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Information Handout on

Anemia & HIV/AIDS

What is anemia?  Severe anemia may need a blood transfusion.
Anemia is a below-normal level of hemoglobin* or But, transfusions are avoided because of the
hematocrit*. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood increased risk of opportunistic infections and
cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. death.
How common is anemia in people with HIV/AIDS?  Erythropoietin which stimulates the production
It has been estimated that up to 95% of people of red blood cells has been approved for
infected with HIV will experience anemia at some treating anemia in HIV/AIDS. It reduces the
point. need for blood transfusions, improve energy
The incidence of anemia ranges from 10% in levels and overall improvement in quality of
people who have no symptoms to 92% in life.
individuals with advanced aids. Nursing Management
What causes anemia in people with HIV/AIDS? To Manage the Activity Intolerance
• Normal progression of the disease. The virus  Monitor Cardio respiratory response to activity
can infect parts of the bone marrow  Limit patient’s activity and assist with regular
responsible for the production of rbcs. physical activities.
• Deficiency of erythropoeitin.  Encourage alternate rest and activity periods
• Autoimmune destruction of blood cells  Plan activity for periods when patient has the
• Opportunistic infection such as mycobacterial most energy and educate on energy saving
and fungal diseases. techniques.
• Cancers of bone marrow such as non-  Provision of oxygen supplementation
hodgkins lymphoma. according to the physician’s instruction.
• Nutritional deficiencies. To Improve Dietary Intake
 Plan with dietician the number of calories and
• Bleeding.
type of nutrients needed.
Risk Factors for developing Anemia.
 Encourage increased intake of protein, iron
• Lower cd4 cell counts. and vitamin-c resources.
• Higher viral load.  Encourage small frequent feeds and to add
• Taking zidovudine. flavor such as salt, sugar or lemon.
• Being a woman.  Educate the patient about maintaining the food
What are the effects of untreated anemia in diary and monitor the recorded intake for
HIV/AIDS? nutritional contents.
• Fatigue and other symptoms associated with  Provide health education regarding easily
anemia can interfere with daily activities. available foods rich in nutrition.
• Anemia also increases the chance that HIV  Provide supplementary medications as
prescribed by the physician.
infection will progress to AIDS 5 times faster
To Improve the Medication Compliance
than normal.
 Identify the patient knowledge regarding the
• Studies show people with HIV and those with
medication regime.
AIDS who are anemic have a shorter life
 Instruct the patient on the purpose and action
expectancy than people without anemia.
of each medication.
• Poor quality of life.
 Instruct the patient on possible adverse
• Reduced adherence to medications. reactions of the drugs and to approach health
• Risk for cardiac complications. care professionals if it occurs.
How do We know if a Patient develops anemia?  Educate the patient about the ill effects of
The best way to determine if a patient has anemia stopping the drugs without the physician’s
is changes in hemoglobin and Hematocrit levels*. advice.
Other symptoms can include fatigue, pale skin,  Provide counseling and handout in their
tachycardia dyspnea, dizziness, irritability, coldness language on discharge regarding drug intake
of hands and feet, and headache. for future reference of the patient.
What treatment options are available?
 Finding out the cause for anemia and its *Normal Lab Values: Normal hemoglobin
elimination. For example, If a patient’s anemia >12 g/dL for women, >14 g/dL for men;
is associated with Zidovudine therapy, an normal hematocrit >36% for women, >42%
alternate drug is considered. for men.
 Vitamin supplements if it is associated with
vitamin deficiency.

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