI. Ahmad met with Congressional members during 9/11. It
doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Secret Societies (as found in
Freemasonry, the Jesuits, the Rosicrucians, Opus Dei, the Skulls and Bones, etc.),
intelligence agencies (the CIA, the NSA, FBI, MI5, MI6, the Mossad, etc.), and
high level political groups have orchestrated revolutions, control, and terrorists
for thousands of years. It's obvious that the official story from the 9/11
Commission has been debunked). The reality is that NORAD, the CIA, other
Intelligence agencies, and certain members of the American government had clear
connections with the "supposed" hijackers (and the 9/11 attacks). These entities
regularly pass laws that are against the civil liberties of not only those residing in
the West, but the world over. That is why isn't unusual for these groups (among
them military industrial complex) to collaborate with the leaders of Hollywood
to promote propaganda or advance a certain agenda in the media. Here are some
examples of this in film.
In the film of the Enemy of the State which came out in 1998, the NSA leader was
born on 9/11/1940. Also, the film gives the coordinates of Latitude 38 and
Longitude 77. It's interesting to note that Flight 77 hit near Washington D.C. on
Longitude 77. The film also shows the words of "GRID Va 77536." Gene
Hackman in Enemy of the States takes Will Smith to his compound from where
they locate Jon Voight’s personal details on the computer. Gene Hackman states,
‘Reynolds, Thomas Brian. Born 9-11-40’. In the Beverly Hill Cop 2 film from 1987,
Eddie Murphy looks at a computer screen. The screen has 6 dates relating to
9/11/86. The Big Lebowski film came out in 1998. It has many Masonic checkered
board images. One man looks at a picture of George H. W. Bush talking about
Saddam's aggression against Kuwait. There is a fake image of Saddam giving the
man 2 bowling shoes. The shoes look like a Tower. The Saddam figure points to
the number 11. Could one meaning of these events that the 9/11 attacks (which
destroy the Twin Towers) will lead to the "capture" of Saddam Hussein. In the
1997 Face Off film, there is an explosion near 2 obelisks next to each other. The
obelisk standing next to each other look like subliminal Twin Towers. The 2000
film of Traffic has drug boxed entitled with 911 on them. There is a scorpion logo
on them. Clocks are set to 9:11 as well.

There was a Simpson’s episode which occurred on September 21, 1997. Lisa
Simpson is showing a magazine with New York, the Twin Towers, and $9 on it. The
9 and the Twin Towers looks similar to 9/11. A door in Traffic has the number 911
as well. The 1993 Super Mario Brothers film has interesting imagery. The film show
the Twin Towers almost completely destroyed. There is a flying image flying in
between the Towers. This is similar to the Twin Towers destruction of 2001. The
Mercury Rising film of 1998 has Bruce Willis playing it with a boy. The AA or
American Airlines logo is in the film. Also, the boy decipher a code from the
computer. The computer reads the numbers of 93 and 77 in the screen. On 9/11,
Flight 77 and 93 were utilized in the attacks (even old copies of Die Hard from 1988
have the image looking similar to the Twin Towers exploding, although it is just
one building). Denzel Washington starred in the Siege from 1998. The movie
depicts martial law, racial profiling, a military police state instituted and other
things similar to what's occurring now. Now, in 2009, the Pentagon wants the
military to work as law enforcement units under the guise of handling emergencies.
There are military checkpoints now across the nation along with militarized police.
Of course, these evil things are illegal and a violation of the 1878 law of Posse
Comitatus. The Siege wrestled with issues of terrorism and Islam that we grabble
with to this day. The movie says that this fictional attack is the worse U.S. terrorist
attack since the Oklahoma City bombing (9/11 was that event for real).

