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Kinesiology Taping | Applications of Power Taping to Improve Performance in Sports

Kinesiology taping or power taping for athletic performance is a four step system: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify sport specic motor chain Preload by engaging the structure through stretch Activate the sport specic chain Train the sport specic chain

1. Identify Sport-Specic Motor Chain Start by performing a functional assessment as outlined in the Assessment section of this manual. Use the Assessment Form. 2. Fascial Lengthening Phase: Preloading With movement taping, we are required to lengthen a fascial continuity rather than a specic/isolated muscle. In order to stimulate the maximum number of cutaneous/fascial mechanoreceptors, we will place the athlete into a position that effectively elongates the entire chain. Chuck Wolf has developed an effective way to lengthen these chains with what he terms Flexibility Highways ( We have also found that by hanging in a lengthened position, we can better elongate the fascial chain (> 1 min has shown to better lengthen fascial structures). To do this, we recommend assisted stretching aids such as Swiss balls, broom sticks, tables, chairs, etc. If we can maximally appreciate a fully lengthened position, we can better stimulate the appropriate mechanoreceptors and improve our movement patterns. In preparation for the application of the PowerTaping, the athlete should perform the following steps to pre-load the system using: A. Neural System The neural system is best activated by using the following techniques: 1. Foam Roll 2. Trigger Point Ball Release 3. Stick Release By stimulating certain muscles receptors via pressure (above techniques), research has shown that the targeted muscle can neurally elongate. This will maximize the lengthening potential of the tissues to be taped. PowerTaping for ATs/Kins and Coaches/Trainers. Roll with ball/foam roll/stick over targeted tissue. Scan to locate areas of tenderness. Once found, hold pressure (to tolerance) over area for 2030seconds. Continue to scan and repeat process along length of chain. B. Dynamic Warm Up and Priming, to maximize length potential

Priming the nervous system via a gradual warm up of whole body, multi-joint motions has been shown to help lengthen the target tissues, thus improving starting length of tissue to be taped. C. Fascial Lengthening Method The fascia is best lengthened by using the following techniques: a. Flexibility Highways (Chuck Wolf Human Motion Associates) b. Yoga Poses c. Athletic posture/stance Movement taping requires lengthening of fascial continuities (chains) rather than a specic/isolated muscle. In order to elongate the performance chains, we have the athlete perform various forms of fascial stretches. Chuck Wolf (Human Motion Associates has developed a revolutionary fascial exibility program. In addition, yoga poses and/or athletic postures (i.e. 3 point stance, aero bike position) are other ways to elongate performance chains. D. Assisted Stretching Props The fascia can be lengthened by using the following techniques: a. b. c. d. Swiss Balls Sticks Bolsters Wall

Effectively elongating fascial chains requires the athlete to maintain a posture for an extended period of time (1+ minutes). We have found that if you can hang on assistive equipment (above props), it is easier to maintain the required position to lengthen the chain. 3. Activate the Sport Specic Chain After the pre-loading phase, the athlete can be taped using the longitudinal anatomy concept described in the following Performance Chains sections of the PowerTaping for ATs/Kins and Coaches/Trainers. 4. Train the Performance Chain After taping according to the methods outlined, encourage new/improved movement patterns via cutaneous stimulation.

You can find more about kinesiology taping applications by visiting If you need a Rock Doc and power taping practitioners in Ontario CA, just click on the link.
Keywords: Kinesiology Taping, Kinesio Taping, Sport Tape,

Sports Tape, Power Taping, RockTape Canada

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