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FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN FLUID MECHANICS & HEAT TRANSFER AERSP-560 Department : Aerospace Engineering Instructor : Dr. Cengiz Camei ‘Time and Place: T&R Prerequisites : Fluid Mechanics, tnermodynamics, advanced calculus, matrix algebra, computer programming (Fortran or C++) Grade : Computer assignments and a final exam Credits : three credits, ‘This course is intended to provide a thorough introduction to the basic ideas employed in the application of finite element techniques to especially fluid flow and heat transfer problems. A student who successfully ‘completed this course should be able to perform quick analysis of small problems using the finite element ‘method and write full sized application codes for analyzing fluid flow and heat transfer problems. Additionally, mastery of the material provided in this course will enable the student to more intelligently use commercially Available codes based on the Finite element method. ‘TYPICAL SEQUENCE OF LECTURES Introduction to finite element method, interpolations. Numerical integration, iso-parametric elements, Variational principles, method of variations Method of weighted residuals, Potential flow solutions ‘Transient heat conduction, parabolic diffusion problems Full potential equation solutions. Incompressible viscous flow through the solution of Navier-Stokes equations Coupled heat transfer/flow solutions ‘Natural/forced convection Density dependent convective diffusion Penalty method Flow/Heat transfer solutions for turbomachinery internal flow configurations and heat transfer problems. A. NEW GRADUATE COURSE IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM FINITE ELEMENT METHOD ND. Ni The finite element method is an analytical tool that can be applied very effectively to the analysis of many fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems. This course is intended to provide a thorough introduction to the basic ideas employed in the application of finite element techniques to especially fluid flow and heat transfer problems. A student who successfully completed this course should be able to perform quick analysis of small problems using the finite element method and to write full sized application codes for analyzing fluid flow ‘Additionally, mastery of the material provided in this course will enable the student to more intelligently use commercially available codes based on the finite element method. PRELIMINARY COURSE OUTLINE (AS OF APRIL 1993), INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT METHOD, INTERPOLATIONS NUMERICAL INTEGRATION, ISOPARAMETRIC ELEMENTS VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLES, METHOD OF VARIATIONS METHOD OF WEIGHTED RESIDUALS POTENTIAL FLOW SOLUTIONS FULL POTENTIAL EQUATION SOLUTIONS FOR TRANSONIC FLOWS, NAVIER STOKES EQUATIONS CONVECTION, DENSITY DEPENDENT CONVECTIVE DIFFUSION ‘TRANSIENT HEAT CONDUCTION, PARABOLIC DIFFUSION PROBLEMS INCOMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS FLOW THROUGH THE SOLUTION OF HEAT TRANSFER/FLOW SOLUTIONS, NATURAL/FORCED @ —FLOW/HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS FOR TURBOMACHINERY INTERNAL FLOW CONFIGURATIONS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN FLUID MECHANICS AND HEAT TRANSFER A FINAL DETAILED COURSE OUTLINE “ris OUTLINE IS CONSISTENT WITHTHE CLASS NOTES DEVELOPED BY CENGIZ CAMCI, FALL 1999, Introduction ‘Mathematical tls Foundations of Flid Mechanics and Heat Transfer ‘An Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using "Galerkin Weak Statement" ‘A Model One Dimensional Problem ‘The Weak Statement Derivation of «Symmetric Weak Formulation ‘The Galerkin Procedure Removal of The Arirariness ‘The Galen Procedure and Fite Element Diseretization Consrstion ofthe Teal Space Set Finite Element Matrix Calculations Development ofthe Local Coordinate Syste, "lement Condsetvity Masi Element Load Matix ‘Assembly Procedire {x Solution forthe Model Problem ‘A Higher Onder Formulation Flow Between Two Parallel Plates (Poiseville Flow) [A Galeskin Weak Statemeat Solution Couette Flow ‘A Galerkin Weak Staten Solation Cubic Basis Functions ‘A Comparison of Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Basis Functions ‘Another Finite Element Strategy Based on Euler’s Equation of Variational