The Illuminati means the enlightened ones in the occult. Fritz Springmeier writes
that the Illuminati are composed of members of occult secret societies and other
Groups (including high level bloodlines like the Merovingians, the Rothschilds, the
Rockefellers, the Astors, the DuPonts, etc.) that want to rule the entire world. The
new world order involved a global economy, global government, and a global
religious system. George H. W. Bush called for the new world order on September
11, 1991, which was 10 years before 9/11. CFR member Gary Hart days after 9/11
called for a new world order. A C-SPAN clip proved that Gary Hart said these
words. Other occult symbolism like the All Seeing Eye and Pyramid are present in
Hollywood films. The Mannequin film from 1987 outline numerous pyramid and
All Seeing Eye images. It has an Egyptian fell. There is clock set to 9:11 in the film.
The famous 1995 film of Hackers talks about the new world order. The movie
glamorizes the lives of computer hackers fundamentally. One person in a
computers talks about the new world order as relates to corporations (and call
people cattle who doesn't understand this). The computer in the film has a man's
face transposed with the All Seeing Eye and the Masonic One Dollar Bill. It also has
buildings with Crash and Burn on them. This is similar to the Order out of Choa
construct that elitists desired for eons of human history. Hackers also have the
numbers of 911, 77, and 93 on a screen.
The Long Kiss Goodnight Movie is a 1996 movie starring Samuel L. Jackson and Geena
Davis. Referring to the 1993 bombing of the Trade Center, Samuel L Jackson's
character is told that the CIA were complicit in the bombing. This is almost
accurate, it was in fact the FBI that were COMPLICIT in that bombing (because and
FBI informant was building the bomb with the “terrorists”). This was found out in
court. The character is then told in explicit detail by the shadowy government
official that 4000 people will be killed in a fake terrorist event on American soil in
order to "get some money out of Congress." Of course this event will be "blamed on
the Muslims, naturally." This exactly reminisces of 9/11, because how 9/11 is similar to
what the movie details. The CIA, NORAD, intelligence agencies, etc. assisted 9/11 to occur,
while the government scapegoat the Muslims living in caves (which they don‘t have the
power to do all of the things in 9/11 at all). In real life, the September 11th terrorist attacks
have been exploit to balloon the military budget in fighting immoral wars overseas. This
movie describes government foreknowledge and involvement in 9/11 from years ago in
amazing detail. Problem Child 2 came out in 1991. It featured a home with the home address
number of 911 (with a miniature home with the words of 911 on it after Healy). The film of
Fight Club have building looking like the Twin Towers falling in front of the narrator and
his girlfriend. The 2000 movie of Rugrats in Paris show an airplane flying in Paris (looking
similar to a plan attacking the North Tower).

The Lone Gunmen Show before 9/11 shows one smoking gun deal with 9/11
hidden in Hollywood before 9/11 occurred. The Lone Gunmen show was meant to
be a spin-off show from Fox's X-Files. Dean Haglund plays Richard ‘Ringo‘ Langly
on the show. One the pilot episode where the plot was a gunman tried to stop a
plane from hitting the World Trade Center. This episode happened 8 months
before 9/11. The episode has a radical faction of people inside the government
hatching a plan trying to hit the WTC to start an international war on terror (since
the Cold War ended and money is needed to built up the military industrial
complex). Dean said that FOX filmed a plane trying to hitting the Twin Towers. He
said that to keep the economy going, this war on terror would commenced. This
pilot episode came about in March 4, 2001. That date is exactly 119 days before
September 11th occurred. The episode has one man saying that an evil faction
within the government is planning a terrorist attack against its own people (in New
York City. This faction in the government admits to this in a war-game scenario) in
order to increase arms sales. This faction is doing this by trying to hijack a
commercial airliner and crashing it toward the World Trade Center. Byers’ father
faked his own death in order to try to uncover this conspiracy. Dean Haglund
(who is an actor on the X-Files and the Lone Gunmen) admitted in an interview
with Alex Jones that writers of these shows had links to the FBI and NASA. The FBI
and NASA would then supply material for these show. Dean also claimed that for
the past 20 years, the CIA has hired informants to attend Hollywood functions for
conveying trends and concerns and related his encounter with one such informant
who works as a psychic in Hollywood:

