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of OD Solu6on
NOVEMBER 28th, 2012


MM6806 The ODT Consul6ng Process: Consultant Roles & Skills Master of Management in Organiza6on Development

Overview of Surathnai Branch Project Objec5ves Delivery Plan of Consultancy Service
Company background Current situa5on Proposed Solu5on Possible outcome

Overview of Surathani Branch

Objec6ves of Project
Support branch manager to achieve sales target Iden5fy areas of improvement Dene conceptual framework and consultancy plan to support sales growth target

Ini6al coaching


Strategic S2 communica6on

Process Redesign Workshop Advisory Clinic 1 Day


Project assignment Share trend Product knowledge tes3ng

Understanding S4 Other


Power to Convince/Mo6vate


Reinforcing Feedback

Delivery Plan of Consultancy Service


Consul'ng Process

1 2 3 4 5

Entry & Contrac6ng Discovery & Dialogue Feedback & Decision to Act Engagement & Implementa6on Extension , Recycle or Terminate

PHASE 2 : Discovery & Dialogue

Current situa'on

Growing branch 12,000 transac5ons per day Branch KPIs have been reached Queuing line is less than 1 minute Good opera5onal process 60% of customers are non-business owner Compe55ve business Very good rela5onship among team members

High customer sa5sfac5on and need to maintain Increase customer sa5sfac5on to draw more customers to the branch is needed in order to increase sales

High job sa5sfac5on Require knowledge of products in all aspects as well as visibility of Krungsri bank business Confortable to work in the scope of work Need to unfold poten5al

PHASE 2 : Discovery & Dialogue

Challenging/ Opportunity



Good Teamwork Same goal Try to achieve the same goal Working hard

Improve service quality Smile/ Serve right need Improve product knowledge Increase mo5va5on ShiX the mindset to sell Holis5c view of others banking business


Poor 5me management of employee working shiX Silo mindset This is not my job Not update the new informa5on

PHASE 3 : Feedback & Decision to Act

Propose the plan



360 mul6rator assessment result

Areas of measurement in the assessment to assess the percep5on of branch Managers subordinate, boss and peer towards her are : reinforcing feedback strategic communica5on Power to convince/ mo5vate Understand others Listening

Execu6ve Coaching 6 months

Post ODI

360 mul6rator assessment result

Collect the data towards Sales revenue and compare in term of ranking with other branches as well as other banking business

Advisory Clinic

Areas of measurement in the assessment to assess the percep5on of branch Managers subordinate, boss and peer towards her are : reinforcing feedback strategic communica5on Power to convince/ mo5vate Understand others Listening

Redesign Process Workshop: 1 day

Collect the data towards Sales revenue and compare in term of ranking with other branches as well as other banking business 10

PHASE 3 : Feedback & Decision to Act

Propose the plan

Long Term (Target : Manager)

Execu6ve Coaching 6 months
1-on-1 Coaching Project assignment Onsite observa5on & Feedback

Reinforcing Feedback Power to Convince/ Mo6vate

Strategic communica6on

Listening Understand other

Short Term (Target : Mass)

Quick Win Advisory clinic 1 Day
Brochure Head Banner


PHASE 3 : Feedback & Decision to Act

Program Objec've Program Objec6ve Execu6ve coaching

to understand the core concept of 5 areas to reinforce the coachee to share/update the trend of other banks as well we share success to build mo5va5on to reinforce the coachee to check the product knowledge of the sta and provide to ll in knowledge to provide the feedback for coachee to get improvement

Program Objec6ve Quick win

to facilitate and unfold the group of par5cipants to get some idea to energize the sales target

PHASE 4 : Engagement & Implementa6on

Ac'vi'es Execu've Coaching 6 months
Ini5al Coaching : 1 hr. (Phone) Overview of the program Set ground rule Brief the objec5ve and expected outcome 1-on-1 Coaching : 5 sessions x 3 hrs Strategic communica5on Listening Understand other Power to Convince/ Mo5vate Reinforcing Feedback

Project assignment

Interact with target group UTL and collect informa5on as coached

Onsite Observa5on & Feedback 2 sessions x 1 hr

Observe the behavior and provide feedback


PHASE 4 : Engagement & Implementa6on

Advisory Clinic Redesign Process Workshop: 1 day

Service Process Redesign

Adding a demand trigger agent into a front oce service process by maximizing queuing line while maintaining quality of service at counter

Marke6ng Redesign

Crea5ng experience of Yak Mee Ngern Dern Ma Krungsri (Want to have money. Come to Krungsri). Pre-dening nancial services for each target group of the branch.


