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Official publication of Confdration Africaine de Football

No. 77, April 2003

Hadji Diouf Best African Footballer 2002

n 20th October 2002, CAF inaugurated its new and flamboyant headquarter. All the members of the big family of World football came to participate in the inauguration. Next to the master of ceremony, President Issa Hayatou, there was Dr. Abdel Halim Mohamed, the founding father of CAF, and all decision makers in Sports. These include FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter, UEFA President Lennart Johansson and AFC President Mohamed Bin Hamman. Others are Egyptian Minister of Sports, Dr. Aly El Din Hilal, Heads of African national associations, members of CAF Executive and Standing Committees as well as dignitaries, guests and media. The festivities programme was elegent and thrilling. The event was up to the expectations. For the first time in its history, CAF was settling down in a lavish headquarter, achieved with its own funds. A splendid building with perfect outlines, realised with creative architecture, associating Latino-Greek and Egyptian-Arab art, the whole in a futurist style. Spacious offices and modern equipment make every visitor wish to move in there; Bravo! Events follow each other but they are never the same. At the fringe of 2003, the Executive Committee, under the leadership of President Hayatou, undertook without any hesitation structural reforms for an improvement connected to the simplification of our competitions system. Realism in an environment of sensitivity. These reforms, which resulted from a vast programme of development undertaken nearly some ten years ago by Hayatou himself, aim to support and back the efforts of the national associations to constantly take part in all CAF competitions. In October 2002, a forum, the first of its kind, was organised in Cairo, with eloquent themes as well as creative ones; such as the development of football in Africa, the problem of financing, the organisation of African sport and the media coverage. Conceived to be analysed and treated in the framework of the integral development of our football, the first theme suggests between other things: the creation of academies, high-level training centres, formation of cadres, referees and coaches, the stimulation of school and university football, the promotion of women's football, the consolidation of clubs and their management as means of developing football, the construction of infrastructures, sports logistics, revaluation of CAF competitions, good management, acquisition of technical-pedagogical documents. As to the other themes, they form a responsible and suggestive whole. They deal with the problem of financing football in Africa, the organisation of African sport and its consequence, media coverage .... President Hayatous development policies have an abiding feature: honouring and ensuring reforms on the basis of incentive initiatives, which integrate the qualitative adhesion of concerned associations. The forum is already producing induced and promising results. Two high level ad-hoc committees, formed by the President, have submitted to the Executive Committee their suggestions for the improvement of our competitions. On this point, it remains that the prestigious ACN will continue to be organised every two years, a convenient acquisition. In this reform of ACN in the year of the World Cup, one notices a huge modification. The logic of qualifying the best classified three countries in each of the 5 groups, as well as the ticket to the World Cup of the first five, deprives the holder country from the privilege of an automatic qualification as it was customary. This new formula allows the professional players to reinforce their national teams regularly and CAF to assume rationally the unified calendar of FIFA without any damages. As to the African clubs competitions, a novelty; Starting from 2004, we will play two competitions instead of three. The notion

e 20 octobre 2002, la CAF inaugure son nouveau et flamboyant sige. Tous les membres de la grande famille du football mondial, sont venus participer linauguration du nouveau sige de notre Confdration. Il y avait, autour du matre de crmonie, le prsident Issa Hayatou, outre le Dr Mohamed Abdelhalim, le pre fondateur de la CAF, tous les dcideurs de la plante foot : MM. Joseph S. Blatter, Lennart Johansson, Mohamed Bin Hamman respectivement prsident de la FIFA, de lUEFA et de lAFC. Hautes autorits sportives de la Rpublique dEgypte diriges par le Ministre Egyptien des Sports, le Dr. Aly El Din Hilal, leaders des associations nationales africaines, membres du comit excutif et des commissions permanentes de la CAF, personnalits du sport international, reprsentants des mdias et invits se sont joints la crmonie. Le programme des festivits fut lgant et palpitant. Lvnement lui, tait la hauteur des ambitions. Pour la premire fois de son histoire, la CAF sinstalle dans un luxueux sige, ralis sur ses fonds propres. Un btiment splendide, aux contours parfaits, domin par une architecture crative, associant lart latino-grec et egypto-arabe, le tout dans un style futuriste. Des bureaux spacieux, un quipement moderne, donnent tout visiteur, lenvie de sy installer; Bravo! Les vnements se suivent, mais ne se ressemblent pas. A lore de 2003, le Comit Excutif sous limpulsion du Prsident Hayatou, entreprend sans hsiter des rformes structurelles qui sous-tendent une amlioration lie la simplification du systme de nos comptitions. Du ralisme dans un environnement de susceptibilit. Ces rformes qui dcoulent dun vaste programme de dveloppement entrepris depuis bientt une dcennie par Hayatou lui-mme, visent soutenir et appuyer les efforts des associations nationales participer avec constance toutes les comptitions de la CAF. Ds la deuxime quinzaine doctobre 2002, un forum, lun des premiers du genre, ft organis au Caire, sur des thmes aussi loquents que cratifs ; tels, le dveloppement du football en Afrique, la problmatique du financement, lorganisation du sport africain et la mdiatisation. Conu pour tre analys et trait dans le cadre dun dveloppement intgral de notre football, le premier thme suggre entre autres: la cration des acadmies, les centres dentranement de haut-niveau, la formation des cadres, arbitres et entraneurs, la dynamisation du football scolaire et universitaire, la promotion du football fminin, la consolidation des clubs et leur gestion comme moyen de dveloppement du football, la construction des infrastructures, la logistique sportive, la revalorisation des comptitions de la CAF, la bonne gouvernance, lacquisition des documents technicopdagogiques. Les autres thmes sinscrivent quant eux dans un ensemble, responsable et vocateur. Ils stigmatisent la problmatique du financement du football en Afrique, lorganisation du sport africain et son corrolaire, la mdiatisation etcetc La politique du dveloppement du Prsident Hayatou a une constante: Honorer et assurer des rformes sur la base des initiatives incitatives qui incorporent ladhsion qualitative des associations concernes. Dj, le forum produit des effets induits et prometteurs. Deux commissions ad-hoc de haut-niveau, mis en place par le Prsident ont soumis au Comit Excutif qui les a entrines, des rformes tendant amliorer nos comptitions. Sur ce point, il reste admis que la CAN, la prestigieuse, continuera dtre organise tous les deux ans. Un acquis convenable. On note dans cette rforme de la CAN lanne de la

of index of performance was introduced, thus allowing the best 12 countries having the best performances at the clubs level to have a second team playing, apart from their champion club. At the level of the Confederation Cup, which will replace the former Cup Winners Cup and CAF Cup, two clubs from each country will participate. The two are the national cup winners and the third-place club in the national league. Revision of the regulations will define the details and modalities of both cups. CAF is starting today credible changes, in a context where all the teachings and experiences are to be taken in consideration for the future. The impulse President Hayatou is giving to these reforms is foreboding: Accelerating the development of continental football by initiatives that aim in the middle course at structural reforms of CAF itself. Shove aside the rigid traditions. To give the members responsibilities on a coherent basis. Leading the national associations to adhere to the many different reforms. This is the challenge that CAF wants to take up. Gen. Seyi Mmne, 2nd Vice-President of CAF

CAF News - April 2003

S U M M A R Y - S O M MA I R E
1 3 6 11 14 16 18 19 20 23
Editorial Hadji Diouf, the 2002 footballer of the year Hadji Diouf, le meilleur footballeur de 2002 African transfers 2002-2003 CAFs new headquarters Le nouveau sige de la CAF The Meridian Cup La Coupe Mridien CAFs clubs classification 2003 Classement de clubs 2003 Inter-clubs competitions 2003 Comptitions inter-clubs 2003 All Africa Games- Abuja 2003 Les jeux africains 2003 The African nations cup 2004 La CAN 2004, le calendrier The African Youth Championship Le championnat dAfrique juniors

Coupe du Monde, une modification de taille. La logique de la qualification des trois pays classs meilleurs de chacun des 5 groupes, ainsi que le billet pour la Coupe du Monde des cinq premiers, enlve au pays dtenteur, le privilge dune qualification automatique comme il tait de tradition. Cette formule indite permet aux joueurs expatris de renforcer rgulirement leurs quipes nationales, et la CAF dassumer rationnellement le calendrier unifi de la FIFA sans dommages. Pour ce qui concerne les Coupes dAfrique des Clubs, une nouveaut. On jouera en 2004, deux coupes au lieu de trois comme auparavant. On y a introduit la notion de lindice de performance, permettant ainsi aux 12 meilleurs pays possdant les meilleurs performances au niveau des clubs dengager outre leur club champion, une deuxime quipe. Au niveau de la Coupe de la Confdration (qui remplacera les anciennes Coupe des Vainqueurs de Coupe et Coupe de la CAF) la latitude dengager outre le vainqueur de la Coupe Nationale, une seconde quipe, en loccurrence celle ayant occup la troixime place du championnat national. Un texte rglementaire definira les dtails et les modalits des deux coupes. La CAF amorce aujourdhui encore des changements crdibles, dans un contexte o tous les enseignements et les expriences sont prendre en considration pour lavenir. Limpulsion que le Prsident Hayatou donne ces rformes est prmonitoire: - Acclrer le dveloppement du football continental par des initiatives qui visent moyen terme des rformes stucturelles de la CAF elle-mme. - Bousculer les traditions figes. - Responsabiliser les membres sur des bases cohrentes. - Amener les associations nationales ladhsion plurielle aux rformes. Tel est le dfi que la CAF entend relever. Gn. Syi Mmne 2e Vice-prsident de la CAF

Administration: 5 Gabalaya st., 11211 El Borg, Cairo Tel: 20 2 7366730 Fax: 7370114 Tlx: 93162 CAF UN Cable: Afrobal E-mail:

Responsible for the publication/responsable de la publication: Viken Djizmedjian, Director of communications Editing & translation/rdacion et traduction Viken Djizmedjian, Faouzi Mahjoub Graphics & Layout: Tarek El Deeb Annual subscription/abonnement annuel: 30 US$ Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of CAF Les opinions exprimes dans les articles signs ne rfltent pas ncessairement le point de vue officiel de la CAF


Quarterly editions/Editions trimestrielles

CAF News, No. 77, April 2003 Internet:

CAF News - April 2003

Al Hadji Diouf

Best African Footballer of 2002

Meilleur joueur africain de 2002

Mido no 3 and best youth player

Hadji Diouf no 1 with Diop no 2 enegal striker El Hadji Diouf became only the third player in more than three decades to win a successive African Footballer of the Year award, named as the 2002 winner at the CAF awards in Johannesburg on 1st April 2003. The Liverpool striker joins Abedi Pele of Ghana and Liberian George Weah as the only players to retain their trophy since the award was started in 1970. Diouf finished ahead of his teammate Pape Bouba Diop, who scored the opening goal of last year's World Cup. Third was the Egyptian striker Ahmed Hossam, who recently moved from Ajax Amsterdam in the Netherlands to Celta Vigo in Spain. Senegal were the runaway winners of most of categories , taking the Team of the Year title and seeing former coach Bruno Metsu named as Coach of the Year, also for a second successive year. Metsu left Senegal after the World Cup to work in the United Arab Emirates. Tony Sylva of Monaco, who was ever present for Senegal at last year's World Cup and African

Metsu, best coach 2002 attaquant sngalais El Hadji Diouf est devenu le troisime joueur en plus de trois dcennies remporter deux fois de suite le titre de meilleur footballeur africain en soctroyant le titre pour lanne 2002 lors de la crmonie des trophes de la CAF tenue Johannesbourg le 1er avril 2003. Lattaquant de Liverpool rejoint ainsi Abedi Pel du Ghana et le Librien George Weah qui taient jusque l les deux seuls joueurs avoir retenu leur titre depuis la cration de ce trophe en 1970. Diouf a termin la premire place dvanant son coquipier Pape Bouba Diop qui avait marqu le premier but de la dernire Coupe du Monde. Le troisime laurat a t lEgyptien Ahmed Hossam qui vient de quitter lquipe nerlandaise de lAjax dAmsterdam pour le Celta Vigo en Espagne. Le Sngal a remport la plupart des trophes toutes catgories confondues avec lquipe nationale de lanne et le meilleur entraneur de lanne, titre obtenu par Bruno Metsu lancien entraneur des Lions du Sngal qui obtient le

Nations Cup finals, was named as Goalkeeper of the Year. Cairo giants Zamalek, who took the African Champions League title last December, won the Team of the Year award and Ahmed Hossam won the Young Player of the Year award. African Team of the Year / Equipe de lanne

CAF News - April 2003

Nominated / Nomins Cameroon national team (2002 Nations Cup winners); winner of the African womens championship. African Champions League player of the year Meilleur joueur de la CAF Champions League

trophe pour la deuxime anne conscutive. Metsu a quitt le Sngal aprs la Coupe du Monde pour travailler aux Emirats Arabes Unis. Tony Silva le gardien mongasque qui a gard les buts du Sngal lors de la dernire Coupe du Monde et la CAN 2002 a t nomm gardien de lanne. Le gant cairote le Zamalek vainqueur de la Ligue des Champions en dcembre dernier a remport le titre du club de lanne et Ahmed Hossam a galement obtenu le titre de meilleur espoir 2002.

