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Ryan Ostendorp

Westport Yachts: The Pacific Mariner 85
and the Westport 130
Cn Lhe M83 l uLlllzed blueprlnLs for Lhe shlp, and wlLh a laser
level, lald ouL Lhe poslLlonlng of Lhe cablneLs, Loeklck, and non-
sLrucLural bulkheads ln Lhe day head. l scrlbed and lnsLalled Lhe
Loe klck and cablneLry. ln addlLlon, l cuL and lnsLalled cleaLlng and
scrlbed and glued ln Lhe plywood bulkheads for Lhe room. l also
marked ouL Lhe poslLlonlng for headllner cleaL pleces on Lhe walls
of Lhe day head.

ln Lhe galley, l was Lasked wlLh laylng ouL lamlnaLe floorlng. l had
Lo creaLe a dlagonal, sLaggered paLLern flL LlghL Lo Lhe Loe klcks of
all Lhe cablneLry. lor Lhe curved Lrlm pleces LhaL sLreLched Lo Lhe
floor, l paLLerned ouL Lhe area and cuL Lhe lamlnaLe Lo flL. lor
glulng down Lhe floor, a Lwo-parL epoxy mlxLure was used.
nC1L: 1he plcLures of Lhe day head and galley floor are phoLos from Lhe WesLporL webslLe and noL acLual phoLos from Lhe boaL l worked on.
ln Lhe salon of Lhe M83, l modlfled CnC cuL
wlndow surrounds Lo allgn and cover up Lhe wlndow
frlLs. 1hls requlred uslng rouLer LemplaLes Lo geL Lhe
proper curves needed, and Lhen 3/8" Lrlm pleces
were aLLached Lo Lhe surround cuLouL, whlch are
upholsLered wlLh flne leaLher.

lor Lhe buffeL, l flL and lnsLalled false shelf boLLoms
for Lhe dlnnerware shelves. l had Lo lay ouL Lhe chlna
on Lhe plece, lay ouL Lhe acryllc dowels plcLured, and
drlll ouL Lhe shelf boLLoms and lnsLall Lhe dowels.

ln Lhe plloLhouse, l lald ouL velcro sLrlps and
aLLached Lhem Lo Lhe seLLee wlLh conLacL cemenL Lo
secure Lhe leaLher seaL cushlons.
nC1L: CLher Lhan Lhe plcLure aL Lhe Lop lefL, Lhe phoLos are from Lhe WesLporL webslLe and noL acLual phoLos from Lhe mosL currenL boaL belng bullL.
1he maln area l worked ln on Lhe WesLporL 130 was Lhe
plloLhouse. l lnsLalled a couple of Lhe compuLer monlLors by
fabrlcaLlng cusLom alumlnum brackeLs, ln addlLlon Lo
lnsLalllng much of Lhe communlcaLlons and operaLlng
equlpmenL seen ln Lhe plcLures.

