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Bay Area Retired School Personnel

Volume 21Issue 5 April 2013

Presidents Message.
President Sandy DeWaele

MEMBERSHIP: One of our ongoing goals is to increase membership. Personal

1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Betty Defrain Janet Brandt Secretary Joyce Sigelko Treasurer Phil Bosco Past President Dr. Mary Boettger

contact is always the most effective method of communicating the benefits of membership. Bill Jones and Ron Hildinger suggested that if a member knows of prospective member, they give Bill or Ron their name and address. The prospective member would then have the next newsletter mailed to them. When you get your newsletter give them a call, ask them if they got the newsletter and invite them to be your guest at our next meeting. (You will need to include them in your reservation to Carl). If they join, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you just strengthened the one organization that works full-time for retired school employees. COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT in April is to collect nonperishable food items with at least a six month advanced use by date, for the Salvation Army Food Pantry. We did a great job with our November collection. It is a good way to let the community know BARSP cares. Bring your food items to our April meeting. Pet food is also welcome. Grace Chevalier, LaVona Styn, Rosanne Heme and JoAnn Vanover have volunteered to deliver the items. We could use some delivery boxes, too. LEGISLATION: With all three branches of state government once again under conservative control, we not only need to be aware of public policy activity in Lansing, but also be prepared to do our part to protect retiree benefits. Each of us has to be ready to call, write and meet with our legislators to let them know how we stand on new legislation. Register at to keep informed. The funds used to initiate and participate in legal battles to protect Michigan school retirees benefits are raised through donations made to the MARSP Voluntary Benefit Defense Fund (VBDF). BARSP should consider donating to this fund.

Luncheon Meetings

DoubleTree Hotel
One Wenona Park Bay City, Michigan April 8, 2013 May 13, 2013

ANNUAL MEETINGS: Joan Hildinger, our current Area 11 Director, reported at our last BARSP meeting that there was lively conversation at MARSP regarding the format of the annual meetings to be held in 2014 and following years. There is a lot of interest in returning to some sort of regional meetings such as were held in years past. These meetings would be larger than those for individual areas, but probably smaller than the current regions, and would take place starting in the spring of 2014. Let Joan Hildinger know what your thoughts are on this change before the next MARSP meeting on April 23, 2013. You can contact her via email at JOHILDINGER@AOL.COM or by phone at 989-892-9602. Personally, I favor staying with the current format thereby avoiding having to attend another meeting at a different location. OUR NEXT MEETING is Monday, April 8, 2013. Ollis Follies, a SVSU Chorale will be performing. As a member of that group, I am looking forward to entertaining you.





BARSP BALLOT (election to take place at April meeting) For 2 year term President - Sandra DeWaele Vice President/ President Elect - Joyce Sigelko Secretary Ann Waterman Treasurer - Felix Bosco Program Vice-Presidents Betty Defrain , Janet Brandt Nominating committee: Bill Jones, Gloria Bublitz, Win Grobbel

April 2013 Marty Gilkey, Brenda Kehrier Mary Moskal May 2013 Eileen Czerwinski, Lavona Styn Dorothy Massoll

Membership News
Cindy says A big thank-you to everyone who has paid their dues. Its a great help to have them in such a timely fashion. Look for A14 on the mailing label of the hard copy of your newsletter to indicate that your dues are up to date. This may take a while (a few months) to show up, so dont panic if you have paid and it still reads A13. Once again, please consider letting Phil Paulus know if you would like to receive your newsletter via e-mail. It not only saves us a lot of money, but you also receive your newsletter at least a week earlier than those getting a hard copy.

April Prepays
Leeds Bird Margaret Bird Cindy Bosco Phil Bosco Kathryn Bremer Grace Chevalier Betty Clifford T. Betty DeFrain Sandra DeWaele Mr. DeWaele Janet Dixon Mary Ida Doan Ann Marie Duncan Marty Gilkey Franklin Grant Rosanne Heme Joan Hildinger Ron Hildinger Bill Jones Marion Jones Jerrolynn Katzinger Leon Katzinger Carl Learman Inez Luce Dolores Maillette Mildred Nuffer Sue Post Florine Schutkowski Joyce Sigelko Peggy Sullivan JoAnn Vanover Phyllis Woody.

Thanks! JoAnn Vanover

Welcome Aboard !!
Leslie Myles-Sanders Patricia Jacobs

-Cindy Bosco ,Membership

In Memoriam
Guy Herek 10/4/12 86 Roy Atkinson Neil Ringle 12/6/12 98 John Owen 1/28/13 94 Evelyn Toth 2/7/13

From the Editor.

We are looking for biographies of members to include in future issues. Dont be shy! If your story hasnt been included in the past, please mail or e-mail me a brief story of your life (100-150 words) to be included in future issues. RikaSmith, Editor

Thanks! Carl Learman

Interesting and Useful Facts

To warm biscuits, pancakes, muffins, place in microwave with a cup of water. This keeps them moist. Place a dryer sheet in your pocket to keep mosquitoes away.

