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The Bible between the Theosophies and the New Age

Summary Arguments Chapter 1. The Languages Origin between the Bible and the Theosophies 1.1. The Languages Origin from Bible view 1.2. The Languages Origin from Theosophical view 1.3. The Languages Origin Main Interpretations Groups 1.4. The Languages Origin and God Chapter 2. The Self between the Bible and the Ancient Wisdom Chapter 3. The Sense of Life between the Bible and the New Age Conclusions Bibliography

The Languages Origin between the Bible and the Theosophies

1.1. The Languages Origin from Biblical view The history of human words and human language was lost in the past. There is no evidence how the sounds of speech came into being for the first time but a lot of ancient or mythical stories recorded such a notable event. Since the 18th century philologists and men of science have tried to explain the phenomenon, but they only increased further the blur that already spread over such controversial issues. There are some sources considered to contain the elements of the first language used and the words first uttered. Of course, these unusual interpretations that have been offered until now are not generally accepted but they contain strong references to the mentioned issue. In this first section, the first thread in our approach to be studied is the Bible. In the Book of Genesis it has been related a very odd story that shows how the languages have been multiplied and spread into a similar constellation we know today. Thus, what does not satisfy everyone within this story is that the ramifications of languages are shown but not the source of it. The story introduces only that the knowledge was received once with man's creation (Gen. 1:28)1. Deceived by Satan, man rebelled against his own Creator. Man was led astray many times in the past by the Angel of Light. He became known later as Lucifer an angel of

darkness and sin, after being thrown out from Gods throne vicinity for falling into arrogance and self-pride. This time human beings started to build a tower to defy the Supreme Divinity. For such boldness human kind is again punished by God, but this time with confusion not with complete destructions as had been in the stories of The flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the like. The disorder sent is an inner social affection and not societys total condemnation as in the previous times. The story indicates that in the period when the construction of Babels tower began there was one language spoken only and one body of people: And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do (Gen 11:6). This Bibles chapter also indicates geographically the origin of these people, and where they were displacing. What we can see here also is that this first language was about people that journeyed from the east. Even the words symbolically records the matter of facts; thus Babel has the meaning in the Hebrew language, a descendent of the Aramaic language, confusion= or mixing2. An interlinear Hebrew-English Bible gives the following translation mix (someone) up= ( ( : Come, let Us go down and mix up (confuse) there their language so that they cannot understand one anothers speech. (Gen. 11:7).3 Also, the first Bible passage mentioned above records a very significant key word, specifically imagined. It sends us to the initial seduction of men by the serpent from the Garden of Eden and the first disobedience of men vis-a-vis his creator the Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth. Because the writers of Scripture by the Spirit of God wrote the divine Word of God, transcribed accurately, reliably, and without error in the original manuscripts (2 Tim 3:16), I will consider that all stories from the Bible are true, and some happened and some are waiting to be fulfilled. Further, The tower of Babels chapter is preceded by the first encounter with the greatest enemy of man, the Satan in the Garden of Eden. If the construction project of the tower was to exalt the devil above the clouds which is the footstool of the Most High, this deceiver has used an imagination-decoy already in The fall of man.

The deception that occurred in the Garden of Eden is very well known by all, but what should be figured out was what actually happened there. First we know very well that men were happy and complete in the garden of God. They had all respected the word of God, which was in fact the commandments of God and the first language that men spoke. Here, Satan doesn't just attack the primordial beliefs of men. But he succeeded later to subvert, as we have seen, man's language too. In those times human beings were entirely in the hand of God. Analogically all that pertained to men was of God, in Him and with Him. The only thing that was in the power of humans, like a created being was his free will which in this phase his self and sense of life was in God and with God until perverted by Gods rival, the Satan. Following this line, the biblical story relates that one day the serpent, the being that had the power to be where he wanted, and when he wanted, with the exception of God's throne vicinity, from where he was rejected once addicted by self-pride, deceived men provoking them to disobey their Creator the God Almighty too. But how could the Satan tempt the unsullied and happy men to abandon the guidance of God and to follow his teachings? First this great deceiver saw that the mans companion, the woman was more approachable. Thus, Satan knew that man was first created by God. That man's reasoning abilities were higher than his affection capabilities. But sentiments and the affects were compensated in his companion, the woman, who was in fact endowed too generously with these. The shortage of mental abstract analyses, made woman to be inclined more to concrete features, in which man had the preeminence. Satan thus challenged the weak point of this couple which was built perfectly, they shall be one flesh (Gen 2:24), but imperfect in the two halves individually. One day humanitys Liar asked the woman if she does not want to enhance her knowledge, to be more than what she was built for, and to be like her Creator. That day Satan's deceiving scheme was in fact the doctrine that in time will be named theosophy. The core knowledge of this philosophy is the suggestion that man will become a god: ye shall be like as gods (Gen. 3:5). Thus, the woman was persuaded by her imagination, an error that led her into the trap of her greatest enemy. She drags also her companion