PHASE 4 : Engagement & Implementa6on

Redesigned Process Workshop Agenda
SWOT current front oce process Understanding of impact of roles and responsibility toward KPIs Redeni5on of Branchs KPIs Design the new process



Marke5ng techniques in 21st century SWOT current marke5ng ac5vi5es Field compe55on Redesign Marke5ng


PHASE 4 : Engagement & Implementa6on

Month 1 Week 1
Ini5al Coaching : 1 hr. (Phone)

Implementa'on Plan Execu've Coaching 6 months Month 2

Project assignment Listening Understand Other Power to Convince & Mo5vate Reinforcing Feedback

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Week 2

Strategic Communi- ca5on 3 hr.

(Based on data collected mo5va5on &value)

3 hr.

(Based on data analyzed mo5va5on &value)

(Based on data mapping mo5va5on &value)

Observa5on 1 hr

Observa5on 1 hr

3 hr.

3 hr.

Week 3
Listening 3 hr.
Monday talk -Share success - Update trend - Product know. tes5ng

Project assignment (Analyze data

collected )

(Mapping to each

Project assignment

Week 4

Project Close Deliver the Feedback based on observa5on 1.5 hrs

Monday talk -Share success - Update trend - Product know. tes5ng Monday talk -Share success - Update trend - Product know. tes5ng Monday talk -Share success - Update trend 16 - Product know. tes5ng

Monday talk -Share success - Update trend - Product know. tes5ng

Monday talk -Share success - Update trend - Product know. tes5ng

PHASE 5 : Extension , Recycle or Terminate

Possible outcome Manager know how to make those 5 core concepts in ac5on Percep5on of the UTL towards selling change as shown in the 360 mul5rator assessment result Mo5va5on increase UTL product knowledge increase UTL Holis5c view of others banking business Condent and respond to clients need more eec5vely

SALES GROWTH 100%-150%

Sod Side Enhance trough coaching

Hard Side Enhance trough product providing


Ini6al coaching


Strategic S2 communica6on

Process Redesign Workshop Advisory Clinic 1 Day


Project assignment Share trend Product knowledge tes3ng

Understanding S4 Other


Power to Convince/Mo6vate


Reinforcing Feedback

Back-Up Corporate Background


Corporate Background
Established on January 27, 1945 Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 1977 The Xh largest bank in Thailand in terms of loans and deposits A full range of banking services to both commercial and individual customers.

Fact Sheet: hqps:// Ref: hqps:// 20

Corporate Vision & Value

One KRUNGSRI: One team of employees advoca6ng our products and services, dedicated to becoming our customers' number One preferred Bank"

Core Value
Integrity Team Spirit Customer Centricity Passion for Excellence Embracing Changes

Ref: hqps://

Service Porgolio
Personal Banking
Deposit Products Investment Products Loan Products Card Products KRUNGSRI Bancassurance Life KRUNGSRI e-Channels Banking Services

Exclusive Banking

Krungsri Exclusive Krungsri Exclusive Products and Services Krungsri Exclusive Privileges Krungsri Exclusive Promo5ons and Ac5vi5es Krungsri Exclusive Investment Insights Krungsri Exclusive Centers

Corporate Banking
Deposit Products Corporate Loan Treasury Products Trade Services Cash Management Investment Products Securi5es Services Banking Services

Auto Loan Card Products Fund Management BROKERAGE KRUNGSRI Property


SME Banking

Ref: hhps://


Organiza6on Chart

Ref: hqps://

MM19 for MM6806 Group 1 Team Member

Rach Wongwisidth 551-9109

Vinod Kumar Singh 551-9339

Noan Harn 551-9330

Toungrat Srinoot 551-9334


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