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Deborah Rapson Title: Disagreeing Dos and Donts Class/Subject: 6th Grade Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Student

Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will reflect on and analyze how to disagree during group work and discussions in a productive manner. Content Standards: 2C.2b. Analyze ways to work effectively in groups. 2C.3a. Analyze ways to establish positive relationships with others 2C.3b. Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness. Materials/Resources/Technology: Overhead projector Laptop Youtube videos: o o Construction paper, markers Todd Parr, Underwear Dos and Donts
5 mins Start of Class: Have you ever heard the expression I beg to differ? Turn and talk with a partner about what you think it means. Call on 2-3 people to share. Introduction of Lesson: Today, we are going to talk about how to disagree with each other. Ive noticed that all of you are very passionate and excited about learning and thats so awesome. But, sometimes it means that we can get a little carried away when we disagree. Were going to try and brainstorm some good strategies we can all use to disagree with each other without arguing. When we argue, no one really convinces anyone else that theyre right. Were going to make our own list of Dos and Donts of Disagreeing, based on the Todd Parr book we read (Underwear Dos and Donts) and our own version we made (Sibling Dos and Donts) Lesson Instruction: Watch this video and try and think of ways that these people are disagreeing in a nonproductive way: (0:00-1:30) [clip from Morning Joe disagreement on health care between host and Chris Matthews] What are ways that they are disagreeing that we shouldnt do in our class? (Expected answers: talking at the same time, yelling, mocking/insulting, accusing) Now lets watch another video. Think about how they are disagreeing. Whats different? (2:45-4:00) [Jon Stewart on Chris Wallace discussing bias in news] What are these two people doing differently? How could we use this in

5 mins

10 mins

our class? (Expected answers: be nice, calm/quiet, use evidence, assume the best in the other person) Assessments/Checks for Understanding: Make sure everyone is participating/thinking: call on those who seem to not be paying attention In further lessons, point to poster when students are doing a good job following our Dos as well as reminding them if theyre doing some of our Donts. Closure/Wrap-up/Review: These are all really great ideas. Tomorrow well have a new poster in the room of our Dos and Donts of Disagreeing. When were doing group/partner work, Ill remind you to follow the rules we all agreed on! Self-Assessment: This lesson was a culture lesson taught during ISAT week. ISAT week is often very stressful on the students and this lesson helped them think about something other than testing and enjoy spending time together as a whole class and get some energy out. This lesson went very well. The students love Todd Parrs books and liked the idea. In later lessons when we discussed working in groups, multiple students referenced the poster in conversations with each other and as a whole group.

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