"...She was at a Hollywood party where Chris Carter was standing in the corner
in a tuxedo looking very out of place. And she went up to him and said,
‘Whatever you’re working on right now is going to make you millions of dollars’.
And it was just before he started The X-Files. So she was a psychic who predicted
the success of The X-Files not knowing what the project was or who he was. And
then when I asked her, ‘What were you doing at the Hollywood party?’ she said
that she was working for the CIA and that she would get e-mails telling her to go
to this party and that party. And there’d be swanky affairs in the Hollywood hills
and her name would always be on the guest list (she never knew how that
happened). And then she would just go hang out at the party, and then at the end
of the night go back and e-mail what she talked about. And she didn’t really
know where the e-mail went or who this person was, but then she would get a
cheque. And it turns out that was the CIA and they were just, you know, keeping
tabs on what was being talked about at Hollywood parties with the producers
and the creators because film is one of the, you know, major foreign policy tools
that are out there…" (Jones December 17, 2004, 00:04:29–00:05:49; cf. Jones 12
January 2005 00:14:02-00:15:07)

It's ironic that the Lone Gunmen co-writer and The X-Files producer Frank Spotnitz
exclaimed: ‘What’s disturbing about it to me is, you think as a fiction writer that if
you can imagine this scenario, then the people in power in the government who are
there to imagine disaster scenarios can imagine it, too.’ (TV Guide June 21, 2001).
CFR member Condoleezza Rice denied that before 9/11, no one anticipated
airliners being used as weapons. That’s a lie since Operation Northwoods was an
U.S. government plan to use planes as weapons (against Americans) to justify an
invasion of Cuba. JFK rejected that plan. Also, exercises were conducted by
NORAD pertaining to planes hitting the Pentagon (and WTC) before 9/11/2001.
The war on terror is like a hoax since even the international terrorists like al-Qaeda
have been funded (and created) by the CIA (including other intelligence agencies)
and the banking system. Ex-CIA field agents, ex-FBI translators, the former German
Defense Secretary, the head of the largest victims family group (and the majority of its
members) and many others, including Dean Haglund, star of The Lone Gunmen all believe
that the government had a role in 9/11 as an inside job.

Other moves show many examples. In the 1999 film of the Matrix, Anderson's ID
has the date of September 11, 2001 on it. The Matrix talks about a false reality
utilized to control us, yet the film is filled with occult/Gnostic symbolism. The
establishment promoted the film since the film deal with a technocratic control of
humans and a hatred of core moral tenets. that in Ghostbusters,
there is first a frame of a vehicle traveling across a NY Bridge. The next frame has
the Ghostbusters' symbol. If you add the Ghostbusters' logo to the first frame
(excluding the Ghost image), there is a symbol of against sign on the Twin Towers.
According to,
many cartoons from Justice League, X-Men, Superman, Thing and the Human
Torch (from 1980), and Duck Tales discusses about the Twin Towers being destroy
way before 9/11. In fact, in Uncanny X-Men cartoon from #189 on January 1985,
these words appear: "...In a sense, Her companion Rachel Summers hasn't been
born yet. the New York she remembers is that of the 21st century. In her mind's
eye, she sees lower Manhattan burning. The Twin Towers of the World Trade
Center lie in ruins, thousands are dead, many more injured. Rachel's a telepath."
Now, this is 1985 talking about what really happened in 2001. So, life is much
stranger than even fiction is. A rap group called the Coup had an image of the Twin
Towers being blown up on the cover of their album before 9/11.

