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Egyptian Glossary

AKH(Sometimes written as "khu," "Kha" or "Ikh.") The actual substance and centerpoint of each person's divine soul. The akh is represented by the hieroglyph of the stork. This is the ultimate source of the superstition that newborns are brought by the stork. ANUBIS Hellenized Greek for Inpu, who is the natural instinct of the soul to seek its immortal identity. He is the jackal-headed god, personified by the animal species which "haunt" grave sites and consume the dead. He is the spiritual guide of the soul making the transition between realities. AMMOMETShe Who Eats, personification of the annihilation of identity which protects souls from an eternity of pain or heartache. She is the fate of the ill prepared and untrained. APEPSerpent god of the spinal column and the central nervous system. Apep is the towrope of the sunboat, and the training for self-control and self-discipline was imaged as control of the serpent Apep. Failure to control Apep leads to depression and anxiety, which were problems as real then to civilized people they are as now. ATON (Also Iton.) The actual solar globe in the sky, as opposed to Re, the sun in your mind, that is consciousness. The light of the sun overhead was believed to be powered by the same divine energy source as consciousness. This source was personified in the deity of Re and his many forms. Aton was elevated to supreme deity by the now famous Ikhnaton, who was the only true "sun worshipper" in the sense that this is understood today. The Children of the Sun knew that the world was animated by the solar light, but this was seen as a force of nature, mysterious and profound, not as a personification of the ultimate, monotheistic divine. BAThe inside of the mask, the personal experience of the soul, you as only you know yourself. Depicted as a Horus-falcon with a human head, often shown in flight over the tomb. BASTETThe cat who sings the body electric; Isis as the soul in love with life itself, the joy of physical existence. BEAUTIFUL BEING Unnofer, meaning Osiris. BES ancient deity of comic relief, patron of dwarves, musicians, dancers and pregnant women. BLOCKER OF LIGHTThe name of the final boundary and threshold between realities, the final door to be passed through in crossing from the dimension of this world to the next. CHILDREN OF THE SUN The identity by which the ancients knew themselves, since they became "Egyptians" only long after the nation itself had died. COILING PATHWAY OF THE SERPENTINE EMBRACED meditation training in selfdiscipline similar to the later yoga teachings of India and China, known today only through fragmented instructions and surviving references such as the SEVEN PASSAGEWAYS texts, and in the Seven States of the Soul metaphors described in the Per Em Hru. DIVINE PRECINCTS Another of Osiriss many attributes and images; the "precincts" are the geographical markings of individual farm holdings and estates along the Nile. The annual inundation erased all boundary markers, and the "string-stretching" used to re-establish individual property was the beginning of geometry and higher mathematics. The black mud which the Nile deposited was the foundation of each seasons growth, and was likened to the dark, mysterious substance of the soul itself. Just as each individuals estate is measured out of the featureless expanse of fertile mud, so each individuals identity is measured out of the featureless "mud" of the divine substance that is source of all souls.

DJEDThe backbone of Osiris, courage and confidence, "the calm of strong nerves." Also depicted as bundled wheat stalks. "Raising The Djed" was a major ceremonial service. DUAL VOICEAn Egyptian grammatical structure expressing their perception of the duality of reality, used for "Those Two," a god representing the secret unified nature of Horus and Sutek. The dual voice is used for the two river banks, the two eyes, etc., two which are single and yet incomplete without the other. EASTERN HORIZON WHICH IS HEAVEN The point on the horizon of dawn, metaphor of the moment of enlightenment. EYE OF HORUS, EYE OF RE Living perception, awareness of self. The Eye Of Horus represented individual self-perception, whereas the Eye Of Re represented the fact of awareness. FACE AND HEART Poetic metaphor for the individual person. FEATHER OF MAAT Ostrich plume symbol of Lady Maat, worn as a crown or used as a hieroglyphic determinative. The heart of the deceased is weighed against this feather in Thoth's balance-scale. FORTY-TWO MAATY The forty-two gods and goddesses who represent the confrontation of the naked soul with the absolute reality of the life lead while on top of the Earth. GEB Father Earth, the solid ground of reality we all are met upon. Together with Nut, the sky, Geb is the father of gods and humanity. As The Great Cackler, he represents the mysterious and profound capacity of consciousness to waken itself out of the dark substance of the soul. THAT GREAT THING Osiris. GREAT THING WITHIN THE HEARTS CENTERPOINT Osiris. GREAT THING WITHIN THE MOUTH OF THE FAR HORIZON Osiris. GREAT THING WITHIN TA KHEM AT THE CENTERPOINT OF HUMANITY Osiris. Osiris had many names, all celebrating his central place in their emotional and spiritual lives. HAPY The god of the Nile River. Iter is the Egyptian for "river." Hapy was the personification of the Nile's bounty and the fertility of the river's annual inundation. He is shown as a man with breasts. Hapy Of The North and Hapy Of The South, standing with the symbol for union, represented the nation itself. HATHOR Hellenized Greek for Hat Hor, meaning "Home of Horus." Hathor is your mother, and all the beauties of motherhood. She is source of the childs identity and training, thus she is goddess of art and music and theater, all the entertainments of the soul which also guide and shape it. Hathor is nature and nurture. HATY-HEART The personal attitude, the "heart" energy which is leading the moment. It changes through life, even though ib-heart, psyche, is a constant force. HORUSHellenized Greek for H*r, meaning "face." The god of the unique individual, referred to as The Face of Heaven. Identity personified. Root of the modern word "horizon." IBThe human psyche, the force which informs life, territory of the heart, the souls energy expressed as the life force.