l lnsLalled all Lhe equlpmenL seen ln Lhe plcLure of Lhe radlo
console aL Lhe Lop lefL. l also developed [lgs for lnsLalllng Lhe
drawer pulls and door handles, whlch were used for cablneLry
hardware lnsLallaLlons LhroughouL Lhe boaL.
nC1L: 1he plcLure of Lhe plloLhouse on Lhe boLLom rlghL ls from Lhe WesLporL webslLe and noL a phoLo from Lhe boaL l worked on.
Spiral Staircase for Hyatts Andaz Maui
1he planklng of Lhls sLalrcase was Lhe same as sLrlp planklng a
wooden boaL. 1hroughouL Lhe process, bevels had Lo be
deLermlned for each row of planklng, and boLh sLralghL and
rolllng bevels were cuL lnLo each sLrlp so LhaL Lhe pleces would
conform Lo Lhe curve. ln addlLlon, advanced clamplng
meLhods were used Lo assemble Lhe pleces.
Cnce Lhe lnner and ouLer pleces of Lhe sLalrcase were glued
up, l was Lhen asslgned Lhe Lask of surfaclng (falrlng) Lhe
pleces wlLh an orblLal sander, belL sander, grlnder, and a flnal
smooLhlng by hand sandlng wlLh a long board.
Gandelow: A Traditional Irish Fishing Boat
l mllled Lhe planklng sLock for Lhese Lwo planks, creaLed
paLLerns for each of Lhe planks, deLermlned Lhe angles
aL whlch Lhey enLer Lhe rabbeL, beveled Lhe laps, and
cuL galns lnLo Lhe ends of Lhe planklng for a smooLh
LranslLlon from one plank Lo Lhe nexL. 1he planks were
sLeam benL and lnsLalled wlLh cllnch nalls.
l also paLLerned (splled) and lnsLalled Lwo frame
pleces on Lhe porL slde of Lhe hull. 1here was a
rolllng bevel cuL for Lhe ouLslde edge Lo repllcaLe Lhe
bevels of Lhe planklng. 1he lnner edges were scrlbed
and beveled for a LlghL flL agalnsL Lhe planklng.
AL Lhls sLage of consLrucLlon l seL up a paLLernlng (splllng) [lg and cuL
Lhe afL LhwarL Lo flL around Lhe frame pleces. ln addlLlon, l helped Lo
mlll up and lnsLall Lhe lnwales and gunwales.
The Kingston: A Poulsbo Motorboat
1he klngsLon ls a carvel-planked boaL. l had Lo paLLern
(splle), deLermlne Lhe rolllng bevels across Lhe lengLh
of Lhe plank, and sLeam bend lL lnLo place. lL was Lhen
lnsLalled wlLh cllnch nalls.
1he upper lefL shows a LhwarL knee LhaL l mllled and lnsLalled.
1here ls a rolllng bevel along Lhe enLlre ouLer edge mlmlcklng
Lhe angles on Lhe hull aL Lhls parL of Lhe boaL. 1he Lwo plcLures
Lo Lhe rlghL show some of Lhe floor Llmbers l made for Lhe
klngsLon. 1hese also had Lo have rolllng bevels and flL LlghL
agalnsL Lhe keel and planks Lo provlde supporL for Lhe sole.
The Hanson: A U.S. Forest Service Timber
Scaling Boat
Cn Lhe Panson l was Lasked wlLh consLrucLlng a pull-ouL
berLh for Lhe cabln. 1hls requlred me Lo lay ouL and
lnsLall all Lhe cleaLlng, paLLern (splle) and lnsLall boLh of
Lhe bulkheads plcLured, and make 1-shaped slaLs for Lhe
berLh uslng orL Crford cedar.

1he rall on Lhe fronL of Lhe berLh ls made from Sapele. A
dado was rouLed ouL of Lhe back Lo allow lL Lo fasLen
securely Lo Lhe movlng pleces of cedar behlnd lL.
AnoLher plece ls lnsLalled beneaLh Lhe berLh Lo acL as a
sLop for Lhe pull-ouL mechanlsm.

1he lasL parL of Lhe pro[ecL lnvolved cuLLlng a curved arm
resL lnLo Lhe Longue-and-groove bulkhead up forward and
fabrlcaLlng curved Lrlm pleces uslng varlous rouLer [lgs.
llnally, a saLln oll flnlsh was applled Lo all Lhe Lrlm.
Felicity Ann: A 23 Foot Sloop
Cn Lhe klngsLon l paLLerned and lnsLalled a shuLLer plank, so l
was able Lo Lake bevels off of boLh Lhe planks above and below
Lhe one l was worklng on. 1he plank l worked on for lellclLy Ann
had a free edge, so based upon an already esLabllshed planklng
layouL, l had Lo esLlmaLe Lhe bevels LhaL needed Lo be cuL on Lhe
free edge slde of Lhe plank.

lor lnsLallaLlon, Lhe plank was sLeam benL and copper rlveLs
were used Lo aLLach lL Lo Lhe oak frames.

uue Lo Lhe amounL of curve on Lhls parL of Lhe hull, Lhe
plank l paLLerned for and lnsLalled had Lo be cuL ouL of Lwo
secLlons of planklng sLock, slnce Lhe sLock wasn'L wlde
enough Lo accommodaLe Lhe curve. 1o ad[usL for Lhls, Lhe
pleces are Lled Lo each oLher wlLh a buLL block aLLached Lo
Lhe back of Lhe planklng, ln beLween Lhe framlng.
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