Hicham Aboucherouane (Raja Casablanca, Morocco)

Nominated / Nomins Walid Abdellatif (Zamalek, Egypt); Abdoulaye Junior Djire (ASEC Abidjan, Ivory Coast) Club of the year / Club de lanne

Zamalek (Egypt)
Nominated / Nomins Wydad Casablanca (Morocco); JS Kabylie (Algeria) Coach of the year / Entraneur de lanne

Bruno Metsu (Senegal)

Nominated / Nomins Luis Oscar Fullone (Wydad Casablanca); Idrissa Traore (ASEC Abidjan) African Goal of the year / But Africain de lanne

African Best Player 2002

1. Al Hadji Diouf (Sngal) 2. Pape Bouba Diop 3. Ahmed Hossam "Mido" 4. Fadiga 5. Lauren 6. Henri Camara 7. Trabelsi Aghahowa 9. Diao 10. Keita Senegal 93 points Senegal Egypt Senegal Cameroon Senegal Tunisia Nigeria Senegal Mali 46 42 41 35 20 19 19 17 16

Pape Bouba Diop (Senegal)

Nominated / Nomins Henri Camara (Senegal) v Sweden: Abdelhalim Ali (Zamalek v Costa do Sol); Mfanzile Dlamini (Swaziland v Namibia), Abdelouahed Abdessamad (Raja Casablanca v Jeane dArc) g. African goalkeeper of the year: 1. Tony Sylva (Senegal) Nominated: Alioum Boukar (Cameroon); Essam Al Hadari (Al Ahli) African women football of the year / Meilleure joueuse africaine de lanne

A. Sackey (Nigeria)
African Youth development of the year / Meilleur developpement de jeunes de lanne Ghana Football Association, for the long-standing commitment to the development of youth football African young player of the year / Meilleur espoir de lanne

Ahmed Hossam (Egypt)

Nominated / Nomins Kolo Toure (Cote dIvoire), Steven Pienaar (South Africa) Merit Achievement Award / Trophe du Mrite Mawade Wade (Senegal), for his distinguished service to African football as both a coach and administrator

Mawade Wade, lifetime achievement award

CAF News - April 2003

Dr. Darwish, the president of Zamalek, best club of 2002

Ben Koufie, receiving Ghana s youth development award

A. Sackey, best woman footballer

Senegal, the best team of 2002

Tony Sylva, best goalkeeper of 2002

Diouf and Sylva with their trophies

CAF News - April 2003


January 2003 Eric Addo (Ghana) PSV Eindhoven (Netherlands) to Roda JC Kerkrade (Netherlands) Ismael Addo (Ghana) Hearts of Oak to Maccabi Natanya (Israel) Madjid Adjaoud (Algeria) Sedan (France) to AA Gent (Belgium) Yakubu Aiyegbeni (Nigeria) Maccabi Haifa (Israel) to Portsmouth (England) Kanga Akale (Cote d'Ivoire) FC Zurich (Switzerland) to Auxerre (France) Theo Amuzu (Ghana) KV Mechelen (Belgium) to Verbroedering Denderhoutem (Belgium) Orosko Anonam (Nigeria) APOEL Nicosia (Cyprus) to Sliema Wanderers (Malta) Khaled Badra (Tunisia) Esperance to Al Ahli (Saudi Arabia) Djamel Belmadi (Algeria) Marseille (France) to Manchester City (England) Slim Benachour (Tunisia) Paris St Germain (France) to Troyes (France) Derek Boateng (Ghana) Panathinaikos (Greece) to OFI Crete (Greece) Bruno Mauro (Angola) Pacos Ferreira (Portugal) to Belenenses (Portugal) Aboubacar Titi Camara (Guinea) West Ham (England) to Al Ahli (Saudi Arabia) Cesar da Costa (Senegal) Jeanne d'Arc to Grenoble (France) Prince Daye (Liberia) Bastia (France) to Club Africain (Tunisia) Drissa Diallo (Guinea) KV Mechelen (Belgium) to Burnley (England) Serge Die (Cote d'Ivoire) Avellino (Italy) to Nice (France) Louceny Doumbouya (Guinea) KV Mechelen (Belgium) to Verbroedering Denderhoutem (Belgium) Baye Ndiaga Gueye (Senegal) Jeanne d'Arc to Kazane (Russia) Rolf-Christel Guie-Mien (Congo) Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany) to SC Freiburg (Germany) Maher Kanzari (Tunisia) Esperance to Al Nasr (United Arab Emirates) Pape Maguette Kebe (Senegal) Jeanne d'Arc to Kazane (Russia) Karim Kerkar (Algeria) Manchester City (England) to Coventry City (England) Pascal Naftali Kondaponi (Nigeria) Nacional (Portugal) to Vitoria Setubal (Portugal) Ali Lukunku (DR Congo) Standard Liege (Belgium) to Galatasary (Turkey) Blaise Mamoum (Cameroon) Werder Bremen to SV Waldhof Mannheim (Germany) Patrick Mboma (Cameroon) Al Ittihad (Libya) to Tokyo Verdy (Japan) Mendonca (Angola) Varzim (Portugal) to Chaves (Portugal) Arthur Moses (Ghana) Al Shabab (United Arab Emirates) to Al Sha'ab (United Arab Emirates) Babacar Ndiaye (Senegal) Hannover (Germany) to St Pauli (Germany) Pierre Njanka (Cameroon) Strasbourg (France) to Sedan (France) Sunday Oliseh (Nigeria) Borussia Dortmund (Germany) to VfL Bochum (Germany) Abdelmajid Oulmers (Morocco) Lens (France) to Amiens (France) Lawrence Quaye (Ghana) Liberty Professionals to St Etienne (France) Moussa Saib (Algeria) Al Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to JS Kabylie Said (Egypt) Al Ahli to Everton (England) Moustapha Sama (Sierra Leone) Haugesund (Norway) to Charleroi (Belgium) Bill Tchato (Cameroon) Montpellier (France) to Kaiserslautern (Germany) Pablo Thiam (Guinea) Bayern Munich (Germany) to VfL Wolfsburg (Germany) Kandia Traore (Cote d'Ivoire) Esperance to Al Wahda (United Arab Emirates) Ifeanyi Udeze (Nigeria) POAK Salonika (Greece) to West Bromwich Albion (England) AFRICAN TRANSFERS 2002 December Ferdinand Coly (Senegal) Lens (France) to Birmingham City (England) Pape Bouna Thiaw (Senegal) Dinamo Moscow (Russia) to Lausanne (Switzerland) Moussa Saib (Algeria) Al Ain (United Arab Emirates) to JS Kabylie November Issaka Baba (Ghana) St Patrick's Athletic (Ireland) to Kilkenny City (Ireland) Jean-Paul Boeka-Lisasi (DR Congo) KV Mecheln (Belgium) to Charleroi (Belgium) Tarek Said (Egypt) Anderlecht (Belgium) to Zamalek October Lassina Diabate (Cote d'Ivoire) Auxerre (France) to Portsmouth (England) Ismael Keita (Cote d'Ivoire) Rio d'Anyama to Lierse (Belgium) Chris Okpala (Nigeria) Aarau (Switzerland) to Al Jazira (United Arab Emirates) Jo Osei-Kuffour (Ghana) Arsenal (England) to Torquay (England) George Santos (Cape Verde Islands) Sheffield United (England) to Grimsby Town (England) September Tijani Babangida (Nigeria) Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Al Ittihad (Saudi Arabia) Chiquinho Conde (Mozambique) Portimonese (Portugal) to Imortal (Portugal) Mamadou Diallo (Senegal) New York-New Jersey MetroStars (US) to Al Ahli (Saudi Arabia) Kaies Ghodhbane (Tunisia) Etoile Sahel to Bani Yas (United Arab Emirates) Victor Ikpeba (Nigeria) Borussia Dortmund (Germany) to Al Ittihad (Libya) Harrison Omokoh (Nigeria) Dinamo Kyiv (Ukraine) to Arsenal Kyiv (Ukraine) Monday Omro (Nigeria) KAA Gent (Belgium) to VW Hamme (Belgium) Quinzinho (Angola) Alverca (Portugal) to Estoril (Portugal) Ode Thompson (Nigeria) Anderlecht (Belgium) to La Louviere (Belgium) August Lawrence Adjei (Ghana) Arminia Bielefeld (Germany) to Spartak Moscow (Russia) Donald Agu (Nigeria) SSV Reutlingen (Germany) to Abahani Limited (Bangladesh) Leixoes (Portugal) to Belenenses (Portugal) Stephen Appiah (Ghana) Parma (Italy) to Brescia (Italy) Rabiu Baita (Nigeria) Paris St Germain (France) to Mons-Bergen (Belgium) Salaheddine Bassir (Morocco) Lille (France) to Aris Salonika (Greece) Zoubier Baya (Tunisia) Besiktas (Turkey) to Al Arabi (Saudi Arabia) Eddy Bembuana-Keve (DR Congo) Avelino (Italy) to Verbroedering Geel (Belgium) Yassine Bezzaz (Algeria) JS Kabylie to Ajaccio (France) Matthew Booth (South Africa) Mamelodi Sundowns to Rostelmash Rostov-na-Dony (Russia) Alcaly Camara (Senegal) Nice (France) to sedan (France) Ferdinand Chifon (Cameroon) Union Berlin (Germany) to Pogon Stettin (Poland) Lezou Doba (Cote d'Ivoire) Satellite to Lokeren (Belgium) Cyrille Domoraud (Cote d'Ivoire) Inter Milan (Italy) to Espanyol (Spain) Vincent Doukantie (Mali) Strasbourg (France) to Creteil Lusitanos (France) Kaies Ghodhbane (Tunisi) Etoile Sahel to Al Saad (Qatar) Arthur Gomez (Gambia) Manchester United (England) to Antwerp (Belgium) Emeka Ifejiagwa (Nigeria) VfL Wolfsburg (Germany) to Walhof Mannheim (Germany) Gideon Imagbudu (Nigeria) Eendrahct Aalst (Belgium) to Antwerp (Belgium) Gift Kampamba (Zambia) Mamelodi Sundowns to Rostelmash Rostov-na-Dony (Russia) Ibrahim Kargbo (Sierra Leone) RWD Molenbeek (Belgium) to Charleroi (Belgium) Salif Keita (Senegal) Hannover 96 (Germany) to Union Berlin (Germany) Karim Kerkar (Algeria) Le Havre (France) to Manchester City (Engalnd) Mfundo Mathonsi (South Africa) Ajax Cape Town to Altayspor (Turkey) Ben Mbemba (DR Congo) Club Brugge (Belgium) to VVV Venlo (Netherlands) Patrick Mboma (Cameroon) Parma (Italy) to Al Ittihad (Libya) Emilien Mendy (Senegal) SK Ronse (Belgium) to TOP Oss (Netherlands)