IMAN -- (Also Amon.) The god of the organizing principle of the universe and the secret power of civilization, the civilized soul, the honor of a contract between souls. IMAN REThe god of the civilized man who knows why he is civilized. Pharaoh was the living representative and role model for this perfectly civilized man. IMAN TAThe Hidden World, the landscapes of the soul. IM TUAT A text describing the interior landscapes of the psyche, dreamlands of the Egyptian soul. INT-FISHInstinct and intuition, unconscious guides of the boat of Re. ISISHellenized Greek for Iusit, The Seat and Throne of the Soul. Supreme goddess of the soul in love. Isis is the bonding and binding force of the divine soul. KAThe outside of the mask, you as others see you. That part of you which survives in the minds and hearts of the living long after you have passed away. The stamp of your identity on the outer world. KA-BULL OF HIS MOTHER Osiris. SHUITThe living shadow, proof of reality. KHATThat which decays, the biological flesh. "I stink, therefore I am." KHNUMOUS (also Khnum) The god of the living flesh, the divine power of flesh to be a vehicle for the divine soul, and as a tool of consciousness. He is shown with ram's horns, symbol of conscious control of the flesh. KHOPRY (also Khepri) god of the dawning sun; enlightenment, maturity, evolution. Represented by the scarab. KHONSU The Moon, god of dreams. LADY OF THE HOUSEAlso known as Nepthys, Hellenized Greek for Nobt-Hat, which translates literally as "Lady Of The House." She is the godess Isis as a married woman; the promises and disciplines of marriage; wife of Sutek, mistress of Osiris and Re, and mother of Anubis. THE LAMENT OF ISIS -- One of the surviving texts of Lady Isis; a poem in praise of her sexual virtues and binding strength. A story teaching that the power of love which is not found in joy will be found in sorrow; the choice must be made, and consciously made. MAATThe reality of reality. MAAT-KHERULiterally, "reality voiced," indicating that the speaker has achieved the immortal status of Osiris conscious in eternity. It is translated in the texts here as "immortalized." MENDETThe morning boat of Re, in other words, your body when you are in the fresh part of your day. MOUTH OF THE FAR HORIZON Osiris. The point of the western horizon at which the setting sun disappears. MUTThe black vulture goddess who is reproduction personified, the impersonal reproductive force which will devour its young as easily as produce them. She is the mother of gods and pharaohs. Her vulture symbol is worn on the forehead as part of the royal crown.