into the curse of sin, because disobeying God's words, she gave heed to the words of her opponent, provoking the fall of humanity. 1.2. The Languages Origin from Theosophical view Today and the future of all humanitys destiny will be a battle between whose advices we will take into consideration, whose philosophy would be more agreeable to our needs, a thin choice between life and death, between the traps of our own languages, terminology, notions, or definitions, as the past has shown to us too often. From this section starts the second category of the arguments regarding the languages history and its origin. Once that Satan could cause the fall of human beings, he could also provoke uncertainty in the mind of doubters using his ultimate tools, science, technology, and false philosophies about the most important questions that man wants to know: his origin, what he is, why he is here and where he is going after his death. After this first stroke given to the human beings integrity to estrange them from their true God, Satan never ceased to devise theories, ideologies, doctrines, and nowadays super-technologies to obliterate mans origin, estrange him from his true Lord and his true purpose. Whatever we would say about the Big Bang, or the universe's origins, or of the cosmic constellations regarding the formation of galaxies with all the suns and heavenly bodies, with all that contain planets, whatever we would talk about geology, cosmic dust, evolution of the first life forms in the Universe, all these are just insignificant questions which deviate the attention from the truth, from the proper reference, from God the creator of all things. In this context human appearance too, and his evolution represents a gap in the animal kingdom from all points of view, no matter how we talk about his physiology, his biological or psychological features, visible and invisible characteristics. Man is a paradox between the mammals and his so called ascendency. For instance, if we talk about human abilities, intelligence, adaptability, or mans endowments for communication, all the studies have arrived at more than dazzling conclusions from researchers, scholars and scientists, who wanted to find imperfections or to oversimplify something which seemed remarkably rudimentary, but unfolded to become more complex.

Thus man's language, for instance, has the same effects on those that tried to find physiological or mental explanations of the speaking apparatus. Darwinism and human evolution theory launch the same intermission in the sphere of man's emergence. In his book The Descent of Man (1871), Darwin's human intellect development theory posed some difficulties even if the origin of the moral language is due to the emergence of advanced moral sensibility. But, this theory also has its own pitfalls because the Darwin empirical approach to mentality necessitated a materialist description of language development. For this Darwin relied on the intellectual authority of the contemporary theorists in linguistic science, like that of Hensleigh Wedgwood and philologist Frederic W. Farrar: There is no more improbability in the continued use of the mental and vocal organs leading to inherited changes in their structure and functions, than in the case of the hand-writing, which depends partly on the form of the hand and partly on the disposition of the mind; and handwriting is certainly inherited. 4 If someone by chance had never in his life encountered the evolution theory pointed out by Darwin like a red line in his entire opera, he would be shocked by the insistence with which this man of science hammered the coin of the human being emerging from the animal kingdom: This faculty (language) has justly been considered as one of the chief distinctions between man and lower animals. 5 The opposite theory that stands against is found in the Book of Genesis where the Bibles believers are taught that man is made in the image of God (Gen.1:27), even if man is lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5-6) their Creator will value him more than any celestial beings. So, we will always face two main antagonistic theories on our Planet until Judgment Day: one of logic and reason, coming from an earthly wisdom (James 3:15) , irradiated by all the theosophical ideologies and other strange doctrines promoting man himself becoming a god, his own creator, emanated by their obscure author and master through any possible channel; and the second which abides in heart and soul of every Bible

believer, poured out from a heavenly wisdom (James 3:17), that man is only a servant of the Celestial Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, there are many other theories, besides Darwins interpretation, that try to describe a convincing interpretation of mans first sign, verbal or communication evolution. All the observations and the records on the issue somehow are limited to three main groups: humans discovered, received, or invented language. 6 1.3. The Languages Origin - Main Interpretations Groups

The group of The Animal Sound Theory like the majority interpretations relates to the evolution theory viewing life from this narrow perspective. P. Lieberman explains thus in his book Eve Spoke: Human Language and Human Evolution that speech possession is virtually equated with being human.7 An interesting definition, for the language latent incipient, gives Trask R. L. in his book Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics, Our language faculty, we now strongly suspect, is built into our genes, and learning a first language may not be so different from learning to see: at birth, our visual apparatus is not working properly, and it requires some exposure to the visible world before normal vision is acquired.8 Blackmores Meme Theory is based on the abilities of man to imitate and to reproduce a unit of information residing in a brain or ideas that are passed on9 from subject to subject arriving to such mutations that cannot be recognized from the initial original pattern. The Emergent Human Theory, does not wants to recognize directly a creator but they say that the building blocks of the DNA shifted randomly as men evolved, gave him the ability to communicate. This group recognizes with subtlety that in the man himself is laid the self-creation seed, and not received ultimately from an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God. Can natural selection operating on random arrangements of material building blocks (i.e., subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, and larger collections and structures of matter), produce the genomes of all living things, the human language capacity, and all of the worlds 6000 plus natural languages? There