*You can't talk about 9/11 without numerics. Some believe that numbers are
pivotal in the organized religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Numerics to
occultists have special meaning. The number 11 according to Bible Believing
Christian Meyer is "The number 11 is the Aquarian number since Aquarius is the
11th sign of the zodiac." [Pastor David Meyers, Last Trumpet Ministries; July, 2001].
According to E. W. Bullinger's research from 1967, the number 9 is divine judgment
or finality, while 11 relates to disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and
disintegration. 11 according to occultist Wynn Westcott means:

"...This seems to have been the type of a number with an evil reputation among all
peoples. The Kabalists contrasted it with the perfection of the Decad, and just as the
Sephirotic number is the form of all good things, so eleven is the essence of all that
is sinful, harmful and imperfect.....It is called the Number of Sins" and the Penitent,"
because it exceeds the number of Commandments and is less than twelve, which is
the number of Grace and Perfection..." (Wyn Wescott, Numbers: Their Occult
Power and Mystic Virtues).
Strangely enough, many 11s are present in the event of 9/11. They include the

-It was Flight 11 that hit the First World Trade Center Towers.
-Both towers look like a 11 in the sky and had Flight 11 had 11 crew members.
-Each tower has 110 floors (11*10)
-New York City has 11 letters and New York is the 11th state to join the United
-Air Force One has 11 letters
-George W. Bush and Dick B. Cheney each have 11 letters.
-Colin Powell has 11 letters
-Afghanistan and Ramzi Yousef each have 11 letters as well.
-The attack was in September 11 which is the 254th day of the year [2+5+4=11], and
there are 111 days remaining in the year from 9/11.
-The towers had a total of 21,800 windows [2+8+1=11]
-Flight 11 also had 92 passengers [9+2=11]
-The second plane that hit was Flight 77 [7*11=77] which had 65 passengers
-On 9/13, George W. Bush stood by a fireman wearing a helment #164 [1+6+4=11]
-Bush ordered flag at half-mast for 11 days.
-Flight 11 was American Airlines and their phone number is number was
1-800-245-0999 (1+8+0+0+2+4+5+0+9+9+9=47), 4+7 = 11
-The third building #7 to fall had 47 stories = 4+7=11
-9-11 is the number for Help in many nations and 119 [1+1+9=11] is the area code
Iraq and Iran.
-Rockefeller has 11 letters and the Rockefeller family had a lot of involvement in the
funding and construction of the Twin Towers.
-World Trade Center Towers have 22 letters (2*11=22)
-On 9/11/73, Salvador Allende of Chile, the world’s first democratically elected Marxist
president, was overthrown by the U.S. in an admitted CIA-coup engineered by Nixon,
Helms, and Kissinger; the same Henry Kissinger that was originally to head the 9/11.
commission “investigation.
-September 11, 1941 was the ground breaking ceremony to construct the Pentagon.
-Osama bin Laden’s birthplace is Saudi Arabia and that too has 11 letters.
-The phrase of "The Pentagon" has 11 letters.
-Revelation 9:11 shows the mention of angel of the bottomless pit or Apollyon
(meaning destruction).

The conclusion is that for decades, the elite plan events out from Depressions to
wars. It isn't unusual at all to see various descriptions of 9/11 at all to be seen in
various forms of media spanning a long time even before the attacks on
September 11, 2001. Some of the globalists (as found in the elite bloodlines, the
Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, etc.) are into the occult.
That is why some of them praise the owl in an occult Cremation of Care ritual of
Bohemian Grove. That is why some are in Freemasonry like numerous British
Royals. That is why Tony Blair have done New Age practices of trying to contact
“the Light” in his attempt to find advice on political affairs. That is wild to
decide policies based upon occult rituals (instead of true God-given logic and
reasoning of the issues). The goal for a new world order or global government
isn’t just political. It’s a political, economic, and religious conspiracy to integrate
the world into one entity basically. Even HG Wells wrote of the conspiracy as
seeking world socially that being planned in a complex fashion. These images
almost seem like encoded productions. People have a right to expose the truth
pertaining to what transpired in 9/11. Also, individuals have every right to spread
the truth and not be ashamed of it at all. Goodbye for now.