Calculus ‘A Direct Minimization Tecique alert Theorem of Varnional Casas [Apiliation of Euler's Equation a Finite Element Analysis ‘Geneaied Form of Euler's Equation in Three Dimensional Space ‘Example problem: Steady Sate 3D Heat Conduction ‘Geacialzaion of the Diret Minimization Technique to Mult-Dimensioal Problem ‘Example Problem :u"4xu=}, ui=0)=0, w= II ample Problem: Coustie Flow Problem Using Diret Minimization Techaique PERI: prtlon Heat Conducting Bar wih Convection on the Lateral Surface Using Diet Minimization Aree ton ofthe Enery) Functional forthe Equations Belonging to « Stuom-Liowlle System ‘Accuracy and Error Considerations in One-Dimensional Problems Finite Element Analysis in Multi-Dimensions Linear Triangular Basis arate Triangular Basis ‘Peo Dimcasoon! Fite Element Algorithm Develops Galerkin Weak Statement (GWS) for 2D Heat Conduction Problem The Discrete Weak Statement Itmplemmntntion ofthe Linear Basis Basis Dervtve ia Local Coordinates Coordinate Taasormation ‘Element Matix Systm Boundary Conditions (GWS) for Steady Heat Conduction with Boundary Convection ‘Aerodynamic Incompressible Potential Flow, A GWS solution Steady Potential Flow over an Elliptic Cylinder Compressible Subsonic Potential Flow ‘Linearized Theory For Thin Airs 'A(GWS) Solution to Prandd-Glavert Equation Unsteady Transport with Fluid Motion ‘Unsteady Eney Equation + Aa Imposed 1D Velocity Field (Galerkin Weak Saement and Disreizd (GWS) Fenaly of Single Step Tine Tleaive Algorithms "Explicit Euler, Trapeoual, Backward Euler Viscous Incompressible Unsteady Flow (Laminar) in 2D Me ream untion/Vortity Formulation of 2D Navier Stokes Equations (GWS) forthe Verity Equation Removal of Arbisarinest (GWS) for he Voricity Transport Equation Removal of Arbitaress lomeat Matrix Formulation forthe Steam Function/Vortcity Formulation Developarat ofthe Time Marching Proeedze ‘Chico o eeu Fancion Vatune a Nodal Pine ‘Calculation of Velocity Components Remarks on the Recovery of the Presure Field Examples of Finite Element Solutions of 2D Unsteady ‘Unsteady Viscous Flow Around « Cylinder Unsteady Vienous Flow Facing Back Step [Unsteady Viscous Flow Around » Cylindneal Obstacle on its bed ‘Wind Diiven Flow ia Rectangular Cavity ‘Flow int Chanel of Finite Width wit a Reeungular Obiruction iscous Flow ‘Thermal Fluid Flow (2D, Viscous, Incompressible, Unsteady) [Natural Convection in an Enclosure <{Sueamn Fscton Vor Formulation snd Thermal Energy Equation wth buoyancy force terms (GW) sod nterolations on Stream Function, Vortity and Temperate ‘An Incompressible Turbulent Boundary Layer Solution using the Finite Element Method ‘A (GWS) Solution fo he Conity Eastin Computer Programming Aspects of Finite Element Analysis in 2D Fine Element Grid Generation “Typical Data Str of A Flite Elemeat Program Inmplementation of Bounary Conditions ‘Solution of Sytem of Liner Algebraic Equations ‘2D Quadrilateral Elements (Bi-linear and Quadratic Elements) Pure Rectangular Element (Bi-Lieat) (Generic Qucistea Element (Bi-Lineat) Implementation of B-Linar Bassin Steady tate Diffusion Eauation ‘Transformaon of Differential Line Element nto Local Coordinates ‘Transfonmnion of Difeenal Area Elemeat into Local Coordinates ‘Numerical Iteration i 2D, Gaussian Quadrature Finite Element Analysis in Three Dimensional Space Example Problem : 3D Steady Heat Conduction with Boundary Convection Problem Statement (GWS) aad Global Matix System Tdoparameric/Quadeatic 3D Elements ‘Condon Matrix in 3D Coordinate Traasformation ‘Numeral Integration over * Thee Dimensional Cube ‘Convertion Contibution athe Conduction Matrix ‘NumenclIntgrtion over a Carved Convective Surface [Rioht Hand Side Column Matrix Resting From Convective Boundaries “Assembly Procedare forth 3D Global Sytem. ‘recrbed Boundary Temperatres Solution of The Gobal Sym Concluding Remarks and Summary Sessa pee i a epic ees Soci te fom son Pde ewes al m= 1.20 incompressible Naver Stokes solution va stream faction vor formation. (mine sluion 2. Sp lnmanfbulet boundary Iyer solution. (incompressible with presure grade). 3. 2b comprenable potential flow analysis ( symmetic NACAOOI2 ari, {42D Transient et conduction in cooling element. 5. 2D Incompresnible pretal flow for unsteady Now. 6, Stay Laminar flow ina Planar Jet

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