are two polar views on this question that are widely held by practicing scientists. At one extreme there is the neo-Darwinian claim that chance aided by natural selection can arrange dynamic information systems as they are now. At the other end there is the view that a transcendent Intelligence not limited by matter, space, and time is required. Here an argument is presented from logicomathematical proofs developed in theoretical semiotics to show unequivocally that the known symbol systems seen in genomes and in human languages cannot be produced by chance arrangements of any kind of material building blocks. The argument is general. It applies to all possible symbol systems, though the emphasis here is on the genetic system evidently underlying all living organisms and the human language capacity, which is manifested in the multitude of natural languages. 10 The Sign Language Theory, even if it has hilarious characteristics pretends an academic approach.11 This theory known as the bow wow12 theory was proposed by Max Miller in 1880, though even he did not consider it very likely.13 1.4. The Languages Origin and God The group of The creation theory is the most unbelievable, but the most probable. Because none of the evolutionist theories have been satisfactorily capable of solving the easiest task they assumed to find - namely any animal that was endowed with a transitional form of communication, and secondly, no evolutionist could find the origin of any language. Who understands the verse Genesis 1:27 will be able to comprehend not only why God gave language to people, but also why God uses languages with His people with whom He is separated. Thus, this makes sense, because language gives a picture of the nature of God. Language, like God, is incredibly complex. Entire lifetimes can be spent studying it, and yet even toddlers can understand and begin to use it. Now whether we look at Darwin theory about language or his followers or whether we look at current literature, doctrines, ideologies, science and technologies which try to give from a high level of earthly wisdom a hint about where we originated, what we are, and where we go, it is just the terminology, the notions and definitions with whom the great Deceiver and the Liar of humanity fights against the heavenly wisdom and of those that search and keep the Word of God, written in the Book of Life: The Bible.

Notes Chapter 1
1 2

The King James Study Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers House, Nashville 1988. Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew Dictionary, Simon and Schuster Macmillan Company, The Interlinear Bible Hebrew-English, Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Pag.69. Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Pag.66, Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man Lieberman, P., Eve Spoke: Human Language and Human Evolution, W.W. Norton, New Trask, R.L., Key Concepts in Language and Linguistic, Routledge, New York, p. 105, Blackmore, S.J., The Meme Machine, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.63, 1999. Oller, J.W. Jr, Languages and genes: can they be built up through random

New York, 1992, p. 659.


Michigan, 1976.
4 5 6 7

York, p.5, 1988.


9 10

change and natural selection? Psychology and Theology 30(1):2640, 2002; p. 6.

11 12

Englefield, F.R.H., Language: Its Origin and Its Relation to Thought, Corballis, M.C., From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language, Princeton

Wells, G.A. and Oppenheimer, D.R. (Eds.), Scribner, New York, p. 19, 1977.

University Press, Princeton, NJ, p. 23, 2002.


Primary source: Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew Dictionary, Simon and Schuster Macmillan Company, New York, 1992, p. 659. The Interlinear Bible Hebrew-English, Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976. Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, Lieberman, P., Eve Spoke: Human Language and Human Evolution, W.W. Norton, New York, p.5, 1988. Trask, R.L., Key Concepts in Language and Linguistic, Routledge, New York, p. 105, 1999. Blackmore, S.J., The Meme Machine, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.63, 1999. Oller, J.W. Jr, Languages and genes: can they be built up through random change and natural selection? Psychology and Theology 30(1):2640, 2002; p. 6. Englefield, F.R.H., Language: Its Origin and Its Relation to Thought, Wells, G.A. and Oppenheimer, D.R. (Eds.), Scribner, New York, p. 19, 1977. Corballis, M.C., From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, p. 23, 2002. General references: Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, 1944. Webster Griffin Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terrorism Made in USA, Abb N. De Montfaucon De Villars, Comte de Gabalis, Published by The Brothers, London, 1913. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, Published by Its Authority, Charleston 1971. The Book of Enoch, Published by University of London,

The Book of Jasper, Published by Worldwide Nazarene Assembly of Elohim, Hurst, Texas, 2010. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, Appolion Rising,2012 Thomas and Nita Horn, Forbidden Gates, Defending Publishing LLC, 2012, Carla Turner, Inside the Alien-Human Agenda, Rose Printing Company, Inc, Tallassee, Florida, 1994. Jacque Vallee, Messengers of Deception , Daily Grail Publishing, 2008. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of Hierarchy, Published by Lucis Trust, 1985, H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, The Theosophical Publishing Company, New York, 1888.

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