*9/11 has many complexities that must be made known. There were many people and
interests that converged in the acts of September 11th, 2001. Some of these entities have
even financially benefited from the attacks. Cornell University's Quill and Dagger society
included people like Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors Sandy Berger and Stephen
Hadley, Marsh & McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, and the founder of Kroll
Associates, Jules Kroll. There were other interconnections of organizations linked to Cornell
people as well. Even after the 1993 bombing of the WTC there was a company
called Stratesec or Securacom. This company was used to integrate a new security system
formed by Kroll Associates. Stratesec had a small board of directors. These people include
Wirt Walker III (a cousin of the Bush brothers), Marvin Bush (or George W. Bush's brother),
and retired Air Force General James Abrahamson. There are other directors in this group.
They include former Assistant Director in charge of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information
Services Division called Charles Archer and Yousef Saud Al Sabah (or the member of the
Kuwaiti royal family). Stratesec had provided security services for the United Airlines and
Dulles Airport. This is where American Airlines Flight 77 took off on 9/11. Another client
was the Los Alamos National Laboratory of LANL. This is where scientists were working on
the development of nanothermite, which is an explosive material that was found in the
WTC dust. James Abrahamson has been involved in the military industrial complex (he co-
founded Cresent Investment Management or Scresent with the Pakistani American Mansoor
Ijaz. PNAC signer James Woolsey was one of the Crescent's board of director. Woosley was
the CIA Director under President Bill Clinton). In 1998, Barry McDaniel came to Stratesec to
become its Chief Operating Officer. McDaniel was therefore in charge of the security
operation at the WTC in terms of what he called a “completion contract,” to provide
services “up to the day the buildings fell down.” The Carlyle Group of course benefit with
the war on terror financially as well. Kevin Ryan from 9/11 Blogger cites even more
information on the financial connections of the SAIC, Kissinger, and Halliburton (including
other people involved in 9/11's coverup especially). So, these crucial ties ought to be
known and investigated fully.
Appendix A: The Card Game

The Illuminati Card Game is an interesting study. This card game alone is the
smoking gun of 9/11 in Synchronicity. In 1990, Steve Jackson was a role playing
inventor. After working for many years at Metagaming Concepts designing such games as
Ogre and The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson left to found Steve Jackson Games (SJ Games) in
the early 1980s. He designed many of the games published by SJ Games, such as Car Wars,
GURPS, Munchkin and many others. He wanted to create a game called “Illuminati
New World Order” game or INWO for short. His cards showed so much
information that relates to our time and beyond that Secret Service agents went to
his home. They did this in March 1, 1990. They seized his property without a
warrant to gain computers, etc. Jackson was accused of hacking, which was false. In
court, Steve Jackson won the case being awarded $50,000 plus $250,000 attorney's
fees. The cards show an interesting story about how the real elite use wars, panics,
and other troubles to create the new world order. He finished his card game by
1995. The terrorist nuke card had an explosion of one of the 2 Towers looking
similar to the WTCs. Now, the hit on the Tower to the right looks similar at how the
North Tower was hit first. One card shows the Pentagon being hit in the same
fashion as how the Pentagon was really attacked on 9/11. Notice that these cards
existed in 1995, so Steve Jackson must be really perceptive.