NATUR -- n*t*r (Spelled neter or netjer in older textbooks on Egypt.) Translated most often simply as "gods," "divinities," or the adjective form "divine," this complex concept is difficult for monotheistic adapted thinking. The best translation is no translation, for the Egyptian concept of the Divine was radically different from modern thinkingand from polytheistic thinking. The natur, singly or in groups, are metaphors of the divine nature of reality. It is the poetic metaphors of the natur which reveal the most about the nature of Egyptian thought. NATUR RULING DOWN BELOWThe god Osiris, the soul in the next world, counterpoint to the souls existence on top of the Earth. The self to which you withdraw in death, the guarentee of immortal existence. NEPTHYS See Lady Of The House. NEITH (also Net) Goddess of the bowstring and of the loom. She is the goddess of all string technology, which was a sophisticated development of Paleolithic and Neolithic technologies. She is represented by a bow and set of arrows, or by a golden shuttle. NU The watery void out of which reality sprang. NUT The goddess who is sky above, sleep and the comfort of night. She is the mothr Osiris, Isis, Horus, Sutekh and Nephthys ON TOP OF THE EARTH Em top ta Idiom usually translated as "while alive," which does, however, in literal translation, "on top of the earth," demonstrate how totally they believed in the two realities of existence, this life and the next to come. The counterpart is The Natur Ruling Down Below. ORION Hellenized Greek for the constellation of Osiris, which was considered the heavenly source of the souls substance and the heavenly body to which all souls returned. The three pyramids of the Great Pyramid Complex at Giza are aligned with the three stars of Orions belt, and were placed in such a way as to align the Nile with the Milky Way galaxy. OSIRIS "The Seat and Throne of the Eye." The divine substance of the human soul, the fundamental mystery of being. PER EM HRUThe Emerging Awake. The actual title of the texts known today as "The Egyptian Book of the Dead." These are meditation instructions on achieving the proper attitude towards the transitional stages of human life. The texts are known to us primarily from inscriptions on wealthy tombs. POOL OF THE DUAL REALITIES, or THE POOL OF THE DUAL FLAMES the salt-and-tarbased solutions which were the first stages of preparation for mummification. They were euphemisms for the fear, not of being dead, but of the ruthless processes of death and decay. The soul cannot make its beloved fleshly vehicle immortal, but can, at the very least, render it inedible. POT -- (paut, translated as "Ennead") The primary translation is "bread," but this represents the bonding integrity of divine substance. It is one of the most complex concepts of the ancient religion, the foundation of their belief system. The basic concept lies at the root of the words "pottery" and "potent," inherited through the Latin. POT NATUR The organized forces of the divine soul and the outer world. PTAH The god of the soul of the professional at work in reality. PTAH-SOKARThe god of the skill of the hand which can make images that will be carried into eternity, beyond the "silence of the grave."

RE (Spelled Ra in older textbooks and in Hollywood movies.) The source and god of consciousness, the sun in your mind. The essential creative force of the universe. RE HORUS OF BOTH HORIZONS The god of the Great Sphinx, symbol of the fully matured, conscious, and civilized adult, and emblem of the greatness of their nation and civilization. REN The name of a person, the social identity. SAHU The phantom body, psychic identity of self boundaries. SASHETTA Thoth's companion and goddess of the Library, patron of all secretaries. She is the actual letters upon the page, no matter who wrote them down. She is the fact of writing. Currently, Sashetta reigns and the Internet Goddess Of The Software Code. SCARAB BEETLESymbol of Khopry, who is evolution, maturity, and enlightenment. SOKAR(also Seger or Seker) The god of silence. The profound nature of the silence of the desert and of the grave. SEKHEM The spirit, divine energy of the soul. The sekhem energy is unique to each soul and is thus the foundation of unique identity. SEKHMET Mighty Lady Of Flame, the hot-blooded passions of the soul run wild in the power of the flesh. SORQET (also Selqet) The goddess of the pains and poisons of passion. SHU The god of every breath you take in the passing moment now. The present moment, and the movement of light. SIKTETThe evening boat of Re, in other words, your body when you are tired, asleep, or ill. SOUL DOORA pair of Watch It Eyes painted on the wall of the birthing chamber and the door of the tomb, marking a place where the two realities merge and a soul can cross from one reality to another, both to visit the living and to hear their messages. SPHINX Re Horus Thoth Of Both Horizons. The conscious, civilized adult and the horse he rode in on. SUT (also Sutekh and Set or Seth) The god of the divine force of habits, the ability of the central nervous system to control the animate awareness of flesh. Sutek is the partner and shadow side of Horus. TA DESHERTThe Red Land, the desert surrounding the Nile. TA KHEM The Black Land, the riverbank and delta mudflats. TA MERIThe Land Of Love, or Beloved Land, one of the actual names of Egypt. TA SURT Literally, The Oldest Woman Of The World, grandmother and goddess of maternal wisdom and feminine power, and the guide of the midwife. TEFNUTThe godess of the wetness of life, biological processes. THOSE-TWO Horus and Sutek, in other words, a complete individual with both good and bad sides to the personality.

THOTH The god of the human intellect, divine thought, the power of the mind of the soul. THE TWENTY-ONE PORTALS OF THE DOUBLE-COILED SERPENT -- The portion of the Per Em Hru which describes the maze-like experiences of the transition between realities, described as the journey of the night sun below the horizon. Each of twenty-one doorkeeper must be named, and the correct spell or prayer spoken in order to cross each threshold to the next level. URAEUS SERPENTS Serpent symbols of the nerves and of psychic energy. WATCH IT EYE (also uadjet) Perception of the soul, memory, vision of eternity. WEARIED ONE A name for the soul on its journey to the next world. THE YEARLY FIVE DAYS The completion of the 360-day year, the most holy time when divine energy from beyond the horizon flows into the world to power the coming year. These are the five days outside of time during which Nut gives birth to Osiris, Horus The Elder, Sutekh, Isis and Nephthys. The year itself was divided into twelve months of thirty days each.

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