V O LU M E 2 1 ISSU E 5



BARSP Meeting Reservation Form Monday April 8, 2013 $9.50 per person Name (s)_________________________________________________________________________________
No. Attending________________ Amount Enclosed __________________________( please do not staple) Ollies Follies SVSU Chorale
Make check payable to BARSP and mail by April 3 Carl Learman 6353 Lawndale Road Saginaw, MI 48604-9457 989-793-8089

BARSP Minutes March 11, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Sandra DeWaele. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by the singing of America the Beautiful and Happy Birthday to those with March birthdays. Both led by Cindy Bosco. Memorials: We remember our colleagues with prayers and thoughts of their selfless giving to education and their community. Deceased members remembered: Guy Herek - 86 (10/4/12); Roy Atkinson; Neil Ringle - 98 (12/6/12); John Owen 94 (1/28/13); Evelyn Toth 87 (2/7/13). Membership is at 550 with 2 new members: Leslie MylesSanders and Patricia Jacobs. Three guests were introduced. Our own Leeds Bird presented the program, Theatrical Gem: Bay City Players Turning 100. President DeWaele presented Leeds with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation.

Area 11 Report: Joan Hildinger will be retiring from her Area 11 position with MARSP. She requested that you let her know by April 23rd as to your preference for the format of future annual meetings. The April BARSP newsletter will give you information on the possible changes in the Area 11 annual meetings. You can give your thoughts to Joan via phone # 989-892-9602 or e-mail her at JOHILDINGER@AOL.COM. Presidents Report: Bill Jones and Ron Hildinger, who are in charge of our mailings, would like to send our BARSP Newsletter to any retiree you may know who could be a prospective member interested in joining BARSP. Please give Bill or Ron the name and address of any retiree you may know so they can be send a newsletter. Legislation is always a concern. Keep up to date by using the website often.

Community Service project: We will collect nonperishable food items at the April meeting. Items must have at least a 6 month Secretarys Report: Motion to accept the minutes of the Novemadvanced use by date. These food items will be given to the Salber 2012 meeting was made by Bill Jones and seconded by Barb vation Army Food Pantry. Pet food is also an item that can be Skowronski. Motion carried. donated for the pantry. Treasurers Report: Phil Bosco Old Business: None Income $80.00 New Business: No new business at this time. Expenses $1,793.15 April blessing to be given by Mary Ida Doan. Next meeting is Check Acc $5,382.42 Monday, April 8, 2013, at 11 a.m. at the Doubletree. Save Acc $2,104.08 CD Life Acc CD $7,542.68 $7,542.68 Motion to adjourn was made by Florine Schutkowski and seconded by Cindy Bosco. Motion carried. Joan Hildinger gave the meal blessing. Charles Brunner addressed the group with an update on legislative news. 50/50 winners: $42.00 Dee Bishop $14.00 Janet Dixon $14.00 Dolores Maillette

Motion to accept treasurers report as presented was made by Grace Chevalier and seconded by JoAnn Vanover. Motion carried. Nominations: Bill Jones presented a slate of officers for our April meeting. If you would like to put your name or the name of someone you nominate for a position, please contact Bill immediately. Sandy DeWaele president; Joyce Sigelko president-elect; Ann Waterman secretary; Phil Bosco treasurer; Betty DeFrain & Janet Brandt vice-president/programs.

Submitted by:

Reservations: Carl Learman reported 65 meal tickets for todays Joyce Sigelko, Secretary meeting. He also appreciates your reservation and money coming in plenty of time for him to contact the Doubletree.

BAY AREA RETIRED SCHOOL PERSONNEL 2245 Carroll Road Bay City, Michigan 48708

Presorted STANDARD U.S. Postage Paid Bay City, MI Permit No. 30


April 2013

Reasons for Joining MARSP (from March April Vanguard)

It's often called the "elevator pitch," a 15 to 30 second statement that explains how MARSP offers substantial personal benefit that is not available elsewhere. The pitch needs to be easily remembered for recall when needed. Here are a few key points you can use:

Last year, MARSP prevented the close-out of the MPSERS pension system and the doubling of health care costs for most pub lic school retirees who are age 65 and up. MARSP is the one and only group that advocates exclusively for retired school personnel We help interpret your health care and pension benefits in plain English. We advocate for members when they have insurance or pension related problems. Our bi-monthly, members-only newsletter, VANGUARD, offers great insight and advice for MPSERS recipients on a vast array of topics.

Annual dues for state and local combined membership average less than 10 cents a day!

Meet Janet Dixon

Janet Dixon was a classroom teacher and reading specialist in the Bay City Public Schools for 33 years. She holds BA and MA degrees and a PhD in Teacher Education from MSU. She has served as adjunct instructor for MSU and SVSU, conducted numerous workshops and seminars at various venues including The International Reading Association, and spent the end of her career in the Reading Recovery program, a highly effective intervention for beginning readers. She is active in the Bay City Players, appearing on stage, backstage and on the board of directors over the past 35 years. She has also been a 29 year member of Alpha Delta Kappa, honorary sorority for women educators. She enjoys digital art, traveling, her two daughters, five grandchildren and her significant other, Kurt.

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