The image above outlines information about Rewriting History. This means that
certain people in the educational elite are intentionally omitting real facts of
history. Rewriting history or historical revisionism have been going on for
thousands of years. There are other cards as well that list specific events that are
going on today. It outlines an image of an Internet womb. Internet wombs today
are advancing at a rapid pace presently. It lists a card about gun control and the
new world order. It’s a known fact that extreme gun control was supported by
fascists like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Also, many of the school
shooters or serial killers have issues of mental illness, they use psychotropic
drugs (especially PROZAC), and they have connections to military facilities. The
murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane existed and the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were
current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC according to William
Cooper. Their actions are exploited by the anti-gun lobby every time a shooting
develops in order to pass more anti-gun legislation. Even with the recent VA
Tech shooting, the shooter was a person with mental illness problems. There are
cards with Mass Murder as well. A Secular Humanists card have a silhouette of
man with horns on his head. This means that the secular humanist agenda have
been subtle and wicked. A simple example is how many of them like even
Thomas Dewey wanted to eliminate God from being influenced in public
schools. Religious freedom in our schools have been a blessing in our nation for
centuries. Dewey held onto pro-socialist views (John Dewey and others formed the
Humanist Manifesto to abandon traditional religion in order to embrace a man-
centered credo). The wicked adulterer Margaret Sanger won the Humanist Award
for her activities. Humanism have caused many churches to turn apostate. Another
famous secular humanist was George Brock Chisholm. Chisholm was the first head
of the WHO or the World Health Organization. He wanted the redistribution of
wealth to solve problems, instead of promoting private property plus independent
technological advancement. Dr. Chisholm, Margaret Mead, and other social
scientist wrote a document entitled “Mental Health and World Citizenship” to
promote world citizenship and bashing the family teaching students about life in
general. He promoted outright world government in his own words:

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their
individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
-George Brock Chisholm

He even denied morality or the concept of and right and wrong. He said these words in his
address, which was sponsored by the William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation. It
occurred in October 1945 in Washington D.C. to a large group of pyschiatrists and high
government officials. He said that:

“…What basic psychological distortion can be found in every civilization of which we know
anything? The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality--
the concept of right and wrong. The re-interpretation and eventual eradication of the concept
of right and wrong are the belated objectives of nearly all psychotherapy. If the race is to be
freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the
original responsibility…” The influential anthropologist Margaret Mead organized the 1975
conference in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina that promote the man-made global
warming hoax a reality (with the policy that human created CO2 could destroy human life,
broil the Earth the ice caps, etc.). Mead was the President of the AAAS or the American
Association for the Advancement of Science in 1974. Margaret Mead’s 1928 book on the
sex life of South Pacific Islanders have been proven to be a fraud. Mead’s leading recruits at
the 1975 conference were climate scare artist Stephen Schneider, population-control
extremist and biologist George Woodwell, and the current AAAS president John Holdren.
All three of them disciples of Malthusian fanatic Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population
Bomb. These people influenced the cutbacks in the industrial activity to help develop the
Third World rapidly. Man-made global warming have been used to promote the radical
depopulation agenda (like Mead believed in).

People already know that Rush Limbaugh is a fake conservative and

a pro-establishment puppet. He supports the FED, war mongering,
and other tyrannical policies.

The good news is that many real Christians exist in the world. The card of
Dittohead is interesting. The bottom of that card reads: “This group can only be
controlled by a Personality ... This card always has the same alignments as its
Personality, plus "Fanatic". If the Personality is already Fanatic, the fanaticism of the
Ditto heads is considered the same alignment for all purposes." That means that certain
brainwashed people follow a man or personality. Likewise, these people are fundamentally
controlled by this personality in a fanatical way. “Ditto head” is a term that is mentioned by
the fake conservative shill Rush Limbaugh (as depicting of his followers). Now, Rush
controls many of his followers when he promotes lies. He supports the globalist NAFTA
trade deal, he denies that the Bohemian Grove is occult, Rush even downplayed the immoral
torture that occurred in Abu Ghraib of Iraq, and he supported the former Bush
administration. Rush Limbaugh is funded by the establishment to tempt citizens to be
consumed with anger and be made into a lightning rod. Hence, the Left/right paradigm can
continue forth (without effectively carrying out solutions in an effective way). That is why
Rush says belligerent, offensive rhetoric. The Mormon Glen Beck is apart of the modern
generation of neo cons trying to infiltrate sincere conservative & libertarians who have
legitimate grievances about the bad policies in government. Glen Beck recently lied and
said that there are no FEMA camps in America (he denies that programs exist
wanting them during times of emergencies as well).

By Timothy

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