CAF News - April 2003

Ibrahim Said
Rafik Mezriche (Algeria) Strasbourg (France) to Gueugnon (France) Mourad Mghizrat (Morocco) FC Den Bosch (Netherlands) to Willem II (Netherlands) Thabang Molefe (South Africa) Jomo Cosmos to Lyn Oslo (Norway) Tonton Moukoko (DR Congo) Derby County (England) to Hammarby (Sweden) Milambo Muswamva (Cameroon) RWD Molembeek (Belgium) to Charleroi (Belgium) Benjamin Mwaruwaru (Zimbabwe) Jomo Cosmos (South Africa) to Auxerre (France) Hamid Ndikumana (Rwanda) Gent (Belgium) to KV Mechelen (Belgium) Peter Odemwinge (Nigeria) Rangers International to La Louviere (Belgium) Uwo Ogbodo (Nigeria) Lomgford Town (Ireland) to Marsaxlokk FC (Malta) James Okali (Nigeria) Motherwell (Scotland) to York City (England) Jordan Opuka (Ghana) Goldfields to Feyernoord (Netherlands) Adolphis Ofodile (Nigeria) Walsall (England) to St Pauli (Germany) Mike Okoth (Kenya) RC Genk (Belgium) to Heusden-Zolder (Belgium) Emmanuel Osei Kuffour (Ghana) Hearts of Oak to Anzhi Makhachklala (Russia) Ganiu Owolabi (Nigeria) Antwerp (Belgium) to FC Denderleeuw (Belgium) Andy Owusu (Ghana) Wimbledon (England) to Chelmsford (England) Lloyd Owusu (Ghana) Brentford (England) to Sheffield Wednesday (England) Nando Rafael (Angola) Ajax Amstredam (Netherlands) to Hertha Berlin (Germany) Moustapha Salifou (Togo) Modele Lome to RW Oberhausen (Senegal) Kelvin Sebwe (Liberia) Panahaiki (Greece) to Al Ahli (United Arab Emirates) Rami Shabaan (Egypt) Djurgaardens (Sweden) to Arsenal (England) MacBeth Sibaya (South Africa) Jomo Cosmos to Rosenborg (Norway) Mamady Sidibe (Mali) Swansea City (England) to Gillingham (England)

Ahmed Hossam
Ebrima Sillah (Gambia) Club Brugge (Belgium) to RBC Roosendaal (Netherlands) Mbemba Sylla (Guinea) Paris St Germain (France) to Mons-Bergen (Belgium) Bernard Tchoutang (Cameroon) Roda JC Kerkrade (Etherelands) to Metalurg Donetsk (Ukraine) Pape Bouna Thiaw (Senegal) Lausanne Sports (Switzerland) to Dinamo Moscow (Russia) Sammy Traore (Mali) Creteil (France) to Nice (France) Pierre Wome (Cameroon) Bologna (Italy) to Fulham (England) July Ayman Abdelaziz (Egypt) Denizlispor (Turkey) to Genclerbirligi (Turkey) Dele Adebola (Nigeria) Birmingham City (England) to Crystal Palace (England) Eric Akoto (Togo) Grazer AK (Austria) to FK Austria Vienna (Austria) Nicolas Alnoudji (Cameroon) Cayur Rizespor (Turkey) to Bastia (France) Felix Anasiudu (Nigeria) Freamunde (Portugal) to Farense (Portugal) Didier Angan (Cote d'Ivoire) Nice (France) to Sturm Graz (Austria) Nii Amo Ankrah (Ghana) Cesarense (Portugal) to Sporting Covilha (Portugal) Gustave Bahoken (Cameroon) Le Havre (France) to Livingston (Scotland) Stephen Baidoo (Ghana) Samsunspor (Turkey) to Ankaragucu (Turkey) Rabiu Baita (Nigeria) Kano Pillars to Paris St Germain (France) Owusu Benson (Ghana) FC Wil (Switzerland) to Delemont (Switzerland) Houssin Bezzai (Morocco) Sparta Rotterdam (Netherlands) to TOP Oss (Netherlands) Etienne Bito'o (Gabon) FC 105 Libreville to Gil Vicente (Portugal) George Blay (Ghana) Standard Liege (Belgium) to Mechelen (Belgium) Arthur Boka (Cote d'Ivoire) ASEC Abidjan to Beveren (Belgium) Riadh Bouazizi (Tunisia) Bursaspor (Turkey) to Gaziantepspor (Turkey)

N. Kraouche
Bouabid Bouden (Morocco) Lens (France) to Beauvais (France) Nourdin Boukhari (Morocco) Sparta Rotterdam (Netherlands) to Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) Briama (Guinea Bissau) Leca (Portugal) to Gil Vicente (Portugal) Brito (Cape Verde Islands) Marco (Portugal) to Leixoes (Portugal) Andre Titi Buengo (Angola) Wasquerhal (France) to Creteil Lusitanos (France) Cau (Cape Verde Islands) Campomaiorense (Portugal) to Felgueiras (Portugal) Jorge Celino (Angola) Sao Paulo (Brazil) to Vitoria Setubal (Portugal) Justice Christopher (Nigeria) Antwerp (Belgium) to Levski Sofia (Bulgaria) Aliou Cisse (Senegal) Paris St Germain (France) to Birmingham City (England) Abdelkader Coubadja (Togo) Vicenza (Italy) to Servette Geneva (Switzerland) Fernand Coulibaky (Mali) Denizlispor (Turkey) to Diyarbakirspor (Turkey) Eugene Dadi (Cote d'Ivoire) Toulouse (France) to Livingston (Scotland) Dario (Cape Verde Islands) Ovarense (Portugal) to Gil Vicente (Portugal) Oumar Dieng (Senegal) Caykur Rizespor (Turkey) to Trabzonspor (Turkey) Laurent Djaffo (Benin) Sheffield United (England) to Aberdeen (Scotland) Rachid Djebaili (Algeria) St Johnstone (Scotland) to Goztepespor (Turkey) Louceny Doumbouya (Guinea) Willebroek-Meerhof (Belgium) to KV Mecheln (Belgium) Emmanuel Duah (Ghana) Uniao Leiria (Portugal) to Gil Vicente (Portugal) Duca (Cape Verde Islands) Campomaiorense (Portugal) to Portimonense (Portugal) Eugene-Claude Ekobo (Cameroon) FC Sion (Swizterland) to Beauvais (France) Eladia Bao (Mozambique) Academica to Naval (Portugal) Nader El Sayed (Egypt) Goldi to Akratitos (Greece) Paul Evans (South Africa) Huddersfield Town (England) to Sheffield Wednesday (England) Patrick Evra (Senegal) Nice (France) to Monaco

(France) Abdoulaye Diagne Faye (Senegal) Jeanne d'Arc to Lens (France) Geremi Fotso Njitap (Cameroon) Real Madrid (Spain) to Middlesborough (England) Bevan Fransman (South Africa) FC Fortune to Excelsior Moeskroen (Belgium) Freddy (Angola) Estoril (Portugal) to Uniao Leiria (Portugal) Louis Gomis (Senegal) FC Nurnberg (Germany) to MSV Duisburg (Germany) Ahmed Hassan (Egypt) Denizlispor (Turkey) to Genclerbirligi (Turkey) Mahamat Hissein (Chad) Ales (France) to Istres (France) Mohamadou Idrissou (Cameroon) SV Wehen (Germany) to Hannover 96 (Germany) Pius Ikedia (Nigeria) Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) to FC Groningen (Netherlands) Jean-Pierre Ingom (Cameroon) ASMY Premier to Lokeren (Belgium) Abdul Rahman Issah (Ghana) Goldfields to Bellinzona (Switzerland) Baba Issaka (Ghana) FC Jokerit (Finland) to St Patrick's Athletic (Ireland) Jaco (Angola) Primiero Agosto to Dragoes Sandinenses (Portugal) Juba (Guinea Bissau) Levante (Spain) to Estrela Amadora (Portugal) Francis Kioyo (Cameroon) SpVgg Greuther Furth (Germany) to FC Cologne (Germany) Constant Kaiper Kipre (Cote d'Ivoire) ASEC Abidjan to Beveren (Belgium) Yannick Lary (Gabon) FC 105 Libreville to Gil Vicente (Portugal) Laurentino Cruz (Angola) Ferreirense (Portugal) to Boavista (Portugal) Lito (Cape Verde Islands) Imortal (Portugal) to Moreirense (Portugal) Luis Miguel (Angola) Sporting Braga (Portugal) to Pacos de Ferreira (Portugal) Henry Olufozoye Makinwa (Nigeria) Gil Vicente (Portugal) to Farense (portugal) Oliver Makor (Liberia) Aegaleo (Greece) to Ionikos (Greece) Mateus (Cape Verde Islands) Ovarense (Portugal) to Marco (Portugal) Mohamed Abderahmane Mazhar (Egypt) Al Masry to Monaco (France) Luc-Michel Mbeng (Cameroon) Valencia (Spain) to Caen (France) Miguel Pereira (Angola) 1860 Munich (Germany) to Schalke 04 (Germany) McDonald Mukansi (South Africa) Lokomotiv Sofia (Bulgaria) to CSKA Sofia (Bulgaria) Sada Ndiaye (Senegal) Gueugnon (France) to Creteil Lusiatnos (France) Ousmane Ndoye (Senegal) Jeanne d'Arc to Toulouse (France) Nilton (Cape Verde Islands) Gil Vicente (Portugal) to Marco (Portugal) Henry Nwosu (Nigeria) Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany) to Waldhof Mannheim (Germany) Philip Obhafouso (Nigeria) FC Winterthur (Switzerland) to FC Vaduz (Liechtenstein) Kennedy Ohene (Ghana) Ankaragucu (Turkey) to Adanaspor (Turkey) Uche Okechukwu (Nigeria) Fenerbahce (Turkey) to Istanbulspor (Turkey) Adekamni Olufade (Togo) Lille (France) to Nice (France) Chima Onyeike (Nigeria) Excelsior (Netherlands) to TOP Oss (Netherlands) Yaw Preko (Ghana) Yimpas Yozgatspor (Turkey) to Gaziantepspor (Turkey) Yasser Radwan (Egypt) Hansa Rostock (Germany) to Al Ahli (Egypt) Rui Carlos (Angola) Seixal (Portugal) to Portimonense (Portugal) Rui Gomes (Angola) Penafiel (Portugal) to Marco (Portugal) Moussa Saib (Algeria) Monaco (France) to Dubai Club (United Arab Emirates) Abou Samassi (Cote d'Ivoire) Ajaccio (France) to Lorient (France) Sandro (Angola) Seixal (Portugal) to Penafiel (Portugal) Sergio Lomba (Mozambique) Gil Vicente (Portugal) to Moreirense (Portugal) Musa Shannon (Liberia) Maritimo (Portugal) to Badajoz (Spain) Asanda Sishuba (South Africa) FC Fortune to Excelsior Moeskroen (Belgium) Ike Shoronmu (Nigeria) Lausanne Sports (Switzerland) to Samsunspor (Turkey) Sadio Sow (Senegal) Pression (France) to Creteil Lusitanos (France) Loukima Tamukini (DR Congo) Penafiel (Portugal) to Maia (Portugal) John Utaka (Nigeria) Al Saad (Qatar) to Lens (France) Valente (Angola) Nacional (Portugal) to Rio Ave (Portugal) Vitor Covilha (Angola) Nacional (Portugal) to Amora (Portugal) Bouarfa Yahiaoui (Morocco) Eindhoven (Netherlands) to Beringen (Belgium) Joseph Yobo (Nigeria) Marseille (France) to Everton (England) Hicham Zerouali (Morocco) Aberdeen (Scotland) to Al Nasr (United Arab Emirates) June Festus Agu (Nigeria) VfR Aalen (Germany) to SV Wacker Burghausen (Germany) Ahmed Ait-Ouarab (Algeria) Martigues (France) to Le Mans (France) Nassim Akrour (Algeria) Istres (France) to Troyes (France) Boukar Alioum (Cameroon) Samsunspor (Turkey) to Istanbulspor (Turkey) Andre (Angola) Vitoria Guimaraes (Portugal) to Academica Coim bra (Portugal) Ankyofna (Guinea Bissau) Ol Hospital (Portugal) to Sporting Covilha (Portugal) Yao Aziawonou (Togo) FC Basel (Switzerland) to FC Thun (Switzerland) Samebu Bangoura (Guinea) Lokeren (Belgium) to Lille (France) Rachid Belabid (Morocco) Aberdeen (Scotland) to La Louviere (Belgium) Mohamed Benhamou (Algeria) Paris St Germain (France) to Waquerhal (France) Stephane Pierre Biakolo (Cameroon) AC Milan (Italy) to Niort (France) Bodunha (Angola) Salgueiros (Portugal) to Sporting

