Anda di halaman 1dari 6


1->Create a student table that contains
2->Insert rows into the table.Using various ways of
3->alter the student table to contain address of the student,and
also modify the size of sname.
4->Display the content of the table.
5->delete some rows from student table based on conditions.
6->drop the student table.

1->Create the payroll data base consider only two tables
employee and department.
2->simple queries on the above database.
a)list all information of the above both tables.
b)list the empno,ename,jobtitle,and hiredate of employee from
the employee table.
3->list the name,salary of the employees who are clerks.
4->list the name,job,salary of every employee joined on
‘december 17,1980’,
5->list name and annual salary of all the employees.
6->list the department name &deptno for departments having
7->list the employees who have salary between 1000&2000.
8->list the name,salary,commision of the employees where
commision is greater than their salary.
9->list the name,monthly salary and daily salary and hourly
salary for employee;assume that there are 22 working days in a
month,8 working hours in a day.display the rows with coloumn
names as monthly,daily &hourly sal.
10->list the name and empno of managers who earn more than
20000.display the result in alphabetical order of the name.
11->display all employee names which have ‘TH’or ‘LL’ in them.
12->list the details of the employees in the depts of 10 &20 in the
order of empno.
13->display the information about the managers and clerks from
the column ‘Job’ in the table emp,order the result by deptno.
14->list the empnames that don’t end with ‘s’.
15->list the emp names that begin with ‘c’
16->list the name,job&dept of each emp whose names falls in the
range c to p.
17->list the names of the employees strats with T/t anad ends
with R/r.
18->list the name of employees who joined during 1983.
19->list the data as shown below”Smith has held the position of
clerk in dept 20 since 19 june,1983”
20->list all rows in employee table by converting commisison
column to zero.
1->Write a query that accepts a jobtitle and displays all the rows
according to that title.
2->list the length of the names appearing on the
emptable,eliminate duplicate values.
3->list the names and hire the date of those in the dept of
20.display the hire date formatted as ‘13/oct/99’(ie. ‘dd/mm/yy’).
4->display the experience of the manager round to the nearest
whole number of the months.
5->write a query to find the average sal per job in each
6->display avg sal.minimum sal,max sal of emp having job clerk
or manager.
7->list the emp who earned less than 30%of the managers
8->display the details of the employee who joined last in each
9->Write a query to display the no.of employees and their totla
sum of salaries grouped by their deptno.
10-> Write a que ry to list no.of employees working in “NEW
11-> Write a query to list no.of employees along with a message
depending on salary,if salary>1500 ,the message will be ‘above
target’;salary<1500,the message will be ‘below
target’;salary=1500,then it is ‘not in target’.
12->display those jobs where the min sal is >=3000.
13->find all the depts which have more than 3 employees.
14-> Write a query to list the emp whose job is same as ‘Blake’.
15-> Write a query to list no.of employees who earn more than
the lowest salary in a department.
16->list the job with highest average salary.
17->display each empname with hire date and review
date.assume review date is one year after the hire date,order the
output in the ascending order of the review date.
18->list the emp where salary is that of the “scott”or “ward”.
19-> list the emp whose salary is greater than any clerk.
20-> list the dept with average salary is higher than any other
21-> Write a query to list the emp who are earning more than
22-> Write a query to list the depts which are having avg sal more
than avg sal of all employees.
23->-> Write a query to list the dept with highest avg salary.
24-> Write a query to list the dept which are having the max
sal>4000 and total no.of employees>6.
25-> Write a query to list the dept which are having the tot sal
more than all clerks total salary but having max sal lesser than all
26-> Write a query to list the emps who are earning more than
27-> Write a query to list the emp with top 3 salaries.
28-> Write a query to list the ename,sal and their salary to
avg.sal difference.
29-> Write a query to display the service left for an employee
assuming that 58 years of the age limit for the service.
30->display all the employees who haven’t joined in the same
year as that of those employees working in the dept with

Simple PL/SQL programs:
1->Write a program to accept two numbers and add them.
2-> Write a program to print below given no.
3-> Write a program wish the user depending on the time.
4-> Write a program to check whethere a given number is odd or
5-> Write a program to find sum of n numders.
6-> Write a program to reverse a given number.
7-> Write a program ot find the no of vowels in a given string.
8-> Write a program that checks the validity of a givem
empno.handling with exception.
9-> Write a program to accept empno and print the details as
Emp name/designation/annual income/grade.
10-> Write a program which accepts an empno and increases his
salary by 1000/-.

1-> Write a program to list all the employee details.
2-> Write a program to check for the existance of a given
employees in emptable using the cursors.
3-> Write a program to list the details of dept entered if the dept
is having employees.

1-> Write a procedure that takes emp no and amount as
arguments and update the salary of an employee by the given
2-> Write a procedure that delete student details by accepting
3-> Write a procedure that accepts rhe empno and return his total
earning per year to the calling environment.
4-> Write a procedure to print the details of emp who is earning
maximum salary.
5-> write a function to check for the existance of an employee.
6-> write a function which accepts empno as parameters and
return his frade.
7->Write a trigger on employee table to fire after insert or update
or delete.
8-> Write a trigger on employee table to fire before insert or
update or delete.
9-> Write a trigger on employee table to fire before insert for
each row.
10-> Write a trigger on employee table to fire before delete for
each row.

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