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Today on Easter Sunday I see people talking about how Easter causes them to refl

ect on their lives but in a secular way and how by getting lost in their reflect
ions they discover knew things. Many see this as very profound, but i see it as
really sad. When God doesn't exist for you you have no foundation in life and
are tossed around by events in your life and your own thoughts. You have to adm
it you get lost often and you're ok with that but that's because you're too afra
id to search for the truth. It's funny cause I think Jesus told us to be simple
like children in the Bible for this very reason, cause trying to be too complic
ated or sophisticated like many people these days (atheist doctors, scientists,
etc) has the effect of bringing us away from God. These thoughts are so sad cau
se they're all about yourself and not others.
In reality you're lost but not in your intentions because you've chosen
to focus 100% on your own life. Sure there are those who help people but their
main focus has always been on their own path in life, they just use charitable a
cts to get to where they wanna be. Being truly lost only occurs when you're lost
by being so devoted to God and serving others that you lose yourself and your e
go in the process. Sometimes people try to lose themselves in thought and abstr
actions because that's their way of escaping the ultimate reality, God. What ma
kes things so complicated in this life is the fact that even the smartest, most
knowledgeable people only have partial truths, there's still so much they don't
know. So we're constantly trying, both consciously and subconsciously, to make s
ense of partial truths that ultimately can't make sense without their compliment
ary pieces that only God knows. That's what Adam and Eve had in the garden of e
den before they disobeyed God.
God is both perfectly simple and complex because He contains all the inf
ormation that ever existed so it's incredibly complex but that's only because ou
r finite brains can't comprehend it. But when we become perfect in Heaven that
truth will be perfectly simple because we'll immediately understand it and it wi
ll clarify and put together all the partial truths we knew on Earth into one com
plete truth that everyone in Heaven understands with complete clarity. Think abo
ut it, don't even the most complicated scientific theories and ideas always beco
me simple once they become understood and explained?
When reading about Einstein we always hear about how elegant his theory of relat
ivity was among his other ideas because of how simple yet brilliant it was. Thr
oughout the ages, the most brilliant things have always made things more simple
for us, not more complex. Truth in its essence is simple, but this is an illusi
on for us because as humans we never can comprehend the full truth in anything w
e encounter. The universe is like a giant puzzle with billions of pieces that
we're trying to put together. Looking at all the pieces with very few being put
together so far, we have no vision of what the image of the puzzle will be whe
n it's all together, so it's incredibly complex now. But if we had that image,
it would be incredibly clear and simple as all puzzles are when they're put toge
ther. The Original Sin created shattered truths- it took the completed puzzle a
nd scattered all the pieces apart.
However, we can put some of the pieces together, and the greatest thinkers and s
cientists, like Einstein, have done that. You can always tell if someone is doi
ng a good job of explaining a complicated theory or idea to you based on whether
or not their language is getting simpler and more easily understood, and if the
concept they're explaining is becoming more simple to you rather than more comp
I think this is also why Jesus wanted us to be simple, because He knew e
ven with all our advances in technology we would never even get close to graspin
g all the mysteries of the universe in their totality, but He also knew that as

our technology improved we would fall into the delusion of thinking we just need
more technology to understand all the complexities of the universe. He knew we
'd go in search of those truths and in the process completely ignore God and sub
stitute science for God. He knew we'd get so caught up in trying to understand
it all that we'd lose sight of the Creator who created it all in the first place
. God gave us finite brains because if we knew everything in the universe we'd
think of ourselves as gods, as Satan himself did and we know how that ended up f
or him.
Jesus wanted to teach us that in keeping our mindset simple like a child we'd st
ay humble and in that state we'd be ready to receive the deeper truths of life o
nly He can reveal. But if we were arrogant and had the attitude that we could f
igure everything out on our own, we'll reject the truth even when God makes it a
s clear as day for us because we refuse to accept that we weren't smart enough t
o find it by ourselves. Some people say they wanna get lost in their own thought
s and where they take them, but that's because they don't wanna find God because
when you find God you have to die to yourself and people with huge egos and lot
s of education and accomplishments don't wanna do that. In losing yourself to G
od and others you find yourself, in devoting yourself to improving yourself alon
e without focusing on others, you lose yourself to your own desires and ego.
Without God, you have no anchor or moral compass to guide you and keep you on th
e path you're destined to be on. It's like being in a boat in the ocean and hav
ing no captain. You're the passenger and you have to be the captain of the boat
instead of a real captain who knows where the boat needs to go to get to its fi
nal destination safely. God is that captain and only He knows every twist and t
urn on the path of your life, and only He knows where that boat needs to go to g
et to its final destination, which is Heaven, if you allow Him to steer the boat
In the end, Easter is about forgetting about yourself and realizing that
there are higher truths and a Higher Being that matter infinitely more than we
ever will, and being at peace with that reality. It's about humbling yourself a
nd allowing God to take over your life completely because when you do that it tr
ansforms you and unites you with the one and only source of all truth, Jesus. E
aster is God's reminder to stop looking everywhere in the world for the truth be
cause with His Resurrection He's saying "I'm right here, and I am the Truth". T
he irony and one of the great paradoxes of life is that by spending more time wi
th God you can spend a lot less time than someone who's constantly searching for
knowledge, yet discover much more of it than they will since you're connected t
o it's ultimate source, God. By humbling ourselves we enable ourselves to recei
ve knowledge and truth that is greater, more amazing,and more empowering than we
could ever imagine.
The mystery of Easter is that Jesus thought we were important enough to die for,
but we'll only be deserving of that sacrifice if we realize that He's important
enough to give our lives to. Today is not about doing, but about being. We'll
only find peace, happiness, and purpose in our life when we unite ourselves to
Him. The closer we get to Him, the more we resemble the perfected version of ou
rself that we'll be if we end up in Heaven. That's God's ultimate goal and desi
re for us, and Easter was the day He did His part. He left the rest up to us.

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