CAF News - April 2003

Braga (Portugal) Ali Boussabon (Morocco) FC Groningen (Netherlands) to NAC Breda (Netherlands) Kader Camara (Guinea) RC Zuid-West (Belgium) to Cercle Brugge (Belgium) Sambo Choji (Nigeria) FC Saarbrucken (Germany) to Eintracht Braunschweig (Germany) Lamine Cisse (Senegal) Waldhof Mannheim (Germany) to LR Ahlen (Germany) Armand Deumi (Cameroon) FC Sion (Switzerland) to FC Thun (Switzerland) Salif Diao (Senegal) Sedan (France) to Liverpool (England) Mahamadou Diarra (Mali) Vitesse Arnhem (Netherlands) to Lyon (France) Lamine Diatta (Senegal) FC Baden (Switzerland) to FC Aarau (Switzerland) Jamel Dibi (Morocco) AZ'67 Almaar (Netherlands) to Go Ahead Eagles (Netherlands) Michel Dinzey (DR Congo) Valerengen (Norway) to Eintracht Braunschweig (Germany) El Hadji Ousseynou Diouf (Senegal) Lens (France) to Liverpool (England) Mikael Dodzi Dogbe (Togo) Grenoble (France) to St Etienne (France) Tosin Dosunmu (Nigeria) Denderhouten (Belgium) to KV Mechelen (Belgium) Rudolph Douala (Cameroon) Boavista (Portugal) to Uniao Leiria (Portugal) Daniel Edusei (Ghana) Ethinikos (Greece) to Aigaleo (Greece) Marc-Vivien Foe (Cameroon) Lyon (France) to Manchester City (England) Goncalves Fumo (Mozambique) Varzim (Portugal) to Farense (Portugal) Bashiru Gambo (Ghana) Borussia Dortmund (Germany) to SSV Reutlingen (Germany) Sofiene Ghighani (Tunisia) Club Africain to LR Ahlen (Germany) Abdul Razak Ibrahim (Ghana) Empoli (Italy) to St Etienne (France) Abdul Iyodo (Nigeria) Kano Pillars to FC St Pauli (Germany) Seydou Keita (Mali) Lorient (France) to Lens (France) Salah Khlifi (Morocco) Grumerbaum (Switzerland) to Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) Eric Mathieu Mebenga (Cameroon) Lokeren (Belgium) to Canon Yaounde John Mensah (Ghana) Genoa (Italy) to Chievo Verona (Italy) Yves Mubama Kibuey (DR Congo) Academica Coimbra (Portugal) to Vitoria Guimaraes (Portugal) Garba Lawal (Nigeria) Roda JC Kerkrade (Netherlands) to Levski Sofia (Bulgaria) Lito (Angola) Belenenses (Angola) to Santa Clara (Angola) Ishiaku Manaseh (Nigeria) SV Roeselare (Nigeria) to La Louviere (Belgium) Kaba Mane (Senegal) Nice (France) to Beauvais (France) Mobulu Mfuti (DR Congo) FC Sion (Switzerland) to Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) Gaby Mundingayi (DR Congo) AA Gent (Belgium) to La Louviere (Belgium) Steven Musa (Nigeria) Saarbrucken (Germany) to RW Oberhausen (Germany) David Sousa Nascimento (Cape Verde Islands) RKC

CAF News - April 2003

Kaiserslautern (Germany) George Mbwando (Zimbabwe) VfL Lubeck (Germany) to Alemania Aachen (Germany) Nkosinathi Nhleko (South Africa) Jomo Cosmos to Brann Bergen (Norway) Anthony Obodai (Ghana_ Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Germinaal Beerschot (Belgium) Mohamed Omara (Egypt) Hansa Rostock (Germany) to Al Ahli April Ayman Abdelaziz (Egypt) Kocaelispor (Turkey) to Malatyaspor (Turkey) Godfried Adoube (Ghana) SSV Reutlingen (Germany) to Hansa Rostock (Germany) Youssef El Akchaoui (Morocco) Excelsior (Netherlands) to FC Union Berlin (Germany) Wilson Oruma (Nigeria) Servette Geneva (Switzerland) to Sochaux (France) Patrick Suffo (Cameroon) Sheffield United (England) to Numancia (Spain) Olivier Tebily (Cote d'Ivoire) Celtic (Scotland) to Birmingham City (England) Academica Viseu (Portugal) February Joe Addo (Ghana) Tampa Bay Mutiny (US) to New York-New Jersey MetroStars (US) Kossi Agassa (Togo) Africa Sports (Cote d'Ivoire) to Metz (France) Ade Akinbiyi (Nigeria) Leicester City (England) to Crystal Palace (England) Benedict Akwuegbu (Nigeria) Grazer AK (Austria) to Shenyang Jinde (China) Timothee Atouba (Cameroon) Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) to FC Basle (Switzerland) Michel Pensee Billong (Cameroon) Anzhi Makhachka (Russia) to Sanfrecce Hiroshima (Japan) Tenywa Bonseu (Uganda) Columbus Crew (US) to Dallas Burn (US) Lamine Diatta (Senegal) Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) to FC Baden (Switzerland) Emmanuel Ekwueme (Nigeria) Polonia Warsaw (Poland) to Widzew Lodz (Poland) Daouda Kante (Mali) Florida International Univ. (US) to DC United (US) Patrick Mboma (Cameroon) Parma (Italy) to Sunderland (England) Ivan McKinley (South Africa) Miami Fusion (US) to DC United (US) Bennett Mnguni (South Africa) Mamelodi Sundowns to Lokomotiv Moscow (Russia) Issah Mohamed (Ghana) Sekondi Hasacaas to Norrkoping (Sweden) Mansour Ndiaye (Senegal) Univ. Connecticut (US) to New York-New Jersey MetroStars (US) Seyni Ndiaye (Senegal) Tranmere Rovers (England) to Dunfermline (Scotland) Dipsy Selolwane (Botswana) St Louis Univ. (US) to Velje (Denmark) Ibrahima Sidibe (Senegal) FC Tirol (Austria) to SV Pasching (Austria) Jean-Michel Tchouga (Cameroon) FC Basle (Switzerland) to Lausanne Sports (Switzerland) Habib Kolo Toure (Cote d'Ivoire) ASEC Abidjan to Arsenal (England) Elrio van Heerden (South Africa) UPE-FCK Academy to FC Copenhagen (Denmark) January Ishmael Addo (Ghana) Hearts of Oak to Bastia (France) Lawrence Adjei (Ghana) Spartak Moscow (Russia) to Arminia Bielefeld (Germany) Abdelaziz Ahanfouf (Morocco) SpVgg Unterhaching (Germany) to FSV Mainz (Germany) Armando (Mozambique) Sporting Braga (Portugal) to Benfica (Portugal) Mvondo Atangana (Cameroon) Dundee United (Scotland) to Port Vale (England) Ibrahima Bangoura (Guinea) Istres (France) to Troyes (France) Mehdi Ben Slimane (Tunisia) SC Freiburg (Germany) to Club Africain Denni Conteh (Sierra Leone) Herfolge BK (Denmark) to Sparta Rotterdam (Netherlands) Papa Bouna Diop (Senegal) Grasshoppers Zurich (Switzerland) to Lens (France) Papa Malick Diop (Senegal) Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) to Lorient (France)

Waalwijk (Netherlands) to RBC Roosendaal (Netherlands) Alex Nyarko (Ghana) Everton (England) to Paris St Germain (France) Samuel Ojong (Cameroon) FC Sion (Switzerland) to SR Delemont (Switzerland) Austin Okocha (Nigeria) Paris St Germain (France) to Bolton Wanderers (England) Azubike Oliseh (Nigeria) FC Utrecht (Netherlands) to RBC Rosendaal (Netherlands) Kwame Quansah (Ghana) Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Germinal Beerschot (Belgium) Pedro Emanuel (Angola) Boavista (Portugal) to FC Porto (Portugal) Glen Salmon (South Africa) NAC Breda (Netherlands) to FC Groningen (Netherlands) Adama Mohammed Sarr (Senegal) AC Milan (Italy) to Galatasaray (Turkey) Mamadou Seck (Senegal) Nimes (France) to Ajaccio (France) Rigobert Song (Cameroon) West Ham (England) to Lens (France) Bertrand Tchami (Cameroon) Grenoble (France) to Reims (France) Bertin Tokene (Cameroon) Charleroi (Belgium) to Grenoble (France) May Mohamed Camara (Guinea) RC Zuid West (Belgium) to Germinal Beerschot (Belgium) Luciano Djim (Central African Republic) La Louviere (Belgium) to Wezet (Belgium) Josta Dladla (South Africa) Wits University to Aarhus (Denmark) Joseph Isibor (Nigeria) Samsung Blue Wings (South Korea) to FC Zurich (Switzerland) Raymond Kalla (Cameroon) Extremadura (Spain) to VfL Bochum (Germany) Nzelo Lembi (DR Congo) FC Brugge (Belgium) to

March Abdelkader Coubadja (Togo) Parma (Italy) to Vicenza (Italy) Cheikh Oumar Dabo (Mali) Genclerbirligi (Turkey) to Bucheon (South Korea) Tresor Empoke (DR Congo) Mechelen (Belgium) to Lierse (Belgium) Paul Evans (South Africa) Jomo Cosmos to Huddersfield Town (England) Abdoulaye Mbaye (Senegal) Tromso (Norway) to Shanghai Zhouguan (China) Mike Owusu (Ghana) Orgyte IS (Sweden) to NEC Nijmegen (Netherlands) Abdoul Salam Sow (Guinea) Imortal (Portugal) to


Kamano Dondeme (Guinea) CI Kamsar to Lokeren (Belgium) Didier Drogba Tebily (Cote d'Ivoire) Le Mans (France) to Guingamp (France) Gaspard Komol (Cameroon) Trofense (Portugal) to Farense (Portugal) Mawete (Angola) Benfica (Portugal) to Sporting Braga (Portugal) Cesar Mboma (Cameroon) SC Gottingen (Germany) to SSV Jahn Regensburg (Germany) Massadu Naddah (Ghana) Desportivo Aves (Portugal) to Penafiel (Portugal) Hamid Ndikumana (Rwanda) Anderlecht (Belgium) to AA Gent (Belgium) Ngoy Nsumbu (DR Congo) Verbroedering Geel (Belgium) to Maccabi Tikva Tel Aviv (Israel) Adebowale Ogungbure (Nigeria) FC Nuremberg (Germany) to SSV Reutlingen (Germany) Abdelsattar Sabry (Egypt) Benfica (Portugal) to Maritimo (Portugal) Moussa Saib (Algeria) Monaco to Lorient (France) Fifi Salomon (Ghana) RC Genk (Belgium) to KVK Tielen (Belgium) Ousmane Sanda Sanda (Cameroon) Antwerp (Belgium) to Istres (France) Ousmane Sanou (Burkina Faso) Willem II (Netherlands) to Sparta Rotterdam (Netherlands) Lansana Sylla (Guinea) Satellite to Lokeren (Belgium) February Joe Addo (Ghana) Tampa Bay Mutiny (US) to New York-New Jersey MetroStars (US) Kossi Agassa (Togo) Africa Sports (Cote d'Ivoire) to Metz (France) Ade Akinbiyi (Nigeria) Leicester City (England) to Crystal Palace (England) Benedict Akwuegbu (Nigeria) Grazer AK (Austria) to Shenyang Jinde (China) Timothee Atouba (Cameroon) Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) to FC Basle (Switzerland) Michel Pensee Billong (Cameroon) Anzhi Makhachka (Russia) to Sanfrecce Hiroshima (Japan) Tenywa Bonseu (Uganda) Columbus Crew (US) to Dallas Burn (US) Lamine Diatta (Senegal) Neuchatel Xamax (Switzerland) to FC Baden (Switzerland) Emmanuel Ekwueme (Nigeria) Polonia Warsaw (Poland) to Widzew Lodz (Poland) Daouda Kante (Mali) Florida International Univ. (US) to DC United (US) Patrick Mboma (Cameroon) Parma (Italy) to Sunderland (England) Ivan McKinley (South Africa) Miami Fusion (US) to DC United (US) Bennett Mnguni (South Africa) Mamelodi Sundowns to Lokomotiv Moscow (Russia) Issah Mohamed (Ghana) Sekondi Hasacaas to Norrkoping (Sweden) Mansour Ndiaye (Senegal) Univ. Connecticut (US) to New York-New Jersey MetroStars (US) Seyni Ndiaye (Senegal) Tranmere Rovers (England) to Dunfermline (Scotland) Dipsy Selolwane (Botswana) St Louis Univ. (US) to Velje (Denmark) Ibrahima Sidibe (Senegal) FC Tirol (Austria) to SV Pasching (Austria) Jean-Michel Tchouga (Cameroon) FC Basle (Switzerland) to Lausanne Sports (Switzerland) Habib Kolo Toure (Cote d'Ivoire) ASEC Abidjan to Arsenal (England) Elrio van Heerden (South Africa) UPE-FCK Academy to FC Copenhagen (Denmark) March Abdelkader Coubadja (Togo) Parma (Italy) to Vicenza (Italy) Cheikh Oumar Dabo (Mali) Genclerbirligi (Turkey) to Bucheon (South Korea) Tresor Empoke (DR Congo) Mechelen (Belgium) to Lierse (Belgium) Paul Evans (South Africa) Jomo Cosmos to Huddersfield Town (England) Abdoulaye Mbaye (Senegal) Tromso (Norway) to Shanghai Zhouguan (China) Mike Owusu (Ghana) Orgyte IS (Sweden) to NEC Nijmegen (Netherlands) Abdoul Salam Sow (Guinea) Imortal (Portugal) to Academica Viseu (Portugal) April Ayman Abdelaziz (Egypt) Kocaelispor (Turkey) to Malatyaspor (Turkey) Godfried Adoube (Ghana) SSV Reutlingen (Germany) to Hansa Rostock (Germany) Youssef El Akchaoui (Morocco) Excelsior (Netherlands) to FC Union Berlin (Germany) Wilson Oruma (Nigeria) Servette Geneva (Switzerland) to Sochaux (France) Patrick Suffo (Cameroon) Sheffield United (England) to Numancia (Spain) Olivier Tebily (Cote d'Ivoire) Celtic (Scotland) to Birmingham City (England)

CAF News - April 2003


S. Keita

CAF News - April 2003



Excerpts from President Issa Hayatou s speech

C r monie d inauguration du Nouveau Si ge de la CAF

Discours du Prsident Issa Hayatou - Extraits

Forty years ago, in Lisbon on the banks of the Tagus, our founding fathers created the Confdration Africaine de Football. We wanted, as duty requires, to celebrate this event by proceeding today in Cairo to the solemn inauguration of the headquarters which will shelter from now on the bureaux of our continental association. (...) Once more, it is an occasion for me to pay tribute to the great people of Egypt, to its government and its illustrious guide, His Excellency President Hosni Moubarak, for the eminent role they have always played in difficult struggles here and there, to make of African football what it is today; a well established entity. (...) I salute also Mr Joseph S. Blattter, President of FIFA who gave us the honour and the friendship of his comforting presence. EXPANSION OF CAF At its creation in 1957, the Confdration Africaine de Football counted four founding members: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and South Africa. Today, 53 national associations are part of the great family of African football. Only one committee existed at that time. Today we have seventeen. The number

Il y a quarante cinq ans, Lisbonne sur les bords du Tage, nos pres fondateurs jetaient dans ses fonds baptismaux, la Confdration Africaine de Football. Nous avons voulu, le devoir de mmoire oblige, clbrer cet vnement en procdant aujourdhui au Caire linauguration solennelle de limmeuble-sige qui abritera dsormais les bureaux de notre association continentale. () Cest loccasion pour moi de rendre un hommage une fois de plus au grand peuple dEgypte, son gouvernement et son illustre guide, jai nomm son Excellence Monsieur Hosni Moubarak, pour le rle minent quils ont de tout temps jou, dans les difficiles combats, mens ici et l, pour faire du football africain ce quil est aujourdhui : un football bien debout. () Jadresse les mmes salutations M. Joseph S. Blatter, Prsident de la FIFA qui nous a fait lhonneur et lamiti de sa prsence rconfortante. LEXPANSION DE LA CAF Lors de sa cration en 1957, la Confdration Africaine de Football comptait quatre membres fondateurs, LEgypte, le Soudan, LEthiopie et lAfrique du Sud. Aujourdhui, 53 associations nationales font partie de la grande famille du football africain. Une seule commission avait t mise sur pied cette

of competitions that CAF organises regularly has passed from only one to twelve. The curve of the staff working at the Secretariat of CAF has also experienced a continuous increase. The time that elapsed since the creation of CAF has allowed it to assert itself every day, until it has become a major actor in the world sports scene. This evolution crowns the relations we have been able to cultivate with each of the African national federations. CAF has been able to grow real friendship ties, reciprocal respect and co-operation with the other international organisations, and I am quoting FIFA, the European Union of Football Association, the International Olympic Committee and the Supreme Council of Sports in Africa. The increase of CAF structures, the place it has now in the international sports scene imposed that the continental association disposed of proper, functional premises and adapted to its real needs, image and influence. We are therefore proud and happy to inaugurate in Cairo the new headquarters of the Confdration Africaine de Football . THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE FUTURE The headquarters building of the Confdration Africaine de Football stretches out on 5000 m2. The total cost of its construction and its equipment amounted to 19 million 8885 461 Egyptian pounds namely the equivalent of 3 million 977 092 American dollars. The expenses are apportioned as follows: Real estate: 2 million 483 056 pounds Building: 15 million 048 538 Furniture: 1 million 481 507 Equipment and office material: 872 360 pounds (...) African football has from now on a modern headquarters, full property, with an agreeable aesthetic and endowed of all facilities favourable for a performing work. The requirement of quality, which has always underlined this project of development, has found with the authorities of our host country, the Arab Republic of Egypt, a steadfast and constant support. I would like on behalf of the Confederation to express to the Egyptian government all the expression of our sincere and profound gratitude.

CAF News - April 2003

poque. Nous en comptons aujourdhui dix-sept. Le nombre de comptitions que la CAF organise rgulirement dsormais est pass dune seule douze. La courbe des effectifs du personnel au service du Secrtariat de la CAF a pour sa part connu une croissance continue. Le temps qui sest coul depuis la cration de la CAF lui a permis de saffirmer de jour en jour, au point de devenir un acteur majeur de la scne sportive mondiale. Cette volution couronne les relations que nous avons su cultiver avec chacune des fdrations nationales africaines. La CAF est parvenue tisser des liens damiti sincre, de respect rciproque et de coopration avec les autres organisations internationales, et je cite la FIFA, lUnion Europenne de Football Association, le Comit International Olympique et le Conseil Suprieur des Sports en Afrique. Laccroissement des structures de la CAF, la place qui est aujourdhui devenue la sienne sur la scne sportive internationale imposaient que lassociation continentale dispost enfin des locaux propres, fonctionnels et adapts ses besoins rels, son image, son influence et son rayonnement. Nous sommes donc fiers et heureux de pouvoir inaugurer au Caire le nouvel immeuble-sige de la Confdration Africaine de Football. LE SIEGE DU FUTUR Limmeuble-sige de la Confdration Africaine de Football stend sur 5000 m2. Le cot total de sa construction et de ses quipements sest lev 19 millions 885 461 livres gyptiennes soit lquivalent de 3 millions 977 092 dollars amricains. La dpense se rpartit comme suit : Terrain : 2 millions 483 056 de livres Btiment : 15 millions 048 538 Mobilier : 1 million 481 507 Equipement et bureautique : 872 360 livres () Le Football africain dispose dsormais dun sige moderne, en toute proprit, lesthtique agrable et dot de toutes les facilits propices pour un travail performant. Lexigence de qualit qui a toujours sous-tendu la ralisation de ce

CAF News - April 2003

projet de dveloppement a trouv auprs des autorits de notre pays daccueil, la Rpublique Arabe dEgypte, un appui ferme et constant. Je voudrais au nom de la Confdration exprimer au gouvernement gyptien toute lexpression de notre sincre et profonde gratitude. Et ce sont les mmes sentiments de reconnaissance que jexprime lendroit de la FIFA et de son prsident M. Joseph S. Blatter qui a autoris la mise notre disposition par avance, des fonds ncessaires prlevs sur notre subvention. Cela a permis la progression rgulire des travaux de construction. Enfin, mes remerciements et mes vives flicitations vont tout naturellement M. Hussein Shafick et son quipe darchitectes, dingnieurs, de cadres, douvriers et demploys qui ont travaill darrache- pied, nous permettant ainsi de tenir aujourdhui la promesse faite Bamako, lors de notre dernire assemble gnrale, savoir inaugurer ce sige avant la fin de lanne 2002. LA CASE DE LA FRATERNITE Notre gnration qui a succd celle de nos illustres pres fondateurs doit assurer la bonne conduite des affaires de la CAF. A ces femmes et ces hommes qui ont entre leurs mains le destin du Football africain, ces infatigables btisseurs de lAfrique du ballon, je dis : Voici votre uvre ! Sachons tous ensemble en faire le meilleur usage. Elle ne nous appartient pas. Elle est la proprit de nos enfants et, particulirement de tous ceux qui, sur tous les stades du monde crivent chaque jour, balle au pied, les plus belles pages de lhistoire de notre football. La case de la CAF sera le haut lieu de rencontres amicales, dchanges fraternels et des dialogues fconds. Elle sera la maison commune o nous viendrons oublier, pardonner, jeter la rancune la rivire afin de demeurer des infatigables messagers de la paix, de lamiti, de la fraternit et de lesprit sportif.

And it is the same sentiments of gratitude that I am expressing to FIFA and its President Mr Joseph S. Blatter who has authorised to put at our disposal the necessary funds deduced in advance from our subvention. This has allowed the regular progression of the construction works. Finally, my acknowledgements and warm congratulations addressed naturally to Mr Hussein Shafick and his team of architects, engineers, cadres, workers and employees who have worked steadfastly, thus allowing us to keep our promise made in Bamako, during our last General Assembly, that is to say, to inaugurate this headquarters before the end of 2002 THE FRATERNITY HOME Our generation which has succeeded our illustrious founding fathers should ensure the good conduct of CAFs affairs. To all these women and men who have in their hands the destiny of African football, to these indefatigable builders of African ball, I say: Here is your work! let us all learn together to make the best use of it. It does not belong to us. It is our childrens property and particularly of all those who, in all the world stadia write everyday, the ball at their feet, the most beautiful pages of our football history. CAF home will be the high place for friendly meetings, brotherly exchanges and fruitful dialogues. It will be the common house where we shall come to forget, forgive, throw away grudges into the river in order to be the unflagging messengers of peace, of friendship, of brotherhood and of sports spirit.

The President of CAF, Mr. Issa Hayatou cutting the symbolic ribbon along with the President of FIFA. Mr. J.S. Blatter and the Egyptian Minister of Youth, Dr. Ali El Din Helal and the President of the Egyptian FA, Mr. El Dahshoury Harb/Le Prsident de la CAF, M. Issa Hayatou coupant le ruban symbolique avec ses cts le Prsident de la FIFA. M. J.S. Blatter, le Ministre gyptien de la Jeunesse, Dr. Ali El Din Helal et le Prsident de la fdration gyptienne de football, M. Youssef El Dahshoury

14 Europe are the Meridian masters In Gala match and Meridian Cup L Europe ma tre du match de gala et la Coupe M ridien
CAF News - April 2003

urope retained the 2003 UEFA-CAF Meridian Cup in style after a superior performance from the continent's four sides in Egypt. Europe won also the Gala match which opposed Ajax Amsterdam against Al Ahly of Egypt. The Meridian Cup Spain led the way with four wins out of four while Switzerland, England and France all remained unbeaten in each of their matches against the four nations representing Africa Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Egypt and Mali. Points were awarded for each win (three) or draw (one) and the final standings saw Europe win by 36-8. The first time the competition was played on such a basis was at the third staging of the Meridian Cup, two years ago, in Bari, Italy. Europe were also the winners on that occasion, seeing off the African challenge by 35 points to eight. Europe will again get the right to host the event in 2005. Although the competition is played on a continental basis, there was recognition for the top team from each confederation. Spain were naturally the top team for UEFA with 12 points from a possible 12 while Burkina Faso were the best performers from CAF, finishing level on points but ahead on goal difference from Nigeria. Despite some disciplinary problems and two early defeats, Burkina Faso finished with a 1-1 draw with Switzerland and a goalless draw with France. The top scorer this year was RCD Espanyol striker Jonathan Soriano, who hit six goals in his country's four games including a hat-trick in the 6-1 opening day victory against Mali. Another impressive performer for Spain was Valencia CF midfield player Jaime Gaviln, who weighed in with some terrific strikes. Away from the action, which began with a gala match between AFC Ajax and Al-Ahly of Cairo, in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the

Europe a remport haut la main ldition 2003 de la Coupe Mridien tenue en Egypte. LEurope a remport aussi le match de gala qui a oppos lAjax dAmsterdam Al Ahly du Caire. La Coupe Mridien Avec quatre victoires, lquipe dEspagne des moins de 17 ans a domin le tournoi Mridien. De leur ct, la Suisse, la France et lAngleterre sont restes invaincues. Les quatre slections europennes ont totalis 36 points contre 8 seulement leurs homologues africaines (Burkina Faso, Egypte, Mali et Nigeria) qui nont remport aucun succs, accumul 6 matchs nuls et 10 dfaites. En 2001, Bari, la troisime dition stait dj droule selon la mme formule et lEurope lavait aussi emport par 35 points 8. Elle accueillera le Mridien 2005. En Egypte, si lEspagne sest classe premire avec un total de 12 points( elle avait russi la mme performance en 1999 Capetown et en 2001), le Burkina Faso, ct africain, a devanc de peu le Nigeria la diffrence des buts. Deux dfaites concdes dentre et des problmes disciplinaires notamment face la Suisse (1-1) ont limit les performances des Burkinabs. Lattaquant espagnol Jonathan Soriano a termin en tte des buteurs avec six ralisations dont un hat trick face au Mali trill 6 1 !Le milieu de terrain du FC Valence, Jaime Gavilan, impressionna fortement le public par la puissance de sa frappe de balle. Le Mridien 2003 fut loccasion dune inititive humanitaire de la Croix rouge et du Croissant rouge gyptien destine protger les enfants de la guerre. Match de Gala : Ajax Al Ahly 2-1 Le tournoi Mridien dbuta par un match de gala entre le champion de Hollande, le prestigieux Ajax Amsterdam et le populaire Nadi al Ahli, champion dAfrique en 2001. 30 000 spectateurs assistrent au stade international du Caire la confrontation amicale que remporta lAjax grce un but obtenu la 70 minute par lEgyptien Mido. Auparavant, un centre de Richard Witschge fut converti de la tte en but par le Roumain Cristian Chivu. Al Ahli ragit bien et se lana lassaut mais se heurta une quipe batave bien organise et sereine limage du pivot dfensif Chivu. Il parviendra sauver lhonneur par lintermdiaire dAbdel Fattah dont lessai, sur coup de pied arrt, surprit le convalescent gardien roumain Bogdan Lobont qui dtourna la balle sur la latte. Mohamed Fadl fut le plus prompt pour la glisser dans la cage : 2-1. Runion du Meridien Board Paralllement au tournoi, la commission Mridien CAFUEFA a tenu une runion au Caire la veille du match de gala. Elle a conclu la ncessit dachever les programmes Mridien de dveloppement par des investissements, loctroi

H. Khashaba (Ahly), Wemberto (Ajax)

CAF News - April 2003


Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), UEFA & CAF used the event to issue a joint message: protect children in war. Gala match: Ajax beat Ahly 2-1 As a curtain raiser of the Meridian tournament, a gala match was held between Dutch double winners Ajax and AlAhly, as the CAF Champions League holders. Fittingly, the winning goal at the Cairo Stadium came from Ajax's Egyptian striker Mido, in the 70th minute. A crowd of more than 30,000 had gathered for the match. Veteran midfield player Richard Witschge took the set-piece and found Cristian Chivu at the near post. The Romanian met the cross with his head and cleverly flicked it past goalkeeper Isam Al Hadary to open the scoring. Al-Ahly responded immediately and put Ajax under considerable pressure. Within two minutes of Mido's strike, however, Al-Ahly had fresh hope when Romanian goalkeeper Bogdan Lobont, back in the Ajax lineup after missing half the season because of a shoulder injury, failed to deal with an Abdel Fattah freekick. Lobont turned the ball on to his own crossbar and Mohamed Fadl reacted the quickest to pull a goal back for his team. Meridian Board holds successful meeting in Cairo The development partnership between UEFA and the CAF held their Meridian board meeting at CAF Headquarters in Cairo on the eve of the 2003 Meridian Cup tournament. The meeting confirmed the importance of the continued co-operation between Europe and Africa and the growing achievements of the Meridian development programmes in providing equipment, investment, education and training to partner associations. Ethiopia and the Republic of Central Africa were chosen as the associations to receive direct aid over the next two years (following the completion of projects in So Tom e Prncipe and Cape Verde). The committee also decided to extend the direct bilateral links between European and African member associations and improve co-ordination between the UEFA-FIFA-CAF development programmes

Match Burkina Faso vs England dquipements et lassistance technique aux associations nationales africaines. LEthiopie et la Centrafrique bnficieront dune aide directe dans les deux prochaines annes (aprs la termination des projets de Sao Tome e Principe et du Cap Vert). De mme la commission, tout en dcidant de renforcer la coopration Europe-Afrique, a recommand une coordination UEFA-FIFA-CAF pour la ralisation de tous les programmes de dveloppement.

Spain, winners of the Meridian Cup

Meridian Cup standing

Teams Spain France England Switzerland B. Faso Nigeria Mali Egypt Pld 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 W 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 D 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 L 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 GS 16 6 5 4 3 2 3 1 GA 1 4 3 1 6 8 10 7 Pts 12 8 8 8 2 2 1 1

Group Matches
25/01/2003 England/Burkina Faso Egypt/Switzerland Spain/Mali Nigeria/France Switzerland/Nigeria Burkina Faso /Spain Switzerland /Nigeria France /Egypt Mali /England Nigeria /Spain Switzerland /Burkina Faso Egypt /England France /Mali Burkina Faso /France England /Nigeria Mali /Switzerland Spain / Egypt 3-2 0-2 6-1 2-3 0-0 0-2 0-0 1-1 1-1 0-5 1-1 0-1 2-1 0-0 0-0 0-1 3-0


29/01/2003 Continents Standings Continents Pld W Europa(UEFA) 16 10 Africa(CAF) 16 0 D 6 6 L 0 10 GS 31 9 GA 9 31 Pts 36 6



CAF News - April 2003

CAF Clubs classification 2002 Zamalek narrows gap with Al-Ahly Classement de clubs 2002 Le Zamalek juste derri re Al-Ahly
he Egyptian club Zamalek narrowed the gap with their Cairene rival Al Ahly in the annual clubs ranking of CAF. Thanks to their win of the 2002 CAF Champions League, and later on of the Super cup, Zamalek collected 6 points to increase to 44 chasing the leaders Al Ahly in the classification who are in top position with 47 points. Kotoko of Ghana is in third position with 37 points followed by Canon Yaounde 34. Asec Abidjan and Esperance Tunis share the 5th position with 32 points. JSK of Algeria are on the rise again this year to 7th position with 30 points in front of Hearts of Oak of Ghana and Africa Sports Abidjan both with 27 points. TP Mazembe managed to remain in the top ten with 25 points. The classification, which was established by CAF since 1993, is made on the following basis: For the Cup Winners Cup and the CAF Cup: 4 points for the champion, 3 for the runner-up, 2 for a place in the semi-finals and 1 point for a place in the quarter finals For the African Cup of Champions clubs from 1965 to 1996: same criteria as above For the CAF Champions League which started in 1997: 5 points for the champion, 4 for the runner-up, 3 for the clubs ranked 2nd in each group and 1 point for the quarter-finalists. Super cup: 1 point for a win. World clubs championship: 2 points per round crossed

e club Cairote Zamalek sest approch de son rival Al Ahly dans le classement annuel des clubs de la CAF. Aprs avoir remport la Ligue des Champions 2002 et la Supercoupe de clubs, le Zamalek a gagn 6 points et est arriv juste aprs le Ahly avec 44 points. Al Ahly reste toujours premier du classement avec 47 points. Le Kotoko du Ghana est troisime avec 37 points suivi du Canon de Yaounde avec 34, lASEC dAbidjan et lEsperance de Tunis viennent en 5e position avec 32 points. La JSK vient en 7e position avec 30 points devant le Hearts of Oak du Ghana et lAfrica Sports dAbidjan, le TP Mazembe a russi se maintenir parmi les dix premiers avec 25 points. Le classement, tabli depuis 1993, repose sur les critres suivants : Pour la Coupe des vainqueurs et la Coupe de la CAF : quatre points pour le champion, trois pour le finaliste, deux pour une accession aux demi-finales, un pour les quarts de finale. Pour la Coupe des clubs champions de 1965 1996 : mmes barme ci-dessus. Pour la Ligue des champions depuis 1997 : cinq points pour le vainqueur, quatre pour le finaliste, trois pour les clubs classs la deuxime place dans chaque poule et un pour les qualifis aux quarts de finale. Supercoupe des clubs : un point pour le vainqueur Coupe du monde des clubs : 2 points par tour franchi

Zamalek club

CAF News - April 2003

Classement des pays

CAF all time historical ranking of nations

ith the start of the new year 2003, Cameroon kept its number 1 position in the African Nations historical rank-

ing. The classification is based on a system of points taking into consideration the African nations cup and the World cup. The system of awarded points: The African Cup of Nations 1957, 1959 Winner 2, Runner up 1 1961-1965 Winner 3, Runner up 2, Third 1 1968 1990 Winner 4, Runner up 3, Third 2.5, Fourth 2 1992-1994 Winner 4, Runner up 3, Third 2.5, Fourth 2, _ Finals 1 1996 2002 Winner 5, Runner up 4, Third 3, Fourth 2.5, _ Finals 1 For the World Cup Qualifications for the finals: 5 Each round crossed in the finals: 2 Confederations cup: 2 points per round crossed

quipe nationale du Cameroun occupe, aprs la CAN 2002, la premire place au plan continentale devant celles du Nigeria puis de lEgypte. Le classement de la CAF tient en compte les performances dans les phases finales de la Coupe du monde et de la Coupe dAfrique des nations. Les points sont dcerns comme suit : Coupe dAfrique des nations - De 1957 1959 (trois finalistes) : Deux points au vainqueur, un au deuxime - De 1962 1965 (quatre puis six finalistes) Trois points au vainqueur, deux au second et un au troisime - De 1968 1990 (huit finalistes) : Quatre au vainqueur, trois au deuxime, deux et demi au troisime et deux au quatrime - De 1992 1994 (douze finalistes) : Quatre au vainqueur, trois au finaliste, deux et demi au troisime, deux au quatrime et un au quart de finaliste. - De 1996 2000 (seize finalistes) : Cinq au vainqueur, quatre au deuxime, trois au troisime, deux et demi au quatrime, un au quart de finaliste/ Coupe du monde : Cinq points pour une qualification pour la phase finale Deux points pour chaque tour franchi. Coupe des Confederations: 2 points pour chaque tour franchi

Nations classification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cameroon Nigeria Egypt Morocco Ghana Tunisia Algeria South Africa Congo DR Cote dIvoire 55.5 50.5 41.0 33.5 28.5 27.5 26.0 23.0 22.0 15.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

Clubs classification
Al Ahly (Egypt) Zamalek (Egypt) Kotoko (Ghana) Canon Yaounde Yaounde (Cameroon) Esperance (Tunisia) (Tunisia) ASEC (Cote d Ivoire) J.S.K. (Algeria) Hearts of Oak (Ghana) Africa Sports (Cote d Ivoire) Mazembe Englebert (RD (RD Congo) 47 44 37 34 32 30 30 27 27 25

Al-Ahly club


CAF News - April 2003

CAF Clubs Competitions 2003 Comp titions inter- clubs 2003

The 29th Cup winners Cup
Preliminary round
ANSE Reunion (SEY)/Masvingo Utd (ZIM) Masvingo Utd (ZIM)/ANSE Reunion (SEY) Olympic Moka (MRI)/AS Fortior (MAD) AS Fortior (MAD)/Olympic Moka (MRI) LDFFC (LES)/Jomo Cosmos (RSA) Jomo Cosmos (RSA)/LDFFC (LES) JS Pobe (BEN)/Agadez (NIG) Agadez (NIG)/JS Pobe (BEN) Masvingo Withdrew Port Louis 16.2.03 Tamatave 2.3.03 Maseru 16.2.03 Tembisa 2.3.03 Cotonou 16.2.03 Niamey 2.3.03 3-1 1-0 2-2 5-1 1-0 0-1 AS Kaloum (GUI)/ASC Sonacos (SEN) ASC Sonacos (SEN)/AS Kaloum (GUI) EFO (BFA)/Raja (MOR) Raja (MOR)/EFO (BFA) FC 105 (GAB)/Djoliba (MLI) Djoliba (MLI)/FC 105 (GAB) Requins (BEN)/Club Africain (TUN) Club Africain (TUN)/Requins (BEN) La Mancha (CGO)/JCA (CIV) JCA (CIV)/La Mancha (CGO) CS Garoua (CMR)/M. de Fiokpo (TOG) M. de Fiokpo (TOG)/CS Garoua (CMR) Primeiro Agosto (ANG)/Sundowns (RSA) Sundowns (RSA)/Primeiro Agosto (ANG) Motema Pembe (RDC)/Renacimento (EQG) Renacimento (EQG)/Motema Pembe (RDC) Rangers (NGR)/LISCR FC (LBR) Conakry Ouaga Libreville Cotonou Point Noire Garoua Luanda Kinshasa WW Liberia 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 11.4.03 25-27.4.03 WW LBR 0-0 2-3 3-0 1-0 0-1 0-0 2-0 4-1 -

Round 32
Pipeline FC (KEN)/ANSE (REU) Nairobi ANSE (REU)/Pipeline FC (KEN) Olympic Mola (P. Dynamos (ZAM) Moka )Power Dynamos (ZAM)/Oly. Moka (MRI) Mont Cameroun (CMR)/Akonangui (EQG) Doula Akonangui (EQG)/Mont Cameroun (CMR) Kotoko (GHA)/Mighty Blue Angels (LBR) LBR disq. US Kenya Lubumbashi (RDC)/APR FC (RWA) Kinshasa APR FC (RWA)/US Kenya Lubumbashi (RDC) Etoile (CGO)/Petro Atletico (ANG) Brazzaville Petro Atletico (ANG)/Etoile (CGO) Africa Sports (CIV)/Dyto de Lome (TOG) Abidjan Dyto de Lome (TOG)/Africa Sports (CIV) MAS (MOR)/Hafia (GUI) Fes Hafia (GUI)/MAS (MOR) Widad Amal Tlemcan (ALG)/El Hilal (LBY) Tlemcen El Hilal (LBY)/Widad Amal Tlemcan (ALG)) WAC (MOR)/Nasr de Sebkha (MRT) Casablanca Nasr de Sebkha (MRT)/WAC (MOR) Baladeyat Mehalla (EGY)/Police FC (UGA) El Mahala Police FC (UGA)/Baladeyat Mehalla (EGY) Insurance Corp. (ETH)/El Hilal (SUD) Addis Ababa El Hilal (SUD)/Insurance Corp. (ETH) Costa do Sol (MOZ)/Jomo Cosmos (RSA) Maputi Jomo Cosmos (RSA)/Costa do Sol (MOZ) Julius Burger (NGR)/Jeunesse Sportive (GAB) Abeokuta Jeunesse Sportive (GAB)/Julius Burger (NGR) ESS (TUN)/JS Pobe (BEN) JS Pobe Withdrew JS Pobe (BEN)/ESS (TUN) AS Douanes (SEN)/Club Olympique (MLI) Rufisque Club Olympique (MLI)/AS Douanes (SEN) 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 11-13.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 11.4.03 25-27.4.03 11-13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 2-1 1-3 2-0 2-1 1-0 1-1 2-0 2-1 2-0 4-1 0-2 1-0 4-0 0-2 -

Ahly & JSK exempted from this round/Exembts

CAF Champions League

Preliminary Round
Wallidan (GAM)/AS Dragons (BEN) AS Dragons (BEN)/Wallidan (GAM) FC Nouadhibou (MRT)/AS Niamey (NIG) AS Niamey (NIG)/FC Nouadhibou (MRT) Sony Ela Nguema (EQG)/AS Douanes (TOG) AS Douanes (TOG)/Sony Ela Nguema (EQG) SC Villa (UGA)/Muzinga FC (BUR) Muzinga FC (BUR)/SC Villa (UGA) St George (ETH)/Rayon Sport (RWA) Rayon Sport (RWA)/St George (ETH) AS Adema (MAD)/St Louisienne (REU) St Louisienne (REU)/AS Adema (MAD) Red Sea FC (ERT)/Nzoia Sugar (KEN) Nzoia Sugar (KEN)/Red Sea FC (ERT) Simba SC (TAN)/BDF XI (BOT) BDF XI (BOT)/Simba SC (TAN) La Passe FC (SEY)/AS Port Louis 2000 (MRI) AS Port Louis 2000 (MRI)/La Passe FC (SEY) Banjul Cotonou Nouakchott Niamey Malabo Lome Kampala Bujumbura A. Ababa Kigali Antananarivo St Louis Asmara Mumias Dar Es Salam Gaborone Victoria Rose Hill 16.2.03 1-0 2.3.03 0-0 14.2.03 2-1 1.3.03 1-0 16.2.03 0-0 2.3.03 1-0 15.2.03 4-1 2.3.03 1-0 16.2.03 1-3 2.3.03 0-1 16.2.03 1-0 1.3.03 3-0 15.2.03 2-0 1.3.03 2-0 (p.4-3) 16.2.03 1-0 1.3.03 1-3 15.2.03 1-0 1.3.03 2-0

Round 32
USMA (ALG)/Wallidan (GAM) Wallidan (GAM)/USMA (ALG) Stade Malien (MLI)/AS Police (CGO) AS Police (CGO)/Stade Malien (MLI) Canon (CMR)/Merreikh (SUD) Merreikh (SUD)/Canon (CMR) Lupopo (RDC)/US Nziami (GAB) US Nziami (GAB)/Lupopo (RDC) ASEC (CIV)/AS Niamey (NIG) AS Niamey (NIG)/ASEC (CIV) Hassania (MOR)/Ittehad (LBY) Ittehad (LBY)/Hassania (MOR) Hearts of Oak (GHA)/AS Douanes (TOG) AS Douanes (TOG)/Hearts of Oak (GHA) Atletico Aviacao (ANG)/SC Villa (UGA) SC Villa (UGA)/Atletico Aviacao (ANG) Jeanne dArc (SEN)/ASFA (BFA) Oran Bamako Yaounde Kinshasa Abidjan Agadir Accra Luanda Dakar 11.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 2-0 1-0 5-0 0-1 3-0 0-0 1-0 1-2 2-0

The 12th CAF Cup

Round 32
St. Michel (SEY)/DSA (MAD) DSA (MAD)/St. Michel (SEY) Green Buffaloes (ZAM)/Express (UGA) Express (UGA)/Green Buffaloes (ZAM) Maxaquene (MOZ)/Black Rhinos (ZIM) Black Rhinos (ZIM)/Maxaquene (MOZ) Khartoum 3 (SUD)/Kiyovu Sports (RWA) 1-1 Kiyovu Sports (RWA)/Khartoum 3 (SUD) Coffee (ETH)/Anassr (LBY) Anassr (LBY)/Coffee (ETH) Victoria Lusaka Maputo Om Dourman 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 11.4.03 25-27.4.03 0-0 2-1 1-1 12.4.03 0-0 -

25-27.4.03 Addis Ababa 13.4.03 25-27.4.03

CAF News - April 2003

Aba Tunis Bulawayo Cairo 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 3-0 5-0 3-1 3-0 Nzoia Sugar (KEN)/Zamalek (EGY) Santos (RSA)/Simba (TAN) Simba (TAN)/Santos (RSA) Ismaili (EGY)/Zanaco (ZAM) Zanaco (ZAM)/Ismaili (EGY) Ferroviario (MOZ)/AS Port louis 2000 (MRI) AS Port louis 2000 (MRI)/Ferroviario (MOZ) Cape Town Ismaili Maputo 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 12.4.03 25-27.4.03 13.4.03 25-27.4.03 0-0 1-0 2-0 -

ASFA (BFA)/Jeanne Arc (SEN) Enyimba (NGR)/Satellite (GUI) Satellite (GUI)/Enyimba (NGR) EST (TUN)/Rayon Sport (UGA) Rayon Sport (UGA)/EST (TUN) Highlanders (ZIM)/St. Louisienne (REU) St. Louisienne (REU)/Highlanders (ZIM) Zamalek (EGY)/Nzoia Sugar (KEN)

THE VIIITH ALL AFRICA GAMES- Abuja 2003 Les VIIIe Jeux africains- Abuja 2003
ZONE I ZONE V 25.1.03 Tripoli 23.2.03 Algiers ALGERIA qualify ZONE II First Round Mali / Mauritania 22.9.02 27.10.02 Dakar Conakry Libya / Algeria Algeria/Libya 1-1 0-0 Egypt hosted a round robin tournament in December 2002. Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda registered, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda withdrew 23.12.02 Egypt / Kenya 0-0 26.12.02 Kenya /Egypt 1-2 EGYPT qualify ZONE VI Senegal / Guinea 1-1 Guinea/Senegal 2-3 Preliminary Round 7.7.02 Somhlolo 4.8.02 Windhoek 1-1 0-1 6.7.02 4.8.02 Gaborone Maseru

(Mauritania withdrew/forfait)

Second Round 25.1.03 Dakar 23.2.03 Bamako SENEGAL qualify ZONE III Preliminary Round 1. Benin / Liberia 2. Niger / Togo

Swaziland / Namibia Namibia / Swaziland Botswana / Lesotho Lesotho / Botswana

1-1 2-0 1-0 1-2

Senegal / Mali Mali/Senegal

First Round 3.11.02 Harare 24.11.02 Maputo Benin withdrew Niger withdrew 21.9.02 26.10.02 22.9.02 26.10.02 22.9.02 25.11.02 CIV withdrew Second Round 26.1.03 Harare 22.2.03 Lusaka 25.1.03 23.2.03 Lusaka Windhoek

Zimbabwe / Mozambique 1-0 Mozambique/Zimbabwe 1-1 Zambia / Namibia Namibia / Zambia 2-0 2-1

First Round 3. Liberia-/ Ghana 4. Togo / Ivory Coast Second Round 5. Ghana / I. Coast GHANA qualify ZONE IV First Round Rwanda / Congo Second Round 25.1.02 Yaounde 22.2.03 Kigali CAMEROUN qualify

(Liberia withdrew/forfait) (Togo withdrew)

Johannesburg South Africa / Malawi 2-2 Lilongwe Malawi / South Africa 2-2 (pen. 3-4) Luanda Gaborone Angola / Botswana Botswana/Angola 4-1 1-1

Zimbabwe / Zambia Zambia/Zimbabwe

2-1 1-0 2-0 2-2

(Congo withdrew/fofrait)

Johannesburg South Africa / Angola Luanda Angola/S. Africa

ZAMBIA & S. AFRICA qualify Cameroun / Rwanda Rwanda/Cameroun 3-0 2-1

The African Cup of Nations, Tunisie 2004

CAF News - April 2003

1 A1/A2 2 A3/A4 5 B1/B2 9 A1/A3 13 B2/B4 17 A1/A4 19 B1/B4 10 A2/A4 6 B3/B4

El Menzah


3 C3/C4



24.01.2004 25.01.2004 26.01.2004 27.01.2004 28.01.2004 29.01.2004 30.01.2004 31.01.2004 01.02.2004 02.02.2004 03.02.2004 04.02.2004 05.02.2004 Rest /Repos Rest /Repos 06.02.2004 07.02.2004 25 Win. A/2nd B or 26 Win. B/2nd A 08.02.2004 09.02.2004 10.02.2004 11.02.2004 12.02.2004 13.02.2004 14.02.2004 32 Final Rest /Repos Rest /Repos 29 1/2 Final 1 Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos Rest /Repos 26 Win. B/2nd A or 25 Win. A/2nd B 18 A2/A3 20 B2/B3 14 B1/B3

4 C1/C2

7 D1/D2 11 C1/C3

8 D3/D4

12 C2/C4

15 D1/D3

16 D2/D4

21 C1/C4 23 D2/D3 Rest /Repos Rest /Repos

22 C2/C3

24 D1/D4

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

27 Win.C /2nd D 28 Win.D /2nd C Rest /Repos Rest /Repos 30 1/2 Final 2 Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos


Rest /Repos

Rest /Repos

31 3rd Place

CAF News - April 2003


The African Cup of Nations Tunisie 2004

Group 1
Angola /Nigeria Malawi/Angola Malawi/Nigeria Nigeria /Malawi Nigeria /Angola Angola /Malawi
Team Nigeria Malawi Angola P 2 2 2 W 1 1 0 N 1 0 1

Group 4
Congo /B. Faso C. Africa /Mozambique B. Faso/C. Africa Mozambaique /Congo Congo /C. Africa Mozambique/B. Faso B. Faso /Mozambique C. Africa /Congo B. Faso/Congo Mozambique/C. Africa C. Africa /B. faso Congo /Mozambique
Team Congo B. Faso Mozambique C. Africa P 2 3 3 2 W 1 1 1 0 N 1 1 1 1

Luanda Lilongwe Blantyre L 0 1 1 GF 1 1 0 GA 0 1 1

8.9.02 12.10.02 29.3.2003 6-8.6.03 20-22.6.03 4-6.7.03

GD Pts 1 4 0 3 -1 1

0-0 1-0 0-1 -

Brazzaville Bangui Ouagadougou Maputo Maputo L 0 1 1 1 GF 3 2 2 2 GA 0 2 4 3

8.9.2002 9.9.2002 13.10.2002 13.10.2002 2-4.5.2003 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 3 4 0 4 -2 4 -1 1

0-0 1-1 2-1 0-3 1-0 -

Group 2
Guinea /Liberia Niger/Ethiopia Ethiopia/Guinea Liberia /Niger Guinea /Niger Ethiopia /Liberia Liberia /Ethiopia Niger /Guinea Ethiopia/Niger Liberia /Guinea Guinea /Ethiopia Niger/Liberia
Team Guinea Ethiopia Niger Liberia P 3 3 3 3 W 2 2 1 1 N 0 0 0 0

Group 5
Conakry Niamey A. Ababa Monrovia Conakry Addis Ababa L 1 1 2 2 GF 5 3 3 1 GA 1 3 4 4

8.9.2002 7.9.2002 13.10.2002 12.10.2002 30.3.2003 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 4 6 0 6 -1 3 -3 3

3-0 3-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 1-0 -

Kenya /Togo Mauritania /Cape Verde Cape Verde /Kenya Togo /Mauritania Cape Verde /Togo Kenya/Mauritania Mauritania /Kenya Togo /Cape Verde Cape Verde /Mauritania Togo /Kenya Kenya /Cape Verde Mauritania /Togo
Team Kenya Cape Verde Togo Mauritania P 3 3 3 3 W 3 2 1 0 N 0 0 0 0

Nairobi Nouakchott Praia Lome Praia Nairobi L 0 1 2 3 GF 8 4 2 0 GA 0 2 5 7

7.9.2002 6.9.2002 12.10.2002 13.10.2002 29.3.2003 29.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 8 9 2 6 -3 3 -7 0

3-0 0-2 0-1 1-0 2-1 4-0 -

Group 3
Benin/Tanzania Sudan /Zambia Zambia/Benin Tanzania/Sudan Sudan /Benin Tanzania/Zambia Benin /Sudan Zambia /Tanzania Tanzania/Benin Zambia/Sudan Sudan/Tanzania Benin /Zambia
Team Zambia Sudan Benin Tanzania P 3 3 3 3 W 2 2 1 0 N 1 0 1 0

Group 6
Cotonou Khartoum Lusaka Mwanza Khartoum Mwanza L 0 1 1 3 GF 3 5 5 1 GA 1 2 4 7

8.9.02 8.9.2002 12.10.2002 12.10.2002 29.3.03 29.3.03 6-8.6.03 6-8.6.03 20-22.6.03 20-22.6.03 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 2 7 3 6 1 4 -6 0

4-0 0-1 1-1 1-2 3-0 0-1 -

Zimbabwe /Mali Seychelles /Eritrea Eritrea /Zimbabwe Mali /Seychelles Eritrea /Mali Zimbabwe /Seychelles Mali/Eritrea Seychelles/Zimbabwe Eritrea/Seychelles Mali /Zimbabwe Zimbabwe /Eritrea Seychelles /Mali
Team Zimbabwe Mali Seychelles Eritrea P 3 3 3 3 W 3 2 1 0 N 0 0 0 0

Harare Victoria Asmara Bamako Asmara Harare L 0 1 2 3 GF 5 5 2 0 GA 1 1 6 4

8.9.2002 8.9.2002 12.10.2002 13.10.2002 30.3.2003 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 4 9 4 6 -4 3 -4 0

1-0 1-0 0-1 3-0 0-2 3-1 -

Group 7
Eq. Guinea /S. Leone Gabon /Morocco Morocco /Eq. Guinea S. Leone /Gabon Gabon /Eq. Guinea S. Leone /Morocco Eq. Guinea /Gabon Morocco /S. Leone Morocco /Gabon S. Leone /Eq. Guinea Eq. Guinea /Morocco Gabon /S. Leone
Team Morocco S. Leone Gabon Eq. Guinea P 3 3 3 3 W 2 2 1 0 N 1 1 0 0

CAF News - April 2003

Group 11
Malabo Libreville Rabat Freetown Libreville Freetown L 0 0 2 3 GF 6 5 4 1 GA 0 1 3 12

8.9.2002 7.9.2002 13.10.2002 12.10.2002 29.3.2003 29.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 6 7 4 7 1 3 -11 0

1-3 0-1 5-0 2-0 4-0 0-0 -

C.dIvoire /S. Africa S. Africa /Burundi Burundi /C.dIvoire C.dIvoire /Burundi S. Africa /C.dIvoire Burundi /S. Africa
Team S. Africa P 2 2 2 W 1 1 0 N 1 1 0

Abidjan Bloemfontein Bujumbura L 0 0 2 GF 2 1 0 GA 0 0 3

8.9.2002 13.10.2002 30.3.2003 6-8.9.2002 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003

GD Pts 2 4 1 4 -3 0

0-0 2-0 0-1 -


Group 12
Namibia /Algeria Algeria /Chad Chad /Namibia Namibia /Chad Algeria /Namibia Chad / Algeria Windhoek Annaba Ndjamena W 2 1 0 N 0 0 0 L 0 1 2 GF 5 3 0 GA 1 4 3

Group 8
Lesotho /Senegal Gambia /Lesotho Gambia /Senegal Senegal /Gambia Senegal /Lesotho Lesotho/Gambia
Team Gambia Senegal Lesotho P 2 2 2 W 1 1 0 N 1 1 0

7.9.2002 11.10.2002 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003

GD Pts 4 6 -1 3 -3 0

0-1 4-1 2-0 -

Maseru Banjul Banjul L 0 0 2 GF 6 1 0 GA 0 0 7

8.9.2002 13.10.2002 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003

GD Pts 6 4 1 4 -7 0

0-1 6-0 0-0 -

Team Algeria Chad Namibia

P 2 2 2

Group 13
Uganda /Ghana Ghana /Rwanda Rwanda /Uganda Uganda /Rwanda Ghana /Uganda Rwanda /Ghana
Team Uganda Ghana Rwanda P 2 2 2 W 1 1 0 N 1 0 1

Group 9
Libya /RD Congo Botswana /Swaziland RD Congo /Botswana Swaziland /Libya Libya /Botswana Swaziland /RD Congo Botswana /Libya RD Congo /Swaziland RD Congo/Libya Swaziland /Botswana Botswana /RD Congo Libya /Swaziland
Team Swaziland RD Congo Libya Botswana P 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 0 N 2 1 1 2

Kampala Accra Kigali L 0 1 1 GF 1 4 2 GA 0 3 4

7.9.2002 13.10.2002 29.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003

GD Pts 1 4 1 3 -2 1

1-0 4-2 0-0 -

Musrata Gaborone Kinshasa Mbabane Bengazi Mbabane L 0 1 1 1 GF 3 5 4 0 GA 2 4 4 2

8.9.2002 7.9.2002 13.10.2002 13.10.2002 30.3.2003 30.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003 4-6.7.2003
GD Pts 1 5 1 4 0 4 -2 2

3-2 0-0 2-0 2-1 0-0 1-1 -

Group 10
Madagascar /Egypt Mauritius /Madagascar Mauritus /Egypt Egypt /Mauritius Egypt /Madagascar Madagascar /Mauritius
Team Madagascar Egypt Mauritius P 2 2 2 W 2 1 0 N 0 0 0

Antananarivo Flacq Rose Hill L 0 1 2 GF 2 1 0 GA 0 1 2

7.9.2002 12.10.2002 29.3.2003 6-8.6.2003 20-22.6.2003 4-6.7.2003

GD Pts 2 6 0 3 -2 0

1-0 0-1 0-1 -

CAF News - April 2003


Group 1
B. Faso / S. Africa Mali / Gabon S. Africa / Mali Gabon / B. Faso B. Faso / Mali S. Africa / Gabon The Group Classification Team Points Burkina Faso Mali Gabon South Africa 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 5 5 7 1 2 1 -4 5 5 4 1 Match Win Draw Defeat G/F G/A G/D Ouagadougou Ouagadougou Ouagadougou Ouagadougou Ouagadougou Bobo Dioulasso 4.1.2003 (16h00) 4.1.2003 (18h30) 7.1.2003 (16h00) 7.1.2003 (18h30) 10.1.2003 (16h00) 10.1.2003 (16h00) 0-0 2-2 2-4 1-2 1-1 1-3

Group 2
Ghana / Morocco I. Coast / Egypt Morocco / I. Coast Egypt / Ghana Ghana / I. Coast Morocco / Egypt The Group Classification Team I. Coast Egypt Ghana Morocco Match Win 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 Draw 1 2 2 1 Defeat G/F 0 0 1 2 5 6 3 0 G/A 3 2 4 5 G/D Points 2 4 -1 -5 7 5 2 1 Bobo Dioulasso Bobo Dioulasso Bobo Dioulasso Bobo Dioulasso Bobo Dioulasso Ouagadougou 5.1.2003 (16h00) 5.1.2003 (18h30) 8.1.2003 (16h00) 8.1.2003 (18h30) 11.1.2003 (16h00) 11.1.2003 (16h00) 0-0 1-1 0-1 1-1 2-3 0-4

Mali / Egypt I. Coast / B. Faso Ouagadougou Bobo Dioulasso 14.1.2003 (16h00) 14.1.2003 (19h30) 0-1 0-0 (p.3-1)

3rd Place Match

Mali / B. Faso Ougadougou 18.1.2003 1-1(p.6-5)

Egypt / I. Coast Ouagadougou 18.1.2003 (16